Eurodesk SX3282: Large Format Mixers

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Large Format Mixers

EURODESK — Ultra-Low Noise
Design 32-Input 8-Bus Studio/Live
Mixer with XENYX Mic Preamplifiers
and British EQs

Ultra-low noise, high-headroom

analog mixer for studio, live,
front-of-house, monitor, corporate
and touring audio applications If you’re looking for old-school analog British EQ’s distinct configuration
handling in a package armed to the teeth of wider curves/lower Q and harmonic
24 state-of-the-art XENYX Mic with modern reliability, the search is over. phase characteristics allows you to add
Preamps with switchable This mixer’s British EQ, 24 mic inputs (each or subtract EQ more generously than you
+48 V phantom power plus with its own built-in studio-grade XENYX can with conventional EQ circuit designs.
4 stereo Line inputs preamp), 8 stereo inputs and 8 buses give When you add low midrange, you get
you enough leeway to craft the recording a firmer sound instead of a nasty bonk.
Neo-classic “British” 4-band EQ of your dreams or create the perfect mix When you back high frequencies off a
(stereo channels) and 3-band EQ for a live show. bit, treble backs off just a hair instead of
with semi-parametric mid band turning muffled.
(mono channels) for warm What the heck is “British EQ”?
and musical sound British EQ is a smashing thing to have The Ins and Outs

8 subgroups with independent Pan on your side when you start reaching for Some manufacturers make what
controls, Solo and Main functions those channel equalization knobs at a they call 32-input mixers that count
and insert connections live concert or in the studio. features like CD/TAPE IN as an input. But
the SX3282 really gives you 24 mono
Clip and -20 dB LEDs plus Low Cut, The EQ’s on British consoles from the channels and four stereo channels (with
Mute, Solo/PFL, Subgroup and Main 60s and 70s are what many engineers two ¼" inputs apiece—an additional 8
routing switches on all channels believe does their sound the best justice. inputs), making it easy to accommodate a
When it comes to tweaking your sound, wide variety of studio or live performance
8 Aux sends per channel: 4 pre/post they’re kind, gentle and above all, musical. configurations. That means you can
fader switchable for flexible routing It’s like drinking a fine scotch instead of connect up to 24 microphones or other
fortified wine—or maybe receiving a mono instruments and up to four stereo
Main Aux sends with Level controls warm hug instead of a kick to the crotch.
and Solo functions instruments (keyboards, for example).
Continued on next page
4 multi-functional stereo Aux returns
featuring Level and Balance controls,
Solo and extensive routing functions

Solo-In-Place with PFL function plus

full-featured Talkback, Phones and
Monitor section
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You also get eight buses, allowing you to Stereo channels feature the same
assign multiple channels—say all the mics functions, but a with dual ¼" inputs and

EURODESK on a drum kit or all the backup singers’

