Ijser: Effect of Foaming Agents On Crude Oil System

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 5, May-2017 1559

ISSN 2229-5518


Udeagbara, S.G, 1Fakorede, O. 1Ogiriki, S.O. 1. Afolabi F. S
Department of Petroleum Engineering, Afe Babalola Univetsity Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria.
ABSTRACT: This report entails the study of the effect of foaming agents on the physio-chemical properties of crude oil
system; the report investigated if the addition of such foaming agents can improve production and also determines the
properties of the crude oil with respect to the foaming agents used. The properties investigated are density, Specific
gravity, API gravity, viscosity, Surface tension and Pour point before and after the addition of the foaming agents. The
foaming agents were found to increase the density, viscosity and specific gravity of crude oil and decreases API
gravity, surface tension, pour and cloud point of crude oil.

Statistical and graphical analysis was used to interpret the results of the experiments carried out. The results showed
that foaming agents can alter the physio-chemical properties of the crude oil system, and it was also observed that
such alteration was on a positive side

The study would help petroleum engineers to understand the positive impact of foaming agents in oil production
especially during enhanced oil recovery (EOR).With such understanding and putting it into practice, production will be

Key Words: Foaming Agents, density, specific gravity, viscosity, surface tension, pour point and cloud point.

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Crude Oil System

Crude Oil or Petroleum refers to any naturally-occurring flammable hydrocarbon mixture found

in geologic formations, such as rock strata, formed through the heating and compression of

organic material such as dead zooplankton and algae over a long period of time. Technically, the

term petroleum only refers to crude oil, but sometimes it is applied to describe any solid, liquid

or gaseous hydrocarbons. It is a hydrocarbon mixture having simple to most complex structures

such as resins, asphaltenes etc. Crude oil can be refined to produce usable products such as

gasoline, diesel and various forms of petrochemicals.

Crude oil is also a naturally occurring mixture, consisting of hydrocarbon with other element

such as sulphur, nitrogen, oxygen, etc. appearing in the form of organic compounds which in

some cases form complexes with metals. Elemental analysis of crude oil shows that it contains

IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 5, May-2017 1560
ISSN 2229-5518

mainly carbon and hydrogen in the appropriate ration of six to one by weight. The mixture of

hydrocarbon is highly complex, and the complexity increases with boiling range. Crude oil is

formed by bacterial transformation of Organic matter (carbohydrates/proteins/ animal origin) by

decay in presence and/or absence of air into HC rich sediments by undergoing

biological/physical and chemical alterations In its strictest sense, crude oil, but in common usage

it includes all liquid, gaseous, and solid hydrocarbons. Under surface pressure and temperature

conditions, lighter hydrocarbons methane, ethane, propane and butane occur as gases,

while pentane and heavier ones are in the form of liquids or solids. However, in an

underground oil reservoir the proportions of gas, liquid, and solid depend on subsurface

conditions and on the phase diagram of the crude mixture.

Properties of crude oil system:


Density is defined as the mass per unit volume of a substance. It is most often reported for oils

in units of g/mL or g/cm3, and less often in units of kg/m3. Density is temperature-dependent.

Oil will float on water if the density of the oil is less than that of the water. This will be true of

all fresh crude oils, and most fuel oils, for both salt and fresh water. Bitumen and certain residual

fuel oils may have densities greater than 1.0 g/mL and their buoyancy behaviour will vary

depending on the salinity and temperature of the water. The density of spilled oil will also

increase with time, as the more volatile (and less dense) components are lost. After considerable

evaporation, the density of some crude oils may increase enough for the oils to submerge below

the water surface.

Pour Point

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 5, May-2017 1561
ISSN 2229-5518

The pour point of oil is the lowest temperature at which the oil will just flow, under standard test

conditions. The failure to flow at the pour point is usually attributed to the separation of waxes

from the oil, but can also be due to the effect of viscosity in the case of very viscous oils. Also,

particularly in the case of residual fuel oils, Pour points may be influenced by the thermal history

of the sample, that is, the degree and duration of heating and cooling to which the sample has

been exposed.


Viscosity is a measure of a fluid's resistance to flow; the lower the viscosity of a fluid, the more

easily it flows. Like density, viscosity is affected by temperature. As temperature decreases,

viscosity increases. Viscosity is a very important property of oils because it affects the rate at

which crude oil will spread, the degree to which it will penetrate shoreline substrates, and the

selection of mechanical spill countermeasures equipment.


