11 Ut3 QP - 22

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Affiliated to CBSE – New Delhi. 5730011

UNIT TEST 3 (2021-22)

Grade-XI Subject: English Core

Max Marks: 25
Date: 27.01.2022 Duration: 1 Hour

General Instructions:
1. The Question Paper contains THREE sections-READING, WRITING and
2. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.

Section- A Reading

Read the passage given be1ow:

In the Vedic calendar, summer is a time for happiness, abundance, and celebration. Trees are laden
with fruits, nature’s bountiful Sustenance. Vegetables and herbs are filling out the garden. Tall
grasses grace meadows, and children play outdoors. Naturally, we experience fullness, fulfillment,
and leisure. Cultures all over the world celebrate summer by venerating solar deities, celebrating
bountiful crops, feasting outdoors and honouring their spiritual reunion with the earth.

To achieve a sense of balance, cooling activities are sought to lessen the heat of the season. Bathing
festivals are a prominent part of the Vedic culture. For example, Snanam yatra is an auspicious
bathing festival occurring in the summer. The season is active and mostly lived outdoors. It
provides you with endless chances to cultivate a life of inner harmony—ahimsa—and to ward off
heated emotions and anxieties inherent with living in overdrive.

When we take care to cross over this season’s rhythms with mindfulness, we find plentiful energy
to celebrate the abundance and richness of summer that surrounds us. On the other hand, when we
are out of balance with seasonal rhythms, we may find ourselves listless, lethargic and exhausted
from the heat of the summer. To prevent dehydration, drink plenty of water. If your pitta, fire
humour, is not well cared for during the spring season, it will manifest though heat-related
conditions causing general pitta symptoms like weak digestion, fevers, skin disorders, bile
accumulation, sunstroke, irritability and listlessness.

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This is a wonderful time for rejuvenating baths, swimming and wading and taking ‘moon baths’
by sitting in the moonlight to assuage mind and spirit with Goddess Lalita’s cooling rays. Surround
yourself with fragrant scents from flowers and pure essential oils, and wear light, natural fibres
and light comfortable clothing. Observe two days of fasting or semi-fasting on Ekadashi.

To strengthen digestion, take light meals with fresh salads; eat chapatis with light grain such as
cracked wheat, bulgur and basmati rice and have sprouted beans and dahls or bean dishes made
with mung, kidney, lentil and soybeans. Eat plenty of fruits such as figs, grapes, mangoes, melons,
peaches and pomegranates. Steam or lightly cook your vegetables. Beets, broccoli, cauliflower,
celery, okra, radishes, snow peas, string beans, summer squash, sweet corn, sweet peppers, and
Swiss chard are a few of the prolific variety of garden-fresh foods available to you during the
Take an occasional afternoon siesta. Follow the rhythms of summer and recover playfulness, joy
and abundance.

Summer is a wonderful time for enjoying nature’s abundant foods and harnessing their cooling
energies to maintain balance during the solar activities of this season. Your summer menu should
have plenty of colourful provisions for your nourishment.

Summer is your chance to learn the exquisite art of rolling out Indian flatbreads and dunking them
into the blissfully golden nourishment of summer dhals. Living Ahimsa Diet, Nourishing Love &
Q 1. On the basis of your understanding of the above passage, make notes on it using
headings and sub headings. Use recognizable abbreviations (wherever necessary–minimum
day) and a format you consider suitable. Give suitable title. (5 Marks)
Q2. Write a summary of the passage in about 80 words. (3 Marks)

Section- B Writing and Grammar

3. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below.
A. Design a poster in not more than 50 words for your school Social Club on Blood Donation
Day. You may use slogans.
B. Design a poster in not more than 50 words for your school library on the value of books
and good reading habits. You may use slogans.
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4. The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line against
which a blank has been given. Write the incorrect word and the correction against
the correct blank number. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied.
The civic agency is also looked for measures to (a) ......... ……………..
Bring down the load at the structure, the civic (b) .................................
Agency was undertaken a study to assess the strength (c) .................................
Of the structure., the supporting beams was taken to (d) .................................
Create additional space.

5. Look at the words and phrases given below. Rearrange them to form meaningful
sentences. 1/2X4
(a) Value/television/a/educative/in/to/addition/has/great/entertainment
(b) Attentively / lessons / students / so / that / interesting / televised / the / are / the /
(c) Effective / lessons / the / taught / prove / through / television / very.
(d) Be / subject / on / dull / a / can / made / screen / interesting

Section- C Literature
6. Attempt ANY THREE of the four questions given below, within 40 words each. 2x3
i. Explain “altogether changed, and yet the same”. The Voice of the Rain
ii. What was the opinion of Mrs. Koch about Albert?
iii. How does Mrs. Fitzgerald planned to deal with the family of Mrs. Pearson.
iv. How does the rain become the voice of Earth?
7. Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 120-150 words each. 4x1
i. What are the four principal biological systems of the earth according to Mr. Lester Brown? How
do they sustain humanity? What would happen to them if they are over exploited by man?
ii. ‘Forests precede mankind; deserts follow’. Explain with suitable examples from the

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