Nyeko Daniel Agech (Uetcl)

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P.O. Box 7062 Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 531046

Cables “MAKUNIKA” Fax: +256 414 531046
Website: www.mak.ac.ug e-mail: [email protected]

_______________________ __________________________



Uganda Electricity Transmission Company Limited, Kampala.

3rd June, 2019 to 26th July, 2019 (8 weeks)

REG No: 17/U/9403/PS
STUDENT’S No: 217006582

A field attachment report submitted to Makerere University in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of Bachelor Of Science in Electrical Engineering of Makerere
I, Nyeko Daniel Agech, hereby declare that this report is my own work, written to fulfill some of
the requirements of the award of a degree of a bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering at
Makerere University, and the content of this document has never been submitted to any institution.
However, Citations, Quotations and References to other peoples’ work or sources of information
where used.

Signed ………………………... ……………………………



This report has been submitted for examination with the approval of the following supervisors:

Signed ………………………… ……………………………

Mr. Wasswa Martin Date

Field supervisor, UETCL

Signed ………………………… ……………………………

Paul Bogere Date

Makerere University


First and foremost, I would like to acknowledge the power of the Almighty God that I have seen at
work, not only during this Field Attachment period, but also throughout my degree program.
Special heartfelt appreciation goes to my siblings, Layet Monica, Okot Isaac, Akena Godfrey,
Mother, Aringo Lucy, Father, Agech Albert, and MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program at
Makerere University, for providing me with accommodation and sponsoring me for this Course.

In the same spirit I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to Uganda Electricity
Transmission Company Limited staff, Mr. Kigunddu Nehemiah, Mr. Wasswa Martin, and Mr.
Sekisambu Sempa for the technical and administrative assistance rendered to me during my stay at
UETCL. Finally, I would like to thank my University Supervisor Mr. Paul Bogere, for the
professional guidance, academic support and direction rendered to me to achieve this success. Also,
I cannot forget my fellow interns, with whom I spent long hours daily, accomplishing various tasks
together; Mrs. Jingo Alvin, Mr. Eddy, Mr. Baguma Kevin, and Mr. Kasaija Fred. You were a great,
supportive team. May the Almighty God reward you abundantly.

This document is a report about field attachment (internship) done at Uganda Electricity
Transmission Company Limited by Nyeko Daniel Agech between 3rd June, 2019 and 26th July,

Chapter one contains the objectives of field attachment to both the student and the university, an
overview of the IT work that I did, a brief background of UETCL and it managerial arrangement.

Chapter two includes details of the practical work done at the workshop/substation. It begins with
a brief literature review about workshop/substation, its different components i.e. major things found
at the substation/workshop. After that now is the practical work done at the substation/workshop.

Chapter three contains a practical work done on Transmission Lines. It begins with a brief literature
review about Transmission Lines and then the practical work done while working on Transmission
Lines at Mbalala in Mukono district.

Chapter four has the conclusion and recommendations. On the side of the intern, key strength of
the intern was quick picking up of skills, benefits derived, skills gained, and challenges
encountered. Limited finances were some of the challenges faced.
In the recommendations, future interns are advised to get into the practice of daily documentation
and good record keeping while doing field attachment, the organization is advised to give interns
strict time framed tasks in order to achieve more outputs in the short time.


DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................... i

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................................ii

PREFACE ....................................................................................................................................... iii

TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................................................... iv

LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................................... vi

LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................................vii

Chapter 2 Figures ........................................................................................................................vii

Chapter 3 Figures ........................................................................................................................vii

LIST OF ACRONYMS/ABBREVIATIONS USE ...................................................................... viii

CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................... 1

1.0. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Brief introduction .................................................................................................................... 1

1.2. Definition of Field Attachment .............................................................................................. 1

1.2.1. Objective/purpose of field attachment ............................................................................ 1

1.3. Brief History of UETCL ........................................................................................................ 2

1.3.1. UETCL Vision ................................................................................................................ 2

1.3.2. UETCL Mission .............................................................................................................. 2

1.3.3. UETCL Core Values ....................................................................................................... 2

UETCL ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE ............................................................................. 5

1.4. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENTAL ................................................ 5

1.4.1. Operation and Maintenance Departmental Objectives .................................................... 5

1.4.2. Maintenance .................................................................................................................... 5

1.4.3. Roles ................................................................................................................................ 6

1.4.4. Maintenance Objectives Functions and Responsibilities ................................................ 6

MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE ............................................................ 7

1.5. SUBSTATION UNIT ............................................................................................................ 8

1.5.1. Substation ........................................................................................................................ 8

1.5.2. Types of substations ........................................................................................................ 8

1.5.3. UETCL SUBSTATIONS AND VOLTAGE LEVELS................................................... 9

1.6. TRANSMISSION LINES UNIT ........................................................................................... 9

1.6.1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 9

1.6.2. Transmission Lines Maintenance Activities ................................................................. 11

1.6.3. Dead Line Maintenance Tools ...................................................................................... 11

1.6.4. Live Line Maintenance Tools........................................................................................ 11

CHAPTER TWO ............................................................................................................................ 12

2.0. PRACTICAL WORK DONE AT THE SUBSTATION/WORKSHOP .............................. 12

2.1. LITERATURE REVIEW ON SUBSTATION/WORKSHOP ............................................ 12

2.1.1. Substation ...................................................................................................................... 12

Different Types of Circuit Breakers ........................................................................................ 17

2.1.2. POWER TRANSFORMERS ........................................................................................ 25 PARALLEL OPERATION OF TRANSFORMERS ................................................. 29 TRANSFORMER TESTS.......................................................................................... 30

2.2. PRACTICAL WORK DONE AT THE SUBSTATION/WORKSHOP .............................. 34

2.2.1. Transformer Tests.......................................................................................................... 34

CHAPTER THREE ........................................................................................................................ 37


3.1. LITERATURE REVIEW ON TRANSMISSION LINES ................................................... 37

3.1.1. Transmission Line Components .................................................................................... 37

3.2 PRACTICAL WORK ON TRANSMISSION LINES .......................................................... 44

3.2.1 Digging of holes for poles and stay wires ...................................................................... 44

3.2.2 Aligning and erecting the poles ...................................................................................... 45

3.2.3 Installation of Crossarms and Insulators ........................................................................ 47

3.2.4 Installation of the conductor i.e. stringing ...................................................................... 49

CHAPTER FOUR .......................................................................................................................... 52

4.0. OBSERVATIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS .............................. 52

4.1. OBSERVATIONS ............................................................................................................... 52

4.1.1. Positive Observations: ................................................................................................... 52

4.1.2. Negative Observations: ................................................................................................. 52

4.2. RECOMMENDATIONS ..................................................................................................... 52

4.2.1. Recommendation for future interns ............................................................................... 52

4.2.2. Recommendation for the field attachment organization ............................................... 53

4.2.3. Recommendations for the University ............................................................................ 53

4.3. CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................... 53

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................... 54

Table 1: Current Power Producers .................................................................................................... 3
Table 2: Proposed Power Stations .................................................................................................... 4
Table 3: UETCL Transmission Lines ............................................................................................. 10
Table 4: Recorded Results .............................................................................................................. 36

Chapter 2 Figures

Figure2- 1: Busbars at a substation ................................................................................................. 12

