Poly MAX

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A Revolution in Modal Parameter Estimation

Current Limitations of • The task of selecting the correct model
Experimental Modal Analysis order and discriminating between
spurious and structural system poles is
Experimental Modal Analysis (EMA) is quite complex, in particular in the case
currently one of the key technologies of high-order and/or highly damped
in structural dynamics analysis. Based structures. This inevitably results in
on the academic fundaments of system highly operator-dependant results, and
identification, it has evolved to become requires numerous iterations in the
a “standard” approach in mechanical analysis procedure.
product development. Essential in • Whereas the quality of the current
this evolution is that modal analysis modal parameter estimation
research has, from the start, taken the technology is satisfying for undamped
point of view of industrial applicability, or slightly damped structures, there
focusing on solving the specific problems is an increasing need for better modal
related to testing and modeling large parameters estimations for highly
industrial structures. The merit of each damped structures.
new method or new approach has • Instead of a variety of parameter
always been checked against the added estimation techniques, each optimized
value it brought in terms of helping the for a specific test situation, there is a
application engineers to derive better need for a single reliable and robust
models. The result is that EMA is now method that can be used in a wide
considered as a “commodity” tool, variety of applications.
continuously expanding its application
base. In an area where many critics claim
no substantial advances were to be
While the range of applications where expected, the new LMS LMS PolyMAX
EMA is used is continuously expanding, method brings a revolutionary modal
also the complexity of the tested parameter estimation technique that
structures is increasing. While in is easy to use, quick to perform,
the past isolated structures with low substantially reduces operator-dependant
damping were analyzed, modal analysis judgment, and that delivers high quality
is nowadays also explored on complex modal parameter estimations, even on
structures with high damping, such as complex data.
on trimmed car bodies. Next to this,
EMA has evolved to a standard tool for In this application note, the LMS PolyMAX
Finite Element Model updating and is method was used on two “historically”
exploited in combination with numerical difficult data sets: a trimmed car body
technologies for hybrid engineering. (high damping) and flutter data (high
data noise). This application note also
These recent evolutions have highlighted includes a summary on the analytical
the current limitations of the EMA foundation of the LMS PolyMAX method.

Figure 1: Stabilization diagrams obtained by

applying different parameter estimation methods
to the Porsche data: (Top) FDPI; (Middle) LSCE;
(Bottom) the new LMS PolyMAX method.
Using LMS PolyMAX on a The data were analyzed in a frequency the preferred method in case of high
Trimmed Car Body range from 3.5 to 30 Hz using three damping. However, both are clearly
techniques: outperformed by the LMS PolyMAX
A typical example of a challenging modal method: especially at lower frequencies
analysis application is the identification • The frequency domain direct parameter it is much clearer than the FDPI diagram
of a trimmed car. The trim material turns identification (FDPI) technique, which and also a larger number of stable poles
a nicely resonating car body into a highly has traditionally been used to analyze is found.
damped system with large modal overlap. data from highly damped structures
In the present example, data from a [2,3,4,5]. For the subset of LMS PolyMAX poles
Porsche 911 Targa Carrera 4 was used. • The least squares complex exponential that have an FDPI counterpart, Table 1
The accelerations of the fully equipped (LSCE) method, which is the “industry- shows that the resulting estimations for
car were measured at 154 degrees of standard” time domain estimation frequency and damping are very close.
freedom (DOF), while 4 shakers were method [2,3,6]. Also the mode shapes are very similar,
simultaneously exciting the structure. • The new LMS PolyMAX method. which is evidenced by the MAC values
This gives a total of 616 FRFs (Frequency represented in Figure 2.
Response Functions) used in the modal Figure 1 shows the stabilization diagrams
analysis procedure. More details about for the 3 methods. FDPI yields a The excellent identification results
the test can be found in [1]. clearer diagram than LSCE, confirming obtained with the LMS PolyMAX
the common assumption that FDPI is method are confirmed by comparing the

FDPI method LMS PolyMAX method

[Hz] [%] [Hz] [%]

3.96 5.4
4.24 9.6
4.81 11.6
6.02 4.1 6.02 4.2
8.58 6.4 8.57 6.5
14.56 6.1 14.59 5.8
15.74 6.3
17.05 5.8
17.99 5.5 18.25 4.9
20.91 2.7
21.78 2.9 21.81 2.7
22.58 3.4 Figure 2: MAC values assessing the mode shape correlation
23.98 0.9 between FDPI and corresponding LMS PolyMAX mode shapes.
25.12 2.4
25.23 3.1
26.05 2.1
27.03 5.6 27.06 5.2

Table 1: Eigenfrequencies and damping ratios obtained by

applying the FDPI and LMS PolyMAX method.
measured FRFs with the FRFs that can be Whereas in the previous example, an
synthesized from the modal parameters. experienced user could have used FDPI to
Figure 3 shows both measured and identify a subset of the structural modes,
synthesized FRFs at one response in this case the FDPI stabilization diagram
location (FRFs with respect to 2 out of is hardly to be interpreted at all. Again,
4 input points). Overall, an impressive LMS PolyMAX shows a much better, easy
93% correlation between measured and to interpret, stabilization diagram.
synthesized FRFs was reached.

