Effecte of Fly Ash As A Sustainable Material On Li

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Article in Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development · March 2018

DOI: 10.31272/jeasd.2018.2.54

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3 authors, including:

Mohammed A Basher Ayad Zaki Saber Agha

Northern Technical University Erbil polytechnic university


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8102‫ اّراس‬،)4-‫ (انجضء‬8‫ انعذد‬،88 ‫انمجهذ‬
ISSN 2520-0917



*Esra’a Abdul Salam Mahmood1, Dr. Mohamad Adnan Basher2, Dr. Ayad Zeki Saber

1) Ms.c, Building and Construction Department, Technical College of Mosul, Iraq.

2) Assist Prof., Building and Construction Department, Technical College of Mosul, Iraq.
3) Assist Prof., Civil Department, Erbil Technical Engineering College, Erbil Polytechnic University,
Erbil, Iraq

Abstract: The use of fly ash as a sustainable material in concrete gained significant importance at present,
due to its environmental and economic benefits. Besides, it may improve the long-term durability of
concrete. This study presents the effect of moderate contents of fly ash as a partial replacement of cement
on fresh and mechanical properties of cement mortar and lightweight foamed concrete. The results showed
that the use of fly ash improved workability and reduced the density and water absorption of foamed
concrete, while reduced the concrete strength at early age, however the concrete strength increases after 28
Keywords: Fly ash, Foamed concrete, Sustainable material, Compressive strength, Flexural strength,
Splitting tensile strength, Water absorption

‫تأثير الرماد المتطاير المعاد تذويره كمادة مستذامة على الخلطات الخرسانية الرغوية‬
‫ ا سخخذاو انشمبد انمخطبيش كمُاد مسخذامت في انخشسبوت نً أٌميت كبيشة في انُقج انحبضش َرنك وخيجت نفُائذي انبيئيت االقخصبديت‬:‫الخالصة‬
ّ‫ َحقذو ٌزي انذساست حأثيش اسخبذال انسمىج ببنشمبد انمخطبيش بىسب مخُسطت عه‬.‫اضبفت انّ اوً يحسه ديمُمً انخشسبوت عهّ انمذِ انطُيم‬
‫ أظٍشث انىخبئج أن اسخخذاو انشمبد انمخطبيش يحسه قببهيت انخشغيم َيقهم‬.‫خُاص انخشسبوت انهيىت َانصهبت َانخشسبوت انشغُيت خفيفت انُصن‬
‫ َعهّ وطبق انخُاص انميكبويكيت أظٍشث انىخبئج أن مقبَمت انخشسبوت حقم في االعمبس‬،‫انكثبفت َقببيهً امخصبص انمبء نهخشسبوت انشغُيت‬
.‫ يُو وخيجت اسخخذاو انشمبد انمخطبيش‬82 ‫انمبكشة بيىمب حضداد بعذ عمش‬

1. Introduction
Concrete is considered the most important material that use in constructions of
structures around the world. Concrete consists of binder (cementations material), filler
(coarse and fine aggregates), water and other admixtures [1]. Lightweight Concrete is that
concrete with density from 600 to 1900 kg/m3 [2].
Light weight concrete can be classified into:

* [email protected]
Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 2 (part-4), March 2018 www.jeasd.org (ISSN 2520-0917)
The Fourth Scientific Engineering and First Sustainable Engineering Conference

1. No fine aggregate.
2. Light weight aggregate.
3. Cellular concrete, foamed concrete, aerated concrete and gas concrete as
shown in Fig. 1.

