Seminar Post Test I - Feedback

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1. Cloudiness in a freshly voided urine could indicate the 9. What is the most common cause of UTI among adults?
presence of: a. E. coli
a. Protein b. S. aureus
b. Sugar c. P. vulgaris
c. WBCs d. P. aeruginosa
d. Any of these
10. The average total volume of urine produced by a normal
2. A positive test for blood in urine can occur in the following adult every 24 hours is about:
EXCEPT: a. 750 mL
a. Extravascular hemolytic anemia b. 1200 mL
b. Crush injury c. 2000 mL
c. Malignancy of the kidney or urinary system d. 2400 mL
d. Renal Caliculi
11. Lining of the urinary bladder:
3. Urinalysis on a patient with sever back and abdominal a. Transitional epithelium
pain is frequently performed to check for: b. Simple squamous epithelium
a. Bilirubinuria c. Simple columnar epithelium
b. Proteinuria d. Simple cuboidal epithelium
c. Hematuria
d. Hemoglobinuria 12. An abnormal decrease in urine production is called?
a. Anuria
4. Reagent strip – nitrite readings are affected by: b. Oliguria
a. Ascorbic Acid c. Polyuria
b. Radiographic dye d. Dysuria
c. Alkaline urine
d. All of the above 13. The fluid leaving the glomerulus has a specific gravity of:
a. 1.005
5. This type of flow allows ascension of bacteria from the b. 1.010
lower urinary tract to the upper part c. 1.015
a. Anterograde d. 1.020
b. Retrograde
c. Both 14. Cases of UTI are commonly seen among:
d. Neither a. Male
b. Female
6. Colonization of this urinary structure marks the start of c. Elderly
urinary tract infection d. Infant and children
a. Kidney
b. Ureter 15. A specimen with a strong ammonia odor and a heavy
c. Urinary Bladder white precipitate when it arrives in the laboratory may
d. Urethra require:
a. Collection of a fresh specimen
7. Which of the following will contribute to a specimen’s b. Centrifugation
specific gravity if it is present in a person’s urine? c. Dilution for specific gravity
a. 50-100 RBC/HPF d. Testing under a hood
b. 85 mg/dL glucose
c. 3+ amorphous phosphates 16. Why is the first-voided morning urine specimen the most
d. Moderate bacteria desirable specimen for routine urinalysis
a. Most dilute specimen of the day
8. This is known as the basic unit of the kidney b. Less contamination by microorganisms
a. Tubules c. It can detect orthostatic proteinuria
b. Loop of Henle d. Most concentrated specimen of the day
c. Nephron
d. Renal pelvis 17. The reagent strip rection that requires the longest reaction
time is:
a. Bilirubin
b. Leukocyte esterase
c. pH
d. Glucose
18. Which term is defined as urine volume in excess of 2000
mL excreted over a 24-hour period?
a. Anuria
b. Oliguria
c. Polyuria
d. Hypersthenuria

19. The preservative of choice for urinalysis is:

a. Boric Acid
b. Formalin
c. Refrigeration
d. Hydrochloric Acid

20. Match the following risk factors to it’s appropriate

Iatrogenic Foley catheter use
Behavioral Frequent sexual intercourse
Anatomic Female sex
Physiologic Pregnancy
Genetic Susceptible uroepithelial cells

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