Wharfedale Pro r-1604 324

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The R Series of mixers from Wharfedale Professional are designed to offer a superior quality audio performance in an easy to
use, great value package. The quality of the R Series is such it can be used in a variety of professional applications such as stu-
dio, sound reinforcement, field recording and film/video production. Mic and line inputs are provided on balanced XLR and jack
connectors for optimum performance with the main stereo outputs on balanced XLRs for better integration with other profes-
sional equipment.

R1604 / R2004 Features:
• 4 balanced/unbalanced mono line input (R1604)
• 8 balanced/unbalanced mono line input (R2004)
• 4 low noise, high headroom XLR mic inputs
• 4 pairs of balanced/unbalanced mono line inputs
• 48V global phantom power
• 3 band EQ in each input channel (12KHz, 2.5KHz, 80Hz)
• 75Hz, 18dB/octave low cut filter on channels 1-4
• PFL/SOLO and Mute/ALT 3-4 on all channels
• ALT 3-4 extra stereo bus
• 2 stereo EFX return
• EFX to Main, ALT 3-4 and AUX 1 switch
• Balanced inputs and outputs
• Peak and signal LED’s on mono channel R-1604
• Two AUX send, Pre and Post fader switch on AUX 1
• Separate main mix, control room and headphone outputs
• 2 track inputs assignable to main mix, control room/headphone outputs
• Highly accurate 10 segment Bargraph meters
• High quality 60mm faders
• 19” Rack Mounting kit included.

R200 Features:
• 4 balanced/unbalanced mono line inputs
• 4 low noise, high headroom XLR mic inputs
• 2 pairs of balanced/unbalanced mono line input
• 48V phantom power R-200
• 3 band EQ in each input channel (12KHz, 2.5KHz, 80Hz)
• 75Hz, 18dB/octave low cut filter on channels 1-4
• EFX to Main and Control room switch
• Peak LED’s on mono channel
• One aux send and one effect send
• Separate main mix, control room and headphone outputs
• 2 track inputs assignable to main mix, control room/headphone outputs
• Highly accurate 10 segment bargraph meters
• High quality 60mm fader on master output
• 19” Rack Mounting kit included
Mono & Stereo Input Channels R1604/R2004

Mono Input Channel R2004 Stereo Input Channel R2004

The R1604 features 4 and the R2004 fea- The Stereo Input channels on the R1604
tures 8 low noise, high headroom low and R2004 feature two balanced line
impedance mic inputs for use with bal- level inputs with 1/4” jack sockets for left
anced or low impedance microphones or and right signals. When the left input is
external equipment with XLR connectors. connected only, then the channel oper-
The R1604 has four balanced/unbalanced ates in mono. The four stereo input
high impedance mono line inputs for use channels are designed for use with any
with high level signals with phoe plug line level sources such as CD players and
connectors. The R2004 has eight line EFX units. The equalisation on the stereo
inputs. By pressing the Low Cut Filter input channels have the same parameters
button it is possible to reduce back- as the three band EQ on the mono chan-
ground rumble, for example on a vocal nels but in stereo. The AUX sends are the
track. The input level on the mic chan- same as for the mono channels.
nels is controlled by the Gain Control,
maximising the signal to noise ratio. The There are two additional Stereo AUX
Peak LED will illuminate if the input gain returns on the R1604 and R2004. If you
is too high. When the SOLO button is connect a jack only to the Left socket it
pressed, the channel input is shown on will operate in mono. EFX return can be
the bargraph meters. Each input channel switched between the main mix and the
features HI, MID and LOW EQ. The EQ cue feed by pressing the EFX to AUX but-
section should be used with the Low Cut ton (see following page Master Section).
Filter to add extra warmth or punch to AUX Send 1 is automatically assigned to
the mix. The two AUX sends are mono the main mix. AUX Send 2 can be
and Post EQ. Pressing the Pre button will switched to ALT 3-4.
dictate whether AUX1 is sent Pre or Post
Fader. AUX1 is set to Pre Fader for cue-
ing p urposes. AUX2 is set to Post Fader
allowing elimination of any audible
reverb when the fader is pulled down.
The Pan control adjusts the amount of
signal sent to the left versus the right
inputs. On the mono channels the con-
trols act as true pots; Channel 1&3 pan
left, Channel 2&4 pan right. The level to
the main mix is controlled by the channel
level faders with a range to +30dB.

