Info Eduard 2014-08

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Vol 13, August 2014
price US $ 0.00

Fw 190A Nachtjäger
HISTORY Bf 109G-2 1/48
P-39L/N 1/48
F4U-1 engine 1/32

Fw 190 wheels late 1/48
Bf 109G-10 wheels 1/32
US bombs 1/72 . . .

© Eduard - Model Accessories, 2014


This material may only be used for personal use. No part of the text
or graphic presentations can be used in another publication in any other
media form or otherwise distributed without the prior written permission
of Eduard - Model Accessorie and authors involved.

Editorial and Graphics - Marketing department, Eduard - Model Accessories, Ltd.

August 2014

(Fw 190A Nachtjäger 1/48, F6F-3 1/48, Ju 87B 1/144, MiG-21R 1/48 )


August 2014

The Fall of The Little Prince

Bf 109G-2 1/48, P-39L/N 1/48,
F4U-1 1/32

September 2014

Issued by Eduard-Model Accessories, spol. s.r.o.

Mírová 170, Obrnice 435 21 eduard
[email protected]
Dear Friends, decal options, and, of course,
In today’s newsletter, you will find, among the extra photoetched brass
other items, a relatively brief, factual and will be available as well. The
last but not least, a non nostalgic article co- final kit for the month is the Ju
mmemorating the 70th anniversary of the 87B in 1/144th scale in the
disappearance of Antoine de Saint Exupery. Super 44 line. This is a Dual
You have probably noticed our event that be- Combo kit with two complete
gins today and ends Saturday. For those of models.
you who were hoping that we would release The Overtrees offer for Fw
a commemorative kit of Saint Exupery’s Light- 190A Nightfighters is not
ning, I am afraid you will be disappointed. only complication expecting
The loss of the Little Prince will be remembe- us in close future. Even more
red through the article and through an internet complicated looks the upco-
offer, which will include among other things ming MiG-21 in CSLA service
payment of postage by our own stamp issued Limited Edition kit. This one is
for last year’s ‘The Boys are Back’ event. prepared for October, the kit
August also brings around the 100th anni- is dedicated to the service of
versary of the start of The Great War. We the MiG-21s of the second
wanted to release a new 1/48th scale kit of generation (PF, PFM, R) in Czechoslovak Air 40´s. The kit also contains the book, written
a World War One aircraft in time for the mi- Force in 70s, 80s and 90s. The kit contains by Mr. Jiri Vrany, with many interesting pictu-
lestone, but we could not meet the deadline. a book about the service of the MiG-21s in res and stories of the Czech and Slovak pilots
The Siemens-Schuckert D.III is not far from Czechoslovak Air Force, the photo etch, mask and their Russian aircraft. The quarter scale
completion, but there are still some details and huge decal sheet for 32 marking options. kit in the dual combo contains two kits, La-5FN
that require attention. We decided we were What is a problem is the number of the plas- (ex-Zvezda) and La-7 (ex-Gavia), the book,
not going to rush things and put off the re- tic parts needed. The kit will contain parts for photo etch and mask, and the decals sheet for
lease until November, and to spend the pr- MiG-21PF, PFM and R versions, all together 26 marking options of the WWII as well as
oper amount of time and effort on the kit. We 14 frames. You will surely understand it is not the post war Czechoslovak Lavochkins. The kit
also decided to issue along with the model easy to put all the parts to the box, even to will be released on September 17th, 2014,
a publication, documenting the now twenty the biggest box we have. The basic kit will which is the 70th Anniversary of the landing of
year history of releasing kits by our company. contain alternative parts for all three versions, the 1st Czechoslovak Fighter regiment in the
The delay of the SSW D.III does not mean that it will be possible to build just one of them. USSR in Slovakia to help the Slovak National
there will be nothing interesting in terms of kits Unfortunately, we haven´t space enough even Uprising. More about this item expect in next
this month. Among those kits offered, you will for the weapon frames, which must be missi- issue of our info.
find another in the new Weekend concept, with ng in the basic kit. We will fix the situation August also sees the usual assortment of new
two marking options, covering the MiG-21R. using the Overtrees concept. The available accessory items, most notably in brass, with
With this MiG-21, and with those to follow, we Overtrees will be five. The first one contains two sets for the 1/35th scale Tamiya Na-
are also going back to the decal sheet that the weapon frames, the second one contains shorn and four new sets for Revell’s 1/48th
includes all the stencil data. For August, we the frames with small parts shared by all the scale Tornado IDS. The Tornado now also has
have a total four new kits, including besides versions, and the rest three items contain the a mask set available for it. Other sets hold
the MiG-21R, two ProfiPACK kits - the reissued complete sets for each of the versions. This a lot of popularity potential, most notably tho-
F6F-3 Hellcat and the Fw 190A Nightfighter. concept offers everybody a good chance to se for ships. We are releasing the first three
While the Hellcat is a straight reissue of the complete enough quantity of the complete sets for the USS Missouri in 1/200 and two
now several times sold out kit, the Fw 190A sets of the plastic parts for any of the versi- sets for the German WWI cruiser SMS Em-
Nightfighter, or, if you like, the Nachtjager, on. The photo etch will be also available as den in 1/350. The naval theme also spreads
is a new offering that is a well rounded kit a separate items, for all the three version, and into aircraft with the monumental five sets re-
containing parts for the A-6/R-11, A-7/R-11 for the PFM two color versions will be avai- leased for the Sunderland Mk III in 1/72nd
and A-8/R-11. This means that there will be lable, the green and the grey ones. To give scale from Italeri, and two new sets for the
quite a few sprues to this lit and it will require everybody the maximum options to create his A-6A Intruder in 1/32nd from Trumpeter and
a rather large box. This is not a Dual Combo own combination of the versions, there will be in 1/48 from Hobby Boss. I would also direct
kit, but a straight single, that has all the re- also the box containing the book, instruction some attention to the new Big Ed sets which
levant fuselage and wing types to cover the sheet, mask and the decal sheets available on typically accounts for a large chunk of pho-
subject as advertised. Those who would like to Eduard e-shop. You can complete the box with toetched set sales, accounting for over 20%
add the relevant components to the left over any combination of the plastic you will wish. recently. In the offerings for August, probably
fuselages and wings, can complete the kits with Uff, this is really not easy, right? Well, if it is the most interesting would be for the D9R Bull-
the offer of the popular Overtrees, available not clear, ask me. I´m in Hampton next week dozer in 1/35th scale. I also cannot forget to
on our e-shop. The collection of Overtrees and I will try to explain you what all you can bring up the three new sets of fabric seatbelts
for this model will be a bit more complicated expect with this item. in 1/72nd scale. In time, there will be more
than typical, and besides the ‘small’ Overtrees We release another specific Czech item available, and currently we are covering seat
with all the finer bits we will also be offering in September, the item called “First home” is belts for the Luftwaffe, RAF and the USAAF/
a further three variations, one for each ver- dedicated to the La-5FN and La-7 service in USN, all for the WWII period. Also, there
sion, to cover the sub-type covered by the Czechoslovak Air Force in the WWII and late

