Gangbusters - TSR7009 Mad Dog Johnny Drake

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GANGBUSTERS™ _ Roaring Twenties Role-Playing Game om D Special Introductory Module “Mad Dog” Johnny Drake INTRODUCTION Despite the dogged pursuit of federal agents and the ruthless tactics ofthe midwest’s toughest detectives, Mad Dog’ Johnny Drake still terrorizes the cities of th fe area, spreading panic through city streets like a hot, sticky wind and spraving bullets over sidewalks like raindrops in an April shower. This ruthless thug has been spotted in Lakefront City, and the Lake- front City Police Department has assigned you, Detectives Jim Slade, Sean O'Roarke,and Vito Antonelli, to assist F.B.1 special agent Bob Clark in bringing this hoodlum to justice. The fourof you are to tail Drake and uerest him the instant he commits @ ‘major crime in Lakefront City ‘This special mini-module, “ ‘Mad Dog’ Johnny Drake,” has been designed to introduce you to the GANGBUS game. “Mad Dog’ is both a fast and fan way to familiarize yourself with, the GANGBUSTERS™ game rules. “Mad Dog” needs no judge, and can be played by one to four people. The game participants assume the roles of Detectives, Slade, O'Roarke, Antonelli or F.BI agent Clack Although we suggest using the pre-rolled characters listed below. players, ‘muy create theron charactersftaey deste (see PART2:CREATING CHARACTERS), However you create the characters, three of them should be plain-clothes detectives in the Lakefront City P-D,, and the fourth should be an F.BLL special agent. Ifless than four people play this module, one ortwo of the players should play.or"nan,” ‘more than one character. For instance, if three people play, one of them should ran two characters, while the other two should run only one character each. Iftwo people play, cach should run two characters, and ifonly one person plays, he should ran all four characters. Here are the Basic Ability scores for the detectives (see Part2: CREATING PLAYER CHARACTERS for an explanation of how to ereate player characters): PRE-ROLLED CHARACTERS Name a Ag Ob Pr Dr La HP Det JimSiade 70-80 51 9 66 40 20 Det Sean ORoake 92 82 525 22 29 Det VitoAntonelli 94 74 73 6G 7h 2B 22 BobClsk BL 65 79 91 7 85 48 20 All three city detectives tarry 38 revolvers in shoulderholsters, while Special Agent Clark carries a 44 revolver. You are also equipped with a shotgun and a Thompson submachine gun, which you carry on the rearseat of your 1927 Buick Sedan. You have unlimited supplies of ammunition for all weapons except the Thompson. You have only two 50-round drums for this weapon (or ten bursts, See “Gunfights” in Part 3.) © 1982 TSR Hobbies, Inc. All Rights Reserved GANGBUSTERS Is a trademark owned by TSR Hobbies, Inc. Printed in USA. 10 n @ 13 4 ADVENTURE RECORD SHEET Car Status (in,out, sway from) Been Inside Harrigan’? Entry 1hor397 TPE ‘Antonelt Clarke ‘Antone Clack ‘Antonellt Clack ‘Slade Amtonellt ‘Cla PLAYING THE MODULE WHAT YOU NEED ‘To play “ ‘Mad Dog’ Johnny Drake” you will need 1. The GANGBUSTERS™ game rules; 2. The 5’ scale map of lower Broad St GANGBUSTERS™ boxed set; 3, The dice from the GANGBUSTERS™ boxed set; 4. The counters from the GANGBUSTERS™ boxed set; 5, The adventure record sheet in the module; 6. Pencils or pens. ENTRIES ‘This module consists of 102 numbered entrfes, An entry de- scribesa situation involving you, the player characters. AS you read each entry, you will find you must choose the best course of action fromalist ofoptions, Thereare no “correct” choices, but ‘you must carefully consider the consequences of the options, ‘you choose. Each option directs you to a new entry, which, “describes the result of your choice. EXAMPLE: To begin the module, you read the entry labelled “START.” At the end of that entry, you have the option of driving or walking, The fist refers you to entry 48. Ifyou choose to drive, you should read entry 48. The Second refers you to entry 24. Ifyou choose to walk, you should read entry 24. Players should note that the entries will make no sense ifthey ‘are read in strict numerical order. Its important that you read ‘only the entries you are directed to read. If you read other ‘entries, you may become confused, and you will certainly spoil the excitement ofthe adventure. KEEPING TRACK OF THINGS ‘Whenever you read an entry, there are several things you may need to record, suchas the number ofthe lastentry read, wound for bnsise damage to yourselves or non-player characters (NPC's), andany other notes you fel are important To aid your second keeping, we have provided a sample adventure record sheet. Iftis sheet is not longenough for youradventure,oryou wish to play this module more than once, you may draw @ lar sheet with pencil and paper, Please note that although there are ten columns of information, you do not need tofillouteach column every tur. Forinstance, “Damage” should be «ised to record the amount of briise or wound damage a character takes duringa fistight or gun battle, ‘but does not need to be filled out during turns no damage is, taken. The “Action” column is used to record each character's action (see “Action” in Part 2 of the mules) duringa fistfight or gun battle, Similarly, “Rounds of Susprise” is used to recont the number of ‘tums a character is surprised if he or she fails the Observation saving throw atthe beginning ofa battle (see “Surprise” in Part 8), and the “Car Status” is used to record whether or not the characters are in their car at the end of a tum. Two entries, “Inside Harrigun's” and “Read Entry 14 or 492." are yes or no entries. Once you have been inside Harrigan’s for any reason, ‘write “yes” in this column, and once you have read either entry 14 or 49, write “yes” in that column. This is simply a con: venient memory jogger to assist you during play. Finally, write the number of each entry you read in the “Last Entry Number Read” column. This will help you keep truck of which entries you have read. DECISION MAKING ‘The players must make all decisions as a party, except during gun battles or fistfights. This means that all players, orat least the majority, must agree on an action before taking any action. During gun battles of fistfights, however, you may choose dif- ferent actions as long as those actions do not refer you to Separate entry numbers. ROLLING RANDOMLY During the course ofa fistfight or gun battle, you may find it necessary to determine who a non-player churucter attacks by rolling randomly. You roll randomly when you can see no, logical reason for a non-plavercharacter to choose one course of action over another. Therefore, you make this decision by roll ing.a set of percentile dice. To do this, divide the number of possible decisions into 100. This will give you the percent chance that a non-player character will choose any course of action. Then assign each decision a set of numbers between 1-100 equivalent to the percent chance ofthe non-player char- acter making that decision, and roll the percentile dice. The ‘outcome of the roll determines which decision the non-player character made. EXAMPLE: A crook faces four detectives in a gun battle. He can shoot only one, but there is no logical reason he ‘will shoot one detective and not another. You must roll randomly to determine which detective he will shoot. Since there are fourdetectives, there isa 25% chance the rook will shoot any one of them. (100 divided by 25% ). Ona roll of 1-25, he will shoot the first detective;on ‘roll of26-50, he will shoot the second detective;on.a roll of 1-75, he will shoot the third detective; and on a roll of 76-100, he will shoot the fourth detective. Ifthere were three detectives, the increments would be 1-33, 34-67, and 68-100. If there were only two detectives, the incre- ‘ments would be 1-50 and 51-100, USING THE MAP This module is played on the 5 scale map of lower Broad Street included in yourboxed GANGBUSTERS" game. You can iden- tify the exact location of characters and cars at any given time ‘using the coordinate system on the edges of the map. The first two digits of each square’s number refer to the distance (in squares) it is from square O1A down the long axis of the map toward Maxwell Street. The letters in each square’s number referto the distance fromsquare OLA it isalong the short axis of the map toward Hime’s Barbershop. Thus, the sidewalk at the comer of Canal and Broad Streets outside Fanucei's is number oP. USING THE COUNTERS Use the counters provided in your boxed GANGBUSTERS™ {game to represent your location on the map at all times. You Should also use counters to show the locations of each NPC, car, etc. as needed. If you need additional counters, you may make them from paper or cardboard. 