Figure2- 2: Surge Arrester .............................................................................................................. 13
Figure2- 3: Isolators ........................................................................................................................ 14
Figure2- 4: Earth switch .................................................................................................................. 14
Figure2- 5: Current Transformer ..................................................................................................... 15
Figure2- 6: Voltage Transformer .................................................................................................... 16
Figure2- 7: SF6 Circuit Breaker ...................................................................................................... 17
Figure2- 8: Plain Air Circuit Breaker ............................................................................................. 18
Figure2- 9: Air-Blast Circuit Beaker .............................................................................................. 19
Figure2- 10: SF6 Circuit Breaker .................................................................................................... 21
Figure2- 11: Vacuum Circuit Breaker ............................................................................................ 22
Figure2- 12: BOCB Circuit Breaker ............................................................................................... 24
Figure2- 13: Minimum Oil Circuit Breaker .................................................................................... 25
Figure2- 14: Labelled parts of a power transformer ....................................................................... 26
Figure2- 15: Dehydrating Breather ................................................................................................. 28
Figure2- 16: Parallel Operation of Transformer ............................................................................. 29
Figure2- 17: Carrying out Transformer tests .................................................................................. 36
Figure2- 18: TF testing ................................................................................................................... 36
Chapter 3 Figures

Figure 3- 1: Intermediate Structure ................................................................................................. 39

Figure 3- 2: 3 Member Section ....................................................................................................... 39
Figure 3- 3: Toppled Transmission Tower at Mbalala ................................................................... 44
Figure 3- 4: Aligning the pole near it's hole.................................................................................... 45
Figure 3- 5: Positioning the pole with a twister .............................................................................. 45
Figure 3- 6: Erecting poles for 3-member section .......................................................................... 46
Figure 3- 7: Backfilling the pole ..................................................................................................... 46
Figure 3- 8: Operating a tirfor machine .......................................................................................... 47
Figure 3- 9: Crossarm for intermediate ........................................................................................... 47
Figure 3- 10: Cutting the unwanted part of the crossarm after measurement ................................. 48
Figure 3- 11: Installing the crosssarm on a 3-member section ....................................................... 48
Figure 3- 12: Installing the conductor on the first 3-member section ............................................. 50
Figure 3- 13: Suspension Clamps ................................................................................................... 50
Figure 3- 14: Fully installed conductor on an intermediate ............................................................ 51


AAAC: All Aluminum Alloy Conductor ........................................................................................ 37

AAC: All Aluminum Conductor ..................................................................................................... 37
AC: Alternating Current ................................................................................................................... 8
ACAR: Aluminum Conductor Alloy Reinforced ........................................................................... 37
ACSR: Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced ............................................................................. 37
ANSI: American National Standards Institute ................................................................................ 30
BOCB: Bulk Oil Circuit Breaker .................................................................................................... 23
CB: Circuit Breaker ........................................................................................................................ 22
CT: Current Transformer ................................................................................................................ 14
DC: Direct Current ............................................................................................................................ 8
e: Electron ....................................................................................................................................... 20
etc: etcetra ..................................................................................................................................... 6, 8
GΩ: Gigaohms ................................................................................................................................ 36
Hz: Hertz ......................................................................................................................................... 43
i.e: That is........................................................................................................................................ 13
IEEE: Institution of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ............................................................... 30
kV: Kilovolts..................................................................................................................................... 8
Ltd: Limited ...................................................................................................................................... 3
LV: Low Voltage ............................................................................................................................ 35
MVA: mega volts amp .................................................................................................................... 25
MW: megawatts .............................................................................................................................. 4
MΩ: Megaohms .............................................................................................................................. 36
NEMA: National Environmental Management Authority.............................................................. 30
OCB: Oil Circuit Breaker ............................................................................................................... 23
OFAF: Oil Forced Air Forced......................................................................................................... 27
OFAN: Oil Forced Air Natural ....................................................................................................... 27
OFWF: Oil Forced Water Forced ................................................................................................... 27
ONAF: Oil Natural Air Force ......................................................................................................... 27
ONAN: Oil Natural Air Natural ..................................................................................................... 27
PT: Potential Transformer............................................................................................................... 15
SF6: Sulphur Hexafluoride ............................................................................................................. 20
TF: Transformer .............................................................................................................................. 36
UEB: Uganda Electricity Board.................................................................................................... 2, 3
UEGCL: Uganda Electricity Generation Company Limited ............................................................ 3
UETCL: Uganda Electricity Transmission Company Limited ......................................................... 1
V: Voltage ....................................................................................................................................... 21
VCB: Vacuum Circuit Breaker ....................................................................................................... 22
VT: Voltage Transformer ............................................................................................................... 15


1.1 Brief introduction

This document is a final internship report about my field attachment period at Uganda Electricity
Transmission Company Limited (UETCL). It comprises of four chapters which summarizes the
working experiences, challenges encountered during the filed attachment period, analysis and
evaluation of the field attachment program, its benefits and relevance. Chapter four which has
conclusion and recommendation, helps on how field attachment at UETCL can be improved. In
this introductory chapter, it contains the objectives of field attachment to both the student and the
university, an overview of the IT work that I did, a brief background of UETCL and it managerial

1.2. Definition of Field Attachment

Field attachment is a field-based practical training experience that prepares trainees/students for
the tasks they are expected to perform on completion of their training period. [1]
1.2.1. Objective/purpose of field attachment

The purpose of field attachment at Makerere University is to produce practically oriented

graduates that meet the required job-related competences of their future employers. The major
objectives of the field attachment to both the student and the university are as follows:
a) To equip students with hands-on/real life experiences required at work places when
they graduate.
b) To give the students an opportunity to apply the principles and techniques obtained
theoretically in class into real-life problem solving situations.
c) To act as a platform for students and academic staff to interact with the stakeholders
and potential employers and thus appreciate field situations that will also generate
information for curricula review and improvement
d) To enhance the development of student’s understanding of work ethics,
employment demands, responsibilities and opportunities.

e) To strengthen linkages between Makerere University and various stakeholders. [1]

1.3. Brief History of UETCL

The Uganda Electricity Transmission Company (UETCL) is a Liability company incorporated

under the companies Act. It commenced operations on 1st April 2001 as a result of the
Governments Power Sector Reform and Liberalization on policy that unbundled the Uganda
Electricity Board (UEB) on 26th March 2001 into a number of successor companies with a view to
transform the power sector into a financially viable electricity industry [2]

1.3.1. UETCL Vision

Electricity Transmission for Sustainable Regional Development

1.3.2. UETCL Mission

➢ To Buy
➢ Transmit and
➢ Sell Quality Bulk Power

1.3.3. UETCL Core Values

1. Respect and Responsibility: Act Reliably, with Loyalty and Integrity.

2. Transparency: Strive for openness.
3. Compliance: Safety and follow decisions that preserve the environment and the health and
safety for self, all employees, other stakeholders and property.
4. Innovation:
• Show initiative, self-drive and willingness to continuously learn and improve quality
• Be cooperative and show team spirit that enhances results and fosters equality, diversity,
harmony and fellowship. [3]

Table 1: Current Power Producers

Power Producers Category Owners/Concessionaires Installed MW

1 Nalubaale /Owenfalls Large Hydro UEGCL/Eskom Uganda 180

2 Bujagali Large Hydro Bujagali Energy / O&M Energy 250

3 Kiira Large Hydro UEGCL/Eskom Uganda Limited 200

4 Bugoye Mini hydro Tronder Power Company 13

5 Kilembe Mini hydro Kilembe Mines Ltd 5

6 KCCL Mini hydro Kasese Cobalt Company Ltd 9.5

7 Mpanga Mini hydro SAEMS 18

8 Ishasha Mini hydro Eco Power Uganda Ltd 6.5

9 Jacobsen Thermal Jacobsen Uganda / Wartsilla 50

10 Kakira Bagasse Kakira Sugar Works Ltd 30

11 Electromaxx Thermal Electromaxx Ltd 20

12 Kinyara Bagasse Kinyara Sugar Works Ltd 50

13 Buseruka Mini hydro Hydromax Uganda Ltd 9

14 Nyagak Mini hydro UECGL 3

Table 2: Proposed Power Stations

Power Station Category Capacity(MW)

1 Karuma Large Hydro 600

2 Ayago Large Hydro 600

3 Isimba Large Hydro 180

4 Nahongezi Mini hydro 35

5 Kitagati Mini hydro 18

6 Paida Mini hydro 15

7 Nengo Bridge Mini hydro 10

8 Waki Mini hydro 5



Deputy CEO

Corporate Operation & Maintenance Finance & Accounting I.T.

