2970.full, A Mechanism of Action For Carboxypeptidase A

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Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.

Vol. 69, No. 10, pp. 2970-2974, October 1972

A Mechanism of Action for Carboxypeptidase A

(x-ray crystallography/esters/peptides/enzyme kinetics/random-pathway model)


Department of Chemistry and Institute of Molecular Biophysics, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Fla. 32306
Communicated by Michael Kasha, August 4, 1972

ABSTRACT In an attempt to gain a better under- Before electron-density maps of carboxypeptidase A were
standing of the mechanism of action of carboxypeptidase available, chemical studies were undertaken in search of
A (EC, many kinetic studies have been undertaken
using numerous substrates-both esters and peptides functionally active amino-acid residues at the active site.
-that have exhibited substrate linearity, inhibition, acti- Among the numerous studies undertaken, acetylation of
vation, and sigmoid-shaped rate plots. Numerous interpre- tyrosine residues (6, 7) was shown to increase esterase activity
tations of the kinetic data have been proposed, none of and decrease peptidase activity. This, coupled with the strik-
which are fully in accord both with kinetic data and x-ray ing differences in pH-activity profiles between esters and
crystallographic studies. Much of the kinetic data has been
interpreted using multisite binding while the x-ray infor- peptides (7), led to the hypothesis that peptides and esters
mation seems to severely restrict these possibilities. bind at different, but perhaps overlapping, sites on the
We have examined the feasibility of a simple model enzyme. There are exceptions, however, to the effect of acetyla-
with a single active site, without modifier sites, that al- tion (3) and pH behavior (8).
lows only one substrate molecule to bind the enzyme at a
time. A random-pathway model was identified that simul- Kinetic studies-peptides
taneously accounts for the nonlinear kinetic data and
meets the restrictions imposed by the x-ray crystallo- Kinetic data from the study by Lumry et al. (9) show that
graphic studies. both carbobenzoxyglycyl-L-tryptophan and carbobenzoxy-
glycyl-L-phenylalanine exhibit substrate inhibition. It was
INTRODUCTION noted that the extent of inhibition by these substrates is
Carboxypeptidase A (EC is an exopeptidase that proportional to the fourth power of the substrate concentra-
hydrolyzes peptide bonds in peptides and proteins in biological tion. From this relationship, it was concluded that four
systems, and also esters under experimental conditions, at molecules of substrate are required to inhibit an enzymic
the carboxy terminal end. It cleaves only L-amino acids with center. The model used for interpretation included both a
free carboxyl groups adjacent to the peptide or ester bond catalytically active and inactive binding site.
and is specific for amino acids that have aromatic or hydro- Upon investigation of the kinetics of benzoylglycylglycyl-L-
phobic side chains, such as phenylalanine, tryptophan, or phenylalanine and benzoylglycyl-L-phenylalanine, Auld and
leucine (4). Vallee (10) found that the latter exhibits substrate activation,
R3 H R2 H Ri while the former is linear. A model proposing the binding of
substrates at multiple loci was found to be in accord with the
etc.-CH-C-N-CH-C-N-CH-COO-(PP) + H20 data.
1 1 Kinetic studies esters
O 0
Carboxypeptidase A Data obtained by Awazu et al. (11) indicate that the hydroly-
sis of O-(N-benzoylglycyl)-L-mandelate exhibits substrate
R3 H R2 H R inhibition. The following theoretical equation was obtained
I I I I by fitting the experimental points.
etc.-CH-C-N-CH-C-OH (Ac) + HN-CH-C00-
V0 _
sO 0
(Am) [Eo = a[PPJ/{1 + b[PPJ + C[PP]2}
If we use the symbols indicated A model with two sites to which the substrate can bind-
Carboxypeptidase A one catalytic and the other inhibitory-was proposed to
PP + H20 Ac + Am account for this equation. The data thus interpreted supported
Carboxypeptidase A isolated from the pancreas has a the hypothesis that there are multiple sites to which substrates
zinc to carboxypeptidase A ratio of 0.96, indicating that the and modifiers can bind on the carboxypeptidase A molecule.
naturally occurring enzyme contains one atom of zinc per Using hippuryl-DL-/-phenyllactate, McClure et al. (12)
protein molecule (5). The zinc atom plays an integral role in noted marked inhibition with excess substrate. It was sug-
the cleavage of the substrate; it polarizes the carbonyl group gested that these results could be accounted for by the forma-
of the-substrate, Zn+. ..0O- Cs+, in order to render the
- tion of several different inactive complexes or by the co-
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carbon atom of this carbonyl group more susceptible to existence of several forms of the enzyme. An interesting par-
nucleophilic attack (3). allel between hippuryl-DL-fl-phenyllactate and its peptide
Proo. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 69 (1972) Substrate Kinetics of Carboxypeptidase A 2971

