Wireless Energy

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Keywords: Wireless power
transmission, Solar power satellite;
Electromagnetic field; Magnetic fields;
Electrical vehicle; Power
Keywords: Wireless power
transmission, Solar power satellite;
Electromagnetic field; Magnetic fields;
Electrical vehicle; Power
Keywords: Wireless power
transmission, Solar power satellite;
Electromagnetic field; Magnetic fields;
Electrical vehicle; Power
Keywords: Wireless power
transmission, Solar power satellite;
Electromagnetic field; Magnetic fields;
Electrical vehicle; Power
Keywords: Wireless power
transmission, Solar power satellite;
Electromagnetic field; Magnetic fields;
Electrical vehicle; Power
In the whole world electricity transfer from
power station to
everywhere is through wire. Wireless
power transfer technology can
potentially reduce or eliminate the need for
wires and batteries. Wireless
transmission is useful to power electrical
devices where interconnecting
wires are inconvenient, hazardous, or are
not possible. Wireless power
transfer technology reduces the use of
electric wire which is made of
copper and aluminum metal. e metal
which are used to make electric
wire will extinct in future. If we implement
wireless power transfer
technology the use of electric wire will
reduce. It would be benecial if in
future, we can implement wireless power
transfer technology to transfer
power from power station to everywhere
without the need of wire. In
section 2 dierent categories of wireless
power technique are discussed,
whereas in section 3 represents the various
experimental proof of
wireless power transfer, section 4
discusses dierent applications of
wireless power transfer and nally
section 5 discusses the potential
future application of wireless power
transfer technology
In the whole world electricity transfer from
power station to
everywhere is through wire. Wireless
power transfer technology can
potentially reduce or eliminate the need for
wires and batteries. Wireless
transmission is useful to power electrical
devices where interconnecting
wires are inconvenient, hazardous, or are
not possible. Wireless power
transfer technology reduces the use of
electric wire which is made of
copper and aluminum metal. e metal
which are used to make electric
wire will extinct in future. If we implement
wireless power transfer
technology the use of electric wire will
reduce. It would be benecial if in
future, we can implement wireless power
transfer technology to transfer
power from power station to everywhere
without the need of wire. In
section 2 dierent categories of wireless
power technique are discussed,
whereas in section 3 represents the various
experimental proof of
wireless power transfer, section 4
discusses dierent applications of
wireless power transfer and nally
section 5 discusses the potential
future application of wireless power
transfer technology
In the whole world electricity transfer from
power station to
everywhere is through wire. Wireless
power transfer technology can
potentially reduce or eliminate the need for
wires and batteries. Wireless
transmission is useful to power electrical
devices where interconnecting
wires are inconvenient, hazardous, or are
not possible. Wireless power
transfer technology reduces the use of
electric wire which is made of
copper and aluminum metal. e metal
which are used to make electric
wire will extinct in future. If we implement
wireless power transfer
technology the use of electric wire will
reduce. It would be benecial if in
future, we can implement wireless power
transfer technology to transfer
power from power station to everywhere
without the need of wire. In
section 2 dierent categories of wireless
power technique are discussed,
whereas in section 3 represents the various
experimental proof of
wireless power transfer, section 4
discusses dierent applications of
wireless power transfer and nally
section 5 discusses the potential
future application of wireless power
transfer technology
In the whole world electricity transfer from
power station to everywhere is through wire.
Wireless power transfer technology can
potentially reduce or eliminate the need for
wires and batteries. Wireless transmission is
useful to power electrical devices where
interconnecting wires are inconvenient,
hazardous, or are not possible. Wireless power
transfer technology reduces the use of electric
wire which is made of copper and aluminum
metal. the metal which are used to make electric
wire will extinct in future. If we implement
wireless power transfer technology the use of
electric wire will reduce. It would be beneficial
if in future, we can implement wireless power
transfer technology to transfer power from
power station to everywhere without the need of
wire. In section 2 different categories of wireless
power technique are discussed, whereas in
section 3 represents the various experimental
proof of wireless power transfer, section 4
discusses different applications of wireless
power transfer and finally section 5 discusses the
potential future application of wireless power
transfer technology

Wireless Power Technique


Non- radiative
In near field or non-radiative techniques, by
magnetic fields using inductive coupling
between coils of wire power is transferred over
short distances, or by electric fields using
capacitive coupling between metal electrodes. In
wireless technology, inductive coupling is
widely used; phones and electric toothbrushes,
RFID tags, and chargers for implantable medical
devices like artificial cardiac pacemakers, or
electric vehicles are included its application
[1].Near-field transfer: In near-field transfer
coupling of two coils are needed to transfer
power. through magnetic field coupling a
transformer is transferring energy wirelessly,
although it was invented more than 100 years
ago. the transfer eficiency drops drastically if we
remove the iron core and move the two coils
apart [2]. that is why the two coils must be put
close enough to each other. this kind of method
is already launched in the market. For example,
most electric toothbrushes are using wireless
chargers, which are much safer than cable
chargers in wet environment [3]. The frequency
of the transmitter and receiver coils is
determined by the material and shape of the coil,
transfer effciency will decrease

In far-field or radiative techniques, power is
transferred by beams, like microwaves or laser
beams also called power beaming. Power
beaming techniques can transport energy longer
distances. Solar power satellites, and wireless
powered drone aircraft are proposed
applications [6-8].