4 eduard INFO Eduard - August 2014

are the mask sets. Besides the aforementio- tionals in the USA, as in years gone by. After
ned masks for the Tornado, there is also a set our return, we will be at Plzen in September,
available for the Sunderland and the 1/32nd and we are considering attending a show in
scale T-2 Buckeye from MPM/Special Hobby. Opol, Poland, and then E-day. Those of you
And that leads us to the Brassin sets, with who were in Butovice, we are trying to reme-
a record nine new offerings including smaller dy the lighting situation in the garage. We
sets of wheels or various armaments which are are working on adding lighting to the tune of
also the subject matter for two new Bigsins. some 100 fixtures in the show area. We be-
In September, we will be continuing with five lieve that this investment will do more than just
new sets for the USS Missouri complemented enhance the lighting.
by a massive set of figures named ‘Pacific I would like to also bring some small items to
V-Day’ depicting the event of the signing of your attention with respect to the Bf 109G
the surrender of Japan on the deck of that Royal Class kit. As of July, the individual beer
ship. Perhaps you will recall a similar set in glasses are being made available separately,
1/350 released several years back. And even and it is now possible to buy the set of six as
that will not be the end of the Missouri, as Oc- well. We are often asked how long will the
tober will see the release of the last two sets. Overtrees for the Bf 109G be available, and
For September, we are preparing new sets of the answer to that is the end of September,
the SUPER FABRIC seat belts, and there will be while the coasters for the Beer Game will be
sets developed for specific models such as the included with orders to the end of August.
Tucano and the Do215 in 1/48, and also for
the 1/48 F-14A, designed and made for the I hope you enjoy the rest of this newsletter and
1/48th scale Limited Edition F-14A under the that you enjoy the rest of the summer.
name ‘Danger Zone’. That kit will include plas-
tic from Hobby Boss, photoetched brass, resin Happy Modeling!
seats, wheels and exhausts, masks and a large
decal sheet from Cartograf covering five opti- Vladimir Sulc
ons. Besides the photoetched brass, there will
also be an armaments set available for this kit
from the Bigsin range. This kit will be revealed
next week at the US National Convention in
So yes, we are planning on attending the Na-

INFO Eduard - August 2014 eduard 5




August 6-9 2014
Hampton, Virginia
at the new Hampton Roads
Convention Center


Kat. č. 1192
Item # 1192, 1/48th Scale F-14A TOMCAT. Contains
ex-Hobby Boss plastic, Cartograf decals for five marking
options, painting mask, photo-etch and resin accessories.
LIMITED EDITION, 100pcs ONLY! exclusively for
IPMS USA (regular release - September 2014)
event discount 25%
(BFC members 30%)

August products
Subjects to talk:
(not only)

NOVEMBERFEST 2014 Subjects to talk:

Eduard Open doors. Unseen experience, creative tour
commemorative kit, loads of fun, limited capacity... SSW D.III 1/48 new sprues
Spitfire Mk.VIII 1/48 Bf 109F/G 1/48 new projects
F-104G 1/48 1/72 scale revolution E-Day IPMS Czech Republic