(a) No fine aggregate (b) Cellular concrete (c) Lightweight aggregate

Figure 1. Classification of lightweight concrete Gelim ve Ali, 2011 [3]

Non autoclaved Aerated Concrete (NAAC) has porous structure and low density and
using less material compared with the corresponding normal concrete. The use of aerated
concrete may eliminate emissions and energy related with the primary materials used in
c0ncrete [4].
Foamed concrete is a kind of NAAC that consists of binder as Portland cement,
pozzolanic material (fly ash, silica fume and metakaolin etc.), filler (sand) and rounded
air pore (more than 25 present) that instate of coarse aggregate [5]. Voids f0amed
concrete is produced by using an Air Entraining Agent (AEA) or preformed foam
(foaming agent). The AEA is used to pr0duce aerated concrete by chemical reaction
while the f0aming agent used to produce foaming concrete by mixing the foam with
water in high speed mixer to provide foam. Foamed concrete has many advantages as
reducing self-weight, self-compacting, increasing frost resistance and increasing sound
and thermal insulations. Foamed concrete can be used f0r structural applicati0ns and or
non-structural applications as partitions and roofs. [6]
In America, foamed concrete was discovered in the 1930s when it was noticed that
concrete pavements have good resistance to frost damage and more durable than other
concrete. In the UK the total production of concrete units reached about 54 millions
square meters in 2011, 30% of which are light weight c0ncrete [7].
Cement is the most imp0rtant component of concrete, however cement production
requires high energy and is responsible for about 7% of the world’s CO2 emissi0ns [8]. It
is known that CO2 is the primary contributor for global warming of the plane. Therefore,
researches are need to study the use of by-product waste industries as a cementitious
material in concrete such as, silica fume, rice husk ash, fly ash and metakaolin as a
replacement 0f cement [9].

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 2 (part-4), March 2018 www.jeasd.org (ISSN 2520-0917)
The Fourth Scientific Engineering and First Sustainable Engineering Conference

Concrete that made from industry wastes are called eco-friendly concrete or Green
c0ncrete that reduce environmental impact as saving energy, reduce CO2 emissions, and
reduction pollution of wastewater, and over of all will produce high-durable and
sustainable concrete [10]. The sustainable can be achieved in various ways: reducing
transport time, reusing recycle materials, more durable product, reducing energy
requirement [11]. The use of p0zzolanic material as a partial replacement of cement that
can result more economical. In the US Green Building Council`s LEED system
recognized fly ash as an industrial recycled materials. The using of this recycled material
in concrete is recognized as a good strategy to reducing the CO2 emission from cement
industry. Fly ash is sustainable material resulted by-product from coal-burn electric steam
generating planets. ASTM specification C-618 explain the chemical comp0sition of fly
ash classes (F and C) as sh0wn in Table 1 [12].
Since the oil problem of the 1970 s, the coal uses had been increased. In 1992,
produced about 460 million metric of burning coal had been produced around the world,
in United States about 10% of this burning coal was used to produce fly ash. Due to low
cost of fly ash makes it more economically especially if used as a cementitious material
in concrete. Fly ash is supplementary cementiti0us materials (SCM) can be used in the
pr0duction of c0ncrete. SCM have hydraulic 0r p0zzolanic material is define as silice0us
or silice0us and alumin0us material with little or no cementiti0us pr0perties, that will
chemically react with calcium hydr0xide (CaO) to f0rm additi0nal calcium silicate
hydrate (C-S-H) .When cement reacting with water pr0duce a hydrate silicate(C-S-H)
and calcium hydr0xide (lime). C-S-H is responsible for devel0ping strength and the lime
f0r filling the v0ids in c0ncrete. By adding fly ash to concrete will improve strength
because of fly ash react with calcium hydrate (lime) to form additi0nal (C-S-H) [13].
Using fly ash in c0ncrete as a replacement of cement will not only saving
consumption of cement and energy but additionally provides economy. Moreover, the
uses of fly ash improve the properties of concrete, reduce the heat of hydration so that it
can be used in massive concrete application, reduce mixing water demand and improve
The main benefit of utilization of fly ash is to improve durability of c0ncrete such as,
increase sulphate attack, freezing and thawing and reduce chloride permeability.
Fly ash can be used in concrete by about 15% to 25% by weight of cementitious
material. The amount of fly ash depending on properties of fly ash, application, climate
and specification limits. Higher ranges from 30% to 50% have been used in massive
structure to reduce the heat of hydrati0n as shown in Table 2.
In recent, fly ash is used with high dosage from 40% to 60% in structural application
that requiring durability and good mechanical properties [14].