R-2004 Rear panel

AC Input Power Main XLR ALT 3-4 Main Channel Inserts

Switch outputs inputs outputs

Track In/Out:
The two track input section has phono jack inputs to enable easy
connection to DAT tape devices and other audio equipment. This is
used primarily for listening to mix playback from a tape for exam-
ple. The Mix button allows you to audition the signal from the
Main Mix. The 2K button routes the signal from 2 track playback.
Similarly, the ALT 3-4 button when pressed to MIX will route the
signal from the ALT 3-4 bus. The Level is determined by the 2TIK
level control faders whcih can be changed to control either ALT 3-4
to MIX or 2TK to MIX, depending on where the signal is routed.

There is a single headphones output, the signal from which follows
the signal fromthe control room outputs. There is a single level
control for both these outputs.

ALT 3-4 Outputs:

When the MUTE button is pressed on a channel, the output of that
channel will be routed to the ALT 3-4 output instead of the Main

The level of the Main Mix/Solo is displayed on these 10 segment bar-
graph meters. The 0 level should be illuminated most of the time, if
the 6 or above is illuminated then you should reduce the main mix
or the channel volume. The Master Section also features the Power
On LED which when illuminated indicates that power is supplied to
the unit. The +48 V DC LED illumiinates when Phantom Power is

R-1604 Rear panel

AC Input Power Main XLR ALT 3-4 Main

Switch outputs inputs outputs
R200 Features

R200 Mono Input Channel: R200 Stereo Input Channel: R200: Master Section
The R200 features four low noise, The R200 stereo channel features Metering
high headroom Low Z mic inputs for The level of the main mix
two balanced line level inputs
is displayed on this LED
use with balanced or low impedance with 1/4” jacks for left and right
section. The ‘0’ level LED
microphones or low level external signals. When the left input is should be illuminated
equipment with XLR connectors.The connected only, then the channel most of the time – if the
R200 features four balanced/unbal- operates in mono. ‘6’ or ‘CLIP’ LEDs are illumi-
anced high impedance mono line nated then you should
The AUX Send and EFX Send reduce the main mix or
inputs for use with high level signals
operate in the same way as for channel volume. This
with 1/4” phone plug connectors. The
the mono channel. There are Power On LED is illuminat-
low cut filter can be activated by ed when power is supplied
two additional stereo line inputs
pressing this button. The slope of (EFX returns 1 & 2) on the R200. to the unit..
this filter is 18dB/oct –3dB at 75Hz If you connect a jack only to the The +48 V DC LED is illu-
and should be used when it is neces- Left socket it will operate in minated to indicate that
mono. phantom power is present.
sary to eliminate or reduce back-
EFX return can be switched The Phantom Power is
ground rumble for example on a switched on and off by a
between the main mix and the
vocal track.The input level on the mic sliding switch.
cue feed by pressing the button
channels is controlled by using the ‘EFX to AUX’.
Gain Control maximising the signal
Track In/Out Monitoring:
to noise ratio. The Gain control
The two track input section has There is a single head-
should be used in conjunction with
phono jack inputs to enable easy phones output. The signal
the Peak LED which will illuminate if from this output follows
connection to DAT tape devices
the input gain and other audio equipment. This the signal from the control
is too high. is used primarily for listening to room outputs. There is a
Each mono input channel features a mix playback from a tape for single level control for
example. Pressing the ‘2TK to both these outputs.
three band EQ section. The Hi EQ
MIX’ button routes this signal to The master fader controls
control has an upper shelf limit of the level of the master
the main mix. Similarly, pressing
12kHz, the Mid EQ 2.5kHz and the mix.
the button ‘ 2TK to Phones Ctrl
Low EQ 80Hz. Each control has a Room’ will route the signal to
range of –15db to +15dB cut and the studio monitors. The Level is
boost, with a central point of ‘0’ for determined by the 2TK Level
OFF. The EQ control section should control.

