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Sustainable Packaging Approaches

for Current Waste Challenges


Karen Cheng

B.S. in Industrial Design

Georgia Institute of Technology, 2014

Submitted to the Integrated Design and Management Program

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of



June 2019

2019 Karen Cheng. All rights reserved.

The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and to distribute

publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole
or in part in any medium now known or hereafter created.

Signature of Author:
Signature redacted
Karen Cheng
Integrated Design and Management Program
May 14, 2019

Certified by:
Steven Eppinger
General Motors LGO Professor of Management
Professor of Management Science and Innovation
Thesis Supervisor

Accepted by: Signature redacted

Matthew S. Kr ssy
OF TECHNOLOGY Executive Dire tor
Integrated Design and Management Prog am
JUN 2 7 2019
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Sustainable Packaging Approaches
for Current Waste Challenges


Karen Cheng

Submitted to the Integrated Design and Management Program

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Science in Engineering and Management

at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Packaging plays an essential role in protecting a product from damage, attracting

consumers to purchase a product, and facilitating storage and consumption. Yet its appreciation
and value is quickly eroded once the product is purchased and/or consumed and the package
becomes waste. With the passing of China's National Sword policy in 2018, post-consumer
materials recycling markets are threatened and resources are not being recovered due to high
contamination rates. The development of new packaging material has surged in recent years but
has not corresponded with development of the necessary recycling infrastructure. Consumers
want to recycle but are confused about how to most effectively do so. Packaging continues to
consume our finite resources and pollute our terrestrial and marine environments.
This research takes a systems approach to understanding today's emerging waste
challenges and identifies key obstacles that society should collectively solve. High impact
opportunity areas include alignment amongst all key stakeholders, establishing standardized
signage and labels, increasing consumer education, and tackling difficult-to-recycle materials
through scaling up technology, enacting policy, providing materials alternatives with corresponding
infrastructure, or redesigning packaging.

Thesis Supervisor: Steven Eppinger

Title: General Motors LGO Professor of Management
Professor of Management Science and Innovation

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I express my sincerest gratitude to:

- Professor Steven Eppinger for his guidance, mentorship, and insights that pushed me to dive
deeper into my passion for sustainable design
- Matt Kressy who gave me the privilege of joining his program
- My IDM cohort who continuously inspire me
- Jack Shen Jr. for his support, patience, and love
- My parents, Mei Chan Cheng and Hiu Yu Cheng Lam, as well as my brother, Kevin
Cheng, for everything. I dedicate this thesis to them.

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Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1 Background and Motivation.......................................................................... 9
1 .2 O ve rv iew ................................................................................................. . . 11
2. Context
2.1 History of Packaging & its Role on Branding......................................................12
2.2 Three Categories of Packaging...................................................................... 12
2.3 Three Categories of Waste...........................................................................13
2 .4 The C irc ular E cono m y .................................................................................... 14
2.5 Reduce & Reuse First................................................................................. 16
2.6 Recycle & Compost Second............................................................................ 16
3. Problem Space
3.1 Recycling Contamination in the United States.................................................... 19
3.2 Case Study: Contamination at MIT..................................................................21
3.3 Food and Liquid Contamination......................................................................24
3 .4 P lastics C onfusio n ................................................................................... . . 25
3.5 Bioplastics Confusion................................................................................. 27
3.6 Lack of Commercial Composting Facilities........................................................29
3.7 Consumer Behavior................................................................................... 29
3 .8 G reen D ot S ystem ..................................................................................... . . 30
4. Packaging Innovations
4.1 Innovations in Packaging Products.................................................................. 32
4.2 Innovations in Packaging Systems.................................................................. 36
5. High Impact Opportunity Areas
5.1 Alignment Amongst all Key Stakeholders.......................................................... 43
5.2 Establish Standardized Signage and Labels...................................................... 44
5.3 Increase Consumer Education......................................................................... 47
5.4 Tackle Difficult-to-Recycle Packaging Materials.....................................................48
6. Conclusion
6 .1 T he R o le of D esigners...................................................................................... . 59
6 .2 F u tu re W o rk ........................................................................................................ 60
7 . B ib lio g ra p h y .............................................................................................................. 61

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1. Introduction
1.1 Background and Motivation

"Packaging is the visible excess of contemporary consumption. It is what is left over, surplus,

discarded on the way to the objects that we desire... It is carefully designed, but designed to have

no value, to be disposable, to be waste... it is ephemeral, but it gets in the way; we need it, but it

offends us when it is out of place; we require it but simultaneously are disgusted by it."

(Fisher &Shipton, 2010)

Packaging plays an essential role in protecting a product from damage, attracting

consumers to purchase a product, and facilitating storage and consumption. It is one of the things

that consumers see first and can promote a brand image that differentiates a product from its

competitors in retail. Unfortunately, the appreciation and value of packaging is quickly eroded once

the package is used up and transitions to its role as waste. Packaging and containers are the

largest segment of municipal solid waste by product category (US EPA, 2014).

Every year, at least 8 million tons of plastics pollute the oceans, equivalent to dumping one

garbage truck's worth of content into the ocean every minute; this figure is projected to increase to

four per minute by 2050 if no action is taken (World Economic Forum, Ellen MacArthur Foundation

and McKinsey & Company, 2016). Plastics do not biodegrade and continue to contaminate our

oceans, marine life, and our food supply. In a study of 102 marine turtles, representing all seven

species and sampled from three ocean basins, the presence of microplastics was present in every

single turtle (Duncan et al., 2019). Whales are washing ashore dead with over 60 pounds of waste

found clogging their intestines and stomach (Haag, 2018). Only 9% of discarded plastics are

recycled globally while 12% are incinerated and the rest are buried in landfills or polluting our

natural environment (Geyer, Jambeck, & Law, 2017). Plastics' largest application is packaging

which comprises 26% of its total volume (World Economic Forum, Ellen MacArthur Foundation and

McKinsey & Company, 2016).

To make matters worse, recycling contamination is at an all-time high in the United States.

In 1989, many cities introduced single-stream recycling which allowed Americans to throw all of

their recyclables into one bin. This increased the convenience of recycling and decreased recycling

collection costs. However, roughly 1 in 4 items placed in recycling containers are not recyclable,

significantly increasing the cost to process them (Nwaogu, 2018). This is especially problematic

since China, one of the world's largest importers of recyclable waste, declared that it will reject

shipments that are more than 0.5% impure (Albeck-Ripka, 2018a). To put things in perspective,

Recology in San Francisco, which is arguably the most advanced recycling facility in the US, has

the lowest bale contamination rate at a rate of 5% --- but that still ten times China's acceptable

contamination rate (Moffitt, 2018).

Prior to the ban, many countries relied on sending their recyclables to China where

contamination standards were low and pricing was competitive. In the 1990s, China gladly

purchased recyclables from other nations as it was transitioning to becoming the world's leading

manufacturer. Unfortunately, low quality waste accelerated China's growing health and

environmental problems when imported waste started to enter the oceans and added 10-13% to

the country's own domestic waste (Parker & Elliott, 2018). To address these concerns, China

announced its National Sword Policy in 2018 and proclaimed that it will stop buying 24 types of

waste, including recycled plastics and assorted paper. Waste managers are now scrambling to find

new buyers for materials, and entire batches of contaminated bales are being sent to the landfill


The recycling crisis triggered by China's ban can lead to better solutions for managing

packaging waste. The development of new packaging material has surged but is often

disconnected from the development of the corresponding infrastructure to process them. If

supposedly sustainable packaging is not being recovered for its materials when consumers

dispose improperly, its intended full environmental benefits will not be realized. What are the

systems and considerations that need to be in place to fully support innovative packaging design

and the circular economy?

1.2 Overview

The purpose of this thesis is to take a systems approach to understanding today's

emerging waste challenges and then identify key obstacles that society should collectively solve.

To gain a comprehensive understanding of this complex landscape, I consulted research articles,

books, and sustainability leaders at universities, global packaging corporations, and national waste

management facilities.

The focus of this thesis is on post-consumer primary and secondary packaging waste

challenges in the United States mainly, although elements of this thesis can be applied to other

regions as well.

