Vacio REF-SVG001-EN Evacuation

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Service Guide

Evacuation and Dehydration

Only qualified personnel should install and service the equipment. The installation, starting up, and
servicing of heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning equipment can be hazardous and requires specific
knowledge and training. Improperly installed, adjusted or altered equipment by an unqualified person could
result in death or serious injury. When working on the equipment, observe all precautions in the literature
and on the tags, stickers, and labels that are attached to the equipment.

May 2012 Proprietary and Confidential REF-SVG001-EN

Warnings, Cautions and Notices
Warnings, Cautions and Notices. Note that warnings, must also be adhered to for responsible management of
cautions and notices appear at appropriate intervals refrigerants. Know the applicable laws and follow them.
throughout this manual. Warnings are provide to alert
installing contractors to potential hazards that could result WARNING
in death or personal injury. Cautions are designed to alert
personnel to hazardous situations that could result in Proper Field Wiring and Grounding
personal injury, while notices indicate a situation that Required!
could result in equipment or property-damage-only All field wiring MUST be performed by qualified
accidents. personnel. Improperly installed and grounded field
Your personal safety and the proper operation of this wiring poses FIRE and ELECTROCUTION hazards. To
avoid these hazards, you MUST follow requirements for
machine depend upon the strict observance of these
field wiring installation and grounding as described in
precautions. NEC and your local/state electrical codes. Failure to
Read this manual thoroughly before operating or servicing follow code could result in death or serious injury.
this unit.

ATTENTION: Warnings, Cautions and Notices appear at WARNING

appropriate sections throughout this literature. Read Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
these carefully: Required!
Installing/servicing this unit could result in exposure to
Indicates a potentially hazardous
WARNING situation which, if not avoided, could
electrical, mechanical and chemical hazards.
result in death or serious injury. • Before installing/servicing this unit, technicians
Indicates a potentially hazardous MUST put on all Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
CAUTIONs situation which, if not avoided, could recommended for the work being undertaken.
result in minor or moderate injury. It ALWAYS refer to appropriate MSDS sheets and OSHA
could also be used to alert against guidelines for proper PPE.
unsafe practices.
• When working with or around hazardous chemicals,
Indicates a situation that could result in
NOTICE: equipment or property-damage only ALWAYS refer to the appropriate MSDS sheets and
OSHA guidelines for information on allowable
Important personal exposure levels, proper respiratory
protection and handling recommendations.
Environmental Concerns!
• If there is a risk of arc or flash, technicians MUST put
Scientific research has shown that certain man-made on all Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in
chemicals can affect the earth’s naturally occurring accordance with NFPA 70E or other country-specific
stratospheric ozone layer when released to the requirements for arc flash protection, PRIOR to
atmosphere. In particular, several of the identified servicing the unit.
chemicals that may affect the ozone layer are refrigerants
that contain Chlorine, Fluorine and Carbon (CFCs) and Failure to follow recommendations could result in death
or serious injury.
those containing Hydrogen, Chlorine, Fluorine and
Carbon (HCFCs). Not all refrigerants containing these
compounds have the same potential impact to the
environment. Trane advocates the responsible handling of
all refrigerants-including industry replacements for CFCs
such as HCFCs and HFCs.

Responsible Refrigerant Practices!

Trane believes that responsible refrigerant practices are
important to the environment, our customers, and the air
conditioning industry. All technicians who handle Trademarks
refrigerants must be certified. The Federal Clean Air Act
(Section 608) sets forth the requirements for handling, Trane and the Trane logo are trademarks of Trane in the
reclaiming, recovering and recycling of certain United States and other countries. All trademarks
refrigerants and the equipment that is used in these referenced in this document are the trademarks of their
service procedures. In addition, some states or respective owners.
municipalities may have additional requirements that Vac-U-Ator is a trademark of A & N Products Inc.

© 2012 Trane All rights reserved Proprietary and Confidential, Do Not Distribute Outside Trane REF-SVG001-EN
Table of Contents
Warnings, Cautions and Notices . . . . . . . . . . 2
Evacuation and Dehydration . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Why Evacuate and Dehydrate? . . . . . . . . . . 4
Evacuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Dehydration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
POE Oils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Non-Condensable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
What Happens to the Water as the Pressure
Falls? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
The Water Vapor or Air Volume . . . . . . . . 7
Available Pressure Difference . . . . . . . . . . 7
Vacuum Pump Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Triple Evacuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Vacuum Pumps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Types of Vacuum Pumps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Gas Ballast or Vented Exhaust . . . . . . . . 10
High Vacuum Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Vacuum Breaker Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Size of Connecting Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Cold Trap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Factors Affecting the Speed at Which a Pump
Can Dehydrate a Refrigerant System . . . 13
Methods for Measuring Vacuum . . . . . . . . 14
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

