FS1 EP16 (Gregori, BEED 4-A)

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(Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual

School Environment)

(On Teacher’s Philosophy of Education)

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ACTIVITY 16.1 Analyzing DepEd’s Philosophy of Education

Resource Teacher: Mrs. Judith Espenilla Teacher’s Signature: ____________

School: Talave Elementary School Grade/Year Level: Grade 6
Subject Area: Filipino & English Date: November 12, 2021

Philosophies of Education Which philosophies are Which philosophies
expressed in the DepEd expressed in the K to 12
Vision, Mission Curriculum Framework
Statements, Core Values, and Guide and Sec 5 of RA
Mandate? Give proof. 10533? Give a proof.
1. Essentialism – teach Essentialism- the core values Essentialism- list of
mastery of the basics; of maka- diyos, maka tao, standards and competencies
curriculum is maka- kalikasan and maka- that learners are expected to
prescribed; subject bansa show that DepEd attain is the subject matter
matter- centered there believes in in unchanging that students are expected to
are universal, objectives values that need to inculcate. learn.
values, inculcate values
in subject matter.

2. Perennialism- teach The DepEd Mission in which In K-12 curriculum

those that last, the Students learn in a child- framework which is making
classics; there are friendly, gender- sensitive, the curriculum relevant to
universal values; safe and motivating learners (Contextualization
inculcate these environment shows that and enhancement). Students
universal, objectives DepEd applied Perennialism needed to acquire in depth
values. to their DepEd Mission as knowledge, skills, values, and
they believe that if the attitude through continuity
learner engages with this and consistency across all
kind of environment, it is level and subject in order to
possible that they become a bring a good values and
friendly and good citizen of characteristics to their
our country in the future as future from what they are
they bring a good value that learned in school.
they learned in school.

3. Progressivism- very The DepEd vision in which, In RA.10533 Sec.5 which is

child- centered; teach as a learner- centered Curriculum Development.
those that interest the institution, the DepEd The curriculum shall be
child; one’s learned by continuously improves itself learner-centered, inclusive
experience; learners to better serve its and developmentally
learn by doing so stakeholders shows that appropriate, which it show
teacher teacher’s DepEd is progressivism. that Progressivism is applied
teaching is experiential; DepEd believes in learners in this law.
values are subjective; learn by doing as well as if
inculcation of values we teach of what they are
since they are interested.
subjective; instead
teachers help students
clarify their values.

4. Reconstructionism- The DepEd mission in which In K-12 Curriculum

School is agent of administrator and staffs as Framework which is making
change; schooling is stewards of the institution, the curriculum relevant to
preparing students for ensure as enabling and learners (contextualization
social changes; teaching supportive environment for and enhancement), it shows
is involving the students effective learning to happen that there is an application
in discussion of moral shows that DepEd is of reconstructionism in
dilemmas. deconstructionism, DepEd which there is a discussion
believes in teaching is on the students about the
involving the students in issues such as Disaster Risk
discussion of moral Reduction (DRR). CLMATE
dilemmas in order to Change Adaptation, and
understand the implications information &
of one’s action. Communication Technology
(ICT) are included in the
enhanced curriculum.

5. Existentialism- teachers The DepEd mission in which, In K-12 Curriculum

teach learners to make a teachers facilitate learning Framework which is Gearing
choice, o make decision and constantly nurture every Up for the Future (Senior
and not merely to follow learner shows that DepEd is High School) it shows that
the crows; one who does existentialism. DePEd there is a proof of
not make a choice and believes that society should Existentialism that use
so simply follow others not restrict an individual’s which students may have a
do not leave meaningful life or actions and these freedom to choose a
life. restrictions inhabit free will specialization based on
and the development of that aptitude, interests and
person’s potential. school capacity. The choice
of career track will define
this content of the subjects a
student will take in Grades
11 and 12 SHS, subject fall
under either the Coe
Curriculum or specific

6. Pragmatism- that which The DepEd Vision in which, In K-12 Curriculum which is
is useful, that which is enable them to realize their Making the Curriculum
practical and that which full potential and contribute relevant to learner
works is what is good; meaningful to building the (Contextualization and
that which is efficient nation shows that DepEd enhancement), it shows also
and effective is that applied Pragmatism as they that there is an application
which is good, e.g. believe that teaching of Pragmatism as students
showing a video clip on students a thing that are acquire in- depth knowledge,
mitosis is more efficient practical for life are skills, value, and attitudes
and more effective and encourage them to grow into though continuity and
therefore more practical better people. consistency in order to
than teacher coming up encourage them to grow into
with a visual aid by better people across all level.
drawing mitosis on a
cartolina or illustration

7. Rationalism- The DepEd Core Values In RA No.10533 Sec. 5 which

emphasizes the which is Maka Diyos, Maka is Curriculum Development,
development of the tao, Makakalikasan and there is a proof of
learners’ reasoning Makabansa is the proof that application of the
powers; knowledge DepEd applied Rationalism Rationalism in which the
comes though reason; in which they practicing only curriculum shall be relevant,
teacher must develop for believing what is based responsive and research
the reason power of the on reason and provides that based as students is acquired
learner. primary basis for knowledge. through reason without the
aid of the senses.