4 GOING TO THE HOSPITAL If you receive a wound or wounds equal to or greater than ‘one-half of the numberof hit points you started the game with, you must go to the hospital at the he fight or chase in ‘which you are involved. Trips to the hospital are automatic,and are not included inthe list of choices. Whenevera player charac- ter takes woutnds equal to or greater than one-half of his hit points, he must go to the hospital immediately and end the adventure, Note that this does not apply to bniise damage ENDING THE ADVENTURE ‘The adventure can end in any of the following ways: 1. Your party decides tocend the adventure. You may make this choice at the end of any entry. 2, All the members of your party are dead, The adventure automatically ends with the death of the last party member 3. All the members of the party have taken wounds equal toorgreaterthan one-half their hitpoints. Party members who receive this much damage must go to the hospital at the earliest opportmity. They may not finish the adi ture. They may, however, continue to play until the fight they are currently cngaged in has ended, 4. The party reaches an entry which tells them that the adventure has ended, LET'S PLAY! START. You are parked in square 48W, watching the Lexington Hotel, where “Mad Dog” Johnay Draie has taken a room, At 11.05 am., "Mad Dog” slips out the side door and steps into, Tiffin Alley. He sneaks down the alley to Broad Street. After a quick glance down the sidewalk, he walks to Canal Street. He tums right at the comer 1. You may follow him in your car; turn to entry 42. 2.Oryou may follow him on foot;turn to entry 24. (Be sure io note that you have left your car.) 2. The door fies open. The bartender stands in square 68, talking to two bouncers standing in square 64A. All three men are surprised by your entrance. The rest of the room is empty. ‘You may show your badges and search Harrigan Turn to entey 7 8.You search the streets fortwenty minutes, finding no trace of ‘Mad Dog.” You are back at the comer of Broad and Canal Turn to entry 14 44. The limousine skids onto the curb, almost running down three old ladies in chartreuse knickers, and flips onto its side. ‘As you jump from your own ear, your weapons drawn, the Stunned hit-men climb out of the wreck holding their hands hhigh in the air. Although you interrogate them at length, they will not give you any information, They simply fold their arms and claim you fired at them frst. A patrol car finally arrives on the scene and you tum the criminals over to the uniformed officers. 1. Tfyouhave notyet entered Harrigan’s, you may go to the speakeasy and search it. Tam to ent 2. Or you may go to Drake return there before long. Turn to e1 22. hotel, hoping he will try 12, 5. Your party opens the door. A man with arms the size of a forilla's stands in square BBE. He glances at each of you, then jerks his head toward the room, indicating you may come in. He is obviously a bouncer. Another bouncer stands in square 626. The speakeasy is crowded the only vacant seats are five stools at the barin squares 60B and 61B, Drake sits alone at the table in square 62H, watching the door. He quickly glances away as you enter the oom, 1. You may leave Harrigan’s and wait outside at the comer (square 66P); turn to entry 11 2, You may leave Harrigan's and wait outside in your cear, you brought it; turn to entry LL. (ou may take the empty seats at the bar. Turn to entry 29. 4. Or you may walk inside and stand just inside the doorway, studying the patrons. Turn to entry 41 ro0 bad, you've lost the fstfight! Roll percentile dice to determine the number of minutes each member of the party is, knocked out. (See “Hit Points and Injury” in Part.) When the first detective recovers, he will see that he and his friends are Iyingin the alley outside of Harrigan’. The speakeasy’s door is locked, and there are no Sounds or lights inside. A sign on the door reads ‘Closed for Repairs. Please tren to next paste 1. Ifyou want to go buck inside Harrigan’ entry 22. 2. You may search the streets on foot for some sign of Johnny Drake. Turn to entry 3. 3. Ifyou have your car, you may search the streets init for some siga of Johany Drake, Tura to entry 18. 4-Oryou may go back to Drake's hotel, hoping he will return there shortly. Turn to entry 12. turn to 7. During your fifteen minute search of Harrigan’s, you find: ‘door in the manager's office leading to Velma’s restaurant 2. The account books for the speakeasy, containing enough evidence to send the bartenderand bouncers into the slammer for @ long time. 8. pad of paper bchind the bar. You can see an imy ‘ofthe last note on the pad. You nab the impres iy with a pencil, and the contents of the note emerge, “Joey called from the first precinct. You have four coppers (on your tail. The number to call is HAR-7218.” 1. Ifyou have not read entry 14-0r 49, you may search the streets on foot for Johnny Drake. Turn to entry 3. 2. Ifyou have not read entry Lor 49, you may return to your car and search for Drake in it.Turn to entry 18. 3. You may go to Drake's hotel, hoping he will return to his room soon. Tur to entry 12. 4-Oryou may use the phone behind the bar to call the telephone number in the note. Turn to entry 53. 8.You have hit the imousine’s driver. He must make a Driving check to see if he crashes. (See “Car Crashes” in Part 8.) His Driving score is 62. Note that if the driver is killed, dhe car crashes axstomatically. (He has 17 hit points.) L If the driver crashes, turn to entry 4. 2. Ifhe does not erash, go back to entry 40. 9. Congratulations! Your bold heroism has put an end to Drake's crime wave. Ifeither Dogan or Robbins escuped from you, they were quickly picked up by the uniformed officers ‘converging on the area from al directions. You were all awarded ‘meritorious service commendations by the Lakefront City Po- lice Department. This ends the “Mad Dog’ Johnny Drake” adventure. You are now ready for more exciting adventures in the world of your GANGBUSTERS™ role-playing game! 10. Draw a simple diagram of each detective's location in the car. Two detectives may occupy the front seat, and two may ‘occupy the rear seat One of the detectives inthe front seat must ‘be the driver. ‘Turn to entry 49. 11. You wait for 20 minutes, trying to look inconspicuous, and nothinghappens, Each member ofthe party must now make an Observation check. (See “Ability Checks” in Part 2, and “Sur- prise” in Part 8.) 1. Ifone or more party members make a successful Observation cheek, tumn to entry 43. 2.fno members of the party make successful Obser- vation checks, turn to entry 25. 12. You are outside the hotel, facing Maxwell Street. You have ‘seen no sign of Drake. 1. You may wait in your car for Drake to return to the hotel. Turn to entry 65. 2. Or you may go inside the hotel and search Drake's room. Turn to entry 35, 13. The bouncer takes the note from the bartender, who mum: bles something to him. You cannot hear what the bartender says, The bouncer takes the note to Drake, then goes into the ‘manager's office. You sitat the bar perhaps another three min- tutes before you hear a coarse voice scream, “Clark, you lousy bum! I swore I'd get you for sending me up!” Each member of the party must check for surprise. (See “Sur- prise” in Part.) Ifany detectives fail their Observation checks, note how long they are surprised on your adventure recon sheet. ‘Tum to entry 82, 14. You are at the comer of Broad and Canal Streets in square 66P. Suddenly, you hear the squeal of tires as a lange, black Limousine races toward you on Canal Street. Thecar slowsasit moves into square 680, Each detective must now check for surprise. (See “Surprise” in Part.) any detectivesare surprised, note the number of tums they are surprised on your adventure record sheet Those who are surprised may take no action until they are no longer sur- prised, Pasty members who are not susprised may 1. Dive tothe ground. 