REF-SVG001-EN Proprietary and Confidential © 2012 Trane, Do Not Distribute Outside Trane 3
Evacuation and Dehydration procedure in preparing a system for operation. It is to your
advantage to use an efficient evacuation method.
After any repair that requires complete removal of the
refrigerant charge (or if all of the refrigerant charge has Evacuation
been lost due to a leak) and/or the possibility of the Evacuation is the physical process of creating a vacuum. In
introduction of ambient air into a refrigeration system everyday usage, vacuum is a volume of space that is
occurs, standard evacuation and dehydration procedures essentially empty of matter. If gas (air) were the only
of the system must take place. Ambient air contains matter to evacuate from a refrigeration system (i.e., no
moisture, and a properly operating refrigerating system moisture was present), the process would be quite simple
can only contain the refrigerant in liquid or vapor state and straightforward. A vacuum pump would be attached
along with dry oil. All other vapors, gases, and fluids must to a system that has been determined to be leak-free (refer
be removed prior to recharging the system with to Confidential Service Bulletin: HVAC/R Leak Test Best
refrigerant and adding oil (if applicable). Connecting the Practices Leak Testing Low-, Medium-, High-, and Very
system to a vacuum pump and allowing the pump to run High-Pressure Equipment [REF-SVC01A-EN or the most
and reach the required vacuum can best remove these recent revision]) and the vacuum pump would be run until
non-desirable elements from the system. there was no air present in the system. This method is
sometimes referred to as a “deep vacuum.”
Why Evacuate and Dehydrate?
Air and moisture left in a refrigerant system increases
Dehydration literally means the removal of moisture or
operating costs, leads to faulty operation, and shortens the
water (free water). If a system has been left open to the
life of the equipment. Air left in a closed system causes
atmosphere for any amount of time, moisture has entered
abnormally high head pressure, which will reduce a
the system from the water in the air. The higher the relative
system’s cooling capacity and increase its cost of
humidity, the more moisture is present. At normal
operation. In a system which operates with its suction
conditions, this may be a relatively small amount of
temperature above freezing, the presence of water may
moisture, but it can still potentially be enough moisture to
not be discovered for months. However, in low-
have an adverse affect if left inside the system. If the
temperature systems, water can freeze and block the ports
system was a water-cooled unit and subjected to a leak that
of thermal expansion valves and capillary tubes. These are
allows free water to enter the system, this could range
the least of the problems that can be caused by the
from ounces to gallons. Any amount of moisture or water
presence of water and air in a system.
in the refrigeration system is not permissible.
More serious problems can lead to complete system
If there is a larger amount of free water in a system, there
failure. Air and water cause the formation of both
are proven methods that must be followed to physically
hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acids within a system.
remove this water. Opening the refrigeration system to
These strong acids set up an electrolytic action between
allow removal of the water will be necessary. After all of
the copper piping and the steel parts of the compressor
the free water is removed from the system, the system
and the refrigerant control valves. Copper is removed from
must be resealed and made leak-free.
the walls of pipes and deposited on steel-wearing
surfaces. Copper plating on compressor reed valves and POE Oils
valve seats causes leakage (valve blow-by), oil is
carbonized, and eventually the valve reeds break. Open In many newer systems with lower ozone depleting
compressor shaft seals start to leak as copper builds up on refrigerants, polyolester (POE) oils are being utilized
the wearing or sealing surfaces. When this happens, there instead of mineral or alkyl benzene oils that were used in
is a continual loss of refrigerant or a continual inflow of the past with ozone depleting refrigerants. Refer to Table 1
more air and water vapor into a system where the suction to determine the type of oil that is in the system.
pressure is below atmospheric pressure. Hydrochloric and
Table 1. Oils used with different refrigerants
hydrofluoric acids also attack the oil, breaking it down to
form sludge and gum. Bearings can then fail and/or Refrigerant Lubricant Refrigerant Lubricant
compressors may seize and fail to rotate. R-12 MO or AB R-410A POE
R-13 MO or AB R-500 MO
Hermetic and semi-hermetic systems are the most R-123 MO R-502 MO or AB
vulnerable to poor evacuation methods due to the internal R-134a POE R-503 MO or AB
electric motor. In these compressors, hydrochloric and R-22 MO or AB R-507 POE
hydrofluoric acids attack the insulation on the motor R-23 POE R-95 POE
windings, causing it to deteriorate, and eventually causing R-404A (HP62) POE R-HP80 MO or AB
motor failure. R-407C POE R-HP81 MO or AB
R-408A MO or AB R-MP39 MO or AB
Trouble-free operation is not possible without first R-409A MO or AB R-MP66 MO or AB
removing water and air from refrigerant systems. Removal Notes:
of water and air from refrigeration systems can only be 1. AB= Alkyl benzene
2. MO = Mineral Oil
accomplished through the use of good evacuation 3. POE = Polyol Ester Oil

4 Proprietary and Confidential © 2012 Trane, Do Not Distribute Outside Trane REF-SVG001-EN
POE oils are more hygroscopic than mineral or alkyl would be 14.7 pounds. This is called atmospheric
benzene oils; this means they absorb moisture very easily pressure. Any pressure above atmospheric pressure is
and rapidly. referred to as gauge pressure. Pressures below
Moisture absorbed by POE oil cannot be extracted by a atmospheric are referred to as vacuum. This same square
vacuum pump during the dehydration process. inch column of air exerting 14.7 psi can support a one inch
square column of mercury (Hg) 29.92 inches high.
• If the system is suspected of containing excessive
moisture, remove all POE oil prior to evacuation and Figure 1. Atmospheric pressure
dehydration, if possible. Properly dispose of any oil
removed from the system. 600 miles
1 in.2
• If the system is not suspected of containing excessive 14.7 psi
moisture, retain the oil and install new driers in

Filter Driers
All filter driers should be replaced if a system is opened for
service or repair to the atmosphere. This is especially
important if the system contains POE oil.
• If the system does not have filter driers installed, it is
strongly recommended that at least a liquid line filter Atmospheric pressure decreases at higher elevations.
drier be installed. Going above sea level, to the summit of Mount Whitney for
example, eliminates some of the 600 miles of atmosphere
Non-Condensable and, consequently, some of the pressure. Atmospheric
pressure determines the boiling point of water. At sea
Gases in a refrigeration system that do not liquefy in the
level, water boils at 212°F. On the summit of Mt. Whitney,
condenser are contaminants, which raise the head
where atmospheric pressure is 8.32 psi, water boils at
pressure reducing the cooling capacity of the system,
184°F. The lower the atmospheric pressure, the lower the
therefore, reducing the system efficiency. The quantity of
boiling point of water. Therefore, if we can significantly
non-condensable gas that is harmful depends on the
reduce the atmospheric pressure inside a sealed
design and size of the refrigeration system and nature of
refrigerant system, we can vaporize (or boil) the moisture.
the refrigerant. Their presence contributes to higher than
It is important to keep in mind that free water still freezes
normal discharge pressures and resultant higher
at 32°F.
discharge temperature. Higher temperatures speed up
undesirable chemical reactions with system components. Figure 2. Decreasing atmospheric pressure as
Gases sometimes found in closed refrigeration systems elevation increases
include nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, carbon
monoxide, methane and hydrogen. These unwanted
600 miles 597.8 miles
gases can also accelerate metal fatigue within the system.
8.32 psi = 16.9 in. 184°F
To understand how moisture is removed from a
refrigeration system, it’s necessary to understand the
relationship between water pressure and temperature.

