Performance Fasting

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The document discusses how intermittent fasting has become popular for health and fitness reasons. It introduces Performance Fasting as a comprehensive intermittent fasting guideline that aims to help people maintain energy and perform optimally in all aspects of life.

The document mentions benefits such as weight loss, health improvements, and increased energy levels. It also notes intermittent fasting has been used for thousands of years for religious, spiritual and medical purposes.

Performance Fasting is presented as a full guideline that incorporates supplementation to ensure adequate nutrition while fasting. It aims to make intermittent fasting sustainable for everyday life by maintaining energy levels throughout the day regardless of activities.


Intermittent Fasting (IF) has become a mainstream diet

sensation over the last decade. Movie stars, such as Jennifer
Aniston and Chris Pratt, have used a form of intermittent
fasting to shred down for movie rolls and present a larger-
than-life physique on the silver screen. But what about the
average Joes and Janes of the world that just want to look
their best while handling the rigors of everyday life? Can
they use intermittent fasting and still keep balance?

The short answer is, yes, they absolutely can if they know
what they are doing. The problem with that statement, is that
when it comes to intermittent fasting most people do not
know what to do. Intermittent fasting is a blanket statement.
It is not a concrete diet plan with rules and guidelines out-
lined to help you reach your goals. In its most basic it simply
means to time restrict eating.

The history of fasting dates back millennia and has been used
throughout time for religious, spiritual, social, and health
reasons. Wildly the use of fasting for health and medical
reasons predates the common era. Hippocrates, an ancient
Greek physician, credited with being the “Father of Medi-
cine” living in the 5th century BCE, was the first prominent
figure to use fasting for health and medical purposes.

Fast forward a couple thousand years to today and inter-

mittent fasting is a very popular diet style that thousands of
people worldwide use to reach their health and fitness goals.
Unfortunately, there is no single, agreed upon, guideline for
intermittent fasting. Let alone one that takes into account the
stress and responsibilities of everyday life.

Most intermittent fasting techniques only focus on the diet.

Fast for X number of hours. Eat between blah and blah
o’clock. That is where Performance Fasting comes in. This is
a full, comprehensive guideline to help you reach your fitness
goals, achieve greater health, live longer and perform at your
most optimal. We have taken into account the rigors of ev-
eryday life and come up with a plan to help you maintain en-
ergy throughout the entire day. The best part? Performance
Fasting can work with any training style. This comprehen-
sive diet plan will use heavy supplementation to ensure you
are getting the nutrients your body craves and needs to stay
healthy and perform optimally. But think of it this way, the
money you save on the food you won’t be eating will easily
take care of the supplementation required in this program.

This is not a get shredded quick plan at its heart. To its core
this plan is specifically designed to help you reach your
health, fitness, and life goals. It is called Performance Fast-
ing for a reason. You will be able to perform optimally in all
aspects of life; in the office (or wherever you work), at home
in family life, and in the gym!

A Brief History of Fasting:
Fasting for religious and spiritual reasons:
Most religions, past and present, use a period of fasting. In ancient
religions fasting was used as a way to prepare to meet the gods.
This was used mostly by those in a position of religious power,
and it was said that the fasting would open your spirit to the given
deities. The religion practiced by the people of ancient Egypt often
used this fasting technique.

The three major western religions of Judaism, Christianity, and

Islam all use a form of intermittent fasting in their practices. For
Judaism the most well-known is Yom Kippur. During this high holy
day practitioners cannot eat or drink water from sunset to sunset, a
full cycle. Although this is the most commonly known and practiced,
there are several other lesser-known days throughout the Jewish
calendar in which fasting is performed.

Out of the three western religions, Christianity uses the term fasting
the most loosely. In this religion the term fasting is used in relation
to reduction or limiting what one can eat versus limiting the dura-
tion in which food can be consumed. However, many observers do
fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday from sunrise to sunset.

The religion of Islam has strong guidelines when it comes to fast-

ing. Especially during the holy month of Ramadan. During Rama-
dan observers of Islam are not permitted to eat or drink from dawn
till sunset. Unlike most religions, Islam lists days in which fasting is
forbidden (forbidden days).

