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Jim murray book tesla

"The Dynaflux Alternator Is One Of The Amazing Machines Invented By Jim Murray. It Demonstrates That Electricity Can Be Produced Without Making The Generator Harder To Turn! This Proves That Electricity Can Be Generated At Much Higher Efficiencies Than Is Commonly Believed. It Even Leads To The Understanding Of My SERPS Device That
Demonstrated 47 TIMES THE INPUT at the 2014 Energy Conference! Jim Murray is a research engineer with 30 years of experience in the field of electrical power management and experimental mechanics. He is one of the only people in history to be granted a US Patent on a "no back EMF" electric generator. His research covers power resonance in both
electrical and mechanical systems, as well as "torque multipliers" and other amazing discoveries. Conference Series 2015 Energy Science & Technology Conference THESE ARE DOWNLOADABLE DIGITAL VIDEOS & PDFS From: Jim Murray Date: Re: Dynaflux Alternator Dear Friend, I am extremely happy to finally be releasing this information to the
public. You see, for over 40 years I have been running fundamental experiments on the nature of electrical and mechanical energy. The reseults of these experiments were always considered as the "proprietary property" of my investors, but in the end, none of them stayed around long enough to see the final results! So now I am free to share all of these
amazing discoveries with all of you. At the 2015 Energy Science & Technology Conference, I gave a presentation called The Dynaflux Concept and Lenz's Law. For the first time ever, many of the secrets to the Dynaflux Alternator are revealed including details that were intentionally left out of the patent! If you want a disclosure on an electrical generator that
has been tested to output over 2.5 times the amount of electricity compared to a normal generator turned by the same motor - here it is! If you watched the YouTube video directly above, that isn't the Overunity demonstration but you can see it lighting 2 incandescent bulbs without giving any significant load to the prime mover! That means, the Dynaflux
Alternator is able to output electricity without bogging down the motor running it. This is one of the most vaulable machines developed in this entire field. Although the presentation is somewhat technical, I laid it out in a way that even those with basic technical backgrounds can understand the main points. This package is one of the best "Proofs" you'll ever
get that the way they teach electrical engineering in College is not even close to being the full story! The next film in this collection is a demonstration I gave in Japan to a group of investors. You will see, everyone was really excited at the time, but in the end, no one actually invested in the technology because it was too far ahead of its time. This film definitely
shows a very dramatic demonstration of my Solid-State power multiplier ever recorded. That solid-state demonstration is known as the S.E.R.P.S. technology, which stands for the Switched Energy Resonance Power Supply. It shows an electric heating element running on 100 watts while the input of the circuit is only drawing 5 watts from the wall! I know,
without understanding the technology, that claim is pretty hard to believe. But I'm so sure you'll be interested in this, that I have put a clip of this part of the film on YouTube. It's titled "COP 20.0 (2000%) Reactive Power as Energy Source". Go ahead and watch the video below before reading on... but with Paul Babcock's improvements on the switching, we
demonstrated a COP of 47 at the 2014 Energy Science & Technology Conference. I hope you liked that! What it shows is that WORK can be accomplished in a circuit, even if all we are doing is "borrowing electricity and returning it to it's source." Years ago, the Dynaflux Generator was the first machine I designed that demonstrated these effects. Now that
I'm releasing all of this information, I thought you might like to learn the history of this new technology and dig into the origins that made it possible. Please allow me to explain a little more about what's in this one-of-a-kind information package. The third film is an amazing "Tour" of my laboratory and a demonstration of 6 of my most important inventions.
