Sindh Environmental Quality Ambient Text Form
Sindh Environmental Quality Ambient Text Form
Sindh Environmental Quality Ambient Text Form
The Government of Sindh with the approval of the Sindh Environmental Protection Council is
pleased to establish the following Sindh Environmental Quality Standards for Ambient Air to be
effective from 1st July, 2014. The following table shows the maximum allowable limits for
ambient air as per SEQS 2014 for ambient air notification no. EPA/226/ADMIN/2014
*Annual arithmetic mean of minimum 104 measurements in a year taken twice a week,
24 hourly and at uniform interval.
**24 hourly/8 hourly values should be met 98% of a year, 2% of the time it may exceed but not on
two consecutive days.
***Annual Average limit of 40µg/m3 or background annual average concentration plus allowable
allowance of 9 µg/m3, whichever is low.