INFO Eduard - August 2014 eduard 7

Fw 190A Nachtjäger BUY Fw 190A 1/48

1/48, Cat. No. 8177

- color photo-etched set
- painting mask
- Cartograf decals

A-7/R-11 ‚Neptun‘ Lt. Klaus Bretschneider, 6./JG 300, Rheine, March, 1944

A-6/R11, W.Nr. 550143, Oblt. Fritz Krause, 1./NJGr 10, Werneuchen airbase,
Germany, January, 1944

8 eduard INFO Eduard - August 2014


A-6/R-11 ‚Neptun‘ II./JG 300, Lobnitz, Autumn, 1943

A-8/R11 ‚Neptun‘ Fhj. Ofw. Gunter Migge, 1./NJGr. 10, Werneuchen, 1944

648065 MG 131 for Fw 190
648070 MG 131 mount for Fw 190A/F 648150
648152 Fw 190 wheels early
648150 Fw 190 wheels late




INFO Eduard - August 2014 eduard 9

KITS - Fw 190A


D48012 Fw 190A stencils (decals)
48551 Fw 190A landing flaps
8178X Fw 190A-6 Nightfighter (overtrees)
8180X Fw 190A-7 Nightfighter (overtrees)
8181X Fw 190A-8 Nightfighter (overtrees)
8177-LEPT1 Fw 190A Nightfighter PE-set
8182X Fw 190A Nightfighter - small parts (overtrees)

10 eduard INFO Eduard - August 2014


1/48, Cat. No. 8221
F6F-3, BuNo 40090, VF-1, Lt. William C Moseley,
USS Yorktown, June, 1944

- color photo-etched set

- painting mask
- Cartograf decals
- Brassin: main wheels

F6F-3, BuNo 25813, Lt. C.K. ‚Ken‘ Hilderbrandt, VF-33,

Ondonga, December, 1943

Brassin wheels
F6F-3, BuNo 40467, Lt. Alexander Vraciu, VF-6, USS Intrepid,
February, 1944

F6F-3, Probable BuNo 66016, VF-16,

USS Lexington, Hawaii, September, 1943

F6F-3, Lt. Richard E. Stambook, VF-27,

USS Princeton, October, 1944

BUY F6F-3 1/48

INFO Eduard - August 2014 eduard 11

2 markings and
SUPERFABRIC seatbelts!
1/48, Cat. No. 84123
(no photo-etched set, no mask)


Cuban Air Force, 80 - 90ties

MiG-21R, 263rd OAETR, Kabul, Afghanistan, 1982

BUY MiG-21R 1/48

648129 MiG-21R interior 1/48 (Brassin)

48794 MiG-21R 1/48 (PE-set)
648080 MiG-21 BRONZE legs 1/48 (Brassin)

648049 MiG-21 wheel wells 1/48 (Brassin)



12 eduard INFO Eduard - August 2014


Ju 87B
1/144, Cat. No. 4431

Ju 87B-1, Maj. Alfons Orthofer, II./StG 77

- photo-etched set
- Eduard decals

Ju 87B-2 trop, 2./StG 1, Derna/Libya, October, 1941

BUY Ju 87B 1/144

Ju 87B, 5.J/88 Legion Condor, Catalania/Spain, January 1939

INFO Eduard - August 2014 eduard 13

All sets included in this BIG ED are available separately,
but with every BIG ED set you save up to 30%.

BIG49108 Su-2 1/48 ZVEZDA

48805 Su-2 exterior
48806 Su-2 landing flaps
49678 Su-2 interior S.A.
EX420 Su-2

BIG49109 MIRAGE F.1B 1/48 KTH

48799 Mirage F.1B exterior
49654 Mirage F.1B interior S.A.
49671 Mirage F.1B seatbelts
EX402 Mirage F.1
49009 Remove Before Flight

48806 Su-2 landing flaps (BIG49108)

BIG3581 D9R DOOBI 1/35 MEN

36265 D9R Doobi exterior
36268 D9R Doobi interior - colour
36270 D9R Doobi cooling slats

48799 Mirage F.1B exterior (BIG49109)


48797 MiG-25PD/PDS Foxbat exterior
48808 MiG-25 Foxbat air intakes & F.O.D.
49669 MiG-25PD/PDS Foxbat interior S.A.
49680 MiG-25 Foxbat R-40 missiles detail set
EX416 MiG-25PD/PDS
36265 D9R Doobi exterior (BIG3581)

BIG49108 Su-2 1/48 ZVEZDA

BIG49109 MIRAGE F.1B 1/48 KTH

BIG3581 D9R DOOBI 1/35 MEN


14 eduard INFO Eduard - August 2014

Bf 109G-10 wheels
1/32 Revell
Main landing gear wheels and the tail
wheel for Revell 1/32 Bf 109G-10.
Painting mask included.

