Gez Oat

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International Journal of Animal Science and Technology

2021; 5(3): 70-74
doi: 10.11648/j.ijast.20210503.13
ISSN: 2640-1282 (Print); ISSN: 2640-1312 (Online)

Evaluation of Oats (Avena sativa) Varieties for Adaptability

Performances and Their Nutritional Value in the Highland of
Masha, South West Ethiopia
Gezahegn Mengistu1, *, Dereje Tulu1, Melkam Aleme1, Ararsa Bogale1, Mulisa Faji2
Teppi Agricultural Research Center, Teppi, Ethiopia
Holeta Agricultural Research Center, Holeta, Ethiopia

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Corresponding author

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Gezahegn Mengistu, Dereje Tulu, Melkam Aleme, Ararsa Bogale, Mulisa Faji. Evaluation of Oats (Avena sativa) Varieties for Adaptability
Performances and Their Nutritional Value in the Highland of Masha, South West Ethiopia. International Journal of Animal Science and
Technology. Vol. 5, No. 3, 2021, pp. 70-74. doi: 10.11648/j.ijast.20210503.13

Received: August 12, 2021; Accepted: August 25, 2021; Published: September 4, 2021

Abstract: In Ethiopia, feed is the major production inputs that affect the production and productivity of animal. In this regard,
One of the possible option to alleviate feed shortage is introduction and utilization of improved forage crops for the given
production system. The study was conducted on 11 oat varieties during 2017 and 2018 main cropping season at Masha highland
of south-western Ethiopia to evaluate their adaptability and identify high dry matter yield and good nutritional quality
producing oat varieties for highland agro-ecological areas of south-west Ethiopia. The experiment was conducted using
randomized complete block design replicated three times. Data were taken for days to 50% flowering, plant height, leaf to stem
ratio, dry matter yield, grain yield and their nutritional contents. The data were analyzed using the general linear model
procedures of SAS and the least significance difference was used for mean separation. The result of the combined analysis
indicated that most of the agronomic traits were significantly (p<0.01) affected by varieties. The mean leaf to stem ratio of
79AB3849Tx) (80SA95) had the highest value (1.5) followed by PI-1706 (1.4). The tested oat varieties show significantly
(p<0.01) different among varieties in their dry matter yield. Among the evaluated oat varieties, PI-1706 gave the highest dry
matter yield (12.7 ton/ha) followed by 79AB3849Tx) (80SA9) (12.0 ton/ha) whereas Clintland60MN16016 gave the lowest
(5.4 ton/ha) dry matter yield. The result of grain yield of these two varieties were consistent with dry matter yield. Based on the
chemical compositions, PI-1706, KY7078394Canada and 79AB3849Tx) (80SA95) were the best varieties in their crude
protein contents. Thus, from the results of the present study it can be concluded that PI-1706, 79AB3849Tx) (80SA95) and
KY7078394Canada were best adapted and high yielder oat varieties and can be demonstrated on farm condition for wider use
in the highlands of Bench-maji and Masha areas and in similar agro-ecological zones of south-western Ethiopia.
Keywords: Adaptability, Dry Matter Yield, Nutritional Value, Oat Variety, South-western Ethiopia

1. Introduction
Ethiopia has the largest livestock population in Africa [1] crop residues [2]. However, the contribution of natural pasture
with estimated 57.83 million cattle, 28 million sheep, 28.6 was declining from time to time as a result of the expansion of
million goat, 1.23 million camels, 60.5million poultry, 2.1 crop production, poor management and seasonal availability [3,
million horses, 0.4 million mules and 7.88 million donkeys. 4]. One of the possible option to alleviate feed shortage is
However the production and productivity is low due to many introduction and utilization of improved forage crops for the
factors among, feed is the major production inputs that affect given production system. Improved forage crops species are
the production and productivity of animal. In many parts of very important because of their high biomass yield and good
Ethiopia, animals are kept on poor quality natural pasture and nutritional value.
International Journal of Animal Science and Technology 2021; 5(3): 70-74 71