Far-field transfer: To transfer energy wirelessly

over long ranges, far-field transfer is used.
• Microwaves: In far-field radiative
electromagnetic wave is used. Different method
uses electromagnetic waves within different
wave band. In the early times, there were many
experiments with radio and microwaves [9]. To
achieve suficient directionality, the wavelength
of the antennas must be longer. An antenna with
a dimension of several meters to several
kilometers which requires the speed of light in
the air is about 3 x 108 m/s and the wavelength
of radio and microwaves is about 1 meter. To
transfer energy to smaller objects shorter
wavelength is used. e electromagnetic wave
used the waveband of radio, TV, cell phone and
Wi-Fi, with a signal intensity several orders of
magnitude larger [10].
• Lasers: In the case of electromagnetic field
show in Figure 2 power can be transmitted by
converting electricity into a laser beam. that is
then pointed at a photovoltaic cell [11,12]. In the
case the power is beamed at a receiver that can
convert it to electrical energy, so this mechanism
is generally known as ‘power beaming’
technology. Special photovoltaic laser power
converters are optimized for monochromatic
light conversion that are applied at the receiver
[13]. this technology used in military weapons
[14-16] and aerospace [17,18] applications.

Various Experimental Proof of

Wireless Power Transfer

• Resonant inductive coupling, also known as

“electro-dynamic induction” used by Nikola
Tesla in 1894 to wirelessly light up
phosphorescent and incandescent lamps. that
was situated at the 35 South Fifth Avenue
laboratory, and later at the 46 E. Houston Street
laboratory in New York City [19-21]. A device
[22] called the high-voltage was patented by
Nikola Tesla in 1897
• In 1910 an experiment was held using
incandescent light powered wirelessly by
electromagnetic induction. the bottom of a large
cylinder was made by using an electromagnet, a
coil of wire with alternating current through it. It
creates a magnetic field. Above the magnet’s
pole the lamp is attached to another coil of wire.
the magnetic field generate electricity that lights
the lamp. the lamp then looks like an original
Edison lamp with a carbon filament [23]

• Rectenna was invented by Brown in 1964

which could effciently convert microwaves to
DC power, and the first wireless-powered
aircraft demonstrated in 1964, a model
helicopter powered by microwaves beamed from
the ground [24,25].
• In California 1975 Wireless high-power
transmission using microwaves experiments in
the tens of kilowatts have been performed at
Goldstone [26-28]

• The first MPT experiment in space was

carried out by Hiroshi Matsumoto’s team in
1983. the experiment was called MINIX
(Microwave Ionosphere Nonlinear Interaction
Experiment) [29,30].

• In 1987 fuel-free airplane fight experiment

was succeeded by Canadian group with MPT
which was called SHARP (Stationary High-
Altitude Relay Platform) with 2.45 GHz [31].

• Several field MPT experiments have been

conducted over the years In Japan. A fuel-free
fight experiment was conducted successfully by
joint collaborative group using phased-array
technology, which was referred to as the
Microwave Lifted Airplane Experiment
(MILAX) in 1992 [32].
• From the University of Auckland in New
Zealand, Professor John Boys and Professor
Grant Covic developed systems to transfer large
amounts of energy across small air gaps in 1993
[33,34]. In Japan this system was practical used
as the moving crane and the AGV non-contact
power supply [35].

• In 1994-95 power company and universities

made Ground-to-Ground MPT experiment [36].

• In 1997 at Grand Bassin on Reunion Island,

Microwave Power Transmission experiment was
conducted [37].

• A lightweight unmanned model plane

powered by a laser beam was demonstrated
NASA’s Dryden Flight Research Center in
2003. Photocells from a beam of infrared light
from a ground-based laser generated the small
model plane’s motor was powered by electricity,
while a control system kept the laser pointed at
the plane [38].

• Marin Soljačić along with other researchers at

the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
applied in electromagnetic theory, the wireless
power transmission concept based on strongly-
coupled resonators in November 2006 [39-41].

• A long-range Microwave Power Transmission

demonstration was realized on one of the islands
of Hawaii in May 2008. Managed Energy
Technologies of the U.S organized the
demonstration and involved the wireless
transmission of energy [42].
• Researchers at the university of Korea
Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
(KAIST) have developed an electric transport
system that is called Online Electric Vehicle,
OLEV. the vehicles get power wirelessly from
cables via non-contact magnetic charging that
are kept under the surface of the road. To
manage trafic congestion and to improve
effciency by reducing energy consumption, this
technique is established. In July 2009 the
researchers at the university of Korea Advanced
Institute of Science and Technology successfully
did an experiment to a bus by suppling 60%
power over a gap of 12 centimeters (4.7 in) [43].

