Lecture 1: Introduction - Course Organization - Motivation - Intro To Project Assignment

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Lecture 1: introduction

• Course organization
• Motivation
• Intro to project assignment

CPES 2021: Lecture 1 Intro 1

Course organization - People

Dr. Leyla Özkan Dr. ir. Sofie Haesaert Dr. ir. Zhiyong Sun
Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor

Ming Li (PhD TA)

Loek van Leeuwen (TA)
Matthijs van de Vosse (TA)

2 CPES 2021: Lecture 1 Intro

Basic information
Course title: Control Principles for Engineered Systems
Course code: 5SMC0
Quartile: 2
Program: MSc EE, MSc S&C, elective AT, year 1 graduate program.
Type of education: The course consists of 5 modules that will be taught in 8 weeks of 4 lecture hours.
Assignments and project will be issued and extra coaching is available during office hours.
ECTS credits: 5
Course subject: This course aims to present a broad view on the field of control systems. Therefore, it
focuses on design and analysis in the control of engineered systems in a wide scope of
control paradigms and applications.
Lecturers: Dr. Leyla Ozkan (responsible lecturer)
Dr. Sofie Haesaert
Dr. Zhiyong Sun

3 CPES 2021: Lecture 1 Intro

Learning Goals
• Specify a control architecture and a quantitative control objective for various
control problems in engineered systems.
• Design controllers that meet system specifications (stability, optimality etc.).
• Understand and explain the impact of relevant model properties.
• Design distributed controllers and analyse control performance for complex
control systems operated over networks.
• Analyse and verify control relevant properties.
• Use different levels of model abstraction for controller design and the
simulation of the controlled system.

Prior knowledge
• Linear algebra and basic Matlab programming
• Basic knowledge of control theory. See videos of Brian Douglas.

4 CPES 2021: Lecture 1 Intro

Study Material

Lecture slides
Springer Springer
Exercise sets access access
Additional reference

See canvas Online Online

5 CPES 2021: Lecture 1 Intro

Lecturing Schedule
All lectures are scheduled on Wednesdays (weekly), 13:30 to 15:30
and Fridays (weekly) 08:30 to 10:30. Network system
modelling and control
Control with high-level
decision making
Module 1: Overview
Optimal control
Module 2: Stabilizing control and & estimation
observer design
Stabilizing control
Module 3: Optimal control and & estimation
Module 4: Control with high-level
decision making
Module 5: Network system modelling
and control Control principles for engineered systems
From the essentials to research on complex engineered systems

6 CPES 2021: Lecture 1 Intro

Lecturing Schedule
More on the online lecturing format follows.

Week Date Module/lecture Lecturer & contact person

Module 1: Overview Wednesday Friday
Module 2: Stabilizing control and 1 17-19/11 Module 1.1 Module 1.2 Dr. Leyla Ozkan
observer design
2 24-26/11 Module 2.1 Module 2.2 Dr. Leyla Ozkan
Module 3: Optimal control and
3 1-3/12 Module 3.1 Module 3.2 Dr. Leyla Ozkan
4 8-10/12 Module 3.3 Module 3.4 Dr. Leyla Ozkan
Module 4: Control with high-level
decision making 5 15-17/12 Module 4.1 Module 4.2 Dr. Sofie Haesaert

Module 5: Network system modelling 6 20-24/12 Module 4.3 Module 4.4 Dr. Sofie Haesaert
and control
7 12-14/1 Module 5.1 Module 5.2 Dr. Zhiyong Sun
8 19-21/1 Module 5.3 Module 5.4 Dr. Zhiyong Sun

7 CPES 2021: Lecture 1 Intro

See also the study guide and see canvas for the exact deadlines.

