Remedial Activities in Media and Info Literacy 12 Stem 2

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CORPUZ,JUBERT C. / / / / / X /

ADER,RIELA SISON / / X / / / /
/ / / / / / X
/ / / / / X /

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*****If you missed to comply, your grade will be INCOMPLETE / BLANK. Once you have complied, grades will be given.




NAME: ____________________________________ DATE: ___________

GRADE/SEC: ___________

GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Use sheet of paper in writing your answers/outputs. DO NOT LEAVE ANY ACTIVITY


Part I. TRUE OR FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is true and FALSE if the statement is false.
____________1. Media is the plural of medium, or ways to communicate information.
____________2. Information Literacy and Media Literacy are not traditionally seen as separate and
distinct fields.
____________3. Media and Information Literacy recognizes the primary role of information and media
in our everyday lives.
____________4. MIL includes information and communication literacy and digital literacy.
____________5. MIL is defined as a set of mediums that empowers citizens to access, retrieve,
understand, evaluate and use, create, as well as share information and media content in all formats,
using various tools, in a critical, ethical and effective way, in order to participate and engage in personal,
professional and societal activities.

Part II. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read and analyze the following questions and choices before answering.
Write the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following statements does not describe communication?
a. It can be simple as having a face-to-face conversation between two people.
b. It is the act or process of using words, sounds, signs, or behaviors to express or exchange
information or to express your ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc., to someone else.
c. It is an important pre-requisite for fostering equitable access to information and knowledge
and promoting free, independent and pluralistic media and information systems.
d. It is the exchange of information and the expression of feeling that can result in understanding.

2. It can be broadly defined as data, knowledge or instructions through signals or symbols.

a. Information
b. Media
c. Format
d. Medium
3. Which of the following is the most intimate form of communication today?
a. Email
b. Twitter
c. Phone
d. Talking
4. What Model of Communication is a two-way process where both sender and receiver take turns
to send and receive a message?
a. Osgood- Schramm
b. Transaction Model
c. Transmission Model
d. Aristotle Model
5. In Lasswell’s Communication Model (1948), which of the following answers the question “In
which channel”?
a. Medium
b. Message
c. Receiver
d. Effect
6. Which of the following is not considered to be a form of media and other information provider?
a. Libraries
b. Archives
c. Museums
d. Globe Telecom.
7. These are tools used by the sources to disseminate information to the receivers.
a. Television
b. Social Media
c. Internet
d. Media
8. Which of the following is the least intimate form of communication today?
a. Facebook Messenger
b. Letter
c. Talking
d. Twitter
9. Which model of communication is described to be linear or one-way process in which a sender
intentionally transmits a message to a receiver?
a. Osgood- Schramm
b. Transaction Model
c. Transmission Model
d. Aristotle Model
10. Which of the following is incorrect about media and information?
a. It makes the world a smaller place.
b. It makes communication convenient.
c. It makes all people a believer of truth.
d. It shapes the public opinion.
Part III. ESSAY. On a separate clean sheet of paper, write a 5- sentence essay using the guide below.
It can be hand-written or computerized. A rubric is given as your guide and as a basis to score your
output. More than 5 sentences means ZERO.
1. Define communication in your own understanding.
2. Cite the difference of a one-way and two-way communication process. Give situations wherein
one is better than the other.
3. How does media and information affect communication today. Give your personal experience/s
as example/s.
4. Describe the kind of communication you have with your family.
5. What can you do to be an effective communicator?

SLK 2 - Media, Information, and Technology Literacy

I. TRUE or FALSE. Read the following statements, identify whether it is correct or incorrect. Write T if
the statement is correct, if it is incorrect write F as your answer and underline the word or phrase that
makes the statement incorrect. Write your answer on the space provided.

____1. The word “literacy” describes the person’s ability to read and write.
____2. The understanding of how information is produced and valued, and the use of information in creating
new knowledge is called information literacy.
____3. To be able to become information literate, a person must have the ability to use effectively the
information needed.
____4. One of the negative impacts of technology on society is staying connected with your family and loved
____5. Inactive lifestyle is one of the negative impacts of technology in the society
____6. Digital literacy is the ability to find, evaluate, and share information using digital works.
____7. As a media literate person, engaging in digital society is necessary.
____8. You are a media literate person if you know how to identify fake news.
____9. Media literacy is restricted to one medium only.
____10. You are technology literate if you know how to use web browsers, search engines, power point, etc.


Directions: Answer all the questions correctly. Encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. Video creation and editing software are examples of _________.