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 2 (part-4), March 2018 www.jeasd.org (ISSN 2520-0917)
The Fourth Scientific Engineering and First Sustainable Engineering Conference

Table 1. Fly ash specifications for class C and F (ASTM C-618)

Chemical Requirement Min/Max Class F Class C
SiO2 + Al2O3 + Fe2O3 min % 70 50
SO3 max% 5 5
Moisture Content max% 3 3
LOI max% 6 6
Optional Chemical Requirement
Available Alkalis max% 1.5 1.5
Physical Requirement
Fineness(+325) max% 34 34
Pozzolanic Activity/cement(7 Days) min% 75 75
Pozzolanic Activity/cement (28 Days) min% 75 75
Water requirement max% 105 105
Autoclave Expansion max% 0.8 0.58
Uniformity Requirement: Density max% 5 5
Uniformity Requirement: Fineness max% 5 5
Optional Physical Requirement
Multiple Factor (LOI x Fineness) 255 --
Increase in Drying Shrinkage max% 0.03 0.03
Uniformity Requirement: Air max% 20 20
Cement / Alkali Reaction: max% 0.02 --

Table 2. Dosage level of fly ash

Level of Fly Ash
(% by mass of total cementitious material)
<15 Low
15-30 Moderate
30-50 High
>50 Very high

The optimum quality 0f fly ash that can be used in c0ncrete varies from one state to
another that depended on different parameters which are; technical, economic and
envir0nmental benefits of using fly ash without any impact on the construction rate or
impairing the long-term perf0rmance of the finished product. The fly ash was used on
different types of concrete such as n0rmal concrete, self-c0mpact concrete, foamed
concrete, light weight concrete, roller compacted concrete and fiber reinforced concrete.
It was f0und that the use fly ash in c0ncrete will improve the performance of different
type of concrete [9، 11].

2. Materials
2.1. Cement
Ordinary P0rtland cement (OPC) type I from Lavarge manufacturer in Sulaymaniyah
Governorate of Iraq was use in this mixture, the physical and chemical requirement [15]
compatible to Iraqi specificati0ns No 5/1984 and ASTM-C 150 [16] are shown in Table 3
and 4.

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 2 (part-4), March 2018 www.jeasd.org (ISSN 2520-0917)
The Fourth Scientific Engineering and First Sustainable Engineering Conference

Table 3. Physical properties of ordinary Portland cement.

Requirement Results IQS: 5/1984

Initial setting time (minute) 280 Min. 45 minute

Final setting time (minute) 350 Max. 600 minute
Fineness (Blain m2//kg) 272 Min. 230 m2/kg
Compressive strength of 50 mm cubic mortar
specimen (MPa)
3-days 22 Min. 15 MPa
7-days 26 Min. 23 MPa

Table 4. Chemical properties of ordinary Portland cement

Compositions Limits of ASTM C 150
SiO2 …
Al2O3 …
Fe2O3 …
CaO …
MgO ≤6%
SO3 ≤ 2.3%
Loss of ignition ≤ 3%
Insoluble residue ≤ 0.75%
Free CaO …
L.S.F …
C3S …
C2S …
C3A …
C4AF …

2.2. Fly ash

Fly ash is fine glass powder results fr0m the gases of burning c0al during the
pr0duction of electricity. Fly ash elements micro-sized made primarily of silica, alumina
and iron. The properties of fly ash type F is shown in Table 5. It is conformed ASTM C
618 [12].

Table 5. Chemical and physical requirement of fly ash class F.