• Kyoto University’s group experiment from an

airship to ground with two phased-controlled
magnetrons in 2009 [44].

• Hatem Zeineth an American physicist,

inventor demonstrated how wireless power
transmission using phased array antennas can
deliver electrical power up to 30 feet in 2013. It
uses the same radio frequencies as Wi-Fi

• Researchers at the University of Washington

experiment power over Wi-Fi, at ranges of up to
20 feet in 2015. they also experiment using Wi-
Fi that it can be used to wirelessly trickle-charge
nickel–metal hydride and lithium-ion coin-cell
batteries at distances of up to 28 feet [47,48].

• Federal Communication Commission (FCC)

certified the first mid-field radio frequency (RF)
transmitter of wireless power in 2017 [49]
Applications of Wireless Power
Transmission of power to the portable devices
The system is made using charger pad and the
battery. To transfer energy from the charging
pad to the battery each part has planar coils. the
charging pad and battery can communicate with
each other cause the electrical energy is
modulated. Before transmits full power to the
battery, the charging pad verify that a valid
battery is in place or not. this communication
continues throughout the entire charging process
to confirm the battery is still in place [50]
Wirelessly charging of electric
A charging pad sits on the ground, connected to
a wall-mounted power adapter. All the car parks
over it. On the backside of the car there is a
receiver when charger detects the receiver
within range, it automatically starts charging

Wirelessly charging of public

Every electric bus has a wireless charging
receiver. According to Figure 5 Wireless
chargers are embedded in the hard surface of a
road or under the road surface at regular
intervals. When the bus is stopped no need to
plug in or no need to connect with wireless
chargers. It will automatically have charged. It’s
a motion bus. These kinds of buses are already
tested in the UK, Italy, the Netherlands, and
South Korea [50]

Future scope of wireless power

transfer technology
In future we can use electric appliances by using
electricity without wire. In the below, discussing
some potential scope of using wireless power
transfer technology.

Solar Power Satellite

Satellite with solar panel is used to capture
maximum amount of solar energy from the sun
in the space. Satellite consists of microwave
transmitter which is used to convert power into
microwave for transmission. According to
Figure 7 transmitting microwave from the
satellite present in space received by the
microwave receiving antenna situated into the
earth. is microwave receives antenna then
convert microwave into electricity. then this
electricity can be used to power home and ofice

Wirelessly powered home

In future there will be a transmitting device
inside home that will transmit power to all the
home appliances such as Television, Laptop,
Lamp, Iron, Sound Box, Fridge, Mobile etc.
show in Figure 8. Transmitting device transmit
power and all the appliances will receive that
power through receiving devices set up inside
into all appliances
Universal power source in
In an emergency or disaster situation where all
the communication medium and power system
has broken down. Communication immediately
after a disaster situation is an important
component of response and recovery; it connects
athected people, families and communities with
support system and other family members. In
this situation an emergency power source may
help to provide nessesary power source to power
their communication devices so that they can
easily connect with their family and rescue
services as show in Figure 10. An universal
power source consists of an airship built in
power trasmittor which act as power source and
drons; which consists of power receiving and
trasmitting device which provide basic
communication as well basic wireless power to
the athected people

Wirelessly power supply to house

from power station
In future clean and green power generation may
be done using the renewable source of energy.
Figure 12 defines power may be supplied to our
houses wirelessly. Power transmitting antenna
connected with the power supply providing
station then power transmitting antenna convert
electric power into microwave then transmit it to
the nearest dual mode power receiving and
transmitting antenna which transmit this
microwave to nearest antenna which is
connected nearest to the house. the house has its
power receiving antenna which converts this
microwave into electrical power. this electric
power than utilize by the house

Wireless power apply to medical

In future wireless power supply in medical
devices can be possible. there will be a
transmitter that will be directly connected with
power station. Figure 14 defines transmitter
receives the signal from power station and
transmit the signal continuously. the transmitting
power receives by the receiver establishes in
hospital and generates wireless electricity. By
using this electricity medical devices will be
performed simultaneously. there will be some
electrical devices in patients hand these devices
show the status of that patient. their physical
status will show in monitor. So, doctors can
easily understand their condition and can take
measurable step quickly

Wirelessly powered smart city

According to Figure 15 a city can be a smart city
using wireless technology. We can use power
from power station without wire through
transmitter and receiver. Transmitter transmit
electricity from power station and a receiver
receive the power and supply the power between
houses, cars, trains, ofices even emergency areas
where wired technology is impossible to set up.
By using wireless technology our environment
will be carbon dioxide gas free. We get
benefited because our environment will be clean
and harmful gas free that emits from car, train or
other vehicles

Now a day, we are using technology
wirelessly like our phone, which is a
very big example of it but if we
implement this method to use modern
technology by using wireless method
then our communication will be strong
and smooth. In this paper, we have
discussed about wireless power
transmission technology and its various
applications in our life. Moreover, we
have presented and discussed the
potential implementation of wireless
power transfer technology to make our
life easier

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