2. Run toward your car ifits parked in front of Harrigan’, B. Draw weapons, , Each detective may choose his own action. Turn to. * entry 30. 18, Congratulations! You have won the fistiight! The bartender and the two bouncers lie unconscious on the floor. If any members of your own party were knocked unconscious, you ‘may awaken them. You pick the crampled note up offthe floor. It reads: “Joey called from the first precinet. You have four coppers (on your tail. The number to call is HAR-7215." ‘The bar is now empty except for yourselves and the uncon- scious bartender and bouncers. There is no sign of "Mad Dog” Johnny Drake. 1. You may search Harrigan's. Turn to entry. . You may search the streets on foot for Johnny Drake. Turn to entry 3. 3. You may search the streets in your ear for Johnny Drake. Turn to entry 18. 4.You may also go back to Drake's hotel, hoping he will retum to his room soon. Turn to entry 12. 5.Oryou may use the phone behind the bar to call the number in the note, Turn to entry 53. 16, All three men quickly tum toward you. The man with the beard begins to draw something out of his jacket pocket! You may wait a moment, with your guns ready to fire if the man draws a gun. Turn to entry 97. 2.0r you may open fire immediately. Turn to entry 100. . 17. You are pursuing the attackers’ car, The pursuit may take several tums; play it out tum by tum. The attackers’ car will moveat fast speedup Broad Street to Maxwell Street, turn lefton Maxwell, and leave the map. You may move ateither fast orslow speed, as your driver chooses each hsm. Any detective in your party, except the driver, may fire at the fleeing attackers. The man in the back seat of the limousine is Please turn to next page covered. The men in the limousine will not fire this tum. (See “Vehicles and Gunfights” in Part to resolve your gunfire.) Remembertocheck orcrashes forboth vehicles where appro - priate. (See “Cars” in Part 3.) Lift attackers car erases for any reason, tn 0 entry 31. ifthe attackers’ ear stops due toa critical hit ora fat tire, turn to entry 84. (See “Vehicles and Gunfights” in Part 3.) Bf your car eatches the attackers’ ear, turn to entry 4. Ifyour car erashes for any reason, turn to entry 37, 5. Ifthe attackers’ car leaves the map before any ofthe above happen, tun to entry 66. 18. You search the streets for twenty minutes, but find no sign ofJohnny Drake. You pullover and park in frontof Harrigan’s in square 67D, talking about what to do next. ‘Tura to entry 10. 19. As you open the door to Harrigan’, the bouncer steps into the doorway and says, "Gee, sony guys, We're just closing” He hhangs a sign on the door that reads: “Closed.” 1. You may leave and watch Harrigan's from the corner in square 66P. Turn to entry 14. 2. You may leave, but contine to watch the place from your car. Tun to entry 48. 3,Oryou may identify yourselves as police and search ‘Harrigan’s. Turn to entry 7. 20. You see no sign of Johnay Drake, Turn to entry 36, 21. Drake and his men must be checked for surprise. (See “Surprise” in Part 3.) Drake's Observation is 54, Doogun’s is , and Robbins’ is 9B. Ifany ofthe crooks are surprised, note hhow long they are sumprised in the “mise.” column of your adventure record shect. 1. If you stopped inside the doorway and shouted, “Drop those guns! Police!” in entry 67, turn to entry Be. 2 Ttyou chose to un orcoverin entry67,turnto entry 22. The door to Harrigan’s is locked. There are no lights or ‘sounds inside the speakeasy. 1. Ifyou want to knock on the door, turn to entry 28. 2. Ifyou want to kick the door down, have the strong- est detective try. He must make a Muscle check. (See “Ability checks” in part2.) Ithe is successful, dhe door opens immediately. Turn to entry 2. Ifhe is not suc- cessful, it will require several more kicks to bust the door down. Turn to entry 56. 23. will please you toknow your deaths were notin vain. You delayed Drake and his men long enough for three squad cars of ‘uniformed officers to ambush them as they let the bank. The sung stepped out the door nto.a hail ofgunfire. As for yox!? You ‘were all awarded meritorious service commendations post- hnumously: You are now ready for more exciting adventures in the world of your GANGBUSTERS™ role-playing game. 24. You follow Drake to Harrigan’s speakeasy on Canal Street. 1. Youmay follow him inside Harrigan's. Turn to entry. 2. Or you may stake-out Harrigan's from the comer (square 66P) and wait for Drake to come back out- side. Tura to entey 11. 25. You are still waiting and nothing happens. Another 20 minutes passes. 1. Ifyou are waiting in your ear, turn to entry 10. 2. Ifyou are waiting at the corner of Broad and Canal Streets (square 66P), turn to entry 14. 26, About ten minutes later, you hearthe rat-a-tat-tatofsubma- chine gun fire, Looking in the direction of the fire, you see the bullet riddled body ofa bank guard crash through the front door of the First National Bank. Drake runs out behind the dead ‘guard, laughing insanely, and hops into his car. Two othermen, carrying sacks of money, follow. The car screeches off dawn Broad Street toward Canal Street. As luck would have i a furniture truck pulls outof Tiffin Alley as Drake's car pulls away. blocking your fieldof vision and stopping trafic on both sides of the street, Drake's insane laughter still rings in your ears an hour later, as your captain assigns you to guard the garbage cans behind the mayor's house, He tells you Drake escaped with 880,000 in the ‘bank robbery. ‘This ends the adventure “Mad Dog’ Johnay Drake.” You are now ready for more adventures in the exciting world of your GANGBUSTERS” role-playing game! £27. That was a smart move, While Drake and his boys are busy terrorizing the bank tellers and customers, you position 80 uniformed officers outside on Broad Street anid Dutton Court. When Druke und his thugs step outside, you shout, “Freeze! Police!” “Coppers!” Drake snorts, “You'll never take Johnny Drake alive!” He raises his Thompson, but your officers quickly open fire and cut Drake down, His two companions surrender ‘The papers mun front page stories about your bravery, with headlines reading “Heroic Officers Resist Crazed Mobsters” and “Detectives End Reign of Terror.” Well, itwas all in aday work, This ends the adventure “ ‘Mad Dog’ Johnny Drake.” You are now ready for more adventures in the exciting world of your GANGBUSTERS" role-playing game! 28. There is no answer when you knock on the door. Now you! must kick the door down. Have the strongest detective try. He ‘must make a Muscle check. (See “Ability checks” in Part 2.) 1. Ifthe check is successful, the door falls in on the first try. Turn to entry 2 2. If the cheek is not successful, he must kick the door ‘several times before it erashes open. Turn to entry 56. 29. The bartender comes over and takes your orders. AS serves you, the telephone behind the bar rings. He answers it, and you overhear his end of the conversation. “Hello, Harrigan’s . .. Yeah? How many of them? kidding, They are, huh? Thanks.” ‘Thebartender hangs the phone up and seribblesa note on apad he keeps behind the bar. He calls the bouncerat the door over. 1. You may ignore the message and sce what happens. Turn to entry 13. 2.Or you may try to grab the note.In order to do this, Please turn to next page atleast one member of your party must jump the bar and try to take the note from the bartender. Turn to entry 68. 