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De Bellis Middle Earth v5.

01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001


The Forces of the Dark Lord:............................................................................................................5
The Elves:..........................................................................................................................................8
Aggression Factors:.........................................................................................................................11
Command Break Points:..................................................................................................................11
Numbers of Commands:..................................................................................................................11
Terrain Features:..............................................................................................................................11
DB-ME Quick Reference Sheet:..........................................................................................................12
Optional Rules:....................................................................................................................................13
Heroic Generals:..............................................................................................................................13
Morgoth: Master of the Fates of Arda.............................................................................................13
Forces of the Dark Lords:....................................................................................................................14
Morgoth: FA....................................................................................................................................14
Second Age Mordor: SA 1000-3262, then 3320-3441....................................................................16
Misty Mountain Orc, Orcs of the White Mountains or Orcs of Mirkwood: SA - TA......................18
Third Age Sauronic: (Including Dol Guldur from c. TA 1000, Mordor after TA 1980 and Minas
Morgul after TA 2002)....................................................................................................................19
Angmar: TA c.1300 - 1975.............................................................................................................21
Isengard: TA 2990+.........................................................................................................................23
Men of the Shadow:............................................................................................................................25
Hillmen: FA to TA (Including the Hillmen of the Trollshaws TA 1636-1975)...............................25
Dunlending or Dunmen (FA to TA) or Early Easterling (FA).........................................................26
Later Easterling: SA - TA................................................................................................................27
Rhun: TA.........................................................................................................................................27
Harad: SA and TA...........................................................................................................................28
Far Harad: SA and TA.....................................................................................................................28
Variags of Khand: TA.....................................................................................................................29
Corsairs of Umbar: SA 3262 - TA 933, TA 1448-1810, then c. 1856+...........................................29
The Dunedain:.....................................................................................................................................30
Edain: FA........................................................................................................................................30
Numenorean: SA 1200 – 3261........................................................................................................31
Realms in Exile: Arnor and Gondor SA 3320 – TA 2.....................................................................32
Early Arnor and Gondor: TA 2 - 829 (Gondor) or 2 - 861 (Arnor).................................................33
Arthedain: TA 861-1975.................................................................................................................34
Cardolan: TA 861-1636...................................................................................................................35
Rhudaur: TA 861-1636....................................................................................................................36
Gondor of the Ship Kings: TA 830 - 1431......................................................................................37
Kinstrife Gondorian: TA 1432 - 1635.............................................................................................38
Later Royal Gondor: TA 1636 - 2050.............................................................................................39
Gondor of the Stewards: TA 2050+.................................................................................................40
Men of the North:................................................................................................................................41
Woodmen and Vales of Anduin: TA...............................................................................................41
Dale, Esgaroth and Dorwinnian: TA...............................................................................................42
Rhovanion or Eotheod: TA 1-1977 (Rhovanion), TA 1856-2510 (Eotheod)..................................43
Rohan: TA 2510+............................................................................................................................43
The Elves:............................................................................................................................................44
FA Sindar: Doriath, Falas and Teleri..............................................................................................44

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

Laiquendi: FA.................................................................................................................................44
Host of Feanor and Gondolin: FA...................................................................................................45
Noldor Realms of Beleriand: FA Hithlum, Dorthonion, Sons of Feanor and Nargothrond.............46
FA Noldor Remnants: Balar, the Mouths of Sirion, Later Sons of Feanor and Later Ossiriand.....47
War of Wrath Valar: FA..................................................................................................................47
Second Age Host of Lindon (SA) or Eregion (SA 700-1697):........................................................48
Second Age Mirkwood and Lorinand (SA – TA 1981) Nandor:.....................................................49
Third Age Host of Lindon: TA 1-1975............................................................................................50
Lorien (TA 1981+) and Third Age Mirkwood Elven:.....................................................................51
The Dwarves:......................................................................................................................................52
Houses of the Dwarven Fathers: (Khazad-Dum FA - TA 1981, Belegost and Nogrod FA)............52
Dwarven Exiles: (Iron Hills, Ered Luin, Erebor or Grey Mountains) TA........................................52
Magical Beasts:...................................................................................................................................53
Ents: FA to TA................................................................................................................................53
Eagles: FA to TA.............................................................................................................................53
The Dead: TA..................................................................................................................................53

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

The following represents the major armies described by JRR Tolkien in The Hobbit, The Lord of the
Rings and The Silmarillion for use with DBM. They are entirely my own interpretations as to
proportions of troops, often fighting styles, and sometimes even, equipment. Tolkien's military
knowledge of pre-gunpowder warfare was from Anglo-Saxon sagas and a reading of the Classics. As
such, he is not always as 'realistic' as is desirable, although far better than most fantasy writers are.
The starting point for my interpretation of Tolkien is that the societies and warfare he is describing in
the late Third Age are roughly equivalent to Dark Age Europe, with 11th or 12th century technology.
Feudal relationships are at an early stage in the most advanced societies (Arnor and Gondor), whilst
older (Noldor, Sindar or Numenorean) civilisations are akin to classical societies, others are primarily
tribal in nature. The most sophisticated armour available was mail, and only some dwarves use
closed helms.

Although Tolkien often describes individual’s equipment and that of bodies of troops, it has been
necessary to extrapolate forwards and backwards from better-documented troop types in some cases
(e.g. The Second Age Lindon list). I have tried to give a sense of development over time (e.g. the
degeneration in the case of the Dunedain). In addition I have fleshed out most armies with supporting
troop types to fill roles which similar historical armies had. I have plundered ICE's excellent Middle
Earth modules for additional detail but almost all the basic troops are as close to that which Tolkien
describes as possible. Finally, in adapting the various beasts and nasties of Middle Earth I have tried
to stay close to DBM types so as not to distort game balance.

It is worth emphasising that these lists are in the end a question of taste and balance but should
provide a game that is fun and distinctively heroic. Everyone will have a slightly different conception of
how the various peoples should perform and the source base is too narrow to settle many questions
definitively. I have tried to re-check as many of my assumptions and references as possible when
redrafting the lists. I would strongly recommend house-rules for different scenarios not covered here,
but to exercise caution in tampering with the lists, as small changes can have a large impact on
overall game-balance. These lists and rules are still under play testing but I hope they provide a
workable framework, any comments are welcome. Both Dave Brown and Luke Ueda-Sarson have
produced lists of their own with considerably different interpretations, both are well researched and
well worth looking at.

Distances are given for 15 mm / 6 mm and will need to be converted for 25 mm. These lists are
written for massed battles (c.500+ AP recommended), rather than Warhammer type skirmishes. As
such, there are no lists included for The Shire, Woses, Pukelmen or Wolves by themselves, as they
could not form large enough bodies to count as armies under DBM.

NB: The disproportionate classification of Orcs vs. other troops is effectively balanced by the
Numberless Hordes rules (q.v.). These emphasise the heroic nature of conflict in Middle Earth and
create balanced, exciting games.

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

The Forces of the Dark Lord:

The majority of Orcs were weaker than their Human or Elven opponents, but were present in far
greater numbers at major battles. Where they won it was usually due to wearing down the enemy or
outflanking them. Where they lost it was usually due to loosing critical command figures. Orcs also
suffered from inter-tribal rivalries, which were only overcome by fear of powerful commanders or by
the will of Sauron. My solution to this is to introduce Numberless Hordes and to limit the numbers of
reliable generals operating at a distance from Nazgul. These rules apply to all Morgoth, Dol Guldur,
Mordor, Angmar, Isengard or Outland Orc armies (hereafter collectively referred to as Dark Lord’s

Vulnerability to daylight is ignored for all Dark Lord’s troops for game purposes, it is assumed they
would not fight without some form of artificial darkness (smoke, bats, etc.) and that such artificial
darkness is not sufficient to invoke the penalties associated with night battles for Humans.

Numberless Horde Commands: Morgoth, Sauron and (to a lesser extend, Saruman) were able to
drive their vast armies on by the force of their will, taking little account of losses. To reflect this, the
numbers of troops and their low classifications, any Dark Lord’s command led by an ally general does
not count towards army demoralisation. If it becomes broken, the Dark Lord player may either treat it
as demoralised as per the DBM rules or optionally recycle the entire command. If recycled all its
elements are removed from the table at the start of the first Dark Lord’s bound in which it counts as
broken. A replacement command, exactly the same as the broken one, or as stipulated in the
appropriate list or scenario notes, is brought on from a rear table edge sector at the beginning of the
Dark Lord’s next bound. On a roll of a 1 or 2 they arrive on the left rear edge, 3 or 4 the centre rear
edge, 5 or 6 the right rear edge. No command can be brought on if there are any of the opposing
player’s elements within 6” of the entry point. Allocate random 24" sections on the base edge for
larger boards. If necessary, dice randomly between the available sectors. If there are no free sectors
the command is held off table until a sector becomes available. Numberless Horde commands do not
require baggage.

NB: Commands that include any Black Numenoreans, Dragons or Mumakil that recycle are replaced
by an equivalent command of the same nationality and of equivalent points value (up to the maximum
permitted size), but that excludes these troop types. Any Warg commands that are recycled convert
all Wg(O) to Wg(I) and make up the lost points with additional Wg(I) . This is because these types of
elite troops were in very limited supply, whereas the recycling rules attempt to replicate the enormous
reserve of manpower (or orc-power) available to the Dark Lords.

The option to recycle 'Numberless Horde' allied commands ceases if at any point the only Dark Lord
elements left on table belong to either a C-in-C’s and/or a Sub-general’s command.

CinC and Sub-Generals: The army lists specify how many of these an army is permitted. Each such
general can only command the specified troops. These are the only commands in the Dark Lord’s
army that count toward army demoralisation and hence, for winning and losing. Elements that are in a
CinC’s or Sub-General’s command are thus subject to the normal demoralisation rules and are not

The maximum size for any Dark Lord’s CinC’s or Sub-General’s command is 27 element equivalents.
The CinC’s command should normally be deployed in good going and fully within the central sector, to
allow him to dominate his army.

Ally-Generals: These simulate the occasionally unreliable, unenthusiastic and squabbling nature of
Orcs, especially that between different tribes. They can become unreliable, but will never change
sides if their opponent’s forces contain Elves, Dwarves, Dunedain, Northmen or Numenoreans (other
than Black Numenoreans).

These commands become unreliable if in the first turn, or when arriving on table having recycled or
flank-marched, their PIP roll scores a 1; unless their general’s element is within 18” of a Sorcerous
Captain element, in which case they can not become unreliable.

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

Sorcerous Captains: A Balrog, Dragon, Nazgul or Ringwraith CinC may transfer PIPs from his own
command to any other single command whose general is within 18" of the CinC at a rate of 2 sent for
every 1 received, provided the Sorcerous Captain’s element is not in hand-to-hand combat. The
recipient command cannot have its PIP total increased to beyond a total of 6 PIPs by this method.

Trolls: Irr Bh(I) Factor 6 vs. foot, 5 vs. shooting, 3 vs. mounted. Move 3”, counts as foot, subject to
impetuosity, no quick-kills, treat scrub, boggy ground and marsh as good going, otherwise normal
terrain effects apply, except terrain they count as difficult going reduces their movement to 2”. Trolls
were huge creatures, swift in the attack, with rudimentary armour (if any) and big bashing weapons.
They were a match and more for the best Dunedain and Elven troops, but occasionally brittle.

Olog-hai: Irr Bh(O) Factor 6 vs. foot, 5 vs. shooting, 3 vs. mounted. Move 3”, counts as foot, subject
to impetuosity, no quick-kills, treat scrub, boggy ground and marsh as good going, otherwise normal
terrain effects apply, except terrain they count as difficult going reduces their movement to 2”. Olog-
hai were specially bred warrior trolls, using some armour and not as susceptible to daylight as other
trolls. They are described in Lord of the Rings as possibly a mix of Trolls and Orcs but far exceeding
their lesser brethren in strength and ferocity, so I class them as a tougher version of the occasionally
unreliable trolls.

Fell Beasts: Irr Exp(O). Assorted semi-magical beasts, never defined in detail. A good excuse for
any assortment of weird and wonderful figures you might have, possibly similar to smaller dinosaurs.

Giant Spiders: Irr Hd(S). Huge arachnids mainly found in forests, famously in Mirkwood in The

Orcs: Orcs were generally well armoured and armed with a variety of swords, scimitars, axes and
spears and supported at close range by archery. They didn’t fight individually and were rarely prone
to impetuous behaviour (unless fighting vastly inferior opponents). Orcs could move swiftly when
motivated, operated effectively in rough terrain, and yet could resist strongly. Orcs were not a match
for well disciplined opponents and were usually smaller than humans.

I emphasis the difference between Orcish Garrisons and other troops directly under the Dark
Lords’ control (referred to as Legions) where larger and more ferocious types fought separately, and
the wild tribes of the mountains (referred to as Outland Orcs). The harsh discipline used to control
Orcs would, in my opinion, have limited their effectiveness. This is reflected by the propinquity of
Mordor Orcs to desert when things went wrong, it also makes the basic Orcs cheap and plentiful.

Legion Orcs: Reg or Irr Ax(I) or Ax(O) with supporting Ps(O): contain only the smaller Orc
and goblin types, normally armoured they would count as blade but for their size.

Outland Orcs: Irr Wb(X): Count as Wb(F) in all circumstances except Combat Factor vs.
foot is 2. Less well armed or disciplined Orcs (often called goblins) of a mixture of sizes, usually from
outlying mountainous areas such as the Misty Mountains. Effective raiders and mountain troops but
unreliable in open battle.

Orc Archers: Bw(I)*: As per Bw but move +50p. Armoured or unarmoured archers
concentrated for a specific purpose (such as sieges). Although bows were widely used by Orcs, battle
accounts all mention archery as being subsidiary to close combat, so most archers are classed as
supporting psiloi.

Great Orcs: Irr Bd(F) with supporting Ps(O): Well armed and armoured with large scimitars,
axes and spears. These were the main Orcish shock troops prior to the breeding of Uruks. They
attacked quickly and savagely and rate impetuous classification.

Uruks: Reg Bd(F) with supporting Ps(O). Armed with scimitar (Mordor) or short-stabbing
sword (Isengard), shield and mail Uruks were better disciplined than other Orcs, quick in attack and
used in positions of command or for special missions, they were as effective as most good human
troops. Isengard Uruks are mentioned in the raid that captured Merry and Pippin as also armed with a

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

long yew bow. There are no accounts of their use en masse in battle and accounts emphasis their
role as shock troops. Some Uruk-hai can be re-graded as Bw(O)*.

Warg Riders: Irr Wg(O). Fight as if LH vs. Mounted, as if Wb vs. foot and train and as Cv vs
shooting. Quick-kill Pk, Sp, Bd, Ps & Kn, quick-killed by Bw or Ps(O) in contact. Move 4”, subject to
impetuosity. May count +1 rear support for a single extra rank of Wg of the same grade against
enemy foot in going Wg count as good. Wg treat RG as good, otherwise they move as if cavalry.
These have been difficult to classify, Warg riders were swift and able to defeat Knights when they cut
them off (see p365 Unfinished Tales) but could also be used as shock troops (as at the Battle of Five

Wargs or Wolves: Irr Wg(I) Unridden Wargs and Wolves, as per Warg riders, but (I).

Werewolves: Irr Wg(S). As per Warg riders, but (S).

Dragons: Irr Dg(S), (O) or (I). Factor 4 vs. Foot & shooting, 3 vs. mounted, move 4”, quick-kill all
except Dwarven Bd(S). Dg(S) may be based on double frontage as described in Here Be Dragons,
but must pay double points for this additional frontage. Move as per impetuous expendables. Dragons
can only be pinned to their front. Each 40mm frontage of a dragon (O) or (S) counts as 2 element
equivalents for demoralisation purposes. Dragon (O) or (S) should have 80mm+ base depth, more as
required, dragon (I) 40mm+. These are all ‘wyrms’, i.e. flightless dragons there is no account of
winged Dragons accompanying armies except in the War of Wrath that ended the First Age and is
outside the scope of these rules.

Other Behemoths: Many manufacturers produce imaginative & fun figures which players might wish
to include but are too large for fell beasts. Substitute for trolls or Balrogs as appropriate.

