(PDF) ASTM E2847.21990 - Compress
(PDF) ASTM E2847.21990 - Compress
(PDF) ASTM E2847.21990 - Compress
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ASTM E2847.21990
Uploaded by Astrid Camila Riveros Mesa
Standard Test Method for Calibration and Accuracy
Verification of Wideband Infrared
Thermometers1 Full description
Waterdraw Radiometric E563.1285343-1 Theory an
Calibration for Temperature Fundame
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This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TB
Designation: E2847 − 14
1. Sco
pe Development of International Standards, Guid
1.1 This test method covers electronic
electronic instruments
instruments intended mendations issued by the World Trade Organiz
for measurement of temperature by detecting the intensity of Barriers to Trad
Tradee (TBT) Committee.
thermal radiation exchanged between the subject of measure- 2. Referenc
ed Documents
ment and the sensor.
2.1 ASTM Standards: 2
1.2 The devices covered
covered by this test method are referred
referred to E344 Terminology
E344 Terminology Relating to Thermometr
as infrared thermometers in this document. etry
1.3 The infrared thermometer
thermometerss covered in this test method E1256 Test Method
Methodss for Radiati
on Thermo
are ins
ts tha
thatt are int
ed to mea
suree temp
es Waveband Type)
below 1000°C, measure thermal radiation over a wide band- E2758 Gu Guid
idee fo
forr Se
n an
andd Us
Usee of
width in the infrared region, and are direct-reading in tempera- Temperature Infrared Thermometers
3. Terminology
1.4 This guide covers best practice in calibrcalibrating
ating infrared
s. It add
ses con
ns tha
thatt will hel
p the use
userr 3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Sta
perform more accurate calibrations. It also provides a structure 3.1.1 cavity bottom, n— the
the portion of the c
for calc
n of unc
ies and rep
ing of cal
n source forming the end of the cavity.
results to includ
includee uncer
tainty.. Discussion— The
The cavity bottom is th
whe re an infinfrar
ed the
meterr bei
ng cali
1.5 De
1.5 Detai
ls on th
thee de
n an
andd co
n of in
ed radiation.
thermometers are not covered in this test method.
3.1.2 cavity radiation source, n— a concave
1.6 This test method does not cover infrared thermometry
thermometry etry approximating a perfect blackbody of cont
abo ve 100
0°C.. It doe
doess not address
address the use of nar
d turee and defi
tur defined
ned emis
ity use
usedd for cali
infrared thermometers
thermometers or infrared thermometers
thermometers that do not thermometers.
indicate temperature directly. Discussion— A cavity radiation sour
1.7 The values
values stated in SI uni
ts are to be reg
ed as the thermal radiation sources.
standard. The values given in parentheses are for information Discussion— To be a ca cavi
ty ra
only. practical value for calibration, at least 90 % of th
1.8 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded
regarded of a radiation thermometer is expected to be
as standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical cavity bottom. In addition, the ratio of the leng
conversions to SI units that are provided for information only versus the cavity diameter is expected to be
and are not considered standard. equal to 5:1.
1.9 This int
onall sta
rd was dev
ped in accaccor
or-- 3.1.3 cavity
cavity wall
s, n— the
the ins
ide surfaces
dance with internationally recognized principles on standard- shape forming a cavity radiation source.
n esesta
d in th
thee De
n on Pr
less fo
forr th
thee 3.1.4 customer, n— the
the individual or instituti
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ASTM E2847.21990
Uploaded by Astrid Camila Riveros Mesa
Standard Test Method for Calibration and Accuracy
Verification of Wideband Infrared
Thermometers1 Full description
Waterdraw Radiometric E563.1285343-1 Theory an
Calibration for Temperature Fundame
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E2847 − 14
3.1.6 effective emissivity, n— t he ratio of the amount of 5. Significance and Use
energy over a given spectral band exiting a thermal radiation 5.1 This guide provides guidelines and bas
source to that predicted by Planck’s Law at a given tempera- for the accuracy verification of infrared
ture. includes test set-up and calculation of unc
3.1.7 field-of-view, n— a usually circular, flat surface of a intended to provide the user with a consistent
measured object from which the radiation thermometer re- remaining flexible in the choice of calibration
ceives radiation. (1)3 understood that the uncertainty obtained depen Discussion— Many handheld infrared thermometers upon the apparatus and instrumentation used. T
manufacturers include distance-to-size ratio (D:S) in their this guide is not prescriptive in approach, it pr
specifications. Distance-to-size ratio relates to the following instruction in uncertainty evaluation to
physical situation: at a given distance (D), the infrared ther- variety of apparatus and instrumentation
mometer measures a size (S) or diameter, and a certain ployed.