80. A passenger in the rear seat of the limousine fires a burst from a Thompson submachine gun at you! He has an Agility of 64. This is modified by -30 forfiringaburst and by an additional 10 for firing from a slow moving car. (See “Gunfight Modifiers Part 3.) Thus the character's modified Agility is 24. ile dice now. Ifthe result is 24 or less, your pasty hhas been hitby the burstand each member ofthe party takes 10 points of wounds. (See “Gunfights” in Part 3.) Ifthe dice rol is, 25 or greater, the burst has missed. This ends the first turn of this gunfight Pasty members may now choose actions for the next tum. Remember that party members who are still sur- prised cannot take any action. Each party member may choose his own action for this tum. In general, party members should retum fire, nin to their own, car if it is in front of Flarrigan’s, or else run for cover. Note each, detective’s action in the“Action” column of the adventure re- cont sheet. Rememberthat party memberswho have notdrawn their weapons must do so before firing them. Drawing weapons takes an entire turn, Turn to entey 45 81. The limousine swerves wildly to avoid achartreuse delivery truck pulling sto the street,catches its right front wheel in apot hole, and flips onto its side. The stunned criminals climb outof ther car with their hands high in the airand surrender to you. Youcall asquadcarand question the hit-men while you wait for ittoarrive. Despite your gelling interrogation, they will ell you nothing, After the squad car arrives, you may 1. Return to Drake's hotel. Turn to entey 2. Enter Harrigan’s ifyou have not been inside i + to entry 22. Turn 82, Any detectives who are not surprised see a thin man nin from the manager's office and close with F.BI. agent Clas Clark recognizes the man as Joey Flynn, a car thiefhe arrested several years ago. A fistight is beginning, so the action of the game will now be handled in one second game tums, Flynn has closed with Clark and will attempt to hit him this tum: If Clack is surprised, Flynn will hit him automatically. If Claris is not surprised, you must roll to see if Flynn hits Clark, Fiynn has an Agility of 74. He will attempt to fight dirty, so he rolls his Agility check at -30. (See "Fistfights” in Part 3) He is ‘wearingbrass knuckles. Thus, each time he hits he willcausea Please turn to next page total of 10 points of damage. (Diny fighting always causes 6 points ofdamage, andthe brass knuckles cause 4 more points of Gamage. See "Hand Weapons Table” in Part 3 ) There willbe a 50% chance that the damage from any blow Flynt lands will be ‘wounds rather than bruise damage. (See “Injuries in Fistights” in Part 3.) 1. You may fight with Flynn. If this is your choice, the {ght must he resolved turn by turn. Fiyna will always Aight dirty, and will always attack Clark. If he knocks Clark unconscious (see “Hit Points and Injury” in Part 2), he will attack the next detective close to him. ‘Turn to entry 60. 2. You may show your badges and announce you are police officers, hoping this will cause Flynn to stop attacking, Turn to entry 50. 88. Your search of the streets is fruitless; you see no sign of Johnny Drake. You decide to go back to his hotel, hoping he will retum to his room soon, Turn to entry 12, BA. Check Drake and his gung members for surprise. (See “Surprise” in Part3.) Drake's Observation is 54, Histwo gang sters, John Dogan in square 4OAA, and Mike “The Snitch” Robbins in square 40CC, have Observations of 89 and 92, respectively. Note on your adventure recom! sheet how long the Crooks ure Surprised if you succeeded in surprising them. Any of the crooks who are not surprised will fre this tum. If “Mad Dog’ fires, he will direct aburstfiom the Thompson atthe ‘entire party. If Doogan or Robbins fire their 45 automatics, oll randomly to decide which detectives they fie at. You may fire ‘your weapons or drop to the floor this turn. Note which action You take tinder the “Action” column on the adventure record ‘sheet. You may chose separate actions, Continue to resolve the gunfight in one second game tums. “Mad Dog.” Dogan, and Robbins wil stand their ground and, continue firing. “Mad Dog” has four bursts let in the Thomp- ‘son. (He has already fired one burst.) Here are the Basic Ability scores for the gang members: Name Mu_Ag Ob Pr Dr_La_HP “Mad Dog” Jolin Drake 86 79 Bk 7 67 18 2B John Doogan 35 73 80 4 76 2% 18 Mike Robbins 13 49 98 3 71 33 15 The gunfight will continue untit: 1. All the detectives are dead. Tum to entry 74. 2. Drake is dead and Dogan and Robbins have taken ‘more than one-half their total hit points in wounds. Turn to entey 77, 8. The gunfight has continued for ive turns. Ifneither of the two outcomes above have occured at the end of round five, tum to entry 89, 85. You go inside the hotel. The desk clerk is a cooperative fellow who gives you the key to Drake's room and tells you that the mobster is notin right now. You go upstairs and search the room. You find: 1, Several changes of clothes, toilet articles, and some loose change; 2. A calendar with today’s date circled in red, 3A savings passbook from the Lakefront City First Na- tional Bank. The passbook shows only one deposit, for 85, made yesterday. 1. You may go back outside and wait for Drake to return. Turn to entry 63. 2. Or you can call police headquarters und tell them what you have found. Turn to entry 86. 36. You hear the rate of submachine gun fire, and lead fies all around you. You peek out from your car and see a black limou- ssine passing slowly on your right, with a man in the rear seat firing a Thompson at your car. The man's agility is 64. This is ‘modified by -30 for for firing a burst, and -10 for firing from a slow moving ear. (See “Gunfight Modifiers Table” in Part 3.) ‘Thus his modified Agility is 24. Roll percentile dice. A result of 24 orless indicates that the burst has hit yourcar. Ifthe car is hit, roll on the “Vehicle Damage Table” in Part 8 to determine ‘the damage to your car. Ifthe burst hits awindshield orwindow, each member of the party receives 10 points of wounds. Even detectives who dove for cover on the seats or floor receive the ‘wounds; they were only partially covered this tum, and will not, be completely covered until the beginning of next tum. (See “Gunfights in Part 3 for an explanation of cover.) Members of the party may choose their actions individually. 1. You may ty to take cover on the floors or seats of the car. 2. You may draw your weapon or grab a weapon from the back seat ofthe car (where the Thompson and the shot- ‘gun are kept), 3. Or, if the driver is not surprised and ifthe car has not ‘suffered a critical hit, the driver may start the engine. ‘Turn to entry 90. 87. As you speed through the streets afier the crooks, a char- ‘reuse coal trick pulls into the street ahead of you, Your driver ‘wists the wheel frantically, sending your car skidding through the streets, The car jumps the curb and slams into the side of building Roll 2410°on the “Crash Damage Table” to determine the result of your erash. 1. Ifyou have not received more than half or your hit points in wounds after the crash, turn to page 66 and Bart chasing the criminals (on foot ifneeded.) Be sure fonote whether or ot your ear will run on the adven= ture record sheet, 2. Ifyou are killed orinjured seriously in the crash, you ‘may curse chartreuse vehicles ofall types and prepare for more adventures in your GANGBUSTERS™role playing game! 8. Resolve the gunfight with Drake tum by tumn.Oncehe sno longer suxprised, Drake will stand his ground and fire bursts, from the Thompson at your party. He has one 50-round drum and he can therefore fire bursts. Mier the Thompson isempty, Drake will drop itanddrawa.45 automatic pistol. The gunfight will continue until all the detectives are dead or until Drake is dead. You are five to choose your actions independently of one another for the duration of the gunfight. Drake’s Basic Ability scores are: Nam Ma_Ag Ob Pr _Dr_La HP “Mad Dog? Johnny Bake 85—«TO«BROT OT 1B BB L.If Drake is killed, go to entry 80. 2. If your party is killed, go to entry 74. 39. Congratulations! You have won the Astight, and the three men are now unconscious at your feet. The two bouncers stand i front of you, inviting you to leave before there is any more trouble. Drake is nowhere in sight, and Harrigan’s is empty except for you and the bouncers, 1. You may show your badges and search Harrigan’s, Tura to entry 7. 2, You may agree to leave, and then search the streets (01 foot for Johnny Drake. Tura to entry 3 3. You may agree to leave, and then search the streets in your car for Johnny Drake. Go to entry 18. 