The sulphur content of a crude oil is less importance for a number of reasons. Downstream

processes such as catalytic cracking and refining will be adversely affected by high sulphur

contents. Crude oil containing a high amount of the impurity (sulfur) is referred to as sour crude

oil, when the total sulfur level in the oil is more than 0.5% the oil is called "sour”. The impurity

needs to be removed before this lower-quality crude can be refined into petrol, thereby

increasing the cost of processing.

Basic Sediments and Water (BS&W)

Basic sediment and water (BS&W) is a technical specification of certain impurities in crude oil.

When extracted from an oil reservoir, the crude oil contains some amount of water

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 5, May-2017 1562
ISSN 2229-5518

and suspended solids from the reservoir. The particulate matter is known as sediment or mud.

The water content can vary greatly from field to field, and may be present in large quantities for

older fields, or if oil extraction is enhanced using water injection technology.

Flash Point

The flash point of crude oil is the temperature above which the oil will spontaneously combust.

The flash point of a volatile material is the lowest temperature at which it can vaporizes to form

an ignitable mixture in air

Foaming Agents

A foaming agent is a material that facilitates formation of foam such as a surfactant or a blowing

agent. A surfactant, when present in small amounts of crude oil, reduces surface tension of the

oil (reduces the work needed to create the foam) or increases its colloidal stability by

inhibiting coalescence of bubbles. A blowing agent is a gas that forms the gaseous part of the

foam. Foam on the other hand is a dispersion of gas in liquid, usually with a surface-active agent

present. Foams are not thermo-dynamically stable and ultimately decay into their constituent

phases, but can be mechanically stable.

The ability of foam to reduce gas mobility has led to its application in a number of processes,

including gas flooding, steam flooding, and oil reservoir treatment techniques. It has been

somewhat uncertain whether foam in these cases actually works by gas blockage and flow

diversion, or whether it is better described as a “viscosifying agent” for the gas.

Foams often forms in crude oil by adding foaming agents, it also formed as the crude oil pressure

is reduced in the reservoir, well bore, tubing string or flow line. In short, foam forms essentially

instantaneously after a pressure drop. Many crude oils have the potential of creating foam carry-

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 5, May-2017 1563
ISSN 2229-5518

over, even though it is popular to blame a factor such as asphaltenes, paraffin, emulsions, high

crude viscosities, or poorly designed internals around the crude oil.

Materials and Method.

The experiments carried out tailored towards determing the physio-chemical properties of the

crude oil such as Density, Specific Gravity, API gravity , viscosity, Surface tension, Pour point,

pH etc before and after the addition of the foaming agents, and the foaming agents used were

Laureth sulphate (omo) and Ammonium Dodecysulate (vinoz shampoo).


The following apparatus were used in this research work: Hydrometer, Rheometer,

Tensionmeter, cloud and pour point equipment, Pycnometer, weighing balance, thermometer etc.

Experimental procedure:

Determination of the effect of Sodium Laureth Sulphate (Omo) and Ammonium

Dodecysulate (Vinoz Shampoo) on the Density of Crude Oil:

The Pycnometer was rinsed with distilled water and dries with acetone and weighed. The weight

is called ‘dry weight’ .The Pycnometer bottle was filled with Sample A (50ml mixture of Laureth

sulphate (omo) in water with 250m of crude oil) , inserted the stopper, making sure that the hole

in the stopper is also filled with the mixture and wipe the Pycnometer clean. The Pycnometer

bottle was weighed on a balance and the value was recorded as ‘wet weight’. The wet weight

was subtracted from dry weight and divided by 50ml since Density = Mass/Volume. The

experiment was repeated for different Volume of Sample A at 100ml, 150ml, 200ml, and

250ml.The values were recorded for the corresponding density.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 5, May-2017 1564
ISSN 2229-5518

In the same manner, the effect of Ammonium Dodecysulfate (vinoz shampoo) on the density of

crude oil was determined and recorded.

Determination of the effect of Sodium Laureth Sulphate (Omo) and Ammonium Dodecysulate

(Vinoz Shampoo) on the Specific Gravity of Crude Oil:

50ml mixture of omo in water was mixed with 250ml of crude oil (sample C) and was

transferred into the clean hydrometer cylinder and the hydrometer was lowered gently into the

sample, when it has settled, It was depressed to about two scale divisions into the liquid and then

released; the rest of the stem was kept dry. Sufficient time was allowed for the hydrometer to

become completely stationary and for all air bubbles to come to the surface. It is particularly

necessary in the case of the more viscous samples.