Human Res. & Admin Internal Audit

Planning & Investment

Finance & Communication

Legal Planning Control
Maintenance I.T.
Development Welfare, Staff
Security Develop.
Safety & & Training
Energy sales


1.4.1. Operation and Maintenance Departmental Objectives

• Implement Optimal System Maintenance and Utilization Policy based on quality of supply
• Reduce Socio-Economic costs arising from load shedding
• Promote Regional Power Trade and Coordinate the Operations and Maintenance of the
Regional Interconnections.

1.4.2. Maintenance

The major role is maintaining UETCL's Plant, Lines and Equipment with the emphasis of
Improving Efficiency, Improving Insulation levels, Improving/maintaining the continuous
operating characteristics of the equipment and lines, optimizing service life, and Guaranteeing
safety of the operators of Equipment.

The sub-functions are to cater for the testing, installation, commissioning, and maintenance, of
Transmission Lines, Pole Plant, Power Transformers, Voltage Compensation System, Voltage
Regulation Systems, Switchgears (circuit breakers, earth switches, and isolators), and station
auxiliaries (Air Conditioners, Fire Systems, Lighting, etc.).
1.4.3. Roles

These are mainly:

a. Transmission Lines Maintenance

b. Transmission Line Clearance
c. Pole Plant Operations and Maintenance
d. Power Transformer repairs and Maintenance – including the Voltage Control
e. Switchgear repairs and Maintenance
f. Air conditioning systems repairs and Maintenance
g. Automated fire systems repair and Maintenance
h. Substation lighting and power auxiliaries’ repairs and Maintenance
i. Compensation equipment repairs and Maintenance
j. Substation House Keeping
1.4.4. Maintenance Objectives Functions and Responsibilities

✓ To maintain high power supply system availability and reliability

✓ To improve and maintain the continuous operation characteristic of lines & equipment and
minimize technical losses and accidents
✓ To improve and maintain lines and equipment efficiency
✓ To avoid emergencies and minimize power outages
✓ To increase service life span of the system equipment
✓ To ensure safety of staff, grid assets and public
✓ To enable the interconnection circuits and the transformation between networks of different


Principal Maintenance

Senior Maintenance Senior Maintenance

(S/S) (T/L)

Maintenance Maintenance
(Switchgear) (Transmission Lines)

Line Inspectors
Technician - 4 / Fitters - Technician - 2/ Fitters -
2/ 2/ Line Foremen
Truck driver - 1 S/S Attendants - 24 Line Clearance

Line Maintenance
Line Clerance Teams

Note: Numbers are not accurate!


1.5.1. Substation

This is a voltage transformation or compensation unit rise / lower voltages for transmission and
distribution purposes. Specific voltages are determined by the power utility standard and power
dispatch needs.

However, in the broader sense refers to a facility were voltages / currents are switched,
transformed, limited, regulated and/or compensated – and equipment will include (Transformers,
Tap changers, Circuits Breakers, Isolators, Earth switches, Current and Voltage transformers,
Auxiliary Supplies (AC/DC), Line traps, Surge Arrestors, Couplers, Bushings, Relays, Controls,
Remote Terminal Units, Telephone Exchange, Protection schemes, etc.). UETCL currently has a
presence in twenty primary substations countrywide namely; Nkenda, Nkonge, Rugonjo,
Kabulasoke, Mbarara North, Masaka West, Lugogo, Mutundwe, Kampala North, Namugoona /
Kawaala, Namanve, Kawanda, Lugazi, Bujagali, Nalubaale, Tororo Main, Opuyo, Fort Portal,
Cloak Tower, and Lira Main (Network configuration attached)

1.5.2. Types of substations

1. Primary Transmission Substation: Transforms power from a generating station for primary
transmission purposes at voltages higher than 66kV.

2. Secondary Transmission Substation: are interconnected by sub-transmission lines and at sub-

transmission voltage levels to distribution stations.
3. Distribution Substation: These are used for end-users supply; these transform sub-transmission
voltage to distribution levels, and also include Underground Distribution Substations.


Nkenda (220/132/33kV), Lugogo (132/33/11kV), Mutundwe (132/33/11kV), Kampala North

(132/33/11kV), Kabulasoke (132/33kV), Masaka West (220/132/33kV), Mbarara North
(132/33kV), Namugoona / Kawaala (132/11kV), Tororo Main (220/132/33kV), Rugonjo
(132/33kV), Nkonge (132/33kV), Kawanda (400/220/132/33kV), Karuma (400/132/33kV), Lira
Main (132/33kV), Opuyo (132/33kV), Namanve (132/33kV), Lugazi (66/11kV), Queensway
(132/33kV), Fort portal (220/132/33kV), Bujagali (220/132/33kV), Fort Portal (132/33kV), Cloak
Tower (132/33kV) and Nalubale / Owen falls (132/33/11kV) Under Construction

Mirama (220/132/33kV, Hoima (220/132kV), Kafu (132/33kV), Entebbe (132/33kV), Mbarara

South (220/132/33kV)


1.6.1. Introduction

Transmission lines are built to transmit power at a high voltage from the source to the load centers
so as to minimize transmission power loses while maintaining the power quality at the receiving

Overhead transmission lines consist of conductors through which power is transmitted, raised
above the ground by way of support structures. The conductors are fastened by means of insulators
to the support structures which could be wood poles, lattice steel structures or steel monopoles, to
prevent direct electrical contact with the ground. The line conductors are therefore insulated from
the ground by air clearance from the ground.

Table 3: UETCL Transmission Lines

No Name of Circuit System Length No of Type Year of

Voltage structures energizing

1 Mutundwe - Kabulasoke 132 kV 84.5 475 wooden 1963

2 Kabulasoke - Nkonge 132 kV 134 422 wooden 1963

3 Nkonge - Nkenda 132 kV 75 760 wooden 1963

4 Kabulasoke - Masaka West 132 kV 59.5 338 wooden 1963

5 Tororo - Opuyo 132 kV 119.5 775 wooden 1963

6 Opuyo - Lira 132 kV 141.2 607 wooden 1963

7 Owen Falls - Lugazi 132 kV 35.2 103 steel 1963

8 Masaka West - Mbarara North 132 kV 129.6 407 steel 1995

9 Masaka West - Kyaka 132 kV 85 262 steel 1994

10 Owen Falls - Kla North 132 kV 68.8 206 steel 1954

11 Owen Falls - Lugogo 132 kV 75 243 steel 1998

12 Lugogo - Kla North 132 kV 5.5 25 steel 1997

13 Lugogo - Mutundwe 132 kV 10.4 46 steel 1997

14 Kla N - Mutundwe 132 kV 8.9 36 steel 1959

15 Owen Falls - Tororo 132 kV 8.9 207 steel 1954

16 Tororo - Malaba 132 kV 10.6 28 steel 1954

1.6.2. Transmission Lines Maintenance Activities

o Line inspection
o Replacement of vandalized earth wires
o Replacement of broken insulators
o Cleaning of polluted disc insulators
o Replacement of decayed/ rotten wood pole structures
o Replacement of stolen structure accessories like stay wires
o Line clearance
o Construction and maintenance of access roads
o Live line maintenance works
o Replacement of broken jumpers