These include a demonstration of a model of the Dynaflux Alternator, the Transforming Generator, the S.E.R.P.S. circuit, the Toroidal Motor, the DC Dynaflux Motor and finally, the AC Dynaflux Motor. Each of these machines were designed to demonstrate a specific property of electro-mechanical interaction, and each and every one of them successfully
shows a way to create power gains during the electro-mechanical energy transformations. Watching these demonstrations is a lot like shreading your beliefs in energy scarcity! During the "Tour," I introduce you to the technologies, run the demonstrations, and explain the meaning of the results. Honestly, I have never seen another inventor do this for the
education of the public! It's like giving you the beginnings of an advanced degree course in electric motor and generator theory, without the insanely high tuition. And finally, to round out your understanding of these amazing inventions, I am even including a file with ALL 15 of my US and International Patents and Patent Applications, so you can learn the
deeper details and official "claims" I was granted for these machines. Basically, I'm giving you access to the better part of my "life's work" that cost my investors more than $3 million over 30 years to bring to this level of development! By studying the patents and watching the demonstrations over and over a couple of times, you'll keep learning more about
these machines for quite some time - the Dynaflux Concept presentation discloses missing details from the Dynaflux Alternator patent! THESE ARE DOWNLOADABLE DIGITAL VIDEOS & PDFS HERE'S WHAT YOU GET WITH THE DYNAFLUX ALTERNATOR TOUR & PATENT COLLECTION PACKAGE A copy of the "Japanese Investor" film that
shocked the potential investors - they realized that they would be unable to implement the technologies because they are too far ahead of their time! This is the film where I show the S.E.R.P.S. circuit operating at 2000% efficiency! A copy of the "Lab Tour" film that I normally would only show to people who had signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement. In this film
I demonstrate 6 of my inventions and explain exactly what they do to create excess energy and power. A complete set of my US and International Patents and Patent Applications, so you can study the inner workings of the various machines you see demonstrated in the two films. HERE'S WHAT YOU GET WITH THE DYNAFLUX CONCEPT & LENZ'S LAW
The most important SECRET to making the Dynaflux Alternator work. Details that were intentionally left out of the patents revealed for the first time ever! A in-depth discussion of many of the principles in the Dynaflux Alternator that have not been disclosed elsewhere. With over $3 MILLION invested in my machines, I could easily charge a small fortune for
this information, but I believe it is time to help move the energy sciences forward because of the current state of the world. So here you have a concise compilation of my life's work for a complete steal of only $47! THESE ARE DOWNLOADABLE DIGITAL VIDEOS & PDFS LOOK WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING! "First, I have been interested and involved in
research, development and creation of some motors and/or generator since 1985 (or so...) Second, I do believe that there is God and then, Jesus and then Nikola Tesla! Third, as my nickname is "oldschoolbob", and hearing the experience of this guy, I was already enjoying that stuff. I took a great decision few months ago when I joined "the gang" and this
last purchase just gave me reason to think it was a great decision. Thank's guys, I really enjoy and I would love to live near by... Your french best fan." - Robert Boivin "James Murray has been a researcher in this field for many years and he provided a historical perspective of the evolution of the Dynaflux Generator along with many historical side notes. The
talk itself was very comprehensive, giving many design details of the generator through a liberal use of slides, diagrams and equations. Very much respect this researcher and his lifelong commitment to opening up access to devices that produce a net power magnification. Very impressive with a great historical context. Somehow, did not have the opportunity
to pigeon hole him with questions – he was always surrounded by conference participants peppering him with questions. Truly appreciate his style and technical competence. Thumbs Up!" - Yaro S. The Dynaflux Alternator Tour & Patent Collection PRICELESS RETAIL PRICE $37 OR The Dynaflux Concept & Lenz's Law Presentation PRICELESS RETAIL
PRICE $37 OR GET THE COMBO PACKAGE! The Dynaflux Alternator Tour & Patent Collection AND The Dynaflux Concept & Lenz's Law Presentation PRICELESS Price if purchased separately $74 Insane, Giveaway PRICE! $57 Get your hands on a copy of the "Dynaflux Alternator Full Package by Jim Murray" right now. Then get comfortable and take
some time to study it and see for yourself if this isn't the most powerfully effective material you have ever seen on the subject. And don't rush. You have a full two months to thoroughly soak up the implications of what you are seeing. If within 60 days, Dynaflux Alternator hasn't convinced you that the impossible is possible... or if you're unsatisfied for any
reason at all! Simply write me an e-mail saying so and I'll return your investment ASAP. You don't have to explain why and I'm not going to ask any questions. There's no hard feelings. It's no hassle and no problem. Take that as my promise to you. You have up to 60 days to check out Dynaflux Alternator to see if it has broadened your horizons when it