2. Context
2.1 History of Packaging & its Role on Branding

Before the late 19th century when industrially manufactured and packaged goods became

readily available, shopkeepers used materials such as brown paper, waxed paper, cloth, and string

to packaged goods (Fisher & Shipton, 2010). As goods were traded, packaging needed to also

protect, transport, and identify the goods. The first merchandise to use printed designs is recorded

in the mid 16th century (Klimchuk & Krasovec, 2006). Brand names appeared along with modern

consumption in the late 18th and early 19th centuries during a time when food was frequently

contaminated with poisonous substances (Coley, 2005). Branding on packaging evolved from its

purpose in identifying the owner of a product to being a sign of quality that consumers can trust

(Fisher & Shipton, 2010).

Packaging establishes product and brand identity. It has specific dimensions to fit onto

standardized retail shelves and transportation containers through distribution networks. It

competes for space and attention at point of sale. Examples of recognizable packaging with strong

brand imagery include the Toblerone chocolate bar and the classic glass Coca-Cola bottle.

2.2 Three Categories of Packaging

All packaging materials can be categorized into three groups: primary, secondary, and

tertiary. Primary packaging is packaging that is in contact with the goods purchased by

consumers. Common materials used for primary packaging include paper or pulp, glass, metals,

and plastics. An example of primary packaging is a medicine bottle that contains and protects the

liquid as well as assists consumers in dispensing out the contents. Secondary packaging includes

larger packaging such as the boxes that are used to carry the primary packaged goods. For this

medicine bottle example, this would be the box that protects the bottle, markets the product, and

prevents theft. Tertiary packaging refers to packaging that assists in transporting large quantities of

goods, such as wooden pallets and plastic wrapping. This also includes the corrugated boxes

used to transport the secondary medicine boxes.

Secondary and tertiary packaging materials often have less material variation, making them

easier to collect and sort for recycling or reuse. Primary packaging materials, on the other hand,

are normally mixed, contaminated, or often damaged and pose challenges in recycling or reuse

(Davis &Song, 2006).

Sales (example)

Ln ... 111
Primary I
L Secondary I | Tertiary

Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Packaging (The Consumer Goods Forum, 2011)

2.3 Three Categories of Waste

Waste can be grouped into three categories: post-industrial, pre-consumer, and

post-consumer waste. Post-industrial waste is factory waste that was generated during the

manufacturing process such as scraps, overruns, trims, and other processing waste.

Pre-consumer waste is factory waste generated from completed products such as misprinted or

defective products. Post-consumer waste is waste generated after a product is purchased and/or

used. This is the type of waste that most consumers directly handle by disposing in the garbage

can or the recycling bin ("Recycling Terms & Definitions," 2019). The focus of this thesis is on

post-consumer waste.

2.4 The Circular Economy

A proposed framework that addresses minimizing waste and the consumption of finite

resources is the circular economy. The circular economy is restorative and regenerative by design

(Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2015). It aims to design out waste and pollution while keeping

product and materials in continuous use. Waste and pollution are consequences of decisions

made at the design stage where most of the environmental impacts are determined (Ellen

MacArthur Foundation, 2017).

The circular economy can be further defined into two flows: the biological flow and the

technical flow. The biological flow is designed to safely re-enter the biosphere (through composting

and anaerobic digestion) and the technical flow is designed to circulate at high quality (through

reusing, repairing, remanufacturing, and recycling) without entering the biosphere. Shifting to a

circular economy could generate a USD 706 billion economic opportunity, a significant proportion

attributed to packaging (World Economic Forum, Ellen MacArthur Foundation and McKinsey

Company, 2016).

A linear economy, by contrast, uses natural resources and materials without concern for its

environmental impacts. A linear economy utilizes supply chains that embody the

"take-make-waste" model where consumers discard products permanently and contribute to the

world's rising carbon emissions. This is not to be confused with linear reduction strategies which

include lightweighting and reducing packaging material. An example of a linear reduction strategy is

making plastic water bottles thinner to utilize less plastic. Research indicates that consumers are

more positive toward packaging designs that follow a circular design strategy compared to linear

reduction design strategies (Steenis, van der Lans, van Herpen, &van Trijp, 2018).

The key takeaway for sustainable packaging strategies that exhibit a circular economy is to

ensure that their materials are successfully recovered at the end of their useful life to supply inputs

for the biological or industrial flows.


Preserve and enhance

natural capital by controlling
Renewables 0 A Finite materials
finite stocks and balancing
renewable resource flows Regenerate Substitute materials Virtualise Restore
ReSOLVE levers: regenerate,
virtualise, exchange Renewables flow management Stock management

Far g/collection'
)arts manufacturer

PRINCIPLE Biochemical
feedstock Product manufacturer

Optimise resource yields
Regeneration Recycle

Service provider |os

by circulating products,
components and materials rem ufacture
in use at the highest utility
at all times In both technical
and biological cycles Reus /redistr e
ReSOLVE levers: regenerate,
share, optimise, loop Biogas Cascades Maintal /prol g

e. Collec tion Collection

Extraction of


Foster system effectiveness
Minimise systematic
leakage and negative
by revealing and designing externalities
out negative externalities 1. Hunntig and fishig
All ReSOLVE levers 2. Can take both post-harvest and post-convumer wasteas an Input
Source Ellen MacArthur Foundation. SUN. and Mcl~lnsey Canter for
Gusinoss and Enthonmant; Drawing from aungarta Mconougi6
Cradle to Cradle (C2C).

Outline of the Circular Economy

(World Economic Forum, Ellen MacArthur Foundation and McKinsey & Company, 2016)

2.5 Reduce & Reuse First

The phrase "reduce, reuse, recycle" is the hierarchy of steps taken to increase

sustainability. Reducing our consumption is the most effective way to decrease waste. A key part

of reducing is refusing to take an item in the first place, such as refusing to take a plastic straw or a

plastic bag. Zink and Geyer propose that scholars and policymakers focus on finding and

implementing ways to reduce the amount of material produced rather than focusing on disposal

diversion targets (2018). The researchers assert that recycling can delay but not prevent existing

end-of-life material from reaching final disposal and that the only way to reduce the amount of

material that is landfilled or incinerated is to reduce the amount that is produced in the first place by

displacing primary production (Zink & Geyer, 2018). Source reduction occurs at the manufacturing

level when companies design packaging that consumes less resources and limits production


Reuse is closely related to reduce and implies using an object for something other than its

original purpose, whether the object is being reused or repurposed. By reusing packaging, it plays

a role in consumers' lives that is more in common with other objects that don't lose utility after a

single use (Fisher & Shipton, 2010). Fisher and Shipton encourage open designs that encourage

reuse beyond designers' intentions rather than imposing a specific reuse. Examples of this kind of

packaging reuse include using a plastic drink bottle as a vase or a beer can as a camping stove.

2.6 Recycle & Compost Second


Recycling is the process of recovering material from waste and converting the waste into

reusable material. It is one of the most prevalent recovery pathways for packaging. Recycling is not

only fundamental to our environmental future by reducing raw material extraction and production, it

also helps generate jobs and build competitive manufacturing industries. The U.S. Environmental

Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that recycling and reuse in the United States accounted for

757,000 jobs, $36.6 billion in wages, and $6.7 billion in tax revenues in 2007 (US EPA, 2018b).

94% of the U.S. population has access to recycling programs, 73% of whom have access

to curbside recycling -- and for those who do have curbside service, 90% are not required to sort

their recyclable goods because single-stream collection is offered (Gendell, 2016). Single-stream

recycling takes the task of sorting off of residents and passes it onto a material recovery facility,

also known as a MRF. At the MRF, recyclables are sorted by employees and machinery before

being baled and sold to facilities that break down the materials, process them, and sell them to


The EPA reported that in 2015, 262 million tons of municipal solid waste was generated in

the United States. Of that waste, 34.7% were recycled and composted, 12.8% was combusted

with energy recovery, and 52.5% was landfilled (US EPA, 2018a). Packaging and containers

comprised 21.4% of total landfilling in 2015 (US EPA, 2017).


