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CMAT 2019 Question Paper

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For the following questions answer them individually

Question 1

How much time does Mr.Surya take to cover a distance of 500 m if he runs at a speed of 25 km/hr?

A 35 sec

B 80 sec

C 60 sec

D 72 sec

Answer: D

5 125
Given Speed of surya = 25 km/hr = 25 × 18 = 18 m/s.

Time taken(T) = Distance Travelled/ Speed

⇒T = 18 = 72 sec
Hence the time taken by Mr. Surya is '72 sec' or '1.2 min'.

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Question 2

What is the area covered by a bell-shaped curve from —6 sigma to +6 sigma in normal distribution?

A 99.73%

B 99.99%

C 99.999666%

D 99.9999%

Answer: C

As per the empirical rule, approximately 99.7% of the data in a bell-shaped distribution lies within three standard deviations of the mean,
or μ ± 3σ. μ ± 6σ will have approximately 99.99967% of the data. Hence, option C.
Question 3

The following table lists the marks of seven students(rows) of a class across six subjects(columns). The Numbers in the Parenthesis
indicate the maximum marks of the subject concerned. Use the data in the table to answer the question that follows :

Who is the topper of the class?

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A Maya

B Arya

C Roopesh

D Riya

Answer: B

The topper of the class is the one who gets highest overall score. Let us check the options, who has got the overall score.

Option A:

The overall score of Maya = 90 + 50 + 90 + 60 + 70 + 80 = 430 marks

Option B:

The overall score of Arya = 100 + 80 + 88 + 60 + 80 + 70 = 478 marks

Option C:

The overall score of Rupesh = 80 + 55 + 85 + 95 + 50 + 90 = 455 marks

Option D:

The overall score of Riya = 90 + 72 + 70 + 72 + 91 + 70 = 465 marks

So, the topper of the class is Arya, with a overall score of 478 marks.

Question 4

Rajesh can check the quality of 1000 items in 5 hours and Rakesh can complete 75% of the same job in 3 hours. How much time is
required for both of them to check 1300 items, if Rakesh stops checking after 2 hours ?

A 1 hour

B 2 hours

C 4 hours

D 3 hours

Answer: C

Given, Rajesh can check the quality of 1000 items in 5 hours

⇒ Efficiency of Rajesh = 200 items/hr.

Also given, Rakesh can complete the 75% of same job in 3 hours
⇒ time taken by Rakesh to complete 100% of the job = 75 × 3 = 4 hours.
⇒ Efficiency of Rakesh = 250 items/hr.
Given in the process of checking 1300 items, Rakesh spends only 2 hours. Let say time spent by Rajesh be 't' hours, which is also the
total time taken.

Total Work = Efficiency × time taken

⇒ 1300 = 250 × 2 + 200 × t
⇒ 200t = 800
Hence the time taken in the process of checking 1300 items is 4 hours.

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Question 5

Two oranges, three bananas and four apples cost Rs. 15. Three oranges, two bananas and one apple cost Rs. 10. I bought 3 oranges,
3 bananas and 3 apples. How much did I pay ?

A Rs. 10

B Rs. 8

C Rs. 15

D Cannot be determined

Answer: C

Let the cost of each orange, banana and apple be Rs. 'o' , 'b' , and 'a' respectively.

Given, Two oranges, three bananas and four apples cost Rs. 15

⇒ 2o + 3b + 4a = 15..........(1)
Also given, Three oranges, two bananas and one apple cost Rs. 10

⇒ 3o + 2b + a = 10............(2)
Adding (1) and (2), we get,

5o + 5b + 5a = 25

Then the cost of three oranges, three bananas and three apples is given as

3o + 3b + 3a = 3 [o + b + a] = 3 × 5 = Rs. 15
Question 6

What value should come in place of question mark(?) in the following equation?

360 ? + 4500 = 19700 - 9800

A 395

B 295

C 225

D 215

Answer: C

360 ? + 4500 = 19700 - 9800
⇒ 360 ? + 4500 = 9900
⇒ 360 ? = 5400
⇒ ? = 15
⇒? = 152
⇒? = 225

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Question 7

In a building there are 30 cylindrical pillars. The radius of each pillar is 35 cm and height is 5 m. Find out the cost of painting the
curved surface of half the number of pillars. The rate of painting is Rs. 10 per m2 .

A Rs. 16,500

B Rs. 8250

C Rs. 1650

D Rs. 4125

Answer: C

Curved surface area of cylindrical pillar is given as A = 2 πrh, where 'r' is base radius and 'h' is height of the cylinder.

So curved surface area of each pillar A = 2 × π × 0.35 × 5 = 11m2

Given there are 30 cylindrical pillars.

The curved surface area of half the number of pillars = 15 * A = 165 m2 .

Given rate of painting is Rs. 10 per m2
The cost of painting curved surface of half the number of pillars = Curved surface area * rate of painting

= 165 × 10

= Rs. 1650.

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Question 8

A management institute has 6 senior professors and 4 junior professors, 3 professors are selected at random for a government
project. The probability that at least one of the junior professors would get selected is :

A 2/3

B 1/5

C 5/6

D 1/6

Answer: C

Probability = Expected number of outcomes/ Total number of outcomes.

Total number of outcomes = The number of ways of selecting 3 professors at random from a total of 10 professors.

= 10C3 = 120 ways.

Expected number of outcomes = Selecting 3 professors so that at least one of the junior professor is selected.