1.6.3. Dead Line Maintenance Tools

o Tirfor
o Come along
o Pull lifts
o Proof Chain
o Auger
1.6.4. Live Line Maintenance Tools

o Wire Tong
o Universal Sticks
o Insulator Fork
o Water key Pusher
o Sliding shadow
o Ropes
o Jin Pole
o Auger
o Pull Lifts [4]



2.1.1. Substation

A substation is a part of an electrical generation, transmission and distribution system, where

voltage is transformed from high to low, or from low to high. There are different components
found at the substation, each having its function. [5]
Some of the important components found at a substation are as explained below Busbars

Various incoming and outgoing circuits are connected to busbars. Busbars receive power from
incoming circuits such as from the power generation place and deliver power to outgoing circuits.

Figure2- 1: Busbars at a substation Surge Arrestors

Surge Arresters discharge the over voltage surges to the earth through a surge counter and protect
the equipment insulation from switching surges and lightning surges. Surge arresters are generally
connected between phase conductor and ground. In a Substation surge arrester is located at the
starting of the substation as seen from incoming transmission lines and is the first equipment of

the substation. Surge arresters are also provided near the transformer terminals phase to ground.
Two type of surge arresters are available [6]

1. Gapped Arresters
2. Gapless Zinc – Oxide arresters.

Figure2- 2: Surge Arrester Isolators

Isolators are provided for isolation from live parts for the purpose of maintenance. Isolators are
located at either side of the circuit breaker i.e. before and after the circuit breaker. Isolators are
operated offload. Isolator does not have any rating for current breaking or current making. Isolators
are interlocked with circuit breakers

Types of Isolators are

1. Central rotating, horizontal swing

2. Centre-Break

3. Vertical swing

4. Pantograph type [6]

Figure2- 3: Isolators Earth Switch

Earth Switch is used to discharge the voltage on the circuit to the earth for safety from electric
shocks. Earth switch is mounted on the frame of the isolators. Earth Switch is located for each
incomer transmission line and each side of the busbar section [6]

Figure2- 4: Earth switch Current Transformer

A current transformer (CT) is a type of transformer that is used to reduce or multiply an alternating
current (AC). It produces a current in its secondary which is proportional to the current in its

Current transformers, along with voltage or potential transformers, are instrument transformers.
Instrument transformers scale the large values of voltage or current to small standardized values
that are easy to handle for measuring instruments and protective relays. The instrument
transformers isolate measurement or protection circuits from the high voltage of the primary
system. A current transformer provides a secondary current that is accurately proportional to the
current flowing in its primary. The current transformer presents a negligible load to the primary

Current transformers are the current-sensing units of the power system and are used at generating
stations, electrical substations, and in industrial and commercial electric power distribution. [7]

Current transformers are used for Stepping down current for measurement, protection and control.
Current transformers are of two types; [6]

1. Protective CT

2. Measuring CT

Figure2- 5: Current Transformer Voltage Transformer

Voltage transformers (VT), also called potential transformers (PT), are a parallel connected type
of instrument transformer. They are designed to present negligible load to the supply being
measured and have an accurate voltage ratio and phase relationship to enable accurate secondary
connected metering. [8]

Voltage transformers are used to step down the voltage for measurement, protection and control.
Voltage transformers are also of two types. [6]

1. Electromagnetic type and

2. Capacitive VT located on the feeder side of the Circuit Breaker.

Figure2- 6: Voltage Transformer Circuit Breaker

Circuit Breaker is used for Switching during normal and abnormal operating conditions. It is used
to interrupt the short circuit currents. They are rated depending on the load they are used for to
prevent damage in cases of over voltage. Circuit Breaker operations include.

1. Closing

2. Opening

3. Auto – reclosing

Circuit Breaker is located near every switching point and also located at both ends of every
protection zone.

Figure2- 7: SF6 Circuit Breaker

Different Types of Circuit Breakers

The different types of high voltage circuit breakers which includes the following

✓ Air Circuit Breaker

✓ SF6 Circuit Breaker
✓ Vacuum Circuit Breaker
✓ Oil Circuit Breaker
✓ Air Circuit Breaker [9]
Air Circuit Breaker

This circuit breaker will operate in the air; the quenching medium is an Arc at atmospheric
pressure. The importance of ACB that makes it preferable to oil circuit breaker to use up to 15kV,
is that oil circuit breaker may catch fire when used at 15kV. There are two types of air circuit

➢ Plain air circuit breaker

➢ Air blast Circuit Breaker [9]

Plain Air Circuit Breaker

Plain air circuit breaker is also called as Cross-Blast Circuit Breaker. In this, the circuit breaker is
fitted with a chamber which basically surrounds the contacts. This chamber is known as arc chute.

Figure2- 8: Plain Air Circuit Breaker

This arc is made to drive in it. In achieving the cooling of the air circuit breaker, an arc chute will
help. From the refractory material, an arc chute is made. The internal walls of arc chute are shaped
in such a way that arc is not forced into close proximity. It will drive into the winding channel
projected on an arc chute wall. The arc chute will have many small compartments and many
divisions which are separated metallic plates. Here each of small compartments behaves as a mini
arc chute and metallic separation plate acts like arc splitters. All arc voltages will be higher than
the system voltage when the arc will split into a series of arcs. It is only preferable for low voltage
application. [9]

Air Blast Circuit Breaker

Air blast circuit breakers are used for system voltage of 245kV, 420kV and also even more. Air
blast circuit breakers are of two types:

• Axial blast breaker

• Axial blast with sliding moving contact.
Axial Blast Breaker

In the axial blaster breaker, the moving contact of the axial blast breaker will be in contact. The
nozzle orifice is fixed to the contact of a breaker at a normal closed condition. A fault occurs when
high pressure is introduced into the chamber. Voltage is sufficient to sustain high-pressure air
when flowed through nozzle orifice.

Figure2- 9: Air-Blast Circuit Beaker

Advantages of Air-Blast Circuit Beaker

• It is used where frequent operation is required because of lesser arc energy.

• It is risk free from fire.
• Small in size.
• It requires less maintenance.
• Arc quenching is much faster
• Speed of circuit breaker is much higher.
• The time duration of the arc is same for all values of current.

Disadvantages of Air-Blast Circuit Breaker

• It requires additional maintenance.