The Salem Press Encyclopedia of Science defines composting as the slow natural decay of

dead organic matter that occurs when microorganisms decompose and break down the matter

into smaller compounds usable by plants (2018). The breakdown product is called humus, a dark

brown and spongy substance that increases the fertility of the soil (Bradshaw-Rouse, 2018).

Decomposition is carried out by microorganisms (mesophilic and thermophilic), including bacteria,

fungi, and actinomycetes that use the organic matter as a food source and generate CO2 and

humus as a result (Kale et al., 2007). Composting relies on the makeup, surface area, volume,

moisture, aeration, and temperature of the compost pile (Kale et al., 2007). Microorganisms use


carbon for energy and nitrogen for building cell structures, and a 30:1 carbon-to-nitrogen ratio is

ideal for fast composting (Bradshaw-Rouse, 2018; Kale et al., 2007). The process can take from a

range of six months to two years to complete, depending on the conditions (Bradshaw-Rouse,


As pointed out by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, compostable packaging is preferred

over biodegradable packaging since the term 'biodegradable' is very broad and has no legal

enforcement whereas the term 'compostable' is clearly defined (2016). For a product to be marked

as 'compostable,' it must meet certification standards and break down in specified time frames.

Unless an item defines the environment and time frame to decompose back into soil, the term

'biodegradable' can be misleading. Biodegradable simply means that a product will break down

into carbon dioxide, water, and biomass within some time period. Compostable items are

biodegradable, but biodegradable items are not always compostable. Compostable items offer the

added benefit of releasing nutrients into the soil when they break down.

Attention Customers
weT INemWa a&%0 bWI b!M e Qassotuesal m din~ha Owpew4 n
PONM lop cifwtkb rielumaw s w~scompesl m iweewwcmft
pro is A * 1 &v #& m% i Pinwim ~ ~ avgsn 10 a

Text: "Attention Customers. We have been informed by Golden Gate Disposal &Recycling that the present
formulation of Taterware cutlery has not been found to be compostable in the commercial compost program
at Jepson Prairie Organics where our compost is currently being sent. The product is not presently
acceptable in the San Francisco composting program or in its recycling program. So we are asking that you
please consider the Taterware cutlery LANDFILL at this time..." (

3. Problem Space
3.1 Recycling Contamination in the United States

Sorting requirements vary city to city and state to state. For example, the city of

Cambridge, MA prohibits milk and juice cartons in its recycling bins (City of Cambridge, MA, 2019).

Yet twenty-five minutes away, the city of Lexington, MA considers milk and juice cartons as one of

its top five most wanted recyclables (Lexington, MA, 2018). Non-standardized recycling rules

cause confusion at the bin, increasing contamination rates and plummeting commodity markets as

a result. Casella Waste Systems, Inc., a waste management system servicing the New England

area, fears that if contamination rates continue to rise, "demand for recycled commodities will

dwindle and recycling could become unavailable to most homes and businesses" ("Sustainability

Report I Casella Resource Solutions," 2018). China's policy changes resulted in a 90% drop in

market value for mixed paper and a 63% drop in the value of the traditional recycling stream

("Sustainability Report I Casella Resource Solutions," 2018).


79.3% 81.4%
75% 72.0%

62.1% 61.2%




2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2013

As a percentage of 2011 levels; through June30th, 2018

Recycling Markets Plummet: This chart depicts trends in Casella's Average Commodity Revenue (ACR) per ton, which is
what they paid for their sorted and processed recycled commodities, less the related processing, residue, and
transportation costs. (Casella 2018 Sustainability Report)

Paper, glass, and trash comprise % of Casella's current recycling mix, but there is not

enough demand for mixed paper and glass in the marketplace. Glass is expensive to process, and

some municipalities have begun to exclude glass from recycling because it is not an economically

viable option. Trash does not belong in the recycling bin yet individual loads can have

contamination levels that are as high as 25-50% at Casella ("Sustainability Report I Casella

Resource Solutions," 2018).

In addition to the degradation of recyclable material and the increase in disposal costs,

impacts of contaminants include risks to employee safety, damage to machinery, and facility

shutdowns. Contamination drives an overall decline in the efficiency and efficacy of recycling

systems, and the entire industry is dealing with its threat ("Sustainability Report ICasella Resource

Solutions," 2018). Communities from Douglas County, Oregon to Hancock, Maine have cut back

or halted their recycling programs entirely while others, like Philadelphia, Pennsylvania are

incinerating at least half of their recycling (Katz, 2019).




Y12006 E20iS

Percentages Reflect Outbound MRF Tonnage, updated through June 2018

(Casella Waste Systems)

Plastic Bags Jamming Recycling Machinery (Casella Waste Systems)

"Wish-cycling" occurs when aspirational and well-intentioned recyclers throw items into the

recycling bin, hoping everything will get sorted out at the recycling facility. Unfortunately, this

causes contamination. Consequences from aspirational recycling have led to the use of the phase

"when in doubt, throw it out." It's just as important to leave contaminants out of recycling as it is

important to collect recyclables.

3.2 Case Study: Contamination at MIT

Casella Waste System services Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). MIT's Office

of Recycling and Materials Management frequently conducts waste audits to examine the campus'

recycling contamination levels. During the university's audit on April 22, 2019, two custodians

examined a weekend's worth of recycling to check for common contaminants based on what is

accepted at Casella. One custodian would tear open each bag to scan the items while the second

custodian recorded the type of contaminants present, if any. Out of the 200 bags analyzed that

afternoon, 188 bags (89.5%) were contaminated with an average of three contaminants present

per bag.

The highest offenders were coffee cups and food waste, found in 40.5% and 40% of the

bags respectively. The next top offenders were liquids and paper towels, both with a rate of

36.5%. Some bags contained perfectly good recyclable plastics and paper that had to be entirely

tossed out due to being drenched in food waste and liquids, a prime example of how

contaminants can ruin a batch of otherwise perfectly acceptable recyclables.

Left: A weekend's worth of recyclables collected around campus.

Right: Audit setup with one custodian examining each bag and another recording the presence of contaminants

Examples of bags that were so contaminated with food and liquid waste that they had to be completely
tossed out even though they contained recyclable materials as well.

Audit Sheet used to Track Contaminants

Contaminant Rate Contaminant Rate

O Clean 10.5% Gloves 4.5%

0.00% Lab Plastic 7.5%

Black Bags 4.5% Liquid 36.5%

Black Plastic 18.0% Milk Cartons 3.0%

Brown Bottles 0.00% Padded

Envelopes 4.5%
Wrappers 20.0%
200 Paper Towels 36.5%

Catering Trays 2.5% Pizza Boxes 4.0%

Coffee Cups 40.5% Shredding 4.0%

Catering Trays 2.5% Styrofoam (EPS) 6.5%

Food Residue 40.0% Utensils 21.0%

Contamination Rates from MIT's 4/22/19 Waste Audit

*Rate is the fraction of collected bags containing each contaminant

3.3 Food and Liquid Contamination

Food and liquid residue are common recycling contaminants that are especially concerning

for paper recycling because they seep into otherwise good paper and cardboard when recyclables

are all placed together. During the recycling process, sorted paper products are shredded and

then mixed with water and chemicals to break down the paper fibers to create a pulp slurry. Oil or

grease that is mixed in with the pulp prevents the paper fibers from separating properly during the

pulping process. This ultimately causes paper and cardboard to lose its quality and ability to be

recycled (McNatt, 2016). Oil causes splotchy or patchy cardboard and can even create holes in

newly produced recycled cardboard.

3.4 Plastics Confusion






- B- Cuuma mCAWn. - WA









Recyclability Key

Widely accepted in recycling streams

Often recyclable, but not always

. Almost never recyclable

(but check with local recycling facility)
Plastic Resin Types, theirApplications in Packaging, and their Recydability
(Image adapted from World Economic Forum,
Ellen MacArthur Foundation and McKinsey &Company, 2016)

AW 1

Plastic containers and bottles often have a "chasing arrows" triangle with a number ranging

from 1 to 7 inside the triangle. This symbol, however, does not signify that the product is

recyclable. The numbers are Resin Identification Codes that simply identify the type of plastic used

in manufacturing the product, not whether it will be accepted for recycling in a community. This

can be especially confusing since the triangle looks very similar to the well-recognized recycling

symbol, the mobius loop.