4. Or you may agree to leave and return to Drake's hotel, hoping he will return there soon. Tum to entry 12, 40. Resolve your gunfire and the crim tum. (See “Sequence of Play Outline,” “Gunfights,” and "Car Movement Table” in part 8.) The criminals will drive at fast speed up Broad Street, tum left on Maxwell, and exit the map, Remember to make Driving checks for the driver of the limou- ‘sine as called for. (See Cars” in Part.) He has adsiving score of 68. You may continue firing until one of the following happens: movement tam by 1. The driver of the limousine is hit. Turn to entey 8. 2. The limousine suffersa lat tire ora critical hit.Turn to entry 95. 3. The limousine crashes for any reason. Turn to entry 4, 4. The limousine leaves the map. Turn to entry 41. The speakeasy patrons stare at you, and the bouncer seems nemwous. He Bally says, “Hey, this isn’t any loitering place Take a seat or take a hike.” 1. You may go back to entry 5 and choose another course of action. 2.0r you may leave Harrigan's and run the stake-out from square 66P, tun to entry 11. AB. Drake walks to Canal Street, tums the comer, and goes into Harrigan's speakeasy. You turn the car around and park in square 67D, facing the intersection of Canal and Broad streets 1, Youmay waitin the ear for Druke to come back out. Turn to entry LL. 2. Or you may go inside Harrigan's. Turn to entey 5 43. The detectives who made successfil Observation checks see the bouncer from Harrigan's stick his head out the door, look down the street, stare at them foramoment,and then duck back inside. 1, You may go back to Harrigan’s and attempt to enter, Tura to entry I 2. Oryou may remain where you are: Ifyou are stand ing al the corner, turn to entry L¥. Ifyou are waiting in your car, turn to entry 49. 44. Your driver steps on the gas, and you quickly catch the limousine. You may now ty to cut them off (See “Special Driving Actions” in Part 3.) The driver of the limousine has a Driving score of 62, Play out the chase and cut off tum by turn, 1. Ifyou succeed, the limousine crashes either into a building on Maxwell Street, or into a building on the right side of Broad Street. Turn to entry 31 2. Ifthe limousine left the map before you could ext it ff, turn to entsy 45. This is the second tum ofa gunfight. The limousine moves, at slow speed to square 651. The passenger fires another burst ‘atyou, Roll percentiledice now. A rollof24 orless indicates you have been hit. Each detective takes 10 points of wounds. Ifthis kills any of you, remember to make your Laick check! (See “Ability checks” in Part 2.) 1. Ifyour car is parked in front of Harrigan’, you attempt to pursue the attackers. Tarn to entry 58. . Or you may fire at the attackers for as long as possible. Tum to entry 40, 46, This is the third tum ofa gunfight. The actions you choseat entry 90 are the actions you will ake this tum. The limousin will ran at fast speed, taming left onto Broad Street. The gun- ‘man in the rear seat is taking cover on the floor ofthe car. Note that he is not completely hidden wntil next tums this turn h counts as a partially covered target simply because he is inside the car. (See “Gunfights” in Par’8 for an explanation of cover.) Use the following step-by-step procedure to resolve the ation Please turn to next page 1. Move the limousine half its move. This will place it in square 68T facing Maxwell Street. 2'Tt your car is moving this tum, move it 3 squares forward. (You would have had to start it last tum.) 3. Ifany detectives are fring at the hit-men oF at the limousine, resolve the fire now. Make any Drivingchecks required if the driver or the tres suller damage. (See “Cars in Part 8), Irthe limousine erashes, tm tmme- diately to entry 81. iit does not crash, goto step 4 4. Move the limousine the second half of its move, into square 610 facing Mascwell Street 5 ifyour aris running, move it forward 3 more squares. 6. Ifyou did not make a Driving check for the limousine diver in step 3, make one for him now (he entered the intersection at fast speed) Ifhe crashes, tum to entry B1(See “Sequence of Play Outline” in Par 3 forexplan tion of the step by step procedure.) Use these baste ability scores forthe two men in the eas Name Mu Ob Pr Dr Iu HP Driver 37 59 65 4 62 09 17 Gunman 82 Gt 48 5 St 21 20 When resolving your gunfire, note that any burst from the ‘Thompson hitting the windshield or window of the limousine will cause 15 points of wounds to both men. But ifthe burst hits next tim, the gunman in the ack seat will be completely hidden and will tke no damage. The driver will til take 15 points of wound damage. 1. Ifyour ear moved this turn, go to entry 17. 21 Ifyour ear did not move, turn to entry 76. 3. Ifthe limousine crashed this turn, o to entry 31. 47. The three men fire at ou again. You are now ina gunfight, so the action is resolved in one second game turns. All three ‘men will continue firing until you are dead, the three men are dead, orall three men have taken more than half their hit points in wounds. The bartenderhas 17 hitpoints, while bouncerTed Kupemiick has 15 and bouncer Jimmy Nicholson has 28. ‘You may take coveranywhere inside Harrigan's, The bartender and the bouncers will remain in squares O3A, 63P, and 61E, They will fie until they nun out of ammunition, at which time they wil take cover behind the nearest table or bar, reload, and continue firing Each man will always fire atthe nearest detec Live. Iftwo detectives are the same distance from a gunman, roll randomly to determine who he shoots at. 1. Ifyou win the gunfight, turn to entry 78. 2 Ifall detectives are killed, turn to entry 75. 48. You wait another 25 minutes. No one goes in or out of Harrigan’s. You have seen no sign of.Johnuy Dike. The doorto the speakeasy is still shut, and the “Closed” sign still hangs on the door, 4 Youmay try again to enterTHarigan's Turn to entry 2. You may search the streets in your ear for Johnny Drake. Turn to entry 18. 3.Oryou may go back to Drake's hotel, hoping he will ‘return to his room soon. Turn to entry 12. 49. You are parked infront of Harrigan’s, facing the intersection of Canal and Broad Streets. You hear the squeal of tires behind ‘you, just to the right of your car, Each detective must make an Observation check to see ifhe is sumprised. (See “Surprise” in Part3.) [fany of you are surprised, note the number of tumson your adventure record sheet. Surprised detectives may take no 10 action as longas they remain suzprised, Detectives who are not surprised may choose next turn’s actions independently. Note your action on your adventure record sheet. 1. Ifyou are surprised, ignore the sound and continue watching Harrigan’s, Turn to entry 20. 2. Ifyou are not surprised, you may dive for cover on the floor of the ear. Turn to entry 36. 8. Or you may look to see what all the noise is about. Tum to entry 57. 50. Flynn continues his attack, but any other thags involved in the fight run for the door immediately. All the customers in Harrigan’s also run for the door, leaving only you, Flynn, the bartender, and the bouncers inside. Flynn will continue to attack until he is knocked ot. 1. Ifyou knock Flynn unconscious, tarn to entry 59. 2. If Fiynn knocks out all of you, tum to entry 6. 51. Thebearced man approachesa teller window. The other two men, standing nearby, study the room. The bearded man slips ‘his hand inside his coatand says to the teller, Td like to makea withdrawal.” 1. You may draw your gunand shout,"Freeze! Police!” Tusa to entry 16. 2, Oryou may wait and let the situation develop. Turn to entry 79. 2. None of the men surrender, so this is the first tam of a gunfight. You are fire to open fire, or to take any otheraction you desire. Note your choice of action on your adventure record sheet. Turn to entry 61. 158, You dial the number and the phone rings. A rough voice on the other end answers, “Tolino’s Family Restaurant business office. What do you want?” 1. You may hang up immediately. Turn to the entry you Inst read and choose another course of action. 2. Oryou may start a conversation with the man on the phone. Turn to entry 63. 