Corchorus Olitorius L. Planting

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Rutto et al.



David K. L. Rutto1*, Elizabeth N. Omami1, Julius O. Ochuodho1and Lucas Ngode1

University of Eldoret, Department of Seed, Crop and Horticultural Sciences, School of
Agriculture and Biotechnology P.O. Box 1125 Eldoret, Kenya
*Correspondence: [email protected]

Local vegetables are important crops grown in many parts of African countries including
Kenya. They are at times given various names depending on their where about grown, for
example, Corchorus olitorius is also known as Jute mallow, African Sorel or Jew’s mallow.
In Kenya Jute mallow is highly nutritious and is of commercial value. Their production has
been low due to poor farming practices such as spacing, processing and post-harvest
handling. This study seeks to investigate the effect of various spacing on quality and yield
of Jute mallow. Field experiments were established at Kenya Agriculture Livestock
Research Organization, Kitale farm and University of Eldoret, Chepkoilel farm using
Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replicates and three levels of
spacing. Seeds were drilled and later plants thinned to spacing of 20 x 30, 30 x 30 and 40 x
30 cm. Data was collected on five tagged plants per plot and their plant heights, branching
at main stem, pod count and fresh leaf yield determined. Data collected was analyzed using
computer package GENSTAT and means separation done using DMRT at p≤0.05. The
results showed that Jute mallow accessions responded best to wider spacing of 40 cm x 30
cm with tallest plant height of 35 cm and 35.6 cm and shortest plants at 31.6 cm and 31.4
cm on short varieties GEMS and BEMS, respectively. Varieties GLMT and BLMT had
highest mean branching at 6.7 and 6.0 and highest mean number of pods of 21.8 and 21.6
from Eldoret (site 1) and Kitale (site 2), respectively. Fresh leaf yield per plant showed late
maturing varieties (GLMT, BLMT) had highest fresh leaf weight of 77.02 g and 74.93 g per
plant for Eldoret and Kitale site, respectively. It is concluded that wider spacing of 40 cm x
30 cm increases Jute mallow yield perhaps due to low plant competition. This study
recommends that farmers use wider spacing for higher crop yield.
Key words: spacing, quality, yield, jute mallow, vegetables
Introduction world over, agricultural studies has focused
Indigenous vegetables are plants that have mainly on major food and cash crops (AIPP,
evolved as vegetables naturally in a given 2014) leaving out the underutilized crops like
location (Abbass, 2000). They are also plants indigenous vegetable, fruits and other crops
that have been introduced and have adapted that are important for other uses like medicinal
well such that they have come to be considered value. Crops like this could be having specific
local to those places and referred to as local or importance in the farming systems like
traditional vegetables (Abukutsa-Onyango, nutrition and even for farmers’ cultural value
2003). This is true to African Leafy (Aluma, 2004).
Vegetables including Jute mallow whose
leaves and young shoots are consumed (Gotor, Indigenous knowledge of these crops is
2010). These local vegetables have become an important in developing strategies for their
integral part of the local food web though they conservation and improvement (Dweba and
have received less study attention. Across Mearns, 2011). The much studies done around

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2 Effect of spacing on quality and yield of jute mallow