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

The Elves:

Elven warfare flows from one central relationship: That elves live until slain and their opponents
defeat them by virtue of a higher birth rate. Elven children are very rare, those of humans or Orc
spawn numerous in comparison. The elves are the embodiment of late 19th Century fears around
racial theory. Once killed they are effectively exiled for eternity to the shadowed halls of Mandos, far
from their beloved Middle Earth. Their approach to warfare involves plans covering centuries (e.g. the
Siege of Angband or the war against the Witch-King of Angmar). Any outbreak of direct conflict
represents a long-term defeat for the elves. They attempted to work through proxies where-ever
possible (usually the Dunedain), but when forced to fight elves turn out armed to the teeth with finest
weapons available, centuries of discipline, practice and training, and a fervent commitment to see the
thing finished. Their inherent magical nature often allowed them to overcome physically larger
opponents. The most common description by Tolkien is of the “cold ferocity” of elves in battle. They
are, almost by definition, ‘superior’.

Tolkien gives a number of useful descriptions of Elven military equipment (probably the best
description of the Noldor is in The Lost Tales when he describes the gate guard of Gondolin). They
fought with spear, sword and bow. Mail is usually mentioned whenever he describes the appearance
of elves in battle. Spearmen and many archers used shields. Non-avari (wood elf) armies all include
significant numbers of cavalry, many or all armed with bows and yet charging fiercely. Nobles could
fight either mounted or on foot, and they and their guards were significantly more dangerous than
other Elven troops. The Laiquendi are mentioned as being exceptional for elves, lightly armed and
inexperienced in warfare, as were the early Second Age Woodland Realm and Lothlorien armies.
Other elves were tactically clever, experienced, well armed, and attacked aggressively. The only
instance of impetuous is mentioned at the Nirnaeth Arnoediad (the Battle of Unnumbered Tears
when Morgoth broke the power of the First Age Noldor kingdoms - a central military and social
tragedy in Elven lore) and originated with individuals, rather than bodies of troops. Dunedain and
Orcish wedge and shieldwall tactics probably have their origins in Elven military practice.

Elves outside the sphere of Noldorian culture were less well prepared for war and were frequently ill
equipped. The Avari (Wood or Sylvan Elves) of Lorien and Mirkwood in the Second Age (and the
Laiquendi of Beleriand in the First Age) both suffered badly in open battle against Orcs. However,
once Noldor and Sindar influence spread under Galadriel and Thranduil, the Avari fared far better and
seem to have adopted the military practices of the High Elves. Major mounted components are not
mentioned in their armies however, although probably present in small numbers.

Elven troops were swift in the attack and fierce in defence. All the descriptions of the Noldor in the
five battles against Morgoth mention them as attacking swiftly with the sword. They made effective
use of ambushes and were little impeded by terrain, fighting major battles in woods, marshes and
mountains. All of which suggests a major problem in terms of game balance. The only solution I can
suggest for gamers wanting to avoid a one-sided conflict is to only use First or Second Age armies
(where Noldor are present in large numbers) if their opponents are drawn from the same era. The
following are the basic classifications for Third Age elves and my reasons why. Almost all troops are
classed as regular because elves are stable, social immortals with (usually) long experience of
warfare, the exception being some Avari levies who were poorly equipped and inexperienced.

 * Troops: these all move an additional inch (50 paces) to normal movement distances.
 (S) Troops: These use the version 2 DBM rules. I.e. (S) troops add one to a loosing score and
add one to a winning score if shooting.

Nobles: Reg Kn(O)* if Sindar or Avari Nobles @13pt. or Reg Kn(S)* if predominantly Noldor @16pt.
They often fought dismounted (e.g. Battle of Five Armies) so can dismount as Bd(O)* or Bd(S)*
respectively. There were few Noldor left in Middle Earth after the fall of Gil-Galad and the defeat of
Sauron in the War of the Last Alliance. Most of these troops would probably be Sindar in origin, with a
higher proportion of Noldor in Lindon armies. Their equipment is uncertain but they could drive deep
into the enemy and rode unequalled Elven horses. They were, arguably, the best troops in Middle

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

Cavalry: Reg LH(S) Elven horsemen are describe as riding swiftly and shooting arrows at the coming
of Glaurung (First Age) and the Fall of Angmar (Third Age) but armament is otherwise unknown. They
were certainly armed with a sword, possibly mail and defeated warg-riders and Easterling cavalry so
rate (S) status. Their reluctance to close with Glaurung is hardly indicative of anything but common

Noldor, Sindar or Guard: Reg Bd(S)*: The best Noldor nobles from the First Age, with superb
armour, supernatural powers and heroic motivation. Or Reg Bd(O)*: For lesser Noldor, and Sindar
Nobles. The Noldor favoured swords as their primary weapon, Sindar axes. They were considerably
better armed, stronger and more war-hardy than their Avari brethren. They displayed a similar pattern
of battlefield behaviour but were far more dangerous. The First Age descriptions all emphasise swift
attacks with swords. With supporting Ps approximately the right punch and manoeuvrability can be
achieved. Such troops were fairly scarce in the Third Age.

Avari Spearmen: Reg Ax(S). They were armed with spear, shield and sword, and normally mail.
They attacked swiftly from a mountain spur at the Battle of Five Armies and were the forest fighters
par excellence.

Archers: Reg Bw(S)* Often equipped with mail and/or shield, and always using an elf-bow and knife
or sword. Elven archers were prepared to close to contact (as at the Battle of Five Armies). They
were certainly more effective than their historical counterparts.

Skirmishers: Reg Ps(S): Sindar and Avari Borderers or March Wardens, usually mailed and with
mixed weapons Or Reg Ps(O): as more lightly armed scouts or levies.

Supporting Psiloi: Reg Ps(O) Add +1 rear support as normal, and also against all Orcs, Uruks,
Wargs, Warg-riders, Wolves, Werewolves and Dr(O) or (I). Spearmen and archers working in close
support is the typical picture from all Tolkien’s accounts of battles. Elven units raised as such are
mentioned in the description of the Gate Guard of Gondolin and a similar pattern is seen with the
Rangers of Ithilien (who are probably modelled on Elven Borderers). At the Battle of Five Armies the
avari spearmen attacked with the support of archers. The practice also existed with the historical
models Tolkien uses for his mythical world: the Romans and Frankish spearmen of post Roman

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001


The classification of the human troops portrayed by Tolkien is by no means certain. While he does
usually (but not always) provide a description of equipment and appearance of troops, there is only
sporadic evidence at best for their fighting style. Some types are only mentioned by name e.g.
Variags. I have attempted to flesh out these armies based on what I take to be the historical
prototypes and have attempted to justify these in the appropriate lists. I do not suggest my
interpretations should be taken as definitive, but they do relate well to each other, provide balanced
games and produce satisfactory outcomes.

The Dunedain (and Numenoreans) are a bit of a special case. Their military techniques and cultural
heritage owes a great deal to the elves as well as to their superior physical stature (certainly in the
Second Age and earlier half of the Third Age). Consequently I have classified the best Dunedain as
Bd(S), although they lack full plate armour. The most useful source I found for the early Dunedain
was the description of the Battle of Gladden Fields in Unfinished Tales. There, Tolkien describes
Isildur’s equipment as being long sword, short sword, mail and shield. In the fighting the Dunedain are
described as using swords and spears with a minority (1/5 in this instance) supporting with steel
bows. I have interpreted this as Bd with supporting psiloi that are effective against Orcs.

Dunedain did not ride horses to war at the time of the Last Alliance, but employed mounted archers
(often of lesser men). When the nobility did adopt the practice of fighting mounted is unclear.
Certainly, in TA 1975 Tolkien mentions the “cavalry of Gondor” (see Appendix A, Lord of the Rings)
and at the Battle of Pelennor Fields the lords of Gondor mounted to join Imrahil and the Knights of Dol
Amroth. I have taken this to mean never more than the roquen and nobility.

Marines are assumed to be similar but more lightly armoured than Blades, hence Ax(S) with
supporting Psiloi. Rangers, based on the description of Ithilien Rangers in Lord of the Rings, come
out the same. Supporting Ps count against the same troop types as listed for Elves.


The dwarves were generally mailed and fought using axe or mattock. The best dwarves from the
Great Houses of the Dwarf Fathers are classified as Bd(S). They were equipped with closed-helms,
which allowed them to withstand the dragons and made them the toughest of all mortal foot. Well-
equipped and war hardened dwarves are generally classed as Bd(O). All dwarves were able to move
quickly for long distances regardless of burdens, but it is unlikely that this effected their battlefield

I class the general Dwarven levy as Ax(S), probably mailed and also using axes or similar, but fighting
in looser formation more suitable for rough terrain. This allows them to cope well with Orcs and wargs
and occupy hilly ground whilst the better types decide the battle in the more open centre.

 (S) Troops: These use the version 2 DBM rules. I.e. (S) troops add one to a loosing score and
add one to a winning score if shooting.

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

Aggression Factors:

There is some debate as to what Aggression factors represent in the rules. It primarily determines
whose terrain list to use and therefore, which country you are fighting in. Therefore many Elven or
Dwarven armies have what, at first sight, may appear to be high Aggression levels as they rarely in
fact fought at home, even though their battlefield stance was usually defensive.

Command Break Points:

For purposes of game balance, connected to the recycling nature of the Dark Lords’ commands, all
commands are considered broken when they exceed one third losses, not when they equal them as
in DBM.

Numbers of Commands:

The only limit on the number of commands an army can take it the number of generals on the list for
that army. Dark Lord armies include large numbers of small allied commands to reflect the tribal
squabbling of orcs.

Terrain Features:

Underlining indicates compulsory terrain features. A number of lists include double compulsory terrain
features (e.g. Wd, Wd), this indicates two compulsory woods are place if defending.


In the list the First Age is abbreviated to FA, the Second Age to SA and the Third Age to TA. No
exact chronology for the First Age exists, so where necessary I have used the five great battles of the
Wars for the Silmarils as reference points.

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

DB-ME Quick Reference Sheet:

The following are the rule changes and new troop types for fighting campaign battles in Middle Earth.
Assume latest DBM rules unless otherwise stated.

The Dunedain, Elves and Dwarves:

 Reg Kn(S)* Fight as Kn(S), move +50p @16 pt. (Noldor Nobles)
 Reg Kn(O)* Fight as Kn(O), move +50p @14 pt. (Sindar Nobles)
 Reg Bd(S)* Fight as Bd(S), move +50p @10 pt. (Good Noldor)
 Reg Bd(O)* Fight as Bd(O), move +50p @ 8 pt. (Sindar, Guards or some Noldor)
 Elven & Dwarven (S) Troops: add 1 too loosing combat/shooting score and add 1 to a winning
shooting score
 Reg Bw(S)* As per Bw(S) move +50p @8 pt.
 Supporting Ps(O): Count vs. Dr(I) or (O), Orcs, Great Orcs, Uruks, and Wg and as per DBM
 Ents: Irr Bh(S) Factors etc. as per trolls, except count Wd as good going
 Huorns: Irr Bh(I) Factor etc. as per trolls, except count Wd as good going
 Werebears: Irr Bh(O) Factors etc. as per trolls

The Forces of the Dark Lord:

CinC or Sub Generals: The army lists specify how many of these an army is permitted. These are
the only commands which count toward army demoralisation for the Dark Lord’s player and hence, for
winning and losing.

 Dragons: Irr Dr(I), (O) or (S) Factor 4 vs. foot & shooting, 3 vs. mounted, count as foot, move 4”
and quick-kill all but Dwarven Bd(S)* @15/20/25 pt/element frontage.
 Trolls: Irr Bh(I) @8 pt. Factor 6 vs. foot, 5 vs. shooting, 3 vs. mounted. Move 3”, count as foot,
subject to impetuosity. Either recoiled or recoil on a more than, destroyed if doubled.
 Olog-hai: Irr Bh(O) @10 pt. Factors etc. as per trolls
 Balrogs: Irr Bh(S) @12 pt. Factors etc. as per trolls
 Fell Beasts: Irr Exp(O) @ 7 pt.
 Orc Legions: As Reg or Irr Ax(I) or (O) with supporting Ps(O).
 Outland Orcs: Wb(X) @ 2 points. Factors etc. as Wb(F) except Combat Factor 2 vs. foot.
 Great Orcs: Irr Bd(F) with supporting Ps(O).
 Uruks: Reg Bd(F) with supporting Ps(O).
 Orc or Uruk Archers: Irr or Reg Bw(I)* or Reg Bw(O)* as bow, move +50p
 Warg Riders: Irr Wg(O) @6 pt. Factor 2 Move 4”, Fight as if LH vs. mounted, as if Wb vs. foot &
train and as Cv vs shooting, subject to impetuosity. Quick-kill Pk, Sp, Bd, Ps & Kn, quick-killed by
Bw or Ps(O) in contact. Receive +1 Rear support vs. Foot from a 2 nd rank of Wg (O).
 Wargs or Wolves: Irr Wg(I) @4 pt. as per Wg(O), except rear support from Wg(I).
 Werewolves: Irr Wg(S) @8 pt., as per Wg(O), except rear support from Wg(S).
 Giant Spiders: Irr Hd(S)

I would recommend basing Bh on 40x40 mm bases for aesthetic reasons, 40x30 mm would be OK.
Dragons can have a 1-element frontage and base depth typically of 80 mm, deeper as required. Dr(S)
can be double frontage (+25 pt) as per Here Be Dragons.

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

Optional Rules:
The following are some suggestions on how to deal with the heroic figures and wizards of Middle
Earth. They are even less suitable for non-friendly games than the rest of these rules and should only
be used with the agreement of all players.

Heroic Generals:

Any general of particularly heroic stature receives a +2 modifier to combat/shooting, instead of the
normal +1. This would include any Balrog, Ringwraith, Noldor, named Sindar or the greater Dunedain,
Numenorean, Edain or Dwarf-lords (e.g. Aragorn, Faramir, Boromir, Elendil, Isildur, Anarion, Turin,
Hurin, Dain, Thorin, or Azaghal etc.). This would normally be agreed by the players or umpire before
a scenario game, therefore no point costs are included.


Magic in Middle Earth during battles mainly effected the moral of the combatants, rather than involve
wizardry artillery as other fantasy rule sets suggest. The impact of the Dark Lords’ magic on their own
troops is built into the command structure and army break-point rules (which are very powerful when
played). ‘Good’ magician such as Gandalf or Galadriel mainly countered the power of their opponents
or inspired fear in their immediate vicinity. They could also decisively influence the course of
campaigns. Gandalf was adept at mobilising forces and Galadriel concealed, sustained and speeded
the march of Eorl to the Fields of Celebrant with a magic mist, through the manipulation of time.

If you wish to include the impact of evil sorcery on opposing armies I suggest the following:

Sauron, Glaurung, Gothmog, The Witch-King or other Ringwraith/Nazgul: All opposing commands
whose general is within 24” (Sauron) or 12” (other) may not exchange PIP dice with other commands.
In addition, the command will break on loosing 1/4 or more of its element, instead of the normal 1/3.

Istari, Elven Ring, Greater Noldor or major relic (e.g. Banner of the Kings): These are assumed to be
part of the relevant general’s element or the general. The power of Sauron, the Witch-King or other
Ringwraith/Nazgul is negated.

NB: Wizardry in the First Age is assumed to be sufficiently common so as to negate its effect on play.
The innate magic of Elves or magical creatures is included in their troop type and gradings.

Alternatively, a judicious selection of spells from DBF: Here Be Dragons could be used. Again, no
costs are included as magic should be limited to scenarios.

Morgoth: Master of the Fates of Arda

Morgoth had great powers to influence the unpredictable fates of individuals and even armies far
beyond that of his lieutenant, Sauron. When using a First Age Morgoth army, re-role one PIP dice (2
if the army is larger than 600AP) from the second bound onwards. The die to re-roll is chosen after all
dice have been rolled and a command's PIP die may only be re-rolled once per turn.