analog carbobenzoxyglycyl-L,-phenylalanine was obtained ing sites, and in most cases from three to five binding sites
(12) by a generalization of the scheme proposed by Lumry for the substrates. This conclusion was reached from the
et al. (9). Assuming that the enzyme molecules exist in two study of a general mechanism involving a monomeric form of
species, deriving steady-state equations, and fitting them to the enzyme with various binding sites. This model can also
experimental data, they found that the velocity is inversely account for the sigmoid curve obtained by Kaiser et al. (13)
proportional to the fifth power of substrate concentration. with O-hippurylglycolate. This finding gave further credence
From this relationship, it was deduced that five molecules of to the proposed mechanism involving multiple binding sites
substrate are required to inhibit one enzymic center. for substrates and similar modifiers on a single macromolecule
With the investigation of the hydrolysis of O-hippuryl- with only one catalytic site.
glycolate by Kaiser et al. (13), another type of curve-sig- A second model endeavoring to encompass the observed
moid-was observed that is typically interpreted as being kinetic properties as a unified whole was proposed by Vallee
allosteric. These authors considered the possibility that et al. (2). This model, based on multiple modes of substrate
the hydrolysis of O-hippurylglucolate by carboxypepti- binding, assumes discrete, but overlapping, productive bind-
dase A does exhibit allosteric character and this idea ing sites for esters and peptides. Inhibition is conceived of
was strengthened by the observation that the sigmoid char- resulting from (a) "incorrect" binding of the peptide at the
acter observed with the hydrolysis of O-hippurylglycolate ester site (or of the ester at the peptide site), or (b) inversion
is no longer apparent after the addition of an activating of the peptide or ester within its respective binding site to
modifier, 0.05 M N-carbobenzyloxyglycine. yield an "unproductive" complex. Activation results when
The hydrolysis of acetyl-L-mandelate studied by Kaiser the mode of substrate inhibition is prevented. Thus, this
and Carson (14) and of cinnamoyl-Dx-p-phenyllactate in- model is based upon the assumptions that, (i) carboxypep-
vestigated by Awazu et al. (11) give linear Lineweaver-Burk tidase A can distinguish between peptides and esters, (ii)
plots, which can be interpreted using the Michaelis-Menten peptides and esters bind at different sites, and (iii) there are
model. multiple modes of substrate binding that can account for
General models for interpretation activation, sigmoidness, and inhibition.
Two more general models have been propounded in an at- Structural studies
tempt to account for all of the kinetic data available. Re- Electron density maps to 0.20-nm resolution of carboxy-
garding the existence of substrate inhibition for peptidase, peptidase A and its substrate (Gly-Tyr) complex were pre-
and especially esterase activity, Quiocho and Richards (1) pared by Lipscomb et al. (3). Upon making a Gly-Tyr differ-
stated that there appears to be no mechanism for this phe- ence map, they found that the native enzyme undergoes
nomenon that requires the assumption of less than two bind- several conformational changes when Gly-Tyr is bound, re-
TABLE 1. Empirical equations for 10 substrates for carboxypeptidase A