A. Digital Literacy C. Media Literacy
B. Information Literacy D. Technology
2. Technology literacy is the ability to ___________.
A. access critically evaluate, and create or manipulate media
B. read and write.
C. recognize when information is needed.
D. safely, responsibly, and effectively use appropriate technology to communicate.
3. Why is information literacy important to students?
A. It helps them recognize misleading, and false information.
B. It helps them interpret data correctly.
C. It helps them do the things they want to do.
D. It helps them create a meaningful message.
4. Which of the following best describes information literacy?
A. the ability to find reliable information
B. the ability to use cellular phone or computer
C. the ability to create message
D. the ability to read
5. This type of literacy evaluates different media forms
A. Computer Literacy
B. Information Literacy
C. Media Literacy
D. Technology Literacy
Directions: Read the following questions and answer correctly.

a. Your friend keeps on posting her problems in Facebook. He/she keeps on sharing
news/information without verifying it. Can you consider him/her as an information, media, and
technology literate individual? Why?

b. Do you consider yourself as an information and media literate individual? Prove your answer.

SLK 3 - Responsible Use of Media & Information

Activity 1
In an Instagram content shared by celebrity-singer Ogie Alcasid, he posted about his online shopping
misadventure. Examine his post then answer the diagram below.


Directions: Based from the figure above, answer briefly what is asked in the following diagram and

Figure 1 Figure 2
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.

4-5. In your opinion, who may be at fault in this particular online shopping experience, the buyer or
the seller? Prove your point. One sentence only.

Directions: Identify the following statements whether they are true or false.
1. All information found in the newspapers, television and internet are reliable most especially if they are
written, cited or shared by people with millions of followers or subscribers.
2. A responsible user of media and information never creates and shares fake news.
3. A competent producer of media and information respects the need for privacy and confidentiality of his or
her subjects, including the information gathered from them.
4. A competent producer of media and information creates and builds new knowledge based on his or her
creativity and hard work.
5. Being a critical user and producer of media and information means you will less likely enjoy what you are
reading or viewing because you tend to look into many aspects.

B. Writing an Essay
Directions: Write a convincing essay about the significance of being a media and information literate individual.
Discuss at least three major (3) importance. Your essay must be at least 250 words but not more than 300 words.
You may write it on your notebook or as a blog entry to be sent online to your teacher. Be guided with the following
Traits 4 3 2 1
Content/Clarity The central idea is The central idea and There is a central idea Central idea and
of Purpose well-developed and clarity purpose are but it is either vague or clarity purpose are
clarity purpose is generally evident. too broad. either absent or
exhibited. incomplete.
Reasons for Three or more Three reasons are Two reasons are made Arguments are weak
Support excellent reasons are stated, but some but with weak or missing. Less
stated with good arguments are weak; arguments and the than two reasons
support and the ideas the ideas presented ideas presented are are made. The ideas
presented are clear are thought of. considered but not presented are not
and completely well- elaborated. elaborated.
thought of.
Voice The writer’s voice is The writer’s voice is The writer’s voice is The writer’s voice is
convincing and somewhat convincing. generally inconsistent. not consistent.
effective throughout
the essay.
Organization The introduction is The introduction is There is an There is no clear
engaging. The interesting. The introduction. Some introduction, body or
information and details information and information and details conclusion.
are presented in a details are presented are not in order. A
logical order. The in a logical order but conclusion is included,
conclusion strongly does not always but it does not clearly
states a powerful maintain the interest state a personal
personal opinion. of the audience. The opinion.
conclusion states a
personal opinion.
Grammar, There are no errors in There are few errors There are several There are numerous
Mechanics, & grammar, mechanics, in grammar, errors in grammar, errors in grammar,
Spelling and/or spelling. mechanics, and/or mechanics, and/or mechanics, and/or
spelling, but they do spelling. spelling.
not obstruct
Total /20

SLK 4 - Evolution of Media

Directions: Below is a hot topic news posted recently in the social media
about the COVID-19 cases in the country. Fill out the needed
information by answering each of the questions provided in the box.
Write the answer in your notebook.
News Report:

If the source is in the:

Questions: Philippine Star (Newspaper) Facebook (Social Media)
1. Can everyone access the
information? Why or why
2. Is the source always
reliable? Why or why
3. Can the audience/reader
make comments or
reactions about the
news? Why or why not?
4. Is the source able to
show the behavior of
people in the platform
after reading the news?
Why or why not?

