Osteology and Gluteal Region Trans
Osteology and Gluteal Region Trans
Osteology and Gluteal Region Trans
Ischial tuberosity
• Horseshoe shaped
• articulation of femoral head
• S1
• Outer surface, deep depression • anterior and upper margins of the first sacral
• where the three hip bones come together vertebra that forward (becomes the posterior
• Contributing a little margin of the pelvic inlet)
o > 2/5 is the ischium (lower and side)
PT 1011: Osteology and Gluteal Region
PT 1011: Osteology and Gluteal Region
• forms about two thirds of a sphere and COXA VARA COXA VALGA
articulates with the acetabulum A deformity of hip A deformity of the hip
where angle of where the angle of
Fovea capitis inclination is less than inclination is usually
120 degrees above 135 degrees
• small depression at the center of the head for
Causes: Causes:
attachment of ligamentum teres Fracture Normal at birth
o contains blood supply to the head of Fibrous dysplasia Underlying
femur coming from obturator artery Rickets Neuromuscular
• flat and depressed Traumatic proximal diseases (cerebral
femoral epiphyseal palsy, spinal muscular
Neck plate closure atrophy, polio etc.)
• which connects the head to the shaft, passes Osteomyelitis Skeletal diseases (hip
Osteogenesis dislocation, arthritis)
downward, backward, and laterally and
makes an angle of about 125° known as
Paget’s disease
angle of inclination (slightly less in the Presentation: Presentation:
female) with the long axis of the shaft. Limb length Limb length
• Normally 120-130 degrees discrepancy (shorter leg) discrepancy (longer leg)
Prominent greater Impaired ambulation
trochanter and sitting balance
• Starts to bend when baby starts to stand and Limitation of abduction secondary to bilateral
walk because of the weight put and internal rotation of adduction contractures
o When born, the angle is about 180 the hip
Angle of inclination Angle of inclination
decreases increases
o Medial facet for the medial condyle o between anterior and posterior
o Lateral facet for the lateral condyle intercondylar areas
• Upper, lateral, and medial margins of patella o important because this is where the
are for attachment of different quadriceps anterior and posterior cruciate
muscles ligament are attached
• Lateral proximal part is a facet for head of
• Tibia tuberosity
o Found between the two condyles
o The quadriceps tendon make dikit
here after the patella
• lateral side
• Triangular
• Attachment:
o Base is from superior ramus of pubis
and goes to the intertrochanteric line
o Apex – lower intertrochanteric line
• Function: Limits extension and abduction
Ischiofemoral ligament
Iliofemoral ligament
• Spiral shape
• Attachment:
o to body of ischium
o to greater trochanter of femur
PT 1011: Osteology and Gluteal Region
• Function: Limits extension and internal • bridges gap between the acetabulum
rotation • The ligament bridges the acetabular notch
converting it to a tunnel where blood
Ligament of head of femur (Ligamentum teres)
vessels and nerves enter the hip joint
• Ligaments:
o Anterior sacroiliac
o Posterior sacroiliac ligament
o Interosseous ligament
o Sacrospinous and sacroiliac
• Nerve supply: branches of sacral spinal
nerves (snell)
o Superior gluteal
Gemellus superior
Gemellus inferior
Obturator internus