Thanks are definitely due to all those who helped over the years with ideas, play-testing and
alternative views (some of who would certainly not agree with my interpretations). These rules and
lists have gone through continuous rewrites, often starting again from scratch. Thanks especially to

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

Chris Barrass, Keir Maxwell, Dave Brown, Luke Ueda-Sarson, Kevin Johnson, Paul Harrington, Nick
Sharpe, Richard Clark, Zippee, Mike Speed and all the others.

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

Forces of the Dark Lords:

Morgoth: FA
Cold, Ag4, H(S), H(G), RGo, D, Rd, BUA

CinC as Gothmog, Lord of Balrogs or Sauron Irr Bh(S) @32 1

Sub as Balrog Irr Bh(S) @32 1-3
CinC’s Command: (max 27 ee)
Balrog Guard: Irr Bh(S) @12 0-2
Trolls: Irr Bh(I) @8 0-6
Great Orcs Irr Bd(F) @5 0-12
Orc Legions: Reg Ax(I) @3 8-16
Upgrade Orcs to Reg Ax(O) @4 Any
Snaga: Reg Ps(O) @2 4-8
Upgrade Snaga as Reg Bw(I)* @5 0 to 1/2
Sub’s Command: (max 27 ee)
Balrog Guard: Irr Bh(S) @12 0-2
Fell Beasts: Irr Exp(O) @7 0-4
Great Orcs Irr Bd(F) @5 0-12
Orc Legions: Reg Ax(I) @3 8-16
Upgrade Orcs to Reg Ax(O) @4 Any
Snaga: Reg Ps(O) @2 4-8
Upgrade Snaga as Reg Bw(I)* @5 0 to 1/2
Upgrade Warg and Beast Command (below) to replace a CinC’s (max 27 ee)
or Sub’s Command: (After Third Battle)
Glaurung as Sub General Irr Dr(O) @30 or Sauron as CinC 1
Fell Beasts: Irr Exp(O) @7 0-4
Upgrade Warg Riders to Werewolves: Irr Wg(S) @8 0-8
Great Orcs Irr Bd(F) @5 0-12
Wargs: Irr Wg(I) @4 2-12
Warg riders: Irr Wg(O) @6 8-16
After Fourth Battle:
Upgrade Glaurung to Sub General Irr Dr(S) @35 1
Dragons: Irr Dr(O) @20 0-2
After Fifth Battle:
Upgrade Glaurung to CinC as Irr Dr(S) @45 0-1

Numberless Hordes:
Orc Legions of the Iron Crown: 2-4 commands
Ally general: as Great Orc Irr Bd(F) @10 or Orc Reg Ax(O) @9 1
Great Orcs Irr Bd(F) @5 0-4
Orc Legions: Reg Ax(I) @3 8-24
Upgrade Orcs to Reg Ax(O) @4 Any
Snaga: Reg Ps(O) @2 4-8
Wargs or Warg Riders: Irr Wg(I) @4 or Irr Wg(O) @6 0-2
Orcs of the Outlands: 0-2 commands
Ally General: as Great Orc Irr Bd(F) @10 1
Orcs: Irr Wb(X) @2 14-24
Snaga: Irr Ps(O) @2 4-12
Wargs: Irr Wg(I) @4 0-4
Any Allied Orc Command: (maximums are for all Allied
Upgrade Snaga to Bw(I)* @4 if Irr or @5 if Reg 0-8
Siege engines: Irr Art(S) @10 0-4
Wargs and Beasts: 1-2 commands
Ally General: as Great Warg Wg(I) @9 or Great Orc mounted on 1

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

Warg Irr Wg(O) @11

Wargs: Irr Wg(I) @4 2-12
Warg riders: Irr Wg(O) @6 8-16
Numberless Hordes: (After the Fourth Battle)
Early Easterling allies 0-1 command

This covers Morgoth’s realm of Thangorodrim in the First Age. Balrogs normally served as generals
or elite guards and must (unless acting as generals) be in the CinC’s or Glaurung’s command. All
other dragons must be in Glaurung’s command. Werewolves can only be used if Sauron is present,
and must be included in his command. This does not cover the War of Wrath where Ancalagon the
Black and the Winged Dragons were first unleashed. Sauron commanded at the Capture of Minas
Tirith after the Nirnaeth Arnoediad and the harrying of the land afterwards. Glaurung commanded the
horde that defeated and sacked Nargothrond. The other dragons were only used at the sack of
Gondolin. The Orcs of Thangorodrim were unable to withstand the Noldor without the assistance of
Balrogs and Dragons. It is uncertain when Morgoth bred Trolls, they are not mentioned until one of
the later battles. However, I think they originate from the ages before the Sun and would have been
available from the start of the War of the Jewels. The Five Great Battles of Beleriand were the Dagor
Estolad against the Sindar and Laiquendi, the Dagor-nuin-Giliath against Feanor, The Dagor Argeleb
against Fingolfin and the Noldor Kingdoms, The Dagor Bragollach against Fingon and the Noldor with
Edain allies and finally the Nirnaeth Arnoediad Vs the Union of Maedhros. Exact dates for the First
Age are uncertain. Snaga can provide rear support to any Bd or Ax.

Sauron or Glaurung can be used to replace a Warg and Beast command, if they do so, they can not
also command troops from the usual C-in-C or Sub-General’s list. Werewolves can only be used in a
command containing Sauron. Their commands cannot exceed the 27ee maximum.

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

Second Age Mordor: SA 1000-3262, then 3320-3441

Cold, Ag3, H(S), H(G), RGo, D, Rd, BUA

CinC Sauron Irr Bh(S) @26 or the Witch-King Reg Kn(S) @35 or 1
Black Numenorean Reg Kn(O)* @34
Sub as Nazgul or Ringwraith Reg Kn(S) @35 or Black Numenorean 0-2
Reg Kn (O) @32
CinC’s Command: (max 27 ee)
Black Numenorean: Reg Kn(O) @12 0-2
Reg Bd(O) @7 0-4
Guard Archers supporting Bd Reg Ps(O)@2 0 to 1 per Bd(O)
Werewolves: Irr Wg(S) @8 0-8
Trolls: Irr Bh(I) @8 0-6
Great Orcs: Irr Bd(F) @5 0-8
Orc Legions: Reg Ax(I) @3 8-24
Upgrade Legions to Reg Ax(O) @4 Any
Snaga: Reg Ps(O) @2 4-8
Upgrade Snaga as Reg Bw(I)* @6 0 to 1/2
Sub’s Command: (max 27 ee)
Trolls: Irr Bh(I) @8 0-6
Fell Beasts: Irr Exp(O) @7 0-4
Great Orcs: Irr Bd(F) @5 0-8
Orc Legions: Reg Ax(I) @3 8-24
Upgrade Legions to Reg Ax(O) @4 Any
Snaga: Reg Ps(O) @2 4-8
Upgrade Snaga as Reg Bw(I)* @6 0 to 1/2
Numberless Hordes:
Orc Legions of the Eye: 2-5 commands
Ally general: as Great Orc Irr Bd(F) @10 or Reg Ax(O) @9 1
Great Orcs: Irr Bd(F) @5 0-4
Orc Legions: Reg Ax(I) @3 8-24
Upgrade Legions to Reg Ax(O) @4 Any
Snaga: Reg Ps(O) @2 4-8
Wargs or Warg Riders: Irr Wg(I) @4 or Irr Wg(O) @6 0-2
Orcs of the Outlands: 0-2 commands
Ally General: as Great Orc Irr Bd(F) @10 1
Orcs: Irr Wb(X) @2 14-24
Snaga: Irr Ps(O) @2 4-8
Wargs: Irr Wg(I) @4 0-4
Any Allied Orc Command: (maximums are for all Allied
Chained slaves: Irr Hd(I) @ ½ 0-8
Upgrade Snaga as Bw(I)* @4 if Irr or @5 if Reg 0-8
Siege engines: Irr Art(S) @10 0-4
Wargs: 0-1 command
Ally General: as Great Warg Wg(I) @9 or Great Orc mounted on 1
Warg Irr Wg(O) @11
Wargs: Irr Wg(I) @4 8-16
Warg riders: Irr Wg(O) @6 2-12
Harad Allied command 0-1 command
Variag Allied command 0-1 command
Later Easterling Allied command 0-2 commands
Dwarven Allied command (use Dwarven Exiles list) 0-12 elements
Black Numenorean Allied command (use Corsairs of Umbar list, 0-1 command
except up to full maximums of Numenoreans can be used)

This covers Sauron’s armies of the Second Age. These fought in the War of Elves and Sauron,
invaded Gondor soon after it was established by Elendil and took Minas Ithil, and against the Last

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

Alliance at the end of the Second Age. Sauron may have commanded in person, but there is no direct
evidence. Black Numenoreans from Umbar (and maybe further South) had been enlisted during
Sauron’s sojourn in Numenor. Herumor and Fuinur ruled in Harad. Some dwarves also fought for
Sauron at the Dagorlad, possible due to the domination of the Rings. The Witch-King and Ringwraiths
first appeared around SA 2250, so can only be used after then. Dwarves, Guard and Numenoreans
can only be used after 3320. Snaga can provide rear support to any Bd or Ax.

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

Misty Mountain Orc, Orcs of the White Mountains or Orcs of Mirkwood: SA -

Cold, Ag3, Rv, H(S), H(G), RGo, W, Rd Misty Mountains or White Mountains
Cold, Ag3, WW, Rv, H(G), RGo, Wd, Wd, M, Rd Mirkwood

CinC as Great Orc Irr Bd(F) @15 1

CinC’s command: (max 27 ee)
Trolls: Irr Bh(I) @8 0-10
Replace Trolls with Great Orcs Irr Bd(F) @5 Any
Orcs: all Irr Wb(X) @2 or all Irr Ax(O)@3 14-24
Snaga: all Irr Ps(O) @2 4-12
Upgrade Snaga as all Irr Bw(I)* @5 0-1/2
Numberless Hordes:
Orc Legions of Gundabad or Moria: 0-2 commands
Ally general: as Great Orc Irr Bd(F) @10 or Irr Ax(O) @8 1
Great Orcs Irr Bd(F) @5 0-4
Orc Legions: Irr Ax(I) @2 8-24
Upgrade Orcs to Irr Ax(O) @3 Any
Snaga: Irr Ps(O) @2 4-8
Wargs or Warg Riders: Irr Wg(I) @4 or Irr Wg(O) @6 0-2
Orcs of the Outlands: 3-6 commands
Ally General: as Great Orc Irr Bd(F) @10 1
Orcs: Irr Wb(X) @2 14-24
Snaga: Irr Ps(O) @2 4-12
Wargs: Irr Wg(I) @4 0-4
Any Allied Orc Command: (maximums are for all Allied
Upgrade Snaga as Irr Bw(I)* @4 0-8
Wargs: 1-2 commands
Ally General: as Great Warg Wg(I) @9 or Great Orc mounted on 1
Warg Irr Wg(O) @11
Wargs: Irr Wg(I) @4 8-16
Warg riders: Irr Wg(O) @6 2-12
Giant Spider Nest: 0-1 command
Ally General: as Giant Spider Irr Hd(S) @7 1
Giant Spiders: Irr Hd(S) @2 12-16
Web as plashing for woods TF @ 2 6-12
Later Easterling allies 0-1 command

This represents the large coalitions of Orcs, which raided and fought from the Misty Mountains, the
White Mountains, Mirkwood or dwelt in the East beyond the Sea of Rhun throughout the Second and
Third Ages. The largest Orc-holds were at Mount Gundabad, and after TA 1981, Moria, both in the
Misty Mountains. Use this list for battles like Gladden Fields, the Battle of Five Armies or Nanduhirion,
etc. Giant Spiders can only be used in Mirkwood, and then with no more than 4 elements of trolls.
The Balrog never actually led Moria in open battle. Only a Mount Gundabad CinC can replace Trolls
with Great Orc guard. Snaga can provide rear support to any Bd or Ax. Mirkwood cannot include any
Legion commands.

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

Third Age Sauronic: (Including Dol Guldur from c. TA 1000, Mordor after TA
1980 and Minas Morgul after TA 2002)
Dry, Ag4, WW, Rv, H(S), H(G), E, RGo, M, D, Rd, BUA

CinC as Lord of the Nazgul Reg Kn(S*) @36 or Black Numenorean 1

Reg Kn(O)* @34
Sub as Nazgul or Ringwraith Reg Kn(S) @35 or Black 0-1
Numenorean Reg Kn (O) @32
CinC’s Command (max 27 ee)
Black Numenoreans: Reg Kn(O) @12 0-2
Trolls: Irr Bh(I) @8 0-8
Upgrade Trolls to Olog-hai Irr Bh(O) @10 0-4
Great Orcs: Irr Bd(F) @5 4-12
Orc Legions: Reg Ax(I) @3 8-16
Upgrade Legions to Reg Ax(O) @4 Any
Snaga: Reg Ps(O) @2 4-8
Upgrade Snaga as Reg Bw(I)* @5 0-1/2
Sub’s Command (max 27 ee)
Trolls: Irr Bh(I) @8 0-6
Upgrade Trolls to Olog-hai Irr Bh(O) @10 All/0
Fell Beasts: Irr Exp(O) @7 0-4
Great Orcs: Irr Bd(F) @5 4-12
Orc Legions: Reg Ax(I) @3 8-16
Upgrade Legions to Reg Ax(O) @4 Any
Snaga: Reg Ps(O) @2 4-8
Upgrade Snaga as Reg Bw(I)* @5 0-1/2
Numberless Hordes:
Orc Legions of the Eye, of Morgul or of Dol Guldur: 2-5 commands
Ally general: as Great Orc Irr Bd(F) @10 or Reg Ax(O) @9 1
Great Orcs: Irr Bd(F) @5 0-4
Orc Legions: Reg Ax(I) @3 10-20
Upgrade Legions to Reg Ax(O) @4 Any
Snaga: Reg Ps(O) @2 4-8
Wargs or Warg Riders: Irr Wg(I) @4 or Irr Wg(O) @6 0-2
Orcs of the Outlands: 0-2 commands
Ally General: as Great Orc Irr Bd(F) @10 1
Orcs: Irr Wb(X) @2 14-24
Snaga: Irr Ps(O) @2 4-8
Wargs: Irr Wg(I) @4 0-4
Any Allied Orc Command: (maximums are for all Allied
Upgrade Snaga to Bw(I)* @4 if Irr or @5 if Reg 0-8
Siege engines: Irr Art(S) @10 0-4
Grond: Irr WWg(S) @10 0-1
Wargs: 0-1 commands
Ally General: as Great Warg Wg(I) @9 or Great Orc mounted on 1
Warg Irr Wg(O) @11
Wargs: Irr Wg(I) @4 8-16
Warg riders: Irr Wg(O) @6 2-12
Giant Spider Nest: 0-1 command
Ally General: as Giant Spider Irr Hd(S) @7 1
Giant Spiders: Irr Hd(S) @2 12-16
Web as plashing for woods: TF @2 6-12
After TA 2470
Upgrade Great Orcs in non-Outland commands to Uruks Reg Bd(F) All
@ 12 if ally-general, @7 if not
Harad Allied commands 0-2 commands
Far Harad Allied command 0-1 commands

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

Variag Allied command 0-1 commands

Later Easterling Allied commands 0-3 commands

This list covers the forces of Sauron in the Third Age, initially in his disguise as the Necromancer of
Dol Guldur, then through his proxy, the Witch-King. The Witch-King ruled initially, in Mordor after TA
1980, then from Minas Morgul after TA 2002. Finally, the list covers Sauron’s declaration of power
and the period after the rebuilding of Barad-dur in TA 2951 leading up to, and including the War of the
Ring. The period of the Watchful Peace (2063 to 2460) saw a lull in conflict as Sauron was driven into
hiding in the East. Barad-dur guards are only allowed after TA 2951 and are Black Numenoreans in
the service of the Dark Lord. No more than 1 Easterling command can be used with other human
allies. Uruks first appeared around TA 2475, Olog-hai at some point later. No Uruks or Olog-hai can
be used with Great Orcs (unless the Great Orcs belong to Outland commands) and vice versa.
Guards must be in the CinC’s command. Dol Guldur (Mirkwood) armies are the only ones allowed
Giant Spiders, but can not include more than 4 elements of trolls or any allies other than Easterlings.
Snaga can provide rear support to any Bd or Ax.

