FIP509 Value Proposition Assignment

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FIP509 Value Proposition Assignment

Assignment Description
Engaging prospective clients is one of the most important skills that a financial planner can
possess. After all, without the ability to engage prospective clients, one will find it difficult to
transition prospective clients into actual clients.
This assignment focuses on your ability to deliver your financial planning value proposition to
motivate an individual to engage in further discussion with you so that you can both determine
if you should enter into a financial planning relationship.
Assignment Requirement
A financial planner’s value proposition focuses on the financial planner’s personal brand by
sharing with the prospective client why they should engage that particular financial planner.
Imagine that you have met an individual at a local professional networking event and they ask
you “what do you do for a living?” Using that backdrop, present your personal and unique value
proposition to the individual. Prepare a video of you presenting your value proposition. Your
value proposition will be graded for the following elements:

Criterion Description Marks

Engagement Presenter engages audience using appropriate:
▪ Professional appearance
▪ Body language (posture, movement, gestures, eye contact)
▪ Voice (speed, tone)
▪ Verbal language (layperson terms, not jargon)
▪ Time (30 seconds or less)
▪ Flow (logical and easy to understand sequence)
Content Content includes:
▪ The type of clients that the financial planner services (Target)
▪ What the financial planner does and how the prospective client
will benefit from working with the planner (Value)
Motivation Presentation motivates prospective client to further engage in
discussion with the financial planner.

Submitting Your Assignment

Please upload your video to either Microsoft Stream or YouTube (if using YouTube, ensure that
the privacy setting is UNLISTED). Submit the Stream or YouTube link for your video in the
comments section of the assignment submission portal on the course website.

FIP509 Value Proposition Assignment

Due Date
Assignments are due on Sunday, July 4th, 2021, at 11:59pm ET.
If you have a legitimate reason for requiring an extension to the due date, please contact me as
soon as possible to discuss the options.
Late assignments will be subject to a 1% penalty per hour. Unforeseen and unavoidable reasons
for submitting an assignment late will be handled as per the guidelines described in the course
Weighting of Final Grade
The assignment will count for 10% of your final grade.
Use of Technology
This assignment requires you to use technology to video record yourself presenting your value
Many students choose to use their cell phones to make their video. If you do so, please ensure
that your video and audio are clear enough for me to see and hear your presentation.
Privacy Commitment
Your video will only be used by me, as your professor, in the process of evaluating your ability
to meet the requirements of this assignment. It will not be shared with any other person
without your consent.

FIP509 Value Proposition Assignment

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