comes to advanced energy technologies -- risk free! Get Your Hands On The Dynaflux Alternator package Now! Make the decision to get your hands on this one of a kind lecture while it's still fresh on your mind. It will only take a minute to click the button below and follow the directions to download your complete package... ...you'll be enjoying them for years
to come! Click the button below now -- get your hands on The Dynaflux Alternator package now before it slips your mind. Jim, I'm ready to add this incredible information package about The Dynaflux Alternator to my library right now! Give me The Dynaflux Alternator package now so I can start enjoying and benefitting from it right away. When I submit my
request, I'll get immediate download access to everything. CHOOSE YOUR PACKAGE BELOW THERE ARE 3 OPTIONS THESE ARE DOWNLOADABLE DIGITAL VIDEOS & PDFS The Dynaflux Alternator Tour & Patent Collection All For A One Time Payment Of... Suggested Retail Price: $PRICELESS Only $37 The Dynaflux Concept & Lenz's Law
Presentation 1 hour 16 minAll For A One Time Payment Of... Suggested Retail Price: $PRICELESS Only $37 GET BOTH OF THE ABOVE PACKAGES All For A One Time Payment Of... Suggested Retail Price: $PRICELESS Only $57 HUGE DISCOUNT! Download link will be sent to your e-mail. Your details will never be shared, period. Just like you, I
dislike SPAM with a passion too! Sincerely, James F. Murray P.S. Will you do me a favor? Get The The Dynaflux Alternator package right now and study it carefully. Then decide if this lecture doesn't share the most advanced information on Electric motor and Generator design, at ANY price! My Lab Tour and Equipment Demonstration films, along with my
Patent porfolio, is guaranteed to meet even your highest expectations. P.P.S. Remember, you're not risking a single penny since it is 100% guaranteed! Privacy Policy & Disclaimer Affiliates Click here to Earn a Huge 60% Commission Dynaflux Alternator | Jim Murray | SERPS | Tranforming Generator Copyright © 2015 - A & P Electronic Media - All Rights
Reserved Posted on 2020-04-012020-11-01 by Aaron Murakami — Leave a comment This call is JAM-PACKED with a lot of info. Jim gives an overview of each and every presentation he gave at the Energy Science & Technology Conference. He also discusses his latest book, which has been released on Amazon – The Meaning of Unity in Energy
Conversion Systems. Then we open up for questions from the callers and there are quite a bit that cover a lot of areas of his work. Here are Jim’s Presentations: Tesla’s Hidden Discoveries The Dynaflux Concept and Lenz’s Law Fundamentals of the Transforming Generator The Secret of Tesla’s Power Magnification The Meaning of Unity in Energy
Conversion Systems (video presentation) The Meaning of Unity in Energy Conversion Systems (paperback on Amazon) Here are other interviews and Jim Murray related material on my YouTube channel – make sure to subscribe! Make sure to use the share buttons below to share this with your friends! Posted on 2020-01-142020-11-01 by Aaron Murakami
— Leave a comment The Meaning of Unity in Energy Conversion Systems by Jim Murray At the 2018 Energy Science & Technology, Jim Murray, a legend in the Tesla Sciences & Free Energy field presented on The Meaning of Unity in Energy Conversion Systems. This is one of the most important presentations given in this field simply for the fact that is
explains an accurate accounting method so that the distinctions are made between system efficiency and conversion efficiency. The bottom line is that this shows how to properly compare the input to the output of a system, which is more complex than it initially appears. Get the paperback here: The Meaning of Unity in Energy Conversion Systems Initially, it
had been assumed that a simple ratio computed by dividing the output power by the input power would provide a reliable yardstick for motor power efficiency. The basic idea was sound, for the closer the quotient came to unity, the nearer the motor efficiency would be to 100%. Hence began the so-called “Quest for Unity.” However, early “electric engines”
were very inefficient, probably delivering no more than 30% of the electrical input power to the output shaft. Jim Murray – 2018 ESTC Therefore, it quickly became evident that not all the applied power was being converted to a mechanical output. Clearly, inefficiencies were involved, and they would have to be accounted for. Until this was complete, the
simplified approach to establishing a Factor of Unity could not be realized. What is remarkable, in the history of motor development, is the curious degree of synergy that seems to have accompanied these early pioneering efforts. Between 1839 and 1850 the British Brew Master James Joule conducted an elegant series of experiments, in which he sought to
unify electrical, chemical and thermal phenomena by demonstrating their inter-convertibility and their quantitative equivalence. The results of Joule’s work were published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, with a very impressive title: “On the Mechanical Equivalence of Heat.” Get the paperback here: The Meaning of Unity in Energy
Conversion Systems The contributions of Lord Kelvin must be considered next. His paper, “The Dynamical Equivalent of Heat,” published in 1851, contended that energy could be “lost to man irrecoverably; but not lost to the material world”. Thomson was thus the first person to understand that all energy changes involve energy dissipation, and losses.
