GEA Westfalia Separator Soline: Advanced Soymilk Processing

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GEA Westfalia Separator soline®

Advanced soymilk processing

engineering for a better world GEA Mechanical Equipment

Invest in Innovation
Tapping the full potential of soymilk – GEA Westfalia Separator has redefined
the process of soymilk recovery: Westfalia Separator soline gives the product a
new competitive edge.

Soymilk is enjoyed all over the world: unsweetened Proven innovative strength
or sweetened, plain flavoured or enriched, fruity or GEA Westfalia Separator has proved its innovative
with a beany, sour taste. In some countries soymilk is strength in more than 2500 processes. Westfalia
a traditional everyday drink, in others a trendy health Separator soline builds on this strength to provide
drink following in the steps of functional foods. Soy complete process lines for the innovative production
drinks are exceptionally rich in protein, free from of soymilk. Soymilk producers throughout the world
lactose and cholesterol and are a valuable alternative benefit from these innovations in terms of improved
for people who follow a healthy diet. It is used to product quality and increased yield.
enrich fruit juices and, vice versa, it is itself enriched
with fruit juice. The demand for soymilk with differ-
ent flavours and nutritional compositions is growing

Gentle product treatment is opening up

new markets
Soymilk contains up to 3 – 4 percent protein and all
essential amino acids for the human metabolism. It
is rich in unsaturated fatty acids and phytochemi-
cals. The ideal composition of these vital resources,
their miscibility and enormous variability in taste
and ingredients, have made soymilk a sought-after

Beverage manufacturers who want a slice of this

growth market must be capable of optimally serving
the diverse and constantly changing expectations of
their consumers. To achieve this, they must be able to
produce the soymilk gently, flexibly and economically.
Westfalia Separator soline – the new process tech-
nology from GEA Westfalia Separator – is precisely
designed to achieve this objective.

GEA Westfalia Separator

A Completely New Soymilk Process:
Westfalia Separator soline
A one-stop-shop for your success.

Soymilk and the continuous improvement of its pro- The distinctive features of these process lines are
duction go hand in hand. the seamless integration and measurable increase in
efficiency in all process stages. All processes are opti-
As a partner to soymilk producers, and backed up by mally harmonised from the preparation of the soy-
world-wide experience, GEA Westfalia Separator has bean through to extraction and formulation, and the
fundamentally improved the soymilk production homogenisation and pasteurisation of the soymilk.
Consulting all-inclusive
The decisive innovation: cold extraction Westfalia Separator soline not only sets new stand-
Consistent cold-milling using a new technology, for ards in the production of soymilk, it also requires
which a patent application has been filed, substan­ fewer interfaces, provides maximum raw material
tially enhances the overall product quality. At the yield, shows a measurable reduction in energy and
same time, maximum extraction of the protein is water costs, benefits from very low maintenance, and
achieved, thereby assuring high economy. offers comprehensive consulting – all from a single
Maximising product yield –
minimising costs A new approach right along the line with optimum
As a member of the global GEA Group, one of the process improvement – that is the new soymilk treat-
leading suppliers in process technology for the food ment concept: Westfalia Separator soline!
industry, GEA Westfalia Separator has expanded this
core competence with excellent results. Westfalia
Separator soline is GEA Westfalia Separator‘s process
for soymilk production.

GEA Westfalia Separator

Cleaning +
Soy Beans

De-hulling Hulls

Course Grinding + Cold Water

Micro Milling


De-oiling 1st Clarification Solids

Oil Cold Water
Separator Decanter (Okara)

2nd Clarification Extract Recovery Solids

Clarifier Decanter (Okara)





Pasteurization or
UHT Treatment

Soymilk production with Westfalia Separator soline

GEA Westfalia Separator

Beany or Non-Beany –
Technology Makes the Difference
Enzymatic adjustment – the flexibility of Westfalia Separator soline technology
makes it possible to produce a soymilk with “beany” or “non-beany” flavour.

The Westfalia Separator soline process minimises Valuable substances are retained with this new tech-
lipoxydase activity. This in turn prevents oxidation of nology and can be refined into diverse product and
the unsaturated fatty acids inhibiting the undesirable taste variants in the following process phase: the for-
formation of aromatic substances (beany). If a beany mulation stage.
taste is desired, this can be produced by adjusting
the corresponding process parameters in the extrac- Westfalia Separator soline
tion stage. contributes:
Boost the yield of native proteins
In this way, the diverse variety of flavours demand- The inactivation of the lipoxydases
ed by the world-wide markets can be achieved. The Dearomatization
precise realisation of these variants is crucial for The separation of fine particle residues
consumer acceptance and generating new earning Fat separation by separators

GEA Westfalia Separator

Two Stars in Advanced Soymilk Processing:
Separators and Decanters!
Separators and decanters from GEA Westfalia Separator have been used for decades
in process lines for soymilk production.