Chemical Requirement Min/Max Results Limits of ASTM C 618-05
SiO2 + Al2O3 + Fe2O3 min % 89 70
SO3 max% 1.06 5
Moisture Content max% 0.83 3
Loss on ignition(LOI) max% 0.45 6
Available Alkalis max% 0.21 1.5
Physical Requirement
Fineness(+325) max% 18 34
Pozzolanic Activity/cement(7 Days) min% 81 75
Pozzolanic Activity/cement (28 Days) min% 86 75
Water requirement max% 88 105
Autoclave Expansion max% 0.13 0.8
Uniformity Requirement: Density max% 2.22 5
Uniformity Requirement: Fineness max% 2.25 5

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 2 (part-4), March 2018 www.jeasd.org (ISSN 2520-0917)
The Fourth Scientific Engineering and First Sustainable Engineering Conference

2.3. Sand
Natural fine aggregate from river with specific gravity of 2.63 and fineness modulus of
2.69. Grading limits conforming to ASTM C33 [17]as shown in Table 6.

2.4. Water
Potable water was used for mixing and curing the specimen.

2.5. Foam Agent

Cemairin F300 foam agent from DCP Company was used to produce foam concrete.

Table 6. Grading of fine aggregates

Sieve No. (mm) Passing (%) Limits of ASTM C 33
No.4 (4.75) 100 95-100
No.8 (2.36) 94.31 80-100
No.16 (1.18) 76.11 50-85
No.30 (0.6) 44.11 25-60
No.50 (0.3) 10.42 5-30
No.100 (0.15) 0.46 0-10

3. Mix proportions
In order to testing the effect of different ratio of fly ash on the physical properties of
mortar and foamed concrete, twelve mixes were prepared, six for mortar and six for
foamed concrete as listed in Tables (7 and 8).

Table 7. Mix proportions of fly ash mortar and foamed concrete

Mix No. Cement (kg/m3) Sand (kg/m3) % fly ash* fly ash (kg/m3) w/c
F1 585.4 1402.56 0 0 0.476
F2 556.13 1402.56 5 29.27 0.467
F3 526.86 1402.56 10 58.54 0.459
F4 497.59 1402.56 15 87.81 0.455
F5 468.32 1402.56 20 117.08 0.45
F6 439.05 1402.56 25 146.35 0.446
percentage of fly ash taken as a partial replacement of cement

The mix proportion 1:2.4 was used and water to cement ratio was 0.476. The foam
agent used was 3.4 lt/m3 to obtained oven-dry density 1558 Kg/m3, this proportion was
found after many trial mixes as sh0wn in Table 8.
The mixing procedure to produced foam concrete was diluted 1 part of foam agent
with 40 parts of water acc0rding to ASTM C 796-97 [18], all materials should be blended
well to produce homogeneous mix.

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 2 (part-4), March 2018 www.jeasd.org (ISSN 2520-0917)
The Fourth Scientific Engineering and First Sustainable Engineering Conference

Table 8. Trial mixes for foam concrete

Mix No. A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14

0 0.3 1.0 1.6 2.3 3.0 3.6 4.3 5.0 6.6 10.0 13.3 16.6 25.0
( Lt/m3)
* 3 3
Mix proportion (1:2.4) (cement=585.4 kg/m , sand=1402.56 kg/m , and w/c=0.476) for all mixes

4. Experimental work
After mixing, the fresh concrete properties (flowability) were investigated on
specimens according to ASTM C 1437 [19] and fresh density measured according to
ASTM C138 [20]. For each mix nine cubes of dimensions (50×50×50 mm) were cast in
order to study the c0mpressive strength of concrete acc0rding t0 British standard 1881
[21]. For splitting tensile strength, three cylinder (100 mm in diameter and 200 mm in
height) cast and tested at 28 and 90 days according to ASTM C 496 [22]. For flexural
strength, three prism (160×40×40 mm) cast and tested at 28 and 90 days according to
ASTM C 348-02 [23] . All specimens were demolded after 24 hour and put in potable
water for curing with temperature of 23 C 2 C acc0rding to ASTM C 192 [24], until the
day of testing.