Fasting for social reasons:

Throughout fasting in the form of history hunger strikes have been
a visible and effective way to call for social justice. The most fa-
mous hunger strikes were organized and conducted by Mahatma
Gandhi in the early to mid 1900’s as a way to peacefully protest
violence and the injustices forced upon the Indian people by the
British colonizers. Today most hunger strikes worldwide take place
in prisons by prisoners to protest the conditions they experience
while incarcerated.

Fasting for fitness, health and medical reasons:

Fasting is one of the first practices in recorded history to be used
for medical purposes. While Hippocrates is the first famous physi-
cian to prescribe fasting as a means to cure disease and infection,
the use of fasting has roots all the way back to ancient Egypt. Most
of the BCE medical uses of fasting are archaic in nature by today’s
standards, as most of their uses were based solely on hypothesis.
It wasn’t until the 1900’s that the first organized studies on fasting
using animal and human subjects were conducted. Fitness and
fasting didn’t go hand in hand until the beginning of the 21st cen-
tury when Intermittent Fasting, in many forms, became a dietary
sensation. While users of this plan tend to claim crazy results and
make near pseudo-scientific claims about its biological effects,
one this remains clear; time restricted eating can help someone
achieve their health and fitness goals!

But how? That is where Performance Fasting comes in. Sift-

ing through all of the claims, and variations of rules, Per-
formance Fasting creates a sold, scientifically backed guide
to help you adhere to the plan and perform optimally in all
aspects of life. From the gym, to work, to family life. Perfor-
mance Fasting will help you!

Now, let’s make one thing clear; unlike most Intermittent

Fasting plans this one will require its fair share of supple-
mentation. Why? Because to stay optimal you will need a few
things while in a fasted state to keep your body going. Think
of it as just stoking the flames a bit to keep you sharp and on
your A game until you need to get the blaze going with whole
foods. The kindling before the firewood if you will. Also
remember that you are going to be eating significantly less.
So, the financial aspect added by the required supplements
should be negated.

Now… Are you ready?

Chapter 1:
What is Performance Fasting?
This diet is based on four key principles:

1) Blood Sugar Control

2) Insulin Control
3) Targeted Nutrient Delivery
4) Accommodating hard training and a demanding

Whether you train in the morning or the evening is irrele-

vant. The post-workout Anabolic window is what most peo-
ple refer to when suggesting that you NEED to eat around
training, and we have since learned that the window is much
longer than we thought – upwards of 24 hours post train-
ing! As long as you get your required amounts of protein,
fat and carbs within that period, timing is secondary to total
amounts eaten. When combined with resistance training,
fasting has been demonstrated to NOT lead the excess mus-
cle loss. (1) The researchers note:

“Lean body mass is generally maintained when IF (intermit-

tent fasting), including when followed for religious reasons,
is combined with resistance training.”

“The combination of IF and resistance training may also lead

to a reduction in body fat, not only during apparent energy
deficit, but also energy surplus.”

Thus, as long as your resistance train 3-5 days per week, you
will maintain and even gain muscle PLUS you will lose fat
and if done as outlined in this book, you will feel great, have
limitless energy, and perform optimally.

This diet WILL require supplements. I have written over a

dozen diet books and articles, and in all of these, supple-
ments have always been optional. But this diet it different.
Throughout months of studying and trying different ap-
proaches, this is the only approach that worked and, in my
opinion, is as close to perfect as you can get for a fasting diet
approach. Supplements will play a major role in this diet and
I will be sure to note which are mandatory and which are
optional (for health benefits, etc.). Let’s get to the meat of this

Chapter 2:
Breaking the Fast
As we’ve discussed, there are more fasting protocols than
anyone can keep track of. We know that the magical effects
of fasting come in the 12–16-hour time period. We want to
maximize this time period but also have to leave enough
time to hit our macronutrient requirements of 1 gram of
protein per pound of bodyweight and .5 grams of fat per
pound of bodyweight. This is hard with OMAD (One Meal a
Day) Diet and is even difficult with two feedings. We need to
establish an optimal time period to eat.

The purpose of the first meal is to slow gastric emptying,

control blood sugar and deliver healthy antioxidants while
priming the body for the food to come.

In 2005 I co-authored the Game Over Cut Diet. In this diet

we had a refeed meal every third day and started this refeed
with green veggies. This proved to be very effective because
it prevented a blood sugar spike and helped keep insulin
control during the feeding period. This meal contained no
direct protein source to minimize insulin spike but since we
have only a short period of time to get the protein in, we will
include it in this meal.

