The Rise of Nationalism in Europe Updated
The Rise of Nationalism in Europe Updated
The Rise of Nationalism in Europe Updated
Designed with to
Snobhit Ninian
French Revolution and the idea of the Nation
Adoption of the new tricolor national flag replacing the former royal standard .
Adoption of French as the common
language .
← 2019
Napoleonic Code OR
civil code of 1804 : .
Removed all
privileges based on birth
Abolished the feudal system .
Guild system removed .
Transport and communication system improved .
Secured the
right to
property .
PYD 2016 :
Napoleon had destroyed democracy in France but in the administrative field he .
had incorporated
revolutionary principles in order to make the whole system more
rational and efficient Analyse statement with 15T
. the
arguments .
Making of Nationalism in Europe
These are some important factors which led to the rise of nationalism
Europe :
o Rise of middle class -
latin word meaning free . -
Middle class
: cis Majority in number
: cis Due to industrialisation social
the new
groups -
working class
and middle class came into being .
( ius It was among the educated , liberal middle class , the idea of
unity gained popularity .
In economic sphere , liberian stood for the freedom of market and abolition of
state imposed restriction on the movement of goods and capital .
believed that traditional Institutions like the monarchy , the church , social hierarchies ,
and family should be preserved
o A series of state created on the french boundary for preventing french expansion
in future
German confederation way left untouched .
Main intension ways to restore the monarchies that had been overthrown by napoleon .
Power which defeated Napo lean collectively were involved in treaty .
PII 20148 How had revolutionaries spread their ideas in many European States after
1815 ? 1ST
Art , poetry , stories , music shaped nationalist feelings .
Romantic artists criticised reason and science
° Emotions , Intuition and mystical feeling were
encouraged .
Collected local folklore to spread nationalism even illiterates
language to resists foreign dominance .
20119 Explain three ways in which nationalist feeling were kept alive in Poland in 18M$19tha
Culture Played an important role in creating the idea of the nation in Europe
" "
2010 : .
° Reduced Jobs .
Cities overcrowded
were .
shortage of food .
M¥2017 : Describe
three hardships faced by Europe in 1830s 131 .
2019 :
explain the conditions that were viewed as obstacles to the economic exchange and growth
by the new commercial classes during the nineteenth century in Europe 131 .
with the revolts of the poor , unemployed and starving peasants and workers in
European countries in the year 1848 ,
a revolution led
by the educated middle classes was also
under way .
O Jn the parts of Europe where Independent nation-states did not yet exist such as germany , Italy -
Poland ete , men and women of liberal middle classes combined their demands for constitutionalism
their demands
They took
advantage of the
growing popular unrest all over Europe ,
to push
for the creation of a nation-state on
parliamentary principles .
on the
leadership of the movement for National unification .
o Three war over seven years ended in brass fan victory and completed the process
of unification .
Italy : divided into
Italy was seven States of which only Sardinia Piedmont was
ruled by an Italian princely state .
Garibaldi was also helped by Cavour and Mazzini .
PH 2019 Describe the role of Otto von Bismarck in the making of Germany
: . GI
2012 Describe the
process of Unification of Italy
: .
Visualizing the Nation
Nations were then portrayed as female figures The female form that was chosen .
to personify the nation did not stand for in real life The female
any particular women
figure became an allegory of the nation In france , the female allegory was christened
° It was too a
region of geographical and ethnic variations .
0 It was inhabited
by slaves and under control of Ottoman Empire .
Ideas of nationalism swept over entire Balkan region .
PIA 2018 : Describe the explosive conditions prevailing in Balkans after 1871 in Europe .
long offering
homage to the statue of liberty .
0 He believed that God had intended nations to be the natural units of mankind .
Italy had to be forged into a single unified republic
# Revolution in Greece :
Greece which had been a
part of the Ottoman Empire since I5th century struggled ,
for independence
Nationalist in Greece
got support from western European artists , poets and Greeks
finally , the Treaty of Constantinople of 1832 recognised Greece as an independent nation .
# Unification of Britain :
o The primary identities of the people who inhabited the British Isles were ethnic ones such
English g Welsh g Scot and Irish.
° But as the
English nation steadily grew in wealth , importance and power , it was able
to extend its influence over the other nations of islands .
Act of Union 4707) between England and Scotland resulted in the formation of the United
Kingdom of Great Britain meant g in effect , that England was able to impose its
influence on Scotland .