In this regard, Oats (Avena sativa) is fast growing and the The spacing between plots and blocks were 1 &1.5 m,
most widely used annual forage grass worldwide. It is highly respectively.
palatable and an important energy rich and nutritious fodder for
ruminant livestock [5]. Oat is well-adapted to a wide range of 2.3. Data Collection and Laboratory Analysis
soil types from reddish brown to clay soil. The crop is a dual Agronomic data such as emergence date at eight week plot
purpose feed -food crop grown in the high lands of Ethiopia soil cover, days to 50% flowering, disease and pest incidence,
under rain fed conditions [6, 7]. It is used as fodder crop (as plant height, leaf to stem ratio, dry matter yield and grain
green chops, ensilage, haying and grazing) and the palatability yield were considered. Plant height was measured from five
and its forage quality as good energy source for livestock. The plants and their mean was recorded. A total of four central
oat grains make a good balanced concentrate in the ration for rows used to estimate dry matter and seed yield. Fresh
poultry, cattle, sheep and other animals [8]. herbage was harvested at 50% flowering stage from the left
Forage crops can be provided to animals directly through sides of central rows of each plot and weighted using spring
grazing pasture land, cut and carried feeding system or balance to determine total fresh weight. From the fresh
conserved for dry season use in mixes with crop residues and biomass 300 grams from each treatments were taken and
natural pasture hay [9]. The southwestern part of Ethiopia, separated into stem and leaf parts, and dried in oven at 65°C
particularly in the highlands of Sheka, Bench-sheko and for 72 hours to determine the dry matter yield. Nutritional
South-west Omo administrative zones, improved forage qualities of oat varieties was were analyzed for dry matter
species, best suited to the areas, are not well known, widely (DM), crud protein (CP), ash, neutral detergent fiber (NDF),
produced and utilized as animal feed. As indicated by [10] acid detergent fiber (ADF) and acid detergent lignin (ADL).
study feed shortage both in quantity and quality was the Ash and CP were analyzed, according to AOAC [13]
major problem constraining the livestock production and procedures, igniting the samples with muffle furnance at
productivity in the south western Ethiopia. Therefore, it was 550°C and the N content was determined using kejeldhal
very essential to evaluate and identify these improved oat procedures and multiplied by 6.25 to determine CP contents.
varieties that are more adapted and well performed to the The NDF, ADF and lignin contents were analyzed according
existing agro-ecological conditions to alleviate feed shortage to Van Soest [14]. The remaining two central rows used to
both in quantity and quality and thus increase the production determine seed yield.
and productivity of livestock for both small scale and large
scale producers. Hence the objectives of this study were to 2.4. Statistical Analysis
evaluate and identify high biomass yield and good nutritional
quality producing oat varieties for highland areas of Sheka, The data were analyzed using analysis of variance
Bench-sheko and south-west Omo areas. (ANOVA) in general linear models of SAS [15]. Mean
differences among genotypes were separated with least
significant difference (LSD) at (p≤0.05) significant level. The
2. Materials and Methods statistical model used for analysis Yijk=µ + Ti+ Yj + (TY)ij+
2.1. Description of the Study Site/Area +eijk, Where: Yijk=Response variables of varieties
(Treatment)i in block K and year Y; µ=grand mean; Ti=effect
The experiment was undertaken at Masha experimental of treatments (varieties) I; Yj=year effect J; TYij; treatment
sub-site in the 2016 and 2017 main cropping season. Masha and year interaction; and eijk=Random error.
is located at 7°44’00”-7°82’00” N latitude and 35°29’00” -
35°66’00”E longitude about 710 kms south west of Addis 3. Result and Discussion
Ababa at the elevation of 2223 meters above sea level [11].
The average annual temperature is 23°C with mean minimum 3.1. Year Interaction Effect
and maximum of 15°C and 25°C, respectively. The mean
annual rainfall of the area is 1870 mm [12]. The combined analysis of variance for yield and yield
related traits of tested oat varieties over the two cropping
2.2. Experimental Treatments and Design years is presented in (Table 1). Cropping year had no
significant effect (P>0.05) on most of the measured
Eleven (11) oat varieties were brought from Holeta agronomic parameters. Except for grain yield year by variety
Agriculture Research Center and sowed during 2016 and interaction had no significant (P>0.05) effect on days to 50%
2017 main cropping season at Masha highlands of Gembeka flowering, plant height leaf to stem ratio and dry matter yield
experimental sub-site. The experimental treatments (varieties) and this suggests an identical reaction to the environmental
evaluated were CI-8237, PI-1569, PI-1801, CI-8235, conditions. The result of this study indicated that the
Clintland60MN16016, Lampton, 79ab382TX (805A90), variations for measured traits were due to varietal difference
79Ab3849Tx (80SA95), PI-1706, KY7078394Canada and than cropping season. Study done by Beyene et al. (2015)
SRCPX80Ab2764. The experiment was layout in agreed that varieties has an effect on, plant height, dry matter
randomized complete block design with plot size of 1.8 m x 3 yield and grain yield. The variation for the measured traits
m and replicated three times in six rows with 30 cm row could be duet to difference in the genetic make of the oats
spacing. Sowing was done by drilling at a rate of 100 kg ha-1. genotypes.
72 Gezahegn Mengistu et al.: Evaluation of Oats (Avena sativa) Varieties for Adaptability Performances and
Their Nutritional Value in the Highland of Masha, South West Ethiopia

