Impact of Waste Engine Oil and Fly Ash On Concrete Composition and Engineering Properties

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 5 Issue 6, September-October 2021 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Impact of Waste Engine Oil and Fly Ash on

Concrete Composition and Engineering Properties
Anil1, Sunil Kumar2
M.Tech Scholar, 2Assistant Professor,
Jan Nayak Chaudhary Devi Lal Memorial College of Engineering, Sirsa, Haryana, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Anil | Sunil

Construction Industry is accelerating day-by-day, which results in Kumar "Impact of Waste Engine Oil and
increasing demand of basic civil engineering material i.e. cement. Fly Ash on Concrete Composition and
Engineers are looking for alternative of expensive construction since Engineering Properties" Published in
long. Cement, binder in concrete, is an expensive and exorbitant civil International
Journal of Trend in
engineering material and it increases the Constructional budget. Not
Scientific Research
only this, but also cement marks the highest consumption throughout and Development
the world after water. The carbon credits to the environment during (ijtsrd), ISSN:
cement production, is an alarming issue. If it keeps following the 2456-6470,
exact pace as today, it is probable to reach annual cement production Volume-5 | Issue-6, IJTSRD47614
up to about 600 metric tones by 2025 in India alone and the globe October 2021,
will change into hot air balloon. Cement industry alone contribute to pp.1200-1206, URL:
2.4% to the total carbon emissions round the globe. Present research
is an approach to relieve some burden of environment and
construction industry as well. This research is aimed to achieve these Copyright © 2021 by author (s) and
objectives- To understand the characteristic features of waste engine International Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research and Development
oil (WEO) and fly ash (FA), to investigate impact of incorporation of
Journal. This is an
WEO and FA on engineering properties of green and hardened Open Access article
concrete and to find the optimum content of FA & WEO to form the distributed under the
modified concrete mix with improved properties. Content of terms of the Creative Commons
additives i.e Fly ash and WEO in present investigation as a substitute Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
of cement is 30,40 & 50% and 0.5, 0.75 & 1% resp. The properties (
like workability, air content and porosity were improved by the
addition of FA + UEO, but compressive strength is adversely
affected. So, for FA content of 40% and UEO content of 0.5%
showed the optimum properties by least decline in compressive
strength. Along with these quantitative results from experiments,
other inferences are made qualitatively and it is forthcoming that
segregation, bleeding and effect of freeze thaw cycles are extremely
diminished with this proposed modification.

