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The key takeaways are that a portfolio is a collection of a student's work that demonstrates their learning and progress. There are different types of portfolios discussed including showcase, growth, project, and academic portfolios.

The four types of portfolios discussed are showcase, growth, project, and academic portfolios. Showcase portfolios contain a student's best work, growth portfolios demonstrate skill development over time, project portfolios emphasize completed tasks, and academic portfolios represent achievement of course standards.

The parts of a portfolio according to the guidelines provided are a cover page, portfolio checklist and self-assessment, table of contents, preface, presentation of selected work with artifacts, descriptions, learning goals, and reflections, and personal vision and goals for the future.


• A flat case for carrying papers and
drawings (Merriam-Webster Dictionary
• Used by painters, architects, and other
artist to showcase sample of their best
• Contain samples or evidence of what
learners have learned in particular
subject area at the given time
• a purposeful, integrated collection of
student work showing effort, progress,
or achievement in one or more areas
(Belgard, Bruke, and Fogarty , 2008)
• A record of learning that focuses on
students’ work and their reflections on
the work (Benson and Barnett, 1999)
• Assessing student without the use of
standardized tests and evaluation
Four Types of
Portfolio use in
Johnson, Mims-cox and Doyle-
Nicholas, 2010, 38
Showcase Portfolio
• A collection of student’s best work
in a given discipline or subject
• The student is the one who
selects which work he/she
considers best and why.
Growth Portfolio
• Demonstrate how student developed
particular skill or knowledge over time
• Evidence of a student’s progres in a
learning area
• Unlike a showcase portfolio, you not
only see a student’s best work, but
also see the students journey toward
achieving excellence in given skill.
Project Portfolio
• Emphasizes how student completed
discipline-based procedures or
• The projects documented usually
represent tasks or skills that
professionals in the field usually do in
real life.
Academic Portfolio
• A collection of student work that
represents achievement of the content
and performance standards for a
given course
Performance task
• We shall combining the elements of
the showcase portfolio and standards-
based portfolio. This means that your
portfolio must contain your best work
or most significant experience in each
of the subjects you have taken under
the GAS/HUMSS Track.
Portfolio Guidelines
Use any printed format for this portfolio as long
as it contains all required component. It must
comply with the criteria as reflected in the
rubric provided
Portfolio Guidelines
Purpose of the Portfolio
To show case the learner’s best work (within or
outside class) that reflects achievement of
learning goals in each of the specialized
subject under the GAS/HUMSS Strand
Parts of the
Cover Page
The student may creativity design the
cover as long as it includes the
following information:
• Name of student
• Grade Level/Section
• School Year
• Name of school
• Name of teacher
Portfolio Checklist and Self-
• Checklist of requirement and self-assessment
using the rubric provided
Table of Contents
A narrative that provides a brief
background of yourself and why you
are making a portfolio. It must also
describe the reason and process you
used in selecting the artifacts or
works you have included in your
portfolio. Finally, it should include
your all overall reflection and learning.
Presentation of selected
a. Subject – Identify the subject where each artifact
 Intro to World Religions and Beliefs
 Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Science
 Creative Writing
 Creative Nonfiction
 Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Science
 Philippine Politics and Governance
 Trends and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century
 Community Engagement, Solidarity and Citizenship
Presentation of selected
b. Artifacts – the student’s best work
may include actual student output
within or outside class; photo of a
school presentation/performance:
reflection paper; awards;
commendations; etc. you may
include memorabilia related to the
main artifact you are presenting.
Presentation of selected
c. Description of the artifact- brief
narrative decribing what, when,
where how and why of the chosen
d. Learning Goals Reflected: Content
or performance standard related to
the Artifact.
Presentation of selected
e. Reflection on the Artifact this may
include your most significant
learning or realization about
yourself or the subject.
Personal Vision and
Goals for the Future
Narrative that describes your dreams,
goals and aspirations for yourself for
the next 10 years.
Personal Vision and
Goals for the Future
Some questions you may use as guide
are the following
Where do you see yourself 10 years
from now? What would you be doing?
What have you achieved personally
and professionally?
What would you do to make these
dreams and aspirations happen?
Thought for the day
“Life is a mountain your
goal is to find your PATH
not to reach the TOP”
-Maxeme Lagace

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