PPL Human Performance - ATPL - JAA

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Human Performance

Physiology Psychology Flying and Health

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Copyright © CAE Oxford Aviation Academy 2014. All Rights Reserved.
This text book is to be used only for the purposes of private study by individuals and may not be reproduced in any form or
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Copyright in all documents and materials bound within these covers or attached hereto, excluding that material which is
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Certain copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the International Civil Aviation Organisation, the United
Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).

This text book has been written and published as a reference work for student pilots with the aims of helping them prepare
for the PPL theoretical knowledge examinations, and to provide them with the aviation knowledge they require to become
safe and competent pilots of light aeroplanes. The book is not a flying training manual and nothing in this book should be
regarded as constituting practical flying instruction. In practical flying matters, students must always be guided by their

CAE Oxford Aviation Academy excludes all liability for any loss or damage incurred as a result of any reliance on all or part
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This book has been produced by CAE Oxford Aviation Academy.

Production Team

Subject Specialist:
Derek Smith, Nick Mylne

Les Fellows, Dave Clayton, Lesley Smith, Roger Smith

Created and Compiled by:

James Kenny

Les Fellows, Rick Harland

Cover Design by: Chris Hill

Cover Photograph by: Joshua Jones

First Published by: Oxford Aviation Academy, Oxford, England, 2007

Reprinted in Singapore (2014) by: KHL Printing Co. Pte Ltd

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CAE Oxford Aviation Academy
Oxford Airport

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ISBN 978-0-9555177-1-6
ID: 10888
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]




















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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

ID: 10888
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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]



Whether you are planning to fly microlights, space shuttles, gliders, combat aircraft,
airliners or light aircraft, it is essential that you have a firm grasp of the theoretical
knowledge which underpins practical piloting skills. This Oxford Aviation Academy
“Skills for Flight” series of text books covers the fundamental theory with which all
pilots must come to grips from the very beginning of their pilot training, and which
must remain with them throughout their flying career, if they are to be masters of the
art and science of flight.


Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA) pilot licences were first introduced in Europe in
1999. By 2006, almost every JAA member state, including all the major countries
of Europe, had adopted this new, pan-European licensing system at Air Transport
Pilot’s Licence, Commercial Pilot’s Licence and Private Pilot’s Licence levels, and
many other countries, world-wide, had expressed interest in aligning their training
with the JAA pilot training syllabi.

These syllabi, and the regulations governing the award and the renewal of licences,
are defined by the JAA’s licensing agency, ‘Joint Aviation Requirements - Flight Crew
Licensing’, (JAR-FCL). JAR-FCL training syllabi are published in a document known
as ‘JAR-FCL 1.’

The United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority (UK CAA) is one of the founder authorities
within the JAA. The UK CAA has been administering examinations and skills tests
for the issue of JAA licences since the year 2000, on behalf of JAR-FCL.

The Private Pilot’s Licence (PPL), then, issued by the UK CAA, is a JAA licence which
is accepted as proof of a pilot’s qualifications throughout all JAA member states.

Currently, the JAA member states are: United Kingdom, Denmark, Iceland,
Switzerland, France, Sweden, Netherlands, Belgium, Romania, Spain, Finland,
Ireland, Malta, Norway, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Germany, Portugal, Greece,
Italy, Turkey, Croatia, Poland, Austria, Estonia, Lithuania, Cyprus, Hungary,
Luxembourg, Monaco, Slovakia.

As a licence which is also fully compliant with the licensing recommendations of the
International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), the JAA PPL is also valid in most
other parts of the world.

The JAA PPL in the UK has replaced the full UK PPL, formerly issued solely under
the authority of the UK CAA.

Issue of the JAA PPL is dependent on the student pilot having completed the requisite
training and passed the appropriate theoretical knowledge and practical flying skills
tests detailed in ‘JAR-FCL 1’. In the UK, the CAA is responsible for ensuring that
these requirements are met before any licence is issued.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]


With the establishment of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), it is

envisaged that JAA flight crew licensing and examining competency will be absorbed
into the EASA organisation. It is possible that, when this change has taken place,
the PPL may even change its title again, with the words “EASA” replacing “JAA”.
However, we do not yet know this for certain. In the UK, such a step would require
the British Government to review and, where necessary, revise the Civil Aviation
Act. But, whatever the future of the title of the PPL, the JAA pilot’s licence syllabi
are unlikely to change fundamentally, in the short term. So, for the moment, the JAA
Licence remains, and any change in nomenclature is likely to be just that: a change
in name only.


Oxford Aviation Academy (OAA) is one of the world’s leading professional pilot
schools. It has been in operation for over forty years and has trained more than
15 000 professional pilots for over 80 airlines, world-wide.

OAA was the first pilot school in the United Kingdom to be granted approval to train
for the JAA ATPL. OAA led and coordinated the joint-European effort to produce the
JAR-FCL ATPL Learning Objectives which are now published by the JAA, itself, as a
guide to the theoretical knowledge requirements of ATPL training.

OAA’s experience in European licensing, at all levels, and in the use of advanced
training technologies, led OAA’s training material production unit, OAAmedia,
to conceive, create and produce multimedia, computer-based training for ATPL
students preparing for JAA theoretical knowledge examinations by distance learning.
Subsequently, OAAmedia extended its range of computer-based training CD-ROMs
to cover PPL and post-PPL studies.

This present series of text books is designed to complement OAAmedia’s successful

PPL CD-ROMs in helping student pilots prepare for the theoretical knowledge
examinations of the JAA PPL and beyond, as well as to provide students with the
aviation knowledge they require to become safe and competent pilots.

The OAA expertise embodied in this series of books means that students working
towards the JAA PPL have access to top-quality, up-to-date, study material at an
affordable cost. Those students who aspire to becoming professional pilots will
find that this series of PPL books takes them some way beyond PPL towards the
knowledge required for professional pilot licences.


The following information on the Joint Aviation Authorities Private Pilot’s Licence
(Aeroplanes); (JAA PPL(A)) is for your guidance only. Full details of flying training,
theoretical knowledge training and the corresponding tests and examinations are
contained in the JAA document: JAR–FCL 1, SUBPART C – PRIVATE PILOT
LICENCE (Aeroplanes) – PPL(A).

The privileges of the JAA PPL (A) allow you to fly as pilot-in-command, or co-pilot,
of any aircraft for which an appropriate rating is held, but not for remuneration, or on
revenue-earning flights.

ID: 10888
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

For United Kingdom based students, full details of JAA PPL (A) training and
examinations can be found in the CAA publication, Licensing Administration
Standards Operating Requirements Safety (LASORS), copies of which can be
accessed through the CAA’s Flight Crew Licensing website.

Flying Training.
The JAA PPL (A) can be gained by completing a course of a minimum of 45 hours
flying training with a training organisation registered with the appropriate National
Aviation Authority (the Civil Aviation Authority, in the case of the United Kingdom).

Flying instruction must normally include:

• 25 hours dual Instruction on aeroplanes.

10 hours supervised solo flight time on aeroplanes, which must include 5

hours solo cross-country flight time, including one cross-country flight of
at least 150 nautical miles (270km), during which full-stop landings at two
different aerodromes, different from the aerodrome of departure, are to be

The required flying-instructional time may be reduced by a maximum of 10 hours for

those students with appropriate flying experience on other types of aircraft.

The flying test (Skills Test), comprising navigation and general skills tests, is to be
taken within 6 months of completing flying instruction. All sections of the Skills Test
must be taken within a period of 6 months. A successfully completed Skills Test has
a period of validity of 12 months for the purposes of licence issue.

Theoretical Knowledge Examinations.

The procedures for the conduct of the JAA PPL (A) theoretical knowledge examinations
will be determined by the National Aviation Authority of the state concerned, (the Civil
Aviation Authority, in the case of the United Kingdom).

The JAA theoretical knowledge examination must comprise the following 9 subjects:
Air Law, Aircraft General Knowledge, Flight Performance and Planning, Human
Performance and Limitations, Meteorology, Navigation, Operational Procedures,
Principles of Flight, Communication.

A single examination paper may cover several subjects.

The combination of subjects and the examination paper titles, as administered by the
UK CAA, are, at present:

1. Air Law and Operational Procedures.

2. Human Performance and Limitations.
3. Navigation & Radio Aids.
4. Meteorology.
5. Aircraft (General) & Principles of Flight.
6. Flight Performance and Planning.
7. JAR-FCL Communications (PPL) (i.e. Radiotelephony Communications).

The majority of the questions are multiple choice. In the United Kingdom, examinations

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

are normally conducted by the Flying Training Organisation or Registered Facility at

which a student pilot carries out his training.

The pass mark in all subjects is 75%.

For the purpose of the issue of a JAA PPL(A), a pass in the theoretical knowledge
examinations will be accepted during the 24 month period immediately following the
date of successfully completing all of the theoretical knowledge examinations.

Medical Requirements.
An applicant for a JAR-FCL PPL(A) must hold a valid JAR-FCL Class 1 or Class 2
Medical Certificate.



One of the aims of the United Kingdom National Private Pilot’s Licence (UK NPPL)
is to make it easier for the recreational flyer to obtain a PPL than it would be if the
requirements of the standard JAA-PPL had to be met. The regulations governing
medical fitness are also different between the UK NPPL and the JAA PPL.

Full details of the regulations governing the training for, issue of, and privileges of the
UK NPPL may be found by consulting LASORS and the Air Navigation Order. Most
UK flying club websites also give details of this licence.

Basically, the holder of a UK NPPL is restricted to flight in a simple, UK-registered,

single piston-engine aeroplane (including motor gliders and microlights) whose
Maximum Authorized Take-off Weight does not exceed 2000 kg. Flight is normally
permitted in UK airspace only, by day, and in accordance with the Visual Flight

Flying Training.
Currently, 32 hours of flying training is required for the issue of a UK NPPL (A), of
which 22 hours are to be dual instruction, and 10 hours to be supervised solo flying

There are separate general and navigation skills tests.

Theoretical Knowledge Examinations.

The UK NPPL theoretical knowledge syllabus and ground examinations are the
same as for the JAA PPL (A). This series of books, therefore, is also suitable for
student pilots preparing for the UK NPPL.


Although there is a written paper on Radiotelephony Communications in the JAA PPL
theoretical knowledge examinations, pilots in the United Kingdom, and in most other
countries, who wish to operate airborne radio equipment will need to take a separate
practical test for the award of a Flight Radiotelephony Operators Licence (FRTOL).
For United Kingdom based students, full details of the FRTOL are contained in

ID: 10888
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]


Technical Content.
The technical content of this OAA series of pilot training text books aims to reach the
standard required by the theoretical knowledge syllabus of the JAA Private Pilot’s
Licence (Aeroplanes), (JAA PPL(A)). This is the minimum standard that has been
aimed at. The subject content of several of the volumes in the series exceeds PPL
standard. However, all questions and their answers, as well as the margin notes, are
aimed specifically at the JAA PPL (A) ground examinations.

An indication of the technical level covered by each text book is given on the rear
cover and in individual subject prefaces. The books deal predominantly with single
piston-engine aeroplane operations.

Questions and Answers.

Questions appear at the end of each chapter in order that readers may test
themselves on the individual subtopics of the main subject(s) covered by each book.
The questions are of the same format as the questions asked in the JAA PPL (A)
theoretical knowledge examinations, as administered by the UK CAA. All questions
are multiple-choice, containing four answer options, one of which is the correct
answer, with the remaining three options being incorrect “distracters”.

Students Working for a Non-JAA PPL.

JAA licence training syllabi follow the basic structure of ICAO-recommended training,
so even if the national PPL you are working towards is not issued by a JAA member
state, this series of text books should provide virtually all the training material
you need. Theoretical knowledge examinations for the JAA PPL are, however,
administered nationally, so there will always be country-specific aspects to JAA PPL
examinations. ‘Air Law’ is the most obvious subject where country-specific content
is likely to remain; the other subject is ‘Navigation’, where charts will most probably
depict the terrain of the country concerned.

As mentioned elsewhere in this Foreword, this series of books is also suitable for
student pilots preparing for the United Kingdom National Private Pilot’s Licence (UK
NPPL). The theoretical examination syllabus and examinations for the UK NPPL are
currently identical to those for the JAA PPL.

Student Helicopter Pilots.

Of the seven book in this series, the following are suitable for student helicopters pilots
working towards the JAA PPL (H), the UK NPPL (H) or the equivalent national licence:

Volume 1: ‘Air Law & Operational Procedures’; Volume 2: ‘Human Performance’;

Volume 3: ‘Navigation & Radio Aids’; Volume 4: ‘Meteorology’, and Volume 7:

The OAAmedia Website.

If any errors of content are identified in these books, or if there are any JAA PPL (A)
theoretical knowledge syllabus changes, Oxford Aviation Academy’s aim is to record
those changes on the product support pages of the OAAmedia website, at:

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

Grammatical Note.
It is standard grammatical convention in the English language, as well as in most
other languages of Indo-European origin, that a single person of unspecified gender
should be referred to by the appropriate form of the masculine singular pronoun,
he, him, or his. This convention has been used throughout this series of books in
order to avoid the pitfalls of usage that have crept into some modern works which
contain frequent and distracting repetitions of he or she, him or her, etc, or where the
ungrammatical use of they, and related pronouns, is resorted to. In accordance with
the teachings of English grammar, the use, in this series of books, of a masculine
pronoun to refer to a single person of unspecified gender does not imply that the
person is of the male sex.

Margin Notes.
You will notice that margin notes appear on some pages in these books, identified
by one of two icons:

a key or a set of wings .

The key icon identifies a note which the authors judge to be a key point in the
understanding of a subject; the wings identify what the authors judge to be a point
of airmanship.

The UK Theoretical Knowledge Examination Papers.

The UK CAA sets examination papers to test JAA PPL (A) theoretical knowledge
either as single-subject papers or as papers in which two subjects are combined.

Two examination papers currently cover two subjects each:

• Aircraft (General) & Principles of Flight: The ‘Aircraft (General) & Principles
of Flight’ examination paper, as its title suggests, covers ‘Principles of Flight’
and those subjects which deal with the aeroplane as a machine, ‘Airframes’,
‘Engines’, ‘Propellers’ and ‘Instrumentation’, which JAR-FCL groups under
the title ‘Aircraft General Knowledge’.

• Flight Performance & Planning: The examination paper entitled ‘Flight

Performance & Planning’ covers both ‘Aeroplane Performance, and ‘Mass &

When preparing for the two examinations named above, using this Oxford series
of text books, you will need Volume 5, ‘Principles of Flight’, which includes
‘Aeroplane Performance’, and Volume 6, ‘Aeroplanes’, which includes ‘Mass &
Balance’ as well as ‘Airframes’, ‘Engines’, ‘Propellers’, and ‘Instrumentation’. So
to prepare for the ‘Aircraft (General) & Principles of Flight’ examination, you need
to take the ‘Aeroplanes’ infomation from Volume 6 and the ‘Principles of Flight’
information from Volume 5. When you are preparing for the ‘Flight Performance &
Planning’ examination you need to take the ‘Aeroplane Performance’ information
from Volume 5 and the ‘Mass & Balance’ information from Volume 6.

It has been necessary to arrange the books in this way for reasons of space and
subject logic. The titles of the rest of the volumes in the series correspond with the
titles of the examinations. The situation is summed up for you in the table on the
following page:

ID: 10888
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

JAA Theoretical Examination Papers Corresponding Oxford Book Title

Air Law and Operational Procedures Volume 1: Air Law
Human Performance and Limitations Volume 2: Human Performance
Navigation and Radio Aids Volume 3: Navigation
Meteorology Volume 4: Meteorology
Aircraft (General) and Principles of Flight Volume 5: Principles of Flight
Volume 6: Aeroplanes
Flight Performance and Planning Volume 5: Aeroplane Performance
Volume 6: Mass and Balance
JAR-FCL Communications (PPL) Volume 7: Radiotelephony

Regulatory Changes.
Finally, so that you may stay abreast of any changes in the flying and ground training
requirements pertaining to pilot licences which may be introduced by your national
aviation authority, be sure to consult, from time to time, the relevant publications issued
by the authority. In the United Kingdom, the Civil Aviation Publication, LASORS, is
worth looking at regularly. It is currently accessible, on-line, on the CAA website at


August 2011

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

ID: 10888
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]


For a pilot, the study of Human Performance is crucial to an understanding of the

central role played by the human factor in promoting safety and efficiency in flying

In flight, the environment in which the pilot operates can be quite different to that
which prevails on the ground. When in the air, alongside the tasks of flying the aircraft,
maybe in marginal weather conditions, or in a busy air traffic and radiotelephony
environment, the pilot is subject to new influences, unknown on the ground, such as
altitude, changes in pressure, possible oxygen shortage, increased “g” forces, etc.
As a pilot, a thorough understanding of Human Performance, and of the limitations to
that performance, is essential if you are to develop the high standards of airmanship
required of all those who fly, whether privately or professionally.

Amongst other things, this book attempts to examine the demands of the flying
environment on the human organism and to illustrate to you the obligation on all
pilots to keep fit and to lead a healthy life style if they are to operate efficiently and
safely in the air. The book also covers the basic psychological considerations of
piloting, such as the demands that flying places on a pilot’s faculties of perception,
communication, judgment and decision making, and by pointing out some important
limitations of those faculties.

Above all, the study of Human Performance is about furthering the cause of flight

In the very early days of aviation, very many aircraft accidents were caused by
equipment failure or by other factors beyond the control of the pilot. But since the
Second World War, it has been human error or human failing that has caused the
majority of accidents. Human error is most often attributable to pilots, themselves,
but also to maintenance personnel and air traffic controllers.

The principal aim of this book, then, is that you should learn the essentials about the
interaction between the human being, the aircraft and the flying environment. It is
hoped that, after working through this volume, you will appreciate the human body’s
limitations when operating in an aviation environment and that, in understanding
those limitations, you will never, yourself, become a human factor in any aircraft

An important secondary aim of the book is that it should assist you in the task of
preparing yourself for success in the PPL theoretical knowledge examination in
‘Human Performance and Limitations’.

To this end, the content of this volume is fully compliant with the EASA PPL (A)
theoretical knowledge syllabus.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]




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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

ID: 10888
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]


As you read this introductory chapter on ‘Human Performance and Limitations’, you
may find it of interest to reflect on the following two quotations from days gone by.

“There’s nothing new under the sun, but there are lots of old things we don’t know.”
Ambrose Bierce 1842 – 1914

“Seventy-five percent of all accidents happen when taxying, taking off or landing.
These are not difficult things for the experienced pilot to do; the accidents happen
when he allows attention and accuracy of performance to lapse.”
From ‘Cadets’ Handbook of Elementary Flying Training’ issued by the Air
Ministry April 1943

In the very early days of aviation, many aircraft accidents were caused by equipment
failure or other factors beyond the control of the pilot. But in the past fifty years or so,
human error or failing has been the major cause of accidents, most often attributable
to flight crew but also to maintenance personnel and air traffic controllers.

So today, the main cause of aircraft accidents is Pilot Error or Human Failing.

Airframes have become more reliable, modern engines and associated equipment
seldom fail, and navigational equipment (both in the aircraft and on the ground)
has improved in leaps and bounds, giving a degree of accuracy undreamt of by the
early pioneers of flying. This improvement in the equipment available, allied with
the advances in meteorological forecasting should have virtually eliminated aviation
accidents except in the most freak conditions, but aircraft accidents have not reduced
at the rate one would expect given the advances of technology.

The accident factor that has not changed with advancing technology is, of course,
human fallibility.

It is often seen in reports of aircraft accidents that the cause was ‘Pilot Error’: a more
correct reason would be ‘Human Error’.

Human Error can occur at all stages of an aircraft’s life or operation.

Designers may make small arithmetical slips which may not be picked up. Servicing
personnel can put the wrong fuel and lubricants into fuel tanks and engines, or
fit components incorrectly. Operations and loading staff can also get the weights

The major cause of accidents, however, is pilot error. Consequently, this book on
Human Performance and Limitations has been designed to help you, the pilot, to
appreciate the limitations of the human being operating in an aviation environment.

When flying, the human body is exposed to an environment and to forces not usually
experienced in normal daily activities on the Earth’s surface. Pilots must learn,
therefore, to recognise the physiological effects that flying an aircraft can have on
their body.

Human beings are designed to exist on the surface of the earth, in the lower
atmosphere, and to be subject to an unchanging gravitational force. But, when flying,

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

the human body is exposed to a new environment such as the rarefied air and low
pressures associated with higher altitudes and variations in gravitational force often
referred to as “g”.

It is true that most private pilots flying light aircraft, in Europe, operate at altitudes
below 10 000 feet. But your licence may entitle you to fly aircraft with much higher
operating ceilings. As a pilot, therefore, you will need to learn, amongst other things,
how to recognise the symptoms of oxygen deficiency and the effects of high “g”
forces or significant changes in temperature.

You will also need to develop an appreciation of the psychological aspects of flying
such as perceiving and processing information under high work loads, assessing
data, making decisions and carrying out the necessary actions to ensure the safe
progress of your flight in all conditions.

By following this book conscientiously, you will learn some of the ways in which
mistakes occur and how to reduce your potential for error-making to a minimum.

We, of course, hope that you will not have to face any real emergencies in your flying
career, but to be forewarned is to be forearmed. Knowledge brings confidence. This
book is designed to increase your knowledge of yourself and of your limitations, and,
thereby, greatly increase your chances of enjoying an accident-free flying career.

Men and woman have been piloting powered aircraft for about 100 years, so there
are a lot of teachers to learn from. Much of the old advice is still good, especially
where light aircraft flying is concerned. The manual of elementary flying training
issued to Second World War aircrew cadets by the Air Ministry emphasised to pupil

“Watch your own progress, and practise the things you do badly. After a flight, go
over it in your mind and extract from it the new lessons it most certainly has to teach
you.” Some things never change!