percentage of the thermal radiation received by the infrared
5.2 This guide is intended primarily for calib
thermometer is within this size. Field-of-view is a measure of
infrared thermometers. However, the techniqu
the property described by distance-to-size ratio. (1)
this guide may also be appropriate for calibrati
3.1.8 flatplate radiation source, n— a planar surface of of radiation thermometers. It may also be
controlled temperature and defined emissivity used for calibra- calibrating thermal imagers.
tions of radiation thermometers.
5.3 This guide specifies the necessary eleme Discussion— A flatplate radiation source is a subset
of calibration for an infrared thermome
of thermal radiation sources.
elements are intended as a communication tool
3.1.9 measuring temperature range, n— temperature range user of these instruments make accurate meas
for which the radiation thermometer is designed. (1) elements also provide enough information, so th
3.1.10 purge, n— a process that uses a dry gas to remove the the calibration can be reproduced in a separate
possibility of vapor on a measuring surface.
6. Sources of Uncertainty
3.1.11 radiance temperature, n— temperature of an ideal (or
perfect) blackbody radiator having the same radiance over a 6.1 Uncertainties are present in all calibra
given spectral band as that of the surface being measured. (2) ties are underestimated when their effects are
3.1.12 thermal radiation source, n— a geometrically shaped or omitted. The predominant sources of unc
object of controlled temperature and defined emissivity used scribed in Section 10 and are listed in Table 1
for calibration of radiation thermometers. of Appendix X1.
3.1.13 usage temperature range, n— temperature range for 6.2 Typically, the most prevalent sources of
which a radiation thermometer is designed to be utilized by the this method of calibration are: ( 1) emissivity e
end user. calibration source, ( 2 ) size-of-source
thermometer, (3) temperature gradients on the r
4. Summary of Practice (4) improper alignment of the infrared
respect to the radiation source, ( 5) calibration
4.1 The practice consists of comparing the readout tempera-
the radiation source, (6 ) ambient temperature a
ture of an infrared thermometer to the radiance temperature of temperature. The order of prevalence of the
a radiation source. The radiance temperature shall correspond may vary, depending on use of proper procedu
to the spectral range of the infrared thermometer under test.
of thermal radiation source used. Depending o
4.2 The radiation source may be of two types. Ideally, the ture of the radiation source, the calibration
source will be a cavity source having an emissivity close to radiation source, the optical characteristics
unity (1.00). However, because the field-of-view of some thermometer and the detector and filter charac
infrared thermometers is larger than typical blackbody cavity
apertures, a large-area flatplate source may be used for these
calibrations. In either case, the traceable measurement of the TABLE 1 Components of Uncertain
radiance temperature of the source shall be known, along with Uncertainty Component Discussion Ev
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ASTM E2847.21990
Uploaded by Astrid Camila Riveros Mesa
Standard Test Method for Calibration and Accuracy
Verification of Wideband Infrared
Thermometers1 Full description
Waterdraw Radiometric E563.1285343-1 Theory an
Calibration for Temperature Fundame
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E2847 − 14
infrared thermometer, the contribution of these uncertainties will result in a smaller uncertainty. A smaller c
may change significantly in the overall uncertainty budget. will also result in a smaller uncertainty. The location of a reference or a
7. Apparatus
both, and the thermal conductivity of the ca
7.1 Thermal Radiation Source: important considerations in cavity source
7.1.1 There are two different classes of thermal radiation general, a reference or control probe should
sources which can be used for infrared thermometer calibra- practical to the center of the area where the infr
tions: a cavity source and a flatplate source. Some sources may eter will typically measure, typically the cavity
be considered a hybrid of both categories. Each of these is a separation between the location of the refer
sources has advantages and disadvantages. The cavity source the cavity surface, cavity walls with a higher th
provides a source of radiation that has a more predictable tivity will result in a smaller uncertainty due
emissivity. However, the flatplate source can usually be made gradients in this region.