The possible cases are,

Case(1): Selecting 1 junior professor out of 4 and Selecting 2 senior professor out of 6 = 4C1 * 6C2.

Case(2): Selecting 2 junior professor out of 4 and Selecting 1 senior professor out of 6 = 4C2 * 6C1.

Case (3): Selecting 3 junior professor out of 4 = 4C3.

So Expected number of outcomes = 4C1 * 6C2 + 4C2 * 6C1 + 4C3 = 4 × 15 + 6 × 6 + 4 = 100 ways.
100 5
Probability = 120 = 6

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Question 9

The angle created by two hands of a clock when the clock shows 5.20 P.M. is :

A 40°

B 60°

C 35°

D 40

Answer: D

In a clock,

In one revolution the minute hand covers 60°

⇒ 60 minutes = 360°
⇒ 1 minute = 6°.
⇒ for every minute the minute hand covers 6°.
Similarly In one revolution the hour hand covers 12 hours.

⇒ 12 hours = 360°
⇒ 1 hour = 30°.
⇒ for every hour, the hour hand covers 30°.
So at 5.20 P.M. the hour hand must have covered 5 * 30° = 150° + 20*1/2 = 160

and minute hand must have covered 20 * 6° = 120°.

So the angle created by two hands of the clock when the time is 5.20 P.M. = 160 - 120 = 40°.

Question 10

The total volume of soaps sold is 680 lakhs units. The volume of Lux sold is 136 lakh units. If the percentage of Lifebuoy sold is 30%,
Camay 10%, Liril 15% and Mysore Sandal 10%, answer the following questions.

What is the market share of others in percentage points?

A 15

B 13.5

C 16.8

D 16

Answer: A

Given, Total volume of soaps sold = 680 lakh units.

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Volume of Lux sold = 136 lakh units.
⇒ Percentage of Lux sold = 680 × 100 = 20%
Also given,

percentage of Lifebuoy sold is 30%,

percentage of Camay 10%,

percentage of Liril 15% and

percentage of Mysore Sandal 10%

From the pie chart

The percentage of Lux + Lifeboy + Camay + Liril + Mysore Sandal + Others sold = 100%

⇒ The market share of others = 100 - 20 - 30 - 10 - 15 - 10 = 15%

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Question 11

In a triangle ABC, AD is the bisector of angle A. If AC =4.2 cm, DC = 6 cm, BC =10 cm, find AB.

A 2.7 cm

B 2.9 cm

C 2.8 cm

D 3.4 cm

Answer: C

In a triangle, the angular bisector divides the side which it intersects in the ratio of other two sides.

So, In the triangle ABC, the angular bisector AD divides the side BC in the ration of AB and AC

⇒ BD : DC = AB : AC
Given BC = 10 cm and DC = 6 cm

⇒ BD = BC - DC = 10 - 6 = 4 cm
BD 4
Then AB = DC × AC = 6 × 4.2 = 2 × 1.4 = 2.8 cm
Question 12

There are 6 tasks and 6 persons. Task 1 cannot be assigned either to person 1 or person 2. Task 2 must be assigned to either person
3 or person 4. Every person is to be assigned one task. In how many ways can the assignment be done ?

A 360

B 192

C 144

D 180

Answer: C

Based on the given constraints, there will be two cases in which task 1 is either assigned to one among person 3 or 4 or to one among
person 5 or 6

Case 1:

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Assigning Task 1 to either Person 3 or 4.

No. of ways of assigning task 1 = 2 ways

No. of ways of assigning task 2 = 1 way

Remaining 4 tasks can be assigned among the remaining 4 persons in 4! ways.

Therefore, Total number of ways = 2 x 1 x 4! = 48

Case 2:

Assigning Task 2 to either Person 5 or 6.

No. of ways of assigning task 1 = 2 ways

No. of ways of assigning task 2 = 2 ways

Remaining 4 tasks can be assigned among the remaining 4 persons in 4! ways.

Therefore, Total number of ways = 2 x 2 x 4! = 96

Hence, total number of possible arrangements= 48 + 96 = 144

Question 13

The maximum value of 3 cosx + 4sinx + 8 is

A 15

B 3

C 13

D 7

Answer: C

Let us consider the fucntion f(x) = a cos x + b sin x + c
The range of f(x) if given as c− a 2 + b2 ≤ f(x) ≤ c + a 2 + b2

Then the maximum value of 3 cosx + 4sinx + 8 is = 8 + 32 + 42

= 8 + 5 = 13

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Question 14

If one third of one-fourth of a number is 15, then three-tenth of that number is

A 61

B 54

C 46

D 38

Answer: B

Let the number be 'x'
1 x
one-fourth of the number = 4 ×x= 4
1 x x
one-third of one-fourth of the number = 3 × 4 = 12

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Given, one-third of one-fourth of the number is = 15
⇒ 12 = 15
⇒ x = 180
Hence the number is 180.
3 3
Then three-tenth of the number = 10 ×x= 10 × 180 = 54
Question 15

Students in a commerce class took a test. The average score of men is 70 and of women is 83. The class average is 76. What is the
ratio of men to women in the class?

A 8:7

B 7:8

C 7:6

D 6:7

Answer: C

Let the number of men be 'm' and number of women be 'w' in the class.