• The air has relatively lower arc extinguishing properties
• It contains high capacity air compressor.
• From the air pipe junction there may be a chance of air pressure leakage
• There is the chance of a high rate rise of re-striking current and voltage chopping.
Application and Uses of Air Circuit Breaker

• It is used for protection of plants, electrical machines, transformers, capacitors and

• Air circuit breaker is also used in the Electricity sharing system.
• Also used in Low as well as High Currents and voltage applications.
SF6 Circuit Breaker

In the SF6 circuit breaker, the current carrying contacts operate in Sulphur hexafluoride gas known
as an SF6 circuit breaker. It is an excellent insulating property and high electro-negativity. The
negative ion is formed when a free electron collides with the SF6 gas molecule; it is absorbed by
that gas molecule. The two different ways of attachment of electron with SF6 gas molecules are

SF6 + e = SF6

SF6 + e = SF5- + F

Figure2- 10: SF6 Circuit Breaker

The negative ions which are formed will be much heavier than a free electron. Therefore, when
compared with other common gases overall mobility of the charged particle in the SF6 gas is much
less. The mobility of charged particles is majorly responsible for conducting current through a gas.
Hence, for heavier and less mobile charged particles in SF6 gas, it acquires very high dielectric
strength. This gas good heat transfer property because of low gaseous viscosity. SF6 is 100 times
more effective in arc quenching media than air circuit breaker. It is used for both medium and high
voltage electrical power system from 33kV to 800kV. [9]

Types of SF6 Circuit Breaker

• Single interrupter SF6 circuit breaker applied up to 220

• Two interrupter SF6 circuit breaker applied up to 400
• Four interrupter SF6 circuit breaker applied up to 715V
Vacuum Circuit Breaker

A Vacuum circuit breaker is a circuit breaker in which vacuum is used to extinct the arc. It has
dielectric recovery character, excellent interruption and can interrupt the high frequency current
which results from arc instability, superimposed on the line frequency current.

Figure2- 11: Vacuum Circuit Breaker

In the principle of operation of VCB, there are two contacts called electrodes which remain closed
under normal operating conditions. When a fault occurs in any part of the system, then the trip coil
of the circuit breaker gets energized and finally contact gets separated. The moment contacts of
the breaker are opened in vacuum, i.e. 10-7 to 10-5 Torr, an arc is produced between the contacts
by the ionization of metal vapors of contacts. Here the arc quickly gets extinguished, this happens
because the electrons, metallic vapors and ions produced during arc, condense quickly on the
surface of the CB contacts, resulting in quick recovery of dielectric strength. [9]


• VCBs are reliable, compact and long life

• They can interrupt any fault current.
• There will be no fire hazards.
• No noise is produced
• It has higher dielectric strength.
• It requires less power for control operation.

Oil Circuit Breaker

In this type of circuit breaker oil is used, but mineral oil is preferable. It has better insulating
property than air. The moving contact and fixed contact are immerged inside the insulating oil.
When the separation of current takes place, then carrier contacts in the oil, the arc in circuit breaker
is initialized at the moment of separation of contacts, and because of this arc in the oil is vaporized
and decomposed in hydrogen gas and finally creates a hydrogen bubble around the arc. This highly
compressed gas bubble around an arc prevents re-striking of the arc after current reaches zero
crossing of the cycle. The OCB is the oldest type of circuit breakers.

Different types of Oil Circuit Breaker

• Bulk oil circuit breaker

• Minimum oil circuit breaker
Bulk Oil Circuit Breaker (BOCB)

In the BOCB, oil is used to arc the quenching media and also for insulating media in between earth
parts of circuit breaker and current carrying contacts. The same transformer insulating oil is used.
The working principle of the BOCB says when the current carrying contacts in the oil are
separated, then an arc is generated between the separated contacts. The arc which is established
will produce rapid growing gas bubble around the arc. The moving contacts will move away from
the fixed contact of arc and this result the resistance of the arc gets increased. Here the increased
resistance will cause the lowering of the temperature. Hence the reduced formations of gasses
surround the arc.

Figure2- 12: BOCB Circuit Breaker

When the current passes through zero crossing, the arc quenching in the BOCB takes places. In
the totally air tight vessel, the gas bubble is enclosed inside the oil. The oil will surround with high
pressure on the bubble, this results in highly compressed gas around the arc. When the pressure is
increased the de- ionization of the gas also increases, which results in arc quenching. The hydrogen
gas will help in cooling the arc quenching in the oil circuit breaker. [9]


❖ Good cooling property because of decomposition

❖ Oil has high dielectric strength
❖ It acts like an insulator between earth and live parts.
❖ The oil used here will absorb arc energy while decomposing

❖ It will not permit high speed of interruption

❖ It takes long arcing time.
Minimum Oil Circuit Breaker

It is a circuit breaker which utilizes oil as the interrupting media. The minimum oil circuit breaker
places the interrupting unit in an insulating chamber at the live potential. But insulating material

is available in interrupting chamber. This CB requires less amount of oil so it is called as minimum
oil circuit breaker.

Figure2- 13: Minimum Oil Circuit Breaker


➢ It requires less maintenance.

➢ It is suitable for both automatic operation and manual.
➢ It requires smaller space
➢ The cost for breaking capacity in MVA is also less.

➢ Oil deteriorates because of carbonization.

➢ There is a possibility of explosion and fire
➢ As it has a smaller quantity of oil, so carbonization increases.
➢ It is very difficult to remove gases from the space between the contacts. [9]

Power Transformers are used to step up or step-down A.C voltages and to transfer electrical power
from one voltage level to another. Tap changers are used for voltage control.

Figure2- 14: Labelled parts of a power transformer

1. Transformer Tank: This holds the transformer windings and its insulating medium (oil-filled).
Transformer tanks must be air-tightly sealed for it to isolate its content from any atmospheric
contaminants. The tanks also have to the properly earthed for safety in case of power discharge.

2. High Voltage Bushing: This is the terminals where the primary windings of the transformer
terminate and serves as an insulator from the transformer tank. Its creapage distance is dependent
on the voltage rating of the transformer.

3. Low Voltage Bushing: Like the high voltage bushing, this is the terminals where the secondary
windings of the transformer terminate and serves as an insulator from the transformer tank. Low
voltage bushing can be easily distinguished from its high voltage counterpart since low voltage
bushings are usually smaller in size compared to the high voltage bushing.

4. Cooling Fins/Radiator: In order for the transformer to dissipate the heat it generates in its oil-

insulation, cooling fins and radiators are usually attached to the transformer tanks. The capacity of
the transformer is dependent to its temperature that is why it is important for it to have a cooling
mechanism for better performance and higher efficiency.

Types of cooling systems:

• Oil Natural Air Natural (ONAN)
• Oil Natural Air Forced (ONAF)
• Oil Forced Air Natural (OFAN)
• Oil Forced Air Forced (OFAF)
• Oil Forced Water Forced (OFWF) [4]

5. Cooling Fans: These are usually found attached to the cooling fins. Cooling fans can either be
a timer controlled or a winding/oil temperature controlled. Cooling fans helps raises the
transformer capacity during times when the temperature of the transformer rises due to its loading.
Cooling fans used on the transformer are actuated by the help of a relaying device which when
senses a relatively high temperature enables the fan to automatically run.

6. Conservator Tank: An oil preservation system in which the oil in the main tank is isolated
from the atmosphere, over the temperature range specified, by means of an auxiliary tank partly
filled with oil and connected to the completely filled main tank.

7. System Ground Terminal: System ground terminals in a power transformer are usually present
whenever the connection type of the transformer windings has wye in it. This terminal can be
found in-line with the main terminals of the transformer.

8. Drain Valve: It is usually found in the bottom part of the transformer tank. Drain valves are
used whenever oil replacement is necessary. Through this valve, the replacement of oil in an oil-
filled transformer can be easily done simply by opening this valve like that of a faucet.

Figure2- 15: Dehydrating Breather

9. Dehydrating Breather: Dehydrating breathers are used to prevent the normal moisture in the
air from coming in contact with the oil in electrical equipment as the load or temperature changes.
This reduces the degeneration of the oil and helps maintain its insulation capability. When used
with conservator system with a rubber air cell it reduces moisture accumulation in the cell. Some
breathers are designed for sealed tank transformers and breathe only at pre-set pressure levels.