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

Angmar: TA c.1300 - 1975

Dry, Ag4, WW, Rv, H(S), H(G), E, RGo, M, D, Rd, BUA

CinC as the Witch-King Reg Kn(S) @35 or Black Numenorean Reg 1

Kn(O) @32
Sub as Ringwraith Reg Kn(S) @35 or Black Numenorean Reg 0-1
Kn(O) @32
CinC’s Command: (max 27 ee)
Carn Dum Hoerk guard: Reg Kn(O) @12 0-2
Black Numenorean Rangers: Reg Ax(S) @5 0-2
With supporting archers Reg Ps(O) @2 1/Ax(S)
Trolls: Irr Bh(I) @8 0-10
Great Orcs Irr Bd(F) @5 0-8
Orc Legions: Reg Ax(I) @3 8-24
Upgrade Orcs to Reg Ax(O) @4 Any
Snaga: Reg Ps(O) @2 4-8
Upgrade Snaga as Reg Bw(I)* @5 0 to 1/2
Sub’s Command: (max 27 ee)
Trolls: Irr Bh(I) @8 0-6
Great Orcs Irr Bd(F) @5 0-8
Orc Legions: Reg Ax(I) @3 8-24
Upgrade Orcs to Reg Ax(O) @4 Any
Snaga: Reg Ps(O) @2 4-8
Upgrade Snaga as Reg Bw(I)* @5 0 to 1/2
Numberless Hordes:
Orc Legions of the Iron Fist: 2-5 commands
Ally general: as Great Orc Irr Bd(F) @10 or Reg Ax(O) @9 1
Great Orcs Irr Bd(F) @5 0-4
Orc Legions: Reg Ax(I) @3 8-24
Upgrade Orcs to Reg Ax(O) @4 Any
Snaga: Reg Ps(O) @2 4-8
Wargs or Warg Riders: Irr Wg(I) @4 or Irr Wg(O) @6 0-2
Orcs of the Outlands: 0-2 commands
Ally General: as Great Orc Irr Bd(F) @10 1
Orcs: Irr Wb(X) @2 14-24
Snaga: Irr Ps(O) @2 4-12
Wargs: Irr Wg(I) @4 0-4
Any Allied Orc Command: (maximums are for all Allied
Upgrade Snaga to Bw(I)* @4 if Irr or @5 if Reg 0-8
Siege engines: Irr Art(S) @10 0-4
Wargs: 0-1 command
Ally General: as Great Warg Wg(I) @9 or Great Orc mounted on 1
Warg Irr Wg(O) @11
Wargs: Irr Wg(I) @4 8-16
Warg riders: Irr Wg(O) @6 2-12
Mercenaries: 0-1 Command
Ally General: Irr Kn(F) @14 1
Horse: Irr Kn(F) @9 2-4
Spearmen: Irr Sp(I) @3 8-16
Archers: Irr Ps(O) @2 0-4
Rhudaurrim: (only after TA 1410) 0-2 Commands
Ally General: as Black Numenorean Reg Kn(S) @25 or Dunnish 1
Lord Irr Wb(F) @8 or Hillman Targ-Arm Irr Ax(X) @8
Black Numenoreans: Reg Kn(O) @12 0-3
Fuintir Ohtari: Reg Bd(O) @7 0-4
Fuintir Archers: supporting Reg Ps(O) @2 0-1/Bd
Hillmen: Irr Ax(X) @3 0-4

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Dunnish Tribesmen: Irr Wb(F) @3 10-20

Dunnish scouts: Irr Ps(O) @2 2-6
Dunnish levies: Irr Hd(O) @1 0-6
Later Easterling allies 0-1 Command
Hillmen allies (only after TA 1643) 0-1 Command

Angmar was founded to destroy the Dunedain successor states of the North, eventually succeeding
but being in turn destroyed by a combination of Arthedain remnants, Lindon and Imladris elves and
Gondorians. Angmarrim troops were Orcish, Easterling or mercenaries of mixed race (how these
fought is open to speculation, I have modelled them on Northmen). Angmar subjugated Rhudaur and
then the Hillmen of the Trollshaws. Guards must be in either the CinC or Sub’s command. If a
Dunnish Lord or Hillman Targ-Arm commands the Rhudaurrim, he can not include any Kn in his
command. Snaga can provide rear support to any Bd or Ax.

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

Isengard: TA 2990+
Cold, Ag4, Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, O, RGo, Rd, BUA
CinC as Black Numenorean Reg Kn(O)* @34 1
Sub as Uruk Reg Bd(F) @27 0-1
CinC’s command (max 27 ee)
Man-Orcs: Irr Bd(O)* @6 0-6
Uruks: Reg Bd(F) @7 6-12
Uruk Archers: Reg Ps(O) @2 to support Uruk or Man-Orc Bd ½ to 1/Bd
Orc Legions: Reg Ax(I) @3 6-12
Upgrade legions to Reg Ax(O) @4 Any
Snaga: Reg Ps(O) @2 may support Ax 2-6
Upgrade Uruk Archers as Reg Bw(O)* @ 6 All/0
Upgrade Snaga as Reg Bw(I)* @5 Up to 1/2
Sub’s command (max 27 ee)
Trolls: Irr Bh(I) @8 0-2
Uruks: Reg Bd(F) @7 6-12
Uruk Archers: Reg Ps(O) @2 to support Uruk Bd ½ to 1/Bd
Orc Legions: Reg Ax(I) @3 6-12
Upgrade legions to Reg Ax(O) @4 Any
Snaga: Reg Ps(O) @2 may support Ax 2-6
Upgrade Uruk Archers as Reg Bw(O)* @ 6 All/0
Upgrade Snaga as Reg Bw(I)* @5 Up to 1/2
Numberless Hordes:
Orc Legions of the White Hand: 2-4 commands
Ally general: as Uruk Reg Bd(F) @17 1
Uruks: Reg Bd(F) @7 3-6
Uruk Archers: Reg Ps(O) @2 to support Uruk Bd 0 to 1/Bd
Orc Legions: Reg Ax(I) @3 8-16
Upgrade legions to Reg Ax(O) @4 Up to 1/2
Snaga: Reg Ps(O) @2 to support Ax 2-6
Wargs or Warg Riders: Irr Wg(I) @4 or Irr Wg(O) @6 0-2
Orcs of the Outlands: 0-1 command
Ally General: as Great Orc Irr Bd(F) @10 1
Orcs: Irr Wb(X) @2 14-24
Snaga: Irr Ps(O) @2 4-12
Wargs: Irr Wg(I) @4 0-4
Any Allied Orc Command: (maximums are for all Allied
Upgrade Snaga to Bw(I)* @4 if Irr or @5 if Reg 0-4
Siege engines: Irr Art(S) @10 0-2
Wargs: 1-2 commands
Ally General: as Great Warg Wg(I) @9 or Great Orc mounted on 1
Warg Irr Wg(O) @11
Wargs: Irr Wg(I) @4 8-16
Warg riders: Irr Wg(O) @6 2-12
Dunlendings: 0-2 commands
Ally General: as Irr Cv(O) @12 or Irr LH(O) @10 1
Nobles: Irr Cv(O) @7 2-6
Horsemen: all Irr LH(O) @5 or all Irr LH(F) @4 0-2
Spearmen: All Irr Wb(F) or all Ax(X) @3 8-16
Archers: Irr Ps(O) (can support Ax) @2 or Irr Bw(I) @3 2-6
Upgrade Nobles of Dunnish West March to Irr Kn(F) @14 if 0-1/2
general, @9 if not

The Uruk-hai who captured Merry and Pippin in the raid on Parth Galen are described as mailed
carrying a shield, a short stabbing sword and great yew bows but it is unlikely they performed in battle
primarily as archers. At the Battle of the Fords of Isen, Uruks were able to overcome the Rohan
shieldwall. I incline towards the view of blades with extra missile protection against Kn. “Pike armed

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

men” are mentioned at the battle of the Fords of Isen, I interpret this as similar to early Scots
schiltrons, Ax(X). The West March of Rohan between the Isen and the Adorn had lapsed into Dunnish
control, many men of the area were of mixed blood and the nobles may have still fought in the
Rohirrim fashion. Saruman did not command in person. No more than one command of West March
Dunmen can be used. Snaga in Allied Commands can provide rear support to any Bd or Ax.

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

Men of the Shadow:

Hillmen: FA to TA (Including the Hillmen of the Trollshaws TA 1636-1975)

Cold, Ag0, Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, RGo, M, Rd, BUA

CinC as Irr Ax(X) @13 1

Sub-General as CinC 0-1
Hillmen Ally-General as Irr Ax(X) @8 1-3
Hillmen Warriors: Irr Ax(X) @3 60-120
Hillmen Scouts: Irr Ps(S) @3 0-10
Hillmen archers: Irr Ps(O) @2 may support Ax(X) 0 to 1/3 per Ax
Dunmen allies

Second Age only:

Upgrade general on chariot to Irr Cv(O), @16 for CinC or Sub, @11 for Ally Any
Chariots: Irr Cv(O)@6 0-6

Hillmen of the Trollshaws only:

Ally as Black Numenorean: Reg Kn(S) @25 0-1
Roquen: Reg Kn(O) @12 * 0-2
Fuintir Guard: Reg Bd(O) @7 * 0-4
Fuintir Archers Reg Ps(O) @2 may support Fuintir Guard 1/Bd
Angmar allies
Misty Mountain Orc allies

This list covers all the lesser men of the First to Third Ages (and specifically Rhudaur after 1636),
primarily dwelling in hilly or mountainous areas such as The Trollshaws, Eriador, or the White
Mountains. Sometimes these fought as allies of the Numenoreans or Dunedain, but mostly as allies
of the Dark Lord. Items marked * must be commanded by the CinC or a Black Numenorean ally who
can also command a Dunmen allied contingent. Equipment and fighting style is conjectural, but I have
based them on Picts to differentiate them from other lesser men. Some of the Oathbreakers from
Morthond vale would originally have been covered by this list.

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

Dunlending or Dunmen (FA to TA) or Early Easterling (FA)

Cold, Ag1, Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, RGo, M, Rd, BUA

CinC as Irr Bd(F) @15 or Irr Wb(F) @13 or Irr Ax (O) @8 1

Sub as CinC 0-1
Ally-General as Irr Bd(F) or Irr Wb(F) @8 or Irr Ax(O) @8 1-3
Cavalry: all Irr LH(O) @5 or all Irr LH(F) @4 20-40
Upgrade cavalry or general to Irr Cv(O) @18 if CinC or Sub, @13 if Ally or 0-6
@8 if not
Warriors: all Irr Wb(F) @3 or all Irr Ax(O) @3 60-150
Scouts: Irr Ps(S) @3 0-10
Archers: Irr Ps(O) @2 may support Ax 0-10
Levy: Irr Hd(O) @1 0-20
Hillmen allies
Rohan allies
Isengard allies

This list covers all the lesser men of the First to Third Ages, primarily dwelling on the plains and
lowlands of Eriador, Gondor or Dunland. It also covers the ‘Easterlings’ of the First Age who were
brought in as allies by Maedhros but betrayed him at the Nirnaeth Arnoediad. Only Dunlending (or
Dunnish) armies in Eriador may be Wb and then must be. The forest and fisher-folk of Minhiriath
fought the Numenoreans in the Second Age. Only Dunlending armies can include Rohan or Isengard
allies. Rohan allies can not include more than 4 elements of Regular troops but may have up to half
the normal maximum of Irregular Rohirrim. This represents Wulf’s rebellion against Helm in TA 2758-
9, Wulf replaces the CinC from this list.

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

Later Easterling: SA - TA
Cold, Ag3, WW, Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, RGo, O, V, M, Rd, BUA

CinC on horse as Irr Cv(O) @17 or in chariot as Irr Cv(S) @18 1

Sub-General as CinC 0-1
Ally-General on horse as Irr Cv(O) @12 or in chariot as Irr Cv(S) @13 1-3
Nobles: Irr Cv(O) @7 6-12
Upgrade nobles in chariots to Irr Cv(S) @8 up to ½
Horsemen: Irr LH(F) @4 12-24
Axemen: Irr Bd(I) @4 20-60
Downgrade Axemen to Spearmen: Irr Ax(O) @3 Up to 1/2
Archers: Irr Ps(O) @2 or Irr Bw(I) @3 10-20
Wagon lager TF @2 0-12
Misty Mountain Orc allies (Not Wainriders)

Wainriders only: TA 1851-1944

Upgrade generals and nobles to Irr Kn(O) chariots @19 if CinC or Sub, All
@14 if Ally or @9 if not
Upgrade horsemen and axemen to Irr Cv(O) @7 1
/3 to 1/2
Rhovanion vassal allies
Variags of Khand allies
Harad allies

Balcoth only: TA 2500-2510

Downgrade horsemen to ill-armed Irr Hd(O) @1 /4 to All

This list covers the Easterlings from beyond or north of the Sea of Rhun. Axemen, chariots and
horsemen are all mentioned. The Wainriders were a particularly successful coalition who conquered
much of the Brownlands from 1856 and subjugated the Northmen inhabitants. Their joint attack with
the Haradrim (orchestrated by Sauron) nearly destroyed Gondor. They killed King Ondoher and his
sons at the Dagorlad but the Haradrim, Variags and southern confederation were defeated in the
South. The vanguard at the Dagorlad consisted of Chariots and a great force of cavalry, which
scattered the disorganised Gondorian centre. While celebrating their victory they were attacked and
destroyed by Earnil II leading the southern Gondorian army The Balcoth were an off-shoot of the
Wainriders but poorly-armed, also based in the Brownlands (in the shadow of Dol Guldur). They,
together with Orcs, were defeated at the Fields of Celebrant by Gondor and the Eotheod. Balcoth can
only downgrade up to ¼ of their axemen. Orcs also assisted the Easterlings in their attacks on Dale
and Erebor during the War of the Ring. An allied command taken from this list need not include any
otherwise compulsory foot.

Rhun: TA
Cold, Ag2, WW, Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, RGo, O, V, M, Rd, BUA

CinC as Reg Cv(S) @30 1

Sub-General as CinC 0-1
Ally-General as Reg Cv(O) @18 0-2
Cavalry: Reg Cv(O) @8 20-40
Upgrade cavalry to guard Reg Cv(S) @10 0-4
Scouts: Reg LH(F) @4 4-12
Nomads: Irr LH(F) @4 10-30
Spearmen: Reg Sp(I) @4 20-40
Archers: Reg Ps(O) @2 may support Sp(I) up to 1/Sp
Later Easterling allies 0-2 commands

This list is included to provide more variety to the Easterling opponents of Gondor. The urban centres
around Rhun may well have been more sophisticated and contained regular troops.

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

Harad: SA and TA
Dry, Ag3, WW, Rv, H(G), O, V, RGo, D, Rd, BUA

CinC as Irr Cv(O) @17 1

Sub-General as CinC 0-1
Ally-General as Irr Cv(O) @12 1-3
Upgrade CinC to Irr Cv(S) @19 0-1
Mumakil: Irr El(S) @20 0-5
Guards: Irr Cv(S) @9 0-5
Cavalry: Irr Cv(O) @7 20-40
Scouts: Irr LH(O) @5 or Camel-mounted LH(I) @3 2-12
Spearmen: Irr Ax(O) @3 20-80
Archers: Irr Bw(I) @3 or Irr Ps(O) @2 0-10
Umbar allies
Variag allies
Far Harad allies

The Kings of Harad were long standing enemies of Gondor throughout the Third Age. Despite all the
descriptions in The Lord of the Rings, the Haradrim remain enigmatic and difficult to classify. Mumakil
are assumed to be fewer per element than their historical counter-parts. Cavalry fought either with
scimitar or spears. Although I have assumed guards might be better armed and/or armoured, there is
no explicit evidence for this, however, it adds flavour without unbalancing the army. Spearmen appear
to be lighter equipped than Gondorian infantry and are primarily used in support of Mumakil: Rohan
Kn against Mumakil and Ax is a fun and bloody match-up! An Haradrim allied contingent can include
up to 2 elements of Mumakil, but the general cannot be upgraded to Cv(S). If more than one
command of allied Haradrim is used, purchase all allied Harad commands as normal, then re-
organise all non-general Cv and LH into a single command, the remainder of the troops into the
other(s). For DBM dust-storm purposes consider all Far Haradrim to be Bedouin.