8. Utilitarianism- what is The DepEd Vision which is In RA No.10533 Sec.5 which

good is that which is We dream of Filipinos who is Curriculum Development,
most useful (that which passionately love their there is a proof of
brings happiness) to the country shows that DepEd application of the
greatest number of are also use Utilitarian Utilitarianism in which the
peoples. which it advocates actions curriculum shall be culture-
that foster happiness or sensitive in which teacher
pleasure and opposes approach offers no sense of
actions that cause what ought to constitute an
unhappiness or harm. It education.
would be aims for the
betterment of society as a
whole when directed toward
making social, economic, or
political decisions.

9. Empiricism- source of The DepEd Vision which is In RA No.10533 Sec.5 which

knowledge is through Teacher facilitate learning is Curriculum Development,
the senses; teacher must and constantly nurture every it shows that there is an
involve the senses in learner is an evidence that application of Empiricism in
teaching-learning. DepEd use Empiricism where which the curriculum shall
teaching- learning of the use pedagogical approaches
students is based on the that are constructivist,
human senses where in it inquiry-based reflective
shares the view that there is collaborative and
no such thing as innate integrative; as teacher
knowledge, and that instead involves the senses in
knowledge is derived from teaching- learning of the
experience. students to be able to gain

10. Behaviorism- behavior The DepEd Vision which is In RA No. 10533 which is
is shaped deliberately students learn in child- Curriculum Development, it
by forces in the friendly gender- sensitive, shows that there is
environment and that safe, and motivating Behaviorism by which the
the type of person and environment is one also a curriculum shall be learner-
actions desired can be proof that DepEd applied centered, inclusive and
the product o design; Behaviorism in which the developmentally
behavior is determined teacher provides a positive appropriate; we teachers
by others, rather than by reinforcement, or rewards at encourage students to
person’s own free will; the end of the day for their perform desired behavior as
teacher must carefully good behavior. Whenever they giving reward for their
shaped desirable students perform a desired good performance.
behavior; drills are behavior, they will learn to
commonly used to perform the behavior on
enhance learning; their own.

11. Constructivism- The DepEd Mission which is In K-12 Curriculum

learners are capable of Teacher facilitate learning Framework, it sows that
constructing knowledge and constantly nurture every there is a constructivism in
and meaning; teaching- learner shows also that which it encourages
learning therefore is DepEd is sing Constructivism students to consider this to
constructing knowledge as they help learners to share their valuable
and meaning; teacher construct knowledge rather knowledge and experience
does not just “tell” or than just passively take in as he learner.
dictate but asks learners information. As students
for knowledge they experience the world and
construct and meaning reflect upon those
of lesson. experiences, it helps to build
their own representation and
incorporate new information
into their pre-existing
ACTIVITY 16.2 Articulating my Personal Philosophy of Teaching

Resource Teacher: Mrs. Antonnete Palabrica Teacher’s Signature: ____________

School: Talave Elementary School Grade/Year Level: Grade 5
Subject Area: English & MAPEH Date: November 12, 2021

Here are philosophies of education. Find out which philosophies were manifested in
class by observing what and how teacher teaches and relates to learners.

Philosophies Of Education Teaching Behavior (State what the teacher

said, taught or did)