10. Oil Temperature/Pressure gauges: These are used for monitoring the internal characteristics
of the transformer especially its windings. These gauges help the operator in knowing the level of
temperature and pressure inside the transformer (oil and winding). This will also serve as an alarm
whenever a certain level is reached that could be harmful to the transformer windings.

11. Bushing Current Transformers: Modern transformer construction today now includes
current transformers. These are usually found around the transformer terminals which will be later
be used for metering and relaying purposes. Its terminals are found in the control panels attached
to the transformer.

12. Control Panel: This house all of the transformer’s monitoring devices terminals and auxiliary
devices including the terminals of the bushing current transformers and cooling fans. Control
panels are very useful especially when a remote-control house is needed to be constructed, this
will serve as their connection point.

13. Surge Arresters: This type of arresters is placed right directly before and after the transformer
terminals in order to minimize the exposure of the transformer. Like any other surge arresters, its
purpose is to clip sudden voltage surge that can be damaging to the winding of the transformer.

Two transformers are connected in parallel means that the two primary windings of two identical
transformers are connected to source and the two secondary windings of these same transformers
are connected to load bus-bars as shown in the figure below.

Figure2- 16: Parallel Operation of Transformer

Need of parallel Operation of Transformers

▪ To supply a load in excess of the ratings of an existing transformer, two or more transformers
may be connected in parallel with the existing transformer. This is more economical
connecting an extra small transformer in parallel instead of keeping another large capacity
transformer. The cost is also less for purchasing extra small rating transformer.
▪ Parallel operation of transformers provides more reliability i.e. even in the failure or out of
service of one transformer half of the bus load can be driven using signal transformer in
emergency cases.

Conditions for parallel operation of Transformers

There are various conditions that must fulfilled for the successful operation of transformers as
1. The line voltage ratio of two transformers must be equal.
2. Each transformer should have equal per unit impedance and they should have same ratio of
equivalent leakage reactance to the equal resistance.
3. The transformers should have same secondary winding polarity.
4. The Transformers should have same phase sequence (Three phase transformer)
5. The transformers should have the zero-relative phase replacement between the secondary
line voltages. (Three phase transformers) [11] TRANSFORMER TESTS

Step-up and step-down transformers are used in many industrial and public utility applications.
Wherever they are used, it is critical for the installation team to complete several different tests
prior to installation. Diligent testing ensures the electrical, thermal, and mechanical suitability of
the transformer for the system being served. Most of the tests performed on power transformers
are defined in national standards created by IEEE, NEMA, and ANSI.

Each type of transformer and each contractor or utility provider will have a specified regimen of
recommended tests, but it is critical that these be conducted diligently by the installation team to
ensure safe and efficient operation of the system.

There are 8 different tests commonly applied to power transformers. Most testing routines will
include most of these tests.

Turns Ratio Testing

The transformer turns ratio test is used to make sure that the ratio between the windings of the
primary and secondary coils follow the proper specifications. This test ensures that the transformer
will provide the proper step-up or step down in voltage.

The turn’s ratio is calculated by dividing the number of turns in the primary winding by the number
of turns in the secondary winding. This calculation defines the expected output of the transformer
and gives the corresponding voltage required on the secondary winding. In a step-down
transformer designed to reduce the voltage, the number of turns in the secondary coil must be
lower than that in the first, while in step-up transformer, the secondary coil must have more turns
than the first coil.

The ratio is calculated under no-load conditions, using a tool known as a turn’s ratio tester. Done
correctly, the test can identify tap changer performance, shorted turns, open windings, incorrect
winding connections and other faults inside transformers.

Simultaneous readings of voltage are taken to the low-voltage and high-voltage windings area after
the voltage is applied to one winding. The ratio is the division between the high reading and low
reading. If it is a three-phase transformer, each phase is tested individually.

Insulation Resistance Testing

Commonly known as the Megger test, insulation resistance testing measures the quality of
insulation within the transformer. Testing is typically done with a megger tester, a tool similar to
a multi-meter but with a much higher capacity. Some variations in testing results in natural,
depending on the moisture, cleanliness and the temperature of the insulation, but to pass, the
insulation must demonstrate a higher resistance than prescribed international standards for the type
of transformer.

The insulation resistance test involves measuring the insulation resistance of a device while the
phase and neutral are short-circuited together. It is recommended that tank and core should always
be grounded when this test is performed and that each winding is short-circuited at the bushing
terminals. Resistances are then measured between each winding and between all other windings
and ground.

Power Factor Testing

The power factor test determines the power loss of the transformer's insulation system by
measuring the power angle between an applied AC voltage and the resultant current. Power
factor is defined as the cosine of the phase angle between voltage and current. For ideal insulation,
the phase angle is 90 degrees, but in practice, no insulation is ideal. The closer the phase angle is
to 90 degrees, the better the insulation.

The test is performed with a power factor test kit, and the connections are the same as for the
Megger test (the insulation resistance test). This test can be repeated during the service life of the
transformer and verified against the result obtained during manufacturing, as a check to determine
if the insulation is malfunctioning or decaying.

Resistance Testing

Resistance testing is conducted several hours after a transformer has stopped conducting current
when it reaches the same temperature as its surroundings. The purpose of this test is to check for
differences in resistance between windings and opens in the connections. This test ensures that
each circuit is properly wired properly and that all connections are tight. Resistance testing is
performed using a transformer ohmmeter.

Winding resistance is calculated by measuring the voltage and current simultaneously ideally, the
measured current will be as close to the rated current as possible. Performing this test will allow
you to calculate and compensate for losses as a whole.

Polarity Testing

Polarity refers simply to the direction of current flow in a transformer, and testing is done to ensure
that the windings are all connected the same way, and not in opposing ways that can cause a short
circuit. Polarity is a vital concern if several transformers are to be paralleled or bank-connected.

Polarity in a transformer is categorized as either additive or subtractive, and it is tested using a

voltmeter. When voltage is applied between the primary bushings and the resultant voltage
between the secondary bushings is greater, then it means that the transformer has additive polarity.
Three-phase transformers are also checked for polarity by the same means.

Phase Relation Testing

This test will detect if two or more transformers have been connected in a correct phase
relationship. This test calculates the angular displacement and relative phase sequence of the
transformers and can be conducted at the same time as ratio and polarity tests. The voltages of the

phase of primary and secondary windings in each transformer can be recorded and comparisons
made to get the phase relation between them.

Oil Tests

The oil that provides insulation and cooling properties for a transformer should be tested before
the transformer is energized, and periodically as a part of a regular maintenance schedule. It is
generally done with a portable testing unit which applies test voltage that increases in intensity
until a breakdown point of the oil is detected. An oil sample test can detect several things on a

• Acid number
• Dielectric breakdown
• Power factor
• Moisture content
• Interfacial tension

Oil tests are very useful for determining the condition of the insulation and the oil. Based on these
results, a maintenance program for the transformer can be established.

Visual Inspection

Although this is the simplest of all tests, a visual inspection may reveal potential problems that
can't be detected by other, more sophisticated forms of diagnostic testing. A standard procedure
must be established to perform the visual test, identifying the elements to be viewed and criteria
for pass/fail judgments. These can vary, depending on the type of transformer and the
circumstances of the installation, but most standard visual inspections look for the presence of
manufacturer's labels, signs of physical damage, the condition of welds, oil loss or
leakage, integrity of wire connections, and the condition of valves and gauges (if present). [12]


2.2.1. Transformer Tests

The reason for carrying out transformer test is to check whether the transformer is still working
under its normal operation as specified on the name plate. At Namanve Substation we carried out
transformer test on a 33kV/433V transformer.

Several tests were carried out during the transformer test as below.

