Teacher'S Part Pupil'S Part: Republic of The Philippines Region I Urdaneta City Cluster 1

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Republic of the Philippines

Region I
Urdaneta City
Cluster 1


School Don Amadeo Perez, Sr. Memorial Grade /

Central School - MAIN Section
Teacher Subject
Date / Time Quarter
Checked and
I. OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to solve routine and
LEARNING non- routine problems in real –life situations involving perimeter of
COMPETENCIES squares, and rectangles, triangles, parallelograms and trapezoids.
(with the LC (M4ME-IIIi-52)
Values: Care for the trees

Solving routine and non- routine problems in real –life situations

A. Topic involving perimeter of squares, and rectangles, triangles,
parallelograms and trapezoids.

B. References K to 12 BECG M4ME-IIIi-51, TG pp.248-251, LM pp.215-218

Materials: Pictures, powerpoint presentation, pieces of paper, Division Activity

Sheets in Mathematics 4, Third Quarter, pages 41-43
A. Preparatory
1. Opening Activity *Prayer *Prayer

*Greetings *Greetings

*Checking of Attendance *Reporting of absent

*Giving of 3 discussion rules *Giving of 3 discussion rules

agreement* Type them in agreement*
powerpoint slide. (Indicator #3)
The first agreement will from
1. In every correct answer
2. Review you give during recitation,
you will be given a
chance to get a reward
inside the magic box. Do
you agree?
Yesterday, we talked about finding
Do you still remember our topic the perimeter of a triangle, a
yesterday? square, a rectangle, a trapezoid,
and a parallelogram.
A perimeter is a closed figure in a
distance around the figure, ma’am.
What is a perimeter?
To find the perimeter of a polygon
B. Development of the How to find the perimeter of a such as a triangle, a square, a
Lesson polygon such as a triangle, a rectangle, a trapezoid, and a
square, a rectangle, a trapezoid, parallelogram, get the sum of
and a parallelogram? lengths or measurements of its
Very good! A wood, ma’am… They come from
a tree.
C. Presentation of the May I ask you a question, class.
Lesson What is common material used
in making tables? Where do *Answers may vary.
these materials come from?
What other benefits can we get
from trees? (instill the value of
caring trees)
(Indicator #1)
Pupils will answer the given
(Present the following problems to the problem/s during the Guided
class to be used in the following Practice Activity.
Guided Practice Activity).
1. The tablecloth of a reading
table in your classroom has a
length of 95cm and a with of
55cm. Your group is
assigned to decorate the
tablecloth by putting lace
around it. For the edging of
the tablecloth, about how
long of lace is needed?
Ask: How long is the
tablecloth? How wide is the
tablecloth? What are you
going to do with the

2. Light posts are placed

around a square park. There
are 3 light post along each
side of the park. If the
distance between the light
posts is 25 meters, what is
the distance around the
Ask: What are light post?
What is the shape of the park?
How many light post are there
along each side of the park?
What is the distance between
the light posts?
What does the problem ask
for? How will you solve for the
answer to the problem?

D. Guided Practice (Group Activity) (10 minutes)

1. Group yourselves into 5
members each. (Expected
3 groups will be created).
2. Collaborate with your
members and select your
group reporter.
3. Decide your group name.
4. Once you finish your work,
yell out your group number.
5. Get ready for the group

Before I will give you your task,

let’s agree with 3 group activity
rules, first. *Pupils will give group activity rules
*Giving of 3 group activity agreement*
rules agreement* Type
them in powerpoint slide.
(Indicator #3)
Expected Answers:
GROUP 1: Assumed item number. Understand:
1. The tablecloth of a reading 1. What is asked:
table in your classroom The length of the lace.
which is rectangle has a 2. What are given facts?
length of 95cm and a with of 95cm; 55cm
55cm. Your group is Plan:
assigned to decorate the 3. What operation will you use?
tablecloth by putting lace Addition
around it. For the edging of 4. What is the number sentence?
the tablecloth, about how The drawing is
long of lace is needed?
Ask: How long is the
tablecloth? How wide is the
tablecloth? What are you
going to do with the
(Indicator #1)  The formula to use is P=2l + 2w
Solve: P = 2l + 2w
= 2 (95) + 2 (55)
= 190 + 110
= 300cm
5. What is the answer to the
The tablecloth requires 300cm of
lace edging.

Expected Answers:
GROUP 2: Assumed item number. Understand:
1. Light posts are placed 1. What is asked in the problem?
around a square park. There The distance around the park
are 3 light post along each 2. What are given?
side of the park. If the 3 light post ; 25meter
distance between the light 3. What operation will you used?
posts is 25 meters, what is Addition or Subtraction
the distance around the 4. What is the number sentence?
park? Solution:
Ask: What are light post?  by drawing a picture
What is the shape of the park?  by adding the distances between
How many light post are there light posts
along each side of the park? 25 + 25 + 25 + 25 + 25 + 25 + 25 +
What is the distance between 25 = 200 m
the light posts?  by multiplying 25m by 8.
What does the problem ask 8 X 25m = 200m
for? How will you solve for the
answer to the problem?