5. Results and Discussion

5.1. Water Demand
The use of fly ash in lightweight f0amed concrete will reduce the water demand that
required for the same workability. Each 10% 0f fly ash reduces required water content at
least 3% [25]. Fly ash has spherical shape and smooth surface of the particles, which
makes mix slide 0ver each 0ther as well as lightweight foamed concrete is self-
compacting for this reason; fly ash is suitable to improve its workability compare with
rough and irregular particles of ordinary P0rtland cement that reduced workability as
shown in "Fig. 2". Figure 3 sh0ws the water demand for mixes with different ratios of fly
ash replacement in cement mortar and lightweight f0amed c0ncrete and the some value
of flow. When the replacement are 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% the rate of water
reduction are 2%, 4%, 5.4%, 7% and 9% , respectively.

Figure 2. SEM image for a) ordinary Portland cement and b) fly ash particles [26].

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 2 (part-4), March 2018 www.jeasd.org (ISSN 2520-0917)
The Fourth Scientific Engineering and First Sustainable Engineering Conference

Water demand of cement mortar and lightweight

foamed concrete for different fly ash replacement

water demand Kg/m3

0 5 10 15 20 25
fly ash content %

Figure 3. Influence of fly ash percentage on water demand of cement mortar and lightweight foamed
concrete mixes

5.2. Dry Density

The use 0f fly ash as a replacement 0f cement will reduce the density of concrete due
to it’s low specific gravity compare with cement (specific gravity 0f fly ash is 2.12,
specific gravity of cement is 3.15). Figures 4 and 5 sh0ws the density of cement m0rtar
and lightweight foamed that used fly ash as a replacement of cement it is clear that the
density decreased as fly ash ratio increase in mix. The minimize up to 5.4% in foamed
concrete and 7.5% in cement mortar at 25% fly ash percentage replacement.

Dry density of cement mortar for different fly ash


Density Kg/m3





0 5 10 15 20 25
Fly ash content %

Figure 4. Influence of fly ash percentage on dry density of cement mortar mixes

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 2 (part-4), March 2018 www.jeasd.org (ISSN 2520-0917)
The Fourth Scientific Engineering and First Sustainable Engineering Conference

Dry density of lightweigth foamed concrete for different fly

ash replacement
Density Kg/m3

0 5 10 15 20 25
Fly ash content %

Figure 5. Influence of fly ash percentage on dry density of

lightweight foamed concrete mixes

5.3. Compressive Strength

Figures (6 and 7) and Tables (9 and 10) show the c0mpressive strength of cement
mortar and lightweight f0amed concrete with different percentage 0f fly ash as a partial
replacement of cement at ages 7, 28 and 90 days.
The test results sh0w that the c0mpressive strength decreases in mixes with fly ash
c0ntent of about 5% replacement of cement.
This may be due t0 the slow reaction of fly ash at early ages.
However, the 0ptimum percentage of fly ash is 10% replacement of cement, it was
f0und that the compressive strength increase at all ages. Generally, as the fly ash
percentage increased over 10% replacement of cement, the c0mpressive strength will be
decreased, this may be due to reduction of the cement percentage in the mixture and this
will reduces the amount of calcium hydroxide which resulting from the reaction of
cement, and later will react with fly ash to form additional C-S-H that responsible of
strength development, as explained in the introduction.
Also, from the experimental work, it was found that when the 0ptimum percentage of
fly ash used as 10% replacement of cement, the c0mpressive strength of cement mortar is
higher than that of light weight c0ncrete by about four times.

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 2 (part-4), March 2018 www.jeasd.org (ISSN 2520-0917)
The Fourth Scientific Engineering and First Sustainable Engineering Conference

Compressive strength of cement mortar for different

fly ash replacement
Compressive strength MPa 43
37 7-days
31 90-days
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Fly ash content %

Figure 6. Influence of fly ash percentage on compressive strength of hardened

cement mortar mixes.

Compressive strength of lightweigth foamed for

different fly ash replacement
Compressive strength MPa

9 7-days

7 28-days
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Fly ash content %

Figure 7. Influence of fly ash percentage on compressive strength of hardened

Lightweight foamed concrete mixes.

