School of Teacher Education Instructional Module in Management Science

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Instructional Module in Management Science

I. Lesson Number 4
II. Lesson Title Survey: Questions to Collect data/Data Coding
III. Brief Introduction Various mediums are used to collect feedback and opinions from the
of the Lesson desired sample of individuals. While conducting survey research,
researchers prefer multiple sources to gather data such as online
surveys, telephonic surveys, face-to-face surveys, etc. The medium
of collecting survey data decides the sample of people that are to be
reached out to, to reach the requisite number of survey responses.
Factors of collecting survey data such as how the interviewer will
contact the respondent (online or offline), how the information is
communicated to the respondents etc. decide the effectiveness of
gathered data. 
IV. Lesson Objectives a. Identify quantitative data collection and date coding
b. Familiarize on the ethical considerations when doing
research with humans
c. Describe the searching tool for data collections and coding

Lesson Proper
I. Getting Started

II. Discussion
The methods used to collect survey data have evolved with the change in technology. From
face-to-face surveys, telephonic surveys to now online and email surveys, the world of
survey data collection has changed with time. Each survey data collection method has its pros
and cons, and every researcher has a preference for gathering accurate information from the
target sample. 
CSTC College Bldg. Gen. Luna St. Maharlika Hi-way, Pob. 3, Arellano
Sub. Sariaya Province of Quezon R4A
Registrar’s Office: 042 3290850 / 042 7192818
CSTC IT Center: 042 7192805
Atimonan Contact Number: 042 7171420

The survey response rates for each of these data collection methods will differ as their reach
and impact are always different. Different ways are chosen according to specific target
population characteristics and the intent to examine human nature under various situations.

Types of survey data based on deployment methods:

Online Surveys 
Online surveys are the most cost-effective and can reach the maximum number of people in
comparison to the other mediums. The performance of these surveys is much more widespread
than the other data collection methods. In situations where there is more than one question to
be asked to the target sample, certain researchers prefer conducting online surveys over the
traditional face-to-face or telephone surveys. 

Online surveys are effective and therefore require computational logic and branching
technologies for exponentially more accurate survey data collection vs any other traditional
means of surveying. They are straightforward in their implementation and take a minimum time
of the respondents. The investment required for survey data collection using online surveys is
also negligible in comparison to the other methods. The results are collected in real-time for
researchers to analyze and decide corrective measures. Online surveys are safe and secure to
conduct. As there is no in-person interaction or any direct form of communication, they are quite
useful in times of global crisis. For instance, many organizations moved to contactless surveys
during the pandemic. It helped them ensure that the employees are not experiencing any
COVID-19 symptoms before they come to the office.

Face-to-face Surveys  
Gaining information from respondents via face-to-face mediums is much more effective than the
other mediums because respondents usually tend to trust the surveyors and provide honest and
clear feedback about the subject in-hand. 

Researchers can easily identify whether their respondents are uncomfortable with the asked
questions and can be extremely productive in case there are sensitive topics involved in the
discussion. This online data collection method demands more cost-investment than in
comparison to the other methods. According to the geographic or psychographic segmentation,
researchers must be trained to gain accurate information.

For example, a job evaluation survey is conducted in person between an HR or a manager with
the employee. This method works best face-to-face as the data collection can collect as
accurate information as possible.

Telephone Surveys 
Telephone surveys require much lesser investment than face-to-face surveys. Depending on
the required reach, telephone surveys cost as much or a little more than online surveys.
Contacting respondents via the telephonic medium requires less effort and manpower than the
face-to-face survey medium. 

If interviewers are located at the same place, they can cross-check their questions to ensure
error-free questions are asked to the target audience. The main drawback of conducting
telephone surveys is that establishing a friendly equation with the respondent becomes
challenging due to the bridge of the medium. Respondents are also highly likely to choose to
remain anonymous in their feedback over the phone as the reliability associated with the
researcher can be questioned.
For example, if a retail giant would like to understand purchasing decisions, they can conduct a
telephonic, motivation, and buying experience survey to collect data about the entire purchasing

Paper Surveys 
The other commonly used survey method is paper surveys. These surveys can be used where
laptops, computers, and tablets cannot go, and hence they use the age-old method of data
CSTC College Bldg. Gen. Luna St. Maharlika Hi-way, Pob. 3, Arellano
Sub. Sariaya Province of Quezon R4A
Registrar’s Office: 042 3290850 / 042 7192818
CSTC IT Center: 042 7192805
Atimonan Contact Number: 042 7171420

collection; pen and paper. This method helps collect survey data in field research and helps
strengthen the number of responses collected and the validity of these responses. 