be used in conjunction with the Low

Cut Filter to add extra warmth or extra
punch to the mix where necessary. The
R-200 Rear panel
AUX is set to Pre Fader (independent of
the channel fader) on the R200 for cue-
ing purposes
The EFX control is set to Post Fader
which allows you eliminate any audible
reverb which would appear when the
fader is pulled down.
The Pan control adjusts the amount of
channel signal sent to the left versus
the right inputs. On the mono channels AC Input Power Main XLR Main
the controls act as true Pan pots. Switch outputs & outputs
Channels 1 and 3 pan left, Channels 2
and 4 pan right.
The level to the main mix bus is con-
trolled by the channel volume control
with a range to +15dB.
MODEL R1604 R200 R2004
20Hz-20kHz bandwidth,1/4” Main out,channels Main mix fader down, channel faders down: -100dBu Main mix fader down, channel faders down: -100dBu Main mix fader down, channel faders down: -100dBu
1-4 Trim@ unity gain, channel EQs flat, all Main mix fader unity, channel faders down: -90dBu Main mix fader unity, channel faders down: -90dBu Main mix fader unity, channel faders down: -90dBu
channels assigned to Main Mix,channels 1 and Main mix fader @ unity, channel faders @ unity: -90dBu Main mix fader @ unity, channel faders @ unity: -90dBu Main mix fader @ unity, channel faders @ unity: -90dBu
3 pan left, 2 and 4 pan right
1KHZ @ +14dBu, 20Hz-20kHz Mic into main out: 0.0025% Mic in to Main out: 0.0025% Mic in to Main out: 0.0025%
kHz relative to 0dBu, 20Hz-20kHz Main fader down: -85dBu Main fader down: -85dBu Main fader down: -85dBu
bandwidth, line in, 1/4” Main out, Channel Alt/Mute switch engaged: -80dBu Channel Alt/Mute switch engaged: -80dBu
Trim @ unity Channel fader down: -70dBu Channel VR minimum: -70dBu Channel VR minimum: -70dBu
Mic input to any output 20Hz-20kHz:+0dB/-1dB 20Hz-20kHz:+0dB/-1dB 20Hz-20kHz:+0dB/-1dB
10Hz-60kHz: +3dB/-3dB 10Hz-60kHz:+3dB/-3dB 10Hz-60kHz:+3dB/-3dB
Mic in:+13dBu Mic in:+13dBu Mic in:+13dBu
Tape in: +13dBu Tape in: +13dBu Tape in: +13dBu
All other inputs:+25dBu All other inputs:+25dBu All other inputs:+25dBu
Main Mix XLR out:+22dBu Main Mix XLR out:+22dBu Main Mix XLR out:+22dBu
All other outputs:+22dBu All other outputs:+22dBu All other outputs:+22dBu
Mic in: 3 kilohms Mic in: 3 kilohms Mic in: 3 kilohms
Channel insert retum: 20 kilohms Channel insert retum: 20 kilohms Channel insert retum: 20 kilohms
All other inputs: 10 kilohms or greater All other inputs: 10 kilohms or greater All other inputs: 10 kilohms or greater
Tape out: 10 kilohms Tape out: 10 kilohms Tape out: 10 kilohms
All other outputs:100 ohms All other outputs:100 ohms All other outputs: 100 ohms
High shelving: +/-15db@ 12kHz High shelving: +/-15db@ 12kHz High shelving: +/-15db@ 12kHz
Mid peaking: +/-15db@ 2.5kHz Mid peaking: +/-15db@ 2.5kHz Mid peaking: +/-15db@ 2.5kHz
Low shelving: +/-15db@ 80Hz Low shelving: +/-15db@ 80Hz Low shelving: +/-15db@ 80Hz
(20HZ-22KHZ) 150 ohm: -129dBm unweighted 150 ohm: -129dBm unweighted 150 ohm: -129dBm unweighted
18 watts 15 watts 25 watts
UK: 240VAC-50Hz UK: 240VAC-50Hz UK: 240VAC-50Hz
USA:115VAC-60Hz USA:115VAC-60Hz USA:115VAC-60Hz
FUSE RATING 90V-250V: 300 mA, 5 x 20mm 90V-250V: 300 mA, 5 x 20mm 300 mA, 5 x 20mm
SIZE mm (H x W x L) 80.3 x 416 x 431 80.3 x 30 x 379 80.3 x 225 x 280
WEIGHT 7.3Kg 5.9KG 4.4KG

Wharfedale International Limited, IAG House, Sovereign Court,

Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon, Cambs, PE29 6XU, England
The information in this brochure is subject to change without notice.
All rights reserved © 2003 Wharfedale Systems Division
Wharfedale is a member of the International Audio Group

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