4. Count the numberof tums it takes you to nun outside. (See “Movement” in Part.) Remember, you can only run 8 squares tum, and you must stop for a full tum at the bank door to open, it, During the first tim, Drake approaches his car. During the second tim, he jumps inside. During the the third and fourth tums, his car moves at slow speed toward Canal Street. During the ith tum, and every tum after, his car moves at fast speed until itis off the map, Once you are outside, you may fire at Drake's car until itleaves ‘the map. Ifyou hit the car roll on the “Vehicle Damage Table” in Part Sof the niles todetermine whether or not you stop it. you hit the windshield or a tire, be suse to make a driving check for the driver of Drake's car. (See “Ability checks” i Part 2.) Note that ifthe car suffers a windshield hit, the driver of the car also takes damage from the hit. (Drake and the other thig are com pletely hidden on the Noor of the car.) Ifthe driver is killed, the ‘car will crash automatically, (He has 18 hit points.) 1. If Drake’s car runs off the map, turn to entry 64. 2. Ifyou cause Drake's car to crash, turn to entry 94. 5B. Congratulations on living this long! Detectives who have taken more than one-half their hit points in wounds must leave the game at this time and go to the hospital Please turn to next page When you search the limousine, you find an envelope contain- ing 82,000 in cash and a note that reads: Four cops on Drake’s tal, Hit them.” Iany detectives do not have tog to the hospital (thus ending the adventure), they may go to Drake's hotel 56. The door fies open at last. The doorway is wide ent two detectives to stand in, Draw a rough diagram indicating where each detective stands, Theze should be two in the front, and two behind them, asstimingall fourdetectives are still alive ‘Turn to entry 87, You seeablack limousine skidding alongbeside yourcar. A gin the back seat alms Thompson submachine gun at your jurn to entry 36. 58. Calculate the number of tums it takes to get all the detec- Lives into your car (See “Movement” in Part 3.) Remember to count one tum for each action, including stich things as stan ingup, running to the car, getting into the car, and so on. Move the criminals’ car 6 squares for each tum your pasty spent preparing to pursue them. They will move straight up Broad Street and tum left onto Maxwell Steet. They will ty to drive off the map on Maxwell Street. Once your caris moving, move both cars cach tum. If you choose to use fast speed, remember to ck for crashes each time you tum a comer or enter an intersection. (See “Cars” in Part 3. Cars travelingat slow speed move 6 squares per tur, and cars traveling at fast speed move 15 squares a turn, See "Car Movement Table” in Part 3.) Ifyou choose to use fast speed, you must move at slow speed for two tums before doing so. You do not need to check for crashes at intersections with alleys. 1. If your ear catches the Hmousine before it nuns off the map, turn to entry 4. 2. Ifyour ear does not eateh limousine before it leaves the map, turn to entry 66. 59. Flynn drops to the floor. The bartender and bouncers, the only other people in the room, do not want to have anything to do with yor. Ifany detectives are unconscious, you may awaken them: 1. You may search Harrigan’s. Tum to entry 7. 2. You may search the streets on foot for Drake. Turn to entry 8. 3. You may return to your car and search the streets for Johnny Drake. Turn to entry 18. 60.0n the third tum ofthe fistight, two men from squares 683 and 61C will join Flynn's side; they are “Mikey the Muga” Johnson und“Kntickles” Allen. Mikey the Muga" has a panch: ing score of 3,an agility of 69, and has 17 hit points. “Knuek- les” has a punching score of 4 an agility of 86,and has 20 hit points. They will aways fight fair. Roll randomly to determine which detectives they attack. Resolve the first tim of the fstfight now. (See “Fistfights” in Par 3.) 1. You may continue the fistfight. Turn to entry 73. 2.Or you may pull out your badges and identify your- selves as police officers, Turn to entry 50. 61.Resolv he gunfight warn by tum, Drake will fire five bursts Thompson; he will then draw a AB automatic pistol il he is dead. Doogan and Robbins will spend the frst tim of the gunfight taming around, and will then fight with AB automatic pistols ntl they have taken half or more of their hit points in wounds, If seriously wounded, they will nan for their car, which is parked in square 40W, When resolving the gunfight, roll rundomily to determine which detective they will fire at. They may fire at the same detective, Continue the gun: Aight watik: 1, Drake is dead and the other two crooks are running oF dead. Tura to entey 9. 2. All the detectives are dead. hurn to entry 23, 62 You nin toward Drake each tum he remains surprised. On the Arst tim he is not sumprised, he will fire a burst from the Thompson at all the detectives, Resolve the action tum by tr, You may open fire on Drake in any tum, but you must stop rnmning todo so. You may not fire at Drake another detective is in the same square with him, This fight will continue nti Drake is dead or unconscious, or all the detectives are dead fall the detectives are killed, turn entry 74. 2. If Drake is killed, turn to entry 80. - If Drake is knocked unconscious, but not killed, turn to entry 91, a 63. “This is Drake.” you answer, thinking fast Before you can say anything more, the voice says, “The hit’s ‘been onlered. You won't have to’ worry about those lousy coppers mich longer. Meet me at the ustial place after the jb. Have the money ready.” Before you can ask any other questions, the phone clicks and oes dead. Turn to the entry you rend before 53 and choose another course of action. G4, Drake's car rushes down the street. As you glimpse it .ppearing into the traffic,adelivery truck pullsactoss Broad Street and blocks your sight. Later, after receiving your new assignment (guarding the ‘mayor's garbage cans), you leam that Drake got away with over 830,000. ‘This ends the adventure “Mad Dog’ Johnny Drake.” You are now ready for more adventures in the exciting world of your GANGBUSTERS" role playing game! 65. You wait for half an hour, but nothing happens, Roll an Observation check for each detective. (See “Ability Checks” in Par2.) 1. Ifany of you pass this check, tum to entry 83. 2! Ifno one passes this check, turn to entry 26. 66. As you pursue the criminals offthe map, you nin into heavy traffic. As luck would have it, they get away from you, 1. You may return to Drake's hotel, hoping he will ‘return to his room soon. Turn to entry 12, 2. Or you may return to Harrigan’, if you have not ‘been inside yet. Turn to entry 23. 67. Asyou nish through the front door, you see Drake facing the lobby in square 40Y, holding his Thompson submachine gun. His men, John Doogan and Mike “The Snitch” Robbins, stand in squares 40AA and 40CC respectively. Each holds a 45 automatic on the tellers in the nearby windows. Allofthe tellers are stuffing money into cloth money bags. Everybody else in the bank is standing in the comer of the room with their hands in the air ‘You may stop just inside the doorway, pointyour weapons, and shout, “Drop those guns! Police!” Or you may nin for cover behind thecustomerwritingtables, These are marble-top tables ‘which will provide partial cover. Note which action you take on your adventure record sheet. Turn to page 21. 68. You have juststarted a fistfight with the bartender. There are ‘two bouncers in the speakeasy, Ted Kupemick in square 62H, and Jimmy Nicholson in square 65E. They will aid the bar- tender as soon as they can run to the fight. (See “Movement” in Part 3.) ‘The bartender’s punching score is 4, Kupemick’s is 3, and Nicholson's is 5. (Check the bartender for surprise (see “Suprise” in Part 3), and then resolve the fight tum by tum, (See “Fistfights” in Part 3.) ‘The bartender and the bouncers will all fight until they are ‘knocked unconscious. 12 Here are the Basic Ability scores for the bouncers and the bartender: Name Mu Dr_Lu HP Bartender 67 58 63 5 58 13 17 Ted Kupemick «83. «AT «84 BGG BRB Jimmy Nicholson 90 90 44 5 67 22 23 1. Ifyou win the fstfight, tar to entry 15, 2 If the bartender and the bouncers knock out all of ‘you, tum to entry 6. 69. The bartender says, “Hold it, boys: they’re coppers!” He drops his gun and raises his hands into the air. The bouncers slowly do the same thing, “Gee, I'm sorry, fellas,” the bartender says, “We thought you wereabunch ofhoods trying tobust in or something” ‘You may search Harrigan’s and arrest all three men, Turn to entry 7. 