less expensively, and can be made with a diameter large The walls of the cavity source
enough to calibrate infrared thermometers with low distance to
several different ways. A painted or ceram
size ratios (D:S).
generally result in higher emissivity than
7.1.2 Ideally, the size of the thermal radiation source should
surface. By the same measure an oxidized me
be specified by the infrared thermometer manufacturer. In
generally result in higher emissivity than a non
many cases, this information may not be available. In these
surface. In some cases, it may be impossible to
cases a field-of-view test should be completed as discussed in
source surface. This is especially true at high t
E1256. The portion of signal incident on the infrared thermom-
eter that does not come from the source should be accounted The effective emissivity of the cavity
for in the uncertainty budget. calculated to determine the radiance temperatu
7.1.3 Cavity Source: Calculation of effective emissivity is beyond th A cavity source can be constructed in several shapes standard. Determination of effective emissivit
as shown in Fig. 1. In general, a high length-to-diameter ratio ematically calculated or modeled.
(L:D) or radius-to-diameter ratio (R:D) in the spherical case 7.1.4 Flatplate Source:
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ASTM E2847.21990
Uploaded by Astrid Camila Riveros Mesa
Standard Test Method for Calibration and Accuracy
Verification of Wideband Infrared
Thermometers1 Full description
Waterdraw Radiometric E563.1285343-1 Theory an
Calibration for Temperature Fundame
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E2847 − 14 A flatplate source is a device that consists of a 7.3.1 The thermal radiation source shall be c
painted circular or rectangular plate. The emissivity is likely to transfer standard traceable to a national metro
be less well defined than with a cavity source. This can be such as the National Institute of Standards
partially overcome by performing a radiometric transfer (see (NIST) or National Research Council (NRC)
Scheme II in 7.3.7) to the flatplate source. However, the thermometer (radiometric or contact) is used
radiometric transfer should be carried out with an instrument bration of the unit-under-test, this serves as th
operating over a similar spectral band as the infrared thermom- the radiation source. In this case, the referenc
eter under test. shall have a calibration traceable to a nat A cavity source is the preferred radiometric source institute.
for infrared thermometer calibrations. The cavity source has 7.3.2 This calibration of the thermal radiat
two main advantages over a flatplate source. First, the cavity take place in the calibration laboratory, or it m
source has better defined emissivity and an emissivity much third party calibration laboratory. The interval
closer to unity due to its geometric shape. Second, along with is determined by the calibration laboratory. The
the emissvity being closer to unity, the effects of reflected the calibration interval is part of the calibratio
temperature are lessened. Temperature uniformity on the flat- for the infrared thermometer calibration.
plate source may be more of a concern as well. However, a 7.3.3 Regardless of whether a cavity sourc
flatplate source has a main advantage over a cavity source. The source is used, there are two approaches
temperature controlled flatplate surface can be much larger source: contact calibration (Fig. 3, Scheme I) a
than a typical cavity source opening, allowing for much calibration (Fig. 3, Scheme II). (3)
smaller D:S ratios (greater field-of-view).
7.3.4 In Fig. 3 the arrows show the path of tr
7.2 Aperture: International System of Units (SI) through a n
7.2.1 An additional aperture may not be needed for all logical institute (NMI). The reference radiatio
calibrations. An aperture is typically used to control scatter. If cavity source or blackbody source used to calibr
used, the aperture should be temperature-controlled or reflec- thermometer. In Scheme I, it is shown that th
tive. An aperture should be used if recommended by the ment and the emissivity correction shall
infrared thermometer manufacturer. If an aperture is used for temperature calculation. The ∆T measurement
calibration, this information should be stated in the report of difference in temperature between the referenc
calibration. The information that shall be included is the and the cavity walls. The emissivity correction
aperture distance, the aperture size, and the measuring dis- radiation source not having the same emissiv
tance. A possible configuration for aperture use is shown in Fig. thermometer’s emissivity setting. The symbo