Given Average score of men = 70

⇒ Total score of men ÷number of men = 70

⇒ Total score of men = 70 ×m
Also, Average score of women = 83

⇒ Total score of women ÷number of women = 83

⇒ Total score of women = 83 ×w
Given the class average = 76

⇒ (Total score of men + Total score of women) ÷(number of men + number of women) = 76
⇒ m+w = 76
Let the ratio of number of men to women w =k
⇒ 70k + 83 = 76k + 76
⇒ 6k = 7
⇒ k = 7 : 6.
Hence the ratio of men to women in the class is 7 : 6.

Question 16

What is the probability of drawing a king or a heart from a deck of cards ?

A 1/13

B 1/52

C 17/15

D 4/13

Answer: D


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Probability of A or B = Probability of A + Probability of B - Probability of A and B.

⇒ Probability of drawing king or heart = Probability of drawing king + Probability of drawing heart - Probability of drawing kings which
are hearts from the deck of cards.

A deck of cards contain 52 cards, of which there are 4 kings and 13 hearts and 1 king which is heart also.
Probability of drawing a king = 52
Probability of drawing a heart = 52
Probability of drawing a king which are heart also = 52
4 13 1
⇒ Probability of drawing king or heart = 52 + 52 − 52
= 52
= 13

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Question 17

The sum of three consecutive odd numbers is 20 more than the first number. What is the middle number ?

A 7

B Data inadequate

C 11

D 9

Answer: D

Let the three consecutive odd numbers be 'x-2', 'x' and 'x+2'

Given the sum of three consecutive odd numbers is 20 more than the first number

⇒ x-2 + x + x+2 = 20 + x-2

⇒ 2x = 18
Therefore the three consecutive odd numbers are 7,9 and 11.

The middle number is 9.

Question 18

In a simultaneous throw of a pair of dice, find the probability of getting a total of 9 or more.

A 5/18

B 5/12

C 2/7

D 2/36

Answer: A

When a pair of dice are thrown simultaneously the maximum sum possible is 12.

The possible cases of getting a sum of 9 are:

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dice 1 dice 2

four five.....................(1)

five four.....................(2)

six three....................(3)

three six.......................(4)

So a total of 4 cases are possible

The possible cases of getting a sum of 10 are:

dice 1 dice 2

four six......................(1)

six four.....................(2)

five five.....................(3)

So a total of 3 cases are possible

The possible cases of getting a sum of 11 are:

dice 1 dice 2

five six...................(1)

six five..................(2)

So a total of 2 cases are possible

The possible cases of getting a sum of 12 are:

dice 1 dice 2

six six.....................(1)

So a total of 1 case is possible.

Total number ways of getting a sum of 9 or more = 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 10 ways

Total outcomes when two dice are rolled simultaneously = 6 * 6 = 36 ways

Probability of getting a sum of 9 or more = Expected number of outcomes/ Total outcomes

= 36
= 18

Question 19

The length, breadth and height of a rectangular cuboid are in the ratio 1: 2 : 3. If the length, breadth and height are increased by 100%
each then what would be the increase in the volume of the cuboid ?

A 3 times

B 7 times

C 10 times

D 9 times

Answer: B

Given the length, breadth and height of a rectangular cuboid are in the ratio 1: 2 : 3.

Let the length, breadth and height be k, 2k, and 3k units where 'k' is a constant.

Volume of the cuboid(V') = l × b × h units = k × 2k × 3k = 6k3 units

Given the length, breadth and height are increased by 100% each .

Then the new length, breadth and height will be doubled.

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So new length, breadth and height of the rectangular cuboid are 2k, 4k, and 6k units.

New Volume of the cuboid (V') = 2k × 4k × 6k = 48k3 units.

Increase in the volume of the cuboid = V' - V = 48k3 − 6k3 = 42k3 = 7[6k3 ] = 7V
Therefore the volume has increased 7 times the initial volume.

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Question 20

It costs Rs. 6000/- and Rs. 6,100- respectively to paint the 4 walls of 2 square halls, of the same height. If the length of one hall
exceeds the length of the other by 1 m and the cost of painting is Rs. 5 per sq.m., what is the height of the two walls ?

A 10 m

B 7.5 m

C 3m

D 5m

Answer: D

let the length of the halls be 'a' and 'a+1' m respectively and height of the halls be 'h' m.

Area of 4 walls of first square hall (A1) = (4 × a × h)m2

Given, cost of painting is Rs. 5 per sq.m

⇒ cost of painting 4 walls of the first square hall = A1 * 5 = 4 × a × h × 5 = Rs.20 ∗ a ∗ h.

Given that this cost of painting = Rs. 6000

⇒ 20*a*h = 6000...........(1)

Area of 4 walls of second square hall (A2) = (4 × a + 1 × h)m2

⇒ cost of painting 4 walls of the second square hall = A2 * 5 = 4 × a + 1 × h × 5 = Rs.20 ∗ (a + 1) ∗ h.
Given that this cost of painting = Rs. 6100

⇒ 20*(a+1)*h = 6100............(2)
Dividing (2) with (1), we get
a+1 6100
a = 6000
1 61
⇒1+ a = 60

⇒ a = 60
Substituting this value in equation (1), we get

20*60*h = 6000

⇒ h = 5 m.
So, the height of the two walls is 5 m.

Question 21

A rectangular box of width(a), length(b), and height(c) has a solid cylinder of height 'c' and of diameter 'a' placed within it. If a= 6, b =8
and c =10, how much volume is left in the rectangular box ?

A 480 − 180π

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B 240 − 96π

C 380 − 90π

D 480 − 90π
Answer: D

Volume left out in the rectangular box = Total volume of the rectangular box - Volume of the cylinder placed within it.