BUY Bf 109G-10 wheels 1/32

Meteor F.4 wheels
1/32 HK Models
Main landing gear wheels and nose
wheel (with mud fenders) for
HK Models 1/32 Meteor F.4.
Painting mask included.

BUY Meteor F.4 wheels 1/32

Fw 190 wheels late
1/48 Eduard
Main landing gear wheels for Edu-
ard 1/48 Fw 190A (late versions)
and Fw 190D.
Painting mask included.

BUY Fw 190 wheels late 1/48

INFO Eduard - August 2014 eduard 15


AIM-9D Sidewinder
4 pieces of short-range air-to-air missile
AIM-9D Sidewinder. Photo-etched de-
tails and decals included.

BUY AIM-9D Sidewinder 1/48

Tornado IDS wheels
1/48 Revell
Main landing gear and nose wheels
for Revell 1/48 Tornado IDS.
Painting mask included.

BUY Tornado IDS wheels 1/48

AIM-9M/L Sidewinder
4 pieces of short-range air-to-air
missile AIM-9M/L Sidewinder.
Photo-etched details and decals

BUY AIM-9M/L Sidewinder 1/72

16 eduard INFO Eduard - August 2014


US 250lb bombs
6 pieces of US WWII 250lb bombs.
Photo-etched details and decals

BUY US 250lb bombs 1/48

US 500lb bombs
6 pieces of US WWII 500lb
bombs. Photo-etched details and
decals included.

BUY US 500lb bombs 1/72

F-16CJ Block 50 wheels
1/72 Tamiya
Main landing gear and nose
wheel for Tamiya 1/72
F-16CJ Block 50.
Painting mask included.

BUY F-16CJ Block 50 wheels 1/72

INFO Eduard - August 2014 eduard 17


F-4 weapons set

1/48 Tamiya
Collection of 5 individual sets of missiles and bombs
for 1/48 F-4.
648028 AIM-9B Sidewinder
648062 AIM-7E Sparrow
648093 Mk.82 bomb (3 pcs.)


All sets included in this BIG SIN are
available separately, but with eve-
ry BIG SIN set you save up to 30%.





Collection of 5 individual sets of soviet

modern missiles in 1/48 scale.
648071 R-73 / AA-11 Archer
648082 R-60 / AA-8 Aphid
648094 R-27ER / AA-10 Alamo-C
648101 R-27ET / AA-10 Alamo-D
648143 R-77 / AA-12 Adder



All sets included in this BIG SIN are

available separately, but with eve-
BUY RUSSIAN MODERN AIRCRAFT MISSILES 1/48 ry BIG SIN set you save up to 30%.

18 eduard INFO Eduard - August 2014


A-6A exterior 1/32 Trumpeter (32353)

A-6A undercarriage 1/32 Trumpeter (32359)

INFO Eduard - August 2014 eduard 19

Nashorn 1/35 Tamiya (36266)

Nashorn floor plates and ammo boxes 1/35 Tamiya (36277)

20 eduard INFO Eduard - August 2014

A-6A exterior 1/48 Hobby Boss (48807)

A-6A interior S.A. 1/48 Hobby Boss (49683)

A-6A 1/48
Hobby Boss (EX427)

INFO Eduard - August 2014 eduard 21

F-101A/C exterior 1/48 Kitty Hawk (48809)

F-101A/C interior S.A. 1/48 Kitty Hawk (49681)

Tornado IDS interior S.A 1/48 Revell (49686)

Tornado IDS 1/48 Revell (EX428)

Tornado IDS seatbelts

1/48 Revell (49688)

22 eduard INFO Eduard - August 2014


Tornado IDS exterior 1/48 Revell (48812)

Tornado IDS undercarriage 1/48 Revell (49687)

INFO Eduard - August 2014 eduard 23

SMS Emden part 1
1/350 Revell (53114)

24 eduard INFO Eduard - August 2014


SMS Emden part 2 1/350 Revell (53120)

INFO Eduard - August 2014 eduard 25

USS Missouri part 1 - AA guns Oerlikon 1/200 Trumpeter (53113)

USS Missouri part 2 - Bofors 40 quadruple 1/200 Trumpeter (53117)

USS Missouri part 3 - crane and catapults 1/200 Trumpeter (53118)

26 eduard INFO Eduard - August 2014

Sunderland Mk.III exterior 1/72 Italeri (72585)

Sunderland Mk.III surface panels 1/72 Italeri (72585)

INFO Eduard - August 2014 eduard 27

Sunderland Mk.III bomb racks 1/72 Italeri (72583)

Sunderland Mk.III maintenence platforms 1/72 Italeri (72586)

F-35A S.A. 1/72 Academy (73503)