When the hydrometer has come to rest, floating freely, and the temperature of the sample was

constant, the hydrometer was read to the nearest scale division. The correct reading is that point

on the hydrometer scale at which the surface of the liquid cuts the scale. This point was

determined by placing the eye slightly below the level of the liquid and slowly raising it until the

surface, first seen as a distorted ellipse, appears to become a straight line cutting the hydrometer

scale. The experiment was repeated for different quantities of Sample C at 100ml, 150ml, 200ml,

and 250ml respectively and the values of the corresponding Specific gravities were recorded,

In the same manner, the effect of Ammonium Dodecysulfate (vinoz shampoo) on the specific

gravity of the crude oil was determined and recorded

Determination of the effect of Sodium Laureth Sulphate (Omo) and Ammonium Dodecysulate

(Vinoz Shampoo) on the Viscosity of Crude Oil:

IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 5, May-2017 1565
ISSN 2229-5518

50ml of a mixture of omo and distilled was mixed with 250ml of crude oil (Sample E). Sample E

was poured into a beaker and placed on the adjustable table of the Rheometer, it is adjusted up to

the spindle of the Rheometer. The sample was stirred for seconds at 600rpm and 300rpm and the

dial readings were taken. Apparent Viscosity (AV) was then calculated using AV=600rpm

reading/2, Plastic viscosity (PV) was calculated using PV=600rpm reading - 300rpm reading.

The experiment was repeated for different Volume of Sample E at 100ml, 150ml, 200ml, and

250ml and the values were recorded for the corresponding viscosity (cp).

In the same manner, the effect of Ammonium Dodecysulfate (vinoz shampoo) on the viscosity of

crude oil was determined and recorded.

Determination of the effect of Sodium Laureth Sulphate (Omo) and Ammonium Dodecysulate (Vinoz

Shampoo) on the Surface Tension of Crude Oil:

50ml of a mixture of omo and distilled water was mixed with 250ml of crude oil (Sample G).

Sample G was poured into a round flat open container. Using the Tensiometer, a thin plate

(usually made of platinum and iridium) was used. It was dipped into sample G whose surface

tension is to be measured, the vessel containing sample G was gradually lowered and the force

measured by the balance at the point of detachment was noted. The experiment was repeated for

different Volumes of Sample G at 100ml, 150ml, 200ml, and 250ml. The values were recorded

for the corresponding Surface tension in dynes/cm.

In the same manner, the effect of Ammonium Dodecysulfate (vinoz shampoo) on the surface

tension of crude oil was determined and recorded.

Determination of the effect of Sodium Laureth Sulphate (Omo) and Ammonium Dodecysulate

(Vinoz Shampoo) on Cloud Point and Pour Point of Crude Oil.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 5, May-2017 1566
ISSN 2229-5518

50ml (mixture of omo and distilled water) was mixed with 250ml of crude oil (Sample I).

Sample I was poured into the test jar. The jar was closed tightly by the cork carrying a

thermometer. The position of the cork was adjusted so that the thermometer bulb fixed coaxial

with the test jar and its capillary immersed 3mm below the surface of the oil. The test jar was

then placed in the bath of the cloud and pour point machine and at every1°C, the sample was

taken out and inspected for cloud then quickly replaced. The highest temperature at which

haziness occurs is observed (cloud point) and also the bath surrounding temperature on the

equipment display was observed, the reading of the thermometer on the cork of the test jar is

recorded. The test jar is returned back inside the bath and at every1°C change in temperature, the

sample was inspected for pour point. The lowest temperature at which the oil ceased to flow is

observed (pour point) and also the bath surrounding temperature on the equipment displayed, the

temperature from the thermometer on the cork of the test jar was recorded.The experiment was

repeated for different Volumes of Sample I at 100ml, 150ml, 200ml, and 250ml. The values were

recorded for the corresponding cloud and pour points.

In the same manner, the effect of Ammonium Dodecysulfate (vinoz shampoo) on the cloud point

and pour point of crude oil was determined and recorded.

Results and Discussions:

Foaming agent [Sodium Laureth Sulphate (omo)] was found to increase the density of crude oil

as shown in table 1 below, the higher the volume of omo (foaming agent), the higher the density

of the crude oil as indicated on the table. The graph as shown in figure 1 below is a linear

relationship which supports the relationship of the presence of omo in crude oil. Much omo, may

be as a surfactant in preparing drilling mud or in an enhanced oil recovery does favour crude oil

state as it decreases the surface tension of the crude. Care should be taken while using omo in

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 5, May-2017 1567
ISSN 2229-5518

drilling and production operations. The addition of shampoo (foaming agent) to crude oil

exhibits the same behaviour as that of omo as shown on table 1 and the figure 2 below.

