SSC Maths Quiz 14

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SSC Maths Quiz 14

Directions: Read the following questions carefully and choose the right answer.

1. In a family of husband, wife and a daughter, the sum of the husband’s age, twice the
wife’s age, and thrice the daughter’s age is 85; while the sum of twice the husband’s age,
four times the wife’s age, and six times the daughter’s age is 170. It is also given that the
sum of five times the husband’s age, ten times the wife’s age and fifteen times the
daughter’s age equals 450. The number of possible solutions, in terms of the ages of the
husband, wife and the daughter, to this problem is
A. 3 B. 2 C. 0 D. Infinite solutions

2. A pendulum at the first floor of an office ticks 90 times in 95 seconds while another
pendulum at the second-floor ticks 315 times in 323 seconds. If both the pendulum
were started together, how many times will they tick together in the first hour?
A. 100 B. 200 C. 300 D. 400

3. A man completed certain journey by a car. If he covered 30% of the distance at a

speed of 30 km/hr, 60% distance at 20 km/hr and the remaining distance at 5 km/hr
then what was his average speed during the entire journey?
A. 20.25 kmph B. 17.67 kmph C. 18.5 kmph D. 16.67 kmph

4. An alloy contains zinc, copper and tin the ratio 2 : 3 : 1 and another contains copper,
tin and lead in the ratio 5 : 4 : 3. If equal weights of both alloys are melted together to
form a third alloy, then the weight of lead per kg in the new alloy will be

A. kg B. kg C. kg D. kg

5. Mr. Sharma invested an amount of Rs. 25000 in a fixed deposit at compound interest
8% per annum for two years. What amount Mr. Sharma will get on maturity?
A. Rs. 28540 B. Rs. 29160 C. Rs. 29240 D. Rs. 28240

6. P and Q enter into a partnership. P contributes Rs. 8500 while Q contributes Rs. 6600.
After 3 months Q withdraws 1/3 part of his contribution and after 4 months from the
starting P puts Rs. 2500 more. When P invested more money, R also joins them with Rs.
7200. If at the end of 1 year there is a profit of Rs. 6000, what will be the approximate
share of R in the profit?
A. Rs.1398 B. Rs. 1404 C. Rs. 1428 D. Rs. 1446

7. A family has 4 earning members P, Q, R, S. In 2011 their respective shares in the total
income was 25%, 35%, 10%, 30% respectively. They spend 40% of the total income and
save the remaining. In 2012 P's salary went up by 20%, Q's salary increased by 20%
and R's salary decreased by 10% and S's salary decreased by 20%. In 2012 what
percent total family income should they spend to save same amount as in 2011?
A. 25.3% B. 34.6% C. 41.5% D. 42.8%

8. Arpita can row in still water at 4 km/hr in a stream flowing at the speed of 2 km/hr. If
she rows the same distance up and down the stream then find her average speed?
A. 1 km/hr B. 3 km/hr C. 5 km/hr D. 7 km/hr

9. The length of the portion of the straight line 5x + 12y = 120 intercepted between the
axis is
A. 26 B. 30 C. 36 D. 40

10. When the sun is 30° above the horizontal, the length of shadow cast by a building 50
m high is:
A. 41√6 B. 50√3 C. 55√3 D. 60√3

Correct Answers:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
C A D B B D D B A B |
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Explanations :
1. Let the age of husband wife and daughter be denoted by h, w and d respectively

⇒ h + 2w + 3d = 85 - - - - - - - - (i)

⇒ 2h + 4w + 6d = 170 - - - - - - - - (ii)

⇒ 5h + 10w + 15d = 450 - - - - - - - - (iii)

Multiplying the first equation by 5 we get

⇒ 5h + 10w + 15d = 425

But Eq (iii) gives 5h + 10w + 15d = 450

So, No solutions possible

∴ No solution is possible.

Hence, Option C is correct.

2. The first pendulum ticks every 95/90 seconds and the second pendulum ticks at every 315/323

95 323
They will ticks together after LCM of and seconds
30 315

95 323
Therefore LCM (90 and 315)
LCM (95,323)
HCF (90,315)

(19 × 5 × 17)

The numbers of times both the pendulums will tick together in an hour

(3600 × 45)
= ≈ 100
(19 × 5 × 17)

Hence, Option A is correct.

3. Let the total distance = 100a km

Time take to cover 30% of distance at 30 kmph

= = a hour

Time taken to cover 60% of distance at 20 km/hr

= = 2a hour

Time taken to cover 10% of distance at 5 km/hr

= = 2a hour

Hence average speed

= = 16.67 kmph
a + 3a + 2a

Hence, Option D is correct.

4. First alloy ratio = 2 : 3 : 1

Second alloy ratio = 5 : 4 : 3

Let the weight of zinc, copper and tin be 2x, 3x and x in 1st alloy of 6x.

the weights of copper, tin and lead be 5x, 4x, and 3x in 2nd alloy of 12x.

Equal weights of both alloys are melted together.

Now weights are zinc, copper, tin and lead

2 3 5 1 4 3
= : + : + :
6 6 12 6 12 12

1 11 1 1
= : : :
3 12 2 4

= 4 : 11 : 6 : 3

∴ The weight of lead per kg

3 1
= =
(4 + 11 + 6 + 3) 8

Hence, Option B is correct.

5. Amount received when interest is compounded
[ {
= 1+
n×100 } ]
Where, P is the principal amount

r Is the rate of interest per annum

n is the number of compoundings in an year

t is the time period in years

Here, p = 25000, r = 8, n = 1 and t = 2 years

⇒ Amount = 25000 1+ ( 100 )
27 27
⇒ Amount = 25000 × ×
25 25

Amount = 29160

Amount which Mr. Sharma will get on maturity is Rs. 29160

Hence, Option B is correct.

6. Contribution of P= 8500 × 12 + 2500 × 8 = Rs. 122000

Contribution of Q
= 6600 × 3 +(1 – ) × 6600 × 9

= Rs. 59400

Contribution of R = 7200 × 8 = Rs. 57600

Ratio of contribution of P, Q and R = 122000 : 59400 : 57600 = 610 : 297 : 288

Sum of ratios = 610 + 297 + 288 = 1195

∴ Approximate share of R in the profit

288 × 6000
= = Rs 1446

Hence, option D is correct.

7. Let the total salary of the family be 100
In 2011 the family saved = 100 – 40 = 60
Total income in 2012 = (25 × 1.2) + (35 × 1.2) + (10 × 0.9) + (30 × 0.8) = 105
In order to save 60, they have to spend = 105 – 60 = 45
45 200
Reqd. % = × 100 = = 42.8%
105 7

Hence, Option D is correct.

8. When the distance travelled is unknown and the speed of stream and speed of swimmer is given, use
the following formula to compute the average speed.
(x2 – y2)
Average speed =

Speed of Arpita = x = 4 km/hr

Speed of stream = y = 2 km/hr

x2 – y2 (42 – 22 ) (16 – 4)
Average speed = = = = 3 km/hr
x 4 4

Hence, Option B is correct.

9. Let the point of intersection at x-axis = (x, 0)

5x + 12y = 120
5x + 12 × 0 = 120
5x = 120
x = 24

Point of intersection = (24, 0)

Let the point of intersection at y-axis = (0, y)

5x + 12y = 120
5 × 0 + 12y = 120
12y = 120
y = 10

Point of intersection = (0, 10)

Required length = MN = [(24 – 0)2 + (0 – 10)2] = (576 + 100) = 26 units

Hence, Option A is correct.


Therefore tan 30° =

BC = 50√3

Hence, Option B is correct. |
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