Effectiveness of Using Messenger Application On The Academic Performance of Grade 12-Computer Programming Students

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San Jacinto National High School

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A Research Paper Presented to the Faculty

Senior High School

Basic Education Department

San Jacinto National High School

Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the subject

Inquiries, investigation and immersion and investigation

Bautista, Shanelle Irah C.

Santos, Cheska Mae N.

Ayson, Christian Arthur B.

Isla, Adrian M.

Mr. Paul John Medina

Teacher in Practical Research 2


The present study was attempt to determine the effectiveness of using messenger

applications on their academic performance. Communication through internet is becoming

vital these days. An online communication allows the users to communicate with other

people in a fast and convenient way. Considering this, the online communication application

must be able share the texts or images or any other files in a faster way with minimum delay

or with no delay. Firebase is one of the platforms which provides a real-time database and

cloud services which allows the developer to make these applications with ease. Messenger

applications can be considered as a platform to maintain communication. The system

developed on android will enable the users to communicate with another users through text

messages with the help of internet.


The researchers would like to thank the following who became a part of the completion of

this research paper. First of all, to the Almighty God who gives strength, wisdom, gift of life

and guidance. Next to our parents that gave financial assistance and full support. Third, to

our research teacher Sir Paul John Medina who shared his expertise on the field of research

and also helping us to boost our confidence. And lastly, to the respondents who gave their

precious time to answer the questionnaire about effectiveness of using messenger

applications on the academic performance. The special thanks the coming from the

researchers always remain uncountable. Every help, every effort and every knowledge that

our groups received will assure everyone that they will use it properly and wisely.

Bautista, Shanelle Irah C.

Santos, Cheska Mae N.

Ayson, Christian Arthur B.

Isla, Adrian M.


              This research work is dedicated to the Almighty God, thank you for guidance,

strength, power of mind, protection and skills and for giving us a healthy life All of these, we
offer to you to our beloved parents who have been our source of inspiration and gave us

strength when we thought of giving up, who continually provide their moral, spiritual,

emotional and financial supports to our brothers, sisters, relatives, friends, classmates and

specially our research teacher who shared their words of advice and encouragement to

finish this study.



This CHAPTER includes the Rationale, Theoretical Framework, Conceptual Framework

Statement of the Problem, Hypothesis of the Study, Scope and Delimitation , Significance of

the Study and the Definition of Terms used.


  Introduction of infrastructure and technological innovations into countries have

always been the adversaries and blessing opportunities for socio economic and political life

of human beings. Every technological innovation has been a topic of debate and centre of

researchers’ attention and same is the case with the development of social networking sites.

Various researchers have conducted studies to pinpoint the several impacts of these sites

on their users and findings suggested both bright and dark aspects.

Facebook Messenger[14] (also known as Messenger) is an American instant messaging app

and platform developed by Facebook, Inc. Originally developed as Facebook Chat in 2008,

the company revamped its messaging service in 2010, and subsequently released

standalone iOS and Android apps in August 2011 and standalone Facebook Portal hardware

for Messenger-based calling in Q4 2018. Later on, Facebook has launched a dedicated

website interface, and separated the messaging functionality from the main Facebook app,

allowing users to use the web interface or download one of the standalone apps. In April

2020, Facebook officially released Messenger for Desktop, which is supported on Windows

10 and macOS and distributed on Microsoft Store and App Store respectively.
Social media accounts such as Facebook, Messenger and many more social media apps

is cliché in this generation specially to students. We usually find them using their cellphones

or gadgets when they arrived home or even at school when they’re doing nothing or when

they’re bored.

In today’s world of connected learning, the impact of messenger app on education is

becoming a driving factor. The world is getting smaller, and through the use of technology

such as Messenger App etc., the way we deliver instruction is changing. The technology

referred to here really transpires just social media technologies such as Facebook,

Messenger etc. The technologies that allow these platforms to function are also one driving

forces behind the effectiveness of this technology on education. They are trying to check

various social media sites while they study. This leads to reduce academic performance.

Besides their ability to concentrate on their task at hand gets significantly reduced due to the

distraction that is brought by all these social media site.


     In the present study, the affecting academic performance positively and

negatively, loosening as well strengthening bonds between teachers and students, helping

as well as distracting from studies, most of literature suggest that Messenger Application is

playing in important role in connecting and helping students.