few plant species (20 species) by man for use holes 10 cm deep, place the transplant in the
as food out of many (3,000 plants of different hole, cover the roots with soil and lightly firm.
species) being commercialized, has resulted in Irrigate immediately after transplanting to
a vast number of potential food-plant species establish good root-to-soil contact. The
being neglected (Smith and Eyzaguirre, 2007). seedlings are then thinned two weeks later to a
This has resulted in genetic erosion and loss of spacing of 30 cm x 30 cm and experimental
indigenous knowledge (Kimiywe, et al. 2007) plots kept weed free throughout experimental
reported that in recent past, local vegetables period (Bhattacharjee, et al. 2000).
like Jute mallow has gained study focal point
for their nutritive, medicinal as well as food When seed is used to raise the crop, then seeds
security status in many countries. However, are sown by direct drilled on lines prepared
vegetable growers have not been able to beds, preferably at the beginning or the end of
satisfy demand for consumption and marketing the wet season, and the seedlings thinned to
aspect at the production point of view. Small- leave plants at various spacing’s including a
scale farmers and other growers have square spacing of 20-30 cm x 20-30 cm,
continued to rely on the little information depending on the vigor of the selection and use
available for use in crop production (Figueroa, as vegetables or for seed. Alternatively, seeds
et al. 2009). This has resulted in decline in may be sown in a seedbed and transplanted in
production though consumption is increasing rows 15 cm – 55 cm, between plants
due to relatively expensive of other food (AVRDC, 2004). Jute mallow crop destined
sources like eggs or meat that are eaten with for seed production may either be left without
starchy foods (Mroso, 2003). Apart from cutting or cutback once at 20 cm above ground
nutritional qualities, local vegetables have to stimulate lateral branching. Plants need to
medicinal, pesticidal and edible oil (Nekesa be spaced at 50 cm x 50 cm and well fertilized
and Mesa, 2003). to get a good seed yield. Soaking of seeds in
warm water before sowing may overcome
Jute mallow species broadly exists by two erratic germination due to a dormancy factor.
categories i.e. narrow leaved and broad leaved. Approximately 5kg/ha of seed is required for a
Direct seeding at a spacing of 45 cm between density of 250 000 plants/ha, giving leaf yield
the rows and 15 cm within the plants has been varying from 5-8t/ha per annum (MOA, 2009).
adopted for both cultivars though can be Irrigation may be required during dry period to
varied (Abukutsa-Onyango, 2003; 2007). maintain an adequate level of soil moisture
Wider spacing’s are used for tall varieties with (KARI, 2010).
broad leaves, multiple branches, and harvested
several times (Adebooye, et al. 2005). These species are source of nutritional
Narrower spacing’s are used for short and contents (IPGRI, 2000) and is being out
bushy varieties and once-over harvesting. competed by the introduction of exotic
Rows are spaced 10 cm apart with 5–10 cm vegetables which has confined the cultivation
between plants within row (Sivakumar and of most local vegetables into home gardens in
Ponnusami, 2011). At transplanting it should mixed stands, with no documentation of their
be done in the late afternoon or on a cloudy production acreage (Mavengahama, et al.
day to minimize transplant shock. C. olitorius 2013). These crops have been offering
is easily susceptible to moisture stress in easily opportunity to the poorest in community to
drying up top soils owing to its shallow earn a living as producers and traders without
rooting depth though can be solved by resorting to large capital investment (Okeno, et
applying irrigation (Fasinmirin, 2001). Dig al. 2003). To sustain exploitation of

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Rutto et al. 3

indigenous vegetables for purposes of Materials and Methods

nutritional and food security as well as help in Experimental sites
reducing poverty, knowledge on best The overall study was carried out in two sites
agricultural practices must be developed of Kenya Agriculture Livestock Research
through research and made available to Organization (KALRO) Kitale and The
farmers and producers (Makokha and University of Eldoret (UoE). Kenya
Ombwana, 2002). Also to introduce Agriculture Livestock Research Organization
commercialization of these crops more (KALRO) Kitale is situated at latitude of 1o
knowledge or information is required for 02’North and 35 o East longitude and altitude
references (Mnzava and Chigumira, 2004). of 1901 meters above sea level in Trans Nzoia
Such is possible because local vegetable has county, Kenya. The University of Eldoret
advantage of growing fast and harvested (UoE) is situated at longitude 0’30’’N and
within a short period of time thereby latitude 35’15’’E and altitude of about 2140 m
contributing to addressing food scarcity above sea level, which is 9 km North of
(Raymond, 2000). Eldoret town in Uasin Gishu county, Kenya.