"Chasing Arrows" Resin Identification Code Mobius Loop on Recycling Bin

(Sustainable Packaging Coalition) (Getty Images)

The Resin Identification Code (RIC) was originally developed in 1988 to establish a

consistent, uniform coding system that can be applied worldwide (ASTM International, 2013). The

RIC system was first adopted in 2010 as ASTM standard D761 1 /D761 1 M to update and maintain

the RIC system and account for society's changing needs as well as advancements in plastics.

Among the major revisions to ASTM D761 1 is an attempt to avoid recycling confusion by changing

the "chasing arrows" symbol to a solid equilateral triangle (ASTM International, 2013).

Unfortunately, the original symbol is still widely used.

Equilateral Triangle
A2 Resin Identification Number

HDPE Abbreviated Term for Polymeric Material

Updated Resin Identification Codes (ASTM D761 1)

3.5 Bioplastics Confusion

The use of bioplastics as a packaging material has been on the rise but is a common

source of confusion. Bioplastics are either bio-based plastics that are produced from biomass and

renewable resources (e.g. corn, sugarcane, cellulose) or plastics that are produced from fossil fuels

and can be degraded by microorganisms (Tokiwa, Calabia, Ugwu, & Aiba, 2009). Bio-based does

not necessarily mean biodegradable, although some bioplastics are both bio-based and

biodegradable, like PLA which has gained traction as a material choice for compostable cups. The

European Bioplastics organization categorizes the most common types of bioplastics below.

Global production capacities of bioplastics 2018

(by material type)

0 Other .% 7.2% PBAT

non-biodegradable) 4.6% PBS

9.5% 10.3% PLA

0 PE
1.4% PHA
Non ..-- Biodegradable 0 PET 26.6%
biodegradable 18.2% Starch blends 0
* PA 1..1.6% Total.
Conventional 2 P million 1.5% Other 0
0.0% tonnes (biodegradable)
plastics * PP*
0 PEF* 0.0%
e.g. PE, PP, PET
* PTT 9.2%

Bio-based/non-biodegradable Biodegradable
56.8% 43.2%

Types of Bioplastics and their Production (European Bioplastics, nova-Institute 2018)

As mentioned previously, the term "biodegradability" is ambiguous unless the breakdown

environment and time conditions are specified. For the bioplastics that are certified compostable,

their biodegradation relies on specific environmental conditions such as medium pH, moisture and

oxygen contents, temperature, and structure and composition of the biopolymer or biocomposite

(Emadian, Onay, & Demirel, 2017).

To make matters even more confusing, some bioplastics are actually only recyclable such

as bio-PET. And some bioplastics are technically both recyclable and industrially compostable,

such as PLA and PHA, if the right infrastructure is in place. On the other hand, starch-blends

bioplastics are only industrially compostable (World Economic Forum, Ellen MacArthur Foundation

and McKinsey & Company, 2016). If these compostable bioplastics get mistaken as regular plastic

and end up in a recycling stream that does not support bioplastics, they can contaminate entire

batches of good quality recycled plastic and send them to the landfill. Separate systems need to

be in place to discard bioplastics properly.





1 athway sown 4we ttetil (technical) possiblllh Actual racyclAbirtty and campostabity an
(pends t irastructure in place Incineration/energy
recovery and landfill pathwvays not show (possible with all plastics). lilone omposting not shown eithier (OR~i~ uptake today)
2 Recyclable' is used here as short-hand for mec lable' The alternative, chemical recycling, is not applied at scale today and has - with today's
technologies - typically significant economic and eniromenallitain

3 Some fossil-based plastics are industrially compostable (e.g. PSAT. BASF EcoFeK). They are not represented on this chart since they are not used at scale
4 Al thermoplastics can theoretically be melted and recycled; though, in practice, only PLA is recycled in sanall volumes
5 Starch-bends cannot be recycled because of the varoty of composItions of the blends

Plastic Sources and Circular After-use Pathways

(World Economic Forum, Ellen MacArthur Foundation and McKinsey & Company, 2016)

3.6 Lack of Commercial Composting Facilities

Although there are many compostable food packaging innovations, there are only about

108 industrial or municipal food composting facilities in the United States and are not all verified to

have the infrastructure and willingness to process compostable packaging with post-consumer

food waste (NatureWorks LLC, 2007). The composting process requires oxygen. When

compostable packaging end up in the landfill, it does not 'compost' because most landfills are

anaerobic spaces within the ground.

There are conflicting verdicts on what happens to compostable products that end up in

landfills. One study indicates that compostable bioplastic PLA breaks down anaerobically but

releases methane gas, a greenhouse gas that is 23 times more potent than carbon dioxide (Krause

& Townsend, 2016) while another study concludes that PLA does not break down at all in the

landfill and therefore will not generate a significant amount of methane (Kolstad, Vink, De Wilde,

Debeer, 2012). While compostable packaging can be sustainable alternatives, they are only truly

better for the environment if processed correctly.

3.7 Consumer Behavior

The 2015 Nielsen Global Corporate Sustainability Report found that customers are

increasingly willing to pay more for sustainability ("Global Sustainability Report," 2015). The study

polled 30,000 consumers in 60 countries and reported that 66% of consumers indicated that they

are willing to pay more for environmentally responsible brands, an increase from 55% reported

from 2014. However, there tends to be discrepancy between attitude and actual behavior --

surveys indicate that only 1%-5% actually purchase greener products (O'Rourke & Ringer, 2016).

Haws et. al defined green consumption values as the tendency to express the value of

environmental protection through one's purchases and consumption behaviors (2014). Through

their research, they demonstrated that green consumption values are correlated with the tendency

to use both environmental and financial resources wisely. This is portrayed through frugality, value

and price consciousness, consumer spending self-control, use innovativeness, and product

retention tendency. Marketers should emphasize a value-conscious focus when positioning

environmentally friendly products to reach consumers who have these values (Haws, Winterich,

Naylor, 2014).

Martinho, Pires, Portela, and Fonseca compared two groups of consumers--one that

places importance on sustainable packaging and another that regards such packaging as

unimportant--to identify factors that affect product purchase decisions with respect to sustainable

packaging (2015). Results from an online questionnaire of 215 respondents show statistically

significant differences in level of environmental awareness and in demographic characteristics as

well in the ratings of product and packaging features relating to purchase action. However, price

was not statistically different between the two groups, suggesting that the consumers who place

importance on sustainable packaging need to have the price feature fulfilled just like the consumers

who place little importance on sustainable packaging. Martinho et al. concluded that price of a

product is the main aspect that must be considered to make sustainable packaging influence the

consumers' choice (2015). Further research is needed to understand the determinants of disposal

and recycling behavior.

3.8 Green Dot System

When infrastructure and policy are more discretely defined, behavior change can occur

such as the case in Germany. Germany is the current world leader in recycling with a rate of over

66% (Brassaw, 2017). Using a systems approach, their waste management success is attributed

to two main factors: strong government policy and its citizens embracing recycling. Manufacturers

are required to take responsibility for recycling their product packaging after consumers dispose it.

They also pay a fee to acquire a green dot that is placed on the outside of the packaging indicating

that the packaging must be accepted by recyclers. In addition to the Green Dot system, Germany

also requires that its citizens sort their trash and recyclables into 5-6 different colored bins. Over

the years, these policies have increased Germany's recycling rate and built a culture of recycling

among citizens (Brassaw, 2017).




Different Colored Bins in Germany. There is often a 6th brown bin for composting (Bissell, 2015)

4. Packaging Innovations
This section highlights recent packaging innovations and demonstrates how many industries are

considering sustainable packaging.

4.1 Innovations in Packaging Products

Puma's Clever Little Bag


Fuseproject partnered with PUMA to reduce their packaging footprint by replacing

traditional shoeboxes with a die-cut cardboard structure and a reusable, non-woven polypropylene

polyester bag. The cardboard structure supports secured stacking and requires no additional

printing or assembly. The bag is stitched from heat and protects shoes from dust and dirt during

storage and shipping. To conceive this design, fuseproject documented and mapped PUMA's

entire supply chain to identify opportunities for improvement while ensuring minimal to no changes

to existing infrastructure.