A vacuum pump is capable of removing all moisture from Sea Level 14.7 psi
a system by reducing the internal system pressure equal
to the boiling point of water. A vacuum pump does not 212°F
“suck out” liquid moisture. Rather, it causes the moisture
to boil into a vapor state, which then can be harmlessly This principle is illustrated in Figure 3, p. 6:
removed from the system and exhausted through the
vacuum pump discharge.
The earth is surrounded by matter in a gaseous state
(78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen, and 1 percent
other gases). This matter extends approximately
600 miles above the earth and has weight measured in
pounds per square inch. If you were to take a square inch
column of the air extending 600 miles above the earth, its
weight and pressure exerted on the earth at sea level

REF-SVG001-EN Proprietary and Confidential © 2012 Trane, Do Not Distribute Outside Trane 5
Figure 3. How atmospheric pressure affects the boiling point of water
Boiling point
point of water
of water (°F) (°F)
212 210





0.0 1.4 3.5 5.5 7.5 9.6 11.6 13.7 15.7 17.7 19.8 21.8 23.9 25.9 27.9 29.0

Pressure (inches of Hg)

What Happens to the Water as the inch. It requires 67 BTU to evaporate just one ounce of
Pressure Falls? water.
Note: This is why it is very difficult to predict the amount
Water vaporizes or boils at 212°F at atmospheric pressure.
of time it will take to dehydrate a unit, it all depends
This is equal to 760 millimeters of mercury absolute
on how much water is in the system. The preceding
(760,000 microns). As the pressure over the surface of
heat flow rates are too low to provide a high
water is reduced, its evaporation temperature is reduced
enough evaporation rate to be practical for
too. Free water at atmospheric pressure and room
removing large quantities of water. Even if the
temperature is in a sub-cooled state. For example, to get
surrounding temperature is raised or the internal
water to boil at 70°F, it is necessary to lower the pressure
pressure is lowered, the heat flow rate will only be
over it to 18.8 millimeters of mercury absolute. As the
doubled, tripled or quadrupled. It will still be too
pressure is lowered further, a very small percentage of the
low for the practical removal of large quantities of
water evaporates, cooling the remaining water to a
temperature which corresponds to the pressure. At
4.58 millimeters, it evaporates at 32°F and can freeze if the This means that you must reduce the quantity of liquid
pressure goes lower. water in a system to a bare minimum prior to evacuation.
At the most, there should be only scattered droplets on the
Heat Sources inside of the pipe and equipment. When this condition
Heat to cause this water to evaporate can be obtained from exists, the heat stored in the metal and insulation is ample
two sources. One source is the surface temperature of the to evaporate the remaining water rapidly. It requires only
equipment, including piping and insulation material. This 0.12 BTU to evaporate one drop of water. When the metal
is limited but sufficient as long as its initial temperature is of a system is 15°F above the evaporation temperature of
20°F to 25°F above the water’s evaporation temperature. the water, one ounce of steel or 1-1/3 ounces of copper will
The higher the surface temperature the free water is vaporize one drop of water.
touching or in contact with, the faster the evaporation rate. When a large amount of liquid water exists in bigger
This can cause the rapid evaporation of relative small systems (such as large centrifugal chillers), you must drain
amounts of water. The other source is heat from outside it out and mop out or blowout the excess before you start
the system, such as the surrounding air or a supplemental the dehydration. Then, and only then, can you dry a
heat source. system in a timely fashion.
On average, heat flows through a bare pipe at the rate of When a system is known to have free water inside and the
about 0.5 BTU per hour per square inch when the ambient temperature is below 50°F, it is not recommended
surrounding air is at 70°F. Through insulated pipe this heat to dehydrate because of the possibly of freezing the water
will flow at a rate of about 0.01 BTU per hour per square in deep vacuums.

6 Proprietary and Confidential © 2012 Trane, Do Not Distribute Outside Trane REF-SVG001-EN
The Water Vapor or Air Volume lower and lower, based on a vacuum pump rated at 2-1/
2 cfm. When the pressure has dropped to only
A given weight of water vapor (or air) occupies an 600 millimeters of mercury absolute, this pump is
increasing volume as the pressure is lowered closely handling 2 cfm or 80 percent of its rated capacity. When
following the P1V1 = P2V2 formula. One ounce of water the pressure reaches 300 millimeters, it is handling only
forms 127 cubic feet of water vapor at a pressure of 1 cfm or 40 percent of its rated capacity. At
7.58 millimeters of mercury absolute, 3,425 cubic feet at 150 millimeters, it is handling only 1/2 cfm or 20 percent of
250 microns, and 8,204 cubic feet at 100 microns. its rated capacity.
Compared to vaporizing and removing water from a
Figure 4. Vacuum pump capacity curve
refrigerant system at 7.58 millimeters, 27 times the
volume must be removed at 250 microns and 64-1/2 times Atmospheric pressure
the volume must be removed at 100 microns. Therefore it 600 760 mm (29.92 in.) of Hg absolute
is faster to drain or mop out free water from a system than
“boil” it out using a vacuum pump.
Available Pressure Difference
In order for the harmful gases and vapors to flow out of a
refrigerant system, the pressure within the system must