mics—to a single fader.
a different EQ. Instead of sweepable
mids, stereo channels feature High Mid
SX3282 Best of all, you don’t need a black belt
and Low Mid dials, both with bell center
frequencies set at 8 kHz and 800 Hz,
in engineering to operate the SX3282. respectively. This is especially useful for
The mono channels are grouped along EQ’ing the critical midrange frequency
Inserts on all mono channels, two-thirds of the board, featuring dials
subgroups and main content found in keyboard signals.
in uniform primary colors (Gain in white;
Balanced inputs and Main outputs EQ in blue; AUX in red; Pan in black). Near every mono channel’s fader you’ll
for highest signal integrity Sub groups are located next door to the find a 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 and MAIN button.
Main and Mono faders in the bottom right By engaging the MAIN button, the signal
High-precision, 13-segment LED corner. Directly above, there’s a handy is sent to the main mix. Or, if you engage
meter for main mix built-in talkback mic that sends signal to the 1-2 button, the channel becomes
your AUX 1-2 monitors via a push button, part of a bus. Twist the PAN control all
Long-wearing 60-mm as well as a multi-purpose 13-LED master the way to the left to assign it to Sub 1,
logarithmic-taper faders and level meter to give you a dynamic visual or all the way to the right for Sub 2. The
sealed rotary controls gauge of the selected output. same principle applies to the 3-4, 5-6 and
Internal autorange power 7-8 buttons.
The SX3282’s intuitive patch bay
supply for maximum flexibility makes it equally at home in the club A Mute button with accompanying
(100 - 240 V~), noise-free audio, or studio. You get two balanced XLR LED cuts the signal from the channel,
superior transient response plus MAIN outputs as well as a two ¼" TRS and a Clip LED helps you dial in a
low power consumption for MAIN outs. There’s also a ¼" MONO distortion-free post-EQ signal. The Solo
energy saving OUT (perfect for a subwoofer output). button on individual channels routes
High-quality components and Eight SUBGROUP OUT jacks allow you to the subgroup signal to the solo bus
exceptionally rugged construction send your buses to an external recording or Pre-Fader Listen—depending on
ensure long life device. This section also includes AUX whether the signal has been included
SEND jacks for connection to monitors, in a subgroup.
Conceived and designed by CD/TAPE input and output jacks, and FX
BEHRINGER Germany send/return jacks for use with outboard Finally, each of the eight buses feature
effects processors. Directly below, an independent fader, Solo switch,
you’ll find the ¼" headphone/control and Left and Right buttons to assign
room out jack. them to Left or Right stereo channels.

A Million Ways To Change Hitch your art to the AUX

The Channel The SX3482 has eight AUX
At the top of each mono channel, SEND outputs as well as eight AUX
you’ll find both a balanced XLR input return inputs, giving you more routing
with a XENYX mic preamp and a ¼" options than a Los Angeles road map.
input. A phantom power switch located AUX SEND 1-8 allow you to send the
on the back near the main power switch signal governed by an individual channel
accommodates condenser mics. to an outboard FX unit or EQ.

Each mono channel has a 3-band EQ Meanwhile, the AUX returns can be
with semi-parametric mids (giving you thought of as eight extra line inputs
control of the Mid level and a sweepable working as four stereo pairs. You can
frequency with a boost or cut of 15dB) apply up to 20 dB of gain to these inputs.
and a Trim control for adjusting input AUX returns 1, 2, 7 and 8 allow returning
gain via a Level Set LED. A Low Cut FX to be sent to tape, and, along with
button eliminates the frequencies 5 and 6, are also good for cuing artists
where unwanted infrasonics such as mic via headphones. AUX returns 3 and 4 are
handling noise occur. The eight AUX dials always assigned to the main bus.
control the volume of the AUX SEND ¼" Continued on next page
output signals (more on that below).
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compensate for clumsy load-ins, spilled The internal autorange power supply can
drinks, crazed guitarists and millions run on anything from 100 to 240 V with

EURODESK of road miles. The result is a mixer you

can count on day after day and night
noise-free audio, top-quality transient
response and low power consumption.
SX3282 after night.
Why do you need this mixer?
Take On The World • Built-in pristine XENYX mic preamps
Buy it now. Teach your great grandkids Not every town on the planet uses • British-style EQ dials give you the
how to run it. the same voltage common in yours. sound and control preferred by top
Unfortunately, this sometimes doesn’t studio engineers
BEHRINGER mixers last and last. We use top occur to jet-setting sound technicians
quality parts such as long-wear faders, sealed until they’re 5,000 miles from home. • Awesomely complete I/O – everything
rotary controls and premium circuit boards. We With the SX3282, this is never an issue. from bus inserts to mono output
have 20 years of experience figuring out how to

Live Performance Setup

Monitor mix 1 Monitor mix 2



Bass Guitar
Acoustic Guitar Monitor mix 3 Monitor mix 4
BDI 21 Drums

Electric Guitar Keyboard

Inserts DSP2024P
Module AUX RETURNS 1-4 DSP2024P

CD/TAPE IN Tape/CD recorder

XM8500 mics MAIN R OUT
(horn section)