Far Harad: SA and TA

Dry, Ag4, WW, Rv, H(G), O, V, RGo, D, Rd, BUA

CinC as Irr Wb(F) @13 or Irr Cv(O) @17 1

Sub-General as CinC 0-1
Ally-General as Irr Wb(F) @8 or Irr Cv(O) @12 1-3
Mumakil: Irr El(S) @20 0-2
Cavalry: Irr Cv(O) @7 0-10
Scouts: Irr LH(O) @5 or Camel-mounted LH(I) @3 0-8
Warriors: Irr Wb(F) @3 60-180
Upgrade Warriors to Half-trolls as Irr Bd(F) @5 up to 1/3
Archers: Irr Ps(O) @2 or Irr Bw(I) @3 0-10
Upgrade Warriors mounted on camels to Irr Cm(O) All/0
Harad allies

The ‘blackmen’ of Far Harad are probably modelled on Sudanese. Camels are mentioned, but not at
the Battle of Pelennor Fields. Half-trolls or Troll-men are mentioned twice, the first time could be a
caricature, the second is more ambiguous. Half-trolls can only be used in late TA armies. I have
included the upgrade option and fleshed out the army for use on its own and to make it capable of
resisting it’s neighbour: Harad. For DBM dust-storm purposes consider all Far Haradrim to be
Bedouin. Generals dismount as Wb(F), allied commands may not include Cm.

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

Variags of Khand: TA
Dry, Ag4, Rv, H(S), H(G), O, RGo, D, Rd, BUA

CinC as Irr Cv(O) @17 1

Sub-General as CinC 0-1
Ally-General as Irr Cv(O) @12 1-3
Cavalry: Irr Cv(O) @7 2-10
Scouts: Irr LH(O) @5 0-5
Spearmen: Irr Wb(O) @3 60-120
Archers: Irr Ps(O) @2 2-10
Slaves: Irr Hd(I) @ ½ 0-10
Harad allies

The Variags of Khand are mentioned as being tough fighters at the Battle of Pelennor Fields but no
more detail is given. I take this to mean that the infantry is tougher. Cv can dismount as Wb(S).

Corsairs of Umbar: SA 3262 - TA 933, TA 1448-1810, then c. 1856+

Dry, Ag3, WW, Rv, H(G), O, V, RGo, D, Rd, BUA

CinC as Black Numenorean Reg Kn(S) @35 or Captain of the Havens Reg 1
Ax(S) @25 or Haradrim Irr Cv(S) @19
Sub-General as above 0-1
Black Numenorean Roquen: Reg Kn(O) @12 0-2
Scouts: Reg LH(O) @5 0-4
Black Numenorean Guard: Reg Bd(O) @7 0-4
Supporting Ohtari: Reg Ps(O) @2 0-1/Bd
Black Numenorean Archers: Reg Bw(S) @7 (E) 4-8
(L) 0-4
Marines: Reg Ax(S) @5 (E) 12-24
Corsairs: Reg Ax(S) @5 (L) 16-32
Archers supporting Corsairs or Marines: Reg Ps(O)@2 0-1 per Ax
Umbar Levy: Irr Sp(I) @4 0-24
Irr Bw(I) @3 or supporting Sp as Irr Ps(O) @2 0-12
Dromons: Irr Shp(S) @ 4 [Ax, Ps] or Gal(S) @ 4 0-8
Harad allies 1-3 commands
Far Harad allies

After 1856:
Downgrade Corsairs to Reg Ax(O) @4 All
Upgrade Umbar Levy to Reg Sp(I) @ 4 if Sp, Reg Bw(I) @4 if Bw or All
supporting Reg Ps(O) @ 2 if Ps
City Scrapings and Wharf Rats: Irr Hd(O) 0-6

The early period represents the Numenorean dominion of Umbar after the Corruption of Numenor by
Sauron until its conquest by the Ship-Kings of Gondor. The later period covers the sons of Castamir
who fled there in TA 1448 and remained independent as the Corsairs of Umbar for the rest of the
Third Age (except for a brief period when Gondor recaptured Umbar in 1810). Items marked (E) apply
only before 933, items marked (L) apply after 1448 and before 1810. This was the only large
Numenorean realm in Middle Earth to remain under the Shadow and was a staunch enemy of
Gondor. It is unclear how far its power extended beyond the city but Umbar certainly had support
from some of the Kings of Harad. It is likely that Corsairs in the later Third Age should lose their (S)
status as the native locals progressively absorbed them.

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

The Dunedain:

Edain: FA
Cold, Ag2 WW, Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd or Wd (H), O, RGo, BUA

CinC as Irr Bd(F) @15 1

Sub as CinC 1-2
Warriors: all Irr Bd(F) @5 or all Irr Ax(S) @4 30-50
Archers: Irr Bw(O) @4 10-30
Levy, elderly and women: Irr Hd(O) @1 0-4
Upgrade Warriors to nobles with Elven service experience to Reg Kn(S) 0-3
@35 if general, @15 if not (not H)
Upgrade Bd with Elven service experience to Reg Bd(S) @27 if general, 0-16
Reg Bd(O) @7 if not (not H)
Pukel scouts: Irr Ps(X) @6 (H) 2-8
Hithlum or Dorthonion allies
Doriath allies (H)

This covers the three houses of elf-friends in the First Age, the House of Beor, the House of Hador
and the House of Haleth. Items marked (H) apply only to the House of Haleth. The House of Beor
were given Dorthonion and virtually wiped out after the Dagor Bragollach. The House of Hador, who
lived in Dor-Lomin were the most numerous and fought with Hithlum, but were enslaved by
Easterlings after the Nirnaeth Arnoediad. The House of Haleth eventually settled in the Forest of
Brethil, preferred axes and survived mostly by keeping out of people’s way. The remnants of the three
houses were granted Numenor after the War of Wrath by way of a consolation prize. Kn can
dismount as Reg Bd(S). Evidence is scanty, but the first two Houses of the Edain probably quickly
assimilated to the Noldor (who mentored them in most things), whom they served with as garrison
troops or open battle. House of Haleth contingents in Elven armies can include up to the maximum of
upgraded troops.

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

Numenorean: SA 1200 – 3261

Cold, Ag4, WW, Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, O, RGo, M, Rd, BUA

CinC as Reg Bd(S) @20 1

Sub as CinC 1-2
Dunedain Roquen Reg Bd(S) @9 1-4
Marines: Reg Ax(S) @5 8-16
Archers supporting Marines or Bd as Reg Ps(O) @2 1/Bd or Ax(S)
Cohort Archers: Reg Bw(S) @7 16-32
Mannish levies:
Scouts: Irr LH(F) @4 2-8
Spearmen: Irr Ax(O) or Irr Ax(X) @3 0-20
Archers: Irr Ps(O) @2 0-10
Pukel scouts: Irr Ps(X) @6 0-4
Horses to mount foot @1 Up to 8
Ships: Sh(S) [Bd, Bw, Ax, Ps] 0-12
In 1700 or after 1800:
Upgrade marines to Ohtari Reg Bd(O) @7 0-8
In 3261:
Upgrade marines to Ohtari Reg Bd(O) @7 2/3 to All
Dunnish allies

The Numenoreans first founded Havens in Middle Earth in SA 1200 and Tar Minastir sent a Great
Navy to assist Gil-Galad in SA 1700. After SA 1800 the Numenoreans had permanent dominions in
Middle Earth with subject levies. Information is sketchy but Tolkien mentions they were primarily
archers and used lesser men mounted scouts. In SA 3261 Ar-Pharazon the Golden led the great
invasion which landed at Umbar and humbled Sauron with barely a blow. Pukel blowgun men are
mentioned as having magical powers in Unfinished Tales, but are not available after 1800. The period
of the Great Armament & domination of Sauron from 3262 until the Fall of Numenor in 3319 saw no
battles. Roquen are Dunedain Knights and Ohtari their professional retainers.

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

Realms in Exile: Arnor and Gondor SA 3320 – TA 2

Cold (Arnor) or Warm (Gondor), Ag1, WW, Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, O, RGo, M, Rd, BUA

Elendil, Isildur or Anarion: CinC as Reg Bd(S) @29 1

Sub as Isildur or Anarion as CinC 1-2
Dunedain Roquen and Ohtari Reg Bd(S) @9 18-36
Archers supporting Bd as Reg Ps(O) @2 1/Bd
Cohort Archers: Reg Bw(S) @7 12-24
Marines: Reg Ax(S) @5 0-8
Supporting marines: Reg Ps(O) @2 1/Ax(S)
Mannish levies:
Scouts: Irr LH(F) @4 2-8
Spearmen: Irr Ax(O) @3 0-20
Hillmen: Irr Ax(X)@3 0-10
Archers: Irr Ps(O) 0-10
Ships: Sh(S) [Ax, Ps] *2-4
Northmen allies
Hillmen allies
Dunnish allies
Second Age Lindon allies

This covers Arnor and Gondor from the foundation of the Kingdoms in Exile by the Faithful, through
the War of the Last Alliance until the Disaster of Gladden Fields. Mounted mannish scouts are
mentioned in some of Tolkien’s later writings and other types would probably have been available.
Dunedain foot fought with a combination of spear, long sword, short sword and steel bow,
classification is not easy, but tactics were certainly based on Elven experience from the First Age.
The Oathbreakers were those mannish allies who refused to fight in the Last Alliance. * only applies if
any marines are used.

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

Early Arnor and Gondor: TA 2 - 829 (Gondor) or 2 - 861 (Arnor)

Cold (Arnor) or Warm (Gondor), Ag1, WW, Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, O, RGo, M, Rd, BUA

CinC as King or Captain of the Hosts Reg Kn(S) @35 or Reg Bd(S) @29 1
Sub as CinC 1-2
Scouts: Reg LH(F) @4 0-4
Dunedain Ohtari Reg Bd(O) @7 12-24
Upgrade Ohtari with Roquen to Bd(S) @9 0-1/2
Archers supporting Bd as Reg Ps(O) @2 Up to 1/Bd
Dunedain Archers: Reg Bw(S) @7 6-12
Marines: Reg Ax(S) @5 (A) 0-4
(G) 0-12
Supporting Marines: Reg Ps(O)@3 1/Ax(S)
Lesser Ohtari Irr Sp(O) @5 10-20
Levies: Irr Ax(O) or Ax(X) @3 0-20
Other Archers: Irr Bw(O) @4 or Irr Ps(O)@2 0-10
Ships: Sh(S) [Ax, Ps] (G) *2-6
Transports: Sh(I) [Kn] (G) 0-2
Before 800:
Roquen: Reg Kn(S) @15 2-4
After 800:
Roquen: Reg Kn(S) @15 2-4
Nobles: Reg Kn(O) @12 0-4

This covers the early period of the Third Age Arnor and Gondor. Items marked (A) apply only to
Arnor, items marked (G) apply only to Gondor. The Easterlings attacked Gondor in 490, defeating
them in 500. Romendacil was then slain in a further battle in 541. The Dunedain were more numerous
in the South but remained less dilute in the North. Kn can dismount as Bd(S). * only applies if any
marines are used.

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

Arthedain: TA 861-1975
Cold, Ag1, WW, Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, O, RGo, M, Rd, BUA

CinC as Reg Kn(S) @35 1

Sub as CinC 1-2
Arain: Ally Reg Kn(S) @25 0-2
Royal Roquen: Reg Kn(S) @15 * 2-4
Arain Roquen: Reg Kn(O) @12 2-4
Scouts: Reg LH(F) @4 0-4
Dunedain Ohtari Reg Bd(O) @7 6-18
Archers supporting Bd as Reg Ps(O) @2 0-1/Bd
Dunedain Archers: Reg Bw(S) @7 0-4
Lesser Ohtari Irr Sp(O) @4 10-30
Other Archers: Irr Bw(O) @4 or Irr Ps(O) @2 4-12
Hillmen: Irr Ax(X) @3 0-6
Levies: Irr Ax(O) @3 0-20
Cardolan allies
Before 1350
Rhudaur allies
After 1359
Rangers: Reg Ax(S) @5 * 4-8
Supporting Rangers: Reg Ps(O)@3 1/Ax(S)
TA Lindon allies
After 1641:
Northmen Mercenaries: Irr Kn(F) @9 0-4
Hobbits: Irr Ps(O) @2 0-4

* applies only if the King, Prince or Cordager (the Military Commander of the Royal Council)
commands, Royal troops are not allowed otherwise and no more than the minimum Dunedain Ohtari.
Arthedain was the strongest of the successor states in the North. Arain were Numenorean Earls and
semi-independent from the King (in ICE modules). The Royal army was reduced in size but probably
was almost as effective as earlier types. Strife between the successor kingdoms to Arnor
considerably weakened them and prepared the ground for Angmar. Arthedain armies were never
large - especially compared to their southern brethren. Cardolan helped in various wars against the
Witch-King and various combinations of Cardolan, Rhudaur and Arthedain were possible in the
successor wars revolving around possession of Amon Sul. Argeleb I was slain fighting Rhudaur (with
Angmarian assistance) in 1356 and Amon Sul destroyed in 1409. Lindon was a staunch ally (see
notes to TA Lindon list for details) against Angmar (possibly with Dwarven assistance) and a mighty
Gondorian navy lead the defeat of Angmar. See the Later Royal Gondor list to cover this battle. Kn
can dismount as Bd(O) if (F), otherwise as Bd(S). No more than 11 elements of non-allied Kn can be
used and no more than 8 elements of Bd after the Great Plague of 1641. After 1974 the army can
include no more the 6 elements of Royal troops but an allied contingent can include up to all 4
elements of Hobbits.

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

Cardolan: TA 861-1636
Cold, Ag1, WW, Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, O, RGo, M, Rd, BUA

CinC as Reg Kn(S) @35 1

Sub as CinC 1-2
Roquen: Reg Kn(O) @12 0-2
Scouts: Reg LH(F) @4 0-4
Arthedain allies
Lindon allies (after 1359)
Before 1410:
Nobles: Reg Kn(O) @12 1-3
Dunedain Ohtari Reg Bd(O) @7 4-8
Archers supporting Bd as Reg Ps(O) @2 0-1/Bd
Lesser Ohtari: Irr Sp(O) @4 20-40
Upgrade Lesser Ohtari to Mercenaries: Reg Sp(O) 0-10
Other Archers: Irr Bw(O) @4 or Irr Ps(O) @2 4-12
Rhudaur allies
After 1409:
Dunedain Ohtari Reg Bd(O) @7 2-4
Supporting Ohtari Reg Ps(O) @2 0-1/Bd
Rangers: Reg Ax(S) @5 3-6
Supporting Rangers: Reg Ps(O)@3 1/Ax(S)
Levies: Irr Ax(O) or Irr Ax(X) @3 0-6
Irr Ps(O) @2 0-3
Dunmen: Irr Ax(O) @3 10-40
Irr Hd(O) @1 2-10
Mercenary companies: Reg Kn(F) @11 0-4
Reg Sp(O) @5 0-4
Hobbits: Irr Ps(O) @2 0-4
Dunmen allies 0-12

The three sons of Earendur split the realm of Arnor, one of the younger sons becoming the Prince of
Cardolan. The line soon died out but Princes continued to rule. There were frequent wars between
the three successor realms prior to the foundation of Angmar c. 1300. Lindon assisted Cardolan in
1360 but the Witch-King broke the power of the principality in 1409. After 1409 the Princes continued
as a remnant centred on the Barrow Downs and the Old Forest. They depended on Arthedain and
Lindon assistance to maintain their border and Dunnish migration for manpower. A Cardolan allied
contingent can include up to the full maximum of Roquen or Dunedain Ohtari. Kn can dismount as
Bd(O) if (F), otherwise as Bd(S).