2. wavelength and bandwidth of the transfer radia
7.2.2 In Fig. 2, dapr is the aperture distance. The measuring eter and the infrared thermometer.
distance is shown by d meas. 7.3.5 In either scheme, the transfer standar
7.3 Transfer Standard: able to a national metrological institute.
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ASTM E2847.21990
Uploaded by Astrid Camila Riveros Mesa
Standard Test Method for Calibration and Accuracy
Verification of Wideband Infrared
Thermometers1 Full description
Waterdraw Radiometric E563.1285343-1 Theory an
Calibration for Temperature Fundame
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E2847 − 14
ASTM E2847.21990
Uploaded by Astrid Camila Riveros Mesa
Standard Test Method for Calibration and Accuracy
Verification of Wideband Infrared
Thermometers1 Full description
Waterdraw Radiometric E563.1285343-1 Theory an
Calibration for Temperature Fundame
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E2847 − 14
reflected temperature setting may be called background tem- 9.5.3 ‘X’- and ‘Y’-Axes Alignment:
perature or ambient temperature on some devices. Many Alignment in the ‘X’ and ‘Y’directio
infrared thermometers do not have a manual reflected tempera- using lasers provided with the infrared thermo
ture setting. On these devices, reflected temperature is com- be done by maximizing the signal. Use of las
pensated for internally. quicker method, but the laser pointer may no
9.4 Emissivity Setting: optical center of the infrared thermometer. A
9.4.1 The emissivity setting of the infrared thermometer thermometer may have some other optical al
should match the emissivity or emissivity setting of the such as light-emitting diodes that may
radiation source. Maximizing the signal is the preferred method
9.4.2 Some infrared thermometers have a fixed emissivity If using laser alignment, center
setting and some radiation sources have a fixed emissivity. In center of the radiation source.
a case where both settings are fixed and are not equal, a If maximizing the signal, for
mathematical adjustment shall be made. An example of such an above ambient, the position of the infrared the
adjustment can be found in X2.3. be adjusted vertically and horizontally to prod
9.4.3 The preferred method is to adjust the infrared ther- temperature while also maintaining the line o
mometer emissivity setting to the radiation source’s emissivity. dicular to the source. This is illustrated
If the radiation source receives a contact calibration (Fig. 3, example in Fig. 5, the maximum temperature o
Scheme I), this emissivity would be the emissivity of the infrared thermometer’s readout is 300.3°C.
surface. If the radiation source receives a radiometric calibra- points below ambient, the temperature shall be
tion (Fig. 3, Scheme II), the emissivity would be the emissivity In cases where the size of the rad
setting of the transfer standard. If the emissivity setting of the much larger than the field-of-view of
infrared thermometer cannot be set exactly to the effective thermometer, the temperature may plateau inst
emissivity of the thermal radiation source, then a correction a simple maximum or minimum. In such
may be made as is shown in X2.3. change in temperature should be observed wh
infrared thermometer along an axis. Then
9.5 Alignment: mometer should be centered midway between th
9.5.1 Preparation: This shall be done for both axes. This is illustr If an additional aperture is used for the calibration, this case, the infrared thermometer is moved fr
ensure that the aperture is properly emplaced at the specified A plateau in the temperature readout of 300.3°C
distance as shown in Fig. 2. If the aperture is temperature- this case the user shall observe a drop-off in t
controlled, ensure that the aperture is within its specified readout of 3.0°C. This means the user should b
temperature limits. reading of 297.3°C. Points ‘A’ and ‘B’ indic In Fig. 4, the measuring distance is designated by drop-off occurs. Point ‘C’ represents the mid-p
‘d’. The ‘X’ axis refers to the horizontal direction; the ‘Y’ axis ‘B’.