Construction Industry is accelerating day-by-day. production up to about 600 metric tones by 2025 in
Today is the scenario of sky scrapping and complex India alone and the globe will change into hot air
infrastructures, which results in increasing demand of balloon. Cement industry alone contribute to 2.4% to
basic civil engineering material i.e. cement. Engineers the total carbon emissions round the globe.
are looking for alternative of expensive construction
To eradicate this converse effect of cement industry
since long. Cement, binder in concrete, is an
on the environment, engineers are working hard to
expensive and exorbitant civil engineering material
find efficient substitutes which are in-expensive, eco-
and it increases the Constructional budget. Not only
friendly and can possess better cementing properties.
this, but also cement marks the highest consumption
Agricultural and commercial wastes are the best
throughout the world after water. The carbon credits
choice and have the characteristics favoring their
to the environment during cement production, is an
utilization in concrete production. These by-products
alarming issue. If it keeps following the exact pace as
are complete waste and if re-used in any sort releases
today, it is probable to reach annual cement
a huge burden from environment.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD47614 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 6 | Sep-Oct 2021 Page 1200
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Fly-ash (FA) and Used/Waste Engine oil compression by 37% without harming any other
(UEO/WEO) are used in the current investigation to properties.
partially substitute cement in concrete production. Trino Baloa Montilla et al (2019) in their work
Properties and potential of WEO and FA are
suggested a better method of utilization of
investigated in the present work. The major concerns Automotive Residual Oil (ARO). The main aim of
are porosity, workability, air content and
their investigation was to eradicate preeminent
Compressive strength. The new modified concrete,
problem of society of ARO, because only a liter of
produced from optimal blend of FA+WEO in other
ARO can contaminate million liters of pure potable
general ingredients of concrete viz. Cement, fines and water. Not only this but also if this water is used to
coarse aggregates, is tested for these ibid properties
irrigate crops, it will make the soil unproductive and
and compared the same of conventional concrete.
the water seeps into ground and contaminates the
2. Literature review ground water. They studied in their work physical as
Shafiq Nasir et al (2021) they discussed in length, in well as engineering properties of concrete. The
their investigation that any sort of waste products content of ARO ranges between 0.10% and 0.80% by
generated by Industries, residences and agricultural wt. of cement. The modified concrete specimens with
waste is hazardous to environment. Also it is very varying dosage of ARO underwent a detailed
hard to dispose-off these wastes, as practice of experimental program comprising compression test,
disposal of waste in compliance to strict disposal tensile test, UPV (ultrasonic pulse velocity) test,
regulations of Municipal Corporation is very absorption and adhesion test. From this experimental
expensive. They noticed the trickling of engine oil of program it was inferred that the ARO content ranging
old grinding units of certain cement industry. This oil between 0.10% and 0.30% gave consistent results in
inadvertently mixes with cement during grinding of all the tests. But the optimum content suggested by
clinker. The concrete produced through this cement them was 0.14%. They recommended this mix
has similar behavior as that of air-entrained concrete. probably for pavements and places where heavy
This modified concrete had good freeze and thaw impact resistance and superior structural features are
resistance. This was their only hypothetical theory as required.
it is not backed by any strong evidence of past
Salahaldein Alsadey (2018) in his paper accentuated
practice. They conducted their investigation to
certain engineering properties of concrete blended
validate their proposal and tested the properties of
with waste engine oil as a chemical admixture. He
green concrete and hardened concrete. In preparation
investigated experimentally the workability and load
of samples they used varying dosage of “SIKA AER”
bearing properties of concrete blended with waste
air-entraining agent, used engine oil and new engine
engine oil as chemical additive/admixture into the
oil. Major concerns of their investigation were
conventional control mix. This effort resulted in
workability and air content. Both of these properties
evolution of conservational technique of dumping
were enhanced to highest by used engine oil as
discarded oil. This effort of his eases the disposal of
compared to new engine oil and air entraining agent. oil, as the prevailing regulations of waste disposal are
From the results it was inferred that slump value
very stringent.
increased to 38% and value of air content hiked to
about 58%. Four different composition of oil UEO were used viz.
0.6, 0.8, 1.0 and 1.2% by wt. of cement. These
Ali Mohammad Okashah et al (2020) in their
specimens were tested for workability and
research proposed an easy alternative to disposal of compressive strength. From the results of ibid tests it
UEO and Silica Fume (SF). Both SF & UEO are
was inferred that there found a significant
industrial wastes and are a cause of environmental
improvement in workability and a trivial decline in
disparagement. The burdensome way of their disposal
compressive strength.
can be relieved safely and smartly by applying both
the waste products in modification of concrete. Abdullah Anwar et al (2014) in their work
Properties of both green as well as hardened concrete investigated and explored the potential of fly ash as a
are improved by their implications. They used SF as partial substitute of cement. They used a high content
partial substitute of cement and UEO as an additive. of fly ash i.e. up to 30% to replace cement. They
The content of cement replaced by SF was 10 to 15% suggested better way to replace cement with a prior
and the content of additive i.e UEO ranges between material which is available at free of cost and
0.6 to 0.8%. From various experimentations they improves strength of concrete. As per the justification
sought to a conclusion that 15% SF content and 0.6% proposed by their investigation the strength of cement
UEO improved the strength of concrete in increases as the proportion of water and binder is

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD47614 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 6 | Sep-Oct 2021 Page 1201
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
reduced which is due to the fact that the proportion of and alkalis, etc. the raw materials are limestone and
water and binder is reduced due to addition of fly ash. clay or minerals, which are rich in lime, and rich in
silica and alumina, these material are burnt together at
3. Material Used
a temperature of 1400 degree Celsius or so to form
Cement: Inorganic binding material in concrete mix
is known as cement the most commonly used cement what is known as clinker, which is nothing but a solid
solution of these minerals forming cement
is called Portland cement. When it is mixed with
water, it hardens; hence it is called hydraulic cement. compounds. Clinker is grinded further and mixed
with a little bit of gypsum, of the order around 5%
Materials mainly present in cement are oxides of
calcium, silicon oxide, aluminum oxide, iron oxide gypsum to control the setting properties.