The Clever Little Bag uses less packaging and reduces water, energy, and diesel

consumption from manufacturing alone by more than 60% per year ("Clever Little Bag

fuseproject," 2010). The package's paper material is reduced by 65% while the reusable bag's

handle conveniently integrates with the cardboard structure to eliminate the need for an additional

plastic bag to carry the product. Puma's Clever Little Bag won 13 design and innovation awards

and serves as a model example of how a design considered both the beginning and the end life

cycles of the packaging. Waste was designed out of the system through reducing the type and

volume of materials used as well as reducing the resources involved in their manufacturing and

transportation. The final two components are recyclable at their end of use.

Ecovative's Mushroom Packaging



Ecovative Design developed Mushroom Packaging that provides an alternative to

expanded polystyrene (EPS) packaging. It is made from mycelium (the 'roots' of mushrooms) and

agricultural byproducts that cannot be used for food or feed. Mycelium acts like a glue and can be

custom molded into different shapes and sizes. This packaging innovation offers the same benefits

as traditional foams but is also 100% home compostable without needing any special equipment

("Mushroom Packaging," 2019).

Ecovative Design works with regional farmers to source their non-food agricultural waste.

This production process involves 'growth trays' made out of PET plastic that are created by

thermoforming over a solid form to create the desired molded shape. The growth trays are then

filled with a mixture of agricultural feedstock, flour, and mycelium that are then sealed to grow for 9

days total. During this time, the mycelium digests the agricultural by-product without needing any

light or water. After 4 days, parts of the mold are taken out and left to grow for another 2 days to

establish a layer of overgrowth. The final stage involves drying out the parts to prevent future

growth and prevent the development of any spores or allergens ("Mushroom Packaging," 2019).

The Mushroom Packaging received the Cradle to Cradle Gold certification for its

achievements in material health, material reutilization, renewable energy and carbon management,

water stewardship, and social fairness ("Mushroom Material - Cradle to Cradle Certified," 2018).

The packaging is an example of 'up-cycling' for turning waste materials from one process into

valuable raw materials in another process. Ecovative Design used life cycle analysis to optimize

their manufacturing systems for lower energy consumption and C02 emissions (Sustainability

Guide, 2018). The packaging has been used to protect Dell's hard drives, Keap's candles, and

Merck Forest's maple syrup. It is an innovative solution that is just as lightweight, strong, and

durable as its less sustainable, petroleum-based EPS alternative.


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Replenish designed a universal 'packaging platform' for liquid concentrates, a reusable

bottle that attaches to a refillable concentrate pod. A typical bottle of cleaner is 90% water and less

than 10% of actual active ingredients (Replenish, 2019). This creates an inefficiency in how the

product is sold, increasing unnecessary shipping costs and packaging waste.

To use Replenish's modular bottle design, a consumer turns the bottle over and squeezes

the lower refill pod attachment into a measuring cup that is inside the reusable bottle. The

consumer then returns the bottle upright again and fills the rest of the bottle with water. One refill

pod produces the equivalent of 6 bottles of cleaner product. The result of this design is a reduction

in energy, plastic waste, and carbon dioxide by 80-90% compared to single-use bottles that

transport large volumes of water (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2017a). All components are

recyclable, and the refill system can be adapted to be used in most packaged liquid goods such as

hand soap and beverages. Replenish is now collaborating with Amazon to launch cleaning

products that dramatically reduce shipping costs. Replenish is an example of an innovative

packaging that encourages environmental responsibility through reuse.

4.2 Innovations in Packaging Systems

How2Recycle labels

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Breakdown of the How2Recycle Label (

How2Recycle® began as a project from the Sustainable Packaging Coalition with the

objective to provide "clear, well-understood, and nationally harmonized recycling labels" that

enable consumers not only to recycle more but also more accurately ("About H2R

How2Recycle," 2019). The labels advise on how to prepare each component of a package for

recycling, inform consumers if they need to check locally to see if their local program accepts the

material, and include an URL where consumers can find more information online ("How2Recycle,"

2018). The labels also identify components that should not recycled to reduce contamination in the

recycling stream. The labeling system is compliant with the Federal Trade Commission Green

Guides, guides that ensure avoidance of misleading environmental claims.

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Left: Different Recycling Scenarios ( Right: Label on a Cereal Box (How2Recycle)

54% of consumers are changing their recycling behavior as a direct result of How2Recycle

and 82% report learning more about recycling in a 2018 consumer survey report (Edington, 2018).

The How2Recycle team also works with its member companies to directly provide

recommendations for packaging design improvements. How2Recycle motivates companies to

meet their corporate recyclability goals.

The How2Recycle program currently works with over 75 corporate members, cumulatively

representing over 500 brands. The program was awarded a DuPont Packaging Silver Award in

2017 and was awarded Finalist at MIT Climate CoLab's competition "Shifting Attitudes and

Behaviors Around Climate Change" in 2018 ("About H2R - How2Recycle," 2019; "How2Recycle,"

2018). By taking the guesswork out of recycling and providing transparency, How2Recycle can

increase the circulation of high quality recycled material.

Amazon's Frustration-Free Packaging Program

Amazon is the world's largest online retailer. To combat all the packaging waste that goes

hand-in-hand with e-commerce, Amazon works directly with manufacturers to offer customers

frustration-free packaging. Products under this program use recyclable packaging that is designed

to be easier to open and to ship to customers without the need for an additional outer shipping

box. Since the program's launch in November 2008, Amazon has eliminated 458,000 tons of

packaging material and avoided 1 billion shipping boxes (Karlinsky, 2019).

This program complements the different role that packaging plays for e-commerce

compared to traditional brick-and-mortar stores. Brands no longer have the pressure of side-by-

side comparisons like they have when their products are displayed on shelves. This provides the

opportunity to design packaging with sustainability and optimization at the forefront in order to

reduce depletion of resources and to create a better customer experience.

Frustration-Free Packaging Traditional Packaging

Easy to Open Difficult to Open

Un awno inre 4': sec Unwnacong bie 11m

4 100% Recyclable & Not Fully Recyclable


Less Packaging Waste More Packaging Waste

Protective Packaging Standard Packagi
ar nestred desr Not designed for e-commert

Frustration-Free Packaging for a Fisher-Price toy (cpcstrategy)

Amazon's Frustration Free Packaging program encourages the development of new

packaging innovations. For example, Amazon collaborated with Procter and Gamble (P&G) to

redesign their iconic orange Tide detergent bottles. The teams introduced the Tide Eco-Box, a box

that serves as its own shipping container and contains a detergent formula that uses 30% less

water. Inside the box is a sealed bag of the concentrated liquid detergent. A perforated cardboard

flap is peeled off to reveal the dosing cup and twist tap. The box includes a pull-out stand to raise

the height of the box for easier dispensing.

The Tide Eco-Box uses 60% less plastic and is 4 pounds lighter than the traditional bottle

version (Karlinsky, 2019).The box eliminated the need for secondary packaging waste that is used

to ship a large plastic bottle. Because the size and shelf impression of an e-commerce product is

not relevant, the engineers were able to re-mix the detergent formula to make it more concentrated

and thus reduce its weight. The boxed design also allows for more product to fit on delivery trucks,

putting fewer trucks on the road. The Tide Eco-box represents working with the challenges that

e-commerce presents but still reducing the overall impact on the environment.

T(d -

Tide Eco-box (Jordan Stead)


(beunpackaged. com)

Unpackaged's mission is "to reduce packaging waste by developing systems that enable

businesses and individuals to reuse and refill; and campaign for policy change" ("Unpackaged

About Us," 2018). Customers who enter an Unpackaged store can fill their reusable containers

with organic wholefoods and eco-cleaners, weigh their containers, and then pay. Unpackaged

offers products such as cereals grains, dried fruit, nuts, seeds, and eco-friendly household


Customers can bring their own containers such as Tupperware, ice cream tubs, or glass

jars, but Unpackaged also sells a range of different sized reusable jars if customers forget their

containers. The stores have a self-service weighing scale that tare, or remove, the weight of any

container. They provide labels for jars that peel off and on easily so that customers can still clean

their containers and not have to weigh the jars again during their future visits. Unpackaged

encourages reduction in food waste by allowing customers to take exactly what they need.