1. Which of the following is used to store information during the Industrial Age?
a. Books c. Typewriter
b. Radio d. Telegram
2. Pony Express first appeared in ___________.
a. Electronic Age c. Information Age
b. Industrial Age d. Pre-Industrial Age
3. What media format/equipment did people use to communicate with each other during Pre-
Industrial Age?
a. Phone c. Telegram
b. Television d. Traditional paper and writing material
4. Which of the following is NOT considered as printed media?
a. Books c. Twitter
b. Newspaper d. Encyclopedia
5. What are the different examples of new media?
a. 24 Oras, TV Patrol c. Philippine Star, Philippine Daily Inquirer
b. Twitter, Google, Facebook d. Papyrus, Acta Diurna
6. One of the roles of media is to provide opportunities for people to share ideas and opinions, tell
stories and give information.
7. Ana found out in Facebook that there will be no classes on Friday. Fe, her friend and classmate
was surprised about what she heard from Ana and insisted that the news was fake which caused
them to argue with one another. What do you think is the role of media in this situation?
a. Media always provides reliable information
b. Media serves as a bridge for harm and conflicts
c. Media does not always give true information
d. All of the above
8. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the use of social media?
a. All the information found is reliable.
b. Anything posted in the social media is valid and up-to-date.
c. People are only limited to share their ideas and opinions.
d. All of the above
9. The transition of traditional media to new media happens because
a. it is already obsolete.
b. it is costly.
c. it is much easier to access.
d. it is not reliable all the time.

10. The primary function of an independent press in a free and democratic society is to:
a. provide a fair and impartial news to the public.
b. protect the welfare of the people and the government.
c. manipulate how news is disseminated
d. entertain audiences.

SLK 5 - Different Types of Media

Activity 1
Directions: In your notebook, classify the given terms in the given figure based on their corresponding
columns using the table below.

magazine podcast Tiktok postcards

module comic books Google Meet radio
movie e-mail


Activity 2
Fact or Bluff
Direction: Read each statement. Write FACT or BLUFF for each statement depending on what you
think or believe to be correct. Write FACT if the statement is correct and BLUFF if it is incorrect. Write
your answer on a separate paper.
1. Broadcast media presents digital versions and are available for download through application or
2. Print media enriches the soul. It brings you to “worlds” beyond your imagination.
3. Movies are not the exact reflection of life.
4. Media convergence cannot motivate and inspire to be more creative and resourceful for personal
and professional needs.
5. Some people have mixed feelings about the television as a form of media.

A. Directions: Read the following statements and choose the best answer. Write your answer on a
sheet of paper.
1. What do you call the traditional media that uses frequency to send information?
A. Broadcast B. Digital C. Online C. Print
2. Which of the following best describes the advantage of e-book?
A. It can be easily shared for free.
B. Has backlight so you do not need a study lamp
C. It can be interactive and can be personalized
D. It can be saved on mobile only.
3. What do you call to the idea that is delivered to the audience, inn a form off image and still and moving
audio, documents and files?
A. content B. information C. message D. news
4. It allows a creator to share creation and idea in real time.
A. Blog B. Infographics C. Livestreaming D. podcasting
5. It is a medium used to transmitting moving images in monochrome or color.
A. cellphone B. laptop C. radio D. television
6. Which of the following is not a print media?
A. books B. flyers C. newspaper D. twitter
7. Bombo Radyo is an example of?
A. Broadcast Media C. Print media
B. Online media D. Television media
8. Which of the following is an online media?
A. brochure B. flyers C. newsletter D. podcast
9. What type of media consist of paper and ink, which is traditionally reproduced?
A. broadcast b. digital C. internet d. print
10. What type of media uses digital flat forms to disseminate information?
A. broadcast B. Online C. Radio D. television

Assessment 2: Identification:
Directions: Classify the different types of media. Write “P” for print media, “B” for broadcast media, and
“N” for new media in your notebook.
1. Philippine Daily Inquirer newspaper
2. “24- Oras” news program uploaded on YouTube
3. “Percy Jackson & the Olympians” novel series collection
4. Promotional poster on Senior High School Program uploaded in Facebook
5. Self-Learning kit on Media and Information Literacy
6. “Dynamite” by BTS in Spotify
7. “Laugh Now Cry Later” by Drake played on 94.1 Magic FM
8. Reader’s Digest
9. “Vince and Kath and James” series in Wattpad
10. A documentary film on Ilocano cultural preservation

Directions: On your answer sheet, shade the letter that corresponds to your answer in each number.