Dependent Variables Independent


Messenger Academic
Application Performance

Figure 1: Research Paradigm

The Conceptual Framework represented in figure 1 present the effectiveness between

the variable studied in the inquiry. The dependent variable is the Messenger Application
while the independent variable is the academic performance of grade 12- computer

programming Students.


                Traditional teaching method require teachers to address students in classroom in

the form of lecture. Students mostly learn their lesson through memorization and restriction

techniques which is definitely affecting their ability to think in a negative manner. Liu and

long (2014) asserts the fact that traditional teaching method in classroom is mostly centered

around teacher and they hardly acknowledge the individual personality of students.

As the word is heading towards the end of 21st century people are shifting towards

technology and replacing old model of communication with the latest ones. The use of

networking application in the academic and administrative sector in order to enhance the

mental capabilities and working abilities of the staff and students will contribute in economic

and social development of society. The effectiveness and popularity of Messenger

application in developed and developing states is beyond questions. In this regard and

attempt has been made to determine how well this networking application can effect grade

12 ICT students to their academic performance.


This study will test the following hypothesis with a 0.5 level of significance.

H1: This is a significance relationship between Messenger Application and the academic

performance of grade 12- computer programming Students.

H0: There is no significant relationship between Messenger Application and the academic

performance of grade 12-computer programming students.

According to knowledge claim of the researchers, it is predicated that Messenger application

will have positive effect on the academic performance of grade 12 ICT Students.

The focus of this research work is to study the effectiveness of using messenger

on their academic performance of grade 12 Computer programming students. The study

comprise the students in San Jacinto National Senior High School.


This  study investigate the effectiveness of using Messenger application on the

academic performance among grade 12- Computer programming students. It is hoped that

the results of the study will help educators and policy makers to understand the effect of new

technology devices in the process of learning and teaching. Teachers may also be

empowered by these results to look for ways a promoting their own professional

development which may improve their teaching practice and their students in academic



For the study to be understood clearly, the following terms are defined:

Mobile Learning It is the acquisition or modification of any knowledge or skill

through the use of mobile technology, anywhere, anytime and which results in the

modification of behavior (Cavus, & Ibrahim. (2008). In this research, it is defined to

Messenger application. 

Mobile Technology It refers to any device that is designed to provide access

to information in any location, or while on the move.

Messenger  Application  is a cross-platform instant messaging application for

smart phone. In additional    Users can send messages and exchange photos, videos,

stickers, audio, and files, as well as react to other users’ messages and interact with bots.

The service also supports voice and video calling. The standalone apps support using

multiple accounts, conversations with optional end-to-end encryption, and playing games.

The client software is available for Android, iOS, windows 10 and macOS.

Academic Performance is the measurements of students achievement

across various academic subject.



This chapter primarily presents the different researches and other literature form both local

and foreign researchers, which have significant bearings on the variables included in the

research. It focuses on several aspects that will help in the development of this study. Those

that were included in this chapter helps in familiarizing information that are relevant and

similar to the present study.


It is very obvious that these Messenger application do not only have positive effects

on student academic performance they also have negative effect on student academic

performance as some works of other authors have shown. Also, Boranbayev, (2015) and

Gurikar et al. (2015), believe that digital media are useful to complete the process of

teaching and learning in the context of today's information society tool. The authors (Ibrahim,

2014; Harper, 2010; Blanka, 2015) cited in Abdulla, (2017) concluded that by using social

media at educational environment, students activities can be more than the activities of

traditional classrooms, because using Messenger application can be used at anytime and

anywhere by teachers and students for variety of academic purposes that results of

enhancing the academic performance of the students and provide an easiest way for

teachers also for receiving the comments and discus them via Messenger application.


The consists of other people’s work that are related to the role of Messenger

application in enhancing student academic performance. A study conducted by (Yeboah &

Ewur, 2014)on the effectiveness of Messenger application (application of social networking)

on the academic performance of youth indicates that Messenger has a negative effects on

grade 12- computer programming Students academic performance. According to the study

Messenger application caused delay related problem, the error of spellings and grammatical

construction of sentences, therefore it is difficult to balance concurrently the online activities

and academic performance with Messenger application. Some of the most commonly
discussed benefits of social media in literature is the ability to engage students with constant

connectivity (Gikas & Grant, 2013), which makes learning available on demand (Buzzetto-

More, 2012) that is to say learning is no longer restricted by time and space. With the use of

social media, students have the ability to communicate easily with fellow course mates.