A popular example or use case of a paper survey is a fast food restaurant survey where the
fast-food chain would like to collect feedback on the dining experience of its patrons.

Types of survey data based on the frequency at which they are administered:
Cross-Sectional Surveys
Cross-sectional surveys are an observational research method that analyzes data of variables
collected at one given point of time across a sample population or a pre-defined subset. The
survey data from this method helps the researcher understand what the respondent is feeling at
a certain point in time. It helps measure opinions in a particular situation.

For example, if the researcher would like to understand movie rental habits, a survey can be
conducted across demographics and geographical locations. The cross-sectional survey, for
example, can help understand that males between 21-28 rent action movies and females
between 35-45 rent romantic comedies. This survey data helps for the basis of a longitudinal

Longitudinal Surveys
Longitudinal surveys are those surveys that help researchers to make an observation and
collect data over an extended period of time. This survey data can be qualitative or quantitative
in nature, and the survey creator does not interfere with the survey respondents.

For example, a longitudinal study can be carried out for years to help understand if mine
workers are more prone to lung diseases. This study takes a year and discounts any pre-
existing conditions.

Retrospective Surveys
In retrospective surveys, researchers ask respondents to report events from the past. This
survey method offers in-depth survey data but doesn’t take as long to complete. By deploying
this kind of survey, researchers can gather data based on past experiences and beliefs of

For example, if hikers are asked about a certain hike – the conditions of the hiking trail, ease of
hike, weather conditions, trekking conditions, etc. after they have completed the trek, it is a
retrospective study.

Survey Data Analysis: Steps and Tips

Understand the most popular survey research questions: The survey questions should align
with the overall purpose of the survey. That is when the collected data will be effective in helping
researchers. For example, if a seminar has been conducted, the researchers will send out a
post-seminar feedback survey. The primary goal of this survey will be to understand whether the
attendees are interested in attending future seminars. The question will be: “How likely are you
to attend future seminars?” – Data collected for this question will decide the likelihood of
success of future seminars.

Filter obtained results using the cross-tabulation technique: Understand the various categories
in the target audience and their thoughts using cross-tabulation format. For example, if there are
business owners, administrators, students, etc. who attend the seminar, the data about whether
they would prefer attending future seminars or not can be represented using cross-tabulation.
Evaluate the derived numbers: Analyzing the gathered information is critical. How many of the
attendees are of the opinion that they will be attending future seminars and how many will not –
these facts need to be evaluated according to the results obtained from the sample. 

Draw conclusions: Weave a story with the collected and analyzed data. What was the intention
of the survey research, and how does the survey data suffice that objective? – Understand that
CSTC College Bldg. Gen. Luna St. Maharlika Hi-way, Pob. 3, Arellano
Sub. Sariaya Province of Quezon R4A
Registrar’s Office: 042 3290850 / 042 7192818
CSTC IT Center: 042 7192805
Atimonan Contact Number: 042 7171420

and develop accurate, conclusive results.