% Standard Source
Substrate Equation error of data
1. Carbobenzoxyglycyl-Ltryptophan =a + b[PP] + [PP 4.24 9
2. Carbobenzoxyglycyl-L-phenylalanine /= a + b[PP] + d+[PP] 3.40 9
3. Benzoylglycyl-iphenylalanine C+
l =a+ +I [PP]
b 4.83 10

4. Benzoylglycylglycyl-L-phenylalanine 4.10 10
/=a + [PP]
5. Carbobenzoxyglycyl-ileucine =a + b 6.4 9
6. 0-(N-Benzoylglycyl)-L-mandelate iisfr a + b[PP] + [PP 6.4 lit
7. Hippuryl-DL-,-phenyllacetate l/V=a+ [P + d 5.03 12
C + [PP] [PPJ
8. 0-Hippuryl-glycolate 1,f=a + b 2.02 13
c + d [PPJ + [PPI 2
9. Cinnamoyl-Drn6-phenyllactate i/r=a + b lit
10. Acetyl-L-mandelate i/r=a + b 2.98 14
* PP = polypeptide.
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t Computed by original workers.

2972 Biochemistry: Barber and Fisher Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 69 (1972)
TABLE 2. Some suitable combinations of reaction assignments
E2 E7-( EEdd
for the model in Fig. 2

E1Es 7E6E
Steps 1 and c
Steps 2,
7, and d Steps 4 and b Step 5
PP w r p p
w p r p
w r r p, p
0 r w p
E d- E5 X
E a ) Eb w p, p
r p w p
r r w p, p
FIG. 1. A plausible random pathway model for the following r r r p, W, p
reaction catalyzed by carboxypeptidase A p w r p
polypeptide [PP] + H20 -- cleaved amino acid [Am] + p r w p
p r r W, p
Remaining (poly)peptide [Ac]
Steps 1 and c; 2, 7, and d; and b and 4 may be either rearrange- Symbols: p = product-release step, w = water-addition step,
ment, water addition, or product-release .steps. Step 5 may be r = rearrangement step.
product release; rearrangement and product release; water addi-
tion and product release; or water addition, rearrangement, and
product release, depending upon the assignments made for the active substrates, and since (d) most of the requisites of
other steps. substrate and enzyme are the same for peptide and analogous
ester substrates, it was hypothesized (3) that the most favor-
sulting in several complementary rearrangements in the able productive binding mode for ester substrates is, in its
enzyme structure. essential interactions, the same as that depicted for peptides.
Mechanisms for the cleavage of a peptide substrate were EMPIRICAL EQUATIONS
considered. The attack on the susceptible carbonyl group is
either (i) nucleophilic catalysis by Glu-270, or (ii) general Empirical equations are a useful way of summarizing experi-
base catalysis by water. It was impossible to choose between mental data and are valuable in choosing the kinds of models
these two mechanisms. that can account for the data. Most of the kinetic data avail-
To account for the inhibition and activation exhibited by able for carboxypeptidase A has not been presented in this
kinetic studies, Lipscomb et al. (3), through model-building form; therefore, it was necessary, in most cases, to obtain the
experiments, have elicited two abortive modes of binding for data points from published figures and tables and to develop a
tripeptide substrates-displaced binding and reversed bind- suitable empirical equation by use of the procedure described
ing-that may result in substrate inhibition, the binding of by Barton and Fisher (15) for original data. Since only average
two tripeptide substrate molecules to give inhibition that is values could be obtained, each point was arbitrarily assigned
not competitive, and the binding of a tripeptide substrate a weight of one, whereas with original data the standard devi-
and a dipeptide product molecule to yield an activation ation for each point was used in weighting the points.
Table 1 shows the results for 10 representative substrates
process. Crystallographic experiments devised to demonstrate analyzed by this approach. The standard errors are in the
the abortive modes of binding were unsuccessful. In dis-
agreement with some kinetic analyses, which suggest that range of 2.0-6.4%. It should be noted that the standard error
from three to five molecules are bound, it was found that the reported by Awazu et al. (11) for O-(N-benzoylglycyl)-L-
binding region is probably limited to two substrate molecules. mandelate is equal to the highest standard error recorded
Attempts to prepare crystals of carboxypeptidase with in this paper. Thus, the standard errors defining the experi-
ester substrates have been unsuccessful; however, since (a) mental data in this paper are within reasonable limits.
the very nature of the active site restricts and severely limits
the number of productive binding modes, (b) the only obvious 5.0[
difference between analogous peptides and esters is the steric
and electronic configuration about the ester oxygen, (c) pep- C 4.0
tide nitrogen can be replaced by oxygen in corresponding
o 3.0
PP Am x