Total volume of the rectangular box of width(a), length(b), and height(c) is given as (V) = a × b × c cubic units.
= 6 × 8 × 10

= 480 cubic units.

Volume of the solid cylinder of height 'c' and of diameter 'a' is given by (V') = 4 ∗ a 2 ∗ c cubic units.
=4 ∗ 62 ∗ 10
= 90π cubic units.

Therefore left out volume = 480 - 90 π cubic units.

Question 22

If f(x) = x3 − 4x + p and f(0) and f(1) are of opposite signs, Which one of the following is neccessarily true?

A -1 < p < 2

B 0<p<3

C -2 < p < 1

D -3 < p < 0

Answer: B

Given f(x) = x3 − 4x + p and f(0) and f(1) are of opposite signs.
⇒ f(0) × f(1) < 0
f(0) = 03 − 4 ∗ 0 + p = p
f(1) = 13 − 4 ∗ 1 + p = p − 3
⇒ (p)(p − 3) < 0
⇒ 0 < p < 3.

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Question 23

The speed of a boat in still water is 5 km/hr. If it takes thrice as much time in going 20 km upstream as in going the same distance
downstream, find the speed of the stream.

A 5.5 km/hr

B 2.5 km/hr

C 3.5 km/hr

D 4.5 km/hr

Answer: B

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Given, speed of a boat in still water (V) = 5 km/hr

Let speed of the stream be V' km/hr.

time taken to go 20km downstream (t) = distance travelled ÷relative speed of the boat
= V +V ′
= 5+V ′ hours

time taken to go 20 km upstream (t') = distance travelled ÷relative speed of the boat
= V −V ′
= 5−V ′ hours

Given that t' = 3*t

20 20
⇒ 5−V ′ =3× 5+V ′

⇒ 4V ′ = 10
⇒ V ′ = 2.5 km/hr.
So the speed of the stream is 2.5 km/hr.

Question 24

Three solid cubes of sides 1 cm, 6 cm and 8 cm are melted to form a new cube. Find the surface area of the cube so formed.

A 729 cm2

B 486 cm2

C 125 cm2

D 529 cm2

Answer: B

Whenever some cubes are melted to form a single larger cube, the total volume always remains constant.

So, Sum of the volumes of three small cubes = Volume of the larger cube.

Let the side of the lager cube so formed be 'a' cm.

Then 13 + 63 + 83 = a 3
⇒ a 3 = 729
⇒ a = 9 cm.
Surface area of cube so formed = 6* a 2 = 6 × 92 = 6 × 81 = 486 cm2
Question 25

The speeds of 3 cars in the ratio 5:4:6. The ratio between the time taken by them to travel same distance is

A 12 :15 :10

B 12 :10 :13

C 10 :20 :30

D 15 :12 :11

Answer: A

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Speed = Distance travelled ÷time taken

So, for the same distance travelled, Speed is inversely proportional to time taken.
Speed ∝ timetaken

Given ratio of speeds of three cars is 5 : 4 : 6.

1 1 1
So, ratio of the time taken to travel same distance is 5 : 4 : 6

= 12 : 15 : 10

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For the following questions answer them individually

Question 26

In the following question a statement is given followed by two arguments choose the correct option.
Statement : Should the political parties be banned
Argument I : Yes, It is necessary to teach a lesson to the politicians
Argument II : No, it will lead to an end of democracy

A Both the arguments are strong

B Only II is strong

C Neither I, nor II is strong

D Only I is strong

Answer: B

The given statement indicates a question about the ban of political parties, the first argument is weak as there is no context about
teaching the lesson to the political parties.

But the second argument is strong, because if the parties are banned, it will definitely lead to an end of democracy.

Hence, only II is strong.

=> Ans - (B)

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Question 27

In the given figure, if the centres of all the circles are joined by horizontal and vertical lines, then find the number of squares that can
be formed.

A 1

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C 8

D 6

Answer: C


Small squares = 6 (ABKD, BCEK, DKLF, KEGL, FLIH, LGJI)

Big squares = 2 (ACGF, DEJH)

Total squares = 8

=> Ans - (C)

Question 28

In analogy, you are required to guess the function relation between the two given words and find the similar relation between the
words given in any of the option.
CUP : LIP :: BIRD : .............





Answer: C

Cup is used to drink something with the help of lips. Similarly birds collects grass with the help of beak to make her nest.
=> Ans - (C)

Question 29

Direction : In the following question a statement is given followed by two conclusions. Choose the correct option.
Statement : Any student who follow un-ethical practices in examination disqualifies himself from examinations Conclusion :
I. Those who involve in un-ethical practices in examination shall be debarred
II. Examination system should be improved

A Only Conclusion (I) follows

B Both Condusion (I) and (II) follow

C Neither Condusion (I) or (II) follows

D Only Conclusion (II) follows
Answer: A

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The given statement indicates that if any student is found to use unfair or unethical means in an exam will be disqualified, hence the
first conclusion follows since it also debars the student from using unfair means in the exam. But second conclusion does not follow
since there is no context about the examination system.

Thus, only conclusion I follows.

=> Ans - (A)

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Question 30

There are four Trees - Lemon, Coconut, Mango and Neem each at a different corner of a rectangular plot. A well is located at one
corner and a cabin at another corner. Lemon and Coconut trees are on either side of the gate, which is located at the centre of side,
opposite to the side, extremes of which the well and cabin are located. The mango tree is not at the corner where the cabin is located.
Which of the following pairs can be diagonally opposite to each other in the plot ?