70. You go into the bank and each detective takes a position at the end of one of the writing tables. Be sure to note your positions in the bank with counters. You are waiting for Drake to rob the bank. Turn to entry 98. 71.You search the streets fortwenty minutes and sce no sign of Johnny Drake. You decide to go back to the hotel, hoping he will retum to his room soon, ‘Turn to entry 12. 72. Too bad! You may be interested to know that each of you received an enormous spread of roses and camations at your fianerals, The canis read: “My deepest sympathy to the family of one who gave his life in the line of duty. JOHNNY DRAKE” ‘This ends the adventure “ ‘Mad Dog’ Johnny Drake.” You are now ready for more exciting adventures in the world of your GANBUSTERS" role-playing game! 7B.Continue to resolve the fistiight tum by tum untilone ofthe following happens: 1. Flynn and his friends are knocked unconscious. Turn to entry 39. 2. All ofyou are knocked unconscious. Turn to entry 6, 74. You died as heroes, The uniformed officers nushed into the bank justafieryourdeaths, their guns blazing, and sent Johnny Drake to a justice higher than any given by man. Doogan and Robbing surrendered, badly wounded. You will be sorely missed among the ranks of Lakefiont City’s finest. ‘This ends the adventure “Mad Dog’ Johnny Drake.” You are now ready for more exciting adventures in the world of your GANGBUSTERS" role-playing game! 75. Too bad, you never know what's lurking behind locked doors in the exciting world of the GANGBUSTERS™ game do 1. You may end the adventure “ ‘Mad Dog’ Johnny: Drake.” You are now ready for other exciting adven- tures in the world of your GANGBUSTERS™ role- playing game! 2. Or you may pretend you never made this terrible mistake. Go back to START and begin the module again. 76. You finally start your car and rush afte fas you tum the comer onto Broad Sire traffic and can no longe yourattackers. But ou nun into heavy -e their car! They have escaped! 1. Ifyou have not been inside Harrigan’s, you may go back there. Turn to entey 22, 2.Or you may go baek to Drake's hotel, hoping he will return there soon, Turn to entry 12. 77. Doogan and Robbins surrenderto you! Congratulations on a job well done. This ends the adventure * ‘Mad Dog’ Johnny Drake.” You are now ready for further adventures in the world of| your GANGBUSTERS™ role-playing game! 78. You have just gunned down three men who might have given you valuable information. On top of that, a search of Harrigan's reveals no trace of “Mad Dog" Johnny Drake. After calling some of the boys in blue to clean up the camage, you 1. Go back to Drake's hotel, hoping Drake will return there soon. Turn to entey 12, 2. Ifyou have not read entry 14 or 49, you may search the streets on foot for Johnny Drake. Tum to entry3. 8. Ifyou have not read entry Lior 49, you may return to your car and search the streets for Johnny Drake in it Turn to entry 18, 79. You hear the teller say, “Certainly, Mr, Rabinowitz. By the ‘way, you played beautifully at the concert Saturday night.” Your patience paid off You recognize the man as Abraham Rabino- ‘wits, first violinist for the Lakefront City Symphony Orchestra ‘Turn to entry 81. 80. Congratulations! You have put an end to the reign of @ violent criminal. Your work will be commended by your de. partment. This ends the adventure "Mad Dog’ Johnny Drake.” You are now ready for farther adventures in the exciting world of your GANGBUSTERS™ playing gume! 81. The Broad Street doors burst open. Johnny Drake rushes into the bank carrying Thompson submachine gun. Twomen carrying 45 automatic pistols come in behind him. Mad Dog oes to Square 40Y and faces the lobby, shouting, “This is a stick-up! Nobody move and you won't get hurt.” The other two ‘men move to squares 40AA and 40CC and omer the tellers to fillallthe bank bags with money. You are NOT surprised; this is what you were expecting, 1. You may wait until Drake and his gang are running ‘out the door before doing anything. Turn to entry 85, 2. Or you may go for your guns and shout, “Freeze! Police!” Turn to entry 34. 82. This is the first tum of a gunfight. While you ran for tables, Doogan and Robbins, fant surprised (See “Surprise” in Part), will tum around, Drake, ifhe is not surprised, will fire burst at you with his Thompson. His Agility is 79. Resolve Drake's fire (see “Gunfights” in Part 3), then continue to re- solve the gun battle tum by tum, Drake will fight rntil he is 13 killed. Doogan and Robbins will ight until they have taken hl ‘ormore ortheirhit points in wounds, They will then rin forthe door, trying to get to their car parked outside in square 40W Continue the fight unttl: 1. Druke is dead and the other two menare either dead or fleeing for the door. Turn to entry 9. 2. All the members of your party are dead. Turn to entry 23. 83. You have just noticed Johnny Drake and two other thugs walking into ihe front door of the First National Bank. Drake carries a1 other two men are drawing pistols. 1. You may rush to the bank immediately and change through the front door. Turn to entry 67. 2. Or you may call for help and take cover outside the ‘bank. Tura to entry 27. 84. As their car screeches to a halt, you hear the wail of sirens. Several squad cars, drawn by the sound of gunfire,come to your aid. Realizing they are hopelessly outnumbered, the hit-men crawl from their car With their hands raised high in the air. Although you interroghte them before turning them over to the uniformed officers, yourquestions go unanswered. You are able to deduce, however, that they were sent by a local crime syndi- ceate to get you off Johnny Drake's trai 1. Ifyou have not attempted to enter Harrigaa’s, you may go back to the speakeasy and search tt Tura to ony’ * 2, Or you may assume you've already lost Drake, and {2 tohishotel hoping he wil retura tos room soon, uta to entry 12 '85, Drake's thugs take the money-bags and fun out the front door Drake shutiles back to square 45¥, stands with hisback to the door, and says, “Thanks, folks! You can tell your grandkids you were robbed by Johnny Drakel” He is nearly out the door 1. You may draw your weapons and shout, “Freeze! Police!” Turn to entry 96. 2, Oryou may wait until Drakes outside before doing anything. Tarn to entry 93. 86, Headquarters agrees with yourassessment ofthe situation. It certainly sounds as if Drake has planned something for the First National. Your captain orders you to go tothe bank im diately and wait for Drake to hit. He places 30 uniformed off ers across thie street to backyou up. As soon as Drake attempts to rob the bank, you are to arrest him. Turn to entry 70. 87. As soon as the door crashes open, three shots ringout. You see the bartender and two bouncers firing at you! Resolve the shots as follows 1. The bartender, standing in square 6BA, fires a AB automatic atthe detective on the right side ofthe door- sway: His Agility i888, Resolve his fire now. (See “Gun fights” in Part 3.) 2, The first bouncer, Ted Kupemick, is kneeling behind ‘an overtumed table in square O3F. He fires a 38 revolver at the detective on the lef side of the doorway. This Getective is partially covered by the booth in square 64F. Kupemiek’s Agility is 47, modified -30 to 17 by the cover. Resolve this fie now. B The second bouncer, Jimmy Nicholson, is standing in square61E.He fires 45 revolverat the detective on the lefts ofthe doorway. His Aa score i 90. Resolve Each detective shiould make an Observation check todetermine whether ornothe is surprised. (See “Surprise” in Par’3.) Note which party members are surprised, and how long they will remain surprised, on your adventure record sheet. Also note what actions unsurprised detecare taking, Detectives who are hot surprised may: 1.Shout,“Police! You're underarrest!” and draw their ‘weapons. Tarn to entry 69. 2. Draw their weapons. Tum to entry 47. 8. Dive for caver. Turn to entry 47. 88, When you check the man’s driver's license, you find that you have justkilled Abraham Rabinowitz first violinist for the Lake~ front City Symphony Orchestra. He is one of the world's most respected musicians. Your entire party is suspended from the police force without pay, and each member must stand trial for the crime of reckless homicide. In addition, a uniformed officer stationed across the street believes he saw Johnny Drake walk- ing into the bank just as your shots rang out. Of course, Drake ‘melted Into the crowd immediately and fled the scene. The Lakefront City Police Department has seen no trace of Drake 1. You may go back to START and play this module again; perhaps you will do better the second time around! 