E'H20 YE'PPH20- EAc

EH20 . ® EPPH2O E-AcH20 I I
0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
x 10-3(m~i)
itA H20
EAC E E-AC FIG. 3. A Lineweaver-Burk plot of the peptide benzoyl-
Am glycylgylcyl-i.phenylalanine. The line was calculated from the
model proposed in Fig. 1. The data are actual experimental
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FIG. 2. A specific example of the model in Fig. 1. points abstracted from an article by Auld and Vallee (10).
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 69



_ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ in

X 10 3(m9)
30 4.0

FIG. 4. A Lineweaver-Burk plot of the peptide benzoylglycyl-

Substrate Kinetics of Carboxypeptidase A

is l~~~~~~~~~~~~

[PPj X 102 (m)

i-phenylalanine. The line was calculated from the model pro-

posed in Fig. 1. The data are actual experimental points from an FIG. 5. A plot of velocity against substrate concentration
article by Auld and Vallee (10). for the ester O-(N-benzoylglycyl)-imandelate. The line -was
calculated from the model proposed in Fig. 1. The data are actual
experimental points from an article by Awazu et al. (11).
A reasonable model for reactions catalyzed by carboxypep-
tidase A should account for the wide variety of reported noted that rearrangement steps (2) and (7) do not represent
kinetic properties-substrate linearity, activation, inhibition, the same process as step (d). The other pathways involve
and sigmoidness-without requiring the binding of more than similar processes but include a ternary complex, which is
one substrate molecule to the enzyme at a time. With this absent in the ping pong sequence described above. Some of
in mind, a search for a suitable random pathway model was the suitable combinations listed in Table 2 do not include both
undertaken. ping pong and ternary-complex pathways; therefore, this
From the equations in Table1, some more complicated terms combination is not an essential feature.
such as c/{d + [PP]}, b[PP]/{c + [PPi}, and b/{c + To determine whether the proposed model can indeed yield
d[PP] + [p ]2} can be noted. These terms serve as the princi- the empirical equations for each substrate, rate constants for
ple guide in building a suitable model. It can be noted that a the model in Fig. 1 were assigned values of small, medium, and
single cycle has the capacity to produce the first two terms, large, differing by 102, in conformity with the law of micro-
but not the third. One of the simplest ways to generate such a reversibility. These assignments reduced the general rate
term is to have a cycle within a cycle, as illustrated in Fig. 1. equation to the desired empirical equations for the particular
Mathematical procedures for handling such models have been substrate in question. In this way it was shown that the model
presented (16). For a cycle within a cycle to account for the can yield empirical equations that define the observed data
critical term given abovi it is necessary for substrate-addi- for all 10 substrates.
tion steps to appear in both the large and small cycles and Exact values were assigned to the rate constants of four
play an important role in determining the fractional velocities substrates, which manifest linearity, activation, inhibition,
flowing through each cycle. There is no specifically required and sigmoidness, in order to demonstrate that (a) the pre-
arrangement of product release, rearrangement, or water liminary assignment of the rate constants yielded valid
addition steps. Some suitable combinations are given in results, (b) when rate constants are assigned exact numerical
Table. 2. values, the actual empirical equations can be generated,
The presence of rearrangement steps is deemed feasible by and when plotted, produce a curve through, or in close
the fact the Lipscomb et al. (3) noted that the native enzyme proximity to, the observed data points, and (c) the necessary
undergoes several'conformational changes with the binding assigned values are reasonable.
of Gly-Tyr. With relaxation spectrometry, Hammes (17, 18)
found evidence to support the hypothesis that rapid conforma-
tional changes or isomerizations involving binary and ternary 24 0
complexes occur in dehydrogenase systems, and evidence for
the existence of at least eight different states of ribonuclease 20
Fig. 2 illustrates one of the specific models given in Table 2 7 16_
that are inherent in the model presented in Fig. 1. It should be
emphasized that this specific model is not being presented as E 12
no- -
"the" model from the more general model, but merely to
exemplify in more concrete terms the types of specific models 0d 8
that are being suggested. The specific model in Fig. 2 illus- As