Module & Topics Regular homework 60%

Project assignment* 40%

Module 1: Overview
+ Controlling an army of
firefighting drones
Module 2: Stabilizing control Homework 1
and observer design

Module 3: Optimal control and Homework 2 No exam

Module 4: Control with high- Homework 3
level decision making
Module 5: Network system Homework 4
modelling and control
* Oral assessment of project is possible

8 CPES 2021: Lecture 1 Intro

Assessment rules
Regular homework
• Homework assignment will be made as individual assignment.
• Send in your handwritten solutions.
• Handwritten submissions should be clear, visible, and readable.
• If assignment involves programming/simulation, then simulation codes should also be submitted.
• Obey the "50-foot rule" for discussions. You are not allowed to share your worked out solutions
with other students.
• Comply with submission deadlines. For late submission, 10% of your grade will be deducted per

Project assignment
• Project assignment will be made by teams of maximally 2 students.
• Individual contributions should be indicated in the report.
• Both report and simulation codes should be submitted.

* Oral assessment of project is possible

9 CPES 2021: Lecture 1 Intro

Lecturing format
On campus lecturing
+ Online collaboration
• Collaborate with team
for the project assignments
• Ask questions to us and to
each other

10 CPES 2021: Lecture 1 Intro

Why should you follow this course

Control principles for engineered systems

What are today’s engineered systems ?

What are relevant control principles ?

& What are the goals of this course?

11 CPES 2021: Lecture 1 Intro

What are today’s engineered systems ?

Traffic Network @ www.envidia.com Multi-UAV navigation


Electrochemical Products

Atlas robot @ Boston Dynamics Electrification- integrating electricity grid and process industry

12 CPES 2021: Lecture 1 Intro

Control systems

Traffic Network @ www.envidia.com

& show complex 1218 Intel Shooting Star drones

behaviour Drone show on 2018 winter Olympics
By intel


13 CPES 2021: Lecture 1 Intro

Control systems Guinness World record

Drone show on 2018 winter Olympics

By intel

1218 Intel Shooting Star drones

& show complex
The most Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) airborne simultaneously consists
of 3,051 UAVs, and was achieved by Shenzhen Damoda Intelligent Control
Technology Co., Ltd. (China) in Zhuhai, Guangdong, China with this incredible
light show!

14 CPES 2021: Lecture 1 Intro

Multi-UAV control system
• Coordination control of
autonomous multi-UAV systems

• Distributed/local control, sensing and

communication to achieve a global

• Promising applications: area

monitoring, surveillance, coverage,
light show, formation and flocking
Shakeri, R., Al-Garadi, M.A., Badawy, A., Mohamed, A., Khattab, T., Al-Ali, A.K., Harras, K.A. and Guizani, M., 2019. Design challenges of multi-UAV
systems in cyber-physical applications: A comprehensive survey and future directions. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 21(4), pp.3340-3385.

15 CPES 2021: Lecture 1 Intro

Complex interactive control systems
also in process control

Optimality matters!

Electrochemical Products
Electrochemical Products

Electrification- integrating electricity grid and process industry

Hundreds to thousands of states
State monitoring and fault-tolerant control (@library.e.ABB.com)

16 CPES 2021: Lecture 1 Intro

Stability and optimality matters also for complex
engineered systems
Optimality of the controlled system is important

Process industry Avoid black-outs and optimize power consumption

17 CPES 2021: Lecture 1 Intro

Control systems have to adapt
and preserve stability (& optimality)

Uncertain environment

Variations in process industry

Unknown system dynamics

Guaranteed stability with

parameter uncertainties
Noise-cancelling headphones

18 CPES 2021: Lecture 1 Intro

What are relevant control principles ?

Control position
Stabilizing control and
observer design
Cover large area
Optimal control and
estimation Add reasoning and high-
level decision making
Networked control systems
Find missing person
- High-level control
- Multi-agent control

Increase number
of drones

19 CPES 2021: Lecture 1 Intro

Controlling an army of firefighting drones
Project assignment 40% • Drone dynamics: linearization

Controlling an army of firefighting • High-level specification of control tasks

• Graph tools for networked drone modelling
Deadline 28/01/2022 • Distributed coordination of multi-drones: formation and flocking

20 CPES 2021: Lecture 1 Intro

We will not try to cover the whole
field of control theory

Focus on key aspects of control needed

to tackle today’s engineered systems
• As a stand-alone overview of the field
• As a complementary course for
systems and control students

Focus on hand-on understanding of


21 CPES 2021: Lecture 1 Intro

Lecture 1: introduction

• Course organization
• Motivation
• Intro to project assignment

22 CPES 2021: Lecture 1 Intro

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