Workshop 2-Problem Solving

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The key takeaways are the importance of having strategies to identify and solve problems, as well as finding solutions collectively for better outcomes.

According to the text, the steps to solve a problem are to identify the problem, analyze the situation, and implement the solution.

The text mentions 'askers', who prefer to get input from others before solving a problem, and 'initiative takers', who take action to address problems directly.


WORKSHOP N 2-Problem solving


Audry Camila Patiño Ramirez

SENA – Servicio de Aprendizaje

Centro de Servicios Financieros
Carlos Guerra
1. Work in groups and discuss the following questions:
• Do you consider strategies are important to sort out a problem? Why?
if the strategies are important to solve a problem since they identify the problem that you
must solve. Usually, One of the easiest ways to identify a problem is to ask questions. It also
allows to carry out a brainstorm to obtain several solutions. and finally Define what will be
the solution for last Implement it.
• Is it easier to find different solutions for a problem at work, in a collective or
individual way?
It is much easier to find different solutions to problems when working together, as there are
more input and common conclusions that give more security to a larger number of
• When do you consider a problem as a possible opportunity to get good outcomes?
Explain your answer.
Through problems, you learn how to improve and resolve a situation.

Look for the meaning of the following adjectives and expressions:

-critical -insignificant -irrelevant -minor -ongoing - persistent -severe - trivial -unimportant -
urgent - quick-fix - long shot - hiccup -defect –obstacle

-crítico -insignificante -irrelevante -menor -en curso - persistente -grave -triunfante -

intrascendente -urgente -solución rápida -larga -hipo -defecto -obstáculo

⦁Which five adjectives or expressions describe problems or issues that usually need serious





⦁Which adjectives or expressions describe issues that don’t deserve much attention?








long shot



Write down a short definition for each word or expression:

• Identify

• Develop

• Execute

• Assess

• Goal

• Time-bound

• Milestone

• Analytics

• Surveys

• Fishbone diagram

• Rubric

• Strengths

• Weaknesses

• Threats
• Measurable

• Resources

• Full-blown

• Pros and cons

• Maximize

• Test

• Symptom

• Troubleshooting

• Actionable


- Identificar

- Desarrollar

- Ejecutar

- Evaluar

- Objetivo

- Con fecha de caducidad

- Hito

- Análisis

- Encuestas

- Diagrama de espina de pescado

- Rúbrica

- Puntos fuertes

- Debilidades

- Amenazas

- Medible

- Recursos

- Completo

- Pros y contras
- Maximizar

- Prueba

- Síntoma

- Solución de problemas

- Actuable

What does the acronym I.D.E.A stand for?

I: Identify

D: Develop

E: Execute

A: Assess
• What is the importance of symptoms recognition when solving problems?

Because that way we know the causes of the problem, and what caused it.

• According to the video, is it useful to organize the problem in a graphic way? Why?

Yes, because it is a more structured way of discovering the causes of the problem.

• Which step evidences the variety of possible solutions to a problem considering its causes?

The develop step, this is where possible solutions to the problem are identified.

• How can we compare or determine the best solution or path to follow to solve a problem?

Analyzing the pros and cons of the solution that will be carried out to solve the problem, and how
effective it will be.

• What is your opinion about this problem-solving model?

I think it is a model that is effective to solve a problem in a more organized way, due to the steps
that must be taken to do it.

3.2. Reading Practice: 3 types of problem solvers Work in pairs to read the following text. Before
reading the text, discuss the following questions:

• What do you understand for a problem solver?

Problem solving is the ability to identify a problem, take logical steps to find a desired solution, and
monitor and evaluate the implementation of that solution.

• Which do you think is the most convenient form to solve a problem?

Identify the problem. Problem solving and decision making begins with recognizing that there is a
situation that wants to be solved.

Describe the problem.

Analyze the cause.

Optional solutions.

Decision making.

Action plan.
Now, work in pairs to socialize the information given in the text and answer the following

• Why is it important to be an “initiative taking” problem solver?

It is important because this way you show that you are a person who takes the initiative to ask
questions and help solve a problem, it is a highly valued quality in a job.

• What was the piece of advice about the strategy provided in the text?

I think it was: When faced with this type of behavioral interview question, make sure that you show
you are an “initiative taking” problem solver first. Avoid sounding like you seek help right away. Also,
try to avoid making the problem something that you caused.

• according to the text, is there any specific process to solve problems?

Yes, you must identify the problem first, then analyze the situation, and finally implement the

• What would it be your answers to the questions from the text in a job interview?

At the institute, when we have had coordination problems with the group to do homework, to solve
it is better to meet and talk to each other face-to-face, so that everything is clear and there are no
problems, we have had conflicts due to lack of communication, but what has helped to solve it has
been the communication

• What type of problem solver are you? Why? Explain your answer.

I think that the asker, I prefer to be sure that I am solving the problem in the correct way, and to
know the point of view of others.

Declaring a problem: Hi Daniel, it looks like we have a serious problem.

Finding out more details: I'm at the conference and I've got my presentation on in 25 minutes but
the laptop has just crashed on me and I've lost all my PowerPoint slides!

Diagnosing a problem: Colleague B: OK, let's not panic. I don't suppose you made a backup of the

Colleague A: Yes, I did actually. There should be a CD on my desk.

Making a suggestion: Look, what I suggest is that you get on to the organizers and have them
reschedule your presentation. I'll send down my assistant with a replacement laptop.

Accepting a suggestion: Right, that makes sense.

Rejecting a suggestion: I'm not sure about that idea. The conference centre seems quite far from
our office.

Taking action: I'll go and sort it out right away.

Part b: Write in at least one paragraph what you would have done to sort out this problem, try to
use new vocabulary and expressions learnt.

I think I will always carry an external hard drive with me that contains all the information I need, I
would even use the google cloud to save my documents, it is a safer way to have my important
documentation saved, I can see it, use it and download it as many times as I want.

To improve and practice the use of Modal verbs visit:

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