trates the first set of assignments given in Table 2. 4_ /

A few comments regarding the specific model in Fig. 2 are
in order. One of the pathways in the specific model is a ping 2 4 6 8 10
pong-type ordered sequence involving: substrate [PP] addi- [pp] X 102 (m)
tion (a), release of one product (cleaved amino acid [Am]). (b), FIG. 6. A plot of velocity against substrate concentration
binding of water (c), hydrolysis of an acyl enzyme bond (d), for the ester O-hippuryl-glycolate. The line was calculated from
and release of the second product [the remaining (poly)pep-
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the model proposed in Fig. 1. The data are actual experimental

tide [Ac] after cleavage of an amino acid] (5). It should be points from an article by Kaiser et at. (13).
2974 Biochemistry: Barber and Fisher Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 69 (1972)
Two peptides-benzoylglycylglycyl-L-phenylalanine, which it appear plausible to have the binding of more than two
gives linear plots, and benzoylglycyl--phenylalanine, which substrate molecules at the active site. Experiments demon-
manifests activation-and two esters-O-(N-benzoylglycyl)- strating binding of more than one substrate molecule or
L-mandelate, which gives inhibition, and 0-hippurylglyco- abortive binding, however, are lacking. Upon study of the
late, which gives sigmoid plots-were chosen. The actual topography of the active site and of the essential features of
rate constants were assigned values ranging from 26 to 5 X esters and peptides, it has been hypothesized that the essential
106 min' for unimolecular processes and from 6.0 X 104 to mode of interaction of peptides and esters is probably the
5.2 X 109 M-l min-' for bimolecular processes. Graphs of same (3). Thus, one can see that there is strong structural evi-
the lines calculated with these rate constants and the general dence for productive binding of esters and peptides at identi-
rate equation are shown in Figs. 3-6. The observed data cal sites, and also the binding of, at most, two substrate
points abstracted from the literature are also plotted on these molecules at the one and only active site.
graphs, showing the correspondence. In conclusion, a feasible randon pathway model to account
for the substrate kinetic data for carboxypeptidase A has
DISCUSSION been proposed. In this model a plausible relationship between
Random pathway models, which require only one active site substrate-addition steps has been proposed, but no attempt
and no modifier sites, can account for the substrate kinetic has been made to order rearrangement or product-release
data for carboxypeptidase A found in the literature. This has steps. In contrast to previous interpretations, this model is
been demonstrated by (a) defining by empirical equations the in accord with x-ray crystallographic studies.
kinetic data from the literature for ten representative sub-
strates, both esters and peptides, which exhibit linearity, This work was supported by grants from the National Science
activation, inhibition, and sigmoidness; (b) proposal of a Foundation (GB-16957), the U.S. Public Health Service (GM-
17506), and by a contract with the Division of Biology and
simple, random pathway model that can account for the Medicine, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.
data; (c) showing semiquantitatively for all 10 substrates