refers to the vertical direction; and the ‘Z’ axis refers to the The defined change should be at
direction coming out of the cavity or flat plate. In the case of infrared thermometer plateau reading in °C or 1
the flatplate, the ‘Z’ axis is always normal to the flatplate is greater. For example, if the infrared thermom
surface. 120.0°C, the defined change should be at lea If a fixture is being used to hold the infrared infrared thermometer readout is 50.0°C, the
thermometer for calibration, mount the infrared thermometer. should be at least 1.0°C. If the infrared thermometer calibration mounting is
manual, hold the infrared thermometer in front of the radiation 9.6 Measurement:
source at the specified distance. 9.6.1 Perform measurements according to Ensure that the infrared thermometer is roughly er’s procedures. The measurement time sho
level and normal to the target surface. Ideally, the angle significantly longer than the infrared thermom
between the normal to a flatplate source and the line of sight of time. It may be necessary to take more than on
the infrared thermometer should be less than 5°. When using a to determine repeatability and reduce uncertain
cavity source, the angle of incidence should be small enough to Record the measured temperature.
allow for the infrared thermometer’s field-of-view to see the 9.7 Adjustment:
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ASTM E2847.21990
Uploaded by Astrid Camila Riveros Mesa
Standard Test Method for Calibration and Accuracy
Verification of Wideband Infrared
Thermometers1 Full description
Waterdraw Radiometric E563.1285343-1 Theory an
Calibration for Temperature Fundame
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E2847 − 14
ASTM E2847.21990
Uploaded by Astrid Camila Riveros Mesa
Standard Test Method for Calibration and Accuracy
Verification of Wideband Infrared
Thermometers1 Full description
Waterdraw Radiometric E563.1285343-1 Theory an
Calibration for Temperature Fundame
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E2847 − 14
] T meas ] ϵ S
10.2 Measurement Equation: U ~ T meas! 5 U ~ ϵ S ! 5
] ϵ S ~ T
] S meas
10.2.1 The measurement equation is shown in Eq 1. Uncer-
] T
tainty in the calibration temperature is accounted for by
evaluating TS. The uncertainty in reflected ambient radiation is 10.3 Source Related Uncertainties:
accounted for by evaluating by S(T W). The effects of uncer- 10.3.1 The uncertainties listed in 10.4 – 10
tainty in source emissivity are accounted for by evaluating εS. thermal radiation source.
ASTM E2847.21990
Uploaded by Astrid Camila Riveros Mesa
Standard Test Method for Calibration and Accuracy
Verification of Wideband Infrared
Thermometers1 Full description
Waterdraw Radiometric E563.1285343-1 Theory an
Calibration for Temperature Fundame
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E2847 − 14
spectral bandwidth. However, these uncertainties are reduced a steady-state housing temperature. This is esp
significantly compared to those in Scheme I. after the infrared thermometer is introd
10.6 Reflected Ambient Radiation: environment. The effects of ambient temperatu
in detector temperature on radiometric measu
10.6.1 Reflected radiation is sometimes referred to as back-
be determined for each specific model of infrare
ground radiation. The cause of its effect is sometimes referred
under test.
to as background temperature. This uncertainty is much more
of a concern when calibrating instruments with a flatplate 10.13 Atmospheric Absorption:
source than it is with a cavity source. It is especially a concern 10.13.1 The uncertainties related to atmosp
when measuring objects at temperatures below ambient. To are typically very low. Nevertheless, they shou
calculate this uncertainty, utilize Eq 2 and 3. for. The calculations outlined in this standard
Bureau international des poids et mesures (BI
10.7 Source Heat Exchange:
10.7.1 Source heat exchange is the uncertainty of the
10.13.2 For measuring distances greater tha
difference between the source’s control sensor or readout
of standard atmosphere shall be consulted
temperature and the source’s actual surface temperature. This
distances of 1 m or less, the expanded uncert
uncertainty is due to heat flow between the sensor location and
normally 0.0006.
the source’s surface. If the flatplate source is calibrated with a
10.13.3 Table X2.1 in X2.6 gives calculate
radiometrically, this uncertainty is minimized. However, there
atmospheric absorption uncertainties at variou
still is some uncertainty since the heat flow may be different
This table is specific to the 8 to 14 µm spec
from time to time.