Table 2 and figure 3 below show the effect of Sodium Laureth Sulphate (omo) on the Specific

gravity of crude oil. The graph shows an increase in crude oil specific gravity, with initial sharp

increase before gradual increase. The graph is a linear relationship. The plot shows that after

sometimes, no matter the quantity of omo been added to the crude oil, the specific gravity will

remain constant. Too much omo in crude oil does favour the specific gravity of crude oil.

Ammonium Dodecysulate (vinoz shampoo) on the specific gravity of crude oil shows a linear

relationship as that of omo, From the plot (fig.4), at a point further increase in shampoo does not

affect the specific gravity of crude oil.

Table 3, and figure 5 show the effect of Sodium Laureth Sulphate (omo as a foaming agant) on

the apparent viscosity of crude oil. The effect was not completely positive either was it negative.

The viscosity increases and decreases as the mass of omo increases, It’s like a sinusoidal

behaviour showing increase and decrease as the volume of omo increases. It should also be noted

that the presence of foaming agent in crude oil decreases the surface tension of the crude, thereby

breaking down the bonds holding the oil molecules together and this results to decrease in the oil

viscosity. The variation in the result may be as a result of some experimental errors. On the

contrary shampoo was observed to increase the apparent viscosity of crude oil. This goes to show

that shampoo as a foaming agent should not be introduced to oil activities as it plays a negative

role, figure 6 below explain this more

Table 4 and Figure 7 show the effect of Sodium Laureth Sulphate (omo) on the surface tension

of crude oil. The graph is a negative one. The Sodium Laureth Sulphate (omo) and the crude oil

used have a surface tension of 65.19(dynes/cm) and 67.48(dynes/cm) respectively. The results

IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 5, May-2017 1568
ISSN 2229-5518

show that increase in Sodium Laureth Sulphate (omo) decreases the Surface tension of crude oil,

thus, foaming agents’ decreases Surface tension of crude oil and this has a positive impact in oil

production. Similar result was obtained on the effect of shampoo on the surface tension of crude

oil. This shows that increase in Sodium Laureth Sulphate (shampoo) as foaming agent decreases

the Surface Tension of crude oil, figure 8, thus, foaming agents decreases the surface tension of

crude oil.

Figure 5 and figure 9 show the effect of Sodium Laureth Sulphate (omo) on crude oil cloud

point. The graph is a negative graph. Sodium Laureth Sulphate (omo) and the crude oil used have

a cloud point of 12(0c) and 10(0c) respectively. This shows that increase in Sodium Laureth

Sulphate (omo) decreases the cloud point (0c) of crude oil, thus, foaming agent’s decreases Cloud

point of crude oil. Similar result was obtained with shampoo as shown in figure 10. Figure 10

shows the effect of Ammonium Dodecysulate (vinoz shampoo) on crude oil cloud point. The

graph is a negative graph. The Ammonium Dodecysulate (vinoz shampoo) and the crude oil used

have a cloud point of 2(0c) and 10(0c) respectively. It was observed that increase in Ammonium

Dodecysulate (vinoz shampoo) decreases the cloud point of crude oil, thus, foaming agents

decreases the cloud point of crude oil.

Table 6 and Figure 11 show the effect of Sodium Laureth Sulphate (omo) on crude oil Pour

point. Sodium Laureth Sulphate (omo) and the crude oil used have a Pour point of -1(0c) and -

3(0c) respectively. The graph is a negative linear plot showing a negative relationship between

the dependent and independent variables. This shows that increase in Sodium Laureth Sulphate

(omo) decreases the Pour point (0c) of crude oil, thus, foaming agent’s decreases the Pour point

of crude oil. In the case of shampoo, similar result was observed. Increase in Ammonium

Dodecysulate (vinoz shampoo) decreases the Pour point of crude oil, figure 12.

IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 5, May-2017 1569
ISSN 2229-5518

Figure 1: Plot of Crude oil density vs Volume of Sodium Laureth Sulphate (omo)

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 5, May-2017 1570
ISSN 2229-5518

Figure 2: Plot of Crude oil density vs Volume of Ammonium Dodecysulate (vinoz shampoo)

Figure 3: Plot of Specific Gravity vs Volume of Sodium Laureth Sulphate (omo)

IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 5, May-2017 1571
ISSN 2229-5518

Figure 4: Plot of Specific Gravity vs Volume of Ammonium Dodecysulate (vinoz shampoo)

Figure 5: Plot of Apparent Viscosity vs volume of Sodium Laureth Sulphate (omo)

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 5, May-2017 1572
ISSN 2229-5518


Apparent Viscosity (cp)




0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Volume of Ammonium Dodecysulate (vinoz shampoo)[ml]

Figure 6: Plot of Apparent Viscosity vs Volume of Ammonium Dodecysulate (vinoz shampoo)

Figure 7: Plot of Surface Tension vs Volume of Sodium Laureth Sulphate (omo)

IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 5, May-2017 1573
ISSN 2229-5518

Figure 8: plot of Surface Tension vs Volume of Ammonium Dodecysulate (vinoz shampoo)

Figure 9: Plot of cloud point vs Volume of Sodium Laureth Sulphate (omo).