What is the answer to the problem?

The distance around the square
park is 200m.
1. Light posts are placed
around a square park. There
are 3 light post along each
side of the park. If the
distance between the light
posts is 25 meters, what is
the distance around the
Ask: What are light post?
What is the shape of the park?
How many light post are there
along each side of the park?
What is the distance between
the light posts?
What does the problem ask
for? How will you solve for the
answer to the problem?
(Indicator #1)

*Processing output
After all the groups have
*Answers may vary
*Answers may vary
a. How did you find the
activity? *Answers may vary
b. How did you find the answer
for the first problem? *Answers may vary
c. What are the steps in solving
word problems?
d. What about the second Expected output:
__1. Marco is wrapping a picture
*Reinforcing the Concept and frame that is 15 inches long and 5
Skill inches wide. What is the perimeter
Bring out your Division Activity of the picture frame?
Sheets in Mathematics 4 and a. 55 cm c. 15 cm
answer Activity 2 on pages 43. b. 60 cm d. 20 cm
(Indicator #2) __2. A triangle has the following
side measurements. 4 cm, 5 cm, 3
cm. What is the perimeter of the
a. 28 cm c. 12 cm
b. 19 cm d. 60 cm
__3. A playground is 10 meters long
and 7 meters wide. If an athlete
runs around the grounds three
times, how far does he run?
a. 210 meters c. 162 meters
b. 70 meters d. 200 meters
__4. A blackboard is 25 feet long
and 20 feet wide. What is the
perimeter of the blackboard?
a. 70 feet c. 90 feet
E. GENERALIZATION b. 100 feet d. 45 feet
__5. A table is 23 feet long and 10
feet wide. What is the perimeter of
the table?
a. 33 feet c. 64 feet
b. 100 feet d. 45 feet

To solve word problems involving

How do we solve word problems perimeter of closed plane figures
involving perimeter of closed (squares, and rectangles, triangles,
plane figures (squares, and parallelograms and trapezoids), we
rectangles, triangles, follow the steps in solving word
parallelograms and trapezoids). problems and then apply the
formula to find their perimeter.
Some problems can be solved
using different strategies.

Let another 1 to 2 pupils repeat

the answer and
then by group)

Do you have any question

regarding the topic, class?
Expected answer:
*Applying to New and Other
Situations What is asked?
Junior enclosed a vegetable How long is the fence used in
garden with a fence. The four enclosing the vegetable garden.
sides of the garden measures
10m, 8m, 9m, and 12m, What are given?
respectively. How long is the 10m, 8m, 9m, and 12m
fence? What operation is to be used?
What is asked? Addition
What are given?
What operation is to be used? What is the number sentence?
What is the number sentence? 10m + 8m + 9m + 12m = n
What is the answer to the
problem? What is the answer to the
10m + 8m + 9m + 12m = 39m
IV. EVALUATION Bring out your Division Activity Expected output:
Sheets in Mathematics 4 and Activity 1: Solving a Problem
answer Activities 1 on pages 41-
42. (Indicator #2) 1. A square lot is to be planted with
santan plants all around. The
side of the lot measures 10 m. If
plants will be planted 20 cm
apart. How many plants in all?
What is asked in the problem?
How many to be planted with
santan plants all around.
*Checking of activities What are given? 10m and 20cm
What operation will you use?
What is the number sentence?
10 x 20 =n
What is the answer to the
problem? 20cm x 10m = 200cm

2. The perimeter of a rectangular

table is 26 feet. It is 10 feet long
What is its width?
What is asked in the problem?
What is the width of a rectangular
What are given?
26 feet and 10 feet long
What operation will you use?
What is the number sentence?
26 x 10 =n
What is the answer to the
26 x 10 = 260 feet

3. A cemented terrace is 9 meters

long and 8 meter wide. What is
the perimeter?
What is asked in the problem?
The perimeter of cemented terrace.
What are given?
9 meters and 8 meters wide
What operation will you use?
What is the number sentence?
9 x 8 =n
What is the answer to the
9m x 8m = 72m

4. A trapezoid table measures 3 feet

and 5 feet along the base. If its
perimeter is 18 feet what is the
length of the two sides?
What is asked in the problem?
What is the length of two sides of
trapezoid table.
What are given?
3 feet and 5 feet ; 18 feet
What operation will you use?
Multiplication and Subtraction
What is the number sentence?
(3 x 5) (18 – 15) = n
What is the answer to the
15 = 3 is the length of two sides

5. The playground is 15 meters long

and 9 meters wide. Rihanna
walked around the playground 5
times. How many meters did she
walk in all?
What is asked in the problem?
How many meters did she walked
in all?
What are given?
15 and 9 meters wide
What operation will you use?
Multiplication and Subtraction
What is the number sentence?
(15 x 9) (135 – 5) = n
What is the answer to the
135 = 27 meters

V. ASSIGNMENT Answer Division Activity Sheets in Mathematics 4, Activity 3 on page

43. (Indicator #2)

Prepared by:
Master Teacher II
Grade 4-Emerald Adviser

Principal IV

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