Track and Trace-API Services Portal - v2 - 1628556558

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Technical Documentation

Track and Trace ver.2

ITPMForm – 0132017 Rev00

LBC Track and Trace enables LBC to monitor and provides the status update of domestic and
international shipments through sea, air or by land.

LBC uses the Azure API Gateway Services for easy and secured system integration with
customers/clients by using authentication, authorization and limiting usages via the LBC API Services
Portal subscribe and follow the instructions for registration and testing.


“This Document is intended for the use of the individual or the entity that it is addressed and may
contain information that is privileged, proprietary, confidential and exempt from disclosure and
protected by Data Privacy Act.”

Document Properties


Gerald Peralta 0.1 First Draft
4/19/2021 Gerald Peralta 1.1 First Release Version 2
08/02/2021 Gerald Peralta 1.2 Update on Status Delivery

ITPMForm – 0132017 Rev00

How Register to LBC API Services Portal?

1. Sign up to LBC API Service Portal.

 This will need to be approved by LBC Admin before you can access and start using the
TNT API endpoint.
 Click this link to register:

1.a Access the link and click on Sign up button.

1.b Fill up the required fields.

1.c After registration, login to your account and go to Products Tab then select the
LBCtrackandtraceAPI link to subscribe.

 Follow the sequence of image below to subscribe:
 Please use Company Name + Name of the API as your Subscription Name on the API.
Sample: MyCompany_LBCPickupRequest

ITPMForm – 0132017 Rev00

ITPMForm – 0132017 Rev00
2. Once your registration is approved, you are now set to go and use the TNT endpoint.

2. a Get your Authentication to invoke the API.

Follow the image sequence image below:
 To get your Subscription Key, Go to your Profile.

ITPMForm – 0132017 Rev00

3. To invoke the track and trace inquiry API, please see image for Request Payload Soap sample.
 Remember that you need to include the Header Authentication Key and change the
content-type to text/xml.

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4. Web Method

Method Name Description

LBCTrackAndTrace Method retrieves information pertaining to both Shipper and

Consignee such as Name, Address and Contact number etc.
and retrieves the whole history of a certain transaction in
sequence from acceptance up until delivery.

4.a Parameter

Name Type Notes

TrackingNo string Parameter that will be used for

both Web methods.

4.b Response

Element Type Notes

Status Code string The partner/tie-up will receive a

feedback from LBC API on the status of
the sent transaction. This function
returns a string value denoting the
transmission status(Please see on
section 5.0)
Status Message Please see on section 5.0
 TrackingNo array Object that holds all the return fields of
 Product the RESPONSE
 ProdDescr
 Content
 Branch_Origin
 BranchDestination
 TransactionDate
 ShipperName
 ShipperAddress
 ShipperContact
 ConsigneeName
 ConsigneeAddress
 ConsigneeContact
 volDescr
 VolWt
 ActualWt
 TNTStatus
 BranchDestiId
array Object that holds all the return fields of

ITPMForm – 0132017 Rev00

 DatePosted the RESPONSE
 StatusandLocation  DatePosted - Date of shipment
 DatePostedTime Status
 Remarks  StatusAndLocation - Considered
 BranchOriginId Delivered if status contains the
 EmployeeName following :
 StatusId - Pickup at Branch

Sample Payload

Sample Request Soap

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi=""


<LBCTrackAndTrace xmlns="">





Sample Response Soap

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<LBCTrackAndTraceResponse xmlns="">
<Product />
<ProdDescr />
<Content />
<Branch_Origin />

ITPMForm – 0132017 Rev00

<BranchDestination />
<TransactionDate />
<ShipperName />
<ShipperAddress />
<ShipperContact />
<ConsigneeName />
<ConsigneeAddress />
<ConsigneeContact />
<volDescr />
<VolWt />
<ActualWt />
<BranchDescr>LBC CENTRAL EXCHANGE</BranchDescr>
<CityName>PASAY CITY</CityName>
<ProvinceName>METRO MANILA</ProvinceName>
<StatusandLocation>Shipment has been accepted at SM CITY
<DatePostedTime>01:50:04 PM</DatePostedTime>
<DateInserted />
<BranchDescr>LBC CENTRAL EXCHANGE</BranchDescr>
<Long />
<Lat />
<StatusandLocation>Shipment has been received at CARGO
<DatePostedTime>10:42:12 PM</DatePostedTime>
<Remarks>JRegalado | QUEZON 2/D1 DAF 7433</Remarks>
<DateInserted />

ITPMForm – 0132017 Rev00

<BranchDescr>LBC CENTRAL EXCHANGE</BranchDescr>
<Long />
<Lat />
<StatusandLocation />
<DatePostedTime>12:27:08 AM</DatePostedTime>
<DateInserted />
<BranchDescr>LBC CENTRAL EXCHANGE</BranchDescr>
<Long />
<Lat />
<StatusandLocation>Shipment has been received at PARANAQUE DELIVERY
<DatePostedTime>06:49:00 AM</DatePostedTime>
<Remarks />
<DateInserted />
<BranchDescr>LBC CENTRAL EXCHANGE</BranchDescr>
<Long />
<Lat />
<StatusandLocation>Please expect delivery within the
<DatePostedTime>09:36:12 AM</DatePostedTime>
<DateInserted />

ITPMForm – 0132017 Rev00

<BranchDescr>LBC CENTRAL EXCHANGE</BranchDescr>
<Long />
<Lat />

5.0 Track and Trace API Status Codes

Status Code Status Message

101 Tracking no found empty

Tracking No. Invalid value,

must 5 to 17 characters

103 Tracking No. Invalid value.


Track and Trace Delivery Status

NOTE: Status ID does not display on actual TNT API, except for 1,5,15 Status ID.