System Pressure (mm of Hg absolute)

be higher than at the suction of the vacuum pump. The 100
higher the pressure difference, the faster the outward flow. 80
In the higher range of pressures in a vacuum, the pressure 70
difference required to cause a rapid flow of the harmful 50
gases and vapors out of a system is, at the most, only 40
5 percent of the total remaining pressure. As the pressure 30
within a system falls lower and lower, the available
pressure decreases and the pressure difference required 20
to cause a flow approaches 100 percent of the total
remaining pressure.
At extremely low pressures (in the micron range), the flow 9
rate of gases and vapors are greatly reduced. Remember 7
the vacuum pumps are rated—i.e., 5 cfm at atmospheric 6
pressure, but cubic feet per minute is greatly reduced at
these pressures. The outward movement is by diffusion
only; this is a slower process and requires larger 3

evacuation lines.

Vacuum Pump Capacity

Vacuum pumps are just compressors designed to work at 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
very low suction pressures against very high ratios of Actual Pumping Capacity (cfm)
compression. Any such compressor’s actual pumping
capacity in cubic feet per minute is always less at higher From here on, the actual pumping capacity decreases very
ratios of compression. Operating at 7.58 millimeters of fast as the pressure goes lower.
mercury absolute, ratio of compression would be 100; at
250 microns, it would be 3,040; and at 100 microns it would Triple Evacuation
be 7,600. The actual pumping capacity in cubic feet per An efficient method to produce a higher quality evacuation
minute of any high vacuum pump will decrease as the ratio is triple evacuation. If there is a minute amount of moisture
of compression increases following this formula: in the system, this method may suffice to remove it.
Pumping Capacity in cfm = Rated cfm / Ratio of To triple evacuate, exhaust the system initially to about
Compression 27 in. of vacuum, then charge it with dry nitrogen or dry
This formula shows that any high vacuum pump is carbon dioxide (CO2) having a moisture content of only 5
pumping only 1 percent of its rated cubic feet per minute to 10 parts per million. Allow this dry gas to remain in the
at 7.58 millimeters of mercury absolute, 13/100 of system at least an hour to diffuse throughout the system.
1 percent at 250 microns and 13/1,000 of 1 percent at The gas acts as a sponge to absorb or “blot-up” as much
100 microns. of the moisture as its saturation point permits.
Figure 4, p. 7 shows what happens to a high vacuum Important: Use these gases only with a pressure
pump’s actual pumping capacity as the pressure falls regulator and a large capacity pressure

REF-SVG001-EN Proprietary and Confidential © 2012 Trane, Do Not Distribute Outside Trane 7
relief valve. This should be set to release at Next, turn the valve on the second tank one-quarter open.
175 psig (1,300 kPa). NEVER heat nitrogen The velocity of out-rush is the same as the first tank, but
cylinders. The maximum cylinder the volume is reduced. This tank takes longer to equalize
temperature should be 110°F (43°C). due to the restriction—or resistance—to flow with the
Next, release the moisture-laden gas to a pressure just limited valve opening. This tank is also not empty, but at
above atmospheric pressure. Evacuate the system again, equilibrium with the outside surrounding pressure.
ensuring that proper vacuum levels are met, and recharge. This example becomes important to us later on, when we
Repeat this process for a total of three times, before finally discuss the importance of using large diameter suction
evacuating using a deep vacuum pump. The deep vacuum lines between the pump and the unit being evacuated.
pump allows a simple electronic deep vacuum gauge to
check the final condition of the system. Dry nitrogen Types of Vacuum Pumps
absorbs the moisture in the system and takes advantage of
Reciprocating Pumps
the higher cubic feet per minute vacuum pumping rate at
higher pressures compared to the lower pumping cubic Keep in mind this basic fact of “Pressure Differential,” p. 8
feet per minute rates in deeper vacuum pressures. as we analyze how a vacuum pump actually pumps.
Figure 5, p. 9 shows a typical reciprocating piston pump.
Vacuum Pumps
A Guide to Selecting the Right Size Pump
A vacuum pump reduces the internal system pressure of
a refrigeration/air conditioning system so moisture and
other contaminants can be removed.
The term “high vacuum” describes a condition where the
internal system pressure is extremely low, or close to a
perfect vacuum. The higher the vacuum is in a system, the
closer the micron reading is to 0 microns. Deep vacuum
can be thought of in the same way. The deeper a vacuum
is, the closer the micron reading is to 0 microns.
“High vacuum” and “deep vacuum” describe the same
condition inside a closed system. For refrigeration/air
conditioning service applications, high vacuum equals
good vacuum, or a low micron reading on the system.
Before considering the variables affecting a high vacuum
pump’s performance, let’s first review some general
classifications of vacuum pumps relative to their ability to
remove moisture by the boiling process.

How Does a Vacuum Pump Work?

When a liquid pump operates, one can easily see and
measure the liquid being discharged. However, when a
vacuum pump is running, this visible assurance is not
available. Instead, the reading of a gauge or some other
type of instrument provides the information. Therefore,
the instrument selection becomes as important as the
pump selection.
Keep in mind the basic fact that Nature seeks an
equilibrium of pressures. You can probably cite examples
of this law from your own observation.

Pressure Differential
For example, consider two tanks of equal size pressurized
with the same gas and pressure. When the valve on tank
number one is opened completely, the gas rushes out and
soon ceases to flow. One might imagine it is empty, but
this is not true. The pressure inside the tank is now equal
to the outside surrounding pressure. A vacuum pump is
needed to remove the pressure left in the tank.