2. Or you may go on to exciting new adventures in the world of your GANGBUSTERS" role-playing game! 80. An explosion of gunfire bursts through the front door of the bank as uniformed officers charge in with their shotguns and Thompsons blazing Drake and his men fall quickly in this hail of gunfire. Congratulations on a job well done! This ends the adw “Mad Dog Johnny Drake.” Youare adventures in the world of your GANGBUSTERS" role-playing game, 90. This is the second tum ofa gunfight. The limousine begins this tum in square 67F and movesat slow speed to square 67. ‘Theactions you chose atthe end of entey 36 are the actions you will take this tun. Meanwhile, the gunman in the back seat fires another burst at your car, Roll percentile dice. A roll of 24 or less indicates that the burst has hit your car. (See "Gunfights” in Part 3.) Ifyour car is hit, roll on the “Vehicle Damage Table” in Part 8 10 determine the damage to your car, Ifthe gunman hits a wind- shield or window, all detectives who are not fully covered take 10 points of wounds. The only detectives who are fully covered this tum are those who took cover atthe end of entry 49. Ifany detectives are killed, remember to have them make their Luck check! (See “Ability checks” in Part 2.) ‘You are now ready to choose actions fornext tum. Any detective who was surprised has recovered and can choose an action for the next tum. The actions you choose will depend to some extent on what you did this tum. 1. Pasty members who are already filly covered or who were taking cover this tim may remain fully covered next 2, Party members who drew or grabbeda weapon last tum ‘may fire that weapon at the Limousine or either of the hhitemen in the limousine, 3. Iyourdriver started the carlast tum, and itdid not tke a critical hit preventing it from running this turn, he may ‘move the car to square 67K. You will be starting to chase your attackers 4. Ifthe caris not yet started, yourdriver may start the car, ‘The car will not start if it has received any critical hits, 1. Ifany of you survived the attack, note your actions oa your adventure record sheet and turn to entry 46. Detectives may choose separate actions. 2.fall members ofyour party are dead, tun to entry 91. Super job! You capture Drake alive. Meanwhile, the officers ‘outside the bank have rounded up his gang members. You will allbe highly praised in the newspapersand receive a $50 bons inyourpaychecks. (F-B.L agent Clark receives 8100 bonus in his paycheck.) You are now ready for more adventures in the exciting world of your GANGBUSTERS" role-playing game! 92.The criminals have escaped from you, and you don’tknow if Drake has left Harrigan’s during the gunfight. 1. If you have not been inside Harrigan’s, you may search the speakeasy. Turn to entry 22. 2. You may search the streets on foot for Johnny Drake; tun to entry 71. ‘8. You may also search the streets in your car. Turn to entry 33. 4. Or you may go back to Drake's hotel, hoping he will return to his room soon. Turn to entry 12. 98, Drake is now outside the bank. You may draw your weapons and nin to the door. ‘Tur to entry 54. 94. You almost let Drake get away! Luckily for you, Drake's car now lies on its side in the street, and the criminals have thrown their guns out and are crawling fom the wreckage with their hhands high in the air. You know you almost blew the collar, but if'you're lucky, the captain won't hear about your mistake. As you breathe a sigh of relief, you notice that one of the witnesses in the bank was a reporter for the Lakefront Gazette, and even now he is taking notes for his story on how several detectives almost let Johnny Drake slip away with 880,000 in cash. ‘This ends the adventure “Mad Dog’ Johnny Drake.” You are now ready for more exciting adventures in the world of your GANGBUSTERS™ mole playing game! 95. The carhas suifered acritical ht. twilleitherstop ran Immediately or in five tums(See “Vehicle Damage Table” in Parc3.) Iftieearwillnotstop forfive tims, play those ive turns individually. If Uhe car has left the map at the end of those five ums he criminals hve sipped nian aly an escaped on it Ifthe car stops sunning immediately, orhas not left the map at theendof the five turns, the hit-men will take coverbehind their car and start a gunfight with you. The gunfight will continue tuntil all of you are dead or they are dead. (See “Gunfights” in Part to resolve the gunfight.) Here are the Basic Ability scores for the criminals: Nam Mu Ag Ob Pr Dr Iu HP Driver 37 59 65 4 62 09 17 Gunman a a a) ‘The diver has a.45 automatic pistoland enough ammoto keep reloading until the gunfight ends. The gunman has 30 rounds Jeft in the Thompson (enough for three more bursts). He also has an additional 50-round drum, which is good for five more ‘bursts. Ifhe empties both drums, he will draw a AS automatic pistol and continue fighting Ifthe criminals escape, you may: 1. Search Harrigan’s (only if you have not entered it, PE Tam to entry a8. Go to Drake's hotel, hoping he will return to his room soon. Tum to entry 12. If the criminals did not escape and: 1. You lost the gunfight, turn to entry 72. 2! You won the gunfight, tum to entry 55. 96, Drake must be checked for susprise. His Observation is 54. 1. If Drake is surprised, turn to entry 99. 2. If Drake is not surprised, turn to entry 101. 97. The bearded man draws his s pocket. You recognize him as Abraham Rabinowitz, first violinist for the Lakefzont City Symphony Orchestra, as soon he shows you h driver's license. He tells you he came to withdraw some money for'a new violin, ‘Turn to entry 81. £98. Three men wal into the bank through the font door. Two fare young men in good condition, The third is Drake's height ‘and weight, but you cant see his face because his hat is pulled down overhis eyes, he has a beard, and he wears thick gasses. All dhree men wear dark business suits, and cary violin eases. 1. You may arrest the three men now. Tarn to entry 102. 2. Oryou may wait and let the situation develop. Turn toentry 51. 99. You may fire at Drake while he is surprised, or close with him, 1. Ifyou fire at him, turn to entry 38. 2 Ifyou close with him, turn to entry 62. 100. You open fire. You do not need to roll the dice; you auto- ‘matically kill the bearded man, and wound the other two. They surrender immediately. , Turn to entey 88. 101. Drake is not surprised. He fires a burst at your party this tuum. You may fire back at him this tum, or you may take cover behind the tables. The gunfight will continue until Drake is dead or all the members of the party are dead. Drake will fire ‘bursts with the Thompson each tum forfive tums,and will hen drop the Thompson and draw his 45 automatic pistol All the while, Drake shouts “You lousy coppers! You'll never take Johnny Drake alive! Never!” Resolve the gunfight tum by tam. (See “Gunfights” in Part 8.) Here are Drake's Basie Ability Scores: Name Mu_Ag Ob Pr Dr La HP “Mad Johnny 86 79 Bk 7 67 18 2 L.If Drake is killed, turn to entry 80. 2 Ifall of you are killed, turn to entry 74, 102. You quickly handcuff the men and take them downtown, ‘When you ty to book them, however, your captain recognizes the bearded man as Abraham Rabinowitz, first violinist for the Lakefront City Symphony Orchestra. About this time, you hear the wail of sirens and the distant ratle of Thompson subma- chine gun fire. You rush bagk to the bank, discovering that Drake robbed it a few minutes after you arrested Rabinowitz (Once aguin, Druke has escaped the longarm of the law, and your captain is not very happy about it. He gives you your new assignments on the spot; you are to guard the mayor's garbage cans and arrest the vicious mongrels who have been raiding them in search of steak bones. ‘This ends the adventure * ‘Mad Dog’ Johnny Drake.” You are now ready for more exciting adventures in the world of your GANGBUSTERS" role-playing game!

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