28 eduard INFO Eduard - August 2014

KITS FE686 Tornado IDS interior S.A. 1/48 Revell
4431 Ju 87B Dual Combo 1/144 SUPER44 SS509 Su-27SM Flanker B interior S.A. 1/72 Zvezda
8177 Fw 190A Nightfighter 1/48 ProfiPACK SS510 Sunderland Mk.III interior S.A. 1/72 Italeri
8221 F6F-3 1/48 ProfiPACK
84123 MiG-21R 1/48 Weekend MASKS
CX395 Su-35 1/72 1/72 Zvezda
PE-SETS CX396 Sunderland Mk.III 1/72 1/72 Italeri
EX428 Tornado IDS 1/48 1/48 Revell
32353 A-6A exterior 1/32 Trumpeter EX432 F-101A/C 1/48 1/48 Kitty Hawk
32356 A-1H exterior 1/32 Trumpeter EX433 Jaguar T.2/T.4 1/48 1/48 Kitty Hawk
32357 A-1H engine 1/32 Trumpeter JX167 T-2 Buckeye 1/32 1/32 Special Hobby
32359 A-6A undercarriage 1/32 Trumpeter JX170 A-1H 1/32 1/32 Trumpeter
32812 A-1H interior S.A. 1/32 Trumpeter
36266 Nashorn 1/35 Tamiya
36277 Nashorn floor plates and ammo boxes 1/35 Tamiya BIG ED
48807 A-6A exterior 1/48 Hobby Boss BIG3581 D9R DOOBI 1/35 1/35 Meng
48809 F-101A/C exterior 1/48 Kitty Hawk BIG49107 MiG-25PD/PDS FOXBAT 1/48 1/48 Kitty Hawk
48812 Tornado IDS exterior 1/48 Revell BIG49108 Su-2 1/48 1/48 Zvezda
49681 F-101A/C interior S.A. 1/48 Kitty Hawk BIG49109 MIRAGE F.1B 1/48 1/48 Kitty Hawk
49683 A-6A interior S.A. 1/48 Hobby Boss
49686 Tornado IDS interior S.A 1/48 Revell BRASSIN
49687 Tornado IDS undercarriage 1/48 Revell 632040 Bf 109G-10 wheels 1/32 Revell
49688 Tornado IDS seatbelts 1/48 Revell 632041 Meteor F.4 wheels 1/32 HK Models
53113 USS Missouri part 1 - AA guns Oerlikon 1/200 Trumpeter 648150 Fw 190 wheels late 1/48 EDUARD
53114 SMS Emden part 1 1/350 1/350 Revell 648156 AIM-9D Sidewinder 1/48

53117 USS Missouri part 2 - Bofors 40 quadruple 1/200 Trumpeter 648159 Tornado IDS wheels 1/48 Revell
53118 USS Missouri part 3 - crane and catapults 1/200 Trumpeter 672037 AIM-9M/L Sidewinder 1/72

53120 SMS Emden part 2 1/350 1/350 Revell 672038 US 250lb bombs 1/72

72583 Sunderland Mk.III bomb racks 1/72 Italeri 672039 US 500lb bombs 1/72

72584 Sunderland Mk.III surface panels 1/72 Italeri 672040 F-16CJ Block 50 wheels 1/72 Tamiya
72585 Sunderland Mk.III exterior 1/72 Italeri
72586 Sunderland Mk.III maintenence platforms 1/72 Italeri BIGSIN
73022 Seatbelts Luftwaffe fighters SUPER FABRIC 1/72 SIN64812 F-4 WEAPONS SET 1/48
73025 Seatbelts RAF early SUPER FABRIC 1/72
73503 F-35A S.A. 1/72 Academy OVERTREES
73509 Su-27SM Flanker B S.A. 1/72 Zvezda 8178X Fw 190A-6 Nightfighter 1/48 Eduard
73510 Sunderland Mk.III interior S.A. 1/72 Italeri 8180X Fw 190A-7 Nightfighter 1/48 Eduard
8181X Fw 190A-8 Nightfighter 1/48 Eduard
ZOOMS 8182X Fw 190A Nightfighter - small parts 1/48 Eduard
33133 A-1H interior S.A. 1/32 1/32 Trumpeter 8177-LEPT1 Fw 190A Nightfighter PE-set 1/48 Eduard
FE681 F-101A/C interior S.A. 1/48 Kitty Hawk
FE683 A-6A interior S.A. 1/48 Hobby Boss
BUY / e-shop Eduard


INFO Eduard - August 2014 eduard 29


Antoine Marie Jean-Baptiste Roger, the count de Saint Exupéry (1900-1944) is a world-famous
pilot and author who was able to fascinate and inspire his contemporaries. His greatest work
is recognized to be ‘The Little Prince’, in which, in all probability, he represented himself as
a prince and his wife Consuelo as a rose. After his death, which is shrouded in secrecy much
like the departure of the Little Prince, he was shunned as an author by some authorities. Despi-
te that, his work found its way into the world by its universal merit and de Saint Exupery stea-
dily grew into a legend. This year marks the 70 th anniversary of his disappearance.