During the second half of the nineteenth century Kelvin and other scientists, including Clausius, Rankine, Maxwell and, Boltzmann, continued to develop these ideas. Their combined efforts resulted in the establishment of the Science of Thermodynamics; with Conservation of Energy as its First Law and the Dissipation of Energy as its Second Law.
Accordingly, motor researchers were thus made aware of the extreme importance of classifying all known motor losses, and accounting for them with the same degree of accuracy as would be exhibited in the well-established science of corporate book-keeping. Ultimately, such practices would lead to the development of two principle kinds of Efficiency
Measurements, both very valuable in all research pertaining to rotating components, but, particularly valuable for developing an understanding of over-unity as a scientific fact. Both efficiency concepts shall be fully explained in this book. Simply, this book serves as a definitive guide for those who wish to properly validate their input vs output claims. It also
includes copies of one of the most significant and important patents in history in this field, The Dynaflux Alternator, which is Jim’s generator that has a reduced Lenz Law Effect meaning it has less drag than conventional science will admit is possible. There is also another related patent on Jim Murray’s Dynaflux Alternator, which gives a much wider picture.
The Dyanflux was used as an example in the book so is not required to understand what it is about, but is valuable to know about. Get the paperback here: The Meaning of Unity in Energy Conversion Systems To get a copy of the video presentation from the 2018 ESTC, go here: The Meaning of Unity in Energy Conversion Systems Video Presentation
Posted on 2019-04-242019-04-24 by Aaron Murakami — Leave a comment On April 6, Moray King, Paul Babcock, Jim Murray, David Alzofon, myself and a few others were on The Other Side of Midnight, which is Richard Hoagland’s radio show. Walt Jenkins was the guest host. That’s quite a few people for one show, but we all managed to contribute a bit.
The show page with a bunch of graphics and video embeds are here: You can download this show here – right click on this link and select SAVE AS: Posted on 2018-08-032020-11-01 by Aaron Murakami — Leave a comment The Meaning of Unity in Energy Conversion Systems by Jim Murray Initially, it had been assumed that a simple ratio computed by
dividing the output power by the input power would provide a reliable yardstick for motor power efficiency. The basic idea, was sound, for the closer the quotient came to unity, the nearer the motor efficiency would be to 100%. Hence began the so-called “Quest for Unity.” However, early “electric engines” were very inefficient, probably delivering no more than
30% of the electrical input power to the output shaft. Therefore, it quickly became evident that not all of the applied power was being converted to a mechanical output. Clearly, inefficiencies were involved, and they would have to be accounted for. Until this was complete, the simplified approach to establishing a Factor of Unity could not be realized. What is
remarkable, in the history of motor development, is the curious degree of synergy that seems to have accompanied these early pioneering efforts. Between 1839 and 1850 the British Brew Master James Joule conducted an elegant series of experiments, in which he sought to unify electrical, chemical and thermal phenomena by demonstrating their inter-
convertibility and their quantitative equivalence. The results of Joule’s work were published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, with a very impressive title: “On the Mechanical Equivalence of Heat.” The contributions of Lord Kelvin must be considered next. His paper, “The Dynamical Equivalent of Heat,” published in 1851, contended that
energy could be “lost to man irrecoverably; but not lost to the material world”. Thomson was thus the first person to understand that all energy changes involve energy dissipation, and losses. During the second half of the nineteenth century Kelvin and other scientists, including Clausius, Rankine, Maxwell and, Boltzmann, continued to develop these ideas.