1. Essentialism - teaches mastery of the  In what way was the teacher essentialist?
basics: curriculum is prescribed; subject He/she saw to it that the students
matter- centered there are universal, mastered basic concepts and skills. He/she
objective values: inculcate values; inculcated values.
2. Perennialism - teach those that last,  The teacher sees to it that her learners
the classics, there are universal values; were able to read, write, speak and
inculcate these universal, objective comprehend well
3. Progressivism - very child-centered;  The teacher believes that one learns by
teach those that interest the child; one doing. So, she allows ice breakers which
learns by experience; learners learn by showcase the talents of her students.
doing so teacher's teaching is  Let them participate in curricular
experiential; values are subjective; no activities if they want to and allow them to
inculcation of values since they are learn through science laboratories.
subjective; instead teachers help  She also stimulates her students through
students clarify their values thought-provoking games and puzzles.
4. Reconstructionism - school is an  The teacher encourages her students to be
agent of change; schooling is preparing the voice of others and makes sure that all
students for the social changes, teaching of them participate in school drills such as
is involving the students in discussions fire and earthquake preparation drill.
of moral dilemmas.  She also let her them create an action
plan/essays about social and global
5. Existentialism - teachers teach  The teacher asks her students with HOTS
learners to make a choice, to make questions and let them create their own
decisions, and not merely to follow the type/way of performing a task.
crowd; one who does not make a choice  She also let them have a freedom to choose
and so simply follows others do not of what tools to use during lab.
leave meaningful life.
6. Pragmatism - that which is useful,  The teacher shows actual conversation
that which is practical, and that which using figures of speech and using video
works is what is good; that which is clips.
efficient and effective is that which is  She also integrates the activities or project
good, e.g. showing a video clip on based learning activities in the classroom.
mitosis is more efficient and more
effective and therefore more practical
than teacher coming up with a visual aid
by drawing mitosis on a cartolina or
illustration board.
7. Rationalism - emphasizes the  The teacher highlights the cause and effect
development of the learners reasoning relationship of situations and phenomena.
powers; knowledge comes through  She as her students about their reflection
reason; a teacher must develop the of the topic being discussed and ask them
reasoning power of the learner. to justify their answers.
8. Utilitarianism - what is good is that  The teacher creates classroom rules with
which is most useful (that which brings the involvement of his/her lessons. She
happiness) to the greatest number of also selecting classroom officers by voting
peoples; and selection of the class.
9. Empiricism - the source of knowledge  The teacher let her students experience
is through the senses; a teacher must hands on laboratories and performances.
involve the senses in teaching-learning.  She also using visual aids in delivering the
lesson and allows experimentation.
10. Behaviorism -behavior is shaped  Every meeting, the teacher reminds her
deliberately by forces in the students to participate and class. Every
environment and that the type of person question is equivalent to a point. In that
and actions desired can be the product way, students will engage to the discussion
of design, behavior is determined by actively.
others, rather than by person's own free  She models good behavior and give
will; the teacher must carefully shape reinforcement to students' behaviors.
desirable behavior, drills are commonly
used to enhance learning, rewards
reinforce learning.
11. Constructivism - learners are  She let her students share their own
capable of constructing knowledge and experiences, knowledge, and beliefs.
meaning: teaching-learning, therefore,  Guide them to find the right answer and
is constructing knowledge and meaning: allow multiple responses in certain
teacher does not just "tell" or dictate but situation/question.
asks learners for the knowledge they
construct and meaning of the lesson.
12. Other Philosophies
1. Based on your findings and observations in Activity 16.1 and Activity 16.2, which
philosophies of education are dominant in Philippine basic schools? Why do you say so?
o The most dominant philosophy of education in the Philippines are
progressivism, existentialism and reconstructionism. Based on what I have
observed in my entire school life, students are having meaningful learning when
they are actively involved in learning activities that they have interest in. Actual
and experiential learning are important and will develop individual learner's
creativity and imagination. Students are given the freedom to learn, to exist and
find the essence of life.

2. If there is one philosophy that schools and teachers should give more attention to, what
should that be and why?
o One of the philosophies that schools and teachers should give more attention to
is the Perennialism. Students should be taught that they must always value their
learning. They must not forget but instead use it as an edge to face the present
and succeed in the future.
What is your philosophy of teaching? This describes what you believed you should
teach, how you should teach, and how you should relate to others in school with the
learners, your colleagues, your superiors, and all other stakeholders. Write them
down. This is your title, "My Philosophy of Teaching."

My Philosophy of Teaching
These may be of help:

I believe that the learners are unique, with their own unique learning style and set of needs
and gifts that they bring to the classroom. As a teacher, it is my obligation to expound on
their talents and create an environment that promotes maximum learning while also
meeting each child's unique requirements.

I believe that I should teach the learners on how to grow and learn. I'm aware that kids
actively develop and modify their own knowledge based on earlier learning and

By understanding that not all pupils study in the same way or at the same pace. As a
teacher, I feel it is my obligation to effectively diagnose pupils' interests, abilities, and prior
knowledge. Then I have to devise learning activities that will both challenge and enable
each learner to think and progress.