A Cabin and Neem tree

B Coconut tree and Lemon tree

C Mango tree and Well

D Neem tree and Lemon tree

Answer: D

A well is located at one corner and a cabin at another corner opposite to the gate.

Lemon and Coconut trees are on either side of the gate

The mango tree is not at the corner where the cabin is located, => Mango Tree and Well are at the same corners, also Neem Tree and
Cabin are at same corners

Thus, only possible combination at diagonally opposite ends is Neem Tree and Lemon Tree.

=> Ans - (D)

Question 31

If JAPAN is coded KCSES, then the code of CASTLE will be





Answer: C


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JAPAN is coded KCSES

Similarly, for Castle :

=> Ans - (C)

Question 32

In the following question below, 3 statements I, II and III are given. You are required to find out which of the given statement(s) is/are
sufficient to answer the question.
How old was Deepa on 30th October 2018 ?
I. Deepa is 6 yrs older than her sister Prabha
II. Prabha is 29 yrs younger than her mother
III. Deepa's mother celebrated her 45th birthday on July 27th 2018

A I and III

B All I, II and III

C I and II

D II and III

Answer: B

Clearly, each statement alone is not sufficient to find Deepa's age as on 30th October 2018.

Now, if we combine last two statement, we can find Prabha's age and if we add it to first statement, then we can also find Deepa's age.

Thus, all the three statements are required.

=> Ans - (B)

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Question 33

Find the missing number in the series below :

24, 28, 30, 34, .....

A 40

B 38

C 35

D 36

Answer: D

The pattern followed is that '4' and '2' are alternatively added.

24 + 4 = 28

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28 + 2 = 30

30 + 4 = 34

34 + 2 = 36

=> Ans - (D)

Question 34

which word does not belong with the others?

A Vision

B Retina

C Cornea

D Pupil

Answer: A

Retina, cornea and pupil are parts of a human eye, while vision is a functionality of an eye, hence it does not belong with others.

=> Ans - (A)

Question 35

which word does not belong with the others?

A Violin

B Flute

C Cello

D Guitar

Answer: B

Though all are musical instruments, but violin, cello and guitar are played with hands while a flute is used with mouth hence it is the odd

=> Ans - (B)

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Question 36

For the Assertion A and Reason R given below choose the correct alternative from the following
A : Copper is used to make electric wire
R : Copper has very low electric resistance

A A is true, R is false

B A is false, R is true

C Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A

D Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

Answer: D


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It is a known fact that Copper has a very low electric resistance, and that's why it is used to make electric wires.

Thus, R is the correct explanation of A.

=> Ans - (D)

Question 37

In the following question, a group of four figures following certain sequence is given as problem figures. Problem figures are followed
by another group of four figures known as answer figures marked (1), (2), (3), (4). Find out the figure from the answer figures which
when placed next to the problem figures will continue the sequence of the problem figures.

Problem figure:

Answer figure:

A (3)

B (4)

C (2)

D (1)

Answer: A

Alternatively, the arrows are facing downwards, and towards the right. Also, it gets decrease by 1 in each alternate figure. Thus, in the
fifth figure, there will be 3 arrows facing downwards as shown in 3rd figure.

=> Ans - (A)

Question 38

Vasishta started walking positioning his back towards the sun. After sometime, Vasishta turned left, then turned right, and then
towards left again. Which is the direction Vasishta is going now ?

A South or West

B North or West

C East or West

D North or South

Answer: D

Let us assume that vashista is walking in morning

so, sun would be in east

positioning back to sun means he was walking towards west

from there he turned left, then turned right, and then towards left again. so he is now walking towards south.
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Let us now assume that he is walking in evening.

so, sun will be on west side.

positioning back to sun means he was walking towards east.

from there he turned left, then turned right, and then towards left again. so he is now walking towards North.

Therefore the answer is north or south.

Hence answer is option D

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Question 39

The missing term in the series 2,1, 1/2,1/4, is

A 1/3

B 1/8

C 2/8

D 1/16

Answer: B

The numbers are of the form 2n where n is in decreasing order starting from 1.

21 = 2
20 = 1
2−1 = 2
2−2 = 4
2−3 = 8

=> Ans - (B)

Question 40

Pointing at Ankit, Shruti said, "his father is the only son of my grandfather." How is Ankit related to Shruti?

A Sister

B Daughter

C Mother

D Brother

Answer: D

Only son of her grandfather = Shruti's father

Now, Ankit's father is also Shruti's father, => Ankit is Shruti's brother.

=> Ans - (D)

Question 41

Find the odd one out of given combinations :

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Answer: B

(A) : T (+1) = U (+2) = W (+2) = Y

(B) : G (+1) = H (+2) = J (+3) = M

(C) : A (+1) = B (+2) = D (+2) = F

(D) : N (+1) = O (+2) = Q (+2) = S

=> Ans - (B)

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Question 42

In the following question, the main statement is followed by four sentences. Select the pair of sentences that relate logically to the
given statement. Either the employees have no confidence in the management or they are hostile by nature.
A. They are hostile by nature
B. They are not hostile by nature
C. They have confidence in the management
D. They have no confidence in the management





Answer: C

If the employees have confidence in the management, it follows that they are hostile.

=> Ans - (C)

Question 43

In some way 123 means "he is talented", 3456 means "talented people earn more", 45678 means "people earn more to enjoy". Then
what is equal to "earn" ?

A 4

B 6

C 7

D Cant be determined.