8 Proprietary and Confidential © 2012 Trane, Do Not Distribute Outside Trane REF-SVG001-EN
Figure 5. Reciprocating pump
This cycle of inlet and discharge action continues to
remove air from the unit until the pump ceases to create a
sufficient differential in pressure to cause the air to flow
into the cylinder from the system. When the state of
Piston equilibrium has been reached, the pump continues to run,
but it ceases doing any useful work. In other words, its
volumetric pumping speed, or capacity, has decreased to
zero no matter how long or how fast the pump runs.
Rod This limitation of a vacuum pump is referred to as its
“blank-off pressure,” for that set of operating conditions.
The typical reciprocating vacuum pump or hermetic
A. Piston at Top of Cylinder compressor as such, cannot create a vacuum much greater
than 28 in. because it has to leave some clearance at the
end of its discharge stroke to prevent the piston from
Line contacting the head of the pump. The air that has been
compressed in this head clearance space must be re-
expanded during the next suction stroke, thereby severely
Suction reducing the ability of such a mechanism to create a deep
vacuum. This is due to the heat of compressions and
expansion of the metal in the pump.

Rotary Pumps
This same principle of the inlet gas and discharge action
B. Downstroke
applies to a rotary deep vacuum pump, but there are
several characteristics that make it superior for evacuation
of refrigeration systems. Figure 6, p. 10 shows a typical
rotary pump.

C. Piston at Bottom of Cylinder


D. Upstroke

When the piston moves down, enlarging the cavity above

the piston, the pressure is lower than the pressure in the
system being evacuated. The pressure from the system
forces the gases through the inlet valve as the piston
travels to the bottom. The pressures then equalize: the
piston rises on its compression stroke, creating a pressure
equal to atmospheric pressure plus discharge valve spring
pressure and discharges the gases to the atmosphere until
the top of the stroke is reached.

REF-SVG001-EN Proprietary and Confidential © 2012 Trane, Do Not Distribute Outside Trane 9
beneficial because it not only makes it a fast pump-down
Figure 6. Rotary pump pump, but it can create the necessary large differential in
pressure to get a useful vacuum throughout the evacuated

Rotary Deep Vacuum Pumps

Rotary deep vacuum pumps generally used for servicing
cooling units are two stage compound pumps. They have
a continuously overlapping inlet and discharge action
during each revolution. A rotary compound pump consists
of two pumps in series within a cylinder and separated by
a center wall.
A. Intake The vacuum line is connected to the inlet of the first stage.
This stage has no discharge valve, it discharges through a
channel in the casting, directly into the inlet side of the
second stage where the air is sufficiently compressed to
force open the discharge valve and be discharged to the
atmosphere. All of these pumps use deep vacuum pump
oil to seal the machine clearances between the working
Table 2. Recommended pump sizes (cfm) by system
System (Tons) Recommended Pump Size (cfm)
<10 2
B. Preliminary Compression
10 to 30 4
30 to 50 6
50 to 500 10
>500 18 or greater

The most economical pump to use for units up to 15 tons

has a displacement rating of 3 cfm. For servicing industrial
units, an 8 cfm pump is generally large enough.
All modern two-stage compound pumps, rotary vane
pumps or piston pumps, have a hand adjustment valve
with an opening between the first and second stage. At the
beginning of the evacuation process, the valve is opened.
C. Final Compression Reference your specific pump Installation, Operation, and
Maintenance manual for proper adjustments or
instructions. Some air enters between the two stages
when the valve opens, which helps the second stage
remove the higher pressure gases faster and keep
contaminants from entering the pump oil.
When using a two-stage compound vacuum pump, it’s
important to close the valve down to a micron reading
range of 750–1,000. A vacuum pump cannot evacuate the
system or remove contamination to a lower point than its
own oil contamination. A dirty vacuum pump gives off its
own vapors, which reduces its capacity and creates a
D. Discharge blank-off point much higher than the pump’s design
Because a rotary deep vacuum pump does not require any Gas Ballast or Vented Exhaust
head clearance, it can create a blank-off pressure
considerably lower than required for modern pressures. The gas ballast or vented exhaust feature is a valving
This enables a rotary deep vacuum pump to maintain a arrangement which permits relatively dry air from the
very constant volumetric pumping speed (capacity) atmosphere to enter the second stage of the pump. This air
throughout the entire servicing cycle. This is extremely combines with the “wet” vapors from the system being
evacuated passing through the pump from the refrigerant

10 Proprietary and Confidential © 2012 Trane, Do Not Distribute Outside Trane REF-SVG001-EN
systems and helps to prevent the moisture from loss of efficiency and/or capacity. Normally, oil changes
condensing into a liquid or water and mixing with the will not be required during a single dehydration job. But it
vacuum pump oil. would be well to change oil after each major pump down.
This may sound complex, but actually it is relatively
High Vacuum Oil
simple. A comparison should help explain it. Imagine a
damp towel being twisted until water drops out. This can The important and distinctive characteristic of oil for deep
be compared to a high vacuum pump which is not vacuum service is that, at 1,000°F, its vapor pressure is not
equipped with a gas ballast. Moisture being pulled from a greater than 0.005 mm (5 microns) mercury total absolute
wet refrigerant system is compressed internally in the pressure. Its viscosity, at 100°F, should be 300 SSU. Keep
vacuum pump and condenses into a liquid or free water. in mind that a vacuum pump cannot create a total absolute
Now imagine that same damp towel entwined with a dry pressure less than the vapor pressure of its sealing oil.
towel and then twisted. It would take a considerable This precludes the use of refrigerant oil for pressures less
amount of twisting before any water would drop out. Thus than 1 mm Hg. because its vapor pressure is too high and
the process of the vented exhaust arrangement. It permits variable for deep vacuum service. Instead of a controlled
the moisture-laden air from the system being evacuated to vapor pressure, its major characteristics are a very low floc
pass through the pump to mix with relatively dry air to point (temperature at which waxy materials in lubricating
such a degree that compression does not cause oil separate from a mixture of oil and refrigerant), pour
condensation. point and stability when mixed with refrigerant.
Figure 7. Comparison—gas ballast Consequently, to prevent lost time by using an oil of
questionable vapor pressure, use on oil that is specifically
processed for rotary deep vacuum pump applications.
Trane recommends that only quality Trane vacuum pump
oil is used in its vacuum pumps.
Most manufacturers of deep vacuum pumps guarantee
their pumps for one year from date of manufacturer