Thanks to their high throughput capacities and maxi- Separators and decanters for soymilk
mum separating efficiency, they have proved a suc- recovery offer the following advantages:
cess in tough daily production conditions. The easily High separating efficiency
integrated decanters separate the soymilk from the High throughput capacities
solids (Okara) in the first clarification phase. Reliable controllability
Simple maintenance and repair
To optimise the yield, a second decanter recovers Low energy consumption
further valuable soymilk in the extraction stage. The With decanters: high dry substance
result is that the investment is quickly repaid be- content in the solids (Okara)
cause of the additional saleable product.

Centrifugal clarifiers are used to separate fine particle

residues. Separators make possible the defatting of

GEA Westfalia Separator

Design Your Profit!
Consumer behaviour changes constantly. Westfalia Separator soline gives soymilk
producers the flexibility to respond to these changes.

Product innovations and new taste experiences are Technologically harmonised process stations for the
expected and sought by consumers. In times of growing addition of vitamins, health promoting substances,
awareness for a healthy diet, products from gently pro- fruits, flavours and other ingredients as well as
duced soymilk are rapidly winning a larger share efficient technologies for homogenisation and pas-
of the market. As fast-moving items, they are being teurisation or UHT treatment provide safety at every
given more shelf-space in supermarkets. Wellness stage.
products and functional foods, i. e. products that
enhance the nutritional value through vitamins and Westfalia Separator soline supports the
other health promoting substances, are extremely production of:
popular. With the process lines from GEA Westfalia Soy drinks and products with diverse
Separator, producers have the technology to adjust flavours
the product precisely. Tofu from soymilk with native proteins
Acidulated soy products (yoghurts)
Whether soy drinks in diverse flavours, pudding pre- Soft cheese
paration or yoghurt, Westfalia Separator soline gives Pudding
producers the ability to individually create any fla-
vour and any desired consistency.

Main position Taste

Non-beany, sweetened
USA, Canada and Australia Milk alternative (USA, Canada)

East Europe and Africa Milk substitute Non-beany; blends with milk
South and Central America (Iberia) Softdrink: soymilk and juice Juice; flavoured
China / HK, Singapore, Malaysia,
Thailand, Taiwan, (India) Traditional drink Beany, sweetened

Japan, Korea Traditional drink Non-beany, sweetened

Preferred product variants of the different markets

GEA Westfalia Separator

Westfalia Separator capitalcare –
Maximum Process Efficiency, Installation
Availability and Budget Security
Westfalia Separator capitalcare combines decades of service experience for mechanical
separation technology.

Wherever separating technology tasks have to be Training provided on site or in the modern training
carried out, Westfalia Separator capitalcare assures centre of GEA Westfalia Separator ensures that the
comprehensive services right from the very begin- customer‘s employees receive training in the proper
ning. In close cooperation with the customer, solutions handling of the high-tech installations. This provides
are identified to meet their needs. additional safety.

The partners benefit not only from traditional ser- Authorized workshops worldwide
vices such as inspection, maintenance, original spare And if problems occasionally occur or if a spare part
parts and repair work provided by the original manu- is required at short notice, the specialists are able to
facturer; they also benefit from pro-active solutions attend to the customer quickly. This is ensured by a
which avoid risk, e.g. online and offline monitoring global network with more than 50 sales and service
with Westfalia Separator wewatch. companies as well as 60 further sales partners. Au-
thorized workshops are able to service every location
Accompanying modernisation or upgrading to state- in the world at short notice.
of-the-art technology also offer the option of boosting
performance as required.


GEA Westfalia Separator

Maximum availability
Westfalia Separator capitalcare accordingly makes for
maximum process efficiency and installation avail- Absolute budget reliability
ability as well as budget security. And these benefits
are provided throughout the entire life cycle of the
entire installation. Permanent efficiency

Service from the original manufacturer:

Service engineers quickly on site
Extensive service network In addition to traditional
Risk avoided by service provided services such as maintenance
or repair, Westfalia Separator
by the original manufacturer
capitalcare also provides
Pro-active solutions which avoid risk solutions which avoid risk and
Upgrading to boost performance with which the installation
Staff training availability can be pro-actively


GEA Westfalia Separator
We live our values.

GEA Mechanical Equipment

GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH
Werner-Habig-Straße 1, 59302 Oelde, Germany
Phone: +49 2522 77-0, Fax: +49 2522 77-2089
Excellence • Passion • Integrity • Responsibility • GEA-versity

­process technology. GEA Group is listed in the STOXX® Europe 600 Index.
GEA Group is a global engineering company with ­multi-billion euro sales and ­operations in more than
50 countries. Founded in 1881, the company is one of the largest providers of ­innovative equipment and

The information contained in this brochure merely serves as a non-binding description of our products and is without guarantee. Binding information, in particular relating to capacity data and suitability for specific applications, can only be provided within the framework of concrete
inquiries. Printed on chlorine-free bleached paper · Printed in Germany · Subject to modification · Westfalia®, Westfalia Separator ®, soline® and wewatch® are registered trademarks of GEA Mechanical Equipment GmbH. B_BE-12-10-0018 EN

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