Figure 4 shows the FDPI and LMS

PolyMAX stabilization diagrams of
another trimmed body dataset, where 2
inputs and 500 outputs were measured.

Figure 3: Comparison of the measured FRFs (grey/green) with FRFs synthesized from the identified modal model (black/red). The FRFs between 2 of the 4
inputs and 1 typical output are shown.

Figure 4 Stabilization diagrams obtained by applying different parameter estimation methods to data from a partially trimmed car: (Left) FDPI; (Right) the new
LMS PolyMAX method.
LMS PolyMAX on flight strain gauges. Next to these measurable 6 shows both stabilization diagrams. Also
flutter data forces, also turbulences are exciting in this example the LMS PolyMAX method
the plane resulting in rather noisy FRFs. is clearly better than the LSCE method:
In some cases FRF data are highly Figure 5 shows some typical multiple selecting poles is intuitive, clear, and
contaminated by noise. Flight flutter coherences and the corresponding FRFs. reliable. The synthesized FRFs (Figure 7)
testing is such a case. In the example They clearly show the noisy character of validate the LMS PolyMAX estimations,
considered here, both wing tips of a plane the data. During the flight, accelerations even in the presence of high amounts of
are excited during the flight with so-called were measured at 9 locations, while data noise.
rotating vanes. These vanes generate a both wing tips were excited (2 inputs).
sine sweep through the frequency range The data were analyzed using both the
of interest. The forces are measured by LSCE and LMS PolyMAX method. Figure

Figure 5: Flight flutter test data. (Left) multiple coherences of a sensor at the wing tip close to the excitation (black/red) and a sensor at the back of the
plane (grey/green); (Right) corresponding FRFs. The frequency axis is blind for confidentiality reasons.

Figure 6: Stabilization diagrams obtained by applying different parameter estimation methods to the flight flutter test data: (Left) LSCE; (Right) the new LMS
PolyMAX method.
LMS PolyMAX: Historical
The LMS PolyMAX method is a further
evolution of the least-squares complex
frequency-domain (LSCF) estimation
method. That method was first
introduced to find initial values for the
iterative maximum likelihood method
[7]. The method estimates a so-called
common-denominator transfer function
model [8]. Quickly it was found that
these “initial values” yielded already
very accurate modal parameters with
a very small computational effort [7, 9,
10]. The most important advantage of
the LSCF estimator over the available
and widely applied parameter estimation
techniques [2] is the fact that very clear
stabilization diagrams are obtained. A
thorough analysis of different variants
of the common-denominator LSCF
method can be found in [10]. A complete
background on frequency-domain system
identification can be found in [11].

It was found that the identified common-

denominator model closely fitted the
measured frequency response function
(FRF) data. However, when converting
this model to a modal model by reducing Figure 7: Comparison of the measured FRFs (green/grey) with FRFs
synthesized from the identified modal model (black/red). (Top) Sensor at the
the residues to a rank-one matrix using wing tip; (Bottom) Sensor at the back of the plane.
the singular value decomposition (SVD),
the quality of the fit decreased [9].

Another feature of the common-

denominator implementation is that
the stabilization diagram can only be
constructed using pole information
(eigenfrequencies and damping ratios).
Neither participation factors nor mode
shapes are available at first instance [12].
The theoretically associated drawback is
that closely spaced poles will erroneously
show up as a single pole.

These two reasons provided the

motivation for a polyreference version
of the LSCF method, using a so-called
right matrix-fraction model. In this
approach, also the participation factors
are available when constructing the
stabilization diagram. The main benefits
of the polyreference method are the facts
that the SVD step to decompose the
residues can be avoided and that closely
spaced poles can be separated. The
method was introduced in [12, 13]. Here
we briefly review the theory.
LMS PolyMAX: Theoretical Foundation Mode shapes
Although theoretically, the mode shapes could be derived
Data model from the model coefficients , we proceed in a
Just like the FDPI (Frequency-domain direct parameter different way.
identification) method1 [4,5], the LMS PolyMAX method
uses measured FRFs as primary data. Time-domain methods, The mode shapes can be found by considering the so-called
such as the polyreference LSCE method2 [6], typically pole-residue model:
require impulse responses (obtained as the inverse Fourier
transforms of the FRFs) as primary data. In the LMS
PolyMAX method, following so-called right matrix-fraction (5)
model is assumed to represent the measured FRFs: where n is the number of modes; denotes complex
conjugate transpose of a matrix; are the mode
shapes; are the modal participation factors and
are the poles (4). are respectively the lower and
(1) upper residuals modeling the influence of the out-of-band
modes in the considered frequency band. The interpretation
where is the matrix containing the FRFs of the stabilization diagram yields a set of poles and
between all m inputs and all l outputs; are the corresponding participation factors Since the mode
numerator matrix polynomial coefficients; are .
shapes and the lower and upper residuals are the only
the denominator matrix polynomial coefficients and is unknowns, they are readily obtained by solving (5) in a linear
the model order. Please note that a so-called -domain least-squares sense. This second step is commonly called
model (i.e. a frequency-domain model that is derived from a least-squares frequency-domain (LSFD) method [2,3]. The
discrete-time model) is used in (1), with: same mode-shape estimation method is normally also used
in conjunction with the time-domain LSCE method.


where is the sampling time.