calculations for other spectral bands, consult
10.8 Ambient Conditions:
10.14 Noise:
10.8.1 This uncertainty largely accounts for variances due to
10.14.1 Noise is unwanted signal experienc
convection, although other factors may play a role. For a
red thermometer’s measurement system. The
flatplate source, the effects of convection are minimal. For a
noise can be from both electrical and physica
cavity source, the effects of convection should be even less.
uncertainty can be taken from the infrar
However, if a source of forced air is close to the source, this
specifications or determined by experimentati
uncertainty may be more of an issue. Essentially, when a forced
air source is placed close to the surface, the uniformity pattern 10.15 Display Resolution:
of the surface may be changed. This may be a very difficult 10.15.1 This is the contribution due to quan
uncertainty to determine. The conditions of air flow may have the infrared thermometer readout.
to be exaggerated to get a true idea of this effect. 10.15.2 To calculate display resolution unce
display resolution and divide by two. Th
10.9 Source Uniformity:
rectangular distribution. Use standard practice t
10.9.1 Source uniformity is uncertainty due to temperature
expanded uncertainty of a rectangular
non-homogeneity on the calibrator surface. Since an infrared
example, if an infrared thermometer has a displ
thermometer averages the temperatures within its field-of-
0.1°C, then the rectangular distribution is
view, this uncertainty is calculated by considering how much
expanded uncertainty is 0.058°C.
the uniformity will cause a difference in measurement between
a measurement of a small spot at the center of the source and 10.16 Sample Uncertainty Budget:
a larger spot corresponding to the infrared thermometer under 10.16.1 A sample uncertainty budget for
test. mometer calibration is shown in Table X1.1
no manner represents an uncertainty bud
10.10 Infrared Thermometer Related Uncertainties:
model of infrared thermometer or a specific cal
10.10.1 The uncertainties listed in 10.11 – 10.15 relate to Note that all uncertainties listed in this tab
the infrared thermometer under test. uncertainties (k = 2).
10.11 Size-of-Source Effect:
10.11.1 Size-of-source effect uncertainty is caused by any 11. Report
radiation measured from the source or its surroundings not 11.1 Report the calibration results in any co
accounted for by the source uniformity uncertainty in 10.9 This may be a table of values of nominal tempe
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ASTM E2847.21990
Uploaded by Astrid Camila Riveros Mesa
Standard Test Method for Calibration and Accuracy
Verification of Wideband Infrared
Thermometers1 Full description
Waterdraw Radiometric E563.1285343-1 Theory an
Calibration for Temperature Fundame
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E2847 − 14
the measurement uncertainties. The infrared thermometer read- 13. Precision and Bias
ing versus corrected source temperature is best represented in 13.1 Due to the varying nature of the equipm
a table. Supplementary information, including a concise de- test method, no statement can be made about th
scription of the calibration method, a list of the reference bias of this test method. Instead, an estimate
instruments used, a statement regarding the traceability of the otherwise known as an uncertainty budg
calibration, a reference to or a description of the uncertainty uncertainty evaluation shall follow the metho
budget, and a citation of this guide, may be requested by Measurement Uncertainty section.
11.3 A sample report is included in Appendix X4. 14. Keywords
(Nonmandatory Information)
ASTM E2847.21990
Uploaded by Astrid Camila Riveros Mesa
Standard Test Method for Calibration and Accuracy
Verification of Wideband Infrared
Thermometers1 Full description
Waterdraw Radiometric E563.1285343-1 Theory an
Calibration for Temperature Fundame
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E2847 − 14
] S
] T
@ S ~ T ! # C AT 1 B exp AT 1 B
! 2 S c2
D (X2.3)
X2.3.3 Using Table X2.1 S(TS) = 0.020292
0.0076966. These values are used in Eq X2.8
X2.2.2 In Eq X2.1, Eq X2.2, and Eq X2.3, c2 is a physical X2.9.
constant. A, B, and C are constants derived from the infrared @ 0.97 2 0.95#
S ~ T MEAS ! 5 0.02029201 @ 0.0202920
thermometer’s relationship between signal received and tem- 0.95
perature. A and B are derived from the infrared thermometer’s 5 0.0205572
spectral response. C is a scalar based on infrared thermometer
X2.3.4 To determine what the measured tem
gain and can be considered as unity for this analysis. Calcula-
be, use Eq X2.2. This results in a temperature
tion for these constants is shown in Eq X2.4, Eq X2.6, Eq X2.6,
and Eq X2.7. The value for ∆λ is the infrared thermometer’s 101.28°C.