1. Mr. Lee evaluates and analyzes if the information stated is real and valid. What kind of literacy was demonstrated
by him?
A. Computer Literacy C. Media Literacy
B. Information Literacy D. Technology Literacy
2. Evaluation as a skill is the ability to
A. Judge and weigh the value as a condition of something/someone in a careful way
B. Study carefully and closely the relationships of things
C. Interpret symbols, letters and numbers
D. Locate and explain various sources of information
3. It is the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate and compute using printed and written
materials associated with various contexts.
A. Evaluative C. Literacy
B. Critical Judgment D. Critical Reasoning
4. It refers to the act or process of using words, sounds, signs, or behaviors to express or exchange information or to
express your ideas, thoughts, feelings to someone else.
A. Channeling C. Coding
B. Signaling D. Communication
5. Teacher Malu uses smartphones to access, research and communicate with students. What kind of literacy was
demonstrated by teacher Malu?
A. Computer Literacy C. Media Literacy
B. Information Literacy D. Technology Literacy
6. Mary Jane uses the laptop that she bought recently for her school works and virtual meetings. She doesn’t use her
laptop in watching pornographic materials and committing the likes of cybercrimes. What kind of literacy was
demonstrated by her?
a. Computer Literacy C. Media Literacy
B. Information Literacy D. Technology Literacy
7. Analysis as a skill is the ability to
A. Judge and weigh the value as a condition of something/someone in a careful way
B. Study carefully and closely the relationships of things
C. Interpret symbols, letters and numbers
D. Locate and explain various sources of information
8. It refers to the essential competencies (knowledge, skills and attitude) that allow citizen to engage with media.
A. Computer Literacy C. Technology Literacy
B. Information Literacy D. Media and Information Literacy
9. Why is information literacy important to students?
A. It helps them recognize misleading, and false information. C. It helps them do the things they want to do.
B. It helps them interpret data correctly. D. It helps them create a meaningful message.
10. Which of the following best describes information literacy?
A. the ability to find reliable information C. the ability to create message
B. the ability to use cellular phone or computer D. the ability to read
11. All of the following are characteristics of responsible users and competent producers of media and information
A. Fairness B. Politeness C. Responsible D. Sympathy
12. Which of the following is the top social media platform in terms of habit, preference, and lifestyle of Filipinos when
it comes to social media use?
A. Facebook B. Instagram C. Twitter D. Youtube
13. A new terminology that is attached to a word or phrase so that people who might be searching for a related topic
can get information from the link of the topic or message sought.
A. Hashtag B. Meme C. Netizen D. Selfie
14. What is the media tool in Mesopotamia in 2400 BC?
A. cave paintings B. clay tablets C. codex D. papyrus
15. It is characterized by the internet that paved the way for faster communication and the creation of social network.
A. Pre-industrial Age B. Industrial Age C. Electronic Age D. Information Age
16. Which of the following statements is NOT true about pre-industrial?
A. People have learned how to make tools out stones. C. China has the oldest newspaper which is the Dibao
B. Paper is made out of papyrus. D. People used typewriter as a tool for communication
17. Hannah is a Senior High School student who always posts whatever she wants in Facebook, she also comments
to her classmates' photos in a rude way. Teacher Jane told her to limit her posts and do not comment to
unnecessary posts and photos, her teacher also reminded her to be a responsible netizen. What will you suggest
to Hannah as her friend?
A. I will remind her that teacher Jane is not her parent, so just ignore her.
B. I will tell her that posting and commenting online also requires ethics.
C. I will tell her to deactivate her account and make another one.
D. I will tell her to block teacher Jane for being nosy.
18. Which of the following is NOT considered as printed media?
A. Book B. E-mail C. Newspaper D. Encyclopedia
19. Anastacia found out in Facebook that there will be no classes on Friday. Fe, her friend and classmate were
surprised about what she heard from Anastacia and insisted that the news was fake which caused them to argue
with one another. What do you think is the role of media in this situation?
A. Media always provides reliable information C. Media does not always give true information
B. Media serves as a bridge for harm and conflicts D. Media widens one’s awareness and understanding.
20. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the use of social media?
A. All the information found is reliable. C. Anything posted in the social media is true.
B. Anything posted in the social media is valid and up-to-date. D. All of the choices.
21. All of the following are examples of New Media EXCEPT
A. Promotional poster uploaded in Facebook C. One-Punch Man manga uploaded in My Manga website
B. Don't Let Me Down by The Chainsmokers in Spotify D. 7 Years by Lukas Graham Played on 90.7 Love Radio
22. What are the different examples of new media?
A. 24 Oras, TV Patrol C. Twitter, Google, Facebook
B. Philippine Star, Philippine Daily Inquirer D. Papyrus, Acta Diurna
23. What type of media consists of paper and ink, which is traditionally reproduced?
A. Broadcast B. Digital C. Internet D. Print
24. What type of media uses digital platform to disseminate information?
A. Print B. Online C. Radio D. Mobile Advertisement