Traditional Packaging vs. Loop's Packaging (CNN & Loop)

Loop is a pilot zero-waste delivery system and circular shopping platform that uses

durable, reusable packaging in place of single-use, disposable packaging. The key idea behind

Loop is to have consumers borrow their packaging, instead of owning it and likely discarding it.

The platform is set to launch in May 2019.

Loop offers consumers an alternative to recycling. Everyday essentials such as mouthwash

and deodorant will be delivered in a tote that stores the emptied containers. The tote eliminates

single use shipping materials such as cardboard boxes and ice packs. When ready, consumers

can schedule a free pick-up from their homes. Loop will automatically replenish the products that

were sent back thereby creating a "subscription model that manages itself." Each emptied

packaging is cleaned and sanitized for reuse, eliminating the need for consumers having to wash

their containers as they would for traditional recyclables. Loop packages are made out of materials

like stainless steel, aluminum, and engineered plastic ("Loop," 2019).

Some of the world's largest consumer goods companies, such as Procter & Gamble,

Unilever, Nestle, and PepsiCo, are partnering with Loop to hopefully limit future waste. Partners are

experimenting first in New York and Paris with plans to expand to other cities in late 2019 and

2020. Loop challenges manufacturers to retain ownership of their packaging by collecting and

reusing it. Under this system, the company can count their packaging as longer-term assets on

their balance sheets and depreciate them over time. Eight of the ten companies mentioned in the

Greenpeace report of worst plastic polluters (Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives, 2019) are

Loop partners. Partner companies have to pay low six figures to participate in Loop and are asked

to design packages that can survive at least 100 reuses. The betacycle pilot will confirm if at least

10 reuses of one package will be better for the environment compared to the single-use alternative.

Loop conducted life cycle analyses to estimate the environmental impact of different scenarios

(Wiener-Bronner, 2019).

Prices for one of Loop's 300 products are comparable to what they would be at a nearby

store except that customers also put down a fully refundable deposit for each package in addition

to the regular cost. Buying five to seven items qualifies for free shipping, but Loop is also hoping to

expand to store shelves. With already many national brands backing Loop and the official launch

coming soon, the true test will be getting buy-in from consumers and having them alter their

regular consumption behavior. After the initial trial period, Loop will be analyzing its data and

adjusting its process for greater efficiency and effectiveness as well as measuring the true

environmental impact of its system.

5. High Impact Opportunity Areas
This section identifies key obstacles that society should collectively solve to tackle today's

emerging waste challenges.

5.1 Alignment amongst all key stakeholders to adopt universal packaging design guidelines along

with standardized collection requirements and sorting capabilities

Manufacturers, consumer goods companies, and designers need to work with

policymakers and MRFs to set standardized packaging guidelines that ensure a circular economy

of high quality material. Policymakers can define regulations that stimulate innovation and drive up

the market for recycled material. They can enact Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) policies

that incentivize producers to promote packaging designs that uphold materials management goals.

Companies and manufacturers can influence the type of products and materials they put to

market. Cities can set up infrastructure that support the recovery of materials. And designers can

work directly with the MRFs and processing facilities to guarantee that their innovations are

properly handled during its end of use.

Collection requirements and sorting capability currently vary from city to city. Regional

standardized machinery and infrastructure will ensure consistency and eliminate confusion at the

recycling bin. Currently, what a local program accepts depends on a number of factors including

its sorting technology and if there is an end buyer for specific materials. The success of a circular

economy is dependent on creating an end market for recycled materials that continuously feed

back into the creation of new packaging.

Standards can motivate and facilitate innovation by establishing a common framework for

which to approach challenges. New innovations can achieve a greater reach through shared goals

and best practices. As the value for after-use materials increases, there will be an economic

incentive to build up recycling and composting infrastructure to collect and recover higher quality

materials. Demand will provide motivation for MRFs and municipalities to work together. Setting up

universal global collection infrastructure can be difficult, especially in developing countries where

informal, decentralized waste management systems are in place, but driving up the value for

recycled materials will increase the likelihood that they stay in the collection system.

The onus of recycling and composting can't solely rest on consumers and MRFs.

Designers need to prioritize launching material and packaging designs that support collection and

sorting infrastructure. Any new materials that are introduced must to be easily recognizable by

consumers and sorting facilities. Both manufacturers and designers have to take up responsibility

for the packaging that they're putting into the market. When all the stakeholders are aligned to

work together to increase the end markets for recycled content, packaging is more likely to be

collected and recovered rather than pollute our land and oceans. While this transition to

standardization takes place, the presence of clear signage and consumer education is even more


5.2 Establish Standardized Signage and Labels

Just as we have standardized signage for highways, schools, and sidewalk crossings, we

should have standardized signage for recycling and composting. Uniform signage ensures

consistent action from the people who encounter them by taking the guesswork out of recycling

and composting correctly. The current process relies on individual businesses, municipalities,

schools, airports, etc. to take it upon themselves to label their bins which has resulted in tons of

variations in signage. If even recycling enthusiasts are confused about what goes into the bins,

recycling and composting will not live up to their entire potential.

Disregarded Bin Signage (Recup)

Recycle Across America (RAA) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating "the world's

first and only society-wide standardized labeling system for recycling bins to make it easier for

people to begin to recycle right, wherever they might be" (Recycle Across America, 2019b). The

organization carefully selected color schemes and wording based on common public

understanding and future trends in recycling. For example, when deciding on the label for mixing

recyclables such as glass, plastic, aluminum, and paper in one bin, RAA chose the term "Mixed

Recycling" as opposed to Commingled, Single Stream, and Single Sort. This decision was based

on what was easily understood by the general public as well as the number of times the term has

been referenced online (8 million references for the term 'mixed recycling' compared to the 53,000

references for the term 'commingled') (Recycle Across America, 2019a).

The standardized labels are copyright protected to prevent people from modifying the

labels and undermining their effectiveness but are available for sale on the RAA website. Nearly 9

million standardized labels are in use, and RAA reports increased recycling levels and lower

contamination in bins that use their labels. For example, once Orlando Public K-1 2 schools began

using the labels, the school districts recycling levels increased 90% from previous years, saving

$370,000 in trash hauling fees (Porter, 2018).

Because there are still many variations of sorting requirements across the country, RAA

currently offers 28 different sets of labels. For example, RAA presents different sets of labels for

communities where glass and paper have to be collected separately from cans and plastics

compared to communities where mixed recycling is allowed. It also provides separate composting

labels for communities that accept compostable products versus those that only allow food waste.

Standardized labels would be even more effective if standardized sorting requirements were in

place, as mentioned in the previous section.

As a society, we should work towards universal recycling and composting requirements

and signage. Having the same bins and sorting rules at home, at work, and in public spaces could

lead to less confusion and contamination at the bin. All the key stakeholders should coordinate at

the regional level to establish universal guidelines for both packaging design and after-use

processes to guarantee that high quality materials stay in the circular economy and closed loop.



ExmpeofStnarizdLaelOtin(Rclross America)

5.3 Increase Consumer Education

Consumer education is critical. Consumers are in the unique position of influencing both

the demand and supply when they choose to buy recycled content and then recycle or compost

properly. The recycling and composting journey begins with the consumer. By increasing

consumer education, we can convert people who don't recycle as well as help those who get

confused to sort properly. The previous steps of standardizing requirements and signage both aid

in increasing consumer education.

To tackle contamination and increase recycling education, the cities of Atlanta, Denver, and

Chicago collaborated with The Recycling Partnership to launch a "Feet on the Street" public

service and educational campaign on July 24, 2017 with the goal of increasing the quantity and

quality of recyclables ("A Push to Recycle Correctly Pays Off in Atlanta, Denver and Chicago,"

2019). In addition to residents receiving direct mailings about what belongs and doesn't belongs in

their recycling carts, city employees walked each of the targeted recycling routes to "tip and tag."