that the empirical equations for each substrate can be derived 1. Quiocho, F. A. & Richards, F. M. (1966) Biochemistry 5,
from the model; and (d) making actual rate-constant assign- 4062-4076.
ments for four substrates, two esters, and two peptides, which 2. Vallee, B. L., Riordan, J. F., Bethune, J. L., Commbs,
T. L., Auld, D. S. & Sokolovshy, J. (1968) Biochemistry 7,
manifest substrate linearity, activation, inhibition, and sig- 3547-3556.
moidness, and plotting the resulting data in the form of 3. Lipscomb, W. N., Reeke, G. N., Jun., Hartsuck, J. A.,
curves with the observed data points abstracted from the Quiocho, F. A. & Bethge, P. H. (1970) Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc.
literature. London Ser. B 257, 177-214.
The general random pathway model proposed is in harmony 4. Neurath, H., Bradshaw, R. A., Petra, P. H. & Walsh, K. A.
(1970) Phil. Trans. Soc. London Ser. B 257, 159-176.
with crystallographic studies by Lipscomb et al. (3). It is also 5. Vallee, B. L. & Neurath, H. J. (1954) J. Amer. Chem. Soc.
able to offer a resolution to the disparity between structural 76, 5006-5007.
data and previous interpretations of, and models for, sub- 6. Simpsom, R. T., Riordan, J. F. & Vallee, B. L. (1963)
strate kinetic data. Some interpretations of nonlinearity have Biochemistry 2, 616-622.
7.- Riordan, J. F. & Vallee, B. L. (1963) Biochemistry 2, 1460-
led to the proposal of the binding of up to five substrate mole- 1467.
cules at the active center; of two sites, one catalytic and the 8. Carson, F. W. & Kaiser, E. T. (1966) J. Amer. Chem. Soc.
other inhibitory; and also of allosteric character. Quiocho 88, 1212-1223.
and Richards (1) proposed a more general model which, as- 9. Lumry, R., Smith, E. L. & Glantz, R. R. (1951) J. Amer.
suming a monomeric form of the enzyme, requires more than Chem. Soc. 73, 4330-4340.
10. Auld, D. S. & Vallee, B. L. (1970) Biochemistry 9, 602-609.
two, and in most cases the binding of three to five substrate 11. Awazu, S., Carson, F. W., Hall, P. L. & Kaiser, E. T. (1967)
molecules, to account for inhibition. Vallee et al. (2) were J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 89, 3627-3631.
able to account for all the observed phenomena by a model 12. McClure, W. O., Neurath, H. & Walsh, K. A. (1963) Bio-
based on multiple modes of substrate binding, assuming dis- chemistry 3, 1897-1901.
crete but overlapping binding sites for esters and peptides. 13. Kaiser, E. T., Awazu, S. & Carson, F. W. (1965) Biochem.
Biophys. Res. Commun. 21, 444-447.
Unfortunately, these models are not in accord with crystallo- 14. Kaiser, E. T. & Carson, F. W. (1964) J. Amer. Chem. Soc.
graphic studies (3). Gly-Tyr difference maps demonstrated 86, 2922-2926.
the binding of only one molecule of Gly-Tyr at the active 15. Barton, J. S. & Fisher, J. R. (1971) Biochemistry 10, 577-
site of carboxypeptidase A. Model-building experiments have 585.
16. Fisher, J. R., Priest, D. G. & Barton, J. S. (1972) J. Theor.
shown that it is feasible to have abortive substrate binding, Biol., in press.
binding of two substrate molecules, and binding of one sub- 17. Hammes, G. G. (1968) Advan. Protein Chem. 23, 1-57.
strate and one product molecule. Under no circumstances does 18. Hammes, G. G. (1968) Accounts Chem. Res. 1, 321-329.
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