I want to include green veggies like spinach, berries like blue-

berries and a high-quality protein source. 

If you have access
to a blender, a smoothie will be the best course of action. In
this smoothie we will include the following:

• 100-200 grams of blueberries or mixed berries and

fruit (14g carbs per 100g blueberries)
• Handful of spinach – You can’t really overdo this,
calories are negligible
• 20-50g protein from Ambrosia Planta or MTS
Nutrition Machine Whey (adjust per daily needs)

The whole point of this meal is to break your fast and to

prime your body for the rest of your nutrients. The shake is
optimal, but sometimes life isn’t optimal. Here are some food
options for when you are on the road.

• 4-8oz Chicken Breast or Meat that will fit your fat

and protein macros set for the day
• As many green veggies as you’d like
• Some fruit, preferably berries if available
For those who are traveling but want the shake route:

• 1-2 Scoops MTS Nutrition Machine Whey

• Piece of fruit that is higher in fiber, even an apple

Chapter 3:
How Long Do I Fast?
We know what to eat to break the fast, now we have to figure
out when to eat this meal. Your body can’t tell time, but the
data does support fasts of a minimum or 12 hours and for
the purpose of performance, less than 24 hours. Assuming
your last meal of the day is at 9pm, the minimum we would
want to fast is until 9am the next day. But that is when the
benefits just begin. At 1pm it would be 16 hours, which the
minimum length of time I would go between fasts and what
you might need to hit your required macros. If you can go
longer, do so. The longer you can go and still get your macros
in comfortably in the 16–24-hour period, the better.


Shoving all of your needed macros down your throat in an

hour is a lot to ask and for somebody my size, nearly impos-
sible. Thus, if you need more time to fit your macros in, get
that first fast-breaking meal in at 2pm assuming a 9pm final
meal the day prior, or hour 17. Adjust times as needed based
on your final meal. The lower your macros, the less time you
will need to fulfill them throughout the day. Obviously 1,000
calories will be easier to ingest than 3,000 calories and some
individuals might have larger meal tolerance and appetites.

Make this work for you, just be sure to hit that 16-23 hour
fast (23 because we allot one hour minimum to eat).

Chapter 4:
How Much Do I Eat?

Take your bodyweight in pounds and multiply by 12. This is

your starting point.

I will use myself as an example. At 220lbs, I will eat 2,640


Set protein to 1 gram per pound of bodyweight. I would eat

220 grams of protein. This is 880 calories (each gram of carbs
equal 4 calories).

Set fat to .5 grams per pound of bodyweight – 110 grams.

This is 990 calories (each gram of fat equals 9 calories).

Fill in the rest with carbs. We have 1,870 calories from fat
and protein, so 2,640 – 1,955 = 770 calories from carbs.
Carbs are 4 calories per gram, so 770 / 4 = 193 grams of

Our starting macros are 220 grams of protein, 110 grams of

fat and 193 grams of carbs.
While any foods will hit these macros, for Performance
Fasting to work well, we need to eat the optimal foods that I
recommend. But if needed, substitutions can be made, and
the main thing is hitting these numbers. The choices and
methodology are secondary but still very important.

Chapter 5:
When to Adjust
With this program, you might lose a lot of weight the first
week - even 5-10 pounds! This isn’t a bad thing, but if it
doesn’t happen it’s not a bad thing either. The goal is to lose
1-2lbs per week. If you do not lose 2lbs a week, drop your
calories by 240, or reduce carbs by 40 grams. You will have
a lot of room to work since we are starting high. If you gain
over 3lbs your first 3 days, make the caloric adjustment after
3 days.

You can adjust protein as you lose. Just be sure to always keep
protein at 1g per pound bodyweight and fat at .5g per pound.
As you lose, you can adjust these down as well. Just be sure to
make the caloric drops between 200 and 250 calories. Do this
until the goal is reached!

About that goal…

This is not a diet; this is a new lifestyle. With that said, don’t
live and die by this program. If your wife cooks breakfast,
EAT IT! I am not responsible for you being a jerk and will
not reimburse you for child support or alimony. If you have
a client lunch at work, EAT! Try to fast AT LEAST five days a
week. The caveat is you still have to meet your allotted mac-

You will find that NOT eating during the day will free your
body and mind to work better and more efficiently. Eating
takes time and exhausts the body’s resources to digest the
food. After a couple of days on this program when your body
learns to thrive on Ketones, you will have boundless energy
and will not feel hungry at all.