Low L Low R
High L High R

XM8500 mics EP2000
High L High R

B2520 PRO B2520 PRO

Lead Vocals
Bkgd Vocals


SUB 1-2 SUB 1-2 SUB 3-4 SUB 3-4 SUB 5-6 button pressed, PAN SUB 7-8 button
button button button button channels center, GROUP 5 & 6 pressed, PAN
pressed, pressed, pressed, pressed, channels center, EP4000
channels channels channels channels Low L Low R
left, right, left, right, Pan channels to usual values for a live drum kit.
Pan left channels to L and right channels to R

HPS3000 B1800X PRO B1800X PRO

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Recording Setup

MDX4600 DSP2024P

MDX4600 DSP2024P

MDX4600 DSP2024P


DSP2024P HPS3000

Bass Guitar

Acoustic Guitar
BDI 21 HA4700
Electric Guitar ADI 21 HEADPHONES
Keyboard PX3000 PX3000 HPS3000
Electric Guitar V-AMP3
Inserts STEREO INS 1-8
V-AMP3 Synth
Module SUBS 1-8 OUT


C-3 Studio
(horn section)
Tape/CD recorder

T-1 Studio
Condenser CTRL R OUT
Tubes mics

B3031A B3031A
Studio Studio
monitor monitor
Bkgd Vocals
Lead Vocals




SUB 1-2 SUB 1-2 SUB 3-4 SUB 3-4 button SUB 5-6 button pressed, PAN SUB 7-8 button
button button button pressed, PAN channels center, GROUP 5 & 6 pressed, PAN
pressed, pressed, pressed, channels right, channels center,
channels channels channels
left, right, left, Pan channels to usual values for a live drum kit.
GROUP 1 GROUP 2 GROUP 3 Pan left channels to L and right channels to R
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RETURNs inputs Gold-plated CD/TAPE
(Stereo In section) EIGHT LINE IN-ONLY Master AUX SENDs return effect SUBGROUP inputs OUTPUT RCA connectors
CHANNELS, Left and right balanced/ 1-8 to external signals from for output to USB
unbalanced line level ¼" TRS inputs (stereo effects devices or external effects interface/hard disk
channels 25/26, 27/28, 29/30 and 31/32) monitor speakers processors SUBGROUP outputs recorder or DAT
Gold-plated CD/TAPE
INPUT RCA connectors
for connecting Tape/
MP3/CD players or
16 mono channels other line-level devices
with balanced
mic preamp and
phantom power for Balanced XLR
condenser mics MAIN outputs

¼" TRS balanced/

unbalanced input Balanced ¼"
MAIN outputs
Insert I/O for signal
processing on MAIN INSERTs
individual channels for connecting
(pre-fader, pre-EQ external processor
and pre-aux send)

GAIN control 12V/5-Watt BNC

adjusts input gain lamp sockets
via Level Set LED
Four-band EQ on
12 kHz shelving stereo channels, with
Semi-parametric and LOW controls
MID EQ sweepable
from 100 Hz to 13-segment Main mix
8 kHz LED meter
80Hz shelving with LEVEL, BALance, SOLO
LOW EQ and assignment switches
(mono channels) feature only a LEVEL control
eliminates and SOLO switch
infrasonics SOLO SECTION with LEVEL
control and SOLO/PFL switch
AUX 1-8 controls PHONES Level control and
with PRE/post assignment switches
TALKBACK section with LEVEL
control and assignment
Channel CLIP LED switches
PAN control sets CONTROL ROOM Level
position of signal control and assignment
in stereo mix switches
SOLO routes AUX SENDS level
subgroup signal to controls with SOLO
solo bus (Solo In switches
Place) or PFL bus
(Pre Fader Listen) MAIN MIX with talkback
mic switch and Left &
Right faders
MUTE switch (with
bright LED) also
mutes aux buses Subgroup controls with
set to post-fader faders, assignment
switches and PAN
Routing switches
for assigning
channel to MAIN or