Table 1. Effect of variety and year on measured agronomic traits of oat varieties.

Mean square
Traits Variety *Year Mean CV
Variety Year
EWSC *** ns Ns 71.78 12.53
D50% *** ns Ns 96.27 6.21
PH (cm) *** ns Ns 149.46 6.29
LSR *** ns Ns 1.21 24.38
DMY (t/ha) *** ns Ns 9.96 20.60
GY (qt/ha) *** ** ** 8.37 29.87

differences in plant soil cover could be indicated

3.2. Plant Soil Cover, Days to Forage Harvest and Plant differences in vigor on emergency and the size of
Height at Harvest endospore found in the seed among the genotypes. Study
The mean values of the tested oat varieties for eight done by [16] suggested that vigor is one of the important
week plant soil cover, days to forage harvest and plant agronomic traits used to evaluate the establishment
height at harvest were showed in (Table 2). The combined performance of forage crops.
means of oat varieties for plant soil cover percentage at The overall means of tested oat varieties for days to forage
eight week of emergency showed significant difference harvesting had statistically significant (P<0.01) among
(p<0.001) among oat varieties. Accordingly, variety CI- varieties. Except PI-1706 variety, the rest of all the tested oat
8237 scored the highest percentage for plot cover whereas varieties had no statistically (P>0.05) difference for days to
Clintland60MN16016 showed statistically the lowest soil forage harvest. However, PI-1706 reached significantly late
cover percentage. The difference might be due to seed size for days to forage harvest with mean value of 109.5days.
and seed viability of oat among varieties. Vigor is one of Significant difference for day to forage harvest or day to 50%
the important agronomic traits used to evaluate the flowering in oat genotypes have been reported by other
establishment performance of forage crops. The authors [16, 17].

Table 2. Means of eight week plant soil cover, days 50% flowering and plant height at harvest of the tested oat varieties at Gembeka experimental site across
two years.

EWSC (%)/M2 D50%F PH (cm)

