To Understand Basic Concepts of Electromagnetic Circuits As They Relate To Voltages, Currents, and PH Ys Ical Forces Induced in Conductors

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Department of Electromechanical Engineering

College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Course Syllabus & Delivery Plan

1. Instructor Information
Name: Mengistu Assefa
Office:Block:64 / Room.No: 308
Instructor (s) Name
Phone: +251911156510
and Contact Information
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours: Tuesday : 10.30am to 12.30pm
2. Course Information
Course Title Introduction to Electrical Machine
Course Code EMEg 2261
Credit Hrs. 6(2 hrslec, 2hrs Tutorial and 3hrs Lab)
Pre-requisite Fundamentals of Electrical Circuit
Target Group: B.Sc in Electro- Mechanical Engineering (2nd Year)
Academic Year: 2020
Semester: II
3. Objective of the course
 To understand basic concepts of electromagnetic circuits as they relate to voltages, currents, and
ph ysical forces induced in conductors.
 To understand and gain insight into principles of operation& construction of transformer, induction
machines, D.C.machines, and synchronous machines.
 To learn and understand inrush currents, harmonics and conditions for parallel operation and design aspects
of transformers
 To learn and understand analytical models for transformers and electrical rotating machines.
 To analyze power requirements, power capability, Efficiency and operating characteristics of electrical

4. Course Description
This course includes the overview Magnetics, Transformers, D.CMachines, Induction Machines
and SynchronousMachines

5. Learning Outcomes
1. Know the basic concepts of electromagnetic circuits
2. Understand construction and principles of operation of rotating and stationary electrical machines.
3. Familiarize the analytical models for transformers and rotating electrical machines
4. Basic insight on the use of models to analyze power requirements, power capability, Efficiency and
Department of Electromechanical Engineering
College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
Addis Ababa Science and Technology University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

operating characteristics of electrical Machine.

5.1 Knowledge
Upon completion of these topics, students will be able to:
5.1.1 Know about the application of electromagneticcircuits
5.1.2 Gain insight on the working principles application of different types of electrical machines
5.1.3 Capable to design and construct different types of Electrical machines
5.1.4 Familiarize on equivalent circuits of Transformers and different types of rotating Electrical machines
5.1.5 Determining the Equivalent circuit model parameters of Induction Motor
5.2 Intellectual and Practical skills
5.2.1 Students can able to develop a skill of designing Transformers
5.2.2 Students can able to develop a skill of designing different types of Rotating Electrical machines
5.2.3 Students can able to develop Equivalent Circuits of different types of Electrical machines
5.3 Attitude and behavior
5.3.1 Develop team spirit.
5.3.2 Students should be punctual, regular and disciplined.
5.3.3 Engagement and Learning.
5.3.4 Perceived academic competence.
6 Course outline
Learning ctivity Rem
Week Chapters Topics and Subtopics
outcome (tutorial arks
1. Field properties
2. Materials, saturation
3. Hysteresis Discussion in
Chapter I: 4. Magnetic circuits class, Student
1&2 Centered
Magnetics 5. Iron loses Learning
6. Production of EMF and Approaches
Electromagnetic force-
1. Introduction, Construction, Lecture
Principle of operation, Ideal supported by
Chapter - 2 tutorial,
& practical models of
3,4,5 Transformers Laboratory &
2. Parameter Testing, Voltage
Regulation and Efficiency
Department of Electromechanical Engineering
College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
Addis Ababa Science and Technology University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

3. 3-phase transformers, Assignments

Connection groups, In rush And
current harmonics Test
4. Design Aspect
 Transformer winding
 Special transformers
Auto transformers,

1. Introduction, Construction,
Principle of Operation,
Synchronous Speed, Slip and
Revolving Field
2. Equivalent circuit models,
Chapter – 3 Lecture
Power Loss in an Induction
supported by
Motor, Torque, power and
3-Phase tutorial,
Thevenin’s Laboratory &
Induction Theorem,Torque-speed Workshop
Machines (IM) Characteristics, Torque Practice,Demo
6,7,8 equation, stall and starting nstrationsand
torque, efficiencyand Assignments
Determine Parameter of the
equivalent circuit
3. IM Windings
 Starting and control
of IM
 Winding factors
 Circle diagram
 Design aspect.

1. Introduction, Construction
Commutation, Armature
Chapter - 4 Lecture
reaction,Characteristics of
9,10,11 D.C Machines supported by
: DC Generator, Parallel tutorial,
Operation Laboratory &
2. Characteristics of D.C. Motors Workshop
Department of Electromechanical Engineering
College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
Addis Ababa Science and Technology University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

 Speed Control of DC motors Practice,

 D.C machines winding Assignments
 Dynamic equations AndTests

1. Construction
2. Equivalent circuit
Chapter - 5 3. Parameter testing,
4. Types and characteristics of
Synchronous synchronous machines
Machines  Alternator
 Motor operation of
synchronous machine
 Reference frame Discussion in
transformation, salient- class, Student
12,13,14 pole machine analysis Learning
using direct-quadrature Approaches &
axis theory. Quize
5. Power/load angle relationships
for the salient pole machines
6. Transients in synchronous
 Parallel operation of
 Transient analysis.

15 Final Exam week

7. Text books
1. J. Hindmarsh: Electrical Machines and their Applications, 1996
8. Reference Books
[1] J. Theodore Wildi: Electrical Machines, Drives and Power systems, Prentice Hall: 6th edition Jan 26,2005.
[2] Kosow: Electric Machinery and Control, Prentice-Hall, 1997.
[3] Nagrath,T J, Electric Machines, Tata McGraw hill Edition 1997.
[4] Siskind: Electrical Machines, McGraw-Hill.

9. Mode of delivery/Teaching and learning methods:

Type Weightage Due Date Behavior and criteria
Quiz-1 (Surprise Test) 5% Any time after  Examination will be set to address learning
Department of Electromechanical Engineering
College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
Addis Ababa Science and Technology University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

1stweek outcomes and 35% before the semester exam.

Test 15% The criteria are to get all questions answered
Project 15% correctly.
Assignment 15%  Questions will be given to group to check the
level of confidence and the criteria are to get
correct work done, where in individual
contribution is evaluated in teamwork.
Final 50%
 Further, in a group all the individual are
responsible for overall performance and equal
weightage will be given.
10. Course policies
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students throughout this
 Academic dishonesty, including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not
be tolerated.
 Students are required to submit and present the assignments provided
according to the time table indicated.
Course Policies  Minimum of 80% attendance during lecture hours; and
 100% attendance during practical work sessions, except for some
unprecedented mishaps.
 Please try to be on time for class. Students will not allow entering if late more
than five minutes.
 Active participation in class is essential
 Cell phones MUST be turned off before entering the class.
11. Due date:
All assignments must be turned in the class on the due date for full credit. No assignment will be accepted after class
on the due date.
12. Class room Behavior:
Anything that disturbs your instructor or your colleagues during the class period is considered as a troublesome
behavior. Examples include: Using mobiles, PDA, making offensive remarks, sleeping, working on assignments
related to other courses, etc. Troublesome behaviors are completely prohibited.
13. Approval
Name of the Officials Signature Date
Instructor: Mengistu Assefa
Dep’t Head: Mr. Hmdihun Abdi

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