Application For Registration Information Update/Correction/Cancellation
Application For Registration Information Update/Correction/Cancellation
Application For Registration Information Update/Correction/Cancellation
D. Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) Card Others (specify) Avail of 8% Income Tax Rate Option
E. Tax Clearance Certificate for Transfer of Property/ies (TCL2)/
Others (specify)
Certificate Authorizing Registration (CAR)
F. Others(specify)
7 Correction/Change/Update of Registration Information
Registered Name Trade/Business Name
New Registered Name/Trade/Business Name
Transfer within same RDO Transfer to another RDO From To
Unit/Room/Floor/Building No. Building Name/Tower
Subdivision/Village/Zone Barangay
Town/District Municipality/City
C. CHANGE IN ACCOUNTING PERIOD (Applicable to Non-Individual) Accounting Start Month Effectivity Date (MM/DD/YYYY)
Subdivision/Village/Zone Barangay
Town/District Municipality/City
Position TIN
- - -
Permanent closure of business (head office) of an individual Trade/Business Name
B. New Name/Married Name (First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Suffix)
C. Spouse Information
Employment Status
of Spouse
Unemployed Employed Locally Employed Abroad Engaged in Business/Practice of Profession
Spouse Name (Last Name) (First Name)
11 Other Update/Correction (please specify details) For Taxpayer For BIR Use
Effective Date
of Change Approved by:
(Signature over Printed Name)
12 Declaration Stamp of BIR Receiving Office
I declare, under the penalties of perjury, that this application has been made in good faith, verified by me and to the best of my and Date of Receipt
knowledge and belief, is true and correct, pursuant to the provisions of the National Internal Revenue Code, as amended, and the
regulations issued under authority thereof. Further, I give my consent to the processing of my information as contemplated under the
*Data Privacy Act of 2012 (R.A. No. 10173) for legitimate and lawful purposes.
____________________________________________________ ______________________
(Signature over Printed Name)
*Note: The BIR Data Privacy Policy is in the BIR website (
Documentary Requirements
REPLACEMENT/CANCELLATION E. Change/Add Facility Type/Details
A. Certificate of Registration 1. Appropriate Application for Registration and requirements therein
1. Original Copy of Old Certificate of Registration, for replacement F. Change/Add Incentive Details/Registration
2. Affidavit of Loss, if lost 1. Certificate of Accreditation/Registration from Investment Promotion Agency
3. Proof of payment of Certification Fee and Documentary Stamp Tax - to be submitted before the I. Change/Update of Contact Person/Authorized Representative
issuance of the new Certificate 1. Authorization or Certification issued by Officer enumerated under Section 52 (A) of the Tax Code
B. Authority to Print (ATP) Receipts and Invoices (President or representative and Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer of the Corporation)
1. Original Authority to Print Primary and Secondary Receipts/Invoices J. Change/Update of Stockholders/Members/Partners
2. New Application Form (BIR Form No. 1906), if applicable 1. Amended Articles of Incorporation/Cooperation/Partnership
3. Affidavit of Loss, if lost
C. Tax Clearance Certificate for Tax Liabilities (TCL1) CLOSURE OF BUSINESS/CANCELLATION OF REGISTRATION
1. Affidavit of Loss, if lost 1. Death Certificate, in case of death of an individual;
2. Proof of payment for Certification Fee and Documentary Stamp Tax-to be submitted before the issuance 2. List of ending inventory of goods, supplies, including capital good;
of the new Tax Clearance Certificate 3. Inventory of unused sales invoices/official receipts (SI/OR);
3. TCL1, if for replacement 4. Unused sales invoices/official receipts and all other unutilized accounting forms (e.g., vouchers,
D. TIN Card debit/credit memos, delivery receipts, purchase orders, etc.) including business notices and
1. Affidavit of Loss, if lost permits as well as COR shall be subject for destruction to be witnessed by BIR personnel and
2. Old TIN Card (if replacement is due to damaged card) officials.
3. Marriage Certificate (for change of Family Name)
4. SEC Certificate (for Change of Corporate Name) 1. Marriage Contract or Court Order (declaration of nullity of marriage); and
CORRECTION/CHANGE/UPDATE OF REGISTRATION INFORMATION 2. Letter Request for temporary use of old receipts/invoices (for business taxpayers) if applicable.
A. Change in Registered Name/Trade Name
1. Amended SEC Registration/DTI Certificate; and
1. Photocopy of the first page of the previously approved books
2. Letter Request for temporary use of old receipts/invoices (for business taxpayers) if applicable.
FROM OLD RDO A. Manual Books Of Account
1. Inventory List of unused principal and supplementary receipts/invoices for destruction if not to be used 1. New sets of permanently bound books of accounts
in the new RDO or request letter for approval of use of the unused receipts/invoices in new RDO B. Manual Loose Leaf Books Of Accounts
FROM NEW RDO 1. Permit to Use Loose Leaf Books of Accounts;
1. Photocopy of Amended Articles of Incorporation/Partnership bearing the taxpayer’s new principal 2. Permanently bound Loose Leaf Books of Accounts; and
business address and Certificate of Filing of Amended Articles of Incorporation (only for Non-Individual 3. Affidavit attesting the completeness, accuracy and correctness of entries in Books of Accounts
taxpayers); and the number of Loose Leaf used for period covered.
2. Photocopy of Mayor’s Business Permit; or Duly received Application for Mayor’s Business Permit, if the C. Computerized Books Of Accounts
former is still in the process with the LGU; 1. Permit to Use Computerized Accounting System (CAS)/Computerized Books of Accounts
3. Unused principal and supplementary receipts/invoices for re-stamping per approved inventory list by old (CBA) and/or its Components;
RDO; 2. DVDs containing Electronic Books of Accounts and Records. The DVDs should be properly
4. Transfer Commitment Form. authenticated and its labels duly signed by the responsible official(s) of the company who are
C. Change in Accounting Period required to sign the tax returns under the Tax Code, using a permanent marker;
1. Photocopy of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Certificate of Filing of Amended By-Laws 3. Affidavit attesting the completeness, accuracy and appropriateness of the computerized
showing the change in accounting period. accounting books/records, in accordance with the keeping of books of accounts and records for
D. Change/Add Registered Activity/Line of Business internal revenue tax purposes.
1. Photocopy of Amended Mayor’s Permit or SEC Certificate of Registration if applicable; and
2. Letter Request for temporary use of old receipts/invoices (for business taxpayers) if applicable.