Aviation, in itself, is not inherently dangerous but, like the sea, it is inordinately
unforgiving of any carelessness, incapacity or neglect. Human Performance and
Limitations considerations are relevant wherever and whenever the human being is
involved in aviation. Thus, the subject plays a fundamental and vital role in promoting
the efficiency and expediency of flight operations. But, above all else, knowledge of
Human Performance and Limitations promotes the cause of flight safety.

The subject of Human Performance and Limitations (sometimes referred to as Human

Factors) plays a vital role in improving efficiency and, above all else, safety in every
facet of the aviation industry, promoting:

• Safety and efficiency of flight operations.

• Health, fitness and well-being.

• Operating skills.

• Awareness of the common areas of human error.

• Judgement and decision-making.

ID: 10888
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

• Leadership qualities.

• Crew co-ordination.

• Use of check lists and charts.

• Getting maximum benefit from training.

• Good communications.


Another principal aim of Human Performance and Limitations is to endow you with
an outlook and approach to flying matters which, at the same time as achieving the
aims already stated, will make you into a competent pilot.

The competent pilot conducts himself in such a way that the flying operations in
which he is involved take place safely and expeditiously and achieve the aim of the

Qualities of a Competent Pilot.

A competent pilot:

• Possesses a high sense of responsibility.

• Has high ability (academic and piloting/aircraft handling skills).

Note well the
• Is well motivated. qualities of a
• Is a good communicator.

• Is flexible.

• Is physically fit.

• Is reliable.

• Has a balanced personality.

• Is a team player.

• Remains calm under stress.

• Has an eye for detail.

• Is competent in Risk Assessment.

• Is competent in the skills of Stress and Crew Management.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

During your formal flying training, your flying will be carried out under the supervision
or authorisation of your flying instructor. Your flying instructor will structure the
training and deliver practical and theoretical instruction. He will give you briefings
before training sorties, and, after the sortie, he will carry out a de-brief.

The training process should, however, never cease. That is where self-training
comes in. Self-training is a process aimed at developing within yourself specific
skills, knowledge and attitudes.

Talk to others about aspects of piloting and aviation that concern or interest you. It is
of fundamental importance that you do not rely solely on formal training to maintain
or further your aviation expertise.

Every opportunity should be taken to increase your competency, knowledge and


Set yourself an aim for every flight and always self de-brief after landing.

As your competence and expertise increase so will your self-confidence. This, in

turn, will enable you to tackle new aspects of flying with enthusiasm and conviction.


Human error is the single greatest cause of aircraft accidents. When compared with
other forms of transport, aviation has the best safety record. The risk of death per
person per year in a car accident is 1 in 10 000 in the UK (0.01 % probability) and
1 in 4 000 (0.025% probability) in the USA. The flying accident rate is approximately
1 per million airport movements - in other words, approximately one accident per
73% of all million legs flown.
accidents are
caused by Despite the many technical advances
Human Error. in aircraft and engine design,
instrumentation and air traffic control,
and improvements in overall standards
of safety that have been achieved
in recent decades, the complex
relationship between man, the flying
machine and the air in which both fly still
causes accidents to happen. As you
can see from Figure 1.1, the fallibility of
the human being is the single greatest
cause of flying accidents.

In aviation, perhaps more than in other

fields of human endeavour, mankind
Figure 1.1 Causes of Aircraft Accidents.
remains as much a victim of himself as
of the elements around him.

And, of all the accidents due to human error, controlled flight into terrain is the most
common form of air accident.

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Figure 1.2 Controlled Flight into Terrain is the most common form of Air Accident.
Picture of SP-ANA by kind permission of Jedrzej Wiler.
Causes of Accidents - Pilot Induced.
The five most common specific causes of pilot-induced accidents, in order of
frequency of occurrence, are:

• Loss of directional control.

• Poor judgement.

• Airspeed not maintained.

• Poor pre-flight planning and pre-flight decision making.

• Not maintaining ground clearance.

The phases of flight most prone to accidents, starting with the most common are:

• Intermediate and Final Approach.

• Landing.

• Take-off.

• Descent.


In VFR flying it is the Pilot In Command who is responsible for the safety of his
aircraft and passengers. He can fulfil this responsibility only if he is aware of the
many different facets of human factors and limitations in the conduct of safe and
expeditious aircraft operations.

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As to be aware of and to recognise one’s responsibilities is to be halfway towards

carrying them out, we will end this introduction to Human Performance and Limitations
by mentioning some of the most important responsibilities of the Pilot In Command.
The responsibilities we mention are not exhaustive. Your flying instructor will give
you further guidance. The following is a list of the pilot’s principal responsibilities:

• Be responsible for the safe operation of the aircraft and the safety of its
occupants and cargo. This responsibility begins when the pilot first signs for
the aircraft and does not cease until he signs the after-flight declaration.

• Ensure that all passengers are briefed on the emergency exit procedures
and the use of relevant safety and emergency equipment.

• Maintain familiarity with relevant air legislation, practices and procedures.

• Ensure that all operational procedures and checklists are complied with.

• Ensure that the aircraft and any required equipment are serviceable.

• Ensure that aircraft refuelling is supervised, paying particular attention to:

(i) The correct grade and amount of fuel, as well as fuel water checks.
(ii) Fire safety precautions.
(iii) Checking filler caps are correctly replaced after refuelling.

• Ensure that the aircraft mass and balance is within the calculated limits for
the operating conditions.

• Confirm that the aircraft’s performance will enable it to safely complete the
proposed flights.

• Ensure that all passengers are properly secured in their seats, and all
baggage is stowed safely.

• Ensure that the required documents and manuals are carried and will remain
valid throughout the flight or series of flights.

• Ensure that the pre-flight inspection has been carried out.

• Ensure that a continuous listening watch is maintained on the appropriate

radio frequencies at all times.

• Ensure the welfare of passengers.

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Representative PPL - type questions to test your theoretical


1. Who is responsible for the safety of an aircraft flying in accordance with the
Visual Flight Rules?

a. The occupants of the cockpit

b. The Pilot-In-Command of the aircraft
c. Everyone
d. Your flying instructor

2. One essential quality that a competent pilot should possess is:

a. Poor communication skills

b. An impulsive personality
c. The ability to predict weather changes
d. A highly developed sense of responsibility

3. The percentage of all accidents caused by human factors is:

a. 70% - 75%
b. 60% - 65%
c. 50% - 55%
d. 80% - 90%

4. The most common form of aircraft accident is:

a. Failing to file a flight plan

b. Controlled flight into terrain
c. Failure to maintain the correct airspeed
d. Mid-air collision

5. The most common cause of pilot-induced accidents is:

a. Poor flight planning

b. Mid-air collision
c. Loss of control whilst taxiing
d. Loss of directional control

6. The phase of flight most prone to accident is:

a. Intermediate and final approach

b. Cruise
c. Descent
d. Take-off

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6

The answers to these questions can be found at the end of this book.

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The Earth’s atmosphere is the envelope

of air which surrounds our planet.

In Human Performance and Limitations,

knowledge of the atmosphere is
especially important to pilots if they are
to operate safely at altitude.

All aeroplane flights take place within

the atmosphere, because aircraft, by
definition, rely on air to generate the
lift which keeps them airborne. Aircraft
engines, too, unless they are rockets,
rely on air for the combustion process
which is essential to their function.

Figure 2.1 The Troposphere and the Human beings live their lives in the
Stratosphere. lower reaches of the atmosphere where
temperatures, pressures and Oxygen
supply are able to support life.

The two layers of the atmosphere in which all conventional aeroplane flights take place
are the Troposphere, closest to the Earth, and the layer above it, the Stratosphere.
For our purposes in Human Performance and Limitations, the Troposphere may be
considered to stretch from the Earth’s surface to an altitude of about 11 km (36 000
feet). The Stratosphere reaches from 11 km to over 32 km (100 000 feet), but all light
aircraft flying takes place in the Troposphere.

The Troposphere contains three quarters of the total atmosphere, measured by

weight of air, and also contains almost all weather.



The principal gases in the Earth’s The

atmosphere are in the following atmosphere is
composed of:
proportions, by volume:
78% Nitrogen
• Nitrogen 78%.
21% Oxygen
• Oxygen almost 21%.
1% Other gases
• The remaining 1% of the air
consists of 0.95% Argon plus
0.05% Carbon Dioxide and
traces of other gases.

The relative proportions of these

gases remain constant throughout the
Troposphere and Stratosphere. Figure 2.2 Constituent Gases of
the Atmosphere.

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ISA gives The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Standard Atmosphere (ISA)
standardised gives standardised values for temperature, pressure, density etc.
values for
temperature, As you are aware, real atmospheric conditions, (pressure, temperature, humidity,
pressure, density, etc, in a etc) change from day to day. So, in order to have a “standard atmosphere” which
“standard” atmosphere. they can use to describe general atmospheric conditions, scientists have created the

Figure 2.3 The ICAO Standard Atmosphere (ISA).

ISA conditions may never be present on any given day, but they give us a yardstick
by which to measure atmospheric phenomena.

In the ISA, sea-level pressure is 1013.25 Hectopascals (760 mm of Mercury (Hg)),

and temperature is 15º Celsius.

Temperature reduces with height at 0.65º Celsius per 100 m (1.98ºC per 1000 feet).
This is known as the Environmental Lapse Rate, of which you will learn more in

A closer look at Figure 2.3 will reveal that while pressure and density reduce with
increasing altitude throughout the atmosphere as a whole, temperature falls with
increasing altitude throughout the Troposphere only, while, in the Stratosphere,
temperature remains constant at -56.5º Celsius up to 20 km, and then increases at
0.1ºC/100 m to 32 km.

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Figure 2.4 Pressure and Density against Height

in the ICAO Standard Atmosphere.
Many of the details on the ISA graph do not concern us in Human Performance and The partial
Limitations, but you should note the rate at which pressure and density reduce with pressure
increasing altitude. The fact that air pressure and air density decrease as altitude of Oxygen
increases is the reason why human beings need a supply of supplementary Oxygen decreases
above an altitude of 10 000 to 12 000 feet. with increased altitude,
which is why a pilot will need
supplementary Oxygen above
Pressure decreases with altitude at the following rate.
10 000 feet.
At 8 000 feet the pressure is ¾ of its sea-level value.

At 18 000 feet the pressure is ½ that at sea-level.

By 36 000 feet the pressure has reduced to only ¼ of its sea-level value.


Figure 2.5 The Partial Pressure of Oxygen.

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Despite the reduction of atmospheric (air) pressure with increasing altitude, Oxygen
percentage of continues to make up 21% by volume of the air we breathe, whatever the altitude or
Oxygen in the pressure (up to 70 000 feet).
remains constant up to about
70 000 feet, making up 21%
by volume of the air we

Figure 2.6 The Partial Pressure of Oxygen at 8000 feet above mean sea level.

In order that we may understand how our breathing is affected by increasing altitude,
it is important to note that as the air pressure overall decreases with altitude, the
partial pressure of Oxygen also decreases with altitude at the same rate. Partial
pressure refers to pressure exerted by any one of the constituent gases making up
the atmosphere. Thus, Oxygen which constitutes 21% of the atmosphere exerts
21% of the total pressure.

For example, we know that ISA sea-level pressure is 1013.25 Hectopascals. This
is equivalent to 760 millimetres of Mercury (Hg) because air pressure can support a
column of Mercury 760 millimetres in height at sea-level. Oxygen, making up 21% of
the air by volume, consequently has a partial pressure of 160 millimetres of Mercury
at sea-level (21% × 760 = 160).

At 8 000 ft, total air pressure, measured in mm of Mercury, is only 570 mm. The
partial pressure of Oxygen at 8 000 feet is, therefore, 120 mm of Mercury. (21% ×
570 = 120).

So the partial pressure of Oxygen decreases with altitude along with the total pressure
of the air.

It is this reduction in the partial pressure of Oxygen with increasing altitude which
explains why a pilot needs to breathe supplementary Oxygen when flying higher than
a given altitude.

However, a healthy pilot will be able to operate for considerable periods without
suffering the effects of Oxygen deprivation (hypoxia) up to and including an altitude
of 10 000 feet.

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Representative PPL - type questions to test your theoretical

knowledge of The Atmosphere.

1. The percentage of Oxygen in the atmosphere:

a. Decreases with an increase in altitude

b. Remains constant up to approximately 33 700 feet
c. Remains constant up to approximately 70 000 feet
d. Increases with an increase in altitude

2. The approximate altitude where the atmospheric pressure is half the sea-
level value is:

a. 10 000 feet
b. 12 000 feet
c. 18 000 feet
d. 33 000 feet

3. A healthy pilot should be able to operate without suffering the effects of

hypoxia up to altitudes of:

a. 10 000 feet
b. 16 000 feet
c. 18 000 feet
d. 20 000 feet

4. The percentage of Oxygen in the atmosphere remains at 21%, by volume:

a. Up to 10 000 feet
b. Up to 18 000 feet
c. Up to 8 000 feet
d. Throughout the majority of the atmosphere

5. Pilots need to breathe supplementary Oxygen when flying at high altitude

because of:

a. The decreased temperature

b. Decreased atmospheric pressure, and a decrease in the partial
pressure of Oxygen
c. A decrease in the proportion of Oxygen by volume
d. The upper limit of the Troposphere

6. The respective percentages of the gases that make up the atmosphere are:

a. Nitrogen 78% Oxygen 21% Argon 0.95% Carbon Dioxide and

trace gases 0.05%
b. Oxygen 78% Nitrogen 21% Argon 0.95% Carbon Dioxide 0.05%
c. Nitrogen 78% Oxygen 21% Argon 0.05% Carbon Dioxide and
trace gases 0.95%
d. Oxygen 78% Nitrogen 21% Argon 0.95% Carbon Dioxide 0.05%

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7. At 36 000 feet, the air pressure is:

a. Three quarters of the sea-level value

b. Half of the sea-level value
c. One quarter of the sea-level value
d. One tenth of the sea-level value

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

The answers to these questions can be found at the end of this book.

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Human beings live their lives in the lower reaches of the atmosphere. Our bodies
are used to the temperatures, pressures and supply of Oxygen that prevail there. In
our normal existence we are exposed to normal gravitational force (or acceleration)
which we sense through the weight of our body.

In normal life, too, unless we have a very stressful job, our bodies do not have to
function under conditions of abnormal stress or very high work loads. The judgements
and decisions we take from minute to minute do not normally determine whether we
live or die. Even if we are taking medically prescribed drugs or medicines we can
usually carry on as normal.

These conditions and assumptions which apply to our every day life on the ground
do not always hold true when we are piloting an aircraft. While steady cruising
flight below 10 000 feet imposes no unusual conditions or stresses on our bodies,
flight at altitudes over 10 000 feet and the practice of aerobatics expose the body
to conditions and forces not met on the ground. Cockpit workload can be high,
especially in an emergency, bad weather, or when flying on instruments, as well as
critical phases of flight such as landing.

Pilots, therefore, need to learn how the human body reacts both physiologically and
psychologically to the effects of stress, altitude and variations in “g” forces.

Consequently, the safe and efficient pilot needs a good basic understanding of how
the human body functions under normal conditions, and under the conditions that the
body may be subject to, and stresses it may have to endure, in flight.

Figure 3.1 The Nervous, Respiratory and Circulatory Systems.

In Human Performance and Limitations, our study of the body will concentrate on the
functioning of three of its principal systems:

• The Nervous System.

• The Respiratory System.

• The Circulatory System.

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The Nervous System is the most highly developed and delicate of all the body’s
systems. It correlates and controls all the other systems of the body through a type
of electro-chemical communications network of nerve fibres.

At the centre of the nervous system is the brain through which we control all purposeful
bodily functions, including decision-making and speech, and where we experience
consciousness, vision, hearing, taste, smell, thought and memory. All these activities
and experiences go towards making up the personality of the individual human

Our main interest with the nervous system is with our senses, situational awareness,
decision-making and stress tolerance. But it will be useful to consider briefly the
general architecture of the nervous system.

The nervous system is divided into three main parts:

The nervous • The Central Nervous System.

system is
divided into
three main
• The Peripheral Nervous System.
parts: Central, Peripheral and
Autonomic. • The Autonomic (or self-controlling) Nervous System.

The Central Nervous System.

The Central Nervous System (CNS) consists of the brain and the spinal cord. It is
the brain which analyses and interprets the sensory data fed into it from the rest of
the Nervous System.

Figure 3.2 The Central Nervous System consisting of the Brain and the Spinal Cord.

The Peripheral Nervous System.

The Peripheral Nervous System connects the central nervous system to the various
organs and muscles of the body through sensory nerves and motor nerves. Sensory
nerves relay information to the CNS from the organs and muscles. Motor nerves
pass information from the CNS to the organs and muscles.

The Peripheral Nervous System regulates all the purposeful and reflex actions carried

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out by the body’s organs and muscles. Sensory impulses travelling toward the brain
have their beginnings in various peripheral structures such as the skin, muscles,
joints, and special organs like the eye and the ear.

The senses of sight and hearing are of such importance to pilots that they will be
considered in dedicated lessons.

The Autonomic (or self-controlling) Nervous System.

The Autonomic (or self-controlling) Nervous System is an involuntary system that
largely exercises its functions independently of the Central Nervous System, although
the two systems are influenced by one another, as in the case of breathing. Other
functions regulated by the Autonomic Nervous System are:

• Arterial pressure.

• Gastrointestinal motions.

• Urinary output.

• Sweating.

• Body temperature.

• Fight or flight response or reaction to stress.

We shall return to the nervous system in later chapters when we deal with vision,
hearing, balance, situational awareness, decision-making and stress tolerance.


In order to function correctly, Oxygen is

required by all the cells and tissues of
the body. For example, brain cells will
die if they are deprived of Oxygen for as
little as two minutes.

It is the respiratory system (see Figure

3.3) which, through the act of breathing,
ensures the transference of Oxygen
from the atmosphere to the cells and
tissues, and of Carbon Dioxide from the
tissues back to the atmosphere. Both
transfers occur through minute cells
called alveoli.

Nitrogen is also absorbed by the body

during respiration but plays no role
in bodily processes. It does play an
important role, however, in the onset of
decompression sickness.
Figure 3.3 The Respiratory System.
External Respiration.
External respiration is the absorption of Oxygen from the air into the blood and
the excretion of Carbon Dioxide from the blood into the air. This takes place in the
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Internal or Tissue Respiration.

Internal or tissue respiration refers to the transfer of Oxygen from the blood to the
tissues of the body. At the same time, the tissues give up Carbon Dioxide to the
blood. This exchange takes place through the walls of the capillaries. We can see,
then, that the blood circulation system, which we shall be considering later, plays a
vital role in maintaining the respiratory process.

Normal breathing is a purely automatic process under the unconscious control of
is largely
the Autonomic Nervous System, although for short periods the rate and depth of
governed respiration can be controlled at will. The normal rate of respiration in adults is 14 to
by the body 18 breaths per minute. The respiratory centre is especially sensitive to the amount of
monitoring changes in the level Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in the blood. The level of CO2 in the blood effectively regulates
of Carbon Dioxide in the blood. the rate and depth of breathing in order that the concentration of CO2 in the blood
remains constant.

We shall return to the subject of respiration in the chapter on ‘Effects of Partial

Pressure’, where, amongst other things, we will learn about the effects of altitude,
hypoxia, hyperventilation, and rapid decompression.


In order to function properly, indeed, in order to live at all, the organs and tissues of
our body must receive an adequate supply of nourishment and Oxygen and be able
to expel the waste products which result from their activities. This vital process is
carried out by the blood.

Figure 3.4 The Circulatory System.

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The blood circulatory system is the mechanism that maintains the constant circulation
of blood throughout the body. This mechanism consists of the heart and the various
types of blood vessels.

The Heart.
The heart is located in the chest cavity. It is about the size of a clenched fist and is
the ‘power house’ or pump of the circulatory system.

As can be seen from Figure 3.5,

the heart has four chambers: two
ventricles and two auricles, or atria.
The atria act as receiving chambers
for the pump and the ventricles are
the distributors which propel the blood
through the lungs and circulatory

The aorta is the main artery of the body

and is the channel through which the
blood leaves the left ventricle.

Leading into and out of the heart are

various blood vessels: the arteries
Figure 3.5 The Human Heart. which carry blood from the heart at
high pressure and the veins which return blood to the heart at low pressure. As the
heart itself is a muscle, it requires its own blood supply system which is provided by
the coronary arteries and veins.

Narrowing or blockage of the coronary arteries or veins is the cause of one of the
major diseases which may affect the heart.

Oxygen is obtained from the atmosphere and the blood picks up the Oxygen from the
lungs for transport around the body. Blood containing Oxygen is pumped around the
body from the left ventricle. A system of one-way valves in the heart prevents blood
going the wrong way.

Figure 3.6 Capillaries.

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The oxygenated blood passes through the aorta into the major arteries which divide
into the smaller arteries before arriving at the smallest vessels of the system - the

The capillaries have very thin walls only one cell thick which allow the passage of
Oxygen from the blood into the tissues, by diffusion (see Figure 3.6). They also allow
Carbon Dioxide and water vapour to diffuse in the reverse direction. This exchange
can only take place via the capillaries. Even the smallest arteries and veins have
walls too thick to allow diffusion.

De-oxygenated blood passes from the venous capillaries to veins, which progressively
increase in size, and return eventually to the right atrium. It then passes to the right
ventricle which pumps the blood via the pulmonary artery to the lungs. (This is the
only artery in the body that carries ‘dirty blood’, i.e. blood with a blue tinge).