5.4. Splitting Tensile Strength (Indirect Tensile Strength)

In Figures (8 and 9) and Tables (9 and 10) show the splitting tensile strength of cement
mortar and lightweight foamed concrete with different percentage of fly ash as a partial
replacement of cement at ages 7, 28 and 90 days. The test results show that the splitting
tensile strength decreases in mixes with fly ash content of about 5% replacement of
cement. This may be due to the slow reaction of fly ash at early ages. However, the

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 2 (part-4), March 2018 www.jeasd.org (ISSN 2520-0917)
The Fourth Scientific Engineering and First Sustainable Engineering Conference

optimum percentage of fly ash is 10% replacement of cement, it was found that the
splitting tensile strength increase at all ages. Generally, as the fly ash percentage
increased over 10% replacement of cement, the compressive strength will be decreased,
this may be due to reduction of the cement percentage in the mixture and this will reduces
the amount of calcium hydroxide which resulting from the reaction of cement, and later
will react with fly ash to form additional C-S-H that responsible of strength development,
as explained in the introduction.
Also, from the experimental work, it was found that when the 0ptimum percentage of
fly ash used as 10% replacement of cement, the splitting tensile strength of cement
mortar is higher than that of light weight c0ncrete by about two times.

Splitting tensile strength of cement mortar for

different fly ash replacement
Splitting tensile strenght MPa


2.5 90-days

0 10 20 30
Fly ash content %

Figure 8. Influence of fly ash percentage on splitting tensile strength of hardened

cement mortar mixes.

Splitting tensile strength of lightweigth foamed for

different fly ash replacement
Splitting tensile strenght MPa

1.4 28-days

1.2 90-days

0 5 10 15 20 25
Fly ash content %

Figure 9. Influence of fly ash percentage on splitting tensile strength of hardened

lightweight foamed concrete mixes.

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 2 (part-4), March 2018 www.jeasd.org (ISSN 2520-0917)
The Fourth Scientific Engineering and First Sustainable Engineering Conference

5.5. Flexural Strength

Variation strength of cement m0rtar and lightweight f0amed concrete at different ages
of 28 and 90 days with different percentages of fly ash as partial replacement 0f cement
is illustrates in Figures (10 and 11) and Tables (9 and 10).
The figures show the flexural strength of cement m0rtar and lightweight f0amed
concrete with different percentage 0f fly ash as a partial replacement of cement at ages 7,
28 and 90 days.
The test results sh0w that the flexural strength decreases in mixes with fly ash c0ntent
of about 5% replacement 0f cement.
This may be due to the sl0w reaction 0f fly ash at early ages. However, the optimum
percentage of fly ash is 10% replacement of cement, it was found that the flexural
strength increase at all ages.
Generally, as the fly ash percentage increased over 10% replacement of cement, the
flexural strength will be decreased, this may be due t0 reduction of the cement percentage
in the mixture and this will reduces the am0unt 0f calcium hydroxide which resulting
from the reaction of cement, and later will react with fly ash to form additional C-S-H
that responsible of strength development, as explained in the introduction.
Also, from the experimental work, it was found that when the 0ptimum percentage 0f
fly ash used as 10% replacement of cement, the flexural strength of cement mortar is
higher than that of light weight concrete by about three times.

Flexural strength of cement mortar for different fly

ash replacement
Flextural strength MPa

6.20 28-days
5.80 90-days
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Fly ash content %

Figure 10. Influence of fly ash percentage on flexural strength of hardened

cement mortar mixes.

