Operation: Extermination: by Miguel Federici

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Operation: Extermination by Miguel Federici

by Miguel Federici

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Operation: Extermination by Miguel Federici

The Sigma Files

The Sigma Files is dedicated to the preservation of the Top Secret/S.I. universe. It will contain what we all most
need; a collection of scenarios. All work is freely distributed on the following conditions:
Permission is granted to reproduce this module for personal use only.
You may download a copy of this module but you cannot sell copies of this scenario.
You can publish it on a web page or an FTP site with the written permission of the writer.
You must not base any work on the contents of this module or hold them out to be your own.
Feel free to modify or correct the information to suit your campaign style (my native language is
Spanish not English).
All inquires about the Sigma Files should be sent to: [email protected]
I hope you enjoy the module
Miguel Federici aka Mike
29 January 2001

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Operation: Extermination by Miguel Federici

Table of Contents

The agents profile is displayed on a screen in front of them.

Code name:

Administrator Information ............................................................. 3

The Gathering................................................................................... 3
On The Road..................................................................................... 4
Mistic ............................................................................................. 4
Wild Cars...........................................................................................4
Guns and Roses ................................................................................5
Happy Ending?.................................................................................5

Administrator Information
This is a short scenario where the characters are special agents
of an intelligence organization such as Orion, the CIA, the FBI
or the one used by you. They are about to be sent on a
termination mission, tracking down an old fello w agent. Their
controller or head of operations, will brief them on the
operation profile and send them out to hunt the enemy.

Vittorio Gianelli
5 ft. 9 in.
155 lbs.
22 Dec 51, Roma

Begin Rules Section








Native Language:
Code Name:
Luck Points:


Psychological Profile: Cruelty Total, Sanity Some, Passion Some/High,

Loyalty None, Selfishness High, Piety None

The Gathering

Tags: Chain smoker

The controller or head of operation contacts the PCs and

instructs them to come to the base headquarters for a mission
briefing. He mentions nothing about the mission, only that it
involves some kind of hunting operation. After making their
way to the base, they are met by the controller. He ushers
them into his office, greets them and motions them to take

Disadvantages: Addiction Turkish cigarettes (2), Overconfident

Players Information (Operation Briefing)

A few days ago an informant told us that someone on the
streets was selling vital information regarding our own
undercover agents identities. Since that day, the
psychological group debriefed many agents and examined
all the personnel files to discover where was the leak.
Today one agent was targeted for extermination.
His skills were mostly gained as a field agent. Stiletto
knows that he has been discovered and targeted for
elimination. In fact he laughs at the situation. Until the
discovery he was the Head Case Officer of our Western
Europe branch.
This veteran agent was the main termination coordinator,
and should be treated with extreme precaution. Some of his
expertise includes marksmanship, infiltration, assassination,
surveillance and close combat fighting styles (usually he
carries a long stiletto).
Theres an old story of a Titan Team exercise when he was
supposed to infiltrate a ship and eliminate one target
(played by the Titan Team commander); Stiletto dispatched
all the Titan operatives leaving them unconscious or with
broken bones as a souvenir, the Titan Team commander
needed one week of hospital to patch up his wounds!

Advantages: Ambidexterity, Photographic Memory, Sixth Sense (1)

Skills: Basic Firearms, Basic Liberal Arts, Basic Melee, Basic Science,
Brawling (3) [Attack/Defence, Multiple Attacks, Stun], Concealment (3),
Demolitions, Drive Automobile (3), Drive Motorcycle (2), Fingerprinting
(1), First Aid (1), Forgery (2), Interrogation (3), Knife (4), Language
English (5), Parachuting (2), Photography (1), Pistol (4), Rifle (2), Silent Kill
(2), Social Chameleon (4), Stealth (5), Stiletto (5), Submachine Gun (3),
Surveillance (3), Survival Desert (1), Survival Jungle (1)
End Rules Section

Nearly all agents have crossed Stiletto once but they have
never spoken to him; he is some kind of legend within the
The operator will conclude the briefing by explaining that the
characters have free reign as to when and how to dispose of
the traitor. They are issued the address of one club called
Mistic that he used to visit quite often.
The only requirement for the extermination is that it be
completed by Sunday, the briefing will finish at noon on

The Supply Bureau (Inventory)

Each PC will be issued the normal stuff (administrators know
if gadgets are available or not) and the required individual
equipment (explosives arent available). The PCs are given
handguns of their choice (equipped with silencers if required).
Extra equipment is left solely to the Administrator.
In addition to this, the agent with the highest driving skill
receives the keys to the new organisation vehicle - a modified
Volvo S40.
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Operation: Extermination by Miguel Federici

Inside you immediately encounter a guard robe to the right
where you can leave your jackets and suchlike for $5. The
music is very loud (talking is impossible unless shouting)
and the place is filled with people of all ages wildly

Max Spd 130, Acc 14, Hand +20, Brake 35, Prot -35, # Pass 5,
Range 420.
This vehicle is equipped with one minor gadget: there is a
button hidden near the accelerator that activates a rear oil
spray (vehicles behind the car must roll driving checks or
consult the car crash table).

