CCT - Facts Finding and Problem Definition

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Facts Findings and

Problem Definition
Facts Findings
•> Sebuah aktivitas untuk mencari dan menemukan data-data yang
akurat, benar-benar terjadi, dan bisa dipertanggungjawabkan.
Panduan dalam aktivitas fact findings
Kejadian yang benar-benar terjadi
Bersifat obyektif
Argumen yang sudah teruji
Mengandung data-data akurat
P. Minor
Beberapa teknik pilihan:
Data Statistik
Liputan/Tayangan Media*
Interview (verifikasi)

Problem Definition
•> Bagian dari aktivitas kesadaran untuk mendefinisikan/identifikasi masalah
secara analitis, dengan
sudut pandang yang berbeda dan berfokus pada masalah kritis utama.
•> Apa yang tampak menjadi masalah seringkali bisa berubah menjadi awal
gejala dari masalah yang lebih kompleks.

Problem Definition Process (Organisation)

Step 1: Establish the Need for a Solution Step 3: Contextualize the Problem
What is the basic need? What approaches have we tried?
What is the desired outcome? What have others tried?
Who stands to benefit and why? What are the internal and external
constraints on implementing a solution?
Step 2: Justify the Need
Is the effort aligned with our strategy? Step 4: Write the Problem Statement
What are the desired benefits for the Is the problem actually many problems?
company, and how will we measure them? What requirements must a solution meet?
How will we ensure that a solution is Which problem solvers should we engage?
implemented? What information and language should the
problem statement include?
What do solvers need to submit?
What incentives do solvers need?
Problem Definition Process (Organisation)
Step 1: Establish the Need for a Solution Step 3: Contextualize the Problem
The purpose of this step is to articulate Examining past efforts to find a solution
the problem in the simplest terms possible: can save time and resources and generate
“We are looking for X in order to highly innovative thinking
achieve Z as measured by W.”
Step 4: Write the Problem Statement
Step 2: Justify the Need Write a full description of the problem
The purpose of answering the questions in you’re seeking to solve and the
this step is to explain why your requirements the solution must meet. The
organization/job should attempt to solve problem statement, which captures all that
the problem the organization has learned through
answering the questions in the previous
steps, helps establish a consensus on what
a viable solution would be and what
resources would be required to achieve it

Problem Analysis (Root Cause): 5 Whys

Real solution is found here

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