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 2 (part-4), March 2018 www.jeasd.org (ISSN 2520-0917)
The Fourth Scientific Engineering and First Sustainable Engineering Conference

Flextural strength of lightweigth foamed for different

fly ash replacement
Flextural strength MPa 3.4
2.8 28-days
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Fly ash content %

Figure 11. Influence of fly ash percentage on flexural strength of hardened lightweight foamed concrete

Table 9. Mechanical properties of cement mortar mixes

Splitting Splitting
Compressive Compressive Compressive Flexural Flexural
tensile tensile
Mix fly strength strength strength strength strength
strength strength
NO. ash% 7-days 28-days 90-days 28-days 90-days
28-days 90-days
F1 0 35.7 42.5 44.3 3.22 3.31 7.0 7.2
F2 5 33.81 40.38 43.8 2.9 3.2 6.21 6.7
F3 10 34.8 42.1 45.7 3.16 3.6 6.85 7.57
F4 15 32.96 41.3 44.53 2.95 3.42 6.5 7.34
F5 20 32.1 39.66 44.37 2.7 3.38 6.23 7.12
F6 25 29.8 37 41.1 2.5 2.9 5.86 6.4

Table 10. Mechanical properties of lightweight foamed concrete mixes

Splitting Splitting
Compressive Compressive Compressive Flexural Flexural
tensile tensile
Mix fly ash strength strength strength strengths strengths
strength strength
NO. % 7-days 28-days 90-days 28-days 90-days
28-days 90-days
0FA 0 7.36 10.72 12.93 1.58 1.65 2.35 2.38
8FA 5 6.1 9.26 12.80 1.43 1.57 1.925 2.20
3FA 10 6.44 10.50 14.20 1.50 1.92 2.206 2.56
4FA 15 5.7 9.37 13.60 1.46 1.81 1.97 2.43
5FA 20 5.4 8.64 13.30 1.36 1.72 1.82 2.35
6FA 25 4.55 7.52 11.10 1.21 1.42 1.60 1.92

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 2 (part-4), March 2018 www.jeasd.org (ISSN 2520-0917)
The Fourth Scientific Engineering and First Sustainable Engineering Conference

5.6. Water Absorptions

Water abs0rption was measured acc0rding to ASTM C 642-97 [27], figures (12 and
13) with Table 11 present the water absorption values for all mixtures. It was found that
the rate of water absorption decreases with increase the percentage of fly ash content.
This is due to the effect of fly ash which fill the voids and make concrete more dense as a
result it will reduce water absorption [28].

Water absorption of cement mortar for different fly ash

Water absorption %

2 water…
0 10 20 30
Fly ash content %

Figure 12. Influence of fly ash percentage on water absorption

cement mortar mixes

Water absorption of lightweigth foamed for different fly

ash replacement

Water absorption %


10.5 water


0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Fly ash content %

Figure 13. Influence of fly ash percentage on water absorption

lightweight foamed concrete mixes.

Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 2 (part-4), March 2018 www.jeasd.org (ISSN 2520-0917)
The Fourth Scientific Engineering and First Sustainable Engineering Conference

Table11. Average water absorption of cement mortar and lightweight foamed concrete with different fly
ash percentage.
Water absorption
Water absorption of
Fly ash % Mix NO. Mix NO. cement
foamed concrete %
mortar %
0 F1 11.58 FA1 3.39
5 F2 11.39 FA2 3.12
10 F3 11.11 FA3 2.83
15 F4 10.97 FA4 2.68
20 F5 10.71 FA5 2.43
25 F6 10.46 FA6 2.17

6. Conclusions
From test results the f0llowing conclusions can be drawn:
1. Water demand of cement mortar and lightweight f0amed concrete decreased with the
increase of fly ash c0ntent. So the workability of cement mortar and lightweight
foamed concrete will increase with increasing the fly ash content.
2. The density of cement m0rtar and lightweight f0amed concrete decreased with the
increase of fly ash content.
3. The c0mpressive strength, splitting tensile strength and flexural strength decreases
when fly ash content increase.
4. The rate of water absorption decreases when the percentage of fly ash content
5. The 0ptimum percentage of fly ash c0ntent is 10% replacement of cement which fly
ash a g0od role in enhancing the mechanical properties of cement mortar and
lightweight concrete.

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