This isn’t fasting, this is PERFORMANCE FASTING!

Chapter 6:
The Rest of the Diet
The thing that separates this diet from other fasting plans is
that we lay out strategies to make you mentally and physi-
cally successful. In creating this diet, I tried it both with and
without supplements.

You need supplements.

I mean, fasting WILL work but in my experience and in the

experience of most who fall off the fasting wagon that I have
spoken to, the physical and mental issues of craving food and
running out of fuel for training compounded with feelings of
hunger are too much to overcome.

We solved those issues.

I will list out “needed” supplements as well as “beneficial”

supplements. Before you complain about the cost, realize you
will be eating out less and focusing on more nutrient dense
foods. You only have a small window to fit in the most nutri-
ent-dense foods, so we want to make sure you make the right
I will also recommend OPTIMAL foods. While the previous-
ly listed macronutrients are the most important thing by far
to reach your weight loss goals, for overall health and nutri-
ent density, there are better foods. That is why I will recom-
mend them and spoiler alert – they are high-protein, satiat-
ing foods. But we love carbs, and this is not a no-carb diet, so
we won’t ignore those either.

Let’s start with the fast – how do we make the fast awesome?

Chapter 7:
Taking the Guesswork Out of Fasting
If you don’t like supplements, this isn’t the diet for you. But
the two ingredients you need to make this work are MCT
and BHB. But not just any MCT, you need the MCT that
works, the part of the MCT that does all of the good stuff
MCTs are known for – the C8 MCT oil.

Most MCT Oil on the market is only 10% C8 MCT Oil – and
that’s not enough. By using pure C8, there are no wasted cal-
ories or upset stomach, which too much MCT Oil can cause.

C8 MCT helps curb cravings, kicks the brain into overdrive
for mental acuity, enhances fat burning, increases energy and
is perfect preworkout. When I take this supplement prework-
out, it greatly enhances my performance. The first week on
this diet while fasted when one would expect to have to adapt
and push through terrible training sessions, I had bound-
less energy, was crushing PRs in the gym and my endurance
while boxing was through the roof!

On training days, I take 3 scoops preworkout with my nor-

mal preworkout stimulant formula and 1-3 scoops during
the day – either by adding an extra scoop to my coffee or by
mixing into my electrolyte beverage. I don’t count this into
my calories because I use it every day – it is a baseline nutri-
ent that will never change. I adjust everything else but always
keep (for me) 3-6 scoops Ambrosia Fuerte in my diet.

On non-training days, I add 2 scoops to my morning coffee

and 1-2 scoops in a beverage later in the day. It is flavorless
so it goes in anything. It even makes the coffee creamier.

As far as dosing is concerned, here is a good rule of thumb:

Under 150lbs
1-2 scoops per day

2-4 scoops per day

200lbs and beyond

4-6 scoops per day

The MCT Oil I recommend is the only one I trust, my brand,

Ambrosia Fuerte™.

Morning Ritual:
Simple, wake up, drink coffee with Ritual AM™ in it (also add
in a scoop of Fuerte™) and you will be set.

Ritual AM™ has BHB’s, MCT Oil and Velositol™. What are

BHB’s are exogenous ketones. Ketones are the energy source

the body converts stored fat to for energy when fasting. By
Drinking Ritual AM™, you give your body a head start in us-
ing fat for energy and avoid the hunger pangs and brain fog.

Get all of the benefits of fasting without the negatives. Plus,

your brain and body will be primed for peak performance!
As for Velositol™, it doubles the power of your protein for 8
hours, so when you do eat, you will maximize your protein

Afternoon Ritual?
Feel free to have another Ritual AM™ and Fuerte™ coffee
Boost around noon or so if desired (or anytime during the
fasting period)

The Food:
The brilliance of this diet is the simplicity. I am not going to
tell you what to eat, but I will tell you to fit those macros.