In Kenya for instance there has been consistent Field experimental management and data
chronic food insecurity which has been collection
transitory due to drought and floods leading to The Jute mallow plant material (varieties:
over reliance on some crop like maize (Ngugi, GEMS, GLMT, BEMS, BLMT) used in the
et al. 2006). To this effect increasing experiment were sourced from five counties of
production through improved agricultural Keiyo, Uasin Gishu, Nandi, Trans Nzoia and
practices during growing of crops like Jute West Pokot in Kenya and planted at two sites
mallow will in a long way improve the of UoE farm and KALRO - Kitale farm over
livelihood, food situation, nutrition and health one season between May – November 2015.
of the people (Abukutsa-Onyango, 2007). The information from the farmers was
Though so, Jute mallow production in Kenya collected using questionnaire by stratified
in most cases is done without strict adherence random sampling method with a population
to recommended agronomic practices by sample of 250 Jute mallow production farmers
farmers (MOA, 2009) and there are little and simultaneously collected seed accessions
documentations about cultivation technique as from them. Thereafter Seeds were drilled after
well as knowledge and potential improvement fertilizer applied (Diaz, et al. 2011) in field in
of it, reason being that the vegetables have well prepared demarcated seed beds at the
been regarded as minor crops (The National experimental plots. Weeding was carried out
Academies of Science, 2009). Such has led to in all plots in the sites simultaneously. The
their yields during production be low due to seedlings were then thinned two weeks after
poor farming practices such as spacing, seed sowing to spacing treatments of 20 cm x 30
processing and post-harvest handling cm, 30 cm x 30 cm and 40 cm x 30 cm
necessitating this study to investigate the effect (Abukutsa-Onyango 2007). Data collection
of various spacing on quality and yield of Jute was done on five plants in each plot
mallow specifically looking at plant heights, systematically random sampled (Gomez and
branching at main stem, pods and fresh leaf Gomez, 1984) and tagged. Data was collected
yield. on plant heights, branching at main stem, pod
count and leaf yield determined (Maritim, et
al. 2009). The data was analyzed using

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4 Effect of spacing on quality and yield of jute mallow

computer package GENSTAT and significant branching respectively from both site 1 and 2.
means separated using DMRT at α = 0.05. Generally there were higher branching of
plants in site 2 (6.6 branching/plant) than those
Results in site 1 (5.8 branching/plant). In comparison,
Plant height the control (S1) had lowest mean branching
Plant heights were significantly different numbers of 3.2 and 3.8 from both sites
(p<0.05) for different spacing, with spacing of respectively, while wider spacing (S3) had
40 cm x 30 cm (S3) having the tallest plants lowest mean branching at 5.0 and 5.8
across locations and varieties (Table 1). Short respectively.
varieties (GEMS and BEMS) had 35 cm and
35.6 cm as the tallest plants and shortest plants The number of branches (p<0.05) showed no
at 31.6 cm and 31.4 cm respectively. There significant difference within the early
was also significant variance (p<0.05) in effect maturing varieties (BEMS and GEMS) with
by spacing’s treatments on the tall Jute mallow lowest mean number of branches of 4.07 and
varieties (GLMT and BLMT) where both had highest being 4.77 for site 1 and 2
81.8 cm and 81.9 cm as short plants and 86.9 respectively. There was significant difference
cm and 86.6 cm as tall plants respectively. (p<0.05) within late maturing (GLMT and
BLMT) with lowest mean branching of 4.37
There was no significant difference (p<0.05) and highest of 5.59 for site 1 and 2
within the early maturing varieties (BEMS and respectively. On comparison, There was
GEMS) with mean plant height of 33.44 cm significant difference (p<0.05) between early
and 32.81cm at Eldoret site and 33.15 cm and maturing varieties (BEMS and GEMS) and
34.07 cm at Kitale site, respectively. Also late maturing (GLMT and BLMT) with lowest
within late maturing (GLMT and BLMT) there mean branching of 4.07 and 4.37 and highest
was no significant difference (p<0.05) with mean of 4.77 and 5.59 from both site 1
mean plant height of 83.74 cm and 83.85 cm (Eldoret) and 2 (Kitale) respectively.
in Eldoret site and 84. 59 cm and 84.73 cm in
Kitale site respectively. Between the varieties Number of pods per plant
mean separation of the early maturing varieties The number of pod per plant results shows that
(BEMS and GEMS) and late maturing (GLMT use of wider spacing of 40 x 30 cm (S3) from
and BLMT) showed no significant difference sites 1 and 2 increases number of plant within
(p<0.05) with the shortest plant height of and across varieties (Table 3). The GEMS and
33.44 cm and 33.15 cm and tallest of 83.85 cm BEMS had lowest mean pod count at 6.8 and
and 84.74 cm at site 1 and site 2. 7.3 in site 1 and 2 respectively and highest
mean pod count at 8.9 and 9.9 from site 1 and
Number of branching per plant 2 respectively. The GLMT and BLMT had
Results on number of braches per plant of Jute lowest mean pod count at 18.4 and 16.8 and
mallow varieties (Table 2), shows that use of highest mean pod count of 21.8 and 21.6 from
wider spacing of 40 cm x 30 cm led to an site 1 and site 2 respectively. The control plots
increase in number of braches per plant from (S1) had the lowest mean pods per plant at 6.8
both sites 1 and 2 within varieties and across and wider spacing (S3) had highest pods per
varieties. Both the GEMS and BEMS varieties plant of 7.4 pods per plant. This indicates that
had highest mean branching at 5.8 and lowest spacing variation has effect on the overall pods
at 3.2 branching respectively from both site 1 per plant, thereby also affecting overall seed
and2. Both GLMT and BLMT had highest yield of Jute mallow.
mean branching at 6.7 and lowest 6.0