Silky-smooth faders
on all channels and
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Type ¼" TRS jack, unbalanced Distortion 0.007% @ +4 dBu,
Mic input (THD + Noise) 1 kHz, bandwidth 80 kHz
Max. in/out +22 dBu
Type XLR connector, electronically
balanced, discrete input circuit Channel to channel crosstalk –95 dB @ 1 kHz Frequency response
Phantom power +48 V DC 20 Hz to 40 kHz –1 dB (any input to any output)
10 Hz to 120 kHz –3 dB
MIC E.I.N. (22 HZ - 22 KHZ) Noise
@ 150 ohms source –129.0 dBu POWER SUPPLY
Bus noise, fader @ 0 dB –105.0 dBr
Input shortened –132.0 dBu Power consumption max. 150 W
All input channels assigned & set
Distortion (THD + Noise) 0.007 % @ +4 dBu, 1 kHz, @ 0 dB gain, channels muted Fuse 100 - 240 V~, 50/60 Hz
bandwidth 80 kHz –92.0 dBr T 2 A H 250 V
Gain range +10 dB to +60 dB All input channels assigned & set Mains connector Standard IEC receptacle
@ 0 dB gain –87.0 dBr
Max. input level +12 dBu PHYSICAL/WEIGHT
Submaster max. output level
Line input +22 dBu, balanced/unbalanced Dimensions 3.5 x 40x 20.7"
(H x W x D) 89 x 1016 x 526 mm
Type ¼" TRS jack, Fader range +10 dB to off
electronically balanced Weight 53 lbs/24 kg
Impedance 20 kΩ balanced, 10 kΩ unbalanced Please note these specifications are preliminary and conceptual in nature,
and as such are subject to change as product development progresses.
Gain range Mono channels: –10 dB to +40 dB Noise This information is supplied for market research purposes only and is not
Stereo channels: –20 dB to +20 dB Bus noise, fader @ 0 dB –102.0 dBr All input channels to be made public in any manner. This document is solely the property of
Max. input level +22 dBu assigned & set @ 0 dB gain, The MUSIC Group, or one of its subsidiaries, and must be surrendered upon
channels muted –92.0 dBr request of the owner.
Channel fader range +10 dB to off
All input channels assigned & set
Aux send gain range +15 dB to off @ 0 dB gain–87.0 dBr
EQ MONO CHANNELS Submaster max. +28 dBu,
balanced/output level +22 dB,
Hi shelving 12 kHz, ±15 dB unbalanced
Mid sweep 100 Hz to 8 kHz, ±15 dB, Fader range +10 dB to off
Q fixed at 2 oct.
Aux returns gain range +20 dB to off
Lo shelving 80 Hz, ±15 dB
Aux sends max. output level +22 dBu
Lo out (HPF) 75 Hz, 18 dB/oct.

Hi shelving 12 kHz, ±15 dB
Hi Mid peaking 3 kHz, ±15 dB, Q fixed at 2 oct.
Lo Mid peaking 500 Hz, ±15 dB, Q fixed at 2 oct.
Lo out (HPF) 75 Hz, 18 dB/oct.

For service, support or more information contact the BEHRINGER location nearest you:
Europe USA/Canada Japan
MUSIC Group Services UK MUSIC Group Services NV Inc. MUSIC Group Services JP K.K.
Tel: +44 156 273 2290 Tel: +1 702 800 8290 Tel.: +81 3 6231 0454
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Technical specifications and appearances are subject to change without notice and accuracy is not guaranteed. BEHRINGER is part of the MUSIC Group ( All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. MUSIC Group accepts no liability for any loss
which may be suffered by any person who relies either wholly or in part upon any description, photograph or statement contained herein. Colors and specifications may vary from actual product. MUSIC Group products are sold through authorized fullfillers and resellers only.
Fullfillers and resellers are not agents of MUSIC Group and have absolutely no authority to bind MUSIC Group by any express or implied undertaking or representation. This manual is copyrighted. No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording of any kind, for any purpose, without the express written permission of MUSIC Group IP Ltd. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. © 2012 MUSIC Group IP Ltd. Trident Chambers, Wickhams Cay, P.O. Box 146, Road Town,
Tortola, British Virgin Islands. 985-10000-00381

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