Moreover, the convenience of constant connectivity provided by social media tools allows

students to retrieve course content and access to information quickly (Gikas & Grant, 2013).

According to Lee & McLoughlin (2008), the main reason for students to use social

networking sites as an educational tool is that they can communicate and receive support

from peers, at the same time, discover and share knowledge easily (Lee & McLoughlin,

2008). Same wise a study of 64 students and 30 academics from Romania educational

institution conducted by Stanciu, Mihai and Aleca, (2012) found that “face-to-face” classroom

communication can be leveraged by communication with teachers through social networking

(Stanciu, Mihai, & Aleca, 2012). Another advantage of social media is its ability to foster

collaborative learning among peers and other knowledgeable people outside academia

(Ajjan & Hartshorne, 2008) (Gikas & Grant, 2013) . The use of social media provides

students with the ability to collaborate, discuss, and construct their understanding with

classmates and instructors (Gikas & Grant, 2013) . A study by Barnes and Lescault (2011)

found that the use of social networking sites is overwhelming in four-year colleges. The

researchers suggest that there are 456 four years accredited U.S. institutions that are using

social media tools (Barnes & Lescault, 2011). While some students enjoy using social media

for studies, much of the literature suggests otherwise.



This study design is to assess the effectiveness of using messenger application

on the Academic performance of grade 12-computer programming students. Since the

present study is intended to respond to research questions, data gathering procedure,

statistical treatment of data from both methodologies were implemented.


This chapter covers the methods and procedure to be used conduct of the study. This

include research design, locale of the study, respondents of the study, research

instrumentation, Data Gathering Procedure, Statistical Treatment of Data.

The research methodology that was employed in this study is survey as a vehicle for

data gathering with a view to describing the effectiveness of using Messenger application as

a tool of enhancing students’ academic performance. It involves a collection of data by

gathering information from the students of grade 12-computer programming who make use

of Messenger application asking them certain questions with cognizance to their use of

Messenger application for academic issues. This would enable the researchers to test the

research questions based on the students’ responses to the questions (Monett, Sullivan, &

Dejong, 2008).


This study was conducted among grade 12-computer programming students in

San Jacinto National Senior High School which is located at Brgy. Capaoay San Jacinto



In this research, the respondents will be grade 12-computer programming students

at San Jacinto national senior high school of total 41 male and female participants to answer

survey questions.


Effectiveness using Messenger Application on the Academic performance of grade

12- computer programming Students Questionnaire (MPUQ) (Appendix A) adapted from

Twum (2011) and used for this study is sub-divided into two (2) sections namely:

Appendix A consisting of demographic variables of respondents such as gender, age

grade&Section. While Appendix B consists of items statements relating effectiveness using

Messenger application on the Academic performance a four (4) point rating scale, namely;

Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Strongly Agree, Agree from which the respondents were

required to choose from. The academic performance tests are a ten (10)


A letter of request to conduct the study was prepared. The researcher conducted

a questionnaire checklist, validated by the teacher of the subject checklist are distributed.

The Researcher conducts the research in san Jacinto national high school, because of the

advantages of the survey method. The researcher explained to the respondents the

importance of their response to the study. The Researcher clarifies some term to the

respondents so that respondents can answer the questionnaire with full knowledge of their

responsibility as the subject of study. The Researcher requested the respondents to answer

with all honesty. In this study since the Researcher goal is to determine the Effectiveness of

using Messenger application on the Academic performance of grade 12-computer

programming Students. After the respondents answered the questionnaire, the researcher

collected and tailed the data interpretation.


Appropriate Statistical tools were used to come up with valid and credible

interpretation data.

1. To answer problem number one on the profile of the respondents in terms sex, age, and

the effectiveness of using Messenger application on the Academic performance of grade

12-computer programming students at San Jacinto National High School, frequency

counts and percentages were use.

Presented below is formula:

%=f/n × 100


%= percentage
F= frequency

N= total percentages of respondents



This chapter of the paper presents the data gathered from the grade 12-

computer programming students at San Jacinto National Senior High School who served as

respondents of this research.


This section is composed of figures and tables relative to the demographic

information given by the respondents in the questionnaire. This included data on sex, age.

Although not central to this research, these data helped contextualize the findings and the

formulation of appropriate recommendations.