The Carbon Dioxide and water in the blood are released to the lungs and, at the
same time, the blood is re-oxygenated. The blood then returns to the heart via the
pulmonary vein and left auricle (This is the only vein in the body which carries clean
blood with a large supply of Oxygen in it, i.e. blood with a red tinge). The blood is
then pumped back into the aorta by the left ventricle.

The Pulse.
Each time the left ventricle contracts it forces blood into the aorta causing a wave or
expansion to spread over the whole of the arterial system, gradually dying away as
it reaches the capillaries.

This wave or expansion constitutes the pulse which can be felt in the superficial
arteries of the body. The normal rate of the pulse is the rate of the heartbeat. A
healthy adult, at rest, has a pulse rate of between 60 and 80 beats per minute.

Pulse rate is increased by exercise, emotional disturbances and disease. For

instance, when the body experiences stress or fear, adrenaline is released into the
bloodstream causing an immediate increase in the pulse rate.

Blood pressure.
Blood pressure is the pressure which the blood exerts on the walls of the main
arteries. When an artery is cut it can be seen that, in addition to the continuous
stream of blood flowing out under high pressure from the end nearest the heart, there
are regular spurts of increased pressure corresponding with each heart beat.

The permanent pressure, the lower of the two pressures, is called Diastolic

The increased pressure occurring with each beat of the heart is called the Systolic
Pressure. (See Figure 3.7).

Blood pressure is measured in millimetres of Mercury. Blood Pressure is expressed

as two numbers: the Systolic Pressure being mentioned first, followed by the Diastolic
Pressure: for example, 120/80. 120/80 is a normal blood pressure for a healthy,
young adult.

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Pressure is the high value
pressure when the heart

Diastolic Pressure is the low

value pressure when the heart

Figure 3.7 Blood Pressure Graph showing Systolic and Diastolic Pressure.

The maintenance of a normal blood pressure is necessary to good health. Low blood
pressure can be symptomatic of heart failure or shock. But it is high blood pressure,
or hypertension, rather than low blood pressure which is a major cause of unfitness
in pilots. High blood pressure can cause blood vessels to burst, especially in the
brain, causing a stroke.

JAA regulations stipulate that a pilot with a blood pressure of 160/95 is unfit to fly.

High blood pressure is difficult to detect without specialist measuring equipment.

Possible causes of high blood pressure are as follows:

• Stress.

• Smoking.

• Poor diet (excess fat and/or salt).

• Obesity.

• Lack of exercise.

• Age.

• Narrowing of the arteries.

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Donating Blood.
Like many people, pilots may wish to
Pilots should
not fly for 24 donate blood. However, in order to
hours after prevent the very slight risk of post-
giving blood. transfusion faintness, it is recommended
that, after giving blood, pilots rest supine
(lying down) for up to 20 minutes and
drink plenty of fluids.

It is important to note that pilots should

not fly within 24 hours of giving blood.

Figure 3.8 Donating Blood.


We have already learnt that the blood plays an essential role in the maintenance
of life. It carries Oxygen and other nutrients to the body’s tissues and organs and
removes their waste products.

The body of an average adult contains about 6 litres, or 10 pints of blood, which
constitutes about one twentieth of total body-weight.

Plasma, a yellowish fluid, is the liquid part of the blood in which float the blood cells
or corpuscles. The plasma delivers digested food products such as glucose and
amino acids, dissolved proteins, various hormones and enzymes. The plasma also
contains salt. You may have noticed that blood tastes slightly salty.

Blood Cells.
The blood cells are of three types:
Red blood
cells contain
Haemoglobin. Red blood cells.
Red blood cells contain haemoglobin, and carry Oxygen to the
cells and tissues of the body.

Figure 3.9
Red Blood Cells.
White blood cells.
The main function of white blood cells is the defence against
disease. They produce antibodies to fight viruses.

Figure 3.10
White Blood Cells.

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Platelets are the smallest of the blood cells. They assist in the
blood clotting process.

Figure 3.11

The Principal Functions of the Blood.

The principal functions of the blood are to:

• carry Oxygen to, and Carbon Dioxide from the various tissues and organs of
the body.

• carry nutrients to tissues and remove waste products from these tissues.

• carry chemical messengers, such as hormones including adrenaline, to

regulate the actions and secretions of various organs.

• transport cells which can attack and destroy invading micro-organisms

enabling the body to resist disease.

• assist in temperature control of the body.



The Circulatory System can malfunction in two principal ways:

• The main components of the system, the heart and the blood vessels, may
develop a fault.

• The blood may become unable to carry enough Oxygen for the needs of the
organs and tissues of the body.

Angina and Heart Attack.

Like all other organs and tissues, the heart muscles require Oxygen to continue
Angina is
working. This Oxygen is carried to the heart by the coronary arteries. If a narrowing
caused by
of these vessels should occur, insufficient blood may reach the heart muscle. insufficient
blood and,
This lack of Oxygen, particularly when the heart is beating faster due to exercise or therefore, Oxygen reaching the
stress, may give rise to the symptoms of Angina: pain in the chest and arms. heart muscle.

If the blood supply is cut off completely, a portion of the heart muscle may die (that is,
suffer an infarct). The heart beat may become irregular or even fail completely, the
sufferer experiencing a heart attack.

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Among the factors predisposing a human being to the risk of angina or heart attack,
and which may be mitigated by medical treatment or change of life-style, are:

• High blood pressure.

• Raised blood cholesterol.

• Smoking and lack of exercise.

Other factors, such as stress, obesity, alcohol and certain dietary considerations, are
less clearly understood.

Insufficiency of Oxygen Carriage by the Blood.

Body organs and tissues may be deprived of the Oxygen they need because of illness
or disease. For instance, the blood of a sufferer of anaemia contains insufficient
haemoglobin or red blood cells, for reasons that go beyond the scope of this book.

A pilot suffering from hypoxia (inadequate Oxygen supply) may quickly be unable to
guarantee the safety of his aircraft and passengers. Both his intellectual and sensory
judgement will be impaired. If serious Oxygen deprivation continues, the pilot will
become unconscious and die within minutes.

For instance, at 25 000 feet, without a supply of supplementary Oxygen, a pilot would
become unconscious within 3 minutes. Hypoxia will be dealt with in the chapter
entitled ‘The Effects of Partial Pressure’.

Incapacitation in Flight.
The dramatic and sudden incapacitation of a pilot during flight is extremely uncommon
and very rarely the cause of an accident. Regular medical examinations minimize
the risk of total incapacitation due to heart disease, epilepsy etc. As the pilot grows
older the frequency of medical checks increases.

Electrocardiogram recordings are used more and more with advancing age in order
to spot those at risk.

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning.

As you have learnt, it is the red blood
Haemoglobin cells which carry Oxygen to the body’s
has an affinity organs and tissues. It is haemoglobin,
for Carbon
within the red cells, which is the main
210 times greater than that for
vehicle of Oxygen transportation.
However, haemoglobin has a much
greater affinity with Carbon Monoxide
than with Oxygen and so, when Carbon
Monoxide is present in the air that the
body breathes in, the haemoglobin
will transport that gas in preference
to Oxygen. Carbon Monoxide, of
course, is harmful to the tissues and
organs. 5 to 10% of the exhaust gases
from reciprocating engines is Carbon
Figure 3.12 A Carbon
Monoxide. So, gases from leaking
Monoxide Detector.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

exhausts, which may enter an aircraft’s cabin, especially through the heater, and
be breathed in by the pilot, will expose the pilot to the dangers of Carbon Monoxide
poisoning. Carbon Monoxide is odourless and colourless, which adds significantly
to its dangers. Its effects are also cumulative, so the chances are that a pilot will not
immediately recognise the danger he is in.

A pilot could fly in an aircraft in the morning with a defective heater, land, have lunch,
then fly the same aircraft again. The ingested Carbon Monoxide from the morning
trip will still be present in the pilot’s body during the afternoon trip.

Consequently, Carbon Monoxide detectors are fitted to the instrument panels of many
light aircraft. These detectors become discoloured if Carbon Monoxide is present in
the cabin.

Symptoms of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning:

Among the symptoms of Carbon Monoxide poisoning are:

• Headache.

• Dizziness.

• Nausea.

• Impaired vision.

• Lethargy or weakness.

• Impaired judgement.

• Personality change.

• Impaired memory.

• Flushed cheeks and cherry-red lips.

• Convulsions.

Action to be Taken if Carbon Monoxide Poisoning is Suspected.

If a pilot suspects that he or his passengers are displaying the symptoms of Carbon
Monoxide poisoning, or if the Carbon Monoxide detector becomes discoloured,
immediate action needs to be taken.

Recommended immediate actions are:

• Turn off cabin heating.

• Open cabin ventilators.

• Consider using Oxygen if available.

• Land as soon as possible.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

If a pilot has inhaled exhaust gases over a prolonged period during flight he will not
If Carbon
Monoxide be fit to fly again for several days.
poisoning is
pilot will not be fit to fly again IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE USE OF FRESH AIR.
for several days.
A smoker Smoking tobacco produces Carbon
will feel the Monoxide which links with the
symptoms of haemoglobin in the blood to deny
hypoxia at Oxygen carriage. The circulatory
a lower altitude than a non- system of a pilot smoking 20 cigarettes
smoker. a day may experience a reduction in
Oxygen-carrying capacity which puts
him at an equivalent altitude of 4,000 to
5,000 feet higher than that at which he
is actually flying.

So a pilot who is also a smoker may

experience the symptoms of Oxygen
deprivation, or Hypoxia, at a lower
altitude than a non-smoker. He will also
have increased susceptibility to Carbon
Figure 3.13 Pilots who smoke have a lower Monoxide poisoning.
Oxygen-carrying capacity.
Other dangers of smoking are:

• Lung cancer.

• Circulatory problems.

• Reduced tolerance to ‘g’ forces.

• Increased risk of heart attack.

• Degradation of night vision.


Alcohol is not really a stimulant. It acts primarily as a depressant on the nervous

system with some critical areas of the brain being especially vulnerable. By depressing
the highest centres of the brain, alcohol diminishes an individual’s powers of self-
control, self-consciousness and anxiety.

Alcohol is not digested into the human body. It is absorbed directly from the stomach
and intestines into the bloodstream. From there it is carried to every portion of the
body. The liver is then responsible for eliminating the alcohol. The liver does this by
It takes on
changing the alcohol into water and Carbon Dioxide. Drunkenness occurs when the
average one
hour for one
individual drinks alcohol faster than the liver can dispose of it.
unit of alcohol
to be eliminated from the Taking half a pint of beer, a standard glass of wine or a tot of spirit as being one unit
blood. of alcohol, we may assume that alcohol is only slowly broken down by the body and

ID: 10888
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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

eliminated from the blood at a rate of approximately one unit per hour, though that
rate may vary from individual to individual.

The consumption of 1½ pints of beer or three single whiskies will result in a blood/
alcohol level of about 45-50 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood, and so
it will take 3 - 4 hours for the blood level to return to normal.

Consumption of alcohol above certain levels can cause permanent damage to the
The generally
body. The recommended maximum levels are as follows:
levels of
• For men - three units daily or 21 units per week. alcohol
consumption, beyond which
• For women - two units daily or 14 units per week. significant damage may occur
to the body, are 21 units per
Research has shown that blood/alcohol concentrations of 40 milligrams per 100 week for men and 14 units per
millilitres (half the current legal driving limit) are associated with significant increases week for women.
in errors committed by pilots. The following are the effects on the body that the
consumption of even small amounts of alcohol may have:

• Impaired judgement.

• Impaired ability to reason.

• Degraded muscular co-ordination.

• Lack of inhibitions and self-control resulting in increased recklessness.

• Degraded vision.

• Balance and sensory illusions.

• Disrupted sleep patterns (alcohol degrades REM sleep and causes early

• Heightened susceptibility to Hypoxia.

• Physical damage to the liver, heart, brain and blood cells.

• Disruption of short and long-term memory.

• Slowing of reaction time.

• In addition, a person who has been drinking alcohol may actually perceive
that his performance has improved.

Note, too, that at high altitude, where the body breathes in a lower mass of Oxygen
per breath, these effects are aggravated. altitude will
the effects of
alcohol consumption.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

What the Authorities say on Alcohol Consumption.

JAR OPS specifies a maximum blood alcohol limit for pilots of 20 milligrams per 100
millilitres of blood.

British regulations advise that pilots should not fly for at least 8 hours after taking
small amounts of alcohol and proportionally longer if larger amounts are consumed.
They recommend that pilots abstain from alcohol for at least 24 hours before flying.

Mixing the consumption of alcohol and drugs is absolutely prohibited as this can lead
to disastrous and unpredictable consequences.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

Representative PPL - type questions to test your theoretical

knowledge of The Human Body.

1. Breathing is regulated by:

a. The will of each human being

b. The presence of haemoglobin in the blood
c. Monitoring changes in the level of Carbon Dioxide in the blood
d. The transfer of Oxygen from the blood to the tissues of the body

2. A smoker will feel the symptoms of hypoxia (Oxygen starvation) at:

a. A lower altitude than a non-smoker

b. A higher altitude than a non-smoker
c. The same altitude as a non-smoker
d. Smoking makes no difference to a person’s susceptibility to

3. On average, how long does it take to eliminate one unit of alcohol from the

a. 24 hours
b. 12 hours
c. One hour
d. 8 hours

4. The mechanism that maintains a constant flow of blood around the body is

a. The Respiratory System

b. The Reproduction System
c. The Nervous System
d. The Circulatory System

5. How long after prolonged breathing-in of Carbon Monoxide must a pilot

refrain from flying?

a. 8 hours
b. 12 hours
c. Several days
d. 24 hours

6. Pilots should not fly within …. hours of donating blood.

a. 12
b. 24
c. 36
d. 48

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

7. The main function of the red blood cells is to:

a. Carry Oxygen to the tissues

b. Assist in the clotting process
c. Produce antibodies to fight infection
d. Deliver digested food products to the tissues

8. Angina is caused by:

a. Death of part of the heart muscle

b. A blockage of pulmonary blood vessels
c. Insufficient blood reaching the heart muscle
d. A blocked blood vessel in the brain

9. Carbon monoxide is dangerous because:

a. Its smell and taste are not easily recognisable to the inexperienced
b. Haemoglobin has10 times the affinity for it than it has for Oxygen
c. Haemoglobin has 110 times the affinity for it than it has for Oxygen
d. Haemoglobin has 210 times the affinity for it than it has for Oxygen

10. The damaging levels of alcohol are 21 units for men and 14 units for
women. This is:

a. Per day
b. Per week
c. Per month
d. Per year

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The answers to these questions can be found at the end of this book.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]


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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]


You learnt from the chapter on the atmosphere that air pressure decreases with
altitude from its ISA sea-level value of 1013.2 hectopascals (760 mm of mercury

Figure 4.1 The Partial Pressure of Oxygen at Sea-level (ISA).

At 36 000 feet, air pressure measures less than 255 hectopascals (190 mm of
mercury (Hg)). This pressure is about ¼ of the sea-level value. You have learnt, too,
that whatever the altitude, the proportion of Oxygen in the atmosphere, by volume,
always stays the same: that is, about 21%.

Figure 4.2 Atmospheric Pressure and the Partial Pressure of Oxygen at 36 000 feet.
As the total pressure of air decreases with altitude, the partial pressure of Oxygen
decreases, too, from a sea-level value of 160 mm Hg to only 40 mm Hg at 36 000

Just as the partial pressure of Oxygen decreases with altitude, air density also
decreases with increasing altitude. So, as density is defined as mass per unit volume,
a given volume of air, say the volume of a human lung, will contain a smaller mass
of Oxygen than at sea-level.

Now, the human body is designed to function normally in the lower atmosphere under
sea-level values for air pressure and air density.

People who live for long periods at high altitudes, for example in mountainous areas,
can adapt to low partial pressures of Oxygen by producing extra red blood cells.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

(Athletes frequently train at altitude

prior to competing at sea-level. By
doing so, their bodies will be rich in
red blood cells prior to competition;
therefore, their body Oxygen carrying
capability will have increased).

But normal, healthy human beings,

used to living near sea-level, will need
supplementary Oxygen to carry out
sustained physical activity at altitudes
exceeding about 10 000 feet. The lower
air density at high altitudes means
that less Oxygen will be taken into
the lungs with each breath, compared
to sea-level, and the lower partial
pressure of the Oxygen will mean that
even less Oxygen will diffuse from the Figure 4.3 Lower air density at altitude means
lungs into the bloodstream. that the lungs take in less Oxygen, per breath.

Figure 4.4 The lower partial pressure of Oxygen at altitude means that less Oxygen will
diffuse into the bloodstream.

The decrease However, the reduced partial pressure of Oxygen in the air at altitude is not the whole
in atmospheric “partial pressure story” of why the body needs supplementary Oxygen. The body
pressure with actually takes its Oxygen from the alveoli of the lungs where the partial pressure
altitude leads of Oxygen is even less than in the atmospheric air, owing to the presence of higher
to a fall in the partial pressure levels of Carbon Dioxide and water vapour in the air in the lungs. As the total pressure
of Oxygen, reducing the of air both inside and outside the lungs remains the same, at any given altitude, the
amount of Oxygen available to partial pressure of Oxygen in the lungs must be further reduced. The table overleaf
the body.
shows the partial pressures of the various gases in the atmosphere, and in the alveoli
at sea-level, and 10 000 feet.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

Partial Pressures in the Atmosphere and in the Lungs (mmHg)

Constituents Oxygen Nitrogen Water Vapour CO2

At Mean Sea-Level
Atmospheric 160 (21%) 600 Negligible Negligible
Alveolar Air 103 (14%) 570 47 40

At 10 000 feet
Atmospheric 104 (21%) 419 Negligible Negligible
Alveolar Air 55 (10.5%) 381 47 40

A partial pressure of 55 mm Hg of Oxygen is considered the minimum for normal

bodily function. So at altitudes greater than 10 000 feet, a pilot needs to breathe
supplementary Oxygen. Supplementary Oxygen should, ideally, be sufficient to
maintain an alveolar Oxygen partial pressure of 103 mm Hg, which is equivalent to
breathing air at sea-level.

Pilots should normally begin breathing

supplementary Oxygen from 10 000
feet above sea-level. As altitude
increases still further, the supply of
supplementary Oxygen must likewise
increase. At about 34 000 feet, pilots
require 100% Oxygen.

As we have established, pilots can

operate with an alveolar Oxygen
partial pressure of 55 mm Hg. So,
what would happen if a pilot were to
continue to climb his aircraft beyond
34 000 feet while breathing 100%

Well, the partial pressure of Oxygen

in the lungs would begin to decrease Figure 4.5 Thresholds of Oxygen
again until, at 40 000 feet, the Requirements.
minimum partial pressure of 55 mm Hg of Oxygen would again be reached within
the lungs. Above 40 000 feet, then, Oxygen must be supplied to the pilot through a
pressure breathing system. Oxygen is then forced into the lungs, as opposed to the
pilot using a “demand-Oxygen” system, as at lower altitudes.

As you might imagine, it is primarily military pilots flying at very high altitudes who
use pressure breathing systems. Military pilots also require specialized training to
master those systems.
Hypoxia is the name given to the physical condition in which there is insufficient occurs when
Oxygen to meet the body’s needs. Technically, a person may suffer from hypoxia there is
because of a number of different causes. Of greatest significance to pilots is “Hypoxic insufficient
hypoxia”, which is a lack of Oxygen due to altitude. Oxygen to meet the body’s
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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

The occupants of an aircraft flying at over 10 000 feet will suffer from hypoxia if they
do not breathe supplementary Oxygen or if the supplementary Oxygen supply is
faulty. The onset of hypoxia will be more rapid, and its effects more severe, the
higher the altitude.

The severity of hypoxia will also increase with an increase of exposure time to lack
of Oxygen.

The adverse effects of hypoxia are further increased if sufferers are involved in
physical activity.

Extremes of temperature can also aggravate the effects of hypoxia.

If a passenger has consumed alcohol, that, too, may aggravate the symptoms.

A tobacco smoker is likely to experience the effects of hypoxia at a lower altitude than
a non-smoker because smoking reduces the haemoglobin in the blood cells which is
necessary to transport Oxygen. A regular smoker may begin to suffer from hypoxia
approximately 4 000 feet - 5 000 feet below the altitude at which a non-smoker will
be affected.

In order to guard against the onset of hypoxia, it is very important that the crew of an
aircraft should begin to breathe supplementary Oxygen above 10 000 feet.

Symptoms of Hypoxia.
It is of vital importance that pilots be able to recognise the symptoms of hypoxia and
know what steps to take to eliminate its causes and minimise its effects.

An early symptom of lack of Oxygen is likely to be euphoria (a feeling of well-being).

Subsequently, the affected person will experience difficulty in carrying out mental
tasks. Various stages of impaired judgement will follow, the symptoms of which may
include the following:

• Personality change (euphoria).

• Impaired judgement.
operating at
• Headache.
high altitude,
judgement, sensory loss, • Tingling in hands and feet.
memory loss, loss of
consciousness, muscular • Hyperventilation.
impairment and personality
change will most probably be • Muscular impairment.
symptoms of hypoxia.
• Sensory loss.

• Tunnel vision.

• Impairment of consciousness.

• Cyanosis (a blueness around the lips and at the finger tips).

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

The importance of pilots being able to recognise the symptoms of hypoxia cannot be
overstated. Early identification of the symptoms will allow the pilot to carry out the
appropriate drills in sufficient time to avoid jeopardising the well-being of the aircraft’s
crew and passengers.

Immediate Actions to be Taken if Hypoxia is Suspected:

Oxygen should be administered immediately to those affected. Then the pilot must The initial
descend as quickly as possible to below 10 000 feet, making proper allowances for treatment
minimum safe altitudes. of hypoxia
should be
A Pilot In Command must always familiarize himself with the Oxygen drills appropriate to provide the sufferer with
to his aircraft and equipment. If a pilot is preparing for flight at altitudes around or Oxygen.
exceeding 10 000 feet, he must also, before the flight, ensure that Oxygen equipment
is serviceable and that all on board have been appropriately briefed. It is worth
checking the serviceability of the cabin heating system, too, to ensure that there are
no engine leaks which might lead to Carbon Monoxide entering the cockpit.