I believe that I should fulfill my goals as a teacher. By creating a strong relationship with
my students, their parents, to people and to the community. Teachers must work with
other school stakeholders to develop and build a school culture which students can grow
while improving their learning abilities.
SHOW Your Learning Artifacts
1. Accomplished Observation Sheet

Philosophies Of Education Teaching Behavior (State what the teacher

said, taught or did)

1. Essentialism - teaches mastery of the  In what way was the teacher essentialist?
basics: curriculum is prescribed; subject He/she saw to it that the students
matter- centered there are universal, mastered basic concepts and skills. He/she
objective values: inculcate values; inculcated values.
2. Perennialism - teach those that last,  The teacher sees to it that her learners
the classics, there are universal values; were able to read, write, speak and
inculcate these universal, objective comprehend well
3. Progressivism - very child-centered;  The teacher believes that one learns by
teach those that interest the child; one doing. So, she allows ice breakers which
learns by experience; learners learn by showcase the talents of her students.
doing so teacher's teaching is  Let them participate in curricular
experiential; values are subjective; no activities if they want to and allow them to
inculcation of values since they are learn through science laboratories.
subjective; instead teachers help  She also stimulates her students through
students clarify their values thought-provoking games and puzzles.
4. Reconstructionism - school is an  The teacher encourages her students to be
agent of change; schooling is preparing the voice of others and makes sure that all
students for the social changes, teaching of them participate in school drills such as
is involving the students in discussions fire and earthquake preparation drill.
of moral dilemmas.  She also let her them create an action
plan/essays about social and global
5. Existentialism - teachers teach  The teacher asks her students with HOTS
learners to make a choice, to make questions and let them create their own
decisions, and not merely to follow the type/way of performing a task.
crowd; one who does not make a choice  She also let them have a freedom to choose
and so simply follows others do not of what tools to use during lab.
leave meaningful life.
6. Pragmatism - that which is useful,  The teacher shows actual conversation
that which is practical, and that which using figures of speech and using video
works is what is good; that which is clips.
efficient and effective is that which is  She also integrates the activities or project
good, e.g. showing a video clip on based learning activities in the classroom.
mitosis is more efficient and more
effective and therefore more practical
than teacher coming up with a visual aid
by drawing mitosis on a cartolina or
illustration board.
7. Rationalism - emphasizes the  The teacher highlights the cause and effect
development of the learners reasoning relationship of situations and phenomena.
powers; knowledge comes through  She as her students about their reflection
reason; a teacher must develop the of the topic being discussed and ask them
reasoning power of the learner. to justify their answers.
8. Utilitarianism - what is good is that  The teacher creates classroom rules with
which is most useful (that which brings the involvement of his/her lessons. She
happiness) to the greatest number of also selecting classroom officers by voting
peoples; and selection of the class.
9. Empiricism - the source of knowledge  The teacher let her students experience
is through the senses; a teacher must hands on laboratories and performances.
involve the senses in teaching-learning.  She also using visual aids in delivering the
lesson and allows experimentation.
10. Behaviorism -behavior is shaped  Every meeting, the teacher reminds her
deliberately by forces in the students to participate and class. Every
environment and that the type of person question is equivalent to a point. In that
and actions desired can be the product way, students will engage to the discussion
of design, behavior is determined by actively.
others, rather than by person's own free  She models good behavior and give
will; the teacher must carefully shape reinforcement to students' behaviors.
desirable behavior, drills are commonly
used to enhance learning, rewards
reinforce learning.
11. Constructivism - learners are  She let her students share their own
capable of constructing knowledge and experiences, knowledge, and beliefs.
meaning: teaching-learning, therefore,  Guide them to find the right answer and
is constructing knowledge and meaning: allow multiple responses in certain
teacher does not just "tell" or dictate but situation/question.
asks learners for the knowledge they
construct and meaning of the lesson.
12. Other Philosophies

2. My Philosophy of Teaching

My Philosophy of Teaching
These may be of help:

I believe that the learners are unique, with their own unique learning style and set of needs and
gifts that they bring to the classroom. As a teacher, it is my obligation to expound on their talents
and create an environment that promotes maximum learning while also meeting each child's
unique requirements.
I believe that I should teach the learners on how to grow and learn. I'm aware that kids actively
develop and modify their own knowledge based on earlier learning and experiences.

By understanding that not all pupils study in the same way or at the same pace. As a teacher, I feel
it is my obligation to effectively diagnose pupils' interests, abilities, and prior knowledge. Then I
have to devise learning activities that will both challenge and enable each learner to think and

I believe that I should fulfill my goals as a teacher. By creating a strong relationship with my
students, their parents, to people and to the community. Teachers must work with other school
stakeholders to develop and build a school culture which students can grow while improving their
learning abilities.
LINK Theory to Practice
Directions: Read the items given below and encircle the correct answer.

1. C
2. D
3. B
4. A
5. A
6. D
7. D
8. C
9. D
10. B

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