Sir Robert de Lousen HR

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Sir Robert De Lousen

Sir Robert De Lousen, 31, is somewhat of a latecomer to the ranks of
the peerage. Born on the King’s riverside manor of Loxton in Kaldor,
near the Royal Castle of Olokand, Robert was the eldest of three children
born to Roban, a successful riverboat pilot, and his wife Lisette.
Robert’s happy-go-lucky early days were spent learning some of the
river’s crafts, but due to the frequent absences of his father, he also spent
a lot of time pursuing other activities. Luckily, the bailiff of Loxton was
a man of letters, and he saw to it that young Robert’s youthful energies
were channelled into productive activities, and he soon discovered that as
well as being a strong ambidextrous athlete, the young lad had an
excellent ability at the learned arts and a companionable disposition.
When Robert reached the age of twelve, the bailiff, Hough of Martre,
suggested to Roban that he, Hough, see if he could get the young lad
esquired. Enquiries were made, and the young lad was sent of to Esenor Per Saltire Sable and Argent, Saltire Gules,
for training. Chief Azure with three Garb Tenne Crest a
Gryphon’s head erased vert. Motto: Lord
By chance, a couple of months after his eighteenth birthday, Robert
was squiring for the King’s hunting party near the Malvern Forest.
When brigands made to attack the group, a keen-eyed Robert spotted Registry: Holy Oak, 710.
Holdings: none
three quivering haystacks and so espied he ambush, and the villains were
Major Tenants: none
routed. To thank the squire, King Miganath instructed that Robert
complete his training at Olokand. A few years later, on 21 Nuzyael, 710
– Robert’s twenty first birthday – he was knighted by the King himself.
As the son of a riverboat pilot, the still single Sir
Robert didn’t have a manor to inherit, so he has
spent his time travelling the jousting circuit and SIR ROBERT DE LOUSEN
seeking adventure until some likely opportunity Knight-Bachelor of Kaldor
comes along. Secretly, he hopes one day to take 15 STR 18 EYE 17 INT
over as the bailiff of Loxton, but this poriomaniac is 16 STA 11 HRG 08 AUR
in no hurry, happy instead to travel, and to help
17 DEX 11 SML 11 WIL
those in need.
17 AGL 15 VOI
Combat Attributes
Endurance 14, Move 17
Climbing 72, Jumping 72, Stealth 39,
Awareness 40, Oratory 30, Rhetoric 60,
Heraldry 63, Intrigue 62, Singing 42,
Piloting 27, Shipwright 34, Math’s 57,
Drawing 37, Foraging 34, Swim 52,
Weatherlore 17, Tracking 22, Survival 36
Languages: Harnic 86, Jarinese 23
Scripts: Lakise 84
Ritual: Larane 13, Piety 12
Combat Skills\
Initiative 83, Dodge 85, Unarmed 92,
Sword 97, Dagger 56, Mace 85, SBow 42,
Lance 80, Riding 64, Staff 90
3/4Helm, Chain Hauberk and Cowl, Plate
Breastplate, Quilt Tunic, Cloth Shirt &
Leggings, Leather Riding Boots, Wool
Cloak & Hood

Copyright © Nicholas Lowson, N.Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc. 2002

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