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

Rhudaur: TA 861-1636
Cold, Ag3, Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, RGo, M, Rd, BUA

Before 1400:
CinC as Reg Kn(S) @35 1
Sub as CinC 1-2
Roquen or Nobles: Reg Kn(O) @12 1-3
Scouts: Reg LH(F) @4 0-4
Dunedain Ohtari Reg Bd(O) @7 4-8
Archers supporting Bd as Reg Ps(O) @2 0-1/Bd
Foresters: Reg Ax(S) @5 3-6
Supporting Foresters: Reg Ps(O)@3 1/Ax(S)
Levies: Irr Ax(O) or Irr Ax(X) @3 40-80
Irr Ps(O) @2 (can support Ax(X) 0-10
Irr Hd(O) @1 0-10
Hobbits: Irr Ps(O) @2 0-4
Northmen mercenaries: Irr Sp(O) @4 0-20
Arthedain allies
Cardolan allies
Hillmen allies
After 1400:
CinC as Black Numenorean Reg Kn(S) @35 or Dunman Irr Wb(F) @13 or 1
Hillman Irr Ax(X) @13
Ally as Reg Kn(S) @ 25 or Irr Wb(F) @8 or Irr Ax(X) @8 1-3
Hillmen Warriors: Irr Ax(X) @ 0-40
Hillmen Scouts: Irr Ps(S) @3 0-5
Hillmen archers: supporting Irr Ps(O) @ up to ½ /Ax(X)
Roquen: Reg Kn(O) @12 0-2
Fuintir Guard: Reg Bd(O) @7 0-4
Supporting Fuintir Reg Ps(O) @2 0-1/Bd
Northmen mercenaries: Irr Sp(O) @4 0-20
Dunmen: Irr Ax(O) @3 30-90
Irr Ps(O) @2 0-10
Irr Hd(O) @2 10-20
Upgrade Dunmen Ax(O) with Dunman CinC to Irr Wb(F) @3 All
Hillmen allies 0-2 commands
Angmar allies
Misty Mountain Orc allies

The three sons of Earendur split the realm of Arnor, one of the younger sons becoming the Prince of
Rhudaur. Three way wars between the successor states revolved around control of Amon Sul. With
the rise of the Witch-King’s realm of Angmar, Rhudaur soon became its ally. A Hillman was King of
Rhudaur by the time of the 1409 war. Most Dunedain fled following the war of 1409 but a remnant of
Black Numenoreans probably remained in the service of the Witch-King. The Hobbits fled their
settlements in the Angle after 1409. Various Dunmen, Hillmen and possibly Black Numenoreans then
ruled Rhudaur until lowland settlement seems to have disappeared after the Great Plague. Fuintir
guards were the garrison of Cameth Brin (the capital), they and all Kn must in the CinC or a Black
Numenorean’s command. After 1636 use the Hillman list to cover Rhudaur. Kn can dismount as

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

Gondor of the Ship Kings: TA 830 - 1431

Warm, Ag4, WW, Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, O, V, RGo, M, Rd, BUA

CinC as King or Captain of the Hosts Reg Kn(S) @35 1

Sub as CinC 1-2
Roquen: Reg Kn(S) @15 3-6
Nobles: Reg Kn(O) @12 0-4
Scouts: Reg LH(F) @4 0-4
Dunedain Ohtari Reg Bd(O) @9 12-24
Upgrade Ohtari with Roquen to Bd(S) @9 0-1/2
Archers supporting Bd as Reg Ps(O) @2 0-1/Bd
Dunedain Archers: Reg Bw(S) @7 4-8
Lesser Ohtari Irr Sp(O) @5 10-20
Other Archers: Irr Bw(O) @4 or Irr Ps(O)@2 0-5
Levies: Irr Ax(O) or Ax(X) @3 0-10
Marines: Reg Ax(S) @5 12-24
Supporting Marines: Reg Ps(O)@3 1/Ax(S)
Ships: Sh(S) [Ax, Ps] 0-10
Transports: Sh(I) [Kn] 0-3
Rhovanion allies (count as Sub after 1226)
Woodmen allies
After 1050:
Harad Allies
After 1226:
Downgrade Roquen to Reg Kn(O) @12 All
Downgrade Dunedain Ohtari to Reg Bd (O) @7 All
Upgrade Dunedain Ohtari to Citadel Guard Reg Bd(S) @9 0-4
Replace Roquen or Nobles with Regent’s guard Reg Kn(F) @11 1/2 to 3/4

This list covers Gondor during its most offensive period where it reached the height of its power under
the Ship-Kings. In 933 Earnil I captured Umbar. In 1015 Ciryandil was slain at a Harad siege of
Umbar but Hyarmendacil conquered Harondor in 1050 and receives the homage of the Kings of
Harad and men of the Vales of the Anduin. The realm then extended south to Umbar, north to the
eaves of Mirkwood and the Field of Celebrant, east to the Sea of Rhun and West to the Greyflood.
Under his son Atanatar Alcaran (the Glorious), although the wealth of the Kings continued to grow,
the military was run down through neglect and Dunedain started to mix more with the lesser men.
This led to an increasing reliance on Rhovanion and Northmen. Romendacil II defeated the
Easterlings in 1248 south of the Sea of Rhun, using many Northmen in the army. It is unclear when
the Citadel Guard of Minas Arnor originated, but I would only start to differentiate it from this point on.
Similar guards probably existed in Osgiliath and Minas Ithil. Kn can dismount as Bd(O) if (F),
otherwise as Bd(S).

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

Kinstrife Gondorian: TA 1432 - 1635

Warm, Ag1, WW, Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, O, V, RGo, M, Rd, BUA

CinC as Reg Kn(S) @35 or Reg Bd(S) @29 1

Sub as CinC or (E) Reg Kn(F) @31 1-2
Citadel Guard: Reg Bd(S) @9 (P) 0-4
Roquen or Nobles: Reg Kn(O) @12 (E) 0-2
(C) 4-8
(P) 2-8
Upgrade Roquen to Dol Amroth Reg Kn(S) @15 (P) 0-2
Regent’s Guard or similar: Reg Kn(F) @11 (E) 2-4
Rhovanion horse: Irr Kn(F) @9 (E) 3-6
Scouts: Reg LH(F) @4 0-2
Irr LH(F) @4 (E) 0-4
Dunedain Ohtari Reg Bd(O) @7 (C or P) 8-16
(E) 4-8
Archers supporting Bd as Reg Ps(O) @2 0-1/Bd
Dunedain Archers: Reg Bw(S) @7 2-6
Lesser Ohtari Irr Sp(O) @5 10-20
Other Archers: Irr Bw(O) @4 or Irr Ps(O)@2 0-10
Levies: Irr Ax(O) or Ax(X) @3 0-20
Marines: Reg Ax(S) @5 (C) 16-32
(P) 0-6
Supporting Marines: Reg Ps(O)@3 1/Ax(S)
Ships: Sh(S) [Ax, Ps] (C) *4-8
Ships: Sh(S) [Ax, Ps] (P) 0-2
Rhovanion allies (E or P)
Harad Allies (C)

Items marked (E) apply only to Eldacar’s armies during the Kinstrife, items marked (C) apply only to
Castamir’s and items marked (P) only apply after the Kinstrife (TA 1448). Eldacar was the rightful
King of Gondor but was considered by many Dunedain to be tainted by his Northman blood. His
cousin Castamir (the Captain of Ships) usurped the throne in TA 1432 with the aid of the fleet, the
Southern fiefs, Pelargir and Umbar. Castamir sacked Osgiliath and destroyed the Palantir. Eldacar
was driven north to Rhovanion and his kinsmen. Eldacar then gained the support of the Rhovanion
Princes, Minas Arnor, Ithilien, Calenardhon and Anorien following discontent with Castamir. Eldacar
defeated the usurpers' forces at the Battle of the Fords of Erui and the Siege of Pelargir. The
remnants of the rebels escaped under Castamir’s sons to Umbar, becoming the Corsairs who
harassed Gondor’s southern flank for the remainder of the Age. The list then covers the following
period up to the Great Plague. Aldamir was slain in 1540 fighting the Corsairs and Haradrim and
Corsairs ravaged Pelargir and killed Minardil in 1634. There are two accounts for the foundation date
of the Principality of Dol Amroth, I have allowed for the early date here where it first becomes
relevant. Kn can dismount as Bd(O) if (F), otherwise as Bd(S). * only applies if any marines are used.

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

Later Royal Gondor: TA 1636 - 2050

Warm, Ag2, WW, Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, O, V, RGo, M, Rd, BUA

CinC as Reg Kn(S) @35 or Reg Bd(S) @28 1

Sub as CinC 1-2
Citadel Guard: Reg Bd(S) @9 0-4
Roquen or Nobles: Reg Kn(O) @12 2-8
Upgrade Roquen to Dol Amroth: Reg Kn(S) @15 0-2
Rhovanion horsemen: Reg Kn(F) @11 0-4
Scouts: Reg LH(F) @4 0-4
Dunedain Ohtari Reg Bd(O) @7 6-12
Archers supporting Bd as Reg Ps(O) @2 0-1/Bd
Dunedain Archers: Reg Bw(S) @7 0-4
Lesser Ohtari Irr Sp(O) @5 10-30
Other Archers: Irr Bw(O) @4 or Irr Ps(O)@2 4-12
Hillmen: Irr Ax(X) @3 0-20
Levies: Irr Ax(O) @3 0-30
Marines: Reg Ax(S) @5 0-4
Supporting Marines: Reg Ps(O)@3 1/Ax(S)
Ships: Irr Shp(S) [Ax, Ps] @4 0-4
Rhovanion allies
Eotheod allies
In TA 1975 only:
Third Age Lindon allies
Arthedain allies (no than 6 elements of Royal troops allowed)

This covers the armies of Gondor from the Great Plague to the end of the line of Kings when Earnur
II was slain by the Witch-King at Minas Morgul. There was a short resurgence in 1810 when
Telumehtar Umbardacil recaptured Umbar but it was lost shortly after. The Great Plague devastated
the Dunedain of Gondor, a blow from which they never recovered. Their Northman allies who held
Rhovanion were likewise weakened and this opened the way for the Invasions of the Wainriders.
Narmacil II was killed at the Battle of the Plains in 1856 and Gondor lost control of the Brownlands.
The Wainriders were then defeated at the Dagorlad in 1899 with the assistance of an abortive rising
of the Northmen in Rhovanion, and again finally in 1944 at the Battle of the Camp. They did however,
wipe out the main branch of the Royal family and the title passed to a lesser branch that soon ended.
Gondor sent an allied contingent to the north in 1975, which arrived too late to save Arthedain but
assisted in the destruction of the Witch-King’s realm of Angmar. This army should include the
maximum number of Rhovanion horsemen. Rhovanion allies can not be used with Lindon or
Arthedain allies. The Witch-King was then re-deployed to the recently captured Minas Ithil, which
became the dreaded Minas Morgul. Dunedain troops were in increasingly short supply in this period.
Kn can dismount as Bd(O) if (F), otherwise as Bd(S). No more than 11 elements of non-allied Kn can
be used. * only applies if any marines are used.

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Gondor of the Stewards: TA 2050+

Warm, Ag0, WW, Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, O, V, RGo, M, Rd, BUA

CinC as Reg Kn(S) @35 or Reg Bd(S) @29 or Reg Ax(S) @25 1
Sub as CinC 1-2
Upgrade CinC to Aragorn with Grey Company, Reg Kn(S)* @36 1
Citadel Guard: Reg Bd(S) @9 0-4
Roquen or Nobles: Reg Kn(O) @12 0-4
Upgrade Roquen to Dol Amroth: Reg Kn(S) @15 0-2
Scouts: Reg LH(F) @4 0-4
Dunedain Ohtari Reg Bd(O) @7 4-8
Archers supporting Reg Bd as Reg Ps(O) @2 0-1/Reg Bd
Ithilien Rangers: Reg Ax(S) @5 0-6
Supporting Rangers: Reg Ps(O)@3 1/Ax(S)
Lesser Ohtari Irr Sp(O) @4 20-40
Lossnarch Axemen: Irr Bd(O) @5 0-4
Morthond Archers: Irr Bw(S) @7 0-4
Other Archers: Irr Bw(O) @4 or Irr Ps(O)@2 6-18
Hillmen: Irr Ax(X) @3 0-20
Levies: Irr Ax(O) @3 0-30
Ships: Irr Shp(S) [Ax, Ps] @4 0-2
Eotheod allies
Rohan allies (count as Sub)
Eagle allies
The Oathbreakers allies

This list covers the Gondorian armies from the time of the first Ruling Steward Mardil who took over
after Earnur II accepted the challenge of the Witch-King of Minas Morgul and the last royal dynasty
ended. Osgiliath was finally ruined and captured by Uruks in 2475, who were then driven back from
Ithilien. In 2510 Cirion was saved by Eorl the Young and the Eotheod at the Battle of the Fields of
Celebrant against the Balcoth and Orcs of the Misty Mountains. Cirion then granted Calenardhon to
the Rohirrim as Gondor lacked the manpower to defend this territory. In 2758 Gondor was raided by
the Corsairs, then aided Rohan against Dunlendings and rebels. In 2885 the Harad attacked but were
defeated at the Battle of Fords of Poros with Rohan support. Ithilien was abandoned in 2901 and
Tharbad in 2912. This period sees Gondor on the defensive, loosing territory and the Dunedain
shrinking greatly in numbers. Most of these troops are carefully described in The Lord of the Rings.
Aragorn, Imrahil and Faramir making an imposing array of major heroes, all the more necessary with
the relative decline of Dunedain power. Aragorn can only be used after 3019. Kn can dismount as
Bd(S). Armies of the Southern fiefs should contain greater numbers of levies and other mannish

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

Men of the North:

Woodmen and Vales of Anduin: TA

Cold, Ag2, WW, Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, V, M, Rd, BUA

CinC as Irr Bh(O) @22 or Bd(F) or Ax(S) @15 1

Sub as Irr Bd(F) or Irr Ax(S) @15 0-1
Ally as Irr Bd(F) or Irr Ax(S) @10 or Irr Kn(F) @14 1-2
Werebears: Irr Bh(O) @10 0-2
Woodmen: Irr Bd(F)@ 5 *24-96
Reclassify Woodmen as Irr Ax(S) @4 All/0
Vales Cavalry: Irr Kn(F) @9 0-4
Mounted scouts: Irr LH(F) @4 0-4
Valesmen: Irr Sp(O) @4 *24-96
Reclassify Valesmen as Irr Bd (I) @4 All/0
Archers: Irr Ps(O) @2 may support Sp, Bd, or Ax 10-40
Upgrade archers as Irr Bw(O) @4 Any
Boats: Irr Bt(O) @2 [Sp, Bd, Ax, Ps] 0-2
Rhovanion or Eotheod allies

This covers the Northmen armies of the Vales of Anduin during the Third Age including the
Beornings. They are most notable for Beorn’s contribution to the Battle of Five Armies but frequently
fought the Orcs and Wargs of the Misty Mountains and sometimes assisted Gondor. Eagles were
mentioned as being wary of the Woodmen’s bows. Minima marked * apply only if more than 16
elements of that nationality are taken

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

Dale, Esgaroth and Dorwinnian: TA

Cold, Ag2, WW, Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, O, V, M, Rd, BUA (Esgaroth WW)

CinC as Irr Kn(F) @19 or Irr Sp(O) @14 or Irr Bd(O) @15 or Irr Bw(S) @15 1
Sub as Irr Sp(O) @14 or Irr Bd(O) @15 0-2
Ally as Irr Sp(O) @ 9 or Irr Bd(O) @ 10 or if C-in-C is Dorwinnian as Irr 0-3
Kn(F) @ 14
Horse: Irr Kn(F) @9 (Dorwinnian only) 2-12
Irr Kn(F) @9 (Others) 0-4
Easterlings: Irr LH(F) @4 (Dorwinnian only) 0-6
Spearmen: All Irr Sp(I) @3 or all Irr Bd(I) @4 40-100
Archers: Irr Ps(O) @2 (may support Sp or Bd) 4-32
Upgrade well-armoured spearmen to all Irr Sp(O)@4 if Sp or all Irr Bd(O) Any
@5 if Bd (Dale or Esgaroth only)
Reclassify Archers to Irr Bw(I) @3 (Dorwinnian only) All/0
Upgrade Archers to Irr Bw(O) @4 (Dale or Esgaroth only) 0-6
Upgrade archers to support CinC as Irr Bw(S) 0-1
Scouts: Irr Ps(S) @3 2-6
Boats: Irr Bt(O) @2 [Sp, Bd, Ps] 0-12
Upgrade Boats to Irr Bts(S) @3 [Sp, Bd, Ps] (Esgaroth only) 0-1/2
Reclassify Bts as Irr Shp(I) @2 [Bg] Any
Beorn: Irr Bh(O) @10 (Esgaroth only) 0-1
Erebor allies (see Dwarven Exile allies list) (Dale only)
Dorwinnian Allies (Dale or Esgaroth only)
Esgaroth Allies (Dale or Dorwinnian only)
Dale Allies (Esgaroth or Dorwinnian only)
Later Easterling Allies