Although most private pilots, flying light aircraft, do not operate at very high altitudes,
we include below, for your information, a table showing how long it would take for a
pilot or passenger to become incapacitated if deprived of supplementary Oxygen, at
various altitudes. These times are known as the Time of Useful Consciousness. (In
effect, the time a person has at his disposal to take action to help himself.)

Times of Useful Consciousness at Various Altitudes.

Altitude (feet) Progressive Decompression Rapid

Sitting Moderate Decompression
18 000 About 40 min About 30 min 20 - 25 min
20 000 10 min 5 min 3 min
25 000 5 min 3 min 2 min
30 000 1.5 min 45 sec 30 sec
35 000 45 sec 30 sec 20 sec
40 000 25 sec 18 sec 12 sec
45 000 18 sec 12 sec 12 sec
Figure 4.6 Times of Useful Consciousness.


Hyperventilation may be simply defined as “overbreathing”. More technically,

hyperventilation is lung ventilation in excess of the body’s needs, or breathing in
excess of the ventilation required to remove Carbon Dioxide from the body.

The onset of hyperventilation denotes an over-riding of the normal automatic control

of breathing by the brain. As you have learnt, it is the amount of Carbon Dioxide
in the blood which governs breathing. The reduction in Carbon Dioxide which is
induced by hyperventilation disturbs the breathing control mechanism.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

Hyperventilation may well be caused by hypoxia, but hypoxia is not the only cause of
hyperventilation. It is important to realise that an attack of hyperventilation which is
unrelated to hypoxia cannot be treated by breathing Oxygen.

Causes of Hyperventilation.
At low altitudes, where hypoxia may safely be ruled out as a contributory cause, the
most common causes of hyperventilation are:

• Anxiety.

• Motion sickness.

• Shock.

• Vibration.

• Heat.

• High g-forces.

• Pressure breathing.

Thorough training is the best way for a pilot to avoid the onset of hyperventilation
When in himself. High standards of training and the cultivation of a deep understanding
of flying theory breed confidence and decrease the chances of a pilot getting into
well below
10 000 feet,
dangerous situations or of becoming over-anxious in emergency situations.
dizziness, anxiety, a tingling
sensation and visual As a pilot, make sure that you are aware of nervousness or anxiety in your
impairment are symptoms of passengers, and know how to re-assure them. An anxious passenger may even
hyperventilation. begin to hyperventilate while still on the ground, so make a point of ensuring that
passengers are well briefed on every aspect of the flight they are about to undertake.
This will help to remove any reason for anxiety that they may have.

Symptoms of Hyperventilation.
The following symptoms of hyperventilation have been identified:

• Obvious rapid breathing.

• Dizziness and a feeling of unreality.

• Tingling – especially in the extremities and lips.

• Visual disturbances –such as blurred, tunnel and clouded vision.

• Anxiety.

• Loss of muscular co-ordination.

• Increased heart rate.

• Spasms in the muscles of the hands, fingers and feet just prior to

• Loss of consciousness.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

Treatment of Hyperventilation.
In order to treat hyperventilation effectively, it is imperative that you first establish that
the condition you are treating is indeed hyperventilation and not hypoxia. In flight, it
can be difficult to distinguish between the symptoms of the two conditions.

At altitude, the only appropriate action for a Pilot In Command to take is to assume
the worst and to carry out the drills for hypoxia, as this is the condition requiring the
more urgent treatment. However, if you are flying below 10 000 feet, hypoxia is
unlikely to be suffered by any passenger or crew-member, and hyperventilation may
be assumed.

The symptoms of hyperventilation can be alarming, so, if you suspect that occupants
of your aircraft are suffering from hyperventilation, an immediate action to take is to
try to reassure the afflicted persons and to calm them down. It is also worth giving
them a simple task to fulfil that might make them less anxious.

Because one of the direct causes of hyperventilation is a reduction in the Carbon

Dioxide level in the blood, hyperventilation may be alleviated by getting the sufferer
to breathe into a paper bag. You could try using a standard sick bag which is carried
in most aircraft. The immediate effect of taking this action is to increase the blood’s
Carbon Dioxide level, causing the nervous system to reduce the breathing rate.


Light aircraft usually fly at altitudes below 10 000 feet above sea-level. Operating
at these low altitudes, ambient atmospheric pressure and pressure variation with
height are such that an aircraft’s occupants do not normally risk suffering from
conditions related to decompression due to pressure changes alone. However,
at higher altitudes, and especially when operating above 18 000 feet, reduced
atmospheric pressure can lead to problems associated with decompression, notably
decompression sickness.

For occupants of an un-pressurised aircraft, the higher the altitude, and the longer
the exposure to high altitude, the more likely the onset of decompression sickness
becomes. Decompression sickness may occur as low as 18 000 feet if exposure is
long enough. However, decompression sickness is unlikely to occur below 14 000

Airliners and other high-performance aircraft possess cabin-pressurisation systems

which ensure that the effective altitude to which aircrew and passengers are exposed
is much lower than the altitude at which the aircraft is actually flying.

Ideally, the cabin of a pressurised aircraft should be maintained at sea-level pressure,

but this is not achieved in practice because of aircraft weight and fuselage strength
limitations. Typically, the pressurisation system of a commercial airliner flying at
30 000 feet gives an internal cabin pressure equivalent to about 6 000 feet, to
8 000 feet. The pressure differential across the aircraft skin is normally designed not
to exceed 8-9 pounds per square inch (psi) (see Figure 4.7 overleaf). The rate of
change of cabin pressure while climbing and descending is limited to an equivalent
altitude change of 500 feet/min in the ascent and 300 feet/min in the descent.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

Figure 4.7 Differential Pressure.


Under atmospheric conditions, at the Earth’s surface, Nitrogen is dissolved in the

blood but plays no part in the normal bodily processes. But if, due to a rapid reduction
in ambient pressure, the Nitrogen in the blood should come out of solution, as small
bubbles, severe physiological problems may occur.

Nitrogen coming out of the blood may be likened to bubble formation in fizzy drinks
when the top of the bottle is opened and the pressure allowed to drop. If this occurs
in the human body and Nitrogen bubbles are formed in the blood, the process leads
directly to decompression sickness.

Symptoms of Decompression Sickness.

The symptoms of decompression sickness in the various parts of the body are as

• Joints.
Bubbles in the joints cause rheumatic-like pains called the Bends. In
aviation, the shoulders, wrists, knees and ankles are most commonly
affected. Movement or rubbing the affected parts only aggravates the pain,
but descent usually resolves the problem.

• Skin.
Nitrogen bubbles released under the skin cause the Creeps, a condition in
which the sufferer may imagine that ants are crawling over, or just under,
the skin.

• Respiratory system.
A symptom may develop which is known as the Chokes. Nitrogen bubbles
may get caught in the capillaries of the lungs, blocking the pulmonary
bloodflow. This leads to serious shortness of breath, accompanied by a
burning, gnawing and, sometimes, piercing pain.

• The Brain.
The formation of Nitrogen bubbles affects the blood supply to the brain and
the nervous system, leading to an effect known as the Staggers. The sufferer
will lose some mental functions and control of movement. In extreme cases,
chronic paralysis or even permanent mental disturbance may result.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

Treatment of Decompression Sickness.

The treatment of decompression sickness involves returning the sufferer to a region
of sea-level pressure.

If the symptoms of decompression sickness appear in any passenger or crew member,

the pilot should commence an immediate descent to a level at which the symptoms
sickness is
are relieved. The aircraft should then be landed as soon as possible. Meanwhile, caused by
the sufferer should be kept warm and rested and put onto a 100% Oxygen supply. Nitrogen
Medical assistance must be sought on landing even if the patient appears to have forming bubbles in body tissue.
recovered. The ground radio station with which the pilot is in contact should be
advised that medical assistance is required.

Obviously, occupants of light aircraft, operating below 10 000 feet above sea-level,
are most unlikely to suffer from decompression sickness.

Susceptibility to Decompression Sickness Following Scuba Diving.

However, decompression sickness at low altitude can occur in individuals who have
been scuba diving, using compressed-air breathing apparatus, shortly before flying.
Air breathed under pressure whilst diving increases the amount of Nitrogen in the
body. On subsequent ascent to the water’s surface, Nitrogen may come out of
solution, giving rise to decompression sickness.

Figure 4.8 Illustration of Atmospheric Pressure at Depth.

The pressure exerted by a 30 feet column of sea water is the same as that exerted
by the whole atmosphere at sea-level (i.e. 760 mm Hg). Therefore, a person at a
depth of 30 feet is exposed to a pressure of 2 atmospheres (1 atmosphere caused by
the air above the water and the other by the water itself) (see Figure 4.8, above). If,
after ascending from a depth of 30 feet, a diver were directly to get airborne in a light
aircraft, the chances of his suffering decompression sickness would be high.

A pilot must not fly at all within 12 hours of diving and breathing compressed air. A Do not fly
pilot must avoid flying for 24 hours if a depth of 30 feet has been exceeded. Failure to for 24 hours
adhere to these rules could result in the onset of decompression sickness at altitudes if you have
as low as 6 000 feet. been diving,
breathing compressed air, to a
depth of 30 feet.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

Representative PPL - type questions to test your theoretical

knowledge of The Effects of Partial Pressure.

1. Compared to a non-smoker, someone who smokes is likely to experience

the effects of hypoxia at:

a. A higher altitude
b. The same altitude
c. A lower altitude
d. Any altitude

2. The % of Oxygen in the atmosphere, by volume, is:

a. 21% to an altitude of 10 000 feet

b. 14% to an altitude of 10 000 feet
c. 21% to an altitude of 33 700 feet
d. 21% throughout the atmosphere

3. Hypoxia is defined as:

a. The condition where there is insufficient Oxygen to meet the body’s

b. The altitude at which a person begins to show symptoms of
decompression sickness
c. The condition where Carbon Monoxide replaces Oxygen in the
white cells
d. The condition where Carbon Dioxide will not bind to haemoglobin

4. At low altitude, the most common symptoms of hyperventilation include:

a. Anxiety, scuba diving, vibration and poor visual acuity

b. Feeling of well-being, shock, heat and poor visual acuity
c. Motion sickness, poor visual acuity, heat and scuba diving
d. Dizziness, visual disorder, anxiety, tingling around feet, hands and

5. You have been diving to a depth of 32 feet using SCUBA pressure

breathing equipment:

a. Do not fly for a period of 12 hours

b. Do not fly for a period of 24 hours
c. Do not fly for a period of 48 hours
d. There is no limitation on when you can next fly

Question 1 2 3 4 5

The answers to these questions can be found at the end of this book.

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The eye delivers to the brain more information about the outside world, and at a
much faster rate, than any other sensory organ.

Figure 5.1 The Visual Sensory System.

The eye has 1.2 million neurones leading from the retina to the brain, while there are
only about 50 000 neurones between the brain and the inner ear. It is not surprising,
then, that, when flying under Visual Flight Rules (VFR) which most PPL holders do
most of the time, pilots rely overwhelmingly on their visual perception to fly safely and
efficiently. If a VFR-only qualified pilot finds himself in marginal Visual Meteorological
Conditions, he can very quickly get into trouble.

We will begin this chapter on vision

by looking at the physiology of the
eye. The word “physiology” is a
technical term meaning the science
of the organic functions of animals
and plants. The eye is the organ
of sight. In fact, it is the most
sensitive of all our sensory organs.
It is the organ which receives
electromagnetic waves within the Figure 5.2 Structure of the Eye.
visual spectrum from the external
world and passes them to the brain for interpretation into an image.

The basic structure of the eye is similar to a simple camera with an aperture called
the iris, a lens, and a light sensitive film called the retina. The structure of the eye
can be seen in Figure 5.2 .

The Cornea.
Light enters the eye through the cornea, a clear window at the front of the eyeball.
The cornea acts as a fixed focussing device and is responsible for between 70% and
80% of the total focussing ability of the eye. The cornea helps focus light onto the
retina by bending the incoming light rays.

The Iris and Pupil.

The amount of light entering the eye is controlled by the iris, the coloured part of the
eye, which acts as a diaphragm. The iris controls the amount of light entering the eye
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by altering, as necessary, the size of the pupil, the clear centre of the iris. The size
of the pupil can change rapidly to cater for changing light levels.

The Lens.
After passing through the pupil, light passes through a clear lens. The lens is the
component of the eye which bends the light rays, and focuses them onto the retina.
The shape of the lens is changed by the muscles (ciliary muscles) surrounding it. It
is the ciliary muscles which enable the final focussing of the light onto the fovea.

This change of shape of the lens under the action of the ciliary muscles is known as
The Retina
accommodation. The effectiveness of accommodation is influenced by the ageing
is the light-
sensitive part of process or fatigue. When a person is tired, accommodation is diminished, resulting
the eye. in blurred vision.

The Retina.
The retina is a light-sensitive screen lining the inside of the eyeball. On this screen
are light-sensitive cells known as cones and rods, which, when light from an object
falls on them, generate a small electrical charge which passes an image of the object
to the brain via nerve fibres (neurones) which combine to form the optic nerve. The
image formed on the retina is inverted, but is perceived “right-way-up” by the brain.

Cones and Rods.

Cones are used for direct vision, in good light, and are colour-sensitive, capable of
distinguishing approximately 1 000 different shades of colour. The rods can only
detect black and white but are much more sensitive at lower light levels. As light
decreases, the sensing task is passed over from the cones to the rods. This means
that, in poor light levels, we see only in black or white, or varying shades of grey.
Rods are responsible for our peripheral vision.

The Fovea.
The central part of the retina, the fovea, contains only cones. Any object which needs
The Fovea is
the area of to be examined in detail is automatically brought to focus on the fovea. The fovea is
greatest visual the area of greatest visual acuity on the retina.
The Blind Spot.
In each eye there is a small area in which the blood vessels supplying Oxygen to the
retina, and where the nerves forming one end of the optic nerve, are concentrated.
This is the blind spot (see Figures 5.2 and 5.3). An image falling on the blind spot of
an eye is not detected by the brain, but the image will almost certainly be detected
by the other eye.

Figure 5.3 The image of the aircraft falls on the blind spot of one eye, but is “seen” by the
other eye.

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Central Vision and Visual Acuity.

The rest of the retina fulfils the function of attracting our attention to movement and
change. Only at the fovea can vision be of normal visual acuity, 20/20 or 6/6. This
clear vision is termed central vision.

Each eye is equipped with muscles which enable the eyeballs to rotate in their
sockets, thus enabling them to keep track of a moving object. To track an object
successfully, or to focus on an object, the eyes need to move in harmony with one
another. This means that the brain must co-ordinate control of the muscles of the
two eyes.

Binocular vision refers to the fact that two eyes are required for a complete visual
capability. We need binocular vision to create for us a three-dimensional picture of
the world.

Visual acuity is a measure of central vision. Visual acuity is the capacity of the eye to
determine small detail, undistorted, at a given distance. The sharpest visual acuity
occurs when the object being viewed is sharply focused on the fovea.

A person with 20/20 or 6/6 vision is said to have normal visual acuity. The figures
20/40 (or 6/12) mean that the observer can only read at 20 feet what a person with
normal vision can read at 40 feet (or at 6 metres what a person with normal vision
can read at 12 metres).

Normal visual acuity permits pilots to detect objects clearly at safe distances. If a
person’s vision with the naked eye is impaired, this will not normally prevent that
person from becoming a pilot, provided normal visual acuity can be achieved by
wearing spectacles or contact lenses.

Whereas normal visual acuity is required to see objects clearly at a distance, good
near-vision, too, is necessary for a pilot to read instruments and maps. Being able to
focus on close objects is a function of the eye’s ability to accommodate. The power
of accommodation usually diminishes in middle age, but can easily be corrected by
wearing reading glasses. Pilots and drivers normally wear bi-focal spectacles to
allow them to see clearly at a distance and to read their instruments and maps.

The sharpness of central vision, that is the image at the fovea, drops as light falls
on the retina at increasing angles from the fovea. At as little as 5° from the fovea,
visual acuity drops to 20/40. That is only half as good as the visual acuity at the
fovea. At approximately 25 degrees, visual acuity decreases to a tenth of its normal
performance (20/200).

Limitations of Visual Acuity.

Visual acuity is limited or impaired by the following factors:

• Angular distance from the fovea.

• Physical imperfections within the visual system.

• Age.

• Hypoxia.

• Smoking.

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• Alcohol.

• Atmospheric visibility (dust, mist etc. in the air will reduce visibility).

• Light intensity.

• Size and contours of an object.

• Distance of the object from the viewer.

• Contrast of an object with its surroundings.

• Relative motion of a moving object.

• Drugs or medication.

Night Vision.
If a person has been in bright light for a long time, the sensitivity of the eye to light is
To see an
object best greatly reduced. Thus, passing from a brightly lit room into the dark of night has the
at night, look effect of vision being severely reduced until dark adaptation takes place.
slightly to one
side of it. On the other hand, if the person remains in darkness for a long time, the eye becomes
super-sensitive to light so that even the faintest amount of light can irritate the retina
and dazzle the person concerned. The eye adjusts more quickly to this second
occurrence than to the first. This is why it is especially important for pilots to allow
sufficient time for dark adaption to take place before flying at night. It takes time for
our eyes to adapt to darkness: about 7 minutes for the cones and 30 minutes for the

As you have learnt, rods are very sensitive to poor light, but see only shades of black
and white. They also give us our peripheral vision. Thus, as the fovea contains
no rods, this area of best visual acuity is virtually blind in dim light conditions such
as those which prevail at night. At night, to achieve maximum visual acuity, it is
advisable to look slightly to one side of the object so that the light falls onto a part of
the retina where there are rods. This is a good technique to use when night flying.

You can demonstrate this technique to yourself by looking at dim stars on a clear
night. Though they may appear extremely faint if you look directly at them, they will
be more clearly discernible if you look slightly off to one side.


As described earlier, each eye has an

An aircraft on area on the retina where there are no light
a constant sensors, called the blind spot. This has
relative great significance when considering the
bearing to you may be on a detection of objects which are on a constant
collision course, and is difficult relative bearing from the observer. If the
to spot. eye remains looking straight ahead, it is
possible for a closing aircraft to remain in
the blind spot until a very short time before

Figure 5.4.

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This is because an aircraft on a constant relative bearing from you will not change its
relative position to you. Furthermore, the fact that the other aircraft is not moving is a
sure sign that you are on a collision course with it. Of course, if the aircraft is in your
blind spot, the collision danger is compounded.

With both eyes un-obscured, the blind spot is not a problem, as each eye is able
to cover an object which might be in the other eye’s blind spot. However, if the
approaching aircraft is on a constant bearing, the pilot may not see it, if it remains in
the blind spot of one eye and an object, e.g. windscreen or pillar, within the cockpit,
is obscuring the aircraft from the pilot’s other eye. (See Figure 5.5)

Figure 5.5.
To lessen the danger of collision and to put into practice the VFR precept of “see Make sure
and be seen”, pilots are taught to carry out a systematic look-out at all times. A you carry out
systematic look-out involves moving the head to look out of the cockpit to the left a constant
and right sides, as well as overhead. Safe visual scanning demands frequent eye scan of the air space around
movement with minimal time spent looking at a single patch of sky.

Figure 5.6 An Effective Scanning Method.

An effective scanning method, especially in a low-wing monoplane, is to look out to
one side of the aircraft, to just behind the trailing edge of the wing, and sweep the
gaze forwards, looking above and below the horizon (See Figure 5.6). The pilot
should, then, repeat this action in the other direction before checking overhead.
Head and eye movements should be co-ordinated in order to cover as much of the
visual field as possible.

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In the absence of anything to focus on, the natural focal point of the eye is not at
infinity, as was long assumed, but, on average, at a distance of between one and two
metres in front of the eye. This condition is called Empty Field Myopia.

This near-field focussing can be significant for a pilot, who may be searching for
distant contacts when visual cues are weak, as the eye will not adjust to detect
them. The condition can be aggravated when there are other objects close to the
empty field range, such as rain spots or dirt specks on the windscreen. The eye will
naturally be drawn to such objects.

Empty Field Myopia is most likely to occur in cloudless skies, at high altitudes, in
total darkness, under a uniformly overcast sky, or when resting the eyes. Pilots
should be aware of the risks associated with an empty visual field and periodically
and deliberately focus on objects, both close and at a distance, thus exercising the


Very high light levels occur at altitude where light may be reflected from cloud and
where there is less scattering of the light rays by the atmosphere.

Normal sunlight contains all the colours of the spectrum but, at high altitudes, pilots
are exposed to light that contains more of the high-energy blue and ultra-violet
wavelengths than is experienced at sea-level . The higher energy blue light can cause
cumulative damage to the retina over a long period. Ultra-violet wavelengths can
also cause damage, mainly to the lens of the eye, but most ultra-violet wavelengths
are filtered out by the cockpit windows.

Wearing appropriate sunglasses can provide further protection against high levels of
light, but make sure you avoid using cheap sunglasses as these can allow the light to
be over-diffused across the eye, thus causing perceptual problems in flight. The use
of polaroid sunglasses should be avoided since problems can occur when polaroid
sunglasses are used with laminated aircraft-windscreens.

Light sensitive lenses (photochromic) are also generally forbidden for use in flight
due to the time taken for the lens to clear when moving from a bright situation to one
of low light. This delay may significantly reduce visual acuity at a critical time.

Sunglasses suitable for wear in flight should have the following characteristics:

• Be impact resistant.

