Electronic Circuits - Unit - 2 - MCQ

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1. A basic feedback oscillator is satisfying the Barkhausen criterion. If the ß value is given as 0.7072, find the
gain of basic amplifier?
a) 2.1216
b) 0.7072
c) 1
d) 1.414
Answer: d
Explanation: Barkhausen criterion for oscillation is given as Aß=1
=> A=1/ ß = 1/0.7072 = 1.414.

2. Consider the circuit shown below.

Given that R1=20kΩ, C1=2nF, R2=20kΩ, C2=2nF, find the approximate resonant frequency.
a) 4kHz
b) 3kHz
c) 25kHz
d) 15kHz
Answer: a
Explanation: The resonant frequency for the above Wien Bridge Oscillator circuit is fr = 1/2πRC and since
R1=R2 and C1=C2 for this oscillator, for a balanced bridge, we can use either of those.
Hence fr = 3.987 kHz≈4kHz.

3.  In the below circuit, the output frequency is 0.5 Mhz. C1 = 5nF, R4 = 40kΩ, R3 = 20kΩ. Find the value of R.

a) 63Ω
b) 220Ω
c) 127Ω
d) 55Ω
Answer: a
Explanation: f = 1/2πRC
R = 1/2πfC = 63Ω.
4. 7. For any Wien Bridge oscillator, R1 = R2 and C1 = C2 always in the bridge, provided the phase shift
through the amplifier is zero.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
Explanation: The bridge circuit is used as feedback for the oscillator, provided that phase shift through the
amplifier is zero. At this point the bridge has to be balanced, however not necessarily that R1 = R2 and C1 =
C2. This condition is just a case of the bridge being balanced.

5. In a Wien bridge oscillator, it is found that at the frequency ωO there is no phase shift in RF/R gain loop and
the phase shift of the amplifier is also zero. Then what is the equation for the radian frequency, given R1,
C1 is the series network of bridge and R2, C2 is the parallel network?
a) ωO=1/R1C1
b) ωO=1/R2C2
c) ωO=1/R1R2C1C2
d) ωO=1/RFC1RC2
Answer: c
Explanation: For no phase shift for the amplifier, the frequency of the output is given by ωO =
1/R1R2C1C2 and RF/R = C1/C2 + R2/R1. When R1=R2 and C1=C2 then RF = 2R.

6. When voltage feedback (negative) is applied to an amplifier, its input impedance ………….
1. Is decreased
2. Is increased
3. Remains the same
4. None of the above
Answer : 2

7. Negative feedback is employed in ……………..

1. Oscillators
2. Rectifiers
3. Amplifiers
4. None of the above
Answer : 3

8. Emitter follower is a ……………….. circuit

1. Voltage feedback
2. Current feedback
3. Both voltage and current feedback
4. None of the above
Answer : 2

9. If the feedback voltage and the output voltage are given as 10v and 4v. Find the gain of the feedback circuit in
voltage-series feedback amplifier?
a) 2.5v
b) 40v
c) 3v
d) 6.2v
Answer: a
Explanation: Gain of feedback, B = Vf /Vo = 10v/4v = 2.5v.
10. Define the input resistance with feedback for voltage series feedback amplifier?
a) RIF = (1-AB)
b) RIF = (AB-1)
c) RIF = (1+AB)
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: c
Explanation: In feedback amplifier, the input resistance of the op-amp with feedback is (1+AB) times that of
without feedback.

11. For constant current source biasing Io= Iref

a. True
b. False
Correct ans: a

12. CMOS having---------------input impedance

a. Very low
b. High
c. Low
d. Very High
Correct ans: d

13. Advantages of Negative feedback is

a. Reduce effect of noise
b. Gain Increases
c. Bandwidth increases
d. All the above
Correct ans: d

14. Input impedance of Voltage series feedback amplifier is =----------------

a. Rif= Ri D
b. Rif=Ro D
c. Rif= Ri/D
d. None of these
Correct ans: a

15. Output impedance of current shunt feedback amplifier is =----------------

a. Rof= Ro*D
b. Rof=Ro/D
c. Rof= Ro+D
d. None of these
Correct ans: a

16. List CMOS Properties

No direct path for current in steady state
No static power dissipation
Direct path current during switching only (Both MOSFET ON)
Full rail-to-rail swing
High Noise margin
Logic levels not dependent upon the relative device sizes
large fan-out
Extremely high input resistance (gate of MOS transistor is near perfect insulator) nearly zero steady-state
input current
Low output impedance (output resistance in kΩ range)
Symmetrical VTC
Propagation delay is function of load capacitance and resistance of transistors

17. Explain Current Mirror circuit

A current mirror is a circuit designed to copy a current through one active device by controlling the current in
another active device of a circuit, keeping the output current constant regardless of loading.
It is a current-controlled current source (CCCS). The current mirror is used to provide bias currents and active
loads to circuits.

There are three main specifications that characterize a current mirror.

1) The transfer ratio (in the case of a current amplifier) or the output current magnitude (in the case of a
constant current source (CCS).
2) AC output resistance, which determines how much the output current varies with the voltage applied to the
3) The minimum voltage drop across the output part of the mirror necessary to make it work properly.

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