✓ Voltage Ratio Test

✓ Short Circuit test
✓ Insulation test Voltage Ratio Test

A small know voltage of 420V was applied on the primary windings (HV) of the transformer. The
stepped down output was measured from the secondary (LV) windings of the transformer. The
output measured between each phase i.e. Red, Yellow and Blue, and the neutral was 3.1V while
that between phase and phase was 5.5V

We then first calculated the theoretical expected value at the output so as to confirm whether the
transformer was still functioning well.

33kV [input] =433V [output]

420V [input] = yV [output]

y = (420/33000) * 433

y = 5.5V, where y is the theoretical output expected

Since the expected calculated output was the same with the practical output measured, the
33kV/433V transformer was still functioning well.

34 Short Circuit Test

During this test, we used percentage impedance which we got from the name plate to help in
calculating the value of the test voltage.

Test voltage = % impedance * Primary [nominal] voltage

= 4.2% * 33kV

= 1386V

Instead of using that we used 420V, which was 1/3.5 of 1386V. This was because the calculated
test voltage was not easily obtainable at that moment and to avoid complications which could arise
in the process of trying to come up with the 1396V.

We then shorted the secondary winding before applying the 420V. On applying the voltage on the
primary windings, the current in the shorted secondary winding was measured and it was 38A for
all the phases. Insulation Test

This test was done to determine the leakage current resistance insulation. We took measurements
between windings and between windings and the earth.

A known test voltage of 2.5kV was applied to the primary windings. Resistance values between
the HV and LV sides were measured using a megger tester and recorded at 10 and 60 seconds
respectively. Again 2.5kV was applied to the primary windings and the resistance between HV
and the body of the transformer was measured and recorded in the same time interval respectively.

Lastly a test voltage of 500V was applied to the primary side and using the resistance between the
LV and the body of the transformer was measured using a megger tester and recorded. The results
were tabulated as in the table below.

Table 4: Recorded Results

Resistance Time Interval

10 Seconds 60 Seconds

Between HV and LV windings 2.8GΩ 3.94GΩ

Between HV and the tank 2.0GΩ 1.6GΩ

Between LV and the tank 1.42GΩ 2.06GΩ

For proper insulation, the values of the resistance should be ranging in mega ohms (MΩ) to giga
ohms (GΩ). Since our values were in GΩ, the insulation of the transformer we tested was good.

Figure2- 17: Carrying out Transformer tests

Figure2- 18: TF testing



3.1.1. Transmission Line Components Conductors

These form the medium of electricity passage from one point to another. To be efficient, they
should be made from material with low resistivity, high tensile strength and they include;

➢ Copper
The main advantage of copper is that its conductivity is high but also it has a disadvantage
of high costs. Because of this advantage, it’s being replaced by aluminum.
➢ Aluminum
Aluminum conductors are being used instead of copper because aluminum is cheaper and
lighter than copper of the same resistance and length. Several types’ aluminum conductors
that are used depending factors such as costs, strength and power flows and loss
considerations. Aluminum alloys have higher tensile strength than ordinary electrical grade
✓ AAAC-All aluminum alloy conductors
✓ AAC-All aluminum conductor
✓ ACSR-Aluminum conductor, steel reinforced
✓ ACAR-Aluminum conductor, alloy reinforced

The ACSR conductor consists of an inner core of steel strands surrounded by aluminum strands
while the ACAR has a core of higher strength aluminum surrounded by electrical conducting
aluminum strands. The conductivity is about 2/3 of copper but has a much lighter weight which is
1/3 of copper, and it’s readily available. The various types of aluminum overhead types include;

Shield Wires

They are installed on the top most part of an overhead line transmission tower to shield the
conductors from lightening and provide a low return path to the ground. They are earthed
at all tower points by virtue of their direct electrical contact with the steel towers whereas
they are earth by means of a conductor connecting them to ground at specified distances
along the length of a line with wood pole structures.

Supporting Structures

Lattice towers, monopoles and wood pole are the common support structures used in
constructing power lines. The choice of type of structure depends on the cost, reliability
and some technical consideration related to the area in which it is being constructed.
Individual wood poles are arranged to the desired type of structure that should be strong
enough to support the weight of the conductors, wind forces and electromagnet forces.
Steel lattice towers are applicable where longer spans, high wind loads and heavy
conductors make the use of wood or light steel poles impractical. Although they are
costlier, structures are more reliable and more durable than those built on wood pole
Overhead lines employ a variety of supporting structures ranging from wood poles, steel
towers and steel poles as well as reinforced concrete structures. Supporting structures
ensure that the line height satisfies prescribed conductor to ground clearances and control
the ground level electric field and its potential shock hazard. Wood poles are treated with
some preservative to protect them against pests and chemical reactions of the soil. The
wooden poles may be setup from different structures depending on their roles, these

➢ Section Structures
These are for tensioning the conductors and also for changing direction of the power
carrying cables
➢ Intermediate structure
This provides continuity to the current carrying cable i.e. the conductor.

Figure 3- 1: Intermediate Structure
Figure 3- 2: 3 Member Section

39 Flying angle structures

Such structures may be used in place of the section structures as their flying angles permit change
of direction of power line cables. They are also effective because 24 insulators may be used instead
of 72 insulators required for section Insulators

Overhead transmission line conductors are attached to their support structures by means of
insulators such that direct electrical contact between the conductors and support structures are
avoided. Insulators are made of glass, polymeric composite or porcelain material.

Insulators are designed to secure the conductor to it. The most common way to do this is to use a
wire to tie the conductor to the insulator. Another method is to design the insulator with self-typing
features such as complex slots and grooves formed into the insulator

Types of Insulators

o Post
o Pin
o Shackle
o Disc

Suspension glass disc insulators are commonly used on UETCL’s transmission lines. The
individual glass discs are fastened together to form a string in order to achieve the desired level of

Overhead line insulators are made from non-conducting polymeric or porcelain materials to ensure
conductors are electrically isolated from the supporting structures. Therefore, the leakage through
the support to the earth is prevented and the risk of electric shock from poles is also minimized.

This insulation levels inevitably increases with voltage levels, i.e. the insulation levels used on the
11kV lines are much less than those used on 132kV line.

The insulators are distinguished by looking at them and the various applications they perform.
These include;

Shackle (reel insulators)

These are used on low voltage lines and can be used in horizontal as well as vertical
Disc insulators
These usually hang from the cross-arm of the supporting structure hence the name. They
are widely used in overhead transmission networks.
Pin Insulators
These are meant for medium voltage networks up to 33V structures. Arcing horns.

These are also meant for checking lightening and over voltages on the line circuit. They are placed
at the two ends of a high voltage line insulator, are projecting conductors used to protect insulators
on high voltage transmission lines from damage during flash over by allowing flash overs between
themselves rather through the insulator. Flash over occur due to over voltages as a result of faults,
cloud charge and lightening. They are also used to protect transformer bushings. Vibration Dumpers

These are put on section structures. They act as shock absorbers that check the power line cable
movement during windy conditions. These are devices designed to prevent transfer of vibration or
movement of conductors to the towers (Aeolian vibrations that occur in winds of laminar flow of
5-10 m/s, at frequencies from 5 to 60 Hz) by dissipating the conductor’s vibration energy. The most
common type of damper is the Stockbridge type which comprises of two hollow masses attached
together by means of a flexible connection. [4]


We travelled to Mbalala in Mukono District to work on Lugogo – Owen Falls 132kV line. We
found one of the transmission towers had toppled. This tower has two lines i.e. Owen Falls1 and
Owen Falls2. Owenfalls1 had already been diverted from the tower, so we were to divert
Owenfalls2 from the topped tower through temporary structures.