Table 1: Gender of respondents

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 25 72%

Female 10 28%

Total 35 100%

The respondents were asked to identify their Gender. Table 1 shows the

distribution of the respondents in terms of this variable.

Table 2: Age of respondents

Age Frequency Percentage

17-18 20 57%

19-21 15 43%

Total 35 100%

The respondents were asked to identify their Age. Table 2 shows the

distribution of the respondents in terms of this variable.

Table 3: Likert Scale of respondents

1=strongly Disagree Total Number of Total Percentage 1 2 3 4
2=Disagree 3=Strongly People of People



1.it is easy to have an [35] 100% [3] [6] [11] [15]

messenger 0.09% 0.17% 0.31 0.43%

application as a %


2.Messenger [35] 100% [3] [14] [11] [7]

application can affect 0.09% 0.4% 0.31 0.2%

your academic %


3.Spending long [35] 100% [8] [9] [7] [11]

hours in your 0.23% 0.26% 0.2% 0.31%

messenger app.

4.Messenger app [35] 100% [5] [13] [7] [10]

have negative effect 0.14% 0.37% 0.2% 0.29%

to your peace of mind

5.You should have [35] 100% [6] [6] [7] [16]

special motives that 0.17% 0.17% 0.2% 0.46%

drive you to use

messenger app.

6.Having messenger [35] 100% [5] [6] [10] [14]

application helps you 0.14% 0.17% 0.29 0.4%

improve your social %


7.I feel comfortable [35] 100% [5] [5] [11] [14]

communicating using 0.14% 0.14% 0.31 0.4%

messenger app %

8.i can use [35] 100% [3] [5] [16] [11]

messenger app in 0.09% 0.14% 0.46 0.31%

online communicating %

as a students.

9.Make the learning- [35] 100% [4] [9] [11] [11]

teaching process 0.11% 0.26% 0.31 0.31%

easier %

10.It help you to [35] 100% [4] [7] [10] [14]

accomplish your
goal 0.11% 0.2% 0.29 0.4%

When the results at Table 3 are checked as a whole, it is seen that, students has

significant influence on their academic performance; Students using messenger application

has effectiveness on the academic performance of the grade 12-computer programming




The study investigated social media and academic performance of the students in

San Jacinto Senior High School. The descriptive survey research design was adopted in the

study. A sample of 45 respondents was selected from Grade 12-computer programming

students in San Jacinto Senior High School. A self-developed Likert-type scale titled

"Effectiveness of using Messenger application on the academic performance of grade 12-

computer programming students" thoroughly scrutinized by the project supervisor was used

for data collection. The instrument was validated and found to be reliable. It was personally

administered by the researcher. The data collected were analyzed with the use of descriptive

statistics of frequency count and percentage, and the hypothesis were tested using the
inferential statistics of chi-square(x²) at 0.05 level of significance.

The findings of this study and earlier ones showed some noteworthy results. The first

independent variable influencing the academic performance of students, that is, Messenger

application participation was negatively related with students’ outcome, while the other

independent variables were positively related with students’ outcome. The results of this

study suggest that lecturers should come up with a template on how their students can

maximize the benefits of Messenger app, that school management should incorporate rules

and regulations on the using of the Messenger app in the school and, that the government

should put in place adequate control measures to regulate their use among students and



The result the findings of this study showed that, through using Messenger app have

negative effects on teenagers such as lack pf privacy, distracting students from their

academic work, taking most of their productive time, and such like, they also have benefits

and can be used appropriately. For instance, students can form online communities in order

to plan for a project, have group discussion about class material, or use the social

networking site(SNS) as a way to keep in a contact when a student who has been absent

needs to be updated on current academic information.


In the light of the findings of this study, the following

recommendations are made:

1. Students should be educated on the influence of Social media on their academic


2. Students should be monitored by teachers and parents on how they use these sites.

3. Teachers should ensure they use the social media as a tool to improve the academic

performance of students in schools.

4. Students should better manage their study time in and prevent distractions that can

be provided by the social media. There should be a decrease in the number of time
spent by students when surfing the net.

5. Social Networking Sites should be expanded and new pages should be created to

enhance academic activities and avoid setbacks in the students’ academic


6. The students should create a balance between chit-chatting and academic activities.

More attention should be directed to research.

7. The use of Social media network by students should focus on the academic

relevance of those sites instead of using them for negative purposes.

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