I. Learning Competency:: Waste Management

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Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) # 1

Name of Learner: ____________________________CLC:_________________________Date:_________

Learning Strand 2 – Scientific and Critical Thinking Skills Activity Sheet


I. Learning Competency:
Recognize the importance of Recycle, Reduce, Reuse, Recover, and Repair in waste

II. Background Information

Waste management
Waste management (or waste disposal) are the activities and actions required to
manage waste from its inception to its final disposal. This includes the collection,
transport, treatment and disposal of waste, together with monitoring and regulation of
the waste management process. Waste can be solid, liquid, or gaseous and each type
has different methods of disposal and management. Waste management deals with all
types of waste, including industrial, biological and household. Human and lack of
technologies are the reason why some communities suffer from garbage or waste

Different ways to manage our waste product:

Is one of the key components in the waste management system it is the process of
converting waste materials into new materials and objects. It is the practice of reprocessing and
reusing the items in the same or a different form which otherwise could have been discarded as
waste. This process saves a lot of time, energy and resources and money.
To make something smaller or use less, resulting in a smaller amount of waste. Waste
reduction simply means reducing the things that we use and only consume what is necessary.
This way the amount of waste that is created in the end is reduced and avoids going to the
A method or a practice of using something again. This can be done to use the product
for its original purpose or to fulfil a different function. Reusing a product more than one time
benefits us as well as the environment. Reusing also helps in saving time, money, energy and
This is the recovery of waste without any pre-processing. For example, waste oils that
cannot be refined for reuse in vehicles can be burnt for energy recovery. Recovering the energy
from waste oil reduces our dependence on coal and imported oil.

These days, we find it easier to buy a new product than to repair and use an existing
product. This is true of especially electronic goods like mobile phones and domestic appliances,
which can last a long time if repaired when necessary. Reducing, reusing and recycling,
decrease both the demands on natural resources, as well as the rate at which they are
III. References:


IV. Activity Proper:

Activity 1
Direction: Encircle the letter of your answer.

1. Which of the following is a major cause of our garbage problem?

A. lack of a market for recycled products

B. increasing number of people’s activities due to increase in population
C. lack of technology to aid in proper disposal of garbage
D. B and C

2. Which of the following statements is correct?

A. recycling of waste can’t help to save money.

B. recovering is not part of 5R’s in waste management
C. reused is the process of using gain.
D. reduce which means to increase the amount of garbage.

3. When disposing of waste, it is important that ________________.

A. they are sorted out into biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes

B. they are put together in a single bag to minimize the number of plastic bags used
C. they are crushed, shredded or compacted
D. they are burned

4. When you convert waste product into usable materials or remaking it to become more
useful. Which 5R’s you are promoting?

A. recover
B. reuse
C. recycle
D. reduce

5. ____________________ is the precise name for collecting, transporting, disposal, or

recycling and monitoring of waste materials.

A. Waste management
B. Sustainable development
C. Garbage collector
D. Decomposing
Activity 2

Direction: Write True on the line before each correct statement and False before each
incorrect statement.

________1. 5R’s means Recycle, Reduce, Reuse, Recover, and Repair

________2. Burning waste materials helps our environment become cleaner.
________3. To help our community about to much garbage we should reduce, reuse
and recycle materials.
________4. Lando need to buy something in the market the best thing to do is to used
reusable bag or eco-bag to minimize the used of plastic.
________5. Segregation of waste materials it doesn’t promote waste management.

1. What have you learned from this activity?


2. How will you apply your learning in your daily life activities?


Prepared by:


ALS Mobile Teacher

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