25. How Facebook did change our lives in a good way?
A. We have cared less about our privacy. C. Facebook has created online jobs and opportunities.
B. Facebook has changed the definition of friend. D. Facebook has created negative effects on cultures as well as in the society.
26. Video games can also be considered types of media. Why is it possible?
A. Because it affects human behavior like social media did.
B. Because serves as a means in which people are entertained.
C. Because video games enable communication thru its various features.
D. Because video games create trend to the millennials.
27. What is the purpose of social media?
A. To access information, pirate information and communicate.
B. To access information, provide information and communicate.
C. To access information, provide information and commemorate.
D. To approach information, provide information and communicate.
28. The following are advantages of New Media EXCEPT:
A. It is always updated.
B. Some information may be inaccurate.
C. Internet allows global connectivity and interaction.
D. Information can be retrieved easily, are readily available, and can usually be accessed freely.
29. It is a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of
interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols.
A. Interview B. Internet C. Indigenous D. Independent
30. Which of the following is not a Print Media?
A. Books B. Flyers C. Newspapers D. Podcasts
31. The primary function of an independent press in a free and democratic society is to:
A. Provide fair and impartial news to the public C. Manipulate how news is disseminated
B. Protect the welfare of the people and the government D. Entertain audiences
32. All of the following are examples of Print Media, EXCEPT:
A. Philippine Daily Inquirer Newspaper C. "The Possessive" series in Wattpad
B. "Percy Jackson and the Olympians" novel series collection D. Self-Learning Kit in Media and Information Literacy
33. The medium of communication that requires face to face interaction using one’s voice as the tool to deliver the
A. Digital/ Interactive Communication B. Conversation C. Public Speaking D. Digital Art
34. It is the ability of an individual, either working independently or with others, to responsibly, appropriately, and
effectively use technological tools.
A. Media Literacy B. Information Literacy C. Technology Literacy D. All of the choices.
35. Which of the following that refers to various channels of communication between a person or persons and their
intended audience?
A. Communication B. Public Speaking C. Media D. Information Sources
36. An information literate person should first understand the situation or problem to figure out the specific type of
information he or she needed.
A. True B. False C. Maybe D. Neither True nor False
37. These are physical things such as tarpaulin billboards, posters, in-package information contained in product
packaging are example of what medium of communication?
A. Visual Art B. Physical Medium C. Digital/ Interactive D. Documents/ Letters
38. The following are possible sources of information, EXCEPT:
A. Newspaper B. Television C. Printer D. Smartphones
39. Ashton a Grade 11 student of TNHS - Senior High School is proficient in using his i7 processor laptop with so
much ease and comfort. In fact, she is accustomed to use it to create powerful PowerPoint presentations during
graded class reporting. Which of the following describes the scenario?
A. Technology Literacy C. Media Literacy
B. Information Literacy D. All of the choices
40. In order to add related literature to his Practical Research project, Donnie accesses Google Scholar, and reads
through various journals and studies that may help him in his research. Which of the following describes the
a. Technology Literacy C. Media Literacy
b. Information Literacy D. All of the choices
41. One of the performance tasks for the midterms of the Grade 11 ICT class of TNHS Senior High School is to create
a short film highlighting their advocacy on human trafficking. The class used the Quik ™ app to edit their video.
Which of the following best describe the scenario?
A. Technology Literacy C. Media Literacy
B. Information Literacy D. All of the choices
42. Grade 12- EIM class of Mr. Mariano have registered themselves to an online portal called Edmo-do, in order to
connect themselves periodically, share assignments, and even collaboratively work on a project, without meeting
face to face. In which of the following literacy does the situation fall?
A. Technology Literacy C. Media Literacy
B. Information Literacy C. All of the choices
43. Jansenn constantly purchases load credits for her mobile phone in order to send emails and messages to her
teacher in Media and Information Literacy.
A. Technology Literacy C. Media Literacy
B. Information Literacy D. All of the choices
44. This refers to the recipients of information or the consumers of media.
A. Media audience B. Media producers C. Media Languages D. Media Sources
45. Antong usually posts in his FB Timeline about his feelings with Ms. Sara before going to bed.
a. Preference B. Habit C. Lifestyle D. Past time
46. Joed Bumbastic imitates the voice and the way how his K-pop idol dresses.
a. Preference B. Habit C. Lifestyle D. Past time


Here are 4 visual contents from the internet. Identify their implications to an individual or society.
Choose from the following:

A. Improves quality of life

B. Promotes greater political participation
C. Improves learning environment
D. Hones individuals as more cohesive social units

47. Picture 1 : ________________________

48. Picture 2 : ________________________

49. Picture 3 : ________________________

50. Picture 4 : ________________________

Prepared by:

MIL Teachers

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