bandwidth. The value for λ 0 is the infrared thermometer’s
center wavelength based on a simple average of the infrared X2.4 Emissivity Uncertainty
thermometer’s high and low bandwidth limits. X2.4.1 For this calculation, Eq 4 and Eq
A 5 λ 0 1 2
∆λ 2
2 λ 2
D (X2.4)
X2.4.2 For this example, an 8 to 14 µm infr
eter is being calibrated. The true temperature of
c 2 ∆λ 2 is 200.00°C. The emissivity setting of the infrar
B 5 (X2.5) (εIRT) is 0.95. The nominal emissivity of the su
24λ 20
0.95 with an expanded uncertainty of U(
C 5 1.0 (X2.6)
reflected temperature (TREFL) is 23°C.
c 2 5 14387.752 µ mK (X2.7)
X2.4.3 Using Table X2.1, S(T S) = 0.046116
X2.2.3 For example, the 8 to 14 µm spectral band is 0.0076966. These values are used in Eq 4 to g
considered. For the 8 to 14 µm spectral band, λ 0=11 µm and Eq X2.10.
∆λ = 6 µm. Using X2.4 and X2.5, A=9.364 µm and B=178.4
µmK. ~ T
] S !
1 1
] ϵ S
5 @ S ~ T ! 2 S ~ T ! # 5 0.95 @ 0.046116
ϵ instr S W
ASTM E2847.21990
Uploaded by Astrid Camila Riveros Mesa
Standard Test Method for Calibration and Accuracy
Verification of Wideband Infrared
Thermometers1 Full description
Waterdraw Radiometric E563.1285343-1 Theory an
Calibration for Temperature Fundame
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E2847 − 14
~ T !
] S W
X2.6.2 For example, consider calculating
~ T ! ] T
] S meas due to atmospheric absorption. An 8 to
U REFL~ T meas! 5 U ~ T !
] S ~ T ! ] S ~ T !
W meas
thermometer is calibrated using a 200°C (473
] T Using Eq X2.1, S = 0.0461160, and Eq
0.00019945 K 2 1 0.000305968 K -1.
5 0.052632 3.0 K 5 0.20 k
0.000094630 K 2 1
X2.6.3 Apply these data to Eq X2.14. The so
in Eq X2.15.
X2.5.5 A graphical representation of a similar example is
1 U ~ S !
shown in Fig. X2.2 with TS ranging from -50°C to 1000°C. In U ~ T ! 5 S
this example, U(TW) = 1.0 K. S D
] S
] T
ASTM E2847.21990
Uploaded by Astrid Camila Riveros Mesa
Standard Test Method for Calibration and Accuracy
Verification of Wideband Infrared
Thermometers1 Full description
Waterdraw Radiometric E563.1285343-1 Theory an
Calibration for Temperature Fundame
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E2847 − 14
ASTM E2847.21990
Uploaded by Astrid Camila Riveros Mesa
Standard Test Method for Calibration and Accuracy
Verification of Wideband Infrared
Thermometers1 Full description
Waterdraw Radiometric E563.1285343-1 Theory an
Calibration for Temperature Fundame
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E2847 − 14
X3.1 A point of difficulty throughout in determining tem- ambient temperature do not need to be kn
perature uncertainty is that the value of T d is not known to the required is that these values are constan
user. It is measured internally by the instrument, but is not measurements. The detector temperature, T d
displayed on the readout. The best assumption is that T d will be from the Eq X3.1
the same as, or close to, ambient temperature, and this may
ϵ INSTR1 S ~ T MEAS 1 ! 2 ϵ INSTR2 S ~
require some conditioning of the instrument before use. S ~ T d ! 5
However, there are some situations where ensuring that T d =
Tamb is not practicable. One is where the infrared thermometer where:
is used for an extended period in front of a hot source (for T MEAS1 – T MEAS2 = the two infrared th
example, during calibration at high temperatures), where the ings corresponding
radiation from the source may heat the detector above ambient εINSTR2, respectively
temperature. The second is where the infrared thermometer is ε INSTR1 and ε INSTR2 = the emissivity setting
used inside a walk-in freezer, where the ambient temperature is
X3.4 The accuracy of calculations made
well below the specified operating temperature for the ther-
best when ε INSTR1 and ε INSTR2 are widely space
mometer. In these cases, the thermometer can still be used
and 1 are usually adequate.