Answer: D

Given that 123 means "he is talented"----(a)

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3456 means "talented people earn more"------(b)

45678 means "people earn more to enjoy".------(c)

Now we will decode what number means what word.

1---- He

2---- is

3---- the number 3 is in sentence a and b , so from these two sentences, the number 3 is common and the word Talented is common

so 3 is talented.

But 456 in sentence b and c implies the same sentence people earn more so we cant determine the particular code for earn.

so, the answer will be cant be determined.

Question 44

If Xis the brother of Y and P, Z is the mother of Y and Q is the father of X, which one of the following statement is not definitely true ?

A Y is the brother of P

B Z is the wife of Q

C X is the father of P

D Xis the son of Z

Answer: C

X(m), Y and P are siblings.

Z is their mother and Q is father, => Z is wife of Q.

Hence, second and fourth are definitely true. First can be true if Y is a male.

But third option can never be true, since X is brother of P.

=> Ans - (C)

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Question 45

Read the following information carefully to answer the questions given below it.
(a) 'A +B' means that 'A' is the father of 'B'
(b) 'A — B' means that 'A' is the wife of 'B'
(c) 'A x B' means that 'A' is the brother of 'B'
(d) 'A =B' means that 'A' is the daughter of 'B'

If it is given 'P = R + S + Q', then which of the following is true ?

A Q is the aunt of P

B P is the aunt of Q

C P is the Dauter of Q

D P is the Mother of Q

Answer: B

R is the father of S, S is the father Q,

which implies R is the grand father of Q

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P is the daughter of R

Thus P is the aunt of Q

Question 46

Choose the neccessary for the given word


A Lifejacket

B Suit

C Pool

D Water

Answer: D

Swimming is the practice that is done only in water, hence water is absolute necessary to perform swimming.

=> Ans - (D)

Question 47

In analogy, you are required to guess the relation between the two given words and fill in the blank after finding the similar
relationship by choosing any word from the options given below:
Hen :Chick :: Frog : .......

A Tadpole

B Fawn

C Puppy

D Kitten

Answer: A

The little one of a hen is called chick, similarly amphibian of a frog is called tadpole.

=> Ans - (A)

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Question 48

Akshay and Ajay are friends studying in same class. Ajay could not score as much marks as Akshay scored and hence Ajay's father
took Ajay into task. Ajay replied that there are so many like me in the class. Based on the information findout the answer to the
question : Akshay ranks 13th in the class where 33 students are studying. There are 5 students below Ajay rankwise.
How many students are there between Akshay and Ajay?

A 12

B 16

C 14

D 15
Answer: C


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Total students = 33

Akshay's rank in the class = 13th

Ajay's rank (5 students below him) = 28th

Number of students between them = (28 − 13) − 1 = 14

=> Ans - (C)

Question 49

In a certain code RIPPLE is written as 613382 and LIFE is written as 8192. How is PILLER written in that code?

A 318826

B 618826

C 312688

D 318286

Answer: A

Code for each letter is given as :

P -> 3
I -> 1
L -> 8
L -> 8
E -> 2
R -> 6

=> PILLER : 318826

=> Ans - (A)

Question 50

Select the suitable figure from the answer figures that would replace the question mark?

Problem figure:

Answer figure:

(A) (B) (C) (D)





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Answer: A

In the problem figure, the second image is mirror image of first when horizontal mirror is placed, similarly the first option is the correct
mirror image of the question figure.

In the second figure, number of lines are not equal, and the fourth image is the mirror replica when vertical mirror is placed.

=> Ans - (A)

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Read the following passage and answer the question that follows :

An endangered language is one that is likely to become extinct in the near future. Many languages are falling out of use and being
replaced by others that are more widely used in the region or nation, such as English in the U.S. or Spanish in Mexico. Unless current
trends are reversed, these endangered languages will become extinct within the next century. Many other languages are no longer
being learned by new generations of children or by new adult speakers ; these languages will become extinct when their last speaker
dies. Infact, dozens of languages today have only one native speaker still living, and that person's death will mean the extinction of the
language : It will no longer be spoken, or known, by anyone. Ancient Greek and Latin languages are considered dead because they are
no longer spoken in the form in which we find them in ancient writings. But they weren't abruptly replaced by other languages ; instead,
Ancient Greek slowly evolved into modem Greek, and Latin slowly evolved into modem Italian, Spanish, French, Romanian, and other
languages. In the same way, the Middle English of Chauceis day is no longer spoken, but it has evolved into Modern English

Question 51

"These languages will become extinct ...."

In the above sentence "these" refers to :

A Middle English

B Other languages

C Endangered languages

D Spanish in Mexico

Answer: C

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Question 52

Spanish language evolved out of

A English

B Greek

C French

D Latin

Answer: D

Question 53

What is endangered language ?

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A The language that is spoken by many people

B A language that is most likely to die in the near future

C The language that is not spoken by anyone at all

D A language that is most likely to expand in the near future

Answer: B


Read the following passage and answer the question that follows.

There are no World Trade Organisation (WTO) definitions of "developed" and "developing" countries. Members announce for
themselves whether they are "developed" or "developing" countries. However, other members can challenge the decision of a member
to make use of provisions available to developing countries. Developing country status in the WTO brings certain rights. There are for
example provisions in some WTO Agreements which provide developing countries with longer transaction periods before they are
required to fully implement the agreement and developing countries can receive technical assistance. That a WTO member announces
itself as a developing country does not automatically mean that it will benefit from the unilateral preference schemes of some of the
developed country members such as the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP). In practice, it is the preference giving country which
decides the list of developing countries.