Varieties Mean Mean Mean
2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017
CI-8237 89.6a 91.0a 90.3 a
89.0c 89.6b 89.6b
180.4ab 183.9ab 182.2ab
PI-1569 63.0cd 67.0cd 65.0cd 89.2c 93.7b 93.7b 127.5ef 124.1g 125.8fg
PI-1801 68.6 72.0cd 70.3cd 92.0bc 93.6b 93.6b 165.7bc 156.7cd 161.9c
CI-8235 53.7ed 57.7de 55.7de 95.0bc 94.5b 94.5b 156.7cd 154.3d 155.5cd
Clintland60MN16016 46.0 51.0e 48.5e 93.7bc 96.3b 96.3b 140.4cdef 154.3d 141.5de
Lampton 87.3ab 87.7ab 87.5ab 96.3bc 98.2b 98.2b 120.5f 123.1g 121.8g
79ab382TX (805A90) 77.3 79.0abc 78.2abc 94.0bc 96.5b 96.5b 128.3ef 132.3efg 130.3efg
79AB3849Tx) (80SA95) 78.6abc 79.7abc 79.2abc 95.0bc 98.2b 98.2b 167.7bc 170.7bc 169.2bc
PI-1706 75.7 76.7abc 76.1abc 107.3a 109.5a 109.5a 188.9a 190.3a 189.6a
KY7078394Canada 72.7bc 74.0bc 73.3bc 97.2ab 96.3b 96.3b 127.3ef 132.6efg 129.9efg
SRCPX80Ab2764 65.7 65.3cde 65.0cd 95.0bc 94.2b 94.2b 136.2ef 137.9ef 137.1ef
CV 13.1 11.3 13.4 4.7 5.3 5.3 6.8 5.6 6.1
LSD 15.8 12.1 16.2 7.5 8.6 8.6 17.4 14.4 15.5
P Value 0.003 0.007 0.004 0.006 0.01 0.01 0.001 0.001 0.001
V*Y Ns ns ns ns

Means followed by different superscript letters within a column are significantly different each other at P<0.05; EWSC-Eight week soil covers in percentage
after germination; D50%F-days to 50% of flowering; PH=plant height at harvest; CV=coefficient of variation; NS=non-significant at (P>0.05); V*Y=variety
year interaction.

Table 3. Leaf to stem ratio, dry matter yield (t ha-1), and seed yield (Qt ha-1) of oat varieties evaluated at Gembeka experimental site across two years.

Varieties Mean Mean Mean
2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017
CI-8237 1.4 1.3 1.4 9.6ab 11.3ab 10.4abc
27.8bcd 35.8a 31.8ab
PI-1569 1.2 0.9 1.0bcd 9.8ab 7.9de 8.8c 31.6abcd 25.1fg 28.3cd
PI-1801 1.4 1.1 1.2abc 11.7ab 9.9bcd 10.8abc 28.7bcd 22.8g 25.8d
CI-8235 1.1 0.8 1.1bcd 8.7bc 8.7cd 8.7c 31.3abcd 24.8fg 28.1cd
Clintland60MN16016 0.8 0.7 0.7d 4.7c 61.7e 5.4d 31.5abcd 35.8a 33.7a
Lampton 1.3 1.1 1.3ab 10.7ab 12.0a 11.3ab 27.5cd 23.8fg 25.7d
79ab382TX (805A90) 1.3 1.2 1.3ab 9.5ab 9.7bcd 9.7bc 32.8ab 29.9cd 31.4ab
79AB3849Tx) (80SA95) 1.4 1.5 1.5a 11.7ab 12.3ab 12.0ab 32.5abc 33.3ab 32.9a
PI-1706 1.5 1.4 1.4a 13.1a 12.4a 12.7a 31.9abcd 28.0de 30.0bc
International Journal of Animal Science and Technology 2021; 5(3): 70-74 73

Varieties Mean Mean Mean
2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017
KY7078394Canada 1.3 1.1 1.1 11.4ab 8.2de 9.8 bc
36.2a 31.7bc 33.9a
SRCPX80Ab2764 0.9 1 0.9cd 8.2bc 11.1abc 9.6bc 27.1d 26.6ef 26.8d
CV 22.3 26.7 24.3 25.3 14.1 20.6 9.7 5.8 8.3
LSD 0.48 42.81 24.0 2.3 5.1 2.8 2.9
P Value 0.07 0.12 0.001 0.04 0.002 0.001 0.03 0.001 0.001
V*Y Ns Ns

Means followed by different superscript letters within a column are significantly different each other at P<0.05; LSR=leaf to stem ratio; DMY=dry matter
yield; GY=grain yield; CV=coefficient of variation; NS=non-significant at (P>0.05); V*Y=variety year interaction.