This covers the Northmen of north-east Rhovanion, settled at Dale, Esgaroth or along the River
Running (Dorwinnian). The Dorwinnian’s were great growers of wine, the others urban trade
settlements. It covers the Esgaroth contingent at the Battle of Five Armies and the War of the Ring
where Dale and the Kingdom under the Mountain co-operated closely. Foot fought with spear and
longsword. Weapons and armour traded from the Dwarves of the Lonely Mountain gave these armies
a decisive edge over their Easterling opponents. The spearmen concealed behind rocks at the Battle
of Five Armies I take as Ps(S). The Bw(S) Heroic C-in-C represents Bard the Bowman and can only
be used by Esgaroth at the Battle of Five Armies or Dale after then. An Esgaroth allied contingent at
the Battle of Five Armies can include Beorn, see Third Age Mirkwood Elven for the combined army.
Allied contingents drawn from this list can contain Bts and/or Shp

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

Rhovanion or Eotheod: TA 1-1977 (Rhovanion), TA 1856-2510 (Eotheod)

Cold, Ag2, WW, Rv, H(G), Wd, O, V, M, Rd, BUA

CinC as Irr Kn(F) @19 1

Sub as CinC 0-1
Ally as Irr Kn(F) @14 1-2
Horse: Irr Kn(F) @9 18-48
Horse Archers: Irr LH(F) @4 or Irr LH(S) @7 4-12
Spearmen: Irr Sp(I) @3 0-24
Levy Archers: Irr Ps(O) @2 or Irr Bw(O) @4 (Ps can support Sp) 0-12
Upgrade well-armoured spearmen to Irr Sp(O) @4 0-1/2
Gondor of the Ship Kings allies
Kinstrife Gondor allies
Later Royal Gondor allies
Dorwinnian allies
Woodmen allies (Eotheod only)

This list covers the Northmen armies of Rhovanion (later know as the Brown Lands) south of
Mirkwood and east of the River Running. These were the precursors of the Rohirrim and long
standing allies of Gondor (who may well have assisted them in turn). They lived in tribal settlements
centred on fortified burgs and were great breeders of horses. Vidugavia was the greatest king in the
15th century and Marhwini assisted Gondor at the Battle of Dagorlad in 1899. They were weakened by
the Great Plague of 1636, then subjugated by the Wainriders in 1856. Remnants revolted and some
regained their freedom in 1944 but not their numbers. The Eotheod become distinct by 1856 based
between Carrock and the Celebrant. Population pressure and the shadow of Dol Guldur forced them
north into the Vales of the Anduin under Frumgar. Eorl the Young then led them to the crucial Battle
of the Field of Celebrant to assist Cirion, who gave them Calenardhon by way of thanks.

Rohan: TA 2510+
Cold, Ag3, WW, Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, O, M, Rd, BUA

CinC as Reg Kn(O)* @34 1

Sub as CinC 1-3
Ally Reg Kn(O)* @24 0-1
Household and veteran Eoreds: Reg Kn(F) @11 18-36
Horse Archers: Reg LH(S) @7 6-18
Levy Eoreds: Irr Kn(F) @9 0-18
Levy Spearmen: Irr Sp(O) @4 0-16
Levy Archers: Irr Ps(O) @2 or Irr Bw(O) @5 0-12
Downgrade any Kn to Reg Bd(O) @7 if Reg, Irr Sp(O) @4 if Irr All/0
White Mountaineers: Irr Ax(O) @3 0-4
Gondor of the Stewards allies
Ent allies

The Rohirrim were primarily charging cavalry armed with lance, sword, shield and mail. There is no
mention of double arming and good archers were in short supply at the Battle of Helm’s Deep. I have
classed horse archers as LH(S) due to mail, sword and their close support role in battle. They
constituted perhaps a 1/3 of Eomer’s riders pursuing the Orc raider that captured Pippin and Merry.
An ally general represents the dual command of two Marshals when the King was not present. For
Wulf’s rebellion against Helm in TA 2758 see the Dunmen list. Kn can always dismount as Reg Bd(O)
if Reg, Irr Sp(O) if Irr, as they did at the battle of Pelennor Fields and elsewhere. The option for
starting dismounted relates to Grimbold and Erkenbrand’s troops who lost their horses at the Battle of
the Fords of Isen but turned up to fight on foot. The Household Eoreds were permanently standing
and probably deserve classification as regular. Other Riders were able to manoeuvre effectively and
feign retreat (see the account of the Battle of the Fords of Isen in Unfinished Tales) so mostly
deserve Reg status.

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

The Elves:

FA Sindar: Doriath, Falas and Teleri

Cold, Ag3 (F) or Ag1 (D) or Ag0 (T), WW (F,T), Rv, H(G), Wd, O, RGo, Rd, BUA

CinC as Reg Kn(S)* @36 or Reg Bd(O)* @28 1

Sub as CinC 1-2
Nobles: up to 1/4 Reg Kn(O)* @13 rest Reg Bd(O)* @8 8-12
Cavalry: Reg LH(S) @7 0-4
Sindar: Reg Bd(O)* @8 12-24
Archers: Reg Bw(S)* @8 12-24
Avari: Reg Ax(S) @5 (D or F) 4-12
Archers: Reg Ps(O) @2 may support Bd or Ax 0-1/Bd or Ax
Borderers: Reg Ps(S) @3 6-18
Re-grade all non-noble Bd to Reg Bw(S)* @8 (T) All
Ships: Irr Shp(S) @4 [Bd or Bw] @4 (F) 0-10
(T) 6-18
Hithlum or Nargothrond allies (F)
Laiquendi allies count as Sub (D)
House Khazad allies (D)
House of Haleth Edain allies (D)

This list covers the Teleri of Aman and their Sindar kin in Beleriand during the First Age. Items
marked (D) apply to Doriath, (F) to the Falas and (T) to the Teleri. The Teleri were attacked by the
Noldor during the Kinslaying at Aqualonde and were mainly bow armed. Sindar in Beleriand favoured
the axe, perhaps due to the fact the Dwarves supplied much of their arms, but also used sword and
spear. Thingol of Doriath lead a combined force of Laiquendi, Dwarves and Sindar that triumphed in
the First Battle of Beleriand on the Estolad. Beleg Strongbow of Doriath later destroyed an Orc Host
in the Forest of Brethil with the aid of the men of Haleth. Cirdan ruled in the Falas and co-operated
closely with the Noldor of Hithlum. The Havens of the Falas were sacked after the Nirnaeth
Arnoediad, Doriath soon after by the Dwarves and again, finally by the Son of Feanor, both seeking
the Silmaril. Kn can dismount as Bd(O)* and LH can dismount as supporting Ps(O) 1 for 1.

Laiquendi: FA
Warm, Ag1, WW, Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, Wd, RGo, BUA

CinC as Reg Kn(F) @31 or Bd(O)* @28 1

Sub as Reg Bd(O)* @28 or Reg Ax(S) @25 or Reg Bw(S)* @28 0-1
Ally as Reg Ax(S) @15 or Reg Bw(S)* @18 1-2
Cavalry: Reg LH(S) @7 1-2
Well-equipped Spears: Reg Ax(S) @5 6-12
Archers: Reg Ps(O) @2 may support Reg Ax or Bd 0-1/Reg Bd or Ax
Well-equipped Archers: Reg Bw(S)* @8 6-12
Levy spears: Irr Ax(O) @3 16-48
Levy archers: Irr Bw(O)* @5 16-48
Levy archers: Irr Ps(O) @2 may support Irr Ax 6-18
Doriath allies
House Khazad allies

The Laiquendi of Ossiriand were an Avari (or Wood Elf) people who used no iron. They assisted in
the First Battle but suffered heavily due to lack of equipment. Their lord, Denethor was slain and they
took little part in subsequent wars, other than to assist Beren to reclaim the Silmaril from the Dwarves
who had sacked Doriath. This is covered by the Noldor Remnants list. Kn can dismount as Bd(O)*
and LH can dismount as supporting Ps(O) 1 for 1.

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

Host of Feanor and Gondolin: FA

Cold, Ag4 (F), Ag2 (G) WW, Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, O, RGo, BUA

CinC as Reg Bd(S)* @30 1

Sub as CinC 1-3
Cavalry: Reg LH(S) @7 (G) 0-4
Noldor: Reg Bd(O)* @8 16-32
Upgrade Noldor to Reg Bd(S)* @10 (Feanor) All
Upgrade Noldor to Phalanx of the King Reg Bd(S)* @10 (G) 0-12
Archers: Reg Bw(S)* @8 16-32
Archers: Reg Ps(O) @2 may support Bd 0-1/Bd
Upgrade Noldor to Reg Kn(S)* @36 if general, @16 if not (G) 0-3
Borderers: Reg Ps(S) @3 (G) 2-8
Eagle allies (G)

This list covers both Feanor’s arrival and the host of Gondolin. Feanor fought the Second Battle of the
War of Beleriand, the Dagor-nuin-Giliath (the Battle Under the Stars), defeating with ease the hosts of
Morgoth that had been ravaging Beleriand. The newly arrived Noldor shone with the Light of Aman
and were virtually irresistible. Gondolin only fought twice, once at the Nirnaeth Arnoediad and again
when it was sacked shortly afterwards. Feanor brought some horses from Aman but had not yet had
a chance to breed these. Gondolin, because of its mountainous location, had few horses although its
scouts and at the least Seventh Company of the Gate Guard (commanded by Ecthelion of the
Fountain) were mounted. The units of Gondolin are contradictorily named in Unfinished Tales and
The Fall of Gondolin, their arms and insignia described. The Phalanx of the King is mentioned in The
Silmarillion as being entirely armoured in mail. The full maximum of the Phalanx of the King may be
included in a Gondolin contingent in another army. Kn can dismount as Bd(S)* and LH can dismount
as supporting Ps(O) 1 for 1.

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

Noldor Realms of Beleriand: FA Hithlum, Dorthonion, Sons of Feanor and

Cold, Ag2 WW, Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, O, RGo, BUA

CinC as Reg Kn(S)* @36 1

Sub as CinC 1-3
Nobles: Reg Kn(S)* @16 (SoF) 6-12
(Others) 4-8
Cavalry: Reg LH(S) @7 6-18
Noldor or Sindar foot: Reg Bd(O)* @8 6-18
Upgrade Noldor foot to Bd(S)* @10 (H) Any
Downgrade Noldor to Borderers Reg Ax(S) @5 (N) Any
Archers: Reg Bw(S)* @8 6-18
Avari: Reg Ax(S) @5 0-6
Archers: Reg Ps(O) @2 may support Bd or Ax 0-1/Bd or Ax
Ships: Irr Sh(S) @4 [Bd or Bw] (H) 0-2
Noldor allies (H)
Gondolin allies (count as Sub) (H)
Sindar or Falas allies (H)
Edain allies (count as Sub) (H, D or SoF)
Early Easterling allies (SoF)
House Khazad allies (SoF)

This list covers all the Noldor Kingdoms of Beleriand in the First Age following the Second Battle until
the sack of Nargothrond, except Gondolin. Items marked (H) apply only to Hithlum armies, items
marked (D) to Dorthonion, items marked (N) to Nargothrond and items marked (SoF) to the Sons of
Feanor. Hithlum was the senior Kingdom where Fingolfin, then Fingon, ruled as High King of the
Noldor. Hithlum had a particularly martial reputation and bore the brunt of the War with Morgoth. The
Noldor made extensive use of cavalry once established in Middle Earth. On foot Noldor were primarily
sword armed. E.g. “The light of the drawing of the swords of the Noldor was like a fire in a field of
reeds.” Silmarillion p270. At the Third Battle, the Dagor Argeleb (the Glorious Battle), Hithlum,
Dorthonion and the Sons of Feanor shattered Morgoth’s host, but things went less well at the Fourth
Battle. The Dagor Bragollach (Battle of Sudden Flame) destroyed Dorthonion, provoked Fingolfin’s
fatal duel with Morgoth and weakened the Sons of Feanor. Sindar and Edain allies supported Hithlum
but Sauron captured Minas Tirith at the sources of the Sirion shortly afterwards. Falas allies then
aided Fingon in Hithlum following a subsequent invasion. The Union of Maedhros sought to restore
the power of the elves but resulted in the greatest defeat of the elves, the Fifth Battle, the Nirnaeth
Arnoediad (Unnumbered Tears). In it, Hithlum leagued with the Sons of Feanor, a small contingent
from Nargothrond, the Naugrim of Belegost and Nogrod, the Easterlings, the Edain of the Houses of
Hador and Haleth, Gondolin and the Sindar of the Falas. The six day battle that resulted was finally
tipped by the betrayal of most of the Easterlings and ended the military power of the Northern Noldor
Kingdoms. Nargothrond survived briefly by avoiding open battle but, lead by Turin, rashly challenged
an army under Glaurung and was destroyed. Kn can dismount as Bd (S)* and LH can dismount as
supporting Ps(O) 1 for 1.

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

FA Noldor Remnants: Balar, the Mouths of Sirion, Later Sons of Feanor and
Later Ossiriand
Warm, Ag1, WW, Rv, H(G), Wd, Wd, M, RGo, BUA

CinC as Reg Kn(S)* @36 1

Sub as Reg Bd(S)* @30 or Reg Ax(S) @25 or Reg Bw(S)* @28 1-2
Nobles: Reg Kn(S)* @16 or Reg Bd(S)* @10 2-4
Cavalry: Reg LH(S) @7 0-4
Noldor or Sindar: Reg Bd(O)* @8 4-8
Veteran Avari or Laiquendi: Reg Ax(S) @5 4-8
Archers: Reg Ps(O) @2 may support Reg Bd or Ax 0-1/Reg Ax or Bd
Well-equipped Archers: Reg Bw(S)* @8 4-8
Levy spears: Irr Ax(O) @3 12-32
Levy archers: Irr Bw(O)* @5 12-32
Levy archers: Irr Ps(O) @2 may support Irr Ax 6-18
Ent allies (Ossiriand only)

This list covers the Elven armies of the First Age after the sack of Gondolin, the last Eldar Kingdom in
Beleriand. Gil-Galad held Balar with the remnants of Hithlum, Cirdan and Sindar refugees from the
Falas. He assisted the refugees from Doriath and Gondolin at the Mouths of the Sirion when they
were attacked for the Silmaril by the remnants of the Sons of Feanor. Beren led the Laiquendi and
various Noldor remnants that, with help from the Shepherds of the Trees, defeated the Naugrim of
Nogrod fleeing with the Silmaril from sacking Doriath. It is unclear whether the Ents should be classed
as an ally or fought a separate battle. This period was one of in fighting and despair resulting from the
Curse of the Oath of Feanor and desperation amongst refugees from Morgoth. Kn can dismount as
Bd(S)* and LH can dismount as supporting Ps(O) 1 for 1.

War of Wrath Valar: FA

Ag -They’re attacking!

This relates to when the Valar finally showed up to sort out Morgoth. A big battle ensued in which
Beleriand was ruined amidst a climatic showdown. The army is a little gross to do anything but run a
scenario with. You’ll need to invent rules to cover the Valar and Maia; supporting troops include
Vanyar, Noldor, Edain, Eagles and Earendil. Classification should be as for the best Noldor,
proportions are pure conjecture. My feelings are that this is so far removed from historical counter-
parts as to require a completely different approach to gaming revolving around the Valar and their
entourages against Balrogs and Dragons. This was the only large-scale conflict involving winged
Drakes, including Ancalagon the Black, greatest of the winged Wyrms.