• Have thin metal frames (minimum visual obstruction).

• Be coated with polycarbonate for strength.

• Be of good optical quality (refractive Class 1).

• Have a luminance transmittance of 10 -15%.

• Possess appropriate filtration characteristics.

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The most common visual defects are caused by the distorted shape of the eyeball.
Other defects are due to irregularities in the cornea, the lens and the eyeball itself.

Myopia is more commonly known as
short-sightedness. The normal eye is
practically spherical and, when the lens
and ciliary muscles are relaxed, the Myopia
image of a distant object will fall on the results from
retina. In a myopic eye, the eyeball is an elongated
longer than normal. This fact causes eyeball. It can
the images from distant objects to fall in be corrected with concave
front of the retina. Thus, distant objects lenses.
will be out of focus for a short-sighted
person. Figure 5.7 The normal eye.

A concave lens will correct myopic vision by bending or refracting the light from
distant objects outwards before it hits the cornea.

Figure 5.8 In myopia, the eyeball is longer Figure 5.9 Myopia can be corrected with a
than normal. concave lens.
Normal distance vision for pilots may be very approximately assessed as the ability
to read a car-number plate at 40 metres. For the United Kingdom driving test, the
distance required is 23 metres.

In long-sightedness, or, in medical terms, hypermetropia, a shorter than normal
eyeball results in images being formed behind the retina.

Figure 5.10 Hypermetropia. Figure 5.11 A Convex Lens Will Correct


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A person with hypermetropia can often see distant objects clearly by accommodating
slightly. However, he is unable to focus on close objects because the power of
or long-
the ciliary muscles to change the shape of the lens to achieve accommodation is
is caused insufficient for this purpose. Thus, a blurring of the vision will result when looking at
by a shortened eyeball. close objects.
Hypermetropia can be
corrected by the use of convex A convex lens will overcome hypermetropia by bending or refracting the light rays
lenses. from a close object inwards, before they meet the cornea.

The ability of the lens to change its shape and accommodate adequately, thereby
focussing the images of close objects on the retina, depends on the elasticity of the
lens. Normally, this elasticity is gradually lost with age.

After the age of 40 to 50, the lens is often unable to accommodate fully and a form of
long-sightedness known as Presbyopia occurs. The effects of presbyopia manifest
themselves as difficulty in reading small print in poor light. The condition normally
requires a minor correction with a weak convex lens. Half lenses or “look-over
spectacles” will suffice. Pilots who are also myopic will require bi-focal spectacles.

The surface of a healthy cornea is hemispherical in shape. Astigmatism is usually
caused by a mis-shapen cornea. Although astigmatism can be cured by the use of
cylindrical lenses, modern surgical techniques can reshape the cornea with a scalpel
or, more easily, with laser techniques. An Authorized Medical Examiner (AME)
must be consulted before any corrective surgery or laser treatment takes place for
astigmatism, or any other eye condition.

The Wearing of Spectacles by Pilots.

It is convenient to note at this point that pilots who wear corrective spectacles or
contact lenses for whatever reason must carry a spare pair of spectacles at all times
when they are exercising the privileges of their licence. The choice of spectacles and
contact lenses for flying is an extremely important one and should always be made
after consultation with your doctor and/or optician. Good advice may be obtained
from an authorised medical examiner or the CAA.

Colour Blindness.
Good colour vision is essential for pilots because of the use of colour associated with
the following equipment and fittings:

• Navigation lights of aircraft.

• Runways and airfields.

• Ground obstructions.

• Cockpit displays and instruments.

• Maps and charts.

• Emergency flares.

• Light signals.

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Figure 5.12 Colour-blindness test examples.

Colour-blindness or, more accurately expressed, colour-defective vision, is caused
by a defect in the structure of the colour-sensitive cones in the retina - normally
when a single-colour sensitive group is missing. Whereas total colour blindness is
extremely rare, many people suffer from colour-defective vision to a degree. The
most common form of colour-defective vision is red/green blindness. These colours
are seen in shades of yellow, brown or grey.

Figure 5.12 shows a few extracts from a colour vision test. The numbers you see,
or do not see, in the colour patterns will depend on the accuracy of your perception
of colour.

Do not draw any conclusions from what you see. Your doctor will advise you about
your colour perception. Colour-defective vision does not affect visual acuity. Many
people go through their lives with no knowledge that they suffer from this visual

Colour-blindness is rare in women. However, women do act as carriers of this

incurable and congenital flaw.

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Light aircraft flown by the majority of PPL holders cruise at speeds in the range of
90 knots to 140 knots. Faced with the extreme situation, therefore, of another light
aircraft approaching head on, a possible closing speed could be as high as 280kts,
(i.e. the sum of the speeds of the individual aircraft). (See Figure 5.13.)

Figure 5.13 Closing Speeds.

The problem of closing speeds of this magnitude is how to take avoiding action
sufficiently rapidly to be able to prevent a collision. If a collision is to be avoided, the
reaction time of the pilots must be less than the time it would take for the aircraft to
come together.

The total reaction time in a pilot is a function of the time taken for all the separate
recognition and reaction processes to take place. These processes may be
summarised as:

• Visual input.

• Brain reaction.

• Recognition.

• Perception.

• Evaluation.

• Decision.

• Response.

These processes are illustrated in Figure 5.14.

In perfect conditions, all these processes take approximately 5-7 seconds to complete.
The first four processes take approximately 1 second to complete.

Times may be extended by factors such as:

• Workload.

• Fatigue.

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• Poor atmospheric conditions.

• Darkness.

• Size and contrast of object.

• Angular approach.

Figure 5.14 Reaction Times.

Time-to-Impact Calculations.
In any event, as a practical consideration, it is extremely useful for a pilot to be
able to estimate how long it would take for aircraft on a collision course to close to
impact. The important factor is the closing speed; that is, for two aircraft on a head-
on collision course, the sum of their individual airspeeds. We can already appreciate
that two light aircraft might be approaching collision at anything between 180 knots
and 280 knots. If one of those aircraft is a jet, closing speeds will be much higher.

Low-flying military fast jets may be flying at a speed of 450 knots. So, if the aircraft
approaching a light aircraft, head-on, is a fast jet, closing speeds may be in the order
of 600 knots. We will carry out a few calculations to illustrate the “time-to-collision”
of various aircraft approaching each other head-on.

Of course, visual acuity matters enormously when a collision hazard is present. Early
detection gives the pilot more time to take avoiding action.

The calculation we need to make to work out “time-to-collision” is simple. Speed is

measured in knots, miles per hour, kilometres per hour, metres per second, feet per
minute and so on. In every case, though, speed is measured as distance divided by


By simple mathematical transposition, this basic equation can be expressed as time

equals distance divided by speed:


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All we have to do to calculate time, then, is to divide distance by speed. Care must
be taken, though, to ensure the correct units for distance, speed and time are used.

Have a look at the situation illustrated in Figure 5.15. If the closing speed is given
in miles per hour and the distance in miles, as in the diagram, the formula we have
obtained will give us a time to impact, in hours. In this case, we have 0.013 hours.

Figure 5.15 Time/Speed/Distance Calculations.

But 0.013 hours is a meaningless figure for us. If we wanted the closing time in
minutes we would have to multiply the answer in hours by 60. If we wanted the
closing time in seconds, which is much more sensible, we would have to multiply the
answer in hours by 60 × 60. We finally arrive, then, at the sensible answer of a time-
to-impact of 48 seconds.

In our example then, the closing time was in hours, because the speed was in miles
per hour and the distance was in miles. Had the speed been given in knots (nautical
miles per hour), the distance would have to have been in nautical miles for the formula
to give us the time in hours.

Thus, if you are given mixed units such as speed in miles per hour and distance in,
say, kilometres, you would either have to convert the speed into kilometres per hour
or the distance into miles.

Time-to-Impact Examples.
Example 1. (See Figure 5.16 overleaf)
Two light aircraft are on a head-on collision course with a closing speed of 200 knots.
Flight visibility is 4 kilometres. What would be the time available to either pilot to take
avoiding action, if visual contact were made at maximum visual range?

Step One. We note that the closing speed is in knots (nautical miles per hour), but
that the distance at which visual contact is made is in kilometres.

Step Two. We must, therefore, convert one of the units so that speed and distance
units match. Thus, we either have to change speed into kilometres/hour or the
distance into nautical miles. Here, we convert kilometres into nautical miles. You can
do this using the flight navigation computer.

4 kilometres = 2.16 nautical miles

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how little time
is available
for collision avoidance, when
aircraft are approaching head-

Figure 5.16.
Step Three. We now insert the figures into the formula,

Time = = = 0.0108 hours = 39 seconds

The formula gives us 0.0108. Remember that this answer is in hours. To convert
this answer, we multiply by 60 to give minutes and by 60 again to give seconds. The
answer, thus, becomes 38.88 seconds, which we can round up to 39 seconds.

Example 2. (See Figure 5.17)

With an in-flight visibility of 5 kilometres, a light aircraft flying at 120 knots sees a fast
jet at maximum visual range. The light aircraft pilot assumes that the fast jet is flying
at 450 knots. What time would be left to the pilot of either aircraft to take avoiding

Figure 5.17.
Step One. Calculate closing speed. This would be 120 knots plus 450 knots, giving
570 knots or, otherwise expressed, 570 nautical miles per hour.

Step Two. Convert the 5 kilometres in-flight visibility to nautical miles. This gives us
2.7 nautical miles

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Step Three. Enter the figures in the formula to calculate that the time available for
reaction is 0.0047 hours, or, just over 17 seconds.

Example 3. (See Figure 5.18)

With an in-flight visibility of 3 kilometres, a light aircraft flying at 90 knots sees a fast
jet at maximum visual range. The light aircraft pilot assumes that the fast jet is flying
at 450 knots. What time would be left to the pilot of either aircraft to take avoiding

Figure 5.18.

Example 4. (See Figure 5.19)

Two light aircraft are on a head-on collision course with a closing speed of 280 knots.
Flight visibility is 5 kilometres. What would be the time available to either pilot to take
avoiding action, if visual contact were made at maximum visual range?

Figure 5.19.

A Point to Ponder.
It is worth noting that for the pilot of an aircraft on a head-on collision course with a
fast-moving jet, the image of the approaching jet will remain small, increasing in size
only slowly at first, until just before impact when the image would grow in size very

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

Representative PPL - type questions to test your theoretical

knowledge of The Eye.

1. How would a light aircraft pilot perceive the image of a fast moving jet
approaching head-on? The image would be:

a. Small at first and grow in size steadily and regularly

b. Small at first, displaying an immediate rapid growth rate, but less
rapidly just before impact
c. Small at first, maintaining a constant size and approach rate
d. Small at first, displaying a slow growth rate, then increasing in size
rapidly just before impact

2. The iris is responsible for controlling:

a. The rate of dark adaption

b. The amount of light entering the eye
c. The rate of light adaption
d. The amount of accommodation

3. In order to see an object best, at night, a pilot should:

a. Look directly at the object, blinking several times

b. Look slightly to one side of the object
c. Look directly and intensely at the object
d. Look away from the object and then repeatedly look back at it

4. The ability of the lens to change shape to focus an image on the retina is

a. Acuity
b. Acclimatisation
c. Accommodation
d. Auto-kinesis

5. The sensors called ‘Rods’:

a. Are sensitive to lower light levels than the ‘Cones’

b. Are used primarily by day
c. Are highly sensitive to colour changes
d. Are concentrated on the optic nerve

6. Light levels at high altitude are dangerous because they:

a. Cause reflections on the windscreen

b. Contain more of the damaging Blue and UV light
c. Cause the iris to close, blinding the pilot
d. Cause a blind spot on the optic nerve

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

7. A person who has ‘Myopia’:

a. Has a shorter than normal eyeball and vision is corrected with a

Concave lens
b. Has a longer than normal eyeball and vision is corrected with a
Convex lens
c. Has a shorter than normal eyeball and vision is corrected with a
Convex lens
d. Has a longer than normal eyeball and vision is corrected with a
Concave lens

8. The part of the eye where we have the best visual acuity is:

a. The fovea
b. The iris
c. The pupil
d. The peripheral retina

9. Astigmatism is the name for:

a. The ability of the lens to change shape

b. An eyeball which is too short
c. A mis-shapen cornea
d. Colour blindness

10. Two light aircraft are on a head-on collision course with a closing speed
of 180 knots and a flight visibility of 3 kilometres. If contact was made at
maximum visual range, what time is available for either pilot to take avoiding

a. 27 seconds
b. 34 seconds
c. 51 seconds
d. 1 minute and 30 seconds

11. The light-sensitive tissue lining the rear of the eyeball which contains rods
and cones is know as:

a. The pupil
b. The cornea
c. The retina
d. The iris

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

The answers to these questions can be found at the end of this book.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]


The ear performs two quite separate functions and provides us with two important

1. Hearing. The outer ear is used as a collector of sound waves from the air which
the hearing mechanism then transmits through nerve fibres to the auditory centre of
the brain where sound is registered.

2. Balance. The ear acts as a balance organ and acceleration detector. The overall
construction of the ear is shown in Figure 6.1 see below.

Figure 6.1 Overall Construction of the Ear.

The auricle or pinna comprises the shell-like upper part of the ear and the lobe. Its
function is to collect sounds and conduct them to the auditory canal (meatus) and on
to the ear-drum. The ear-drum - or Tympanum - separates the outer from the middle

The Middle and Inner Ear.

Figure 6.2 The Ossicles (The Middle Ear).

Connected to the ear-drum is a linkage of three small bones; these are the ossicles.
(See Figure 6.2).

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

The ossicles The ossicles comprise the malleus, or hammer, incus ,or anvil, and stapes, or stirrup
are the three bone, which transmit the vibrations across the middle ear to the inner ear whose
tiny bones in main components are the cochlea and semi-circular canals (see Figure 6.3). The
the ear. These middle ear is filled with air and the inner ear is filled with liquid.
are the malleus, incus and
stapes. The last of the bones in the middle ear - the stapes or stirrup bone - is attached to
the oval window of the inner ear where a diaphragm sets in motion the fluid of the
cochlea. The extent and frequency of vibration of tiny hair-like cells within this fluid
are detected by the auditory nerve which leads to the cortex of the brain where sound
is perceived.

The Eustachian Tube.

The eustachian tube vents to the mouth and nose allowing pressure in the middle
ear to equalise across the ear-drum with outside or ambient pressure, when climbing
or descending in flight. Pressure equalisation through the eustachian tube can be
hindered by inflammation, catarrh, a blocked nose or sinuses, or any infection of the
respiratory tract.

Figure 6.3 The Eustachian Tube and the Inner Ear.

A blocked eustachian tube can cause severe ear pain or even lead to perforation of
the ear-drum. Pilots must, therefore, ensure that neither they nor any passengers go
flying if the eustachian tube is blocked and the ears cannot be “cleared”.

While an aircraft is climbing, when outside or ambient pressure is decreasing, the

higher pressure in the middle ear can normally easily vent to the mouth via the
eustachian tube, causing the pilot little problem.

During the descent, however, when ambient air pressure is increasing, a small flap
attached to the end of the eustachian tube prevents such easy passage of air back
up the eustachian tube to equalise the pressure in the middle ear. It is, therefore, in
the descent when the equalising of pressures across the ear-drum is most likely to
be experienced.

In extreme cases, rupture of the ear-drum may occur. This condition is known as
Do not
Otic Barotrauma. However, normal periodic swallowing movements mean that, in a
fly if your
fit pilot, the condition does not arise. If you experience any problems with pressure
tube is blocked. equalisation during a descent, swallow deliberately with the nostrils pinched closed;
yawn, or blow down the nose, again with the nostrils pinched closed. This is known
as the Valsalva Manoeuvre, after Antonio Maria Valsalva (1666 - 1723). Remember,
never fly if your eustachian tube becomes swollen or blocked and you cannot clear
your ears.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]


Sound is generated by waves or vibrations in the air. Sound has three main

Pitch, which depends on the frequency of the vibration. The greater the frequency,
the higher the pitch or note produced.

Loudness or Intensity, dependent on the amplitude of the vibrations.

Quality, which is a function of various aspects of vibrations, causing either harmonious

musical sounds or else discord or noise.

The range of pitch or frequency of sounds that a fit young person can hear lies
between 20 and 20 000 Hertz, or cycles per second. However, this detectable sound
range also depends on loudness which is measured in decibels.

It is your ability to detect a range of sound frequencies of varying degrees of loudness

which is normally tested during your medical examination. Below is a table (Figure
6.4) showing typical noise levels in decibels against a corresponding description of
sounds that might produce such degrees of loudness.
Sound Noise Level (dB)
Threshold of hearing 0
Rustle of leaves in a gentle breeze 10
Average whisper (at 4 feet) 20
Quiet conversation 30
Office noise 40
Conversation in a noisy factory 50
Loud street noises (trucks etc.) 60
Standing close to heavy machinery 80
Maximum recommended for 8 hours exposure 90
Maximum recommended for 2 hours exposure 100
Maximum recommended for 30 minutes exposure 110
Standing near a piston engine aircraft (noise becoming 120
Standing near a jet aircraft (threshold of pain) 130
Figure 6.4 Table showing typical noise levels


Any degradation in a human being’s ability to hear clearly is known as “hearing

impairment”. There are three categories of hearing impairment:

1. Conductive Deafness.
Conductive Deafness can be caused by a build-up of wax, or damage to the sound-
conductivity system: the ossicles or the ear-drum. Damage may be caused by a
blow to the ear, or by otic barotrauma.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

2. Noise Induced Hearing Loss.

Continued Loud noises can damage the very sensitive membrane in the cochlea, especially
exposure the fine structures on this membrane. The loss of hearing may at first be temporary,
to noise in but continued exposure to loud noise in excess of 90 decibels (db) may result in
excess of permanent loss of hearing.
90dB may result in Noise
Induced Hearing Loss. Ear An early symptom of Noise Induced Hearing Loss is an inability to hear high pitched
protection at these levels is notes as these notes are normally detected by the finer cells which suffer the greatest
essential. damage. There is evidence that over-exposure to loud music at discos, and the use of
personal stereos, can cause the early onset of hearing impairment in young people.

Environmental noise pollution can be a significant factor in the onset of Noise Induced
Hearing Loss. You should always make sure that you protect your hearing whenever
environmental noise is excessive. Noise of high frequency is most damaging to the

3. Presbycusis.
A person’s hearing deteriorates with advancing age. Once again, it is the high-
frequency range of sound which is affected first. This condition is known as

Hearing impairment can lead to the misinterpretation of radiotelephony transmissions,

which, in turn, may possibly cause a Flight Safety hazard. And, of course, any
significant deterioration in a pilot’s hearing can lead to the loss of one’s pilot’s

Growing older is unavoidable and accidents may strike even the most prudent
amongst us. But we all should plan to protect ourselves from Noise Induced Hearing
Loss. Always protect your ears if you know that you are about to be exposed to
excessive noise.

Headset-style ear protectors give the best protection, reducing noise by about 40
decibels. Ear plugs can also be used. Ear plugs reduce noise by about 20 decibels.

In the cockpit, use the best quality headset you can afford in order to reduce
background noise. When visiting a large airport, avoid standing near a running jet
engine if you have no ear-protection.


As well as distinguishing sound, the ear also provides us with our sense of balance,
helping us to orientate ourselves spatially through mechanisms which detect
accelerations, both in a straight line and when turning. Note that the term “orientation”
refers to a human being’s ability to maintain equilibrium and to interpret the body’s
position in space.

In terms of maintaining spatial orientation, the balance sensors situated in the ear
provide us with a secondary system only. Pilots should always remember that the
primary and most reliable sense of spatial orientation is eyesight. However, it is
extremely important for the pilot to know about the function of the ear’s balance
sensors so that he can understand how spatial disorientation may occur in flight.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

The Vestibular Apparatus, Spatial Orientation and Balance.

Within the ear, the semi-circular canals and the otoliths (fine, sensory hairs ending
in miniscule “grains”) make up the vestibular apparatus which helps human beings
maintain spatial orientation.

the semi-cicular canals and
otoliths that give us our sense
of balance.

Figure 6.5 The Vestibular Apparatus.

The otoliths are located between the semi-circular canals and the cochlea. The
otoliths are not shown in Figure 6.5, but are depicted in Figures 6.11 and 6.12.

The otoliths detect acceleration in a straight line while the semi-circular canals detect
angular acceleration. There are three semi-circular canals oriented at right angles
to one another as shown in Figure 6.5. The angular accelerations that each semi-
circular canal detects are in the sense of pitch, roll and yaw.

We have already said that the word “orientation” refers to a human being’s ability to
maintain equilibrium and to interpret the body’s position in space. Human beings
maintain spatial orientation using a combination of three factors:

• Their sense of vision.

• The ear’s balancing mechanism.

• The body’s ability to detect pressures through nerve receptors, called

propriceptors, often known in the flying world as the “seat of the pants”

The system of nerve receptors that give us this “seat of the pants” sense is known
as the somatosensory system. Pilots must be very aware that information from
their somatosensory system is very unreliable and deceptive. In flight, pilots must
maintain spatial orientation using their most reliable sense, vision, either by looking
outside the aircraft when flying in Visual Meteorological Conditions, or relying on their
flight instruments if no outside visual references are present.

Pilots must also be aware that their ear’s balancing mechanism, that is their vestibular
apparatus, is not sufficiently reliable for them to maintain spatial orientation using this
sense alone. We will now, therefore, look briefly at how the vestibular apparatus
works and at the problems of balance and disorientation that may arise in flight.