against defective materials and workmanship However,
WET DRY the pump must be protected, by a drop-out trap against
solid particles getting into the pump and causing a
possible stoppage or breakage of parts. Do not expect any
manufacturer to guarantee the pump against such a
Mixing Wet and Dry Air failure.
When finished with the evacuation process, immediately
drain and flush the pump with good Trane vacuum pump
oil while the pump is still warm—the oil is thin and drains
easily. Then refill the pump with new vacuum pump oil
and run it for two or three minutes and drain. Refill the
The damp towel comparison also illustrates why this
pump again and seal off both inlet and outlet. This
valving feature cannot handle large amounts of moisture.
removes all contaminants, water, sludge and acid which
If the towel is almost saturated with water, even the
might enter the pump when it was being used. This also
introduction of the completely dry towel will not prevent
keeps the pump protected from rusting and pitting due to
some of the water from dropping out when the two are
acid and moisture left inside after use. Then store in a dry
place. These steps are critical to maintaining the pump and
Because of the “severe” application of a vacuum pump flushing the pump thoroughly with new oil is far less costly
when used to “boil water,” in very low vacuums it is than replacing a damaged pump.
necessary to select a quality two stage model equipped
Furthermore, pump warranty is voided should you neglect
with a vented exhaust to achieve adequate performance
to change the oil as frequently as necessary to prevent the
over a long period of time. It should be emphasized,
accumulation of water, rust, and grit, emulsified or acidic
however, that even with the best pump available, regular
oil. Be prepared to change the oil as frequently as is
maintenance has to be performed.
necessary. Clean and dry deep vacuum oil is the cheapest
Frequent oil changes should be anticipated and insurance against breakdown and repair.
considered as the single most important factor in a
preventative maintenance program. Even a pump Vacuum Breaker Valve
equipped with a vented exhaust cannot handle large
A rotary deep vacuum pump will not serve as a cut-off
amounts of moisture without some being condensed into
valve to hold a vacuum on a system, when shut down.
the oil. If allowed to remain inside the pump, this moisture
Install a cut-off valve in your connecting line for this
will attack the metal components and result in lock ups or
purpose. Then install at the pump (between the cut-off

REF-SVG001-EN Proprietary and Confidential © 2012 Trane, Do Not Distribute Outside Trane 11
valve and the pump) a manually operated vacuum breaker in2. For the range of absolute pressures with which we are
valve. Just prior to shutting down the pump, under involved, the resistance of gas flow increases in direct
vacuum, close the cut-off valve then open this vacuum proportion to the length of the line and the inside diameter
breaker valve to prevent an excessive amount of oil raised to the fourth power. Consequently, install a line as
seeping back into the pump from the external oil reservoir, short and as large in diameter as is feasible.
thereby creating an oil-locked condition. An oil-locked If at all possible, do NOT use tubing as small as 1/4 in. Use
pump is not free to be started by a motor. To relieve the oil at least 3/8 in. tubing because, under vacuum conditions,
lock, unplug it and turn the pump over by hand a couple its conductance capacity is eight times greater than 1/4 in.
revolutions and then turn on the motor. tubing. For large industrial systems the connecting line
should be 1-1/2 in. piping size or larger to permit utilizing
Size of Connecting Line
the fast pumping speed of an 8 cfm or larger pump. In the
No matter how short or large in diameter the connecting case of a flooded centrifugal unit, you could use the
line is that you install between your pump and the unit to rupture disc opening to connect to.
be evacuated, it will offer an appreciable resistance to gas Even more so than refrigerant, vacuum is critical for leaks.
flow. This means loss of useful vacuum. Recall that we are Charging hoses still permeate, so if possible, do not use
involved with very small pressure differences between the hoses. The optimal way to pull a vacuum is to use copper
systems pressure and the vacuum pumps suction, such as tubing.
100 microns of mercury pressure which is about 0.002 lb/
Table 3. Ounces of liquid held per foot of hose at 80°F
Hose Type R-12 R-22 R-134a R-404A R-407C R-410A R-502 Average
1/4 in. 0.36 0.33 0.33 0.29 0.31 0.29 0.33 0.32
3/8 in. 0.85 0.77 0.78 0.67 0.73 0.68 0.78 0.75
1/2 in. 1.85 1.68 1.7 1.47 1.6 1.49 1.71 1.64
3/4 in. 3.89 3.53 3.58 3.09 3.37 3.13 3.6 3.46

Table 4. Times more volume comparison

Hose Type R-12 R-22 R-134a R-404A R-407C R-410A R-502 Average
1/4 in. vs. 3/8 in. 2.36 2.33 2.36 2.31 2.35 2.34 2.36 2.35
1/4 in. vs. 1/2 in. 5.14 5.09 5.15 5.07 5.16 5.14 5.18 5.13
1/4 in. vs. 3/4 in. 10.81 10.70 10.85 10.66 10.87 10.79 10.91 10.80
3/8 in. vs. 1/2 in. 2.18 2.18 2.18 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19
3/8 in. vs. 3/4 in. 4.58 4.58 4.59 4.61 4.62 4.60 4.62 4.60
1/2 in. vs. 3/4 in. 2.10 2.10 2.11 2.10 2.11 2.10 2.11 2.10