Question 54

Who can change the decision of a country to make use of provisions available to developing countries ?

A Any neighbouring country

B Any member country of WTO

C The World Trade Organization

D The preference giving country

Answer: B

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Question 55

Who decides whether one country is developing or developed ?

A The neighbouring countries

B The preference giving country

C The World Trade Organization

D The country itself

Answer: D

Question 56

Why would a country likes to announce itself as a developing country ?

A So that it gets some relaxation of time in implemenation WTO agreements

B So that it need implement WTO agreements

C So that it can become member of WTO

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So that it can become the preference giving country

Answer: A


Read the following passage and answer the question that follows.

When a child is born, her first connection to the world is established through her mother, or in a broader sense, her parents. An infant
sees the world through her parent's eyes ; she tries to imbibe everything she recognises in her parents. Thus, a parent-child relationship
lays the foundation of the 'building of her li y . Parenting is the bringing up of a child. It is like the nourishment that is necessary for a
sapling to grow into a big and fruitful tree. Hence, for a child to grow into a wonderful human being, good parenting is essential.
Parenting styles vary from culture to culture. The world is a big place comprising of a variety of people having different ways of living.
Although culture is the key ingredient, the economic situation and standard of living also have an impact on parenting. While there are a
common set of values in different cultures like honesty and integrity, the value system stands divided on some of the major facets of
parenting, exemplified by the comparison of the Indian style with that of the West.

Question 57

Parenting here is compared to :

A Maintaining a relationship

B Maintaining a vehicle

C Nourishing a plant

D Looking after a pet

Answer: C

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Question 58

Which of the following is a major differentiator on some of the major facets of parenting ?

A Value system

B Love

C Honesty

D intregrity

Answer: A

Question 59

Parenting is basically :

A Culture independent

B Common across all cultures

C Culture dependent

D Country independent

Answer: C


Read the following passage and answer the question that follows.

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Steve Jobs was an enigma. He was quirky. I would like to share a few little known facts about the man who pretty much changed the
world with one small technological device. Steve Jobs liked to work bare foot (even while in corporate environments and during million
dollar negotiations). He was vegan and often went on diets where he would only eat orange things. He was a Zen Buddhist and
extensively travelled India during his youth. He was such a perfectionist that there was a period when he had no furniture in his house at
all, because he could not decide what to buy. He used to read his favourite book of all time, every single year 'Autobiography of a yogi, by
Paramhansa Yogananda. This man was not affraid to be himself. "Remembering that I'll be dead soon, is the most imporatant tool, I've
ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Almost everything ... all external expectations, all pride, all fear of
embarrasment or failure ... these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truely important" Jobs, used to say
"Remenbering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already
naked. There is no reason, not to follow your heart. No one wants to die. Even people who wants to go to heaven, do not want to die to
get there. And yet, death is the destination, we all share. No one has ever escaped it, and that is how it should be, because death is very
likely the single best invention of life. It is life's change agent It clears out the old to make way for the new."

Question 60

"Remembering that you are going to die, is the best way I know ...." I in this line is:

A The author of the article

B Steve Jobs

C Any manager

D The narrator in the article

Answer: B

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Question 61

In the passage which one of the following in not true ?

A Look for death

B Death is the destination

C Death is the single best invention

D No one escapes the death

Answer: A

Question 62

Steve Jobs believed in

A Altruism

B Normatism

C Materialism

D Perfectionism

Answer: D

Question 63

Which of the following statement is false ? Steve Jobs had no furniture at his house because :

A He wanted to buy the perfect furniture

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He had no money

C He was a perfectionist

D He could not decide what to buy

E The answer is he had no money as question asked which option is false

Answer: B

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Question 64

The passage is written in :

A Third person narrative

B Multiple person narrative

C First person narrative

D Second person narrative

Answer: C

From the statement mentioned by the author ', I would like to share a few little known facts about the man who pretty
much changed the world with one small technological device', we can say that the paragraph is in first-person narrative.

Question 65

This passage tells us :

A Some not very well known facts.

B Steve Job's business management skills

C Steve Job's life story

D Very well known facts about Steve Jobs.

Answer: A

For the following questions answer them individually

Question 66

Select the grammetically correct sentence from the following Statements :

A Although he failed in that Mathematics, but he received a degree in Engineering.

B Although he had failed in Mathematics, he received a degree in Engineering.

C Although that he failed in Mathematics, but he received a degree in Engineering.

D Although he had failed in Mathematics, that he received a degree in Engineering.

Answer: B

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Question 67

The following are jumbled up parts of a sentence. Rearrange them in a proper sequence :
P : did he realize
Q : helped by a man
R : that he had been
S : he never respected S





Answer: A

Question 68

In the following sentence, what does the underlined phrase mean ? A good teacher is one who sees to it that a student does not waste
time in reinventing the wheel?

A waste time on unnecessary details

B repeating oneself

C waste time in imaginary things

D doing something that has already been done

Answer: D

Question 69

From the options given below choose the correct substitute for the underlined word :
Democracy is of the people, by the people and for the people. However, a government run by a few is dangerous for a republic like

A Oligarchy

B Aristocracy

C Monarchy

D Autocracy

Answer: A

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Question 70

Choose the word that is closest in meaning to the word : ABRIDGE

A Join

B Shorten

C Understand

D To fill the gap

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Answer: B

Question 71

Choose the correct part of words to fill in the blanks

The instructor asked the students to work ......... the given sum in the note book and hand him for correction.