Production of Cement
Production of cement is as harmful for ecosystem as it is beneficial for construction industry. The main harm is
emission of greenhouse gases in ample during production of cement.
Collection of cement: Cement used in present investigation is Ultratech cement OPC43 and it is collected from
my vicinity where construction of a residential building was under process. The cement was primarily tested in
field by two methods:
It was rubbed between fingers and thumb of hand and it felt smooth, so this cement was fine to use and free
from impurities
It was tested for float test, a hand-ful of cement is dropped in a bucket containing some water. The cement
sunk in the water completely, so it is fine.
Waste engine oil: Lubricants find their implications in transmission, insulation, greasing, etc. these lubricants or
engine oils are partly used in various processes of engine, rest part is a complete waste. This is due to the fact
that no engine oil can work ideally in real situation to give 100% efficiency, how small may be the quantity of
waste engine oil, but still there is wastage
But the waste engine oil got contaminated with other substances like dust, rust, water, lead, metal particles,
carbon, or other by-product of combustion process. This waste engine oil if disposed of directly into drains or on
ground then it may penetrate underneath the ground and can interfere with the ground water 1ml of engine oil
can contaminate 100 L of pure water and about 43 square feet land. The contaminants like lead, chromium,
arsenic, biphenyls, zinc, cadmium, magnesium, etc turn a highly productive land into a barren land.
As we all know water pollution has become the biggest issue of 21st century. Among all pollutants of water the
worst is oil. Every year tons of oils from various sources are dumped into water body which not only destroy the
eco system of water but makes the water unsuitable for any productive purpose. Something must be done so as
to prevent this water pollution, as water is primary source for subsistence of life. This investigation is an afford
to provide easy and inexpensive safe disposal of engine oil to prevent water pollution terms of oil spills in
oceans and seas through cruises and ferries. For cleaning the seas and to avoid any miss happening this oil must
be reclaimed. After reclamation, there came the problem of disposal. This oil can safely be used in concrete
production. This modified concrete has improved properties then conventional concrete.
Fly Ash: Combustion of any solid material results in production of ash. Thermal power plants use coal as fuel to
heat the water in boiler to generate steam from water. This steam in turn runs the turbines to generate electricity.
But from burning of coal the residue left is a pulverized ash generally termed as “Fly ash”. It is very light
weighted and it can rise with gases this is the reason it is called Fly ash. Electrostatic precipitator collects the fly
ash from gas flowing out of chimney. 73% of total power production is catered by thermal power plant, and 90%
of thermal power stations run of coal as a fuel. Today 60% of total fly ash produced in India is used by the

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD47614 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 6 | Sep-Oct 2021 Page 1202
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
construction industry in partial replacement of cement, but the target is to use 100% fly ash, so as to revert
positive effect to environment.
ASTM C-618 categorized fly ash in two classes viz. Class C and Class F. this categorization is basically on the
basis of type of coal. CaO content varies from coal to coal. Antracite or bituminous coal produces Class F fly ash
whereas Class C fly ash is generally obtained from burning of sub-bituminous or lignite coal. In thermal power
stations bituminous coal is used for generation of electricity, and these produce Class F fly ash. Class C fly ashes
are rich in Cao content, so can be used as cement itself than as SCM. [Supplementary Cementing Material
(SCM): It is any material that when used in combination with Portland cement contributes to the properties of
hardened concrete through hydraulic or pozzolanic activity or both.]
Collection of fly ash: Fly ash for present research work is collected from Rajiv Gandhi Thermal Power Station,
Khedar (a village near Barwala) in Hisar district of Haryana, India. The Fly ash is Class F fly ash and possesses
the following properties as tabulated below:
4. Methodology & Experimentations
For various experimentations 13 samples were prepared by the mix design. The samples were as follows:
Specimen No:1- Conventional Control Mix (CM)
Specimen No:2- CM + 30% FA
Specimen No:3- CM + 40% FA
Specimen No:4- CM + 50% FA
Specimen No:5- CM + 30% FA + 0.5% UEO
Specimen No:6- CM + 30% FA + 0.75% UEO
Specimen No:7- CM + 30% FA + 1.0% UEO
Specimen No:8- CM + 40% FA + 0.5% UEO
Specimen No:9- CM + 40% FA + 0.75% UEO
Specimen No:10- CM + 40% FA + 1.0% UEO
Specimen No:11- CM + 50% FA + 0.5% UEO
Specimen No:12- CM + 50% FA + 0.75% UEO
Specimen No:13- CM + 50% FA + 1.0% UEO
The mix proportions as detailed above are tabulated in table below, were chosen for validation of current
Mix Proportions of specimens prepared
Cement FA Fine aggregate Coarse Water Kg
Mix OPC 43 Kg per Kg per cubic aggregate Kg per cubic
(Kg/m^3) cubic meter meter per cubic meter meter
CM 450 0 560 1250 162 0
CM + 30% FA 315 135 560 1250 162 0
CM + 40% FA 270 180 560 1250 162 0
CM + 50% FA 225 225 560 1250 162 0
CM + 30% FA + 0.5% UEO 315 135 560 1250 162 0.5
CM + 40% FA + 0.5% UEO 270 180 560 1250 162 0.5
CM + 50% FA + 0.5% UEO 225 225 560 1250 162 0.5
CM + 30% FA + 0.75% UEO 315 135 560 1250 162 0.75
CM + 40% FA + 0.75% UEO 270 180 560 1250 162 0.75
CM + 50% FA + 0.75% UEO 225 225 560 1250 162 0.75
CM + 30% FA + 1.0% UEO 315 135 560 1250 162 1.0
CM + 40% FA + 1.0% UEO 270 180 560 1250 162 1.0
CM + 50% FA + 1.0% UEO 225 225 560 1250 162 1.0
Experimentations: The above 13 specimens are prepared for validation of the present research work. This
modification is validated by detailed experimental program on both green as well as hardened concrete. These
tests are listed as below:
Tests conducted on green concrete
Slump Value Test
Air Content Test