Contaminated carts received an "oops" tag that highlighted the types of contaminants present in

their carts, and the cart's recyclables were not collected until corrected. Results of the pilot

revealed strong improvements in each city -- 57% contamination reduction in Atlanta, 30%

reduction in Chicago, and 25% reduction in Denver ("A Push to Recycle Correctly Pays Off in

Atlanta, Denver and Chicago," 2019). The pilot programs educated consumers and encouraged

recycling behaviors that produced evident results.

Aluminum and Steel Bottles and Jars
empty and rinse empty and rinse


Mail, Boxes, Cardboard, Food and Cartons

Do Not Bag Recyclables No Plastic Bags
(no garbage) (return to retail)

No Food or Liould No Electronics

(empty all containers) (drop-off only)

Botes end Containers
empty and replace cap
No Talngiers. No Tanks. Wood.
Cords. Hoses or Plasic Furniture

Chains or Metal



wA 31aand concerns. Call

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Oops Tags (

5.4 Tackle Difficult-to-Recycle Packaging Materials that Interfere with Sorting and Collection

It's necessary to assess the full life cycle of a package to accurately understand the

sustainability pros and cons of the packaging. This includes taking into account the environmental

and social impacts over its entire life cycle phase: analyzing how much energy is needed to extract

raw resources, comparing greenhouse gas impacts from its manufacturing, understanding

transportation effects, and what happens at the package's end-of-use (disposal, recycling, or other

recovery). In the following subsections, I present opportunity areas where we can improve specific

packaging products through scaling up technology, enacting policy, providing materials

alternatives with corresponding infrastructure, or redesigning the packaging . There are trade-offs

with every decision, and a deep analysis should be conducted to determine the most effective

course of action.

Multilayer Flexible Packaging - Opportunity to Scale up Technology

PEStructrall Color without Dye r Pigmernt

Utuuare Laye


HE4hon Crseho PE

(henkel-diagrams. com)

Multilayer flexible packaging, also sometimes called 'composite packaging,' is widely used

for the preservation and distribution of pharmaceuticals, food, beverages, and other consumer

products. This type of packaging is popular because of its light weight and protective

characteristics that keep out light, air, and moisture. Multilayer flexible packaging reduces shipping

costs, takes up minimum shelf space, and is graphics friendly. This packaging typical includes

multiple layers such as a print layer for graphics, a structural layer to prevent tearing, adhesive

layers to combine polymers, a barrier layer to prevent oxygen and moisture from entering, and seal

layer to close the packaging. Its complex structure makes it very difficult to recycle. Currently, there

has not been a suitable alternative for multilayered packaging.

However, rather than simply substituting this packaging, we can invest in the infrastructure

needed to recycle it. Researchers from Lithuania and Egypt have developed a process that uses

an ultrasonic treatment and a switchable hydrophilicity solvent (a solvent that switches from

hydrophobic to hydrophilic) to separate the layers (Mumladze et al., 2018). The researchers were

able to successfully separate layers from common multi-layer packages such as chips, chocolate

bars, ice cream, and ground coffee packaging with a recycling success rate of 99%. Similarly,

DSM Engineering Plastics and German recycling company APK have also invested in a technology

they coined 'newcycling' that is capable of recovering "high-quality re-granulates with properties

close to virgin plastics," from complex mixtures and multi-layer composites ("DSM, APK to work on

recycling multilayer food packaging films," 2018). The technology is there, but we need to scale it.

Coffee Cups / Disposable Paper Cups - Opportunity to Scale up Infrastructure

An estimated 50 billion paper coffee cups are thrown away every year in the United States

alone ("Single Use Coffee Cup Reduction," 2018). These cups are designed for one-time use, and

most facilities do not accept them for recycling. This is because disposable paper cups contain a

polyethylene lining, a lining that keeps drinks warm and prevents leakage but is also difficult to

separate in the recycling stream. The problem is not that these cups can't physically be recycled.

The main issue is that facilities often don't have the means to properly recycle them.

In 2018, Starbucks sent 25 million excess paper cups to the paper mill Sustana in

Wisconsin to prove that paper coffee cups can be recycled cost-effectively (Peters, 2018). At the

mill, the cups were mixed with water and ground into a pulp with a seven-foot-tall corkscrew that

separated the plastic linings. The fibers were screened and washed to complete the separation

process. The sheets were then sent to Westrock, a packaging company, to be made into

paperboard. During the final stage, the paperboards were then sent to a third company, Seda, to

shape them into cups and print Starbucks logos on them.

Used or not, it is actually not more expensive to recycle paper cups than it is to recycle

other paper (Peters, 2018). The biggest challenge is aggregating enough coffee cups to make the

process efficient because equipment does have to modified to process these cups specifically.

Only a handful of cities, including San Francisco, Seattle, New York City, Washington D.C., and

Denver recycle paper cups. Most other facilities that do not have the same capabilities advise

against introducing paper cups into recycling streams where they can end up contaminating other

recyclable items and result in even more material ending up in the landfill.

Starbucks, McDonalds, and other Closed Loop partners launched the NextGen Cup

challenge to encourage sustainable cup solutions that answer the question "How might we design

the next generation fiber cup to be recoverable on a global scale, while maintaining the

performance standards we know and trust?" ("Announcing the NextGen Cup Challenge Winners,"

2019). The winners presented solutions for new cup liners, new materials, and reusable cup

service models. Many of the winners presented cups that are recyclable and/or compostable.

However, the success of these solutions still depend on having the correct infrastructure and

consumer education in place to implement and scale these solutions.

In fact, McDonalds has already launched compostable cups at some of its stores. One

store in Cambridge, MA provides compostable cups with fine print stating "This cup is

compostable in commercial facilities. Such facilities may not exist in your area. This cup is not

designed for use in home compost piles." This compostable cup design does not reach its full

environmental potential especially since this store does not provide a separate compost bin and

that most facilities in the Massachusetts area do not accept compostable foodware products.

Again, this circles back to the same problem of the lack of corresponding infrastructure to support

new sustainable designs.

Compostable Cups Provided at a McDonalds in Cambridge, MA

There is debate as to whether it is better to recycle or to compost paper cups. There are

life cycle analyses comparing disposable cups using climate change with global warming potential

(GWP) as its impact category indicator. Franklin Associates rated the GWP of paperboard cups

with PLA lining (compostable) above the ones with polyethylene lining (recyclable), meaning that

the PLA lining contributes less to global warming impact (Franklin Associates, 2011; van der Harst

& Potting, 2013) . However, the researchers made a decision to base their analysis only on landfill

and incineration as disposal methods because recycling and composting of these cups do not

occur often (Franklin Associates, 2006). Van der Harst and Potting compared ten peer-reviewed life

cycle analyses of disposable cups, including the research conducted by Franklin Associates, and

concluded that none of the cup materials rank consistently as more environmentally friendly than

the others (2013).

While composting eliminates the resources needed to break down the paper and

manufacture it back into fresh paper, paper is removed the system from ever being used again.

Recycling recovers paper and offsets depletion of virgin trees needed for production. Both

recycling and composting have a cost, an impact, and a trade-off, thus deeper analysis would

need to be conducted to determine the best option for disposable paper cups. Once that best

option is determined, increased and standardized infrastructure capabilities and consumer

education will help ensure its success.

Food containers - Opportunity to Explore Material Choices

Food containers come in many forms, many of which are difficult to recycle. Takeout

boxes, for example, often contain a waxed coating that renders the containers not recyclable.

Styrofoam/EPS, black food trays, and greasy paper takeout boxes should be thrown in the trash.

Plastic clamshell packaging and paper bags can be recycled as long as they do not contain any

food or liquid traces.

Because food waste contamination is such a huge issue for single stream recycling, the

containers need to be fairly clean or gently rinsed before getting tossed into the recycling bin.

Ensuring clean containers in public spaces can be difficult because it would require that consumers

wipe or wash their containers before disposing. For packaging that is highly disposable with high

risk of introducing food contamination into the recycling stream, industrially compostable

packaging should be adopted along with the corresponding composting infrastructure and

consumer education. Compostable packaging that already contains food contents can help return

nutrients back to the soil as compost as opposed to being a non-recyclable waste that fill up our

landfills. Restaurants and food businesses should opt for reusable plates and cutlery whenever

possible for dine-in services.