Our example 220lb male was at starting macros of 220 grams

of protein, 110 grams of fat and 193 grams of carbs. The
shake to break the fast counts toward this, but since it is a
constant in the plan, we will NOT count the Fuerte™ and
Ritual AM™ in this. You can fill these macros with anything
you’d like; but try to eat the healthiest foods possible. For this
I recommend:

• Grass fed cuts of meat

• Wild Caught Fish
• Pasture Raised Eggs
•Plenty of delicious and assorted vegetables
• Healthy Fat sources like Peanut, Almond and
Cashew Butter (I love Fit Butters™)
• MTS Nutrition Machine Whey Protein™
• Ambrosia Planta™
• Sweet Potatoes
• Potatoes
The list is endless, and there are no bad foods, but try to eat
as many good foods (cliché term, but you get it!) as possible!

You can fit these foods in as you see fit in the eating window.
No timing necessary! I will provide an example day at the
end of this book.

Chapter 8:
Must Have Supplements
We have already explained and mentioned:

•Ambrosia Planta™: Plant-Based Option to break the

• MTS Nutrition Machine Whey™: To break the fast
and to fill protein requirement during feeding period
• Ritual AM™: Morning Hack
• Fuerte™: C8 MCT Oil

But what else do we need?

Immunity Boosters!

We now know the immune system is key to fighting off vi-

ruses, and preventing viral replication is enormous. There are
supplements that help you do this, and I am going to recom-
mend you take all of the below supplements but if that’s too
pricey, I need you to take these four no matter what:

1. Vitamin C: 1g twice daily

2. Quercetin: 400mg twice daily
3. Zinc: 30-50mg Per Day
4. Vitamin D: 5,000iu Per Day

But if you can afford it, take the below stack – your health is
my number 1 priority!

Immunity Stack:
1. MTS Nutrition Immortal™ The cornerstone of this stack.
Fully loaded with a vitamin and mineral blend, probiotic
support, greens, liver detox, joint elixir, cardiovascular sup-
port, and salmon oil. Immortal™ sets the groundwork for
your health and physical support.

2. Vitamin C helps your immune system supporting the

production of white blood cells. White blood cells help fight
against infection. Vitamin C also helps protect these white
blood cells from harmful free radicals that can cause damage
and illness.

3. Vitamin D3 has been shown to help prevent and mitigate

the risks of respiratory infections. It has also been linked to
heart health and circulatory system support.

4. Quercetin is an Ionophore, meaning cells more permeable
for other anti-viral supplements to enter the cell and prevent
viral replication. It is also a powerful antioxidant that helps
to control and eliminate harmful free radicals.

5. ZMA is a combination of Zinc, magnesium, and vitamin

B6, all of which help support the immune system in various
ways. Zinc is an ionophore, which means it helps transports
other vitamins and minerals into the cell walls, protecting
them from infection. Magnesium helps to alleviate harmful
inflammation and regulate blood pressure. It has been found
to have positive effects on the cardiovascular system. Vitamin
B6 is important to the immune system as it has been shown
to support the biochemical reactions within it.

6. MTS Nutrition Machine Greens™ is the first of its kind of-
fering not only the most complete health and wellness blend
on the market, but a full offering of healthy all-natural ingre-
dients. Machine Greens + Multi is the first ever health sup-
plement to not only provide the equivalent of multiple serv-
ings of fruits and vegetables, but also provides a complete,
high-end multi-vitamin all in one, convenient supplement!
Machine Greens + Multi™ is the perfect supplement for those
who do not get enough vegetables but want all the benefits
they provide. Plus, when you add the SuperFruit Blend™ and
Green Balance Blend, you no longer need your daily multi-
vitamin — and that puts money right back in your pocket!
Machine Greens + Multi also contains the ProDura™ Blend, a
potent probiotic for gut and overall health as well as support-
ive supplements like Milk Thistle, N-Acetyl L-Cysteine and
Alpha Lipoic Acid to support organ and overall health.
7. Ambrosia Nektar™ contains scientifically validated ingre-
dients in their studied dosages to address the parts of your
body that truly matter. Your key internal organs: the liver,
lungs, heart, and kidney; are often overlooked in favor of
pursuing lower body fat, or more muscle. Now you no longer
have to make that sacrifice with the introduction of Nek-
tar™. This formula uses a combination of 12 ingredients all
in one product. We worry about what we can see. Big biceps.
chiseled chest, strong shoulders. But what about what you
can’t see? The parts of your body that when not functioning
optimally will hinder your results and performance. Liver,
kidneys, blood pressure, blood sugar among other bodily
functions are all rarely addressed by supplements.