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The means of number of pods per plant respectively. There was no significant
showed no significant difference (p<0.05) difference (p<0.05) within the late maturing
within the early maturing varieties (BEMS and varieties (GLMT and BLMT) with lowest
GEMS) with lowest mean number of pods mean number of pods being 19.44 and 20.42
being 7.78 and 8.70 and highest being 7.81 and highest being 19.89 and 20.67 pods per
and 8.63 pods from both site 1 and site 2 plant in both site 1 and 2 respectively

Table 1: Means of plant height in centimeters from site 1 (Eldoret) and 2 (Kitale)
Spacing Site 1 (Eldoret-UoE) Site 2 (Kitale-KALRO)
(S) Varieties Varieties
S1 32a 31.4a 81.8a 81.9a 31.6a 32.6a 82.7a 82.6a
S2 33.3a 33a 83.4a 83.3a 33.3a 34b 84.2b 85.1b
S3 35b 34b 86b 85.7b 34.6b 35.6b 86.9b 86.6b
Where, S denotes Spacing; S1=20x30 cm, S2=30x30 cm, S3=40x30 cm
Means followed by same letters are not significantly different at 5% probability level.

Table 2: Means of number of branches per plant from site 1 (Eldoret) and 2 (Kitale)
Spacing Site 1 (Eldoret-UoE) Site 2 (Kitale-KALRO)
(S) Varieties Varieties
S1 3.2a 3.2a 3.7a 3.4a 3.8a 3.9a 4.4a 4.1a
S2 4.0ab 4.0ab 4.8ab 4.3ab 4.8ab 4.6ab 5.7ab 5.2ab
S3 5.0b 5.0b 5.8b 5.3b 5.8b 5.8b 6.7b 6.0b
Where S denotes Spacing; S1=20x30 cm, S2=30x30cm, S3=40x30cm
Means followed by same letters are not significantly different at 5% probability level.

Table 3: Means of no. of Pods per plant from site 1 (Eldoret) and 2 (Kitale)
Spacing Site 1 (Eldoret-UoE) Site 2 (Kitale-KALRO)
(S) Varieties Varieties
S1 6.8a 6.8a 18.4a 16.8a 7.4a 7.3a 19.5a 19.3a
S2 7.8ab 7.8ab 19.4ab 18.0ab 8.8ab 8.9ab 20.6ab 20.3ab
S3 8.9b 8.7b 20.4b 18.9b 9.9b 9.7b 21.8b 21.6b
Where S denotes Spacing; S1=20x30 cm, S2=30x30 cm, S3=40x30cm
Means followed by same letters are not significantly different at 5% probability level.
Fresh leaf yield well. Though so, BEMS plants from site 2
The fresh leaf yield per plant revealed that use (Kitale) had higher weight (51.16 g) than those
of wider spacing of 40 x 30 cm (S3) had from site 1 (Eldoret) of 50.88 g. GEMS
highest yield weight (77.02 g) for late varietal plants on control plots (S1) had lowest
maturing GLMT variety and 51.16 g for early plant weight (41.30 g) and highest of 41.62 g.
maturing BEMS variety (Table 4). This trend
of increase in yield weight of fresh leaf yield Results across late maturing varieties (GLMT,
per plant from both sites within and between BLMT) show lowest plant leaf weight was
varieties was observed in other varieties as 68.69 g 63.69 g, while highest weight was

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6 Effect of spacing on quality and yield of jute mallow