Cold Trap passing through to the vacuum pump. Cold traps work on
condensable gases such as water and solvents. The
Due to the nature of the evacuation and dehydration principle is called sublimation in which the gas molecule
process, moisture—in addition to air—will be exiting the goes to a crystal state (or frost) from a gas state bypassing
refrigeration system. If large amounts of moisture are its liquid form. The gas then crystallizes out on the cold
present in the system prior to the evacuation and metal surface appearing as “frost” on the trap.
dehydration process, care must be taken to prevent this
moisture from entering the vacuum pump. If moisture has Figure 8, p. 13 shows a cold trap that is using dry ice to cool
an opportunity to contaminate the oil in the vacuum pump, the chamber through which the discharge of the
the pump will lose a large amount of its pumping refrigeration system is being drawn. This is the manual
capability. method of cooling; cold traps can also be cooled by
mechanical means as well (i.e., a separate refrigeration
Maintaining the integrity of the vacuum pump is essential system).
to effective vacuum pump operation. Water mixing with
vacuum pump oil will dissolve the oil and render it less
effective. In order to prevent this water from entering the
vacuum pump, a device called a cold trap must be used to
trap this moisture before it enters the vacuum pump. This
will not only allow the vacuum pump to perform better but
will lengthen its service life as well.
A cold trap is a device that is cooled (either mechanically
or manually) that the discharge gas from the refrigeration
equipment enters before it goes to the vacuum pump. In
this device, the moisture is trapped and prevented from

12 Proprietary and Confidential © 2012 Trane, Do Not Distribute Outside Trane REF-SVG001-EN
Figure 8. Cold trap
Vapor Connection Can Filled with
to Wet System Dry Ice Handle

Baffles to Force Gas

Against the Sides Dry Ice

Sealed Chamber Drain and

Inside a Can Valve

Vacuum Pump

The evacuation and dehydration process should be shut Let us assume that all other variable factors affecting
down periodically and the cold trap should be allowed to pump downtime are equal. Here again is a law of Nature
thaw and let the free water drain from the cold trap. Two at work. Within a system variable pressures attempt to
principles are at work when using a cold trap: balance. In this balancing, the higher pressure “flows”
1. It freezes the moisture in the cold trap so it can’t towards the lower pressure. The higher pressure in the
contaminate the vacuum pump oil. system will flow toward the vacuum pump until it is
reduced or in balance with the vacuum created by the
2. The principle of moving from a higher potential to a vacuum pump. The speed at which it will flow is controlled
lower potential, the moisture will naturally flow from by the I.D. and length of the connecting line. For example,
the system and condense or freeze in the cold trap. A it takes eight times as long to pull a given vacuum through
simple example of this process is when moisture a 1/4 in. diameter line as it does through a 1/2 in. diameter
condenses on the outside of a glass containing an ice- line. And it takes twice as long to pull this vacuum through
cold beverage. a 6 ft line as it does a line 3 ft long.
Factors Affecting the Speed at Which a Because of the external restrictions created by using
Pump Can Dehydrate a Refrigerant System standard hookup components, frequently the size of the
connecting line or access valve determines the most
Several factors influence the “pumping speed” of a high practical vacuum pump to purchase. Money can be wasted
vacuum pump, and thus the time required to remove all by buying a vacuum pump which has more capacity than
moisture from a refrigerant system. Some of the most can be utilized. The most practical vacuum pump to buy is
important are: the cubic feet capacity of the system, the one which is capable of eliminating pressure to below the
amount of moisture (both visible and invisible) contained boiling point of water as fast as it can flow to the vacuum
within the system, the ambient temperature of the source. If the restrictions, internal or external, hold back
equipment, internal restrictions within the system, and the flow to a speed at which a 1.2 or 3 cfm pump can
external restrictions between the system and the vacuum effectively eliminate the pressure, a larger capacity pump
source. is not required.
Unfortunately, nearly all the controlling factors are When determining the size (capacity in cubic feet per
dictated. The OEMs determine the cubic feet capacity of minute) of the pump to meet your needs, remember that
the systems and their internal restrictions. Malfunctions it is the length and diameter of the line to dehydrate which
and inefficiencies result from the presence of moisture. should dictate the size pump to buy, and not the size of the
And Nature controls the ambient temperature of the day. refrigerant system.
It is almost useless if we try to dehydrate a system when
Generally, the majority of refrigerant systems must be
the location of the equipment’s temperature (ambient) is
dehydrated through a 1/4 in. ID line or access valve.
below 50°F. This is because part of the reason helping the
Consequently, the 1.2 to 3 cfm capacity pump will handle
water to “boil” is the temperature of the surface the water
most applications. Where it is possible to use a larger I.D.
is touching. It is possible to actually freeze the water in a
connecting line, a larger pump is recommended. The only
system by pulling a deep vacuum and not having enough
two factors the service technician can control are: external
heat from the metal the water is touching to cause the
restrictions and pump size.
water to transfer into a vapor state. Consequently, the only
factors under the control of the serviceman are the
external restrictions between the system and the vacuum
pump. Nevertheless, this one factor is very important and
warrants more discussion.