Their combined efforts resulted in the establishment of the Science of Thermodynamics; with Conservation of Energy as its First Law and the Dissipation of Energy as its Second Law. Accordingly, motor researchers were thus made aware of the extreme importance of classifying all known motor losses, and accounting for them with the same degree of
accuracy as would be exhibited in the well established science of corporate book-keeping. Ultimately, such practices would lead to the development of two principle kinds of Efficiency Measurements, both very valuable in all research pertaining to rotating components, but, particularly valuable for developing an understanding of over-unity as a scientific fact.
Both efficiency concepts shall be fully explained in this presentation. To get your copy now, go here: The Meaning of Unity in Energy Conversion Systems Use this coupon to receive 25% off for a limited time: UNITY25 Posted on 2018-07-272020-09-29 by Aaron Murakami — 1 Comment 2018 ESTC Panel Discussion #1 with Anupam Tewari, Jeane
Manning, Dr. Gerald Pollack, Aaron Murakami, Prof. Robert Haralick, Karen Elkins, Paul Babcock. Posted on 2018-03-152020-11-02 by Aaron Murakami — Leave a comment Jim Murray shares his insights into segregated load analysis, looping overunity systems and other related topics. Jim Murray will be presenting at the 2018 Energy Science &
Technology Conference. Out of 150 seats, only 64 are available so register and get your tickets while you can – Use this coupon code to receive a 25% discount on any of Jim Murray’s presentations (this code works on Paul Babcock’s presentations too, which you can find on emediapress.com!) Discount code expires March 31, 2018: JIMPAUL25 Here are
some of Jim’s presentations… Tesla’s Hidden Discoveries: Dynaflux Alternator: Fundamentals of the Transforming Generator: The Secrets of Tesla’s Power Magnification: Posted on 2018-01-292020-11-02 by Aaron Murakami — Leave a comment Jim Murray Jim Murray is one of the most important engineers today. He has a very long track record that
goes back decades and he worked with and has been mentored by some of the brightest including Guy Obolensky and others. Some of his many accomplishment include the Dynaflux Alternator, which is a unique generator that outputs more electrical work than it takes to turn it. Jim presented on this at one of our past conferences and since the patent has
expired, he was gracious enough to give a full disclosure on what was missing from the patent as well as giving his blessing for anyone that wants to do anything they want with it. Learn more here: Another profound development of his is the Transforming Generator. If you’ve ever seen in the movies where a motor goes into hyper-drive runaway mode that
could self-destruct if not kept under control, the Transforming Generator is just such a machine. You can see a part of a demonstration of that in a YouTube video embedded on this page – anyone serious about overunity technologies will add this to their library. He also invented the SERPS, which was demonstrated at the conference. It lit 50 watts of bulbs
for a net cost of only 1 watt – literally, this is around a 5000% gain in work produced compared to the loss on the input. Needless to say, Jim Murray is one of the rare pioneers of the modern-day free energy movement and it is a rare opportunity and a great honor to be in the audience when he presents. Many people are interested in overunity technologies,
but they do not even understand what unity even means – especially those that are convinced that that do. Jim Murray will be sharing very important information for anyone that wants to be set on the right track – it will be accurate and authoritative and you will only be able to hear this at the 2018 Energy Science & Technology Conference. Register now and
get your tickets: Posted on 2016-10-14 by Aaron Murakami — Leave a comment Janja Glogovac is creating a very important documentary about Nikola Tesla and it will feature some of our favorite top experts on the Tesla Sciences such as Eric Dollard, Paul Babcock and others. A BRAND NEW trailer is available on his link that you just have to see – you’ll
probably recognize a few people in it! Help support the completion of this documentary by donating whatever you can to the cause and ask your friends to do the same. Posted on 2016-08-022020-11-02 by Aaron Murakami — Leave a comment Fundamentals of the Transforming Generator by Jim Murray Fundamentals of the Transforming Generator by Jim
Murray – This astounding machine demonstrates many principles that are not understood by conventional science. It rotates but creates a square wave output, with positive feedback – it speeds up to self-destruct speeds, which you normally only see in science fiction movies but this is the real thing, it can light mercury vapor lamps at 200-300% more lumens
per watt among other mind-bending feats! For the first time ever, Jim Murray discloses the inner workings of this machine to the public and even describes how someone can replicate it by modifying an off the shelf motor. Release date – August 1, 2016. Learn more: Fundamentals of the Transforming Generator

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