The legend, however, masked some features War, Saint Exupéry piloted a photo reconnai-
that were only known to those immediately ssance Bloch with GR II/33. After the fall of
around him. Among other things, his formative France, he found his way to North America,
years were heavily influenced by his bond soon to be followed by his wife. Here, he was
with his mother, a love for his birthplace and recognized for his literary works. At the same
his childhood. However, he lacked solid male time, though, he was accused unfairly by some
role models. This was brought on by the early French of being a collaborator of the Vichy
loss of his father and older brother, and so government. As a patriot, this wounded him
he looked for compensation in medieval kni- deeply.
ghts and the contemporary knights of the air. He began to develop The Little Prince with
He was susceptible to periods of melancholy major support of his wife in their home on
and depression. No women apparently could Long Island. Deliberate urging the disillusio-
overcome the characteristics of his mother, ned Saint Exupery into this theme came from
except for, perhaps, his loving wife Consuelo, his friends, who urged him on to work on the
who had hard time to cope with his isolati- children’s book in order to feed in him an in-
onist tendencies and relationships with other terest in life and to be productive.
women. 1943 saw Saint Exupery return to Europe Saint-Exupéry photographed near Montreal, Canada,
After the beginning of the Second World with an American contingent to once again in May 1942, on a speaking tour in support of France
after its armistice with Germany. Photo: Wikimedia

30 eduard INFO Eduard - August 2014

call, informing of a closing fighter behind him.
The call was shortly thereafter repeated, and
he was not heard from again. Allied monitors
intercepted communications from the German
pilot, and noted on radar the return of the
German fighter to his home base in France.
The last known location of the reconnaissan-
ce F-5 was searched by several aircraft and
surface ships with no positive result. The su-
ccessful fighter pilot was Feldwebel Guth of
Evidence of this event exists in a listing of ae-
rial victories at the disposal of the Bundesar-
chiv and details surrounding it are documen-
ted in the British National Archives by ULTRA
which includes communications encoded by
the Enigma machine.
Fighters in Southern France included those of
Geschwader Bongart, a unit that specialized
in combat against partisans, the reconnaissan-
ce asset Nahaufklarungsgruppe 13 (NAG
13) with the Fw 190A and the aforementi-
oned training Jagdgruppe 200 (which as of
July 30 th had eight combat ready pilots and
14 serviceable aircraft). These units were
subordinate to Jafü Süd in frame of Luftlotte
3. The commanding officer of Jafü Süd was
the First World War veteran Friedrich Voll-
bracht who, serving with Jasta 5, claimed
two victories, and claimed another two flying
Bf 110s as unit Kommodore in 1940.
Saint Exupéry got no sleep on July 30 (his cot
remained unslept in) and it appears that he
spent the night writing letters and at break-
fast he displayed no signs of fatigue or stress.
At 0845h, he took off on a reconnaissance
flight to the area of Annecy, Lyon and Cha-
ton-sur-Saone, and that was the last he was
heard from or seen. This fateful day is de-
Camera technician at work on Lockheed F-5 of 23. Photo Recon Squadron. Photo was taken on August 7, 1944, scribed in the archives as the one described
Corsica, just few days after squadron member 2. Lt. Meredith was brought down by German fighter from JGr. 200 above.
off French coast. Photo: Fold 3
Besides Saint Exupery’s aircraft, the allies
serve his the Little Prince would unknown destinations. It was his habit to take also sent up over southern France a Spitfire
leave his rose. But, he was deemed a bit too literary notes, and at times this very much sur- from No.682 Squadron and an American F-5,
old for military duty, and his deployment, and prised those around him, when, for example, which became a target of anti-aircraft fire.
eventual crash, had to be supported and ex- instead of coming in for a landing, he stayed The last allied unit to operate in the area was
plained by Dwight Eisenhower and Ira Eaker. in the circuit, paper and pencil in hand. the French GC 4 with P-47 fighters. This unit
Commandant de Saint Exupery became The French shared the base with American took off at 0800h towards Orange, where
a member of Groupe de reconnaissance GR squadrons which inclu- at 1030h they attacked
II/33 equipped with the ‘reconnaissance Li- ded the above-mentio- ground targets. During
ghtning’ Lockheed F-5. In the spring of 1944, ned reconnaissance units. the return flight, in the vi-
it flew out of Borgo on Corsica and fell under The day before Saint cinity of Alpes-de-Haute-
the command of the American 3 rd Photo Exupery’s disappearan- -Provence, they contacted
Group MAPRW (Mediterranean Allied Pho- ce, the Americans lost two bogeys at 1130h at
to Reconnaissance Wing) within the 12 th Air a colleague. His name between 20 and 25,000
Force. It is not a widely known fact that the was 2 nd Lt. Gene C. feet. That is approxima-
allies conducted a ‘second invasion’ in sou- Meredith of the 23 rd tely the time during which
thern France known as ‘Operation Dragoon’ Photo Recon Squadron. Saint Exupéry would
in August, 1944. Antoine de Saint Exupery Around noon (allied and have been operating in
operated over this area and his recon flights German times differ by the area.
over southern France helped in the preparati- two hours) on July 30, The allies intently monito-
on of this invasion. 1944, he was faced with red communications and
The famous author was, in a sense, a speci- two Messerschmitt Bf radar for enemy activity,
al guest within his own unit, and his idiosyn- 109 Gs of Jagdgruppe but recorded no aerial
cracies were tolerated. His health was in 200. The Germans pur- combat or any form of
a state where he needed help to get into his sued him until he headed communication from Saint
coveralls, he could not turn his head to the left south towards the base Consuelo Suncín, comtesse de Saint Exupéry Exupery, who did not re-
and he used his oxygen equipment virtually on Corsica. The American (1901 - 1979), wife of Antoine on photo taken turn from his mission.
in Montreal, 1942. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
non-stop. At night, he often left the base to issued a mayday distress