Internal Spiels
(Displays on Internal Track and External Track and Trace Spiels
Gate Status ID Trace) (Displays on External Track and Trace v2)
Delivered 1 DELIVERED Received by "Consignee Name" on "Date Posted"

Released to authorized representative "Representative Name"

Delivered 15 PICKED-UP AT BRANCH Claimed by "Consignee Name" at "LBC Branch" on "Date Posted"
Failed Del
w/o Shipment arrived late at destination. We will deliver on the next
Attempt 19 LATE ARRIVAL business day.
Failed Del
Attempt 28 DESTINATION Shipment is being transferred to the requested destination.

ITPMForm – 0132017 Rev00

Failed Del
Attempt 22 MISROUTED Shipment was re-routed to "LBC DELIVERY TEAM"
Failed Del
Attempt 17 TRANSFER FOR PICK-UP Shipment is being transferred to the other destination for pick-up.

Failed Your shipment was not delivered due to payment issues. We will
Delivery 29 NO PAYMENT re-deliver on the next business day.

Failed Shipment is with a concern. Please get in touch with our official
Delivery 23 INCOMPLETE ADDRESS customer channels.

Failed We tried to deliver your shipment but recipient refused to accept.

Delivery 3 REFUSED TO ACCEPT Please get in touch with our official customer channels.

Failed We tried to deliver your shipment but recipient was not present at
Delivery 6 CONSIGNEE OUT the given address. We will re-deliver on the next business day.
Failed Del
w/o Shipment encountered slight delays but our team will deliver on
Attempt 13 NON DELIVERY the next business day.
Delivery 51 RTS Shipment has been returned to the sender on <Date Posted>
Failed Shipment issue. Please get in touch with us through our official
Delivery 27 RTO customer care channels.

Failed We tried to deliver your shipment but office was closed. We will
Delivery 24 OFFICE CLOSED re-deliver on the next business day.

Failed We tried to deliver your shipment but office was closed. We will
Delivery 48 OFFICE CLOSED W/ CERTIFICATE re-deliver on the next business day.

Failed We tried to deliver your shipment but the house was closed and no
Delivery 4 HOUSE CLOSED one was present. We will re-deliver on the next business day.

Failed Shipment is with a concern. Please get in touch with our official
Delivery 10 INCORRECT ADDRESS customer channels.

Failed We tried to deliver your shipment but recipient was not able to
Delivery 2 NO VALID ID present a valid ID. We will re-deliver on the next business day.

Failed Shipment is with a concern. Please get in touch with our official
Delivery 18 PILFERED/DAMAGED customer channels

Failed Shipment is with a concern. Please get in touch with our official
Delivery 7 RELOCATED TO KNOWN ADDRESS customer channels.
Failed Del We tried to deliver your shipment but there was a request to
w/o REQUEST TO POSTPONE postpone the delivery. We will re-deliver on the next business
Attempt 30 DELIVERY day.

Failed Shipment is with a concern. Please get in touch with our official
Delivery 9 CONSIGNEE NOT KNOWN customer channels.
Failed Del
w/o Your shipment was not delivered due to an unforeseen event. We
Attempt 12 FORTUITOUS EVENT will re-deliver on the next business day.

Failed MOVED TO UNKNOWN/NEW Shipment issue. Please get in touch with us through our official
Delivery 8 ADDRESS customer care channels.
Failed Del
w/o Shipment issue. Please get in touch with us through our official
Attempt 14 OUT OF DELIVERY ZONE customer care channels.

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Failed Del
w/o Your shipment was not delivered due to an unforeseen event. We
Attempt 11 HOLIDAY, LIMITED DELIVERY will re-deliver on the next business day.

Intransit ACCEPTED AT Shipment has been accepted at “LBC Branch”

Intransit RECEIVED AT Shipment has received (Inbound )from LBC facility

Intransit Shipment is en route to (Outbound) to “LBC Facility”
Intransit Please expect delivery within the day

Branch Collect tracking number has been sent via SMS. Upon
COD/COP Sent Branch Collect Tracking presentation of valid IDs, the amount can be claimed/withdrawn
Settlement Number at any LBC Branch.

COD/COP The amount has been remitted to the specified bank account and
Settlement Deposited to Account of Shipper will be credited within 3 banking days.

ITPMForm – 0132017 Rev00

LBC ECOM Delivery Diagram

The illustration below shows how the shipments of e-commerce can be delivered to
their destinations all throughout the country.

NOTE: The journey of the shipment on our facility may differ depends on the
locations of the shipper and consignee.

ITPMForm – 0132017 Rev00

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