All found here:

Other Helpful Items:
1. O15 Nutrition Happy Gutz™:
Happy Gutz™ is the most advanced gut microbiome health
supplement ever created. Happy Gutz™ contains the scientifi-
cally proven dose of CoreBiome® demonstrated to help sup-
port your immune system by augmenting tight junctures in
the intestinal lining.
Corebiome® promotes a healthy microbiome by:
• Supporting digestive regularity,
• Regulating the normal inflammatory response in the
gastrointestinal tract
• Providing antioxidant protection to fight oxidative

O15 Nutrition is the first company to use CoreBiome® in this

industry. CoreBiome® is a unique derivative of a short chain
fatty acid called butyrate, which is naturally produced by
healthy bacteria in our gut when we eat vegetables.
For optimal gut and immune health, we need approximate-
ly 40 grams of carbohydrates from vegetables or resistant
starches) that reach the colon in undigested form to produce
Short Chain Fatty Acids. This helps increase butyrate levels
and low levels of butyrate are associated with an unhealthy
immune response.

Short Chain Fatty Acids (SCFAs) are the FOUNDATION of

gut health and, arguably, human health. 95% of America is
deficient in fiber 70% of the immune system resides in the

Happy Gutz™ also contains 15B CFU Probiotics in the exclu-

sive O15 Probiotic Blend plus a digestive enzyme blend.

2. Preworkout
We want an easy all-in-one here with Creatine and Beta Al-
anine to help with muscle and strength support. MTS Nutri-
tion Sniper™ does this.

The bottom line is, you should be taking 5g creatine and if
desired 3.5-10 grams beta alanine per day. A preworkout is
a way to do this and give you other ingredients to improve
your workout at the same time.

BCAA is useful ESPECIALLY if training is done before or
during the fasted period. They can help you build more mus-
cle and lose more fat.

For BCAA, I recommend 10g during training or 2 scoops of

MTS Nutrition Machine Fuel™ in your workout shaker bottle.

4. Fish Oil
Fish Oil can help with many things including blood-sugar
regulation and lipid profiles. Take 3g combined EPA and
DHA per day, or 5 Soft gels of MTS Nutrition Fish Oil.
5. Electrolytes
Sodium is necessary for all body functions and you also want
to balance it out. Do not worry about too much sodium and
I like to add 2 scoops of MTS Nutrition Naturalyte™ to my
water to sweeten in throughout the day. Also, add sea salt or
Himalayan salt to meals to taste. Sodium is NOT the enemy.
(2) In fact, when you train, you need even more electrolytes!

Training Nutrition
If you train during the fasting period, here is what I want you
do take:

30 Minutes Preworkout
2 Scoops MTS Nutrition Sniper™
1-3 Scoops Ambrosia Fuerte™

During Training
2 Scoops MTS Nutrition Machine Fuel™
Post Workout
We used to think the post-workout period was immediate-
ly after training but now know that it is much longer- over
24 hours! No matter when you train, your next meal will be
your post workout meal. You can have your fast-breaking
shake as this meal.

If you train during the feeding period, you can eat this when-
ever you’d like!

30 Minutes Preworkout
2 Scoops MTS Nutrition Sniper™
1-3 Scoops Ambrosia Fuerte™

During Training
2 Scoops MTS Nutrition Machine Fuel™
Your post workout meal can be whatever meal you want to
enjoy, but if it fits your macros, try to work in O15 Nutrition
Big Hydro™. It is a great post-workout protein that digests
ultra-fast featuring whey Protein Hydrolysate.

Chapter 9:
Putting it all Together
We have the diet all set, so let’s go! This program will be
based on going to sleep at 10pm and waking up at 6am.
Modify this to fit your schedule! I will supply two sched-
ules based on AM training (fasting period) and PM training
(feeding period).



6am: Wake up

6:15am: Take morning supplements:

• Vitamin C
• Vitamin D
• Quercetin
• Zinc
• Immortal™
• Nektar™
• Machine Greens™
• Happy Gutz™

7am: Training! Drink Preworkout Sniper™ and Fuerte™ on

way to gym then train.