Plastic Utensils & Straws - Opportunity to Dive Deeper

Plastic utensils have varying rates of acceptance at MRFs. Like paper cups, they are

technically recyclable, but most facilities do not accept them. The majority of utensils are made out

of polystyrene (#6 plastic), a plastic commonly used in its expanded form as foam (commercially

known as Styrofoam). Some cities are so concerned that consumers will put expanded polystyrene

foam (EPS) in their bins that they rather not accept the #6 plastic at all.

Utensils can also be made out of PET (#1 plastic) or polypropylene (#5 plastic). These

plastics may have larger recycling markets, but there is no way for consumers to identify the plastic

resins without referring to the utensils' original secondary packaging. Individual utensils are not

usually marked. Unfortunately, even if a recycling program does accept all plastics, the shape of

plastic forks and knives tend to jam machinery in the MRF and is often considered a contaminant

in the recycling steam (Granger, 2018).

Straws are similarly difficult to recycle. Like plastic utensils, they are used for a very short

period of time and then tossed away. Straws are made out of polypropylene (#5 plastic), but many

recycling programs do not accept straws due to their small size and light weight. Straws tend to fall

through the cracks of conveyor belts or jam machinery at recycling facilities. An estimated 500

million straws are used in the United States every day (Bailey, 2016). Straws received a bad

reputation after a viral video of scientists pulling one out from a sea turtle's nose brought attention

to straws' pervasiveness in our environment (Lee, 2018).

On July 1, 2018, Seattle became the first major US city to ban single-use plastic straws

and utensils in the food service industry (Wu, 2018). Many other cities have started to follow suit.

Starbucks also announced that it will phase out plastic straws by 2020 and have started by

redesigning its lids to make it easier for customers to drink cold beverages without a straw

(Warnick, 2019). Critics, however, argue that eliminating straws completely is neglectful to those

with disabilities who may need straws.

Whether we tackle single-use plastics through bans, material exploration, or inventing

processing technologies that can perhaps aggregate smaller plastics together during sorting, our

choices should bring awareness to the environmental consequences of using single-use plastics.

Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) - Opportunity to Enact Policy

Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) is often used for disposable food packaging such as take out

containers and hot beverage cups as well as for shipment protection such as 'packaging peanuts'

and cushioning foam. While technically recyclable, very few areas around the world collect EPS for

recycling due to its low density and bulky nature that renders it costly to collect and transport. EPS

is also often contaminated since a major application of the material is food-related.

More than 70 cities in the United States have enforced bans or have set dates for bans on

EPS packaging, including San Francisco, Seattle, and Washington D.C. ("Polystyrene Ordinances,"

2017; World Economic Forum, Ellen MacArthur Foundation and McKinsey & Company, 2016).

These bans led to an increase in the usage of material alternatives such as paper and cardboard

for take-out food containers, Ecovative's Mushroom Packaging in place of EPS foam, and

ExpandOs' paper pyramids in place of packing peanuts. This is an example of how policy

enactment led to the gradual replacement of a difficult-to-recycle material and inspired subsequent

packaging innovation.

It's Time to Think about the Box - Opportunity to Redesign

ABI Research forecasts e-commerce share of total retail sales will reach 25% by 2025 (ABI

Research, 2017). However, the convenience of online shopping and fast shipping is not without its

consequences. Corrugated cardboard use jumped 8%, according to the American Forest & Paper

Association. Prices for raw materials used to make boxes, known as old corrugated containers

(OCC), have surged at $149 a ton in 2017 compared to $85 a ton the year before (Feiner, 2017).

This price increase can be attributed to the supply of the material dropping while the demand is

going up (Feiner, 2017). One way to relieve the pressure on rising prices is to further increase the

recycling rate of corrugated boxes.

Fortunately, corrugated boxes are recycled more than any other packaging material with

92% of the boxes recycled in 2015 (US EPA, 2017). Unfortunately, this rate decreased to 88.8% in

2017 even though domestic consumption increased 3.5% compared to the previous year (Weise,

2018). Recycling cardboard is beneficial because it requires only 75% of the energy used to make

new cardboard and lessens emission of sulfur dioxide produced when compared to making pulp

from trees (Earth911, 2019). Recycling 1 ton of cardboard also eliminates 9 cubic yards of landfill

space (Earth911, 2019).

The recycling best practice for cardboard is to flatten the boxes to optimize the space in

the recycling bins and trucks which allows more room for recycling and promotes ease of handling

and transportation by waste management. Breaking down the box helps keeps the cardboard dry

and free from contamination, also preventing other materials from being trapped in it as the box

travels through the sorting process. Shrink or bubble wrap that is left inside the boxes can jam the

recycling machines. Additional packaging such as the ice packs that come with meal kits pose

further challenges for MRFs.

It's time for designers to start thinking about the box. The box should be

redesigned to reduce the pain point of having to flatten it down for easier storage

or disposal. The current traditional design requires consumers to slice through

packing tape to free up the four flaps on the top and bottom of the box in order

to collapse the box. These additional steps often lead to consumers just piling

up their boxes on doorsteps and curbs. The box needs to be re-engineered to

collapse easily after use without compromising its structural integrity and without

requiring too much effort on the part of consumers.

Steps to Flatten a Box (RoadRunner Smarter Recycling)

Standard Dielines for an E-commerce box (The Consumer Goods Forum)

A box that easily folds into a smaller footprint ensures effective recycling and can

encourage reuse by making the box easy to store to be used later. Designers can perhaps also

explore how tabs can be used to secure the structure and eliminate the need for tape. Maybe

shipping labels can be designed in such a way so that they separate automatically when

consumers open their boxes. The ideal corrugated box can flatten easily and provides protection

with less packaging while staying robust and cost-effective.

6. Conclusion
6.1 The Role of Designers

The concept of sustainable development was first defined by The World Commission on

Environment and Development in 1987 and is one that is often referenced: Sustainable

development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability

of future generations to meet their own needs.

Designers have the obligation to be responsible for their designs and the impact of their

work. As policy, infrastructure, and materials evolve, designers must quickly adapt and be

proactive in developing packaging that not only can be recovered for reuse in new products but

also limits environmental footprint. The role of a designer is to consider the entire life cycle of the

packaging while still in the design stage. When implementing new packaging designs, designers

should ask themselves the following questions:

1) How can we design waste out of the system? How can we choose the best materials,

reduce the volume of materials used, reduce resources consumed during manufacturing

and transportation, and ensure that our designs are properly handled at their end of use?

a) Is our packaging designed to work with the current recovery infrastructure? Will the

package easily be collected and transported? Will a MRF or composting facility be

able to sort it properly? Can we make packaging cost-effective to recover?

b) Do consumers understand how to dispose the packaging? How can we reduce

contamination risk in our recycling or composting streams? How can we prevent

packaging from polluting our terrestrial and marine environments? Is it easy and

clear how to responsibly dispose the packaging?

c) How can we make recycled content look beautiful and aesthetic? How can we

drive up the demand for recycled material, and support the circular economy? How

can we ensure that sustainable design becomes the norm, rather than a transient


2) What are the trade-offs of our decisions? How can we adopt a systems design approach

to fully understand the entire impact of our design choices compared to their alternatives?

3) How can we evolve the role of packaging? Must packaging be instantly discarded once the

product is opened? What if we can give our packaging a second life? What other purposes

can the packaging fulfill?

6.2 Future Work

The context of this thesis is primarily on waste challenges from the United States. For future

work, I recommend analyzing how varying global infrastructure and policy can influence the global

standardization of packaging and labeling guidelines as well as sorting and collection requirements.

While consumer behavior and psychology was lightly covered in this thesis, I also recommend

conducting pilots and experiments to understand determinants of disposal behavior.

My hope is that my thesis provides a comprehensive scope of the complex waste

landscape so that it can be less daunting to understand and that future work can build upon this

thesis to make the landscape less confusing for all.

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