Equation (1) can be written down for all values of the
frequency axis of the FRF data. Basically, the unknown model
coefficients are then found as the Least-Squares
solution of these equations (after linearization). More details
about this procedure can be found in [12,13].

Poles and modal participation factors

Once the denominator coefficients are determined, the
poles and modal participation factors are retrieved as the
eigenvalues and eigenvectors of their companion matrix:


The modal participation factors are the last m rows of

; the matrix contains the (discrete-
time) poles on its diagonal. They are related to the
eigenfrequencies [rad/s] and damping ratios [-] as
follows ( •* denotes complex conjugate):

This procedure is similar to what happens in the time-domain 1
This method is implemented as “Frequency – domain MDOF” in
LSCE method and allows constructing a stabilization diagram Cada-X [3].
for increasing model orders and using stability criteria for 2
This method is implemented as “Time – domain MDOF” both in
eigenfrequencies, damping ratios and modal participation
Test.Lab and Cada-X [3].
Comparing LMS PolyMAX with other Modal Therefore one quickly runs into numerical conditioning
Parameter Estimators problems and severe constraints apply to both the frequency
range as the model order range of the analysis. In the past, it
LMS PolyMAX versus LSCE has been proposed to use an orthogonal polynomial basis for
As may be clear from previous section, the LMS PolyMAX the frequency-domain model to solve the numerical problems.
method proceeds along similar lines as the polyreference However this increases significantly the computational time
LSCE time-domain method: and memory requirements.

• Establishment of a set of linear equations for the The LMS PolyMAX method does not suffer from numerical
maximum required model order, from which the matrix problems as it is formulated in the -domain (i.e. a
polynomial coefficients can be computed in a least- frequency-domain model that is derived from a discrete-time
squares sense. model), whereas the existing frequency-domain methods
• Construction of a stabilization diagram by solving the use a Laplace-domain formulation (i.e. a frequency-domain
eigenvalue problem (3) for increasing model orders. The model that is derived from a continuous-time model). In
information regarding eigenfrequencies, damping ratios LMS PolyMAX, the frequency axis that extends between
and modal participation factors is contained in this and is shifted and mapped into a half unit circle in the
diagram. complex plane (2):
• Based on the user-interpretation of the stabilization
diagram, computation of the mode shapes and the lower
and upper residuals by solving (5) in a least-squares sense. , (6)

The difference between LSCE and LMS PolyMAX lies in Similar to other frequency-domain methods, the LMS
the first step. LSCE uses impulse responses to find the PolyMAX method involves the inversion of a matrix containing
polynomial coefficients, whereas LMS PolyMAX requires powers of the frequency-axis of the data. The main advantage
frequency response functions. of LMS PolyMAX is that taking powers of the -variable does
not increase the range of the values, as it boils down to a
However, this seemingly small difference has big rotation in the complex plane: . As a result,
consequences for the modal parameter estimation process. the LMS PolyMAX method can deal with a large frequency
It turns out that the new LMS PolyMAX estimator yields range and very large model orders, speeding up the modal
extremely clear stabilization diagrams making it very simple parameter estimation process considerably, as in many cases
to select the “physical” poles. In the LSCE method, the the complete frequency-band of interest can be processed at
non-physical (and sometimes even the physical) poles tend once.
to “wander” in the stabilization diagram, especially at large
model orders. The LMS PolyMAX method has the interesting There was some common belief that the numerical
property that the non-physical poles are estimated with a conditioning of frequency-domain methods is worse than time
negative damping ratio so that they can be excluded before domain methods and that broadband analyses are preferably
plotting them. Such a clear diagram does not mean that performed in time-domain [2]. When using the LMS PolyMAX
some of the poles are missing; on the contrary, more poles approach, these statements are definitely no longer true.
can be found with the LMS PolyMAX method, as evidenced
by the examples in this application note. Other validation Computational efficiency
studies also revealed that the LMS PolyMAX method has The advantages discussed here have no price in terms of
no problems in correctly estimating modes having a low computational time: LMS PolyMAX is as fast as LSCE. LSCE
damping ratio. It is sometimes stated that time-domain became the industry-standard because of its high speed
methods are preferred in case of low damping, and even for a very large number of measured outputs. A lot of
frequency-domain methods in case of high damping. The research efforts were spent to achieve this computational
LMS PolyMAX method excels in both cases. efficiency. On current PC platforms, calculation and display of
the stabilization diagram for a typical full car body model (like
LMS PolyMAX versus other frequency-domain the trimmed car body example discussed here) is in the order
methods of some seconds.
Typical for many frequency-domain parameter estimation
methods is that they involve the inversion of a matrix
containing powers of the frequency-axis of the data.
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