77.02 g and 74.93 g respectively for site 1 mean yields per plant of 72.52 g and 69.15 g
(Eldoret) and 2 (Kitale). The fresh leaf yield respectively at site 1 and 72.46 g and 69.02 g
means separation showed no significant respectively at site 1 and 2. In comparison,
difference (p<0.05) within early maturing fresh leaf yield, showed no significant
varieties (GEMS and BEMS) with mean yields difference (p<0.05) between early maturing
per plant of 46.25 g and 46.33 g and 46.54 g varieties (BEMS and GEMS) and between late
and 46.51 g respectively at site 1 and 2. But maturing (GLMT and BLMT) from both site 1
there was significant difference (p<0.05) and 2.
within late maturing (GLMT and BLMT) with

Table 4: Means of fresh yield results (g) per plant from site 1 (Eldoret) and 2 (Kitale)
Spacing Site 1 (Eldoret-UoE) Site 2 (Kitale-KALRO)
(S) Varieties Varieties
S1 41.35a 41.30a 68.69a 63.69a 41.53a 41.62a 68.96a 63.78a
S2 46.84b 46.80b 71.85b 68.82b 46.97b 46.77b 72.03b 68.67b
S3 50.55c 50.88c 77.02c 74.93c 49.13c 51.16c 76.40c 74.61c
Where S denotes Spacing; S1=20x30 cm, S2=30x30 cm, S3=40x30 cm
Means followed by same letters are not significantly different at 5% probability level.
Discussion branching of plants in site 2 with 9
The spacing variation had an effect on plant branching/plant than those in site 1 with 7
height of short varieties (GEMS and BEMS) branching/plant. Such outcome supports what
as indicated by their plant height of 35 cm and AVRDC, (2004) found out in previous
35.6 cm as the tallest plants and shortest plants research.
at 31.6 cm and 31.4 cm respectively. This was
0.6 cm variation attributed caused by spacing There was spacing effect on pod per plant of
of plants. The tall Jute mallow varieties Jute mallow varieties where it was observed
(GLMT and BLMT), also showed same effect that use of wider spacing of 40 x 30 cm at both
by spacing where both had 81.8 cm and 81.9 sites 1 and 2 saw an increase in the number of
cm as short plants and 86.9 cm and 86.6 cm as pods per plant within and across varieties. This
tall plants respectively. This indicates that was outlaid in Green Early Maturing Short and
spacing variation has effect on the overall Brown Early Maturing Short which had
plant growth i.e. plant height, thereby also highest pods per plant of 11 - 13pods
affecting plant leaf yield in the Jute mallow respectively compared to the control spacing
production in the end concurring with with 4 - 5 pods per plant respectively. This
Abukutsa-Onyango, (2007) who also observed indicates that spacing variation has effect on
the same. the overall pods per plant, thereby also
affecting overall seed and crop yield of Jute
There was spacing effect on number of braches mallow as also observed by AVRDC, (2004);
per plant of Jute mallow varieties as seen in Bujulu and Matee, (2005).
the spacing of 40 cm x 30 cm where there was
an increase in number of braches per plant There was effect by spacing on fresh leaf yield
from both sites 1 and 2 within varieties of 1-7 per plant of Jute mallow varieties with wider
and 1-8 branching/plant respectively and spacing of 40 x 30 cm showing highest yield
between varieties 1-7 and 1-9 branching/plant of 99.2 g for late maturing GLMT variety and
respectively. Generally there was higher 66.8 g for early maturing BEMS variety. This

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trend of increase in yield weight of fresh leaf exhibiting tall plants and highest branching,
yield per plant from both sites within and pod numbers and yield of Jute mallow. It is
between varieties was observed in other recommended that in order to increase crop
varieties as well concurring with what and seed yield of Jute mallow, wider spacing
AVRDC, (2004); Buddhadeb, (2012) found of 40 cm x 30 cm to be used and strict
out. Though so, BEMS plants from site 2 adherence to recommended agronomic
(Kitale) had higher weight (66.8 g) than those practices by farmers for improved yields. Also
from site 1 (Eldoret) of 66.31 g. an increase in further study can be done to evaluate effect of
leaf yield by 33 g per plant due to spacing altitude and spacing’s on yields of Jute
effect. This supports what was also found out mallow.
by other researchers including Buddhadeb,
(2012). The spacing variation also showed that References
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10 Effect of spacing on quality and yield of jute mallow

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