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 5, May-2017 1574
ISSN 2229-5518

Figure 10: Plot of Cloud point vs Volume of Ammonium Dodecysulate (vinoz shampoo)

IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 5, May-2017 1575
ISSN 2229-5518

Figure 11: Plot of Pour point vs Volume of Sodium Laureth Sulphate (omo).

Figure 12: Plot of Pour point vs Volume of Ammonium Dodecysulate (vinoz shampoo)

IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 5, May-2017 1576
ISSN 2229-5518

Table 1:Volume of Sodium Laureth Sulphate (omo) and shampoo with the corresponding

Density(g/ml) Density (g/ml)

Sample vol.(ml)
omo shampoo

50 0.8692 0.8702

100 0.9232 0.8728

150 0.9280 0.8746

200 0.9426 0.8981

250 0.9523 0.9010

Table 2:Volume of Sodium Laureth Sulphate (omo) and shampoo with and the corresponding sp.
Volume of sample (ml) Sp. gr (omo) Sp.gr (sampoo)

50 0.8790 0.8801

100 0.9337 0.8827

150 0.9385 0.8845

200 0.9533 0.9083

250 0.9631 0.9112

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 5, May-2017 1577
ISSN 2229-5518

Table 3: Volume of Sodium Laureth Sulphate (omo) and shampoo with and the corresponding
apparent viscosities
Vol of sample (ml) Apparent Viscosity of Apparent Viscosity of

omo (cp) shampoo(cp)

50 2.00 9.0

100 4.25 13.5

150 2.50 17.5

200 4.50 22.0

250 3.10 27.0

Vol of sample (ml)

Table 4: Volume of Sodium Laureth Sulphate (omo) and shampoo with and the corresponding
surface tension.
Surface Tension of Shampoo

omo (dynes/cm) (dynes/cm)

50 66.16 61.2

100 65.70 53.7

150 61.20 37.01

200 58.02 35.0

250 52.21 33.00

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 5, May-2017 1578
ISSN 2229-5518

Table 5: Volume of Sodium Laureth Sulphate (omo) and shampoo with and the corresponding
cloud points
Vol of sample (ml) Cloud point Cloud point (0c) of

(0c) of omo shampoo

50 5 11

100 4 10

150 3 7

200 -1 5

250 -3 3

Table 6: Volume of Sodium Laureth Sulphate (omo) and shampoo with and the corresponding
pour points
Vol of sample (ml) pour point (0c) of omo pour point (0c) of shampoo

50 -4 -4

100 -7 -6

150 -9 -8

200 -11 -10

250 -13 -15

IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 5, May-2017 1579
ISSN 2229-5518

Physio-chemical Sodium Laureth Ammonium Crude Oil

properties Sulphate (omo) Dodecysulate (vinoz


Density(g/ml) 1.1246 1.0100 0.8666

Specific Gravity 1.1373 1.0214 0.8764

API Gravity (0 API) -7.0825 7.0353 30

Apparent 2.5000 112 6


Plastic Viscosity(cp) 2.0000 50 6

Surface 65.19 61.2 67.48


Cloud point 12 2 10

Pour point -1 -4 -3

Table 7: Summary of the properties of the pure components (Foaming Agents and Crude Oil)


From the analysis carried out, it was obvious that foaming agents alter the physio-chemical

properties of crude oil. The following conclusions could be drawn: Foaming agents increases the

density and specific gravity of crude oil, it decreases cloud point and pour point of crude oil. It

IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 5, May-2017 1580
ISSN 2229-5518

was also observed that the viscosity of crude oil can increase or decrease depending on the

volume of the foaming agent used. Most of these alterations favour the production of oil to the



Based on research work, the following recommendation could be given: it’s recommended that
other foaming agents should be tried on the physio-chemical properties of crude oil, this will
help to ascertain if the results will be similar or otherwise. It will also give the knowledge of the
foaming agents to be used in drilling and production operations.


The support of the laboratory staff of the Department of Petroleum Engineering, Afe Babalola

University Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State is highly appreciated.


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IJSER © 2017

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