As we have noted, the otoliths detect linear accelerations and the semi-circular
canals detect angular accelerations. Note that they detect accelerations or changes

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

in velocity only, and not constant linear velocity. Therefore, in the absence of any
visual signals, the ear’s balance sensors alone will not differentiate between a state
of rest and flying at a constant speed, nor will they differentiate between a steady
balanced turn and flying wings level. In other words, our balance organs can detect
accelerations but cannot determine what position we are in if no acceleration is
present. This is a most vital point that pilots must understand and is the reason
why pilots must always rely on their eyes and/or flight instruments. Relying on the
vestibular apparatus alone often leads to disorientation.

Both the otolith organs and the semi-circular canals send signals to the brain by means
of impulses arising from the body being subjected to accelerations. To illustrate this,
we will look at fluid accelerations in the semi-circular canals. Remember, here, we
are dealing with principles only. We give no neuro-biological details of the operation
of the vestibular apparatus.

The Semi-Circular Canals.

The semi-circular canals contain fluid which can flow freely through the canal.
Fluid flow occurs when the body or head is subject to angular acceleration. The flow
takes place in the opposite direction to the acceleration, the fluid lagging behind the
displacement. There is no fluid flow when the body is at rest or if linear and turning
movement is taking place at a steady speed.

Figure 6.6 One of the Semi-Circular Canals Detecting Angular Acceleration.

When the fluid moves, sensory hairs contained within a gelatinous material will
move with the fluid, in the same direction. Nerve cells within the hairs convert this
movement into electric signals which are then conveyed to the brain. This is how a
human being perceives movement.

When the angular acceleration ceases, fluid flow also ceases and the sensory
hairs are no longer displaced. The brain, therefore, no longer detects any motion.
No motion will be detected when the body is upright and motionless, upright and
travelling at a steady speed, or inclined at an angle in a steady turn, at constant
angular velocity.

The brain, therefore, when receiving information from the vestibular apparatus only,
is unable to sense whether the body is upright or in a steady, balanced turn. Only
information from the eyes and instruments can tell a pilot he is in steady level flight
or in a steady, balanced turn. Let us now look at the various sensations that a pilot
needs to understand to help him maintain his spatial orientation.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]


The sensation experienced when the vestibular apparatus of the ear leads to a pilot
making an incorrect assessment of attitude on entering, maintaining or exiting turns,
is known as the leans. There are two common circumstances under which the leans
may be experienced.

Case One. The first of these is when, from straight and level flight, the pilot commences
a very gentle roll to enter a turn; so gentle that the movement of the liquid in the semi-
circular canals is not sufficiently pronounced to cause a detectable bending of the The Leans
hair cells (see Figure 6.7, below - Note that, in all 4 diagrams, the aircraft is depicted arise from
flying “out of the page”, towards the reader). incorrect
perception of attitude
associated with turning.

Figure 6.7 Disorientation During a Gentle Roll to Enter a Turn to the Left.
We see that, although the pilot has rolled gently into a turn to the left, the ear’s
balance mechanism senses no change in orientation. Consequently, the pilot may
still believe himself to be flying straight and level.

Now, if the subsequent corrective roll to the right, to regain level flight, is made sharply,
this acceleration will be detected by the ear’s balance mechanism (see Figure 6.8).
So, even though the aircraft is now, in reality, straight and level, a pilot feels that he
has entered a turn to the right.

Figure 6.8.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

Case Two. In the second case, we are assuming that the pilot has, for some time,
been carrying out a steady turn to the right. Because the turn is steady and balanced,
there is no movement of fluid in the semi-circular canals and the hairs have erected
themselves. This gives the pilot who lacks visual information the erroneous feeling
that he is straight and level (see Figure 6.9, below).

Figure 6.9.
As the pilot exits the turn by rolling to the left to regain straight and level flight, the
fluid and the hairs move, giving a false impression of entering a turn to the left when,
in fact, the wings are level.

Figure 6.10.
In Case One and Case Two, the pilot will be subjected to two conflicting signals. His
visual sense will tell him one thing, whereas his vestibular apparatus will tell him
another. This conflict between vestibular apparatus and visual sensory inputs is the
primary cause of spatial disorientation, and indeed, of motion sickness. Of course,
for a healthy, fully-trained pilot, the visual signals will dominate and he is hardly likely
If a pilot
to become disorientated. But a passenger or new student pilot may experience
aware that spatial disorientation.
he is spatially disorientated,
he must look out at the visual As a pilot, you must remember to respect, at all times, the cardinal rule that if you
horizon if in VMC, or, if in IMC, suspect you are suffering from disorientation, you must concentrate on and believe
trust his instruments. the aircraft’s instruments, or the external horizon.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

The rule for maintaining spatial orientation is:




In level flight, a pronounced acceleration in a straight line will cause the hair sensors Linear
in the otoliths to move backwards. This sends a signal to the brain indicating, falsely, acceleration
that the head is tilting backwards, giving the pilot the false impression that the nose may be
of the aircraft is pitching up (see Figure 6.11). perceived as a
false pitch-up sensation.

Figure 6.11 Somatogravic Illusion - Acceleration.

There is a danger that a pilot may believe this input from the otoliths and that he may, Linear
consequently, push the control column forward, putting the aircraft into a dive. (You deceleration
may have noticed that pilots of carrier-borne aircraft, during launch, invariably put may be
their hands on the overhead console so as not to be confused by this illusion. They perceived as a
take control of the column after the initial acceleration from the deck). false pitch-down sensation.

Figure 6.12 Somatogravic Illusion - Deceleration.

Conversely, a sharp linear deceleration gives the impression that the nose of the
aircraft is pitching down (see Figure 6.12). This may cause the pilot to pull the control

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

column rearwards and subsequently stall the aircraft. These illusions are known as
somatogravic illusions. In light aircraft, somatogravic illusions are mild.


Motion sickness arises when a human being is exposed to real or apparent motion
of an unfamiliar kind. Motion sickness is caused by a conflict between the visual and
vestibular apparatus signals.

The symptoms of motion sickness are:

• Nausea.

• Hyperventilation.

• Vomiting.

• Pallor.

• Cold sweating.

• Headache.

• Depression.

In non-aerobatic light-aircraft flying, it should be rare for a pilot to suffer from motion
sickness. However, a passenger who has little experience of flying may well
results from experience motion sickness symptoms. If this should be the case with one of your
a conflict passengers, you should:
between visual signals and
vestibular apparatus signals. • Advise him to keep the head upright and still, if possible using the eyes to
orientate himself.

• Open the cockpit ventilators to increase the flow of fresh air.

• Use smooth and coordinated control movements and avoid manoeuvres

which generate pronounced positive or negative g forces.

ID: 10888
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

Representative PPL - type questions to test your theoretical

knowledge of The Ear.

1. The three parts of the ear are the:

a. Incus, malleus and stapes

b. Outer, middle and inner
c. Cochlea, otoliths and tympanum
d. Ear lobe, ear canal and ear drum

2. The bones in the middle ear are known collectively as:

a. The otoliths
b. The monoliths
c. The ossicles
d. The saccules

3. A fit young person can detect a range of sounds between:

a. 20 and 20 000 Hertz

b. 500 and 3 000 Hertz
c. 700 and 5 000 Hertz
d. 50 and 10 000 Hertz

4. The function of the eustachian tube is to:

a. Equalise pressure between the middle and inner ear

b. Connect the inner ear to the back of the throat
c. Allow circulation of fluid in the semi-circular canals
d. Equalise pressure between the outer and middle ear

5. Permanent hearing loss may result from continuous exposure to:

a. Noise in excess of 120 decibels

b. Dusty conditions, allowing a build-up in ear wax
c. Noise in excess of 90 decibels
d. Excessive heat which boils the fluid in the semi-circular canals

6. Permanent deafness that is associated with old age, is known as:

a. Myopia
b. Presbyopia
c. Mycusis
d. Presbycusis

7. The main function of the vestibular apparatus is to:

a. Detect angular and linear accelerations

b. Mechanically transmit sound to the cochlea
c. Prevent excessive sounds from damaging the ear drum
d. Prevent excessive sounds from damaging the otoliths

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

8. To maintain spatial orientation in the absence of visual references, the pilot

a. Believe the sensations of his vestibular apparatus

b. Immediately climb to get above cloud
c. Believe the “seat of the pants” sensations from the somatosensory
d. Believe the aircraft instruments

9. Motion sickness arises when there is:

a. Vertical displacement from the horizontal axis

b. Disorientation caused by loss of visual references
c. A mismatch between visual and vestibular signals
d. Vertical displacement from the longitudinal axis

10. Which of the conditions given below, are symptomatic of motion sickness:

(i) Nausea
(ii) Hypoxia
(iii) Hyperventilation
(iv) Pallor
(v) Stomach cramp
(vi) Cold sweating

a. i, ii, iii and iv

b. iii only
c. i, iii, iv and vi
d. i, iii, v and vi

11. What is the cause of conductive deafness?

a. Damage to the Pinna

b. Blockage of the Eustachian Tube
c. Damage to the Ossicles and/or the Ear-Drum
d. Low ambient pressure

12. Which part of the ear senses linear accelerations?

a. The Ossicles
b. The Eustachian Tube
c. The Auditory Nerve
d. The Otoliths in the Vestibular Apparatus

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Question 12

The answers to these questions can be found at the end of this book.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]


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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

ID: 10888
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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]


Military pilots and airline pilots have to pass regular and stringent medical
examinations in order to train for and pursue their careers. Candidates for professional
pilot training may fail the initial medical selection because of quite minor defects of
vision, respiration, the cardio-vascular system, and so on. Thankfully, those wishing
to fly as private pilots are not subject to the same, severe medical regulations as
their professional colleagues. Nevertheless, a medical examination does have to
be passed and, perhaps more importantly, private pilots, whether under training
or qualified, must be capable of positively assessing their own fitness to fly before
every single flight.

We learned that, when flying, our bodies are exposed to a potentially more hostile
environment than on the ground. At high altitudes, the amount of Oxygen in the
air we breathe will be less than at sea-level, and the air pressure lower. Certain
aircraft manoeuvres will increase the gravitational acceleration to which our body
is subjected. Furthermore, in certain flight conditions, work-loads will be high and
demands on our decision-making ability may be severe.

You will readily appreciate, therefore, that in order to operate competently and safely
in such conditions, a high level of general fitness is required. Consequently, as a
pilot, you must be able to assess your day-to-day state of health accurately in order
to decide whether or not you are fit to carry out each flight that you undertake.

Remember also that you have a responsibility not only towards yourself but also
towards your passengers, other users of the air, and to the general public living and
working beneath your flight path.



PPL applicants for a pilot’s licence

must be declared medically fit by an
appropriate medical authority.

As the holder of a JAR-FCL PPL, you

may fly aircraft for which you have a type
or class rating in any JAA member state.
Consequently, medical regulations
are rather formal. An applicant for a
JAR-FCL PPL must hold a valid JAR-
FCL Class One or Class Two Medical
Certificate. A pilot who wishes to apply
for a JAR-FCL PPL only, should arrange
for a “Class 2” medical examination.
In the United Kingdom, the medical
Figure 7.1 Private Pilot’s Licence.
examination must be undertaken by a
CAA Authorised Medical Examiner. Full
details of the medical requirements for the JAR-FCL PPL can be found on the UK
Civil Aviation Authority’s (CAA) website.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

In June 2010, the URL of the UK CAA’s relevant web page was http://www.caa.
co.uk/default.aspx?catid=49 This URL may change so if it does not lead you to the
information required, go to the UK CAA’s Home Page or contact the UK CAA’s Flight
Crew Licensing Department by telephone or post.

Figure 7.2 Private Pilot’s Medical Certificate.

If you wish to obtain a United Kingdom National Private Pilot’s Licence (UK NPPL)
instead of the JAA PPL, the medical requirements are less stringent. Full details
can be found on the UK NPPL web-site: www.nppl.uk.com. As far as the medical
examination, itself, is concerned, current regulations stipulate that, instead of having
to undergo an aviation medical examination conducted by a UK CAA Authorised
Medical Examiner, a declaration of medical fitness may be made by the pilot himself.
The individual pilot’s declaration then has to be validated by a doctor, normally
a General Practitioner, who has access to the pilot’s medical records. A blank
“Declaration of Medical Fitness” is depicted in Figure 7.3. Full details of the UK
NPPL medical regulations are available on the UK CAA website.


Once you have been declared medically fit to fly, you will need to maintain the level of
fitness required to be a safe and competent pilot. Certainly, if you wish to make the
most of your flying and to extend your piloting skills and qualifications, maintaining
a high level of personal fitness is essential. For a person who does not suffer from
any medical disorder, the main considerations for keeping fit and well are to follow
a healthy diet, exercise regularly, maintain a high standard of personal hygiene and
refrain from excess in terms of alcohol consumption and stressful activity. All these
considerations may be lumped together under the term lifestyle. To remain fit and
well, a pilot must maintain positive control of his lifestyle. Special consideration should
be given to any form of self-medication, as medications may contain substances
which can severely affect a pilot’s performance in the air.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

Figure 7.3 Pilot’s Self Declaration Medical Form.


A good indication that a person is following a healthy lifestyle is that his Body Mass Body Mass
Index should lie within prescribed limits. A person’s Body Mass Index, or BMI, is Index is found
by dividing a
simply a measure of a person’s weight in relation to his height. The BMI is obtained
person’s weight
by dividing weight in kilograms by the square of the height in metres. The BMI is in kilograms by the square
expressed as a coefficient; that is, a number without units. of his height in metres.
Body Mass Index = weight (kg)
• For men, a normal BMI lies between 20 and 25.
• A normal BMI for a woman is from 19 to 24.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

A BMI above or below these values indicates that a person is overweight or

underweight respectively. For example, a man who is 1.80 metres tall and weighs
85 kilograms has a BMI of 26.23 indicating that he is overweight. A BMI of over 30 for
a man, or over 29 for a woman, is an indication of obesity. As most of us are aware,
being overweight or obese is a common health problem in modern western society.

Keeping an eye on your Body Mass Index is one way of monitoring whether you are
of a healthy weight. If you are not, then you may wish to consult a medical practitioner
about the best way of controlling your weight. Of course, obvious solutions are to eat
less whilst maintaining a balanced and healthy diet, and to exercise.

However, be aware that pilots should not try to lose weight by taking appetite-
suppressants, unless under the direct supervision of an Aviation Medical Specialist.


Being seriously overweight has obvious disadvantages for a pilot. In addition to

problems associated with mobility restriction, cockpit accommodation and, possibly,
exceeding the all-up weight for your aircraft, being badly overweight increases a
pilot’s susceptibility to the following conditions:

• Heart attack.

• Hypertension.

• Hypoxia at lower altitudes than normal.

• General circulation problems.

• Gout.

• Osteoarthritis.

• Diabetes.

• The inability to tolerate g forces.

• Problems with joints and limbs.

• Decompression Sickness.

• Heavy sweating.

• Chest infections.

• Varicose veins.

Of course, quite apart from the danger to a pilot’s health, all the above conditions
adversely affect the quality of a person’s normal day-to-day life, too.

ID: 10888
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]


Exercise should be a part of everyone’s life who is serious about keeping fit. Exercise
promotes both mental and physical fitness, and a sense of well-being. Those who exercise
take regular exercise can cope with fatigue much better, and their resistance to stress involves
is improved. Pilots are required to sit for long periods, and, so, regular exercise is of doubling the
particular importance. heart rate for 20 minutes, 3
times a week.
To be effective, exercise must be regular, be of sufficient intensity to double the
resting pulse rate for at least 20 minutes and be practised, at least, three times per
week. Pilots should seek professional advice on exercise regimes to suit their own


A balanced diet is another foundation of good health. A high carbohydrate/fibre
and low-fat diet can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes and
certain forms of cancer. Sources of carbohydrates include grains, vegetables, nuts,
potatoes and fruits. This type of food should make up more than 50% of the calories
consumed. The rest should come from lean meats and poultry, fish and low-fat dairy

Many nutritionists advise never to miss breakfast and regard breakfast as the most
important meal of the day. Medical authorities state that breakfast should supply
about 25% of the daily calorie intake. A good breakfast is a must before spending
a day at the airfield. A pilot should not embark on a demanding flying sortie on an
empty stomach.

Vitamins are organic food substances found only in living things. With few exceptions,
the body cannot manufacture or synthesize vitamins. Vitamins must be supplied in
the diet, or in dietary supplements. Vitamins are essential to the normal functioning
of our bodies. They help regulate metabolism, help convert fat and carbohydrates
into energy, and assist in forming bone and tissue.

Figure 7.4 Vitamin Sources.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

It is beyond the scope of this book to teach the main benefit to be derived from the
different kinds of vitamin. It is sufficient here to note that we can get the vitamins we
need by eating a balanced diet. The major sources of vitamins are shown in Figure
7.4, on the previous page.

Principal Minerals.
Minerals are also very important, because our bodies need them to grow, develop,
and be healthy. Minerals are essential to many vital body processes, from building
strong bones to transmitting nerve impulses.

Figure 7.5 Principal Minerals.

The three principal minerals which are critical to the body’s functions are Calcium,
Phosphorus and Iron.

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body. It helps with the building and
maintaining of bones and teeth. Its sources are milk, milk products, dark green leafy
vegetables and shellfish.

Phosphorus, the second most abundant mineral, performs more functions than any
other mineral and plays a part in nearly every chemical reaction in the body. The
sources of Phosphorus are: grains, cheese and milk, nuts, meats, poultry, fish, dried
peas, beans and egg yolks.

Iron is necessary for the manufacture of haemoglobin. Its sources are meats, beans,
green leafy vegetables, grain products, nuts and shellfish.

Contaminated foodstuffs can cause stomach upsets and more severe conditions
related to food poisoning. The major sources of food contamination are from
unhygienic food preparation and environments, undercooked or rancid meats,
unwashed fruit and vegetables, etc.

Incapacitation Due to Food Poisoning (Gastroenteritis).

A pilot The most common cause of in-flight incapacitation resulting from food poisoning or
suffering from drinking contaminated water, is acute gastroenteritis. The onset of gastroenteritis is
gastroenteritis usually abrupt and violent.
is not fit to fly.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

Symptoms of gastroenteritis include:

• Nausea.
• Vomiting.
• Abdominal pain.
• Loss of appetite.
• Diarrhoea which can cause a rapid loss of fluids.

Gastroenteritis is a debilitating condition. Pilots suffering from gastroenteritis are not

fit to fly, even though they may be taking medicine which is relieving the symptoms.

A high standard of personal hygiene must be practised if the body is to remain healthy
and free from infection. Some of the elementary precautions which help ensure
personal hygiene are listed below:
• Careful and daily cleansing of the body, including scalp, gums and teeth.
• Washing and drying hands after using the toilet.
• Ensuring that eating utensils are scrupulously clean.
• Prompt treating and bandaging of minor cuts and abrasions.
• Regular exercise.
• Eating a balanced diet.


Regular fits or seizures are a condition usually referred to as epilepsy. This is not a
A fit is caused
specific disease but a set of signs or symptoms in response to a disturbance of the by an electrical
electrical activity in the brain. Fits are often described as major or minor, although disturbance in
the distinction is not always clear. In a major fit, the sufferer may experience the brain.
convulsions or uncontrolled movements. In a minor fit there may only be a short
period of ‘absence’ or loss of attention. Many patients with epilepsy will have an
abnormal Electroencephalogram (EEG) tracing with characteristic signs. An EEG
may be used in the initial medical assessment of pilots or applied to pilots who may
have had a disturbance of consciousness. Any fit, major or minor, is associated with
an unpredictable loss of consciousness and is, therefore, usually a bar to the holding
of a flying licence.

A faint is the more common cause of a loss of consciousness in adults. The causes
Fainting is
of fainting are many: shock, loss of blood, lack of food or fluid, or other physiological caused by a
stresses. The basic reason for a person fainting is a sudden reduction of the blood reduction in
supply to the brain, commonly caused by: blood supply to
the brain.
• Standing up quickly after prolonged sitting, especially when hot or
• A sudden shock.
• Loss of blood after an accident.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

This form of attack has no sinister significance as far as future flying is concerned,
as long as the cause is clearly understood. If a pilot suffers fainting attacks, he must,
however, seek professional medical advice.


In helicopter operations, it has been found that a limited number of people are affected
by the stroboscopic effect of sunlight reaching the observer through the rotor blades.
Problems are normally caused by flash frequencies between 5 and 20Hz; that is,
between 5 and 20 flashes per second. This can lead to feelings of nausea, giddiness
and, in extreme cases, cause an epileptic-type fit.

If a member of the crew or a passenger shows symptoms of the stroboscopic effect,

the recommended preventative actions are:

• Turn the aircraft out of sun.

• Move the person affected to a seat in the shade.

• Make the individual close his eyes.

The wearing of sun glasses may also help reduce the stroboscopic effect.


It is important to be aware that the in-flight environment may increase the severity of
symptoms which may be minor while on the ground. Even minor ailments, such as
a slight cold, or a stomach upset, can cause a deterioration of piloting performance.
Consequently, if a pilot is feeling at all unwell, the decision whether or not to fly
requires very careful consideration. If there is any doubt whatsoever in a pilot’s mind
about his fitness to fly, he should stay on the ground.

Pilots should never fly while suffering from a cold or flu, nor if they cannot clear their


Whatever the primary purpose for which drugs or medication are intended, for
example, to relieve the symptoms of an illness, it is generally true to say that most
drugs and medicines have unwanted side-effects. Individuals will also vary in the
way that the drugs and medication affect them. For these reasons, it is absolutely
essential that pilots do not fly as part of the operating crew of an aircraft when taking
drugs or medication, unless they have been cleared to do so by an Aviation Medicine
Specialist. Self-medication is particularly dangerous. A pilot who takes charge of
an aircraft while on self-prescribed medication not only runs the risk of suffering
side-effects but also faces the hazards associated with the underlying illness in the
in-flight environment which, as we have already stated, can make the symptoms of
any illness much more debilitating than they might be on the ground.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

The possible dangers of side-effects to medication may not be obvious, particularly

when a mixture of drugs is contained in an apparently innocuous compound on sale
to the general public in the local chemist. Be particularly aware that the precautionary
advice contained on the packaging will not take into consideration the special
problems associated with flying.