REF-SVG001-EN Proprietary and Confidential © 2012 Trane, Do Not Distribute Outside Trane 13
Methods for Measuring Vacuum Web-Bulb Vacuum Indicator
A wet-bulb thermometer is supported within a glass tube
There are many methods that can be used to measure the that is sealed at both ends. The wicking on the
level of vacuum. Many factors must be taken into thermometer makes it possible to get a true reading of the
consideration in the choice of a method or device: evaporation temperature that is not affected by liquid
• It must read very accurately over the range from head. The top seal has a small metal tube passing through
20 millimeters down to 2 millimeters of mercury it for connecting the instrument to the evacuation line
absolute. (This is the range within which evaporation running from the vacuum pump to the system to be
starts, is completed each evacuation is terminated and evacuated. The glass tube is enclosed in an insulated
water can freeze in the system.) casing. The fluid used must be able to wet the wicking of
• It must read as accurately during the second the thermometer by capillary attraction and have a known
evacuation as during the first. pressure-temperature relationship. Either water or
• It should read in units with which all users are familiar. laboratory pure methyl alcohol is suitable.
• It should be sturdy or robust for field use. Figure 9. Vac-U-Ator™ web-bulb indicator
• It should be easy to use and maintain.
• Its cost should be low enough so as not to prevent its
There are four types of instruments in common use for
measuring vacuum:
• Compound gauge
• “U” tube manometer
• Electronic vacuum gauge
• Wet-bulb vacuum indicator
Let it be understood at this point that not one of these
instruments will show how much moisture is left in a
system. They only react to the total remaining pressure.
Both the compound gauge and the “U” tube manometer
do not meet the first and most important specification,
accuracy. At its lower limits, the compound gauge can
introduce a pressure error of over 50 millimeters. It should
never be used except as a guide at the start of an
evacuation where the pressures are high. The “U” tube
manometer introduces a human error in reading the Operation and Accuracy
difference in the height of two columns of mercury which The wet-bulb vacuum indicator accurately measures the
are about one inch apart. Where it is important to evaporation temperature of the fluid used as it evaporates
determine the pressure with an error of less than 0.02 of from the thermometer’s wicking. As the pressure falls, so
one inch of mercury, this instrument is not accurate does the fluid’s evaporation temperature. The
enough either. temperature read on the thermometer corresponds
The electronic vacuum gauges are excellent instruments exactly with the pressure to which the system is subjected
for the purpose for which they were designed. However, during evacuation. A one-degree error in temperature
they were not designed for this duty. The majority sold do reading produces an error of less than 3.5 percent in total
not even have a readable scale which covers the proper remaining pressure over the instrument’s entire range of
range. Those that do are too inaccurate in this range. operation.
These instruments are highly accurate in the range from 5
Can The Wet-Bulb Vacuum Indicator
to 100 microns but as the pressure rises they become
totally unreliable. Also, their calibrated scale is printed for Contaminate A System?
a specific gas mixture. Should this mixture be changed, as The wet-bulb vacuum indicator cannot contaminate a
occurs when you add refrigerant prior to the second refrigerant system when it is installed in the evacuation
evacuation or as water vaporizes and purges the air out of line running from the vacuum pump to the system to be
a system, a true pressure reading cannot be obtained. The evacuated. When you are using the double evacuation
electronic vacuum gauges are not suitable for the double method, there is no reason to install the instrument in any
evacuation method or any evacuation where water other location.
With the wet-bulb vacuum indicator installed properly, all
The wet-bulb vacuum indicator is by far the best of the small amount of vapor generated by the instrument
instrument for the double evacuation method. It meets all is entrained with that leaving the system being evacuated
six of the specifications required for this method. and passes out through the vacuum pump. With the

14 Proprietary and Confidential © 2012 Trane, Do Not Distribute Outside Trane REF-SVG001-EN
instrument at this location, it is always subject to a slightly controlling the whole evacuation and dehydration process
lower pressure than the system; consequently, both the by wet-bulb readings only. This is safe and desirable, as
wet-bulb vacuum indicator and the fluid in it will be colder long as you familiarize yourself with what should take
than the system. From your experience with refrigerants, place at various temperature levels. Actually, the wet-bulb
you know that all volatile vapors migrate to the coldest vacuum indicator is the easiest instrument to use.
location and condense there. Should the vacuum pump be
stopped for any reason, the flow of these vapors will be Fluids for Use in the Wet-Bulb Vacuum
from the system to the wet-bulb vacuum indicator. Indicator
Ease of Use There are two fluids that can be used in the wet-bulb
vacuum indicator: water and pure methyl alcohol. The
Everyone working on refrigerant systems is familiar with data on their pressure-temperature relationship is
taking pressure readings to find evaporation temperature. provided with the instrument and is accurate, and covers
The wet-bulb vacuum indicator works opposite this the required range in a vacuum. Follow the instructions
standard practice. You read evaporation temperature to provided with the instrument to determine the appropriate
determine pressure in a vacuum. You find that you are fluid to use.

Figure 10. Pressure-temperature relationship for methyl alcohol and for water

500 20



Pressure (millimeters of Mercury absolute)

Pressure (inches of Mercury absolute)

90 o ho 4

80 lc
70 lA 3
50 M 2

40 0%



10 0.4
5.16 millimeters 0.2

4 Pressure Beneath Which Water Freezes


1 0.03
-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Temperature (°F)

Conclusion in that time, you have reached an acceptable level of

dehydration. Once this acceptable level of evacuation and
A successful dehydration and evacuation process can be dehydration has been achieved, it is now time to introduce
determined if, after you reach the desirable level of the proper type of amount of refrigerant and oil (if
dehydration, you shut off the evacuation and dehydration applicable) into the system.
process. Valve off the vacuum pump and allow the system
to stand for one hour. If the level of dehydration—the
temperature of the wet bulb indicator—does not increase

REF-SVG001-EN Proprietary and Confidential © 2012 Trane, Do Not Distribute Outside Trane 15
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leader in creating and sustaining safe, comfortable and energy efficient environments, Trane offers a broad
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