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

Second Age Host of Lindon (SA) or Eregion (SA 700-1697):

Cold, Lindon Ag3, Eregion Ag0, WW, Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, O, RGo, Rd, BUA

Gil-Galad, Elrond or Celebrimbor – CinC as Reg Kn(S)* @36 1

Sub as CinC 1-3
Nobles: Reg Kn(S)* @16 4-8
Cavalry: Reg LH(S) @7 6-12
Noldor, Sindar or Guards: Reg Bd(O)* @8 8-12
Laiquendi or Nandor: Reg Ax(S) @5 (L) 2-18
(E) 0-6
Archers supporting Ax or Bd as Reg Ps(O) @2 0-1/Bd or Ax
Armoured Archers: Reg Bw(S)* @8 6-18
Levies: Reg Ps(O) @2 0-18
Borderers: Reg Ps(S) @3 0-6
Second Age Lorinand or Mirkwood Nandor allies
House Khazad allies 0-15
Dwarven Exiles allies 0-15
Eagle allies
Numenorean allies (SA1200-3000)
Realms in Exile allies (after SA3320)

(L) applies only to Lindon armies, (E) to the Gwaith-i-Mirdain of Eregion. Gil-Galad’s Kingdom of
Lindon fought in the War of Elves and Sauron and the Last Alliance. Lindon was founded by the
Noldor who refused to return to Aman after the War of Wrath defeated Morgoth. Lindon also included
large numbers of Sindar. Galadriel and Celeborn founded Eregion but Galadriel was expelled to
Lorinand in 750 by the Gwaith-i-Mirdain (a society of Noldor smiths) who installed Celebrimbor. I
assume most of the Avari would have left with Galadriel. In the War of the Elves and Sauron, Sauron
sacked Eregion despite the intervention of Elrond from Lindon, dwarves from Khazad-Dum and
Nandor from Lorinand. He was held at the Lhun by Gil-Galad and some Numenoreans and finally
defeated with aid of a Numenorean fleet at the Battles of Sarn Ford and the Gwathlo (near Tharbad).
Other allies all assisted in the Last Alliance at the end of the Second Age and cannot be used with
Numenorean allies, but can be used with each other. The Host of Gil-Galad and Elendil is described
as being greater than any assembled by the Elves, except the War of Wrath. Sauron was defeated at
the Battle of Dagorlad and Barad-dur taken by siege. Kn can dismount as Bd(S)* and LH can
dismount as supporting Ps(O) 1 for 1. Lorinand, Realms in Exile and Numenorean exiles generals
count as Subs.

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

Second Age Mirkwood and Lorinand (SA – TA 1981) Nandor:

Cold, Ag1, WW, Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, Wd, RGo, BUA

CinC as Reg Kn(O)* @33 or Bd(O)* @28 1

Sub as Reg Bd(O)* @28 or Reg Ax(S) @25 or Reg Bw(S)* @28 0-1
Ally as Reg Ax(S) @15 or Reg Bw(S)* @18 1-2
Cavalry: Reg LH(S) @7 1-2
Well-equipped Nandor: Reg Ax(S) @5 8-16
Archers : Reg Ps(O) @2 may support Reg Bd or Ax 0-1/Bd or Ax
Well-equipped Archers: Reg Bw(S)* @8 8-16
Levy Nandor: Irr Ax(O) @3 16-32
Levy archers: Irr Bw(O)* @5 16-32
Levies archers: Irr Ps(O) @2 may support Irr Ax 6-18
Eagle allies
Woodmen allies
House Khazad allies (Lorinand only)
Ent allies (L)

These refer to the Nandor (or Sylvan) armies of Mirkwood and Lorinand. Nandor were of the same
kindred as the Sindar but had left the Great Journey to Aman before the Misty Mountains. The armies
were relatively poorly equipped and inexperienced in massed warfare. Oropher of Mirkwood aided
Gil-Galad in the Last Alliance but his independent action led to his death at the Battle of Dagorlad. He
is mentioned as having a picked body of doughty warriors. Lorinand was ruled in the Second Age by
Malgalad (or Amdir), who, with the dwarves of Khazad-Dum, aided Eregion in 1697 but also died later
in the Last Alliance. Third Age Lorinand was ruled by Amroth until the coming of the Balrog in TA
1981 and the arrival of Galadriel and Celeborn. Kn can dismount as Bd(O)* and LH can dismount as
supporting Ps(O) 1 for 1.

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

Third Age Host of Lindon: TA 1-1975

Cold, Ag4, WW, Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, O, RGo, Rd, BUA

Cirdan – CinC as Reg Kn(S)* @36 1

Sub as CinC 1-3
Imladris Noldor: Reg Kn(S)* @16 0-2
Nobles: Reg Kn(O)* @13 2-4
Imladris Cavalry: Reg LH(S) @7 0-4
Cavalry: Reg LH(S) @7 4-8
Noldor, Sindar or Guards: Reg Bd(O)* @8 2-6
Imladris Foot: Reg Bd(O)* @8 0-4
Laiquendi or other Avari: Reg Ax(S) @5 6-18
Armoured Archers: Reg Bw(S)* @8 6-18
Levies: Reg Ps(O) @2 0-18
Borderers: Reg Ps(S) @3 0-6
Archers : Reg Ps(O) @2 may support Reg Bd or Ax 0-1/Bd or Ax
Dwarven Exiles allies 0-15
Arthedain allies (after TA1359)
Cardolan allies (after TA1359)
Lorinand allies (TA1409–1646)

This represents the survivors of Gil-Galad’s Kingdom of Lindon after the Last Alliance until the
destruction of Angmar, after which Lindon did not go to war again and many of its inhabitants crossed
the seas. As such it is the last Elven army in Middle Earth to include significant numbers of Noldor
and Sindar. The elves assisted Arthedain to retake Amon Sul with Cardolan help c1360. After the
Northern War of TA 1409 in which Cardolan was over-run, Cirdan and Elrond drove back the Witch-
King and maintained the Arthedain/Cardolan border against Angmar with the assistance of aid from
Lorien (treat Lorinand allies as a Sub). Cirdan or Glorfindel commanded and a significant cavalry
component helped out-flank the forces of the Witch-King in the decisive Battle of Fornost after the fall
of Arthedain. Glorfindel lead the pursuit from Imladris and a large force from Gondor and the
remnants of Arthedain also fought. Dwarven allies are not mentioned but the possibility exists that the
remains of the Houses of Belegost or Nogrod fought with Lindon. The First Age War of Dwarves and
Elves had poisoned relations in the area but Dwarven contingents are mentioned for the War of the
Last Alliance at the end of the Second Age). Arthedain remnants fought with Cirdan in TA 1975, treat
them as a Sub command with no more than 6 Royal elements allowed. Once Gondorian troops
arrived, they were the larger army and treat Lindon as an ally that cannot become unreliable. The
high aggression reflects the fact that all their battles took place outside Lindon. Imladris troops can be
part of any other Elven command and vice versa. Kn(S)* or (O)* dismount as Bd(S)* or (O)*
respectively, and LH can dismount as supporting Ps(O) 1 for 1.

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

Lorien (TA 1981+) and Third Age Mirkwood Elven:

Cold, Ag1, WW, Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, Wd, RGo, BUA

CinC as Celeborn (L) Reg Kn(S)* @36 or Thranduil (M) Reg Kn(O)* @33 or 1
Bd(O)* @28
Sub as Reg Kn(O)* @33 or Reg Bd(O)* @28 or Reg Ax(S) @25 or Reg 1-3
Bw(S)* @28
Nobles: Reg Kn(O)* @13 or Reg Bd(O)* @8 (L) 0-2
Cavalry: Reg LH(S) @7 2-4
Sindar or Guards: Reg Bd(O)* @8 (L) 2-6
(M) 2-4
Galadhrim or Nandor Spearmen: Reg Ax(S) @5 18-36
Archers : Reg Ps(O) @2 may support Bd, or Ax 0 -1/Bd or Ax
Armoured Archers: Reg Bw(S)* @8 12-36
Levies: Reg (L) or Irr (M) Ps(O) @2 0-18
Borderers: Reg Ps(S) @3 0-6
Ent allies (L)
Woodmen allies
Esgaroth allies (M)
Iron Hill allies (see Dwarven Exiles list) (M)
Eagle allies

The elves of Lorien changed after the arrival of Celeborn and Galadriel, who had in their following
many Sindar and Noldor. The Nandor had largely absorbed Sindar settlers and culture prior to this.
Lorien probably supported the attack of the White Council on Dol Guldur in TA 2941. Mirkwood
armies improved under Thranduil following the experiences of the War of the Last Alliance and
probably adopted Noldorian military techniques to a limited degree. At the Battle of Five Armies the
spearmen fought primarily with sword. At least Thranduil was mounted as were the scouts, probably.
Fully mailed guards are mentioned when the Fellowship visited Lorien. Items marked (L) only apply to
Lorien armies, items marked (M) only apply to Mirkwood (or Greenwood the Great) armies. Use this
list for the Battle of Five armies. Kn can dismount as Bd(S)* or (O)* and LH can dismount as
supporting Ps(O) 1 for 1.

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

The Dwarves:

Houses of the Dwarven Fathers: (Khazad-Dum FA - TA 1981, Belegost and

Nogrod FA)
Cold, Ag3, Rv, H(S), H(G), RGo, Rd, BUA

CinC as Reg Bd(S) @29 1

Sub as CinC 1-2
Kinsmen, Gate Guard or Deep Watch: Reg Bd(S) @9 8-18
Clansmen: Reg Bd(O) @7 18-36
Levy: Irr Ax(S) @5 6-18
Archers: Reg Ps(O) @2 or Reg Bw(O) @5 2-12
Extra to mount any Dwarves on ponies @1 0-4
Gwaith-i-Mirdain allies (Second Age Eregion)

This represents the great Houses of the original Dwarven Fathers. Bd(S) are equipped with closed-
helms that allow them to withstand dragons and help make the dwarves the toughest of all mortal
foot. A contingent of dwarves fought in the War of the Last Alliance and was probably from Khazad-
Dum. Allied contingents drawn from this list cannot include any otherwise compulsory levy. Ps
Archers can support any Dwarven Bd.

Dwarven Exiles: (Iron Hills, Ered Luin, Erebor or Grey Mountains) TA

Iron Hills: Cold, Ag3, Rv, H(S), H(G), RGo, Rd, BUA
Others: Cold, Ag3, Rv, H(S), H(G), Rv, Wd, RGo, Rd, BUA

CinC as Reg Bd(S) @29 1

Sub as CinC 0-1
Ally as Reg Bd(S) @19 1-3
Upgrade ally to Sub @29 (Erebor only) 0-1
Clansmen: Reg Bd(O) @7 14-27
Levy: Irr Ax(S) @4 18-36
Upgrade select Levy as Reg Ax(S) @5 0-1/2
Archers: Reg Ps(O) @2 or Reg Bw(O) @5 2-12
Scrapings: Irr Ax(O) @3 0-10
Extra to mount any Dwarves on ponies @1 0-4
Dale or Dorwinnian Allies (Erebor only)

This list represents the larger coalitions of Dwarves that came together for major wars but did not
control any of the great cities of the seven original clans of dwarves. This includes the dwarves of the
Ered Luin, the Iron Hills or the Grey Mountains or the coalition of the War of Dwarves and Orcs (TA
2793-9) where Thorin Oakenshield earned his name at the Battle of Nanduhirion. Although lacking the
superb armouries of the great Dwarf Holds, these armies were still a force to be reckoned with. Allied
contingents drawn from this list cannot include any otherwise compulsory levy. Ps Archers can
support any Dwarven Bd. Mounted dwarves are never mentioned in battle but are strangely popular
with gamers & figure manufacturers.

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001

Magical Beasts:

Ents: FA to TA
Cold, Ag3, Wd, Wd, Rv, H(G), RGo, Rd, BUA

CinC as Irr Bh(S) @26 1

Sub as CinC 1-2
Ents: Irr Bh(S) @16 2-6
Huorns: Irr Bh(I) @8 20-40

Ents rarely fought in Middle Earth. There are two occasions mention during the War of the Ring but
other than that, they seem to have only fought once during the First Age at the behest of Beren and
Luthien. I can find no evidence that they regularly occurred in Elven armies. They are classified as Irr
due to their somewhat lumbering approach to life. Huorns are more tree-like than Ents proper and
should be used in great forest-like clumps.

Eagles: FA to TA
Eagles always attack

CinC as Irr Flyer(S) @23 1

Sub as CinC 1-2
Eagles: Irr Flyer(O) @10 15-30
Upgrade Great Eagles to Irr Flyer(S) @13 (First Age) Any
(SA or TA) Up to 1/5

Eagles are included primarily as allies for other armies and are never mentioned as fighting major
engagements on there own. Use the rules from Here Be Dragons for flyers. An eagle allied contingent
must always flank march, but can not become unreliable.

The Dead: TA

Oathbreakers were the men who refused to fulfil their oath of allegiance to Elendil during the Last
Alliance of Elves and Men and were cursed by him to never rest until they should fulfil their oaths.
The Dead were more like ghosts than main stream Fantasy undead types like skeletons or zombies.
Representation is very difficult as they only fought once and relied on the terror of their presence to
drive all before them. My feeling is that it is not really possible to represent this under DBM rules.

De Bellis Middle Earth v5.01 -  copyright Thane Maxwell 2001


Angmar: TA c.1300 - 1975 21 Laiquendi: FA 44
Arthedain: TA 861-1975 34 Later Easterling: SA - TA 27
Later Royal Gondor: TA 1636 - 2050 39
Lorien (TA 1981+) and Third Age Mirkwood Elven: 51
Cardolan: TA 861-1636 35 M
Corsairs of Umbar: SA 3262 - TA 933, TA 1448-1810,
then c. 1856+ 29 Morgoth: FA 14
Mountain Orc, The White Mountains or Orcs of
Mirkwood: SA - TA 18
Dale, Esgaroth and Dorwinnian: TA 42 N
Dunlending or Dunmen (FA to TA) or Early Easterling
(FA)" 26 Noldor Realms of Beleriand: FA Hithlum, Dorthonion,
Dwarven Exiles: (Iron Hills, Ered Luin, Erebor or Grey Sons of Feanor and Nargothrond 46
Mountains) TA 52 Numenorean: SA 1200 – 3261 31

Eagles: FA to TA 53 Realms in Exile: Arnor and Gondor SA 3320 – TA 2 32
Early Arnor and Gondor: TA 2 - 829 (Gondor) or 2 - Rhovanion or Eotheod: TA 1-1977 (Rhovanion), TA
861 (Arnor) 33 1856-2510 (Eotheod) 43
Edain: FA 30 Rhudaur: TA 861-1636 36
Ents: FA to TA 53 Rhun: TA 27
Rohan: TA 2510+ 43
FA Noldor Remnants: Balar, the Mouths of Sirion,
Later Sons of Feanor and Later Ossiriand 47 Second Age Host of Lindon (SA) or Eregion (SA 700-
FA Sindar: Doriath, Falas and Teleri 44 1697): 48
Far Harad: SA and TA 28 Second Age Mirkwood and Lorinand (SA – TA 1981)
Nandor: 49
Second Age Mordor: SA 1000-3262, then 3320-3441 16
Gondor of the Ship Kings: TA 830 - 1431 37 T
Gondor of the Stewards: TA 2050+ 40
The Dead: TA 53
Third Age Host of Lindon: TA 1-1975 50
H Third Age Sauronic: (Including Dol Guldur from c. TA
Harad: SA and TA 28 1000, Mordor after TA 1980 and Minas Morgul after
Hillmen: FA to TA (Including the Hillmen of the TA 2002) 19
Trollshaws TA 1636-1975) 25
Host of Feanor and Gondolin: FA 45 V
Houses of the Dwarven Fathers: (Khazad-Dum FA - TA
1981, Belegost and Nogrod FA) 52 Variags of Khand: TA 29

Isengard: TA 2990+ 23 War of Wrath Valar: FA 47
Woodmen: TA 41
Kinstrife Gondorian: TA 1432 - 1635 38


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