Figure 3- 3: Toppled Transmission Tower at Mbalala

We did series of activities in the process of diverting Owen Falls2 from the faulty tower through
the temporary structures. These tasks were done on different days for 5 weeks. Below are the
different tasks we carried out in their orders as follow;

➢ Digging of holes for poles and stay wires

➢ Aligning/Positioning and erecting the poles
➢ Installation of Crossarms and Insulators
➢ Installation of the conductor i.e. stringing

3.2.1 Digging of holes for poles and stay wires

According to the design of the temporary structure, there are two 3-member sections and four
intermediates. For the 3-member sections, we dug three holes for each section. The holes are 16ft
from each other and 7ft in depth. For the intermediates, we dug two holes for each intermediate
structure. The holes are 19ft 6” from each other and of the same depth as for the 3-member sections.

For additional support to the 3-member sections, we are to put stay wires. So we dug 8 holes for
the stay wires near each of the 3 member sections. In total we dug 14 holes for the poles and 16 for
the stay wires.

3.2.2 Aligning and erecting the poles

When aligning /positioning the poles, a long nylon rope was tied at the top and bottom parts of the
pole so as to help in dragging the pole. We drugged the poles near their respective holes and
properly positioned them with help of a pole twister. Holes for fixing crossarms, tension insulators
and suspension insulators were then drilled into the poles.

Figure 3- 4: Aligning the pole near it's hole

Figure 3- 5: Positioning the pole with a twister

After properly aligning the poles, we erected them one at a time since it needed much energy to
raise the pole up. Three strong nylon ropes were tied on the pole and tied on a metallic rod fixed on
the ground. The ropes are at 900 from each other. This is to help in balancing the pole when it’s
being erected. A fourth rope connected to a tirfor was also tied at 900 to the adjacent rope. The tirfor
was used to help in raising the pole to the required height till the pole entered the hole. With the
help of a plumb bob, the pole was made to stand straight and then we backfilled it.

Figure 3- 6: Erecting poles for 3-member section

Figure 3- 7: Backfilling the pole

Figure 3- 8: Operating a tirfor machine

3.2.3 Installation of Crossarms and Insulators

Before we fixed the crossarms on the sections and the intermediates, we carried out measurements
for the crossarms. The total length for the 3-member section is 45ft and for the intermediates is
34ft. More detailed measurements were also done on the different crossarms as shown below.

Suspension Suspension Suspension

insulator hole1 insulator hole2 insulator

6ft 6” 9ft 9” 9ft 9” 6ft 6”

1ft 1ft

Pole Pole2
1 Figure 3- 9: Crossarm for intermediate

A sawing machine was used to cut of the unwanted parts of the pole used for crossarm. We then
raised the crossarm up the poles with the help of a pulley and fixed them at their corresponding
positions on the poles and bolted them with eye bolts.

Figure 3- 10: Cutting the unwanted part of the crossarm after measurement

Figure 3- 11: Installing the crosssarm on a 3-member section

After installing all the crossarms, we washed the disk insulators to remove dirt from them to ensure
their normal functioning. We then put the tension and suspension insulators at their different

positions on the crossarm. Each set of tension and suspension insulators had eight disk insulators
assembled together.

3.2.4 Installation of the conductor i.e. stringing

We fixed cleavers at the ends of all the suspension insulators and at the end of the tension insulators
at the two 3-member section we fixed gun clamps. Rollers were later hooked into the cleavers at
the end of the suspension insulators. An Aluminum conductor rolled in a wooden cylindrical drum
was then lower down from the truck by a crane until it was about 10cm from the ground. We all
had to pull the conductor from its drum.

When we reached the first 3-member section, a rope passing over a pulley was then tied on to the
conductor and we pulled the rope so that it lifts the conductor till it reaches the roller below the
suspension insulators. We continued with pulling the conductor as it rolls over the roller till we
reached the first intermediate and we did the same things to ensure the conductor is pot over the
roller. This was done till we reached the last 3-member section, where the conductor was firmly
clamped with a gun clamp. The end of the conductor protruding from the first 3-member section
was tied to the tirfor which was fixed on the truck. The wire was then properly tensioned with the
help of the tirfor leaving allowance for contraction and expansion. The conductor was the firmly
clamped with a gun clamp fixed on the tension insulator and then cut leaving about 2m of the
conductor protruding from the gun clamp for installing jumpers.

The same procedures were done for the yellow and blue phases. After completing with all the three
phases, the rollers hanging below the suspension insulators on the intermediates were then replaced
with suspension clamps and firmly tied using a spanner.

Figure 3- 12: Installing the conductor on the first 3-member section

Figure 3- 13: Suspension Clamps

Figure 3- 14: Fully installed conductor on an intermediate



There were quiet a lot of things that I observed during my field attachment at UETCL. Some of
these observations were positive while others were negative. These observations are summarized
as below.

4.1.1. Positive Observations:

All the interns had positive attitude towards the company and work we were being assigned. This
was because of the availability of skilled, ethical, social and professional engineers all around the
field. The field attachment gave me the opportunity to apply the knowledge I got theoretically at
the University to the field of work for example about transformers and transmission lines.

4.1.2. Negative Observations:

There was a challenge of financial support as the company doesn’t pay any salary or wage and
travelling to and from sites was my responsibility. This made many interns to miss some days of
training due to lack of transport and feeding money. Much as there was good working relationship
with most of the interns, others were so conservative and egocentric. They wouldn’t share what
they know with others. There was also a lot of fear of danger of electric shock and explosions. On
the side of the University, my academic supervisor could not reach exactly where we were working
due to late supervision schedules.


4.2.1. Recommendation for future interns

As a student, having a good relationship with your supervisor is so crucial to successful completion
of your degree. Supervisors provide expert guidance in and outside academics, and good
connections after graduation which can help when looking for a job. If your relationship with your
supervisor is not solid, there can be serious consequences. Daily documentation of every day’s task
is so important so that you don’t forget other important points since these records are import during
report writing and future reference when faced with a similar task.

4.2.2. Recommendation for the field attachment organization

As this is supposed to be full of practical, UETCL should not take a lot of time in explaining the
basics of components at substation like the transformer, since the students have those basics already
from class. The company should make the interns be making weekly reports on what was done in
that week so that work doesn’t pile up for the students and it also helps the company in gauging
how the students are picking up the training so that appropriate guidance can be given to them.
Time framed task is also one of the things that UETCL should pickup to help on improving the
output of tasks in a short time.

4.2.3. Recommendations for the University

The University should ensure that allocation of supervisors and issuing of recommendation letters
from the college is done early enough so as to give the students ample time to look for placements.
The academic supervisor should always communicate early when he/she is going to supervise the
student so as to reduce on supervisors finding the student has gone to the field where he/she may
not now locate at that point.


Field attachment as it sounds is a field-based practical training experience that prepares

trainees/students for the tasks they are expected to perform on completion of their training period.
Students are sent out by the different institutions for field attachment with the main objective of
enabling them acquire hands-on real life experiences in environments they are expected to work in
when they graduate. Just like every other companies/organizations, UETCL had slots to take
students for field attachment in the department of operations and maintenance, and other
departments. We were exposed to new technologies in electricity transmission which we used in
field when working on the Lugogo-Owen Falls line which had a toppled tower at Mbalala in
Mukono district. The interactions I had with the staff of UETCL and fellow interns was indeed a
great experience. Thanks to UETCL for giving me the opportunity to have my internship with them,
am really indebted to you.


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