INFO Eduard - August 2014 eduard 31

The following can be gleaned from allied records regarding Luftwa-
ffe activity:
In the morning hours (between 0758 and 0929h), three small German
fighter formations took off to attack allied fighters in the area of
Cannes, Toulon and to the areas north of these towns. They made no
contact with the enemy.
In the afternoon (1410 to 1425h), several fighters undertook an
approximately half hour flight north from Toulon, again, with no con-
tact being made.
Another fourteen aircraft were dispatched against partisans and four
photo reconnaissance aircraft undertook an uneventful flight over the
Mediterranean. Six fighters flew in from Italy to Lyon the same day.
The records of Lufflotte 3 indicate that fighters under its command
downed six aircraft on July 31. All are documented in the Bundes-
archiv and all took place over northwestern France, or the Invasion
Front, and not in the area in which Saint Exupéry would have been
Several days after his disappearance, the allies disclosed that they
were searching for Saint Exupéry. According to the testimony of Lt.
Georg Pemler of 2./NAG 13, the Germans gave this matter a lot of
attention, and confirmed that on July 31, no allied aircraft were shot
down either in air to air combat or by flak over southern France.
So how and where did Saint Exupery disappear? The reasons may Antoine de Saint-Exupéry standing next to his Caudron Simoun, crashed in the Saha-
have been physical or health related, running out of fuel or a technical ra Desert at approx. 150 m.p.h. on December 30th, 1935, during a Paris-to-Saigon
problem, among other possibilities. The aircraft had been scheduled air race. Photo: Saint-Exupéry/André Prévot / Wikimedia Commons
for an overhaul and a month prior to going missing, Saint Exupery
returned with it on one engine.
The above noted documentation of German
Portrait and images from The Little Prince on a 50-franc
activity was only sourced recently. Up to banknote. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
that time it was sometimes assumed that the
French author had been shot down. Among
the best known hypothesis over the loss of the
Little Prince included Robert Heichele or Horst
A recounting of the claim of Robert Heichele
of a kill of a Lightning over southern France
on July 31, 1944, was printed in 1972 in
the magazine ‘Landser’. At this time, though,
I consider this version of events to be a fabri-
cation. According to the article in the Landser,
Heichele was a member of JG 3 and was
flying the Fw 190D-9. However, JG 3 did not
operate in the area and at the time of the kill,
the Fw 190D-9 had not even been flown by
operational test units. And, although Robert
Heichele did in fact live, he was a member of
NAG 13. He was killed in August, 1944, by
partisans on his way to a hospital.
The second candidate for the shooting down
of Saint Exupéry was Horst Rippert of JGr.
200. In this area, he operated as a fighter A less known photo of Saint Exupéry´s recon plane. Female name written on the
pilot for several years. Due to his ‘non-aryan’ fuselage is „Jeanne“. If the ship´s name came from the Saint Exupéry, it´s somewhat
roots, he tended to have problems with his sensitive. Jeanne was writer´s first love. Her name is mentioned in his letter from
1919. Foto: ECPA AIR 57-1082
superiors. He was even to have been sent as
a foot soldier to the Eastern Front. However,
due to connections, he was able to remain in
the south of France as a mechanic.
In the summer of 1943, the unit then known as
JGr. Süd, received a new commanding offi-
cer, the legendary Heinz Bär. He vehemently
opposed Rippert’s role and placed him back
among the combat pilots. Over the course of
1944, Rippert became one of the most su-
ccessful pilots to operate in the area. By the
end of July of that year, he had accounted
for six four engined heavy bombers, a photo
reconnaissance twin engined Mosquito, and
a Mustang fighter.

32 eduard INFO Eduard - August 2014

Saint Exupéry´s Lockheed F-5B-1-LO „80“ (42-68223) of 1. escadrille belonging to GR II/33
„Savoie“ in April 1944 at airbase Pomigliano d´Arco in Italy. Photo: ECPA AIR 57-1106