successfully, but the detector shall be maintained above a
defined temperature, usually above 0°C. X3.5 For example, two readings of a blackb
to 14 µm thermometer might be T meas1 = 141
X3.2 Dependence on the detector temperature is removed if instrumental emissivity is set to εinstr1 = 1,
the instrumental emissivity is set to 1 (this is precluded in fixed 219.4°C when εinstr2 = 0.5. Substituting these
emissivity instruments). On the other hand, relatively large X3.1 gives Td = 21.5°C.
errors in the estimate (guess) of the detector temperature can
usually be tolerated without significant error in the reading. X3.6 Calculations of this sort are useful for
expected variation of detector temperature as
X3.3 For adjustable emissivity instruments, the detector inside the laboratory change. While it is not po
temperature can be inferred from two measurements of the for fixed emissivity instruments, it may be po
same target using two different instrumental emissivity set- their behavior from measurements on similar a
tings. The temperature and emissivity of the target and the sivity instruments.
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ASTM E2847.21990
Uploaded by Astrid Camila Riveros Mesa
Standard Test Method for Calibration and Accuracy
Verification of Wideband Infrared
Thermometers1 Full description
Waterdraw Radiometric E563.1285343-1 Theory an
Calibration for Temperature Fundame
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E2847 − 14
See Fig. X4.1.
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ASTM E2847.21990
Uploaded by Astrid Camila Riveros Mesa
Standard Test Method for Calibration and Accuracy
Verification of Wideband Infrared
Thermometers1 Full description
Waterdraw Radiometric E563.1285343-1 Theory an
Calibration for Temperature Fundame
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E2847 − 14
(1) IEC/TS 62492-1, Industrial process control devices -Radiation ther- M., Bloembergen, P., “Uncertainty budgets for calib
mometers -Part 1: Technical data for radiation thermometers, IEC, thermometers below the silver point”, CCT-WG5
Geneva, Switzerland, 2008. Available from International Electrotech- CCT-WG508-03, BIPM, Sèvres, France, May 2008
nical Commission (IEC), 3, rue de Varembé, P.O. Box 131, CH-1211 the BIPM website, http://www.bipm.org.
Geneva 20, Switzerland, http://www.iec.ch. (5) Saunders, P., MSL Technical Guide 22 -Calibration
(2) DeWitt, D. P., and Nutter, G. D., eds., “Theory and Practice of ture Infrared Thermometers, Measurement Standa
Radiation Thermometry,” John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY, 1988. New Zealand, 2008, http://msl.irl.cri.nz/traini
(3) VDI 3511 Blatt 4.4 / Part 4.4, Technische Temperaturemessung technical-guides.
Strahlungsthermometrie Kalibrierung von Strahlungsthermometern,
(6) Evaluation of Measurement Data – Guide to
Temperature measurement in industry Radiation thermometry Cali-
Uncertainty in Measurement, JCGM 100, BIPM, Sè
bration of radiation thermometers.
2008. Available from the BIPM website, http://ww
(4) Fischer, J., Saunders, P., Sadli, M., Battuello, M., Park, C. W., Yuan,
(7) U. S. Guide to the Expression of Uncertain
Z., Yoon, H., Li, W., van der Ham, E., Sakuma, F., Yamada, Y.,
National Conference of Standards Laboratories, B
Ballico, M., Machin, G., Fox, N., Hollandt, J., Ugur, S., Matveyev,
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ASTM E2847.21990
Uploaded by Astrid Camila Riveros Mesa
Standard Test Method for Calibration and Accuracy
Verification of Wideband Infrared
Thermometers1 Full description
Waterdraw Radiometric E563.1285343-1 Theory an
Calibration for Temperature Fundame
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E2847 − 14
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