Human Comfort: Submitted By: Rupika Ashtt

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Condition of a man mind which expresses satisfaction with the thermal environment. Conditions influenced by environmental conditions surrounding a person by impression of some natural elements. A perception (condition of mind) is best assessed by asking people (occupants) how they feel.

Heat Flow Mechanisms

three external to mechanisms; four from mechanisms

Heat Flow to/from Human Body

Sensible Heat
Flows via conduction, radiation, and convection Flow rate is generally related to space temperatures

Latent Heat
Flows via evaporation Flow rate is generally related to space humidity

Total Heat Flow = sensible + latent flows

Air moving through these systems can be divided into three categories: Outside or fresh air; Return air (brought into the system from the occupied space); Supply air (the mix of outside and return air that is delivered to the space).

HVAC System
HVAC controls vary, as do the systems they control. Most new systems will rely on direct digital controls (DDC). This control method operates from a centrally located computer that allows the operator to modify system parameters from a terminal.


Environmental factors: Air temperature Radiant temperature Air velocity Humidity Personal factors: Clothing Insulation Metabolic heat

Environmental factors
Air temperature This is the temperature of the air surrounding the body. It is usually given in degrees Celsius (C) or degrees Fahrenheit (F). Radiant temperature Thermal radiation is the heat that radiates from a warm object. Radiant heat may be present if there are heat sources in an environment. Radiant temperature has a greater influence than air temperature on how we lose or gain heat to the environment. Our skin absorbs almost as much radiant energy as a matt black object, although this may be reduced by wearing reflective clothing. Examples of radiant heat sources include: the sun; fire; electric fires; furnaces; steam rollers; ovens; walls in kilns; cookers; dryers; hot surfaces and machinery, molten metals etc.

Humidity If water is heated and it evaporates to the surrounding environment, the resulting amount of water in the air will provide humidity. Relative humidity is the ratio between the actual amount of water vapour in the air and the maximum amount of water vapour that the air can hold at that air temperature. Relative humidity between 40% and 70% does not have a major impact on thermal comfort. In some offices, humidity is usually kept between 40-70% because of computers. However, in workplaces which are not air conditioned, or where the climatic conditions outdoors may influence the indoor thermal environment, relative humidity may be higher than 70% on warm or hot humid days. Humidity in indoor environments can vary greatly, and may be dependent on whether there are drying processes (paper mills, laundry etc) where steam is given off. High humidity environments have a lot of vapour in the air, which prevents the evaporation of sweat from the skin. In hot environments, humidity is important because less sweat evaporates when humidity is high (80%+). The evaporation of sweat is the main method of heat loss in humans. When vapour-impermeable PPE is worn, the humidity inside the garment increases as the wearer sweats because the sweat cannot evaporate. If an employee is wearing this type of PPE (eg asbestos or chemical protection suits etc) the humidity within the microclimate of the garment may be high.

Air velocity This describes the speed of air moving across the worker and may help cool the worker if it is cooler than the environment. Air velocity is an important factor in thermal comfort because people are sensitive to it. Still or stagnant air in indoor environments that are artificially heated may cause people to feel stuffy. It may also lead to a build-up in odour. Moving air in warm or humid conditions can increase heat loss through convection without any change in air temperature. Small air movement in cool or cold environments may be perceived as draught. If the air temperature is less than skin temperature it will significantly increase convective heat loss. Physical activity also increases air movement, so air velocity may be corrected to account for a person's level of physical activity.

Personal factors
Clothing insulation Clothing, by its very nature, interferes with our ability to lose heat to the environment. Thermal comfort is very much dependent on the insulating effect of clothing on the wearer. Wearing too much clothing or personal protective equipment (PPE) may be a primary cause of heat stress even if the environment is not considered warm or hot. If clothing does not provide enough insulation, the wearer may be at risk from cold injuries such as frost bite or hypothermia in cold conditions. Clothing is both a potential cause of thermal discomfort as well as a control for it as we adapt to the climate in which we live and play. You may add layers of clothing if you feel cold, or remove layers of clothing if you feel warm. However, many companies remove this ability for their employees to make reasonable adaptations to their clothing. It is important to identify how the clothing may contribute to thermal comfort or discomfort. It may also be necessary to evaluate the level of protection that any PPE is providing can less or other PPE be used?

Work rate/metabolic heat The work or metabolic rate, is essential for a thermal risk assessment. It describes the heat that we produce inside our bodies as we carry out physical activity. The more physical work we do, the more heat we produce. The more heat we produce, the more heat needs to be lost so we dont overheat. The impact of metabolic rate on thermal comfort is critical. When considering these factors, it is also essential to consider a person's own physical characteristics. A person's physical characteristics should always be borne in mind when considering their thermal comfort, as factors such as their size and weight, age, fitness level and sex can all have an impact on how they feel, even if other factors such as air temperature, humidity and air velocity are all constant.

Thermal comfort
may be influenced by: air temperature mean radiant temperature air velocity humidity metabolic rate clothing

Local thermal discomfort

may be caused by: draught high vertical air temperature difference between head and ankles too high radiant temperature asymmetry too warm or cold surface temperature of the floor

Specific goals
the body is neutral slightly cool
vigilance better
Tsk > 31C

mean and local skin temperatures do not reach discomfort limits absence of local thermal discomfort no or minimal draught


> 17C
| Slide: 15

Air Temperature

Diurnal Temperature Variation

The daily variation in air temperature is controlled by incoming energy (primarily from the sun) and outgoing energy from the earths surface.

Where incoming energy exceeds outgoing energy the air temperature rises. Where outgoing energy exceeds incoming energy the air temperature falls

Incoming energy exceeds outgoing energy (orange shade), the air temperature rises. Where outgoing energy exceeds incoming energy (blue shade), the air temperature falls


MET 112 Global Climate Change

On a sunny, calm day, the air near the surface can be substantially warmer than the air a meter or so above the surface.

Air Temperature and Human Comfort

The human body loses heat by emitting infrared energy Conduction and convection also cool and heat the body.

On a cold day, a thin layer of warm air molecules forms close to the skin, protecting it from the surrounding cold air.
Once the wind starts to blow, this insulating air is swept away from the skin and heat is rapidly removed. The faster the wind blows, the greater the heat loss, and the colder we feel. How cold the wind makes us feel is expressed as a

wind-chill index.

Air Temperature and Human Comfort

High winds, in below-freezing air, can remove heat from exposed skin so quickly that the skin may actually freeze and discolor. The freezing skin, called

frostbite, usually occurs on the body extremities first because they are the
greatest distance from the source of body heat.

The rapid loss of body heat may lower the body temperature below its normal level and bring on a condition of


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