Listed below are some examples of ailments and the drugs and medication which
can be purchased over the counter at any pharmacy to treat common ailments. The
list gives you an appreciation of side-effects of the medication, highlighting the more
dangerous agents. The list is by no means complete but gives an indication of the
hazards involved in taking various types of medication.

Medicines to relieve the symptoms of Colds, Hay Fever and Flu:

Many of these contain anti-histamines which cause drowsiness and dizziness. The
drowsiness can be particularly hazardous because it may not be recognised by the
individual and may recur after a period of alertness. Anti-spasmodic drugs are often
included in these compounds and these can cause visual disturbances. Quinine can
also be present which can adversely effect hearing and cause dizziness.

Allergy Treatments:
Most of these contain anti-histamines which cause drowsiness and dizziness.

Nasal Decongestants:
Whether in drop or inhaler form, these contain stimulants which can cause sleepiness,
nausea, depression, visual disturbances, impaired judgement and dizziness.

Diarrhoea Controllers:
These contain opiates which cause both nausea and depression.

Weight Controllers:
Most of these contain stimulants such as benzedrine or dexedrine which not only
cause wakefulness but also nervousness and impaired judgement.

Stimulants and Tranquillisers:

These can cause sleepiness, nausea, depression, visual disturbances, impaired
judgement and dizziness.

Caffeine is present in coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate, “energy” drinks such as Red
Bull, and many fizzy soft drinks such as cola. Caffeine pills are also available, as an
aid to keeping awake and alert. Caffeine is also found in medications for dieting, and
the treatment of colds, allergies and migraines.

A typical coffee-drinker consumes 3.5 cups of coffee per day (containing 360 - 440mg
of caffeine). You should be aware that a consumption of 6-8 cups of normal strength
tea or coffee a day could lead to dependence, and that as little as 200mg of caffeine
may reduce performance.

100 cups of coffee (10g of caffeine) consumed over a short period would probably
prove fatal.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

Excessive intakes of caffeine, over a period, can lead to:

• Ulcers and other digestive disorders.

• Increased risk of cardiac arrest.

• Hypertension.

• Personality disorders.

• Chronic muscle tension.

• Insomnia.

• Disorientation.

• Hyperactivity (especially in children).

The recommended maximum caffeine intake, per day, is approximately 250 - 300mg,
corresponding to 2 - 3 cups of coffee.


A pilot should If you undergo a local or general anaesthetic, a minimum period of time should
not fly for at elapse before piloting an aircraft. The period will vary considerably from individual to
least 48 hours individual, but a pilot should not fly for at least 12 hours after a local anaesthetic and
following a general anaesthetic, for 48 hours following a general anaesthetic.
and for at least 12 hours
following a local anaesthetic. The more potent forms of analgesics (pain killers) may produce a significant
deterioration in human performance. If such analgesics are required, the pain for
which they are being taken generally indicates a condition which means it is unsafe
to fly. Refer to the reverse side of your UK CAA issued medical certificate to be
informed of what you must notify your AME about and when.


The chapter on ‘The Human Body’ teaches you about the nature of alcohol, its effects
on the body and the dangers of combining alcohol consumption with flying. We
return briefly to the subject, here, in the context of living a healthy lifestyle.

Alcohol is not digested in the human body. It is absorbed directly from the stomach
and intestines into the bloodstream. From there, it is carried to every portion of
the body. The liver is then responsible for eliminating the alcohol and does this by
changing the alcohol into water and Carbon Dioxide. Drunkenness occurs when the
individual drinks alcohol faster than the liver can dispose of it.

Alcohol is removed from the blood at a rate of approximately 15 milligrams per 100
millilitres per hour. The consumption of one and a half pints of beer, or three single
whiskies, will result in a blood/alcohol level of about 45-50 mgm/100ml, and so it will
take up to 4 hours for the blood level to return to normal.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

Contrary to popular belief, a person cannot speed up the rate at which alcohol leaves
the body. Black coffee and fresh air do not help. Eating during drinking will only slow
up the rate at which alcohol is absorbed into the blood, not the amount of alcohol
which is absorbed.

Once in the bloodstream, alcohol acts primarily as a depressant on the nervous

system and slows down your reactions. Some critical areas of the brain, such as the
decision-making areas, are especially vulnerable.

Long term consumption above the following levels can cause permanent damage to
the body:
For men: figures give the
Three units daily, or 21 units per week.
alcohol consumption figures
For women: as 21 units per week, for men,
Two units daily, or 14 units per week. and 14 units per week, for
One unit is about a half pint of beer, a standard glass of wine or a measure of spirits.
People who consume in excess of these amounts may develop a dependency for

The World Health Organisation definition of an alcoholic is: ‘A person whose excessive
use of alcohol repeatedly damages his physical, mental, or social life’.

Remember that even small amounts of alcohol will degrade your performance as the
pilot of an aeroplane or the driver of a car. It is a criminal offence to drive a car or
pilot an aeroplane while under the influence of alcohol.

The United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority strongly advises that pilots should not fly
for at least 8 hours after consuming even small amounts of alcohol, and proportionally
longer if larger amounts are consumed. It is prudent for a pilot to abstain from alcohol
for at least 24 hours before flying.

Joint Aviation Regulations specify a maximum blood alcohol limit for pilots of 20
milligrams per 100 millilitres of blood.


Tiredness and fatigue, though related concepts, differ in their long term physical
effects on the body. Ordinary tiredness results from normal physical and/or mental
exertion over a normal waking period, say, 14 hours. If a person is tired in this way,
a good night’s sleep is the only requirement for that person to be fit the following
morning to continue with physical activity, whether that be flying or any other kind of
work. The only consideration required to deal with normal tiredness is to ensure that
periods of activity and periods of restful sleep comply with the normal pattern for a
person’s age and physical condition.

Fatigue, however, is a very deep tiredness due to the cumulative effects of a stressful
lifestyle and/or living and working environment.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

Whereas normal tiredness is instantly recognisable by the sufferer, and the remedy
obvious, the effects of fatigue can be gradual; they can creep up slowly on the sufferer.
Moreover, the sufferer may, for a number of reasons, be unwilling to recognise or
admit that he is suffering from fatigue.

The important fact for pilots to be aware of is that both tiredness and fatigue can kill
them and their passengers. There are differences, however, in a person’s perception
of, on the one hand, tiredness, and, on the other hand, fatigue.

Pilots may quite readily decline to fly when they are normally tired. But a pilot
suffering from cumulative fatigue may not realise his condition, or be unwilling to
admit it. Fatigue, then, is a highly dangerous condition for a pilot. Pilots, therefore,
must be conscious of the symptoms of fatigue and be prepared both to recognise the
symptoms and to admit to them.

Fatigue can be caused by the following circumstances:

• Long-term ill health, either physical or mental.

• Regular sleep-deprivation, for whatever reason.

• High levels of stress and/or anxiety over a prolonged period.

• A disturbed body cycle. (e.g. jet lag, changing work-shift patterns).

• Long-term difficulties in personal or work-based relationships.

• A stressful living and/or working environment (e.g. high levels of noise, or

unreasonable physical or mental demands).

Symptoms of fatigue may be:

• Diminished awareness.

• An appearance of tiredness.

• Diminished coordination.
• Memory lapse.

• A propensity to make frequent mistakes in speech and actions.

• Rapid changes of mood.

If you become aware that you have developed symptoms of fatigue, do not fly again
until you have consulted a doctor. If you are a professional pilot, the doctor should
be an authorised aviation medical specialist.

As a minimum and immediate self-help programme, you might also consider the

• Accept the fact that you may be fatigued.

• Make sure that you get regular, undisturbed sleep.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

• Avoid alcohol and caffeine.

• Eat a balanced diet of appropriate quantities of food.

• Try to take the stress out of your life.

Always, however, consult a doctor.


As we have already mentioned, flying can expose the human body to conditions for
which it is not naturally suited. We have covered, for instance, extremes of pressure
and their effect on Oxygen intake, in some detail. Here we will look at the increase
and decrease in gravitational force, or, more accurately, gravitational acceleration, to
which the body may be exposed in flight. Gravitational acceleration is often referred
to colloquially as “g” or “g-force”.

Figure 7.6 Normal Gravitational Acceleration of 1g.

Positive g.
Under normal conditions on the ground, the body is subject to 1g; that is, ‘normal
gravitation acceleration’ of 32 feet per second squared or 9.81 metres per second
squared, directed towards the centre of the Earth. (See Figure 7.6)

The reaction of the surface on which we are standing or resting gives us the sensation
we call weight. You will be experiencing a 1g acceleration as you sit in your chair
reading this book.

A pilot will also experience 1g in straight and level flight. But if he carries out a level
turn at 60 degrees of bank (See Figure 7.7), he will be subject to an acceleration of
2g acting vertically through his seat (If his turn is perfectly executed, that is). As body
mass is constant, the pilot’s weight will also increase by a factor of 2. This factor of 2
is called the load factor. In a 60 degree level turn, the whole structure of the aircraft
is subject to a load factor of 2.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

Figure 7.7 In a 60º-banked turn, a pilot is subjected to an acceleration of 2g.

In a 70 degree level turn (See Figure 7.8), should your aircraft’s engine be powerful
enough to perform this manoeuvre, the load factor increases to 3. In aerobatics, a
pilot may experience accelerations and load factors of this order. In fact, a typical
light aircraft cleared for aerobatics would be stressed to withstand positive load
factors of up to six.

Figure 7.8 In a 70º-banked turn, a pilot is subjected to an acceleration of 3g.

Let us now look at the effect of increased accelerations, or increased g, or load

factors, on the body. During increased g manoeuvres, the pilot’s head becomes
heavy, mobility is impaired and the body’s internal organs can be displaced slightly.
Blood will also be drawn towards the lower parts of the body as the heart’s ability to
pump blood into the brain is overcome by the increased load factor.

As g increases, the pilot’s peripheral vision becomes impaired, and his view of the
world turns grey. The expression grey out is used to describe this condition.

ID: 10888
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

If g is further increased, the pilot’s sense of vision may cease to operate, and he is
said to black out. It is easy to imagine that the pilot may lose both consciousness
and control of his aircraft, with possible catastrophic consequences. Loss of
consciousness (GLOC) occurs after blackout as eyes are more sensitive to loss of
blood pressure than anything else.

The adverse effects of moderately increased g can sometimes be delayed or relieved

by tensing the thigh and stomach muscles. The quickest way to relieve black out or
grey out is to ease off the backward pressure on the control column. Speak to your
flying instructor about subsequent actions as they apply to your aircraft.

Figure 7.9 In a 45º-banked turn, a pilot is subjected to an acceleration of 1.41g.

Under normal circumstances, a private pilot of a light, touring aircraft, without

aerobatic training, should never find himself subject to accelerations of more than
1.41g. 1.41g is the acceleration experienced in a level turn at 45 degrees angle of
bank. In normal, touring flying, angles of bank greater than this are unnecessary.

It is important however, to understand the circumstances which can give rise to higher Factors
values of g and the effects that the associated higher loadings can have on the body. affecting
Tolerance to g may be reduced by: tolerance to ‘g’
• Excessive alcohol consumption.
• Alcohol.
• Smoking.
• Smoking.
• Fatigue.
• Fatigue.
• Excessive heat.
• Excessive heat.
• Obesity.
• Obesity.
• Any level of illness.
• Any level of illness.
Negative g.
Whereas most pilots can learn to tolerate moderate increases in positive g, many
pilots find even the smallest exposure to negative g to be unpleasant. You may
already have experienced negative g if you have ridden on a rollercoaster or driven
at speed over a hump-backed bridge.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

During flight, negative g is experienced if, after pulling out of a steep dive, the control
column is instinctively and firmly moved forward again because the pilot feels that he
has his nose too high in an attitude that may lead to a stall. You will almost certainly
have this phenomenon demonstrated to you during training and will be taught the
difference between this sensation and the sensation experienced during a stall.

From the point of view of physical sensation, you should know that negative g
manoeuvres increase the flow of blood to the head. Blood pressure in the head
increases, the face becomes very flushed, often painfully so, and the eyes begin to

In extreme cases, blood vessels may burst. The combined effect of the aforementioned
symptoms causes what is described as a red out. Ultimately, consciousness may be
lost with the obvious attendant dangers.

Immediate relief from the symptoms may be obtained if the pilot ceases to push
forward on the stick, selects a normal flying attitude and waits for normal flight
conditions to re-establish themselves. As always, be sure to consult your instructor’s
advice on piloting issues.


The word toxic derives from Latin and Greek words meaning “poisonous”. The
operation and engineering support of aircraft involve the use of many substances
which are, in themselves toxic or produce toxic fumes, either spontaneously or when
burned. Even mild toxic effects can degrade a pilot’s performance and lead to an
accident. Prolonged exposure to toxic influences can damage a person’s general
health. It is, therefore, of crucial importance that pilots recognise the dangers
posed by toxic substances so that they may act accordingly in their presence. In an
unpressurised aeroplane, the general noxious fumes drill is to ventilate the cabin and
land as soon as possible.

One of the greatest toxic dangers is exposure to Carbon Monoxide fumes in flight.
This subject is covered fully in the chapter on The Human Body.

Explanation of Other Toxic Hazards.

Fuels, lubricants and propellants can release irritant vapour which may cause
drowsiness or irritation to the respiratory system, together with skin damage.
Hydrocarbons and Tetra Ethyl Lead can affect the nervous system causing a loss of
sensation. Among the senses affected is that of smell which diminishes an individual’s
awareness of continued exposure to toxic hazards.

Anti-icing fluid gives off fumes which, if allowed to enter the fuselage, can be
harmful. Ethylene Glycol, which is often used as an anti-icing fluid, can cause kidney

Fire extinguishing agents, particularly BCF, cause suffocation, lung irritation,

dizziness, confusion and coma, if ventilation is inadequate.

Batteries, when improperly mounted or packed, can leak dangerous acid fumes.
Mercury batteries are especially dangerous, as any spilt mercury will very rapidly
corrode aluminium structures of an aircraft.

ID: 10888
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

In the case of fire on board the aircraft, some cabin furnishings and plastic or foam
upholstery give off poisonous fumes as they are heated. There is always the chance
Toxic hazards
that luggage may also contain lethal items which may have passed a less-than-
in aircraft are
rigorous screening. (The tragic Saudia accident, which killed over 300 people as a as follows:
result of toxic fumes, is a prime example of this very real danger.)
Anti-icing fluids (can cause
Acetone and Turpentine, which are both used in aviation, can damage membranes kidney damage).
and eyes
Fire extinguishing agents
Anyone who has been exposed to any toxic hazard should seek medical assistance, (can cause suffocation, lung
irritation, dizziness, confusion
as soon as possible.
and coma).

Dangerous Cargo. Batteries (can leak acid or

Pilots must be aware that they must not carry certain defined items on board their mercury - highly corrosive).
aircraft. Such items are referred to as dangerous cargo because of the possibility that
their discharge, spillage or breakage may endanger the aircraft and/or crew in flight Baggage and furnishings
or on the ground. Among items classified as dangerous cargo are: (can cause poisonous fumes in
the event of a fire).
• Compressed gas containers.
Acetone and Turpentine (can
damage eyes and membranes
• Toxic substances. and are a fire hazard).

• Acids and other corrosive liquids.

• Radioactive materials.

• Firearms.

Further information about dangerous goods and aviation may be found in Civil
Aviation Publication (CAP) 668, available from the United Kingdom CAA.


On completion of your training, as the holder of a private pilot’s licence, you will be
able to carry passengers with you when you fly. Taking friends and family into the air
is one of the privileges and pleasures of holding a pilot’s licence.

The privilege, however, also carries with it an enormous responsibility: that of the
pilot for the care, comfort and safety of his passengers.

A pilot’s responsibility for the care of his passengers commences with the pre-flight
briefing of passengers and lasts until the passengers have safely disembarked from
the aircraft and have left the operating area of the airfield. We will look at passenger
care for each of the following phases of the flight:

• Pre-flight briefing.

• Approaching the aircraft, embarking and strapping in.

• In-flight procedures.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

• Emergencies.
• Disembarkation.

The CAA publish a free comprehensive guide to Care of Passengers on their website.

The Pre-Flight Briefing of Passengers.

The best way to give your passengers confidence in your ability to take them safely
into the air and to bring them safely to earth again is to deliver a thorough pre-flight
briefing in a confident and reassuring manner.

UK Air Law requires that the Pilot in Command of an aircraft should give a pre-flight
briefing to all passengers being carried in a UK-registered aircraft. During the pre-
flight briefing, passengers should be given brief information about the nature of the
flight; for instance, whether it is to be a local, sight-seeing flight or a cross-country or
route flight.

For any passengers who have never flown before, it is useful to say a word or two
about the sensations of flight. You should put them at their ease and mention practical
issues such as the pressure changes associated with climbing and descending,
and how the ears may be cleared. If the day of the flight is one where significant
weather conditions prevail, mention them in your briefing. If cloud is extensive, or if
turbulence is present, it will reassure passengers to be told about them before they
get airborne.

It is customary for information on any standard emergency procedures to be given

during the pre-flight briefing. If parachutes are to be worn, the pre-flight briefing is the
time to brief your passenger or passengers on how to put on the parachute, how to
exit the aircraft, how to deploy the parachute and how to steer it and land. The brief
on abandoning the aircraft should be repeated prior to take-off. In most light aircraft,
however, parachutes will not be worn.

It is always worthwhile mentioning that airfields can be cold and windy places, even
in warm weather, and that warm clothing should always be available. (It can always
be removed before boarding the aircraft.) The Pilot in Command should emphasise
that no loose articles are to be carried, and that coins should be put in closed pockets,
and pens safely stowed.

At this stage, the pilot must make a final check that the weight of his passengers, his
own weight, and that of any other payload, such as luggage, parachutes, Mae-Wests
(life-jackets) or other emergency equipment, do not exceed permitted all-up-weight.
Aircraft Centre of Gravity limits must also be calculated and checked, at this stage.

Finally, while you are still in the crew room, you should ask if any of your passengers
have any questions to ask you.

Approaching the Aircraft.

Brief your passengers thoroughly on how they are to cross aprons or other
manoeuvring areas and taxiways, and how they are to approach the aircraft. (See
Figures 7.10 and 7.11.) Check whether high-visibility jackets need to be worn at your
airfield. In approaching the aircraft, the passengers must be warned to stay well clear
of the propeller arc. (See Figure 7.12.)

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

Figure 7.10 On the Apron.

Figure 7.11 Approaching the Aircraft.

Figure 7.12 Steer Clear of the Propeller Arc!

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

Embarkation and Strapping in.

The aircraft’s engine must be shut down during passenger embarkation. Ideally, the
aircraft should be approached obliquely from behind. If there are several passengers,
they should keep in one group so that you can supervise them efficiently. Ensure that
the passengers are comfortably seated and correctly strapped in. Refer to your
aircraft’s handbook for details on strapping in.

The thorough Passengers must be fully briefed on how to do up, adjust and release straps and
pre-flight harnesses. Ensure that passengers understand how to adjust and lock their seats.
briefing of
passengers is essential. The passenger who sits in the front in the right hand seat will need to be briefed
that he should not permit any part of his body or equipment to interfere with your
operation of the aircraft controls. The operation of doors, windows and direct-vision
panels and ventilation ports must be fully explained. It is the responsibility of the Pilot
in Command to check that all doors are closed and locked.

Check that headsets are properly fitted and adjusted and that operation of the Intercom
is understood. You may wish to explain that talking on the Intercom should be kept
to a minimum because of your need to speak on the radio and to concentrate on the
safe conduct of the flight. You should, nevertheless, encourage your passengers to
point out to you anything of concern to them or to ask any questions they wish about
the flight. It is useful to take advantage of the extra pair, or pairs, of eyes and to ask
for help in maintaining a good look out for other aircraft, or for significant ground

Immediately Before Take-Off.

Before you make first contact with Air Traffic Control, remind passengers about action
to take in the event of a forced landing, and the use of any emergency equipment.
Finally, if parachutes are worn, the procedure for abandoning the aircraft should be
gone through again.

In Flight Procedures.
If your pre-flight briefing and embarkation procedures have been effective, there
should be no need for any formal briefings or procedures during the flight itself.

Do, however, re-assure passengers, if anything unusual should occur, such as flying
through turbulent air. Be sure to point out interesting and relevant features in the air
and on the ground. Also, keep passengers updated about the progress of the flight. If
you are flying a route, they should be told about position and estimated time of arrival
at the destination. Whether en route or during a local flight, it is a good idea to advise,
in advance, passengers who fly infrequently that you intend to turn, or execute a
climb or descent. They will not, then, be surprised by an unexpected manoeuvre.

An emergency can occur in the air or on the ground. However, in the air, during an
emergency, events happen quickly and the pilot’s concentration is fully occupied
with dealing with the immediate safety of the aircraft and passengers. Therefore,
instructions to passengers on how they should react to an emergency must be given
on the ground, in the aircraft, where possible. The Pilot in Command must familiarise
himself with the emergency procedures and equipment pertaining to the aircraft
he is about fly, and with the specific emergency equipment made available to the

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Forced Landings.
A forced landing is any emergency landing on a surface other than an airfield runway.
A forced landing may be necessary following an engine failure. Fortunately such
occurrences are rare. As in everything in flying, though, you must be prepared for the
worst. A summary of the forced landing briefing is shown in Figure 7.13.

Identify and
know the
location of
your aircraft’s emergency
equipment, and be familiar
with its operation.

Figure 7.13 Summary of Forced Landing Briefing.