He flew to the end of the war (with JG 27), ted on both sides of the front.
and it is known that he accounted for at least About five years after the end of the war,
29 aerial victories. According to the Bunde- Rippert began to consider the notion that he
sarchiv, eight of these were confirmed. One perhaps did shoot down Saint Exupéry. He fi-
was not confirmed, and a determination of nanced his own research into the subject and
another two were postponed. The remainder concluded that he could not have had any-
were never determined or their details remain thing to do with the event, and was still to the
unknown. After the war, he became a sports year 2000 convinced of this fact. And the end
television director with ZDF, and the license of Saint Exupéry was still a mystery.
plate of his car must not have been missing In 2000, in the ocean not far from Marseille,
the number ‘109‘. His brother was the Ger- Luc Vanrell discovered the wreckage of an
Silver bracelet of Saint Exupéry found by fisherman
man singer Ivan Rebroff (Hans Rolf Rippert). allied aircraft. After the aircraft’s raising Jean-Claude Bianco in 1998. The text on bracelet says:
I have the honor of owning Horst Ripper- and an analysis of construction numbers, it „Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (Consuelo) c/o Reynal &
t’s journal with his dedication. From them, was certain the aircraft in question was Saint Hitchcock 386 4th Ave. NYC USA“. Photo: Fredriga /
Wikimedia Commons
it is evident just how narrow the radio contact Exupéry’s.
had been with ground control during action Luc Vanrell and Jacques Pradel published
against the enemy. At one point, after shoo- a book in 2008, which is based on new alle-
ting down an American fighter into the sea, gations of Rippert that he did in fact shoot
he used the term ‘Aufschlagbrand’ (fire after Saint Exupery down. What led him to change
impact with the ground) and was promptly in- his mind, I don’t know. And what’s more, it is
carcerated on his landing, because the auto- apparent from the book that the authors did
matic conclusion was that he had made the kill not know about the above described events
up, since he was operating over water. All was documented in various archives, which were
eventually explained, and Rippert continued accessible.
to fly. This is only one small example of how I am adding my small contributions and disco-
activities of the Luftwaffe could be documen- vered documentation to research that is prin-
ted on his website by
Nick Beale. My interest is not to support ne-
ither this nor that version of what happened
on July 31, 1944 over southern France. I only
want to reconstruct as accurately as possible
what happened on that day. And my only
conclusion, based on the available informa-
tion and on the memoirs of those involved, is
that nothing overly dramatic, given what was
going on, occurred on that day over southern
France. Except of loss of famous author …

A landing gear of Saint Exupéry‘s Lockheed F-5, recovered

from the Mediterranean off the coast of France in 2003,
displayed at the French Air and Space Museum in Le Bour-
get, Paris. Photo: Harry Zilber / Wikimedia Commons

Artist Consuelo and a sculpture of her husband Antoine

de Saint Exupéry. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

INFO Eduard - August 2014 eduard 33




Jagdgeschwader Jagdgeschwader Jagdgeschwader Jagdgeschwader Jagdgeschwader Jagdgeschwader

3 4 5 27 300 52

Bf 109G-2
Bf 109G-2 trop, W.Nr. 10 501, Stab/JG 77, Bir el Abd airfield, North Africa, early November 1942

built by Jan Novotny

36 eduard INFO Eduard - August 2014


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INFO Eduard - August 2014 eduard 37

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Detailed engine for F4U-1 in 1/32

with complete cowling and cooling
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BUY F4U-1 engine 1/48

INFO Eduard - August 2014 eduard 39


Grigorij A. Rechkalov, 16. GIAP, spring 1945


built by Petr Zatrepalek

Rechkalov´s airplane, especially the one with the nose kill marks, was formerly considered to be an aircraft flown
by another Soviet fighter ace, Pokryshkin. The initial letters RGA on the tail confirm that it was flown by Grigori
A. Rechkalov. Rechkalov stayed with his regiment through the whole duration of WWII. In July, 1941, when
the German armed forces began the war against the Soviet Union, the regiment was known as the
55th IAP. Rechkalov was awarded the Gold Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union twice – on May
24, 1943 and on July 1, 1944. He was credited with 51 individual and 4 shared victories at
that time and was appointed the CO of the 16th GIAP. Rechkalov´s WWII score consists
of 61 individual and 4 shared aerial victories. Many sources state that he flew
two Airacobras – P-39N 42-8747 and P-39Q 44-2547. The detailed ana-
lysis of existing photos suggests the theory that Rechlov flew the P-39N
only. The different serial number appeared on this aircraft when
the damaged tail unit was repaired using spare parts from the

BUY P-39L/N 1/48

40 eduard INFO Eduard - August 2014


INFO Eduard - August 2014 eduard 41

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42 eduard INFO Eduard - August 2014

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48817 F-14A upgrade set 1/48 Eduard 73027 Seatbelts RFC WWI SUPER FABRIC 1/72

48818 Do 215B bomb bay 1/48 ICM 73028 Seatbelts France WWI SUPER FABRIC 1/72

49689 A-6E interior S.A. 1/48 Hobby Boss 73511 CR.32 S.A. 1/72 Italeri
49690 EMB-314 Super Tucano S.A. 1/48 Hobby Boss
49691 Do 215B S.A. 1/48 ICM ZOOMS
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49693 F-14 Remove Before Flight SUPER FABRIC 1/48 Eduard FE690 EMB-314 Super Tucano S.A. 1/48 Hobby Boss
53119 USS Missouri part 4 - floater net baskets 1/200 Trumpeter FE691 Do 215B interior S.A. 1/48 ICM
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Sd.Kfz 3b Maultier
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