9am: Drink Ritual AM™ in Coffee

12pm: Coffee with Ritual AM™ and Fuerte™ if desired

2pm: Fast-Breaking Shake

3pm: Outright Bar™

4pm: Steak with Sweet Potato and Broccoli

7pm: Eggs and Toast

9pm (Bedtime Meal): 2 Scoops MTS Nutrition Machine

Whey made into a brownie topped with Fit Butters™

Nighttime Supplements

• Vitamin C
• Vitamin D
• Quercetin

10pm: Bedtime

6am: Wake up

6:15am: Take morning supplements:

•Vitamin C
•Vitamin D
•Machine Greens™
•Happy Gutz™

6:20am: Drink Ritual AM™ and Fuerte™ in Coffee

12pm: Coffee with Ritual AM™ and Fuerte™ if desired

2pm: Fast-Breaking Shake

3pm: Outright Bar™

4pm: Steak with Sweet Potato and Broccoli

5pm: Training! Drink Preworkout Sniper™ and Fuerte™ on
way to gym then train.

6:30pm: O15 Nutrition Big Hydro™

7pm: Eggs and Toast

9pm (Bedtime Meal): 2 Scoops MTS Nutrition Machine

Whey™ made into a brownie topped with Fit Butters™

Nighttime Supplements

•Vitamin C
•Vitamin D

10pm: Bedtime

And there you have it! Performance Fasting. This guide was
built to be followed and adhered to as a long-term plan will
help you achieve the four key components outlined in mak-
ing sure you are performing optimally: blood sugar control,
insulin control, targeted nutrient delivery and accommo-
dating hard training and a demanding lifestyle. Easily adjust
as you need to continue to reach your goals. With the per-
fect diet plan that ensures you meet your nutritional needs
to keep you at peak performance and the supplementation
instituted throughout this plan is essential to keep your brain
and body functions on point throughout the day. So, make
sure you are using only the highest quality supplements. The
ones that are recommended are optimal.

Performance Fasting is the culmination of years of anecdotal

research combined with scientifically backed ideology and
nutrition planning. A solid plan based around Marc Loblin-
er’s studies using his own body as a test subject. The result?
The best he’s ever felt and, in his own opinion, the best he’s
ever looked. And that is the key. Creating a plan to help you
look and feel like the best version of yourself in your own
By stripping away the complexities and Intermittent Fasting
down into its key components, its skeleton. Creating the per-
fect diet plan to keep you full. A diet plan that satiates your
body and mind to keep you performing optimally no matter
what you do for work, no matter what your home life is like,
and no matter what style and time you train. This diet with
the addition or an elite supplementation plan to make up for
any of its potentially perceived short comings
Performance Fasting is the new gold standard in time re-
stricted diet plans. This fully well-rounded program will help
you achieve your goals if you adhere to it. Which should be
easy given the perfectly simplified guide that has been laid
out. How do we know Performance Fasting will work? Be-
sides Marc’s anecdotal evidence, only the leading studies and
with scientifically backed conclusions were used. No pseu-
do-science. No unbacked claims. Only the truth. Because
you CAN handle the truth.

Now, take this guide and go lead your most optimal life.
Reach your goals. And be the best version of you possible.

2) Bates, Graham P, and Veronica S Miller. “Sweat Rate and Sodium
Loss during Work in the Heat.” Journal of Occupational Medicine and
Toxicology (London, England) 3 (2008): 4. PMC. Web. Jan. 2017.

Marc Lobliner
Marc is currently Chief Marketing Officer of, a 2012-
2018 INC. 500/5000 company as well as Owner/CEO of the fastest
growing supplement company, MTS Nutrition, #116 on the 2017 INC.
500, and creator of The Outright Bar and Outright Foods. Marc is Part-
ner in Ambrosia Nutraceuticals, O15 Nutrition, Per Vitam, PumpChas-
ers Supplements, Iron Addicts Gym and Owner of Machine Training
Solutions Body and Life Coaching Services. Alongside this, Marc is a
Professional Bodybuilder, Amateur Boxer, EXOS Phase 3 Trainer, Li-
censed 7v7 9v9 and 11v11 Soccer Coach, and is Crossfit L-1 Certified.

Matt Marano
Matt is currently the Brand Manager for O15 Nutrition, MTS Nutri-
tion, The Outright Bar and Outright Foods, Per Vitam, PumpChasers
and He boasts an extensive resume ranging into mul-
tiple areas of the fitness industry.

Matt Marano
Matt is currently the Brand Manager for O15 Nutrition, MTS Nutri-
tion, The Outright Bar and Outright Foods, Per Vitam, PumpChasers
and He boasts an extensive resume ranging into mul-
tiple areas of the fitness industry.

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