Survey Data Analysis Methods

Conducting a survey without having access to the resultant data and the inability to drawing
conclusions from the survey data is pointless. When you conduct a survey, it is imperative to
have access to its analytics. It is tough to analyze using traditional survey methods like pen and
paper and also requires additional manpower. Survey data analysis becomes much easier when
using advanced online data collection methods with an online survey platform such as market
research survey software or customer survey software.
Statistical analysis can be conducted on the survey data to make sense of the data that has
been collected. There are multiple data analysis methods of quantitative data. Some of the
commonly used types are: 
 Cross-tabulation: Cross-tabulation is the most widely used data analysis methods. It
uses a basic tabulation framework to make sense of data. This statistical analysis
method helps tabulate data into easily understandable rows and columns, and this helps
draw parallels between different research parameters. It contains data that is mutually
exclusive or have some connection with each other.
 Trend analysis: Trend analysis is a statistical analysis method that provides the ability to
look at survey-data over a long period of time. This method helps plot aggregated
response data over time allows drawing a trend line of the change, if any, of perceptions
over time about a common variable.
 MaxDiff analysis: The MaxDiff analysis method is used to gauge what a customer
prefers in a product or a service across multiple parameters. For example, a product’s
feature list, the difference with the competition, ease of use and scale, pricing, etc. form
the basis for maxdiff analysis. In a simplistic form, this method is also called the “best-
worst” method. This method is very similar to conjoint analysis, but it is much easier to
implement and can be interchangeably used. 
 Conjoint analysis: As mentioned above, conjoint analysis is similar to maxdiff analysis,
only differing in its complexity and the ability to collect and analyze advance survey data.
This method analyzes each parameter behind a person’s purchasing behavior. By using
conjoint analysis, it is possible to understand what exactly is important to a customer and
the aspects that are evaluated before purchase. 
 TURF analysis: TURF analysis or Total Unduplicated Reach and Frequency analysis, is
a statistical research methodology that assesses the total market reach of a product or
service or a mix of both. This method is used by organizations to understand the
frequency and the avenues at which their messaging reaches customers and
prospective customers. This helps them tweak their go-to-market strategies.
 Gap analysis: Gap analysis uses a side-by-side matrix question type that helps measure
the difference between expected performance and actual performance. This statistical
method for survey data helps understand the things that have to be done to move
performance from actual to planned performance.
 SWOT analysis: SWOT analysis, another widely used statistical method, organizes
survey data into data that represents the strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and
threats of an organization or product or service that provides a holistic picture of
competition. This method helps to create effective business strategies.
 Text analysis: Text analysis is an advanced statistical method where intelligent tools
make sense of and quantify or fashion qualitative and open-ended data into easily
understandable data. This method is used when the survey data is unstructured.

III. Application(Performance Task -40%)

1. Formulate a simple survey tool for evaluating student scholastic performance
IV. Assessment(Written Works-30%)
Read each questions/statement carefully.
Write T if the statement is correct, and F if the statement is incorrect.
CSTC College Bldg. Gen. Luna St. Maharlika Hi-way, Pob. 3, Arellano
Sub. Sariaya Province of Quezon R4A
Registrar’s Office: 042 3290850 / 042 7192818
CSTC IT Center: 042 7192805
Atimonan Contact Number: 042 7171420

1. Survey and questionnaire are interchangeable words that mean the same thing for
2. Including questions that are not relevant to the research objectives or hypotheses in a
questionnaire but may be of use is a good feature of an efficient questionnaire.
3. A good questionnaire adopts the funnel approach in organising the questions such that
they start from the general then swiftly move to the specific.
4.  The decision on which measurement scale to use for collecting data on a variable
depends on how much data is sought and in what form.
5. Using jargon that respondents may not be familiar with is a clever way for the
researcher to achieve good responses.
6. Using existing measurement scales that have been previously developed by other
researchers enhances the reliability of questionnaire questions.
7. Once data is collected, a researcher should dive right in onto the analysis process.
8. Deciding on the suitable statistical tools to use starts after data is collected and inputted
into the statistical analysis software.
9. In the pre-test, the questionnaire is given to a few researchers or subject experts to
assess its wording, logic, flow and its face validity.
10. A lengthy questionnaire is recommended as it provides the researcher with as much
data as possible about the topic under investigation.
V. Reflection(Performance Task -40%)
You learnt about survey data. Discuss the use of survey questionnaire in gathering
data/information. Write your response in paragraphs and use specific situations as
examples. You will be graded using the criteria below.
Criteria: Content (10 pts.)                                         Organization of Ideas (3 pts.)

Relevance to the topic (5 pts.)                    Brevity (2 pts.)

VI. References
Calderon, Jose and Gonzales, Expectacion (2015), Methods of Research and Thesis
Writing, National Bookstore, Mandaluyong City, Philippines
Trinidad, Jose Eos and ADMU (2028), Researching: Philippine Realities - A Guide to
Qualitative, Quantitative, and Humanities Research, Ateneo de Manila University Press,
Quezon City, Philippines
Paler-Calmorin, Laurentina and Calmorin, Mechor (2010), Research Methods and Thesis
Writing, Rex Bookstore, Inc., Manila. Philippines

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Program Head, School of Teacher Education Vice President of Academic Affairs External
CSTC College Bldg. Gen. Luna St. Maharlika Hi-way, Pob. 3, Arellano
Sub. Sariaya Province of Quezon R4A
Registrar’s Office: 042 3290850 / 042 7192818
CSTC IT Center: 042 7192805
Atimonan Contact Number: 042 7171420

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