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD47614 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 6 | Sep-Oct 2021 Page 1203
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Tests conducted on hardened concrete
Compressive Strength Test
Test for Porosity
5. Results and Discussion
Compressive Strength Test: This test is carried out to ascertain the Compressive strength of different mixes.
The results are tabulated in table below and results from table are compared in the preceding bar graph:
Result of compressive strength test
Compressive Strength Compressive Strength
Mix Description Designation
after 7 days MPa after 28 days MPa
CM CM 27 40
CM + 30% FA CF1 26 38
CM + 40% FA CF2 26.2 38.6
CM + 50% FA CF3 14.5 27
CM + 30% FA + 0.5% UEO CF1U1 26 38
CM + 40% FA + 0.5% UEO CF2U1 26.1 38.5
CM + 50% FA + 0.5% UEO CF3U1 14.5 26.8
CM + 30% FA + 0.75% UEO CF1U2 24 36
CM + 40% FA + 0.75% UEO CF2U2 24.3 36.4
CM + 50% FA + 0.75% UEO CF3U2 13 26
CM + 30% FA + 1.0% UEO CF1U3 20 34
CM + 40% FA + 1.0% UEO CF2U3 21.6 35.8
CM + 50% FA + 1.0% UEO CF3U3 12.1 24.2

Comparison of 7-Day Compressive Strength

Comparison of 7-Day Compressive Strength

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD47614 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 6 | Sep-Oct 2021 Page 1204
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Discussion on Compressive Test: The Compressive Thus to sum up the properties like workability, air
strength value of conventional concrete marked 27 content and porosity were improved by the addition
MPa and 40 MPa after 7 days and 28 days of FA + UEO, but compressive strength is adversely
respectively, with addition of fly ash there seen an affected. So, for FA content of 40% and UEO content
insignificant decrease in Compressive strength value. of 0.5% showed the optimum properties by least
Also with combination of FA and UEO the values of decline in compressive strength. Along with these
compressive strength declines continuously with quantitative results from experiments, other
increase in content of FA and WEO. inferences are made qualitatively and it is
forthcoming that segregation, bleeding and effect of
6. Conclusion & Future Scope
freeze thaw cycles is extremely diminished with this
Based on detailed experimental program and
proposed modification.
discussion of results, following conclusions can be
made:- Future Scope: The un-deniable fact of universe “No
one can explore everything”. There are yet miles to
Disposal of waste product is a burdensome job
go in this regard. Some of the further advancements
due to stringent restrictions of waste disposal
and works, which may be started, for which this
rules. So, finding alternative use of wastes then
research may serve as background, are as follows.
dumping them off is better. FA and UEO are two
waste products and these can be re-used in A more detailed exploration of properties of UEO
and FA blends in structural elements like
concrete production.
columns, pavements, etc.
Incorporation of FA and WEO blend in concrete The usage of UEO in modification of asphaltic
improved the workability of concrete. The slump mix in flexible pavement may be explored.
value of conventional concrete marked 25mm This research work includes only four tests of
with addition of fly ash there seen an insignificant engineering properties other test may be paid
increase in slump value. But with combination of heed.
FA and UEO the values of slump are significantly This exploration used limited contents of both the
improved and almost doubled in case of 1% materials, other percentage contents may be
content of WEO + 50% FA. This is due to the fact explored
lubricating effect of WEO increases the fluidity of This research used only two waste materials,
concrete. potential of other prevalent wastes can also be
The value of air content for conventional concrete explored
marked 1.8% with addition of fly ash there seen a 7. References
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freeze and thaw cycles, where exposed to extreme Pacific structural Engineering and construction
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@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD47614 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 6 | Sep-Oct 2021 Page 1206

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