Iringa History Form Four Mock 2021

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Candidate’s Examination number ………………………


TIME: 3HOURS 23rd JULY, 2021

1. This paper consists of sections A, B, and C with a total of nine (9) questions
2. Answer all questions in section A and B, and three (3) questions from section C
3. Cellular phone and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room
4. All drawings should be in pencil
5. Write your examination number on every page of your answer sheet(s)
6. Remove this page and attach it to the answer sheets.




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Candidate’s Examination number ………………………
SECTION A (20 marks)
1. For each of the items (i) – (xv), choose the correct answer from among the given alternative and
write its letter beside the item number in the answersheets provided.
i. Which of the following shows stages of man’s evolution in the correct order?
A. Homosapiens, Homohabilis, Homoerectus
B. Homohabilis, Homoerectus, Homosapiens
C. Homohabilis,Homosapiens, Homoerectus
D. Homosapiens,Homohabilis, Homoerectus
E. Homoerectus, Homosapiens, Homohabilis
ii. Which among the following was not the advantage of the discovery of fire in the middle
stone age?
A. Fire enabled man to fell and burn trees
B. Man could now roast food and therefore could increase his food variety
C. Man could warm himself during cold season
D. It decreased man’s ability to control his environment
E. It enabled man to keep away hostile animals from his shelter
iii. The average difference of age between parents and their children is called;
A. Period
B. Median
C. Generation
D. Family tree
E. Age difference
iv. One of the factors for the fall of Ghana empire was;
A. Attacks from Moroccan
B. Attacks from Tuaregs
C. Berbers invasions
D. Attacks from Almoravids
E. Europeans invasions
v. Pebbles and chopping tools were used during;
A. Paleolithic age
B. New stone age
C. Mesolithic age

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Candidate’s Examination number ………………………
D. Neolithic age
E. Bronze age
vi. The Dutch established their company known as Dutch East Indies Company in 1652 at the
Table Bay under;
A. Nelson Mandela
B. Jan van Riebeeck
C. Prince Henry the Navigator
D. Christopher Columbus
E. Sir Francis Drake
vii. The second world war was inevitable in the History of the capitalist world because;
A. Spread of ethnicity
B. Needs of liberty and freedom
C. Democratization process in America
D. Spread of Fascism in Russia
E. Spread of communism in Italy
viii. Matrilineal societies in Tanganyika included the;
A. Makonde, Mwera and Yao
B. Makonde, Kamba and Yao
C. Makonde, Makua, and Chagga
D. Makonde, Kamba and Mwera
E. Makonde, Yao and Bena
ix. The following are the social factors for interaction except;
A. Religion, War, and language
B. Music, Medicine and Marriage
C. Migration, war and Music
D. Marriage, language and War
E. Religion, Trade and Language
x. Which of the following is not true about the characteristics of colonial economy in Africa?
A. A capitalist in nature
B. It was import - export oriented economy
C. It based on developing local industries
D. It based on destruction

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Candidate’s Examination number ………………………
E. It based on racial segregation

xi. The military Triple Entente which accelerated the first world war included;
A. Germany, Italy and Britain
B. Russia, Britain and France
C. Austria Hungary, Britain and Germany
D. Italy, Russia and Germany
E. France, Italy and Germany
xii. The second exploitative mode of production in pre-colonial Africa was;
A. Slavery
B. Communalism
C. Feudalism
D. Capitalism
E. Socialism
xiii. The following are the types of agriculture practiced in pre-colonial Africa;
A. peasant, settler and plantation
B. Shifting, settler and peasant
C. Pastoralism, crop cultivation and mixed farming
D. Shifting hunting, pastoralism and mixed farming
E. Mixed, settler and shifting
xiv. Some areas in Africa experienced more intensive scramble than others because;
A. Had no active Africans to resist
B. Their people were Cooperative
C. Were good for industries
D. Were economically strategic
E. Were good for monsoon winds
xv. The treaty that was signed in order to avoid the occurrence of another war was;
A. Hamerton treaty
B. Freire Treaty
C. Moresby Treaty
D. Helgoland treaty
E. Versailles treaty

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Candidate’s Examination number ………………………
2. Match the descriptions in list A with the correct person in list B by writing the letter of the
corresponding response beside the item number in the answer sheet provided;
i. A Tanzanian who has conducted A. Ian Smith
archaeological studies along the coast of B. Black smith
East Africa C. Archduke Francis
ii. A person who was assassinated at D. Kwame Nkurumah
Sarajevo and led to the first world war E. Nelson Mandela
iii. A first president of Namibia after F. Augustino Neto
attainment of independence on March G. Sam Nujoma
21st 1990 H. J.K Nyerere
iv. He advocated the policy of education for I. Joshua Nkoma
self-reliance and adult education J. Professor Felix Chami
v. A person who led white government in K. Francis Nyalali
declaration of UDI on November 11, L. Kamuzu Banda
1965 in Southern Rhodesia

SECTION B: (35 Marks)

3. Answer the following questions briefly
i. Relate Germany direct rule with active resistances of African societies.
ii. How was pre-colonial education friendly to Africans?
iii. Why the Berlin conference was held in the late 19th century and not before?
iv. Why was colonial military necessary for the development of colonial economy?
v. How the Versailles peace Treaty punished the Germans?
vi. How nomadic pastoralism differed from sedentary pastoralism?

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Candidate’s Examination number ………………………
4. Arrange the following sentences in chronological order by using numbers 1 to 6
i. However,Mkwawa defeated and killed Mwambambe, a subordinate chief who challenged
his authority by temporarily allying with Merere, the Sangu chief.
ii. After the death of Mnyigumba in 1879, his son Mkwawa expanded his dominion
iii. Its expansion under Mnyigumba, later on Mkwawa (Mkwavinyika) was due to conquering
other neighbouring chiefdoms such as Usangu as well as trading activities with other
chiefdoms from Central Africa
iv. Between 1860 and 1898, Hehe emerged as among the strong and powerful chiefdoms in
East Africa.
v. Nevertheless Mkwawa, like his father was constantly at war, his power seemed to be
basically created more on military than on political grounds
vi. Munyigumba also acquired military technique from the Ngoni, which made him emerge
among the strongest chiefdoms in East Africa
5. Draw a sketch map of Africa and locate the following: -
i. A country in which Nama and Herero resistance took place
ii. A country in which the Chimurenga war occurred.
iii. The Trusteeship colony under the British from 1945 to 1961
iv. A country whose independence sharpened the whole continent struggle for self-rule
v. A country in which Sir Fredrick Lugard pioneered Indirect rule in 1900

SECTION C (45 marks)

6. With six points explain how the discovery of iron led to the changes in man’s life in East Africa.
7. Why was the struggle to eliminate apartheid policy in South Africa difficult and prolonged? Give
six points
8. “Migrant labour was very useful to the capitalists during colonial economy in Africa”. Substantiate
this statement by giving six points
9. “Through their activities, the missionaries became forerunners of colonialism.” Justify this
statement by giving six points

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