On The Road
A some time when the PCs are moving from place to place, a
civilian will cross in front of them (the agent who drives must
roll a driving check at 15 or run over the civilian for 1d4
locations of 1d8 wounds they were travelling too fast). The
driver can always spend a luck point to avoid running over the
poor soul; otherwise the police are called and the agents are
apprehended for interrogation (two witnesses swear that the
driver was going too fast). If they somehow escape, or dont
stop, the police will hunt the car (theres a 40% of
encountering a police car patrolling the area looking for them).
If they are apprehended, they spend the night in jail and are
released the next day thanks to the organization (remember to
reprimand the agents for being apprehended and for going too

The agents can search the building and ask a few questions to
the barman (Joe) but no one knows anything about the person
they are looking for. Actually Joe knows that Vittorio is a
frequent customer and will inform the PCs of this if one of
them attempts to either seduce him or bribe him with at least
$300. In both cases, treat Joe as a generic civilian for the
purposes of the appropriate WIL roll.
Remember that agents with lechery as a disadvantage will
have to make WIL rolls to avoid getting stuck with all the
pretty ladies.
If (when?) the PCs become frustrated, one of the male agents
suffers the following event:
He is looking for Vittorio when a woman accidentally falls by
his side yelling loudly and appearing to be wounded.
Immediately the character hears a loud voice coming from
behind, What the hell have you done?
When the agent turns round he is attacked by a man wearing a
black leather jacket (roll surprise for the agent, if surprised the
man is granted a free attack, otherwise roll initiative). The
man will fight until stunned or held.
Begin Rules Section

The dance club Mistic is located near the commercial area of
the city, its a big building with only one visible entry. All
windows are black and seem to be closed from the inside
(actually the windows dont open!). The front door is guarded
by two security guards, that are always on the lookout for
trouble. The guards check all customers with a metal detector
rod (the kind used at airports).
Theres a back entry to the kitchen but this too is always
guarded by one security guard.
A ticket costs $30, with a free drink included!
There are a total of eight guards in the building.







Skills: Basic Melee, Boxing (3) [Attack/Defend, Hold, Drop], Surveillance (0)
End Rules Section








Skills: Basic Melee, Boxing (2) [Attack/Defend]

End Rules Section

If the man defeats the agent, the guards will stop the fight; if
the agent wins two guards will attack the agent and within
seconds a big bar fight takes place, enjoy! When the fight ends
those who fought are asked to leave the bar and to not return.
As they are leaving, one of the agents spot Stiletto some 80
yards ahead getting inside a black Audi. He appears to be
looking towards the agents and is smiling.

Wild Cars

Begin Rules Section


One big bar is located to the far end of the building, one
staircase leads up to what appears to be the VIP section.

Stiletto drives his Audi away from the agents, making sure
that they follow him, he will try to ambush them later.
Stilettos Audi : The windows of the car are bullet-proofed,
counting as hard cover for bullets. Besides the car counts with
a nitro that gives an extra 10 acceleration for 8 seconds.
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Operation: Extermination by Miguel Federici

Max Spd 130, Acc 13, Hand +15, Brake 30, Prot -30, # Pass 5,
Range 310
Use the chase flow chart for the car chase; keeping in mind
that if Stiletto is running out of luck he will step the nitro and
disappear from sight.
Then, just when the agents think that Stiletto has escaped, he
appears just ahead them when they round a corner and rams
the agents car at top speed130 mph! Both drivers must roll
driving checks; if both succeed check the crash table and add 5
due to both vehicles speed, if the agents succeed and Stiletto
fails the roll the agents have the ram, otherwise Stiletto rams
the agents car.
The chances are that a crash will ensue. When everything
stops both cars are 40 yards away. Once they get out of the car
have each agent make an INT check to see if they spot Stiletto
running inside the building where the Audi crashed and
destroyed a shop window.
Right above the car a sign reads Flowers of the World.

Guns and Roses

The final encounter occurs inside this flower shop. All kinds
of different flowers block each agents vision, only a few
yards of visibility is allowed. If someone has an allergy to
pollen or flowers as a disadvantage, remember to take the
appropriate steps. Stiletto is hiding somewhere inside, waiting.
Devise or acquire a big map, with lot of places to hide and of
course flowers everywhere.

Stiletto is armed with two Browning High Power 35s (dam

1d6+1, range 20/70/200, ammo 13, load 1c, mods 1), an Uzi
9mm (dam 1d6, range 60/90/270, ammo 40, load 2c) and, of
course, a stiletto (dam 1d6, CCV 9). He has no additional
ammunition for the Uzi, but has two spare clips for each
Browning. He knows that the gentle approach for elimination
is very difficult and tries to kill the agents by firing from
behind his cover one extended burst then another, dropping
the Uzi and diving for another place to hide.
This tactic can last forever, if Stiletto encounters one agent
alone, he will try to approach from behind using stealth if
successful the agent must make a INT roll to see/hear him
coming. If Stiletto approaches unnoticed he attacks, the agent
rolls a INT check to avoid surprise, if surprised Stiletto
selects the head as the location and receives a +2 to damage
for the attack.
Stiletto is so overconfident that he thinks the PCs cant defeat
him, so he fights to the death. If killed the agents hear him
whisper, Impossible. If they check the body they will find a
scrap of paper with some encrypted message (this could be the
headline for the next scenario).
Suddenly a police siren is heard at the distance. This is the
time to leave the place and escape, if they spend too much
time searching the place they will hear the police somewhere
near Stilettos car.

Happy Ending?
Award the surviving agents three Fame and Fortune for
eliminating Stiletto and one extra for agents who performed
heroic acts beyond the line of duty (feel free to award them
more if you feel they deserve it or less if they dont).

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