A away, in

B out, away

C on, over

D out, over

Answer: D

Question 72

The following sentence is underlined and marked as section A, B, C and D. Show which section contains an error.





Answer: D

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Question 73

Choose the correct word that is opposite in meaning to the word :


A Aggravate

B Discourage

C Slow down

D Encourage

Answer: A

Question 74

Choose the closest meaning of the proverb/idiom :

To leave someone in the lurch.

A To help someone in difficulties

B To respect someone

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To leave someone to his/her fate

D To make someone comfortable

Answer: C

Question 75

A primafacie case is :

A As it seems at first sight

B As it turns out to be at the end

C As it seems to the court after a number of hearings

D As it is made to seem at first sight

Answer: A

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General Awareness
For the following questions answer them individually

Question 76

The New institution that is now playing the role akin to erst while planning commission of India is:

A Swacch Bharath Mission

B Strategic Policy Group

C NITI Aayog

D National Security Council

Answer: C

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Question 77

The major nation that announced the withdrawal from Paris climate change accord in 2017 was:

A Spain

B United States of America

C Germany

D Srilanka

Answer: B

Question 78

Which of the following is not mode of online money transfer in India through online banking ?

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Answer: A

Question 79

The foundation of modem education system in India was laid by

A Macaulay's Minutes of 1835

B The Hunter Commission of 1882

C The Charter Act of 1813

D Wood's Despatch of 1854

Answer: A

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Question 80

Who among the following heads GST council in India ?

A The Trade Minister

B The Finance Minister

C The Prime Minister

D The Commerce Minister

Answer: B

Question 81

For which novel did Indian novelist Aravind Adiga win the prestigious Man Booker Prize?

A The Inheritance of Loss

B The God of Small Things

C The White Tiger

D Midnight's Children

Answer: C

Question 82

The responsibilities of establishing and maintaining astound and efficient Accounting and Financial Reporting system in India is
vested in the hands of:

A Finance Ministry

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C The Comptroller General of Accounts


Answer: C

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Question 83

Consider the following statements regarding ocean currents.

1. The heat fishing grounds of the world exit mainly in the mixing zones of warm and cold ocean current
2. Gravity is one of factor influencing ocean currents Identify the correct statements :

A 1 only

B Both 1 and 2 are correct

C 2only

D Both 1 and 2 are incorrect

Answer: B

Question 84

The term 'double fault' is associated with:

A Rugby

B Long jump

C Squash

D Tennis

Answer: D

Question 85

Which one of the following is credit rating agencies in india?





Answer: B

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Question 86

The first indian I.T company to reach 100 billion dollar market capitalization is :

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A Wipro


C Cognizant

D Infosys

Answer: B

Question 87

Who among the following is not conferred Bharath Ratna ?

A Nelson Mandela

B Sachin Tendulkar

C Atal Bihari Vajpayee

D Kapil Dev

Answer: D

Question 88

Which one of the following waves/rays are used in common T.V. Remote control ?

A Ultrasonic

B Infrared

C Laser

D Radio waves

Answer: B

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Question 89

Which of the following countries is not a member of SAARAC?

A Afghanistan

B Bhutan

C Maldives

D myanmar

Answer: D

Question 90

Who among the following is not associated with billiarda in india?

A Subash Agarwal

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Mihir sen

C Ashok Shadilya

D Manoj Kothari

Answer: B

Question 91

The train accident that killed 61 people watching Dussera Celebrations in 2018 happened at which place :

A Chennai

B Amritsar

C Bangalore

D Patiala

Answer: B

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Question 92

The Chabahar port being developed by India to gain access to Central Asia is located in which of the following countries ?

A Iraq

B Iran

C Oman

D Saudi Arabia

Answer: B

Question 93

The Person behind a wonderful concept 'Van Mahotsav':

A K.M. Munshi

B A.K. Munshi

C K.M. Upadhaya

D A.K. Simba

Answer: A

Question 94

Consider the following statements regarding HEATING AND COOLING OF ATMOSPIILIU:

1. Convention is important in heating the lower layers of the atmosphere.
2. The convention transfer of energy is confined only to the troposphere.
3. 'Ioo' is the outcome of advection process.
Identify the correct statements :

A All 1,2 and 3 are correct

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2 and 3 only

C All 1,2 and 3 are incorrect

D 1 and 2 only

Answer: B

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Question 95

India and which country have agreed to undertake the Indus Water Treaty tours in the Indus basin on both sides to resolve issues on
the various hydroelectric projects ?

A China

B Pakistan

C Bangladesh

D Afghanistan

Answer: B

Question 96

Where is the world's highest altitude Post office located?

A New Hampshire

B Port Lockroy

C Bern

D Sikkim

Answer: D

Question 97

What is the full form of NPCI?

A Nano Center for Political Integration

B National Payments Corporation of India

C National Public Control of India

D National Council Process Interaction

Answer: B

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Question 98

Debenture holders of a company are its :

A Share holders

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C Creditors

D Debtors

Answer: C

Question 99

The CRR in banking parlance means the following :

A Corporate Reserve Ratio

B Current Reserve Ratio

C Cash Reserve Ratio

D Custom Reserve Ratio

Answer: C

Question 100

Which country has secured member one spot in the latest FIFA's world rankings released on 25th, Oct, 2018 ?

A Brazil

B Belgium

C France

D Argentina

Answer: B

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