Plant height has a positive effect on dry matter yield. The

current study also showed that significant (p<0.001) Table 4. Chemical composition (%) of tested oats varieties.
differences for plant height at forage harvest among the oat Varieties DM Ash CP NDF ADF ADL
varieties. The highest mean plant height was recorded for PI- CI-8237 90.9 6.9 6.1 72.4 47.9 8.4
1706 (189.6 cm) followed by CI-8237 (182.2 cm) whereas PI-1569 92.3 8.5 7.7 67.8 44.7 6.5
PI-1801 92.0 8.0 7.6 70.5 47.3 7.6
variety PI-1706 was recorded the lowest mean (121.8cm)
CI-8235 92.1 7.8 6.4 70.1 48.6 6.1
plant height. The current study differences in plant height Clintland60MN16016 92.0 7.7 6.8 68.8 45.1 6.6
among varieties are expected due to the genetic variability. Lampton 91.0 8.8 8.4 69.2 44.4 8.8
The present study in agreement with the report of [18] that 79ab382TX (805A90) 90.8 8.3 6.8 68.4 44.9 7.1
significant differences among the oats varieties regarding 79AB3849Tx)(80SA95) 91.0 8.4 8.3 70.4 45.8 8.9
PI-1706 91.5 8.9 8.5 69.9 46.4 9.2
plant height.
KY7078394Canada 92.4 8.6 8.1 70.9 49.6 8.5
SRCPX80Ab2764 92.0 7.2 6.4 69.8 45.4 7.1
3.3. Leaf to Stem Ratio, Dry Matter Yield and Grain Yield
of Tested Oat Varieties
4. Conclusion
The least squares means of tested oat genotypes for leaf to
stem ratio, dry matter yield and grain yield were presented in The present result demonstrated that the tested oat varieties
(Table 3). The result of leaf to steam ratio showed numerical showed significant difference in most of the studied traits in
differences among varieties but statistically similar (p>0.05) the study area. Adaptability and productivity of the tested oat
during the tested years. However the overall means of leaf to varieties, top three oat varieties were recommended to be very
stem ratio showed significantly (p<0.001) different among potential under Masha area and similar agro-ecology. In
oat varieties and the highest leaf to stem ratio obtained for conclusion, Amongst the evaluated oat varieties, PI-1706 and
79Ab3849Tx) (80SA95) and statistically similar with PI-1706 79AB3849Tx) (80SA95) and KY7078394Canada were the top
whereas the lowest scored for Clintland60MN16016. The dry three oat varieties recommended to be demonstrated on farm-
matter yield (t/ha) for the tested oat varieties showed conditions and could play an important role in providing high
significant (p<0.001) difference among the oat varieties. dry matter yield, seed yield and with significant good
Variety PI-1706 attained the highest dry matter yield (12.7 t nutritional quality. Therefore, livestock producers (both under
ha-1 followed by 79AB3849Tx) (80SA95) and 79ab382TX smallholder farmers and semi-intensive livestock producers)
(805A90) with statistical similar mean value of 12.0 and could utilize as feed in cut and carry feeding system in
11.3t ha-1, respectively. Variety Clintland60MN16016 had highlands of Bench-maji, south west omo and Masha areas and
the lowest dry matter yield (5.4 t/ha). similar agro-ecologies of south west Ethiopia.
Grain yields of tested oat varieties showed significant
difference (p<0.001) among varieties. The present study Acknowledgements
revealed that KY7078394Canada gave the highest grain yield
33.9 Quintal/ha whereas Lampton scored the lowest grain The authors are highly acknowledged the Ethiopian
yield 25.7 Quintal/ha with statistically similar to PI-1801 Institute of Agricultural Research, forage research program in
(25.8 Quintal/ha). financial support for this work. The authors also would like
to greatly acknowledged Holeta animal nutrition laboratory
3.4. Chemical Composition of Oat Varieties staffs for their assistance in laboratory analysis and Teppi
The chemical composition (DM, Ash, CP, NDF, ADF and Agricultural Research Center staffs for implementation and
ADL) of evaluated oat varieties is indicated in (Table 4). The finalization of this study.
laboratory analysis indicated that the dry matter (DM)
percentage ranges from 90.76 to 92.34. Maximum crude
protein content was obtained from PI-1706 whereas variety CI- References
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contents PI-1706, KY7078394Canada and 79AB3849Tx) and livestock characteristics, volume II, Addis Ababa,
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