The aim of the forced landing briefing is to prevent passengers being injured through
striking any objects within the aircraft, and to enable them to vacate the aircraft
quickly and safely. If a forced landing over land is inevitable, you must warn your
passengers of the occurrence and order them to check that their harnesses are tight
and locked. Before touching down, doors must be unlatched but not opened.

Headsets should be removed and put aside just before touch-down. Again, just
before touching down, passengers must adopt the braced position. The passengers
must know the most efficient evacuation order and how to unlock seat and back-
support restraints.

Briefing for a Forced Landing on Water.

When flying over water in a twin-engined aircraft, passengers need to be instructed
in the location of life-jackets and how to put them on. In a single-engined aircraft,
however, life-jackets must be worn. It is not sufficient merely to have life-jackets
available for donning. Passengers must be briefed on how to inflate their life-jackets
and how to use any ancillary items such as whistles, radio-beacons and lights (See
Figure 7.14.) It is of vital importance to stress that no passenger must inflate his life-
jacket until he is outside the aircraft, following ditching.

If a life-raft or dinghy is carried, make sure that someone is made responsible for
deploying it on ditching. Procedures for inflating and boarding life-rafts must be
followed exactly. As Pilot in Command, it is your responsibility to get yourself instructed
on the details pertaining to the equipment you carry, and to brief passengers before

Abandoning the Aircraft by Parachute.

As already mentioned, a passenger must be briefed, before embarkation, on donning
the parachute, exiting the aircraft, deploying the chute, steering it and landing.

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Figure 7.14 Life-jacket and Transponder.

This briefing is specialised and, except for the landing, dependent on the type of
parachute worn, and aircraft type.

Once again, it is the Pilot in Command’s responsibility to be thoroughly briefed on

the parachutes he and his passengers are using and the bailing out procedures for
his particular aircraft.

Knowledge of First Aid.

Although there is no test in first aid for private pilots in Britain, a pilot who does not
possess a rudimentary knowledge of first aid may be considered as unable to fulfil
his duty of care to the passengers he carries in his aircraft or accompanies onto
the airfield. This book does not aim to teach you first aid. You should enrol on, and
complete, a course in first aid run by a recognised and competent organisation such
as the St John Ambulance (www.sja.org.uk), or the Red Cross (www.redcross.

A knowledge of first aid skills will be essential if, for instance, persons in your care
injure themselves on the airfield or sustain injuries following a forced landing. You
can save life or minimise the consequences of injury if you know what to do between
the time of injury and the arrival of qualified medical help. So get yourself trained in
first aid.

In principle, at the scene of an accident, your first aid priorities should be:

• Do nothing to aggravate the situation or further injure a casualty.

• Do, however, remove a casualty from immediate further danger.

• Summon specialist help by the quickest possible means and ensure that
the emergency services know how to reach you. (For instance, position
someone at the airfield entrance, and know how to summon the emergency
services at your home airfield.)

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• Administer first aid – Remember the mnemonic ABC:

A= Airways:- Clear obstructed airways.

B = 
Breathing:- Ensure that the injured person is breathing again;
(consider artificial respiration).

C= Circulation:- Stop any bleeding.

Finally, make sure that your aircraft and your club-house are equipped with a first aid
kit whose contents meet the recommendation of the Air Navigation Order, and that
you know what those contents are. Ensure also that you know how to locate the first
aid kit.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

Representative PPL - type questions to test your theoretical

knowledge of Flying and Health.

1. The body mass index is obtained by:

a. Multiplying body weight in kilograms by height in metres squared

b. Adding body weight in kilograms to height in metres squared
c. Multiplying body weight in pounds by height in feet squared
d. Dividing body weight in kilograms by height in metres squared

2. A body mass index of 23 for a male or female pilot indicates he/she is:

a. Underweight
b. Normal
c. Overweight
d. Obese

3. In order to be effective, exercise should be:

a. Sufficient to double the resting heart rate for 20 minutes at least

twice per week
b. Sufficient to halve the resting heart rate for 20 minutes, at least
three times per week
c. Sufficient to double the resting heart rate for 20 minutes, at least
three times per week
d. Sufficient to double the resting heart rate for 30 minutes, at least
twice a week

4. Breakfast should supply:

a. At least 25% of the daily calorie intake

b. Sufficient calories to spend a whole day at the airfield
c. Enough protein to make up 50% of the daily calories consumed
d. A high fat start to the day to give energy and reduce the risk of
heart disease

5. An intake of iron is essential for:

a. Improving personal magnetism

b. The manufacture of haemoglobin
c. The production of Rhodopsin to improve night vision
d. Building and maintaining healthy bones and teeth

6. The condition of Gastroenteritis makes a pilot:

a. Fit to fly
b. Fit to fly if no attack has been experienced for an hour
c. Fit to fly provided appropriate medication is being taken
d. Unfit to fly

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

7. A fit or seizure is symptomatic of:

a. An interruption of the blood supply to the pulmonary system

b. A reduction in the blood supply to the brain
c. An electrical disturbance in the brain
d. The failure of the pancreas to produce insulin

8. The recommended maximum daily caffeine intake is approximately:

a. 150 – 200mg
b. 200 – 250mg
c. 250 – 300mg
d. 300 – 350mg

9. The maximum number of units of alcohol is 21 for men and 14 for women.
These limits are:

a. Per day
b. Per week
c. Per month
d. Per year

10. If a pilot is suffering from a cold or flu, he:

a. Is unfit to fly
b. Is fit to fly if taking appropriate medication
c. Is fit to fly if no sneezing has being experienced for one hour
d. Is fit to fly if he can clear his ears

11. A pilot is 2 metres tall and weighs 90 kilograms. What is his Body Mass
Index and is he over-weight?

a. 40; yes
b. 22.5; no
c. 22.5, yes
d. 40; no

12. What angle of bank, in a balanced turn, will subject the body to an
acceleration of 2g?

a. 15°
b. 60°
c. 30°
d. 45°

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

13. What is the best way for a pilot to reassure any nervous passenger whom
he is about to take flying?

a. To allow the passenger to see his pilot’s licence

b. To show the passenger his log book which is a record of his
experience of safe flying
c. To explain to the passenger how much other people have enjoyed
flying with him
d. To give the passenger a thorough pre-flight briefing, following
established and approved guidelines

14. For what period of time must a pilot refrain from flying after being given an

a. 24 hours following a local anaesthetic and 48 hours following a

general anaesthetic
b. 12 hours following a local anaesthetic and 24 hours following a
general anaesthetic
c. 12 hours following a local anaesthetic and 48 hours following a
general anaesthetic
d. 24 hours following both local anaesthetic and a general anaesthetic

15. At what rate does the body remove alcohol from the blood?

a. 100 milligrams per 15 millilitres per hour

b. 50 milligrams per 100 millilitres per hour
c. 15 milligrams per 100 millilitres per hour
d. 120 milligrams per 80 millilitres per hour

16. Which of the answer options below includes three important health risks to
which obese people are exposed by virtue of excessive body weight?

a. Heart attack, blood circulatory problems, hypertension

b. Myopia, loss of appetite, nausea
c. Insomnia, disorientation, muscular tension
d. Memory lapse, diminished awareness, lack of coordination

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Question 12 13 14 15 16

The answers to these questions can be found at the end of this book.

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We receive information from the world around us through our senses: sight, hearing,
touch, smell and taste. When flying an aircraft, the pilot must observe and react to
events both in the cockpit and in the environment outside the aircraft. The information
from the pilot’s senses must be interpreted in order that he may make decisions and
take actions to ensure the safety of his aircraft at all times.

In this chapter, we will lay out the basic system by which we receive and process
information in order to make decisions, and recognise where errors in the system
may be the cause of accidents.


The processes of thought and decision-making (collectively known as reasoning)

arise from electro-chemical currents within the brain. Figure 8.1 represents a
functional model of the various stages of our reasoning which occur between receiving
information and a response being made. These stages are:

• Detection (information is received).

• Perception.

• Decision.

• Action (responses are selected and executed).

• Feedback.

Figure 8.1 Basic Information Processing.

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The model at Figure 8.1 is of some importance when attempting to determine how
errors occur. With the help of the model, we can determine whether the errors result
from a failure of perception, a failure of memory, or whether, in spite of having correctly
interpreted the information, a person has simply failed to take the correct action. The
functional model also helps in understanding other factors, such as stress, which
may influence a person’s performance.



Once information about a particular event has been perceived, a decision must be
formulated, and a response made. For example, on hearing a warning sound the
operator of a machine, such as the pilot of an aircraft, may switch off the affected
system (a selected response) or hold the information in memory whilst a search is
made for the problem which has triggered the warning.

Information is continuously entered into, and withdrawn from, both the long and
short-term memories in order to assist the decision process. For example, Air Traffic
Control may instruct a pilot to change the frequency of his radio. The new frequency
will be stored in the short-term memory. However, knowledge of the action necessary
to select the frequency will be stored in the long-term memory.

We sometimes feel that we can make several decisions at the same time. This is
strictly untrue, since the Central Decision Maker (the brain) can only process one
decision at a time. This is the chief limitation of the brain. Making one decision at
a time is known as single channelled processing. But, if it was the only process by
which human beings could take action, multi-tasks (such as flying an aircraft and
holding a conversation) would be impossible. Fortunately, men and women also
possess a faculty which governs motor programmes or skills, and which allows them
to carry out already-acquired skills, while freeing up reasoning ability so that they can


Motor programmes, or skills (sometimes referred to as procedural memory), are
learnt by practice and/or repetition. These skills are believed to be held within the
long-term memory and can be carried out without conscious thought. To take an
obvious example, when a person walks, the action requires little conscious attention.
The skills required to walk have been stored in the long-term memory.

A motor programme, or skill, is an organised and co-ordinated pattern of activity

which may be physical, social, linguistic or intellectual.

Developing Motor Programmes.

In developing a motor programme or skill, there are three distinct phases:

• The cognitive phase, in which the learner thinks consciously about each
individual action.

• The associative phase, in which the separate components of the overall

action become integrated.

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• The automatic phase, when the complete action is executed smoothly without
conscious control.


Although reflexes are actions which are driven by components of the body’s nervous
systems, they occur with little or no involvement of the central nervous system. When
a reflex action is required, such as when a person’s hand touches something very
hot, the motor nerve, which controls muscular action, (i.e. movement to withdraw the
hand), is linked very closely to the sensory nerve which feels the heat, so that the
central nervous system is essentially by-passed, and the muscular action occurs with
hardly any processing within the central nervous system taking place.

Figure 8.2 Reflex Action.

Reaction Time.
There is a delay between detection, stimulus, and muscle contraction. This delay is
called reaction time. Reaction time depends on the type of reflex action required.
There are three types of reflex action: unconditioned, conditioned, and trained.

The Unconditioned Reflex.

Unconditioned reflexes are instinctive
natural reflexes, such as blinking (when
something moves towards the eye) or
removing a hand from a hot surface.
This type of reflex has the shortest
reaction time since the brain does not
process it.

Figure 8.3 Unconditioned Reflex.

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The Conditioned Reflex.

These are reflexes that may be learned. An example of a conditioned reflex is that of
Pavlov’s dogs. Dr. Pavlov sounded a bell at the same moment that food was offered
to a dog. Over time, the dog became so conditioned that its mouth would water
anytime it heard a bell, even when food was not present.

The conditioned reflex has the second fastest reaction time since the brain does not
have to process sensory input. The brain is conditioned to respond directly to the
input without conscious thought (see Figures 8.4 and 8.5).

Figure 8.4 and Figure 8.5 Conditioned Reflexes - Left, dog responding to bell and food;
Right, dog responding to bell alone.

The Trained Reflex.

Trained reflexes are reflexes which may improve through repeated practice. If a
pilot practises emergency drills frequently, he will become more proficient.

The trained reflex is a conscious reaction to a sensory input. This type of reflex has
the slowest reaction time but, with continuous training over a long period, it may
develop to the point where reaction time is as short as for an unconditioned reflex.
The pilot must make sure, however, that he does not place more importance on the
speed of the reaction, than on the accuracy of the action. Reaction to a fire in the air,
for instance, requires the vital actions to be carried out accurately as well as rapidly.


The senses of sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch provide inputs (stimuli) to our
brain. Some stimuli are stored for a brief time after the input has finished. Others
are stored for a lifetime. For example, what person forgets the taste of his mother’s
cooking or the touch of velvet?

Sensory Threshold.
Stimuli must be of a certain strength for the sensory receptors to pick them up. In
other words, a sound must be of sufficient strength to be received, or a shining light
strong enough to be perceived. This minimum strength is known as the sensory

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There are three types of memory:

• Sensory memories (sometimes referred to as ultra short-term

• Short-term (or working) memory.

• Long-term memory.


The key feature of the sensory memories

is that there is a separate memory store
for each sensory system.

The sensory stores of touch, taste and

smell are of little significance in aviation.
However, the sensory stores of sight
and sound are important, and the pilot
needs to know about these. Figure 8.6 There is a separate memory
store for each sense.
Sensory Memory for Sound - The Echoic Memory.
The echoic memory retains information for between 2 and 8 seconds. For example,
it is possible to recall the chimes of a clock that have struck, but only up to the third
or fourth stroke, unless you consciously count the strokes.

Up to about the fourth stroke, the echoic memory may be replayed and interrogated
to enable the strokes to be counted consciously. The important factor, here, is that
the echoic memory needs to hold an input long enough for the input to be scanned for
relevance. If an input is of interest, then it is transferred into the short term memory.

Sensory Memory for Sight - The Iconic Memory.

The iconic memory is the visual sensory store. The iconic memory retains information
for between 0.5 and 1 second only. 80% of information processed by human beings
enters the brain through this visual channel.

For example, imagine that you are driving down a road maintaining a normal visual
scan. Within a second of passing a particular road sign you will, normally, have
forgotten it. If you were on a driving test, though, you might make a conscious
decision to remember the road signs that you pass.

Sensory Adaption (Habituation).

A special characteristic of all sensory receptors is that they adapt, either partially
or completely, to their stimuli after a period of time. That is, when a continuous
stimulus is first applied, the receptors respond at a very high impulse rate at first,
then progressively less rapidly until, finally, many of the receptors no longer respond
at all. This is why, once you get dressed, you do not continue to feel your clothes
against the skin.

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The attention mechanism (See Figure 8.2) will select what information is passed to
the short-term memory. The short-term memory enables information to be retained
for a short period of time. Information will be lost after 10 to 20 seconds unless
it is actively rehearsed and deliberately placed in the long-term memory. Unless
rehearsed, items are lost through interference from new information, or even from
information previously stored.

Limitations of Short-Term Memory.

The capacity of our short-term memory is limited. The maximum number of unrelated
items which can be maintained in the short-term memory is about 7 ± 2. Once this
limit is exceeded, one or more of the items are likely to be lost or transposed. This
is of importance when designing check lists or deciding on the contents of an RT
message. As anyone who has received a complicated departure clearance is aware,
Short-term much of the information cannot be memorised, but must be written down.
Short term memory is also highly sensitive to interruption and distraction. For
Information example, if a frequency is passed to a pilot and before he selects it an interruption or
will be lost in 10 to 20 seconds distraction occurs, the information is immediately lost.
unless actively rehearsed.
Methods of Increasing Short-Term Memory Capacity.
There are two main tools which may be used to increase the capacity of Short-term

• Chunking. We can expand the number of items retained in our short-term

memory by a system of chunking any related material. Chunking works best
when the individual is familiar with the information. For instance, a typical
British telephone number may contain ten or more digits e.g. 04235426565
but can be chunked to:

Now that the digits have been chunked, there are only three items to be held.
Telephone directories in France utilise this method of chunking (e.g. 02-13-

• Association. Association is a technique used by many when remembering

lists of items. A picture or word association is imagined and attached to each
item on the list.

Typical examples of items stored in the short-term memory, during a flight, would
be: radio frequencies, heights and altimeter sub-scale settings prior to selection,
Air Traffic Control instructions, and verbal responses to check lists, prior to their

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]


If the information in the short-term memory is rehearsed, it will then be transferred
into the long-term memory. It is believed that information is stored in the long- term
memory for an unlimited time period, although frequently there can be retrieval
problems. One major disadvantage of long-term memory is the time that it takes to
access information from it.

The long-term memory can be divided into three types:

• Semantic memory.

• Episodic memory.

• Procedural memory (Motor Programmes).

Semantic Memory.
Semantic memory stores general knowledge of the world, storing answers to such
questions as: Are fish animals? Do birds fly? Do cars have wheels? It is believed
that semantic memory holds concepts that are represented in a dense network of
associations. Language is also held in semantic memory. It is generally thought that
once information has entered semantic memory it is never lost. It is certainly more
accurate than episodic memory. When we are unable to remember a word, it is often
because we are unable to find where the item is stored, not because it has been lost
from the store.

Episodic Memory.
Episodic Memory is a memory of events or episodes in our life: a particular flight,
meeting, or incident. However, episodic memory is prone to change along the lines
of how we would have liked an event to have occurred, rather than how it really

Figure 8.7 Episodic Memory.

Procedural Memory (Motor Programmes).

Although some experts in the field of Information Processing agree that long-term
memory consists of only episodic and semantic memories, there are those who
include motor programmes or skills as a third constituent of long-term memory.

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Perception Perception involves the converting of sensory information into a meaningful structure.
gives us our For example, a pattern of vibrations in the air becomes recognised as sound carrying
mental model a particular message.
of the world.
The percept (what we perceive) is not a complete representation of the information in
the sensory store, but an immediate interpretation of it. For example, read the words
in the yellow triangle (Figure 8.8) out loud:

The words actually read: “a bird in the

the hand”. Most people will read the
sign incorrectly the first time, missing
out the second “the”. The reason for
this, in this case, is simple. The words
form the beginning of a well known
phrase and, having read the first three
lines of the triangle, the reader believes
he knows what is coming next and may
automatically pass on to the last word
to confirm his belief, missing out the
extra “the”.
Figure 8.8.
It follows that the sensory information that we expect to receive is more easily
perceived and integrated than totally unexpected information. This should serve
as a warning to pilots. Anticipating information, for instance in a particular standard
radio message, that sounds like a message a pilot has heard many times before,
may cause him to miss a small but important piece of information or instruction.

It is true that we can perceive only something that we can conceive. It is also true that
we perceive only a fraction of the information reaching our senses at any moment.
Therein lies the importance of the attention mechanism in our model in Figure 8.1.
The process of perception is greatly assisted by our ability to form mental and three-
dimensional visual models of what we are perceiving.

Consider the following text.

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in what oredr the

ltteers in a word are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is that frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit
pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can still raed it wouthit porbelms. This is
bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by itslef but the word as a wlohe.

We perceive the meaning of all the words in the text because we have already formed
models - which are stored in our long term memory - of the individual words. So,
even though the letters are jumbled, all except the first and the last letters of the
word, that is, we recognise the words instantly.

Funnelled Perception.
Perception of a situation can differ depending upon the point of view from which
the process of perception begins. Consider two men walking through some woods
when they come across a family group having a picnic (See Figure 8.9). The first
man may perceive the overall picture of a family enjoying themselves together in the
open air, whereas his companion may, first of all, perceive details of the scene, rather
than the whole picture. The second man may perceive the contrast between the red

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of one woman’s top and the white and

blue clothing of the baby she is holding,
or, perhaps, the picnic basket that the
family is using.

It is possible, of course, that after a few

seconds both observers will perceive
the same picture. The first man may
narrow his overall perception to include
the detail of the scene, and the second
may expand his perception to include the
generalities. So, the initial perception Figure 8.9 Funnelled Perception.
that the two men had of the same scene
was entirely different, but each man eventually perceived all the available information.
This process is called funnelled perception.

Attention is the deliberate devotion of the cognitive resources to a specific item. A
person must be alert to be attentive. But being alert is not sufficient guarantee that
attention will be paid to the right item at the right time.

Choice of Item.
Due to the limitations of the Central Decision Maker (the brain), we are generally
unable to pay attention to a number of different items at any one time. Although
attention can move very quickly from item to item, it can only deal with one item at a
time. Consequently, there is a need for the pilot, consciously, to prioritise between
items of information; (See Figure 8.10).

Figure 8.10 The pilot constantly prioritises information.

Attention Mechanism.
The attention mechanism is required because of the following two potentially limiting
stages in processing information:

• There is a limit to the number of items that can be held or maintained in the
short-term memory.

• Our channel capacity is limited. We cannot devote conscious thought to, or

simultaneously attend to, all of the stimuli entering our senses.

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This limited channel capacity means that there must be a mechanism at an early
stage of the perception process which allows us to select those stimuli which will be
perceived consciously, and used as a basis for our consideration and our decisions,
and to reject other stimuli. Some stimuli are extremely efficient for getting our
attention. For example, the cocktail party effect, which relates to our hearing our
own name mentioned in a background of many conversations.

For a pilot, flying his aircraft, an

equivalent phenomenon may be
hearing his RT call-sign among a lot
of radio chatter, or detecting a smell
of burning in the cockpit. Either of
these two stimuli would focus a pilot’s
attention on the need to obtain more

Types of Attention.
Attention is the process of directing
and concentrating sensory resources
to enhance perception, performance
and mental experience. Attention has
three basic characteristics:

• It improves mental processing. Figure 8.11 A pilot will hear his RT

call-sign among the radio chatter.
• It requires effort.

• It is limited.

There are two types of attention:

• Selective Attention, when inputs are sampled continually to decide their

relevance to the task at hand, a pilot’s call-sign being particularly attention-
getting in the air.

• Divided Attention, when our central decision making channel can divide
its resources between a number of tasks. A pilot flying a visual approach
(Figure 8.12) will be dividing his attention between looking ahead to maintain
his approach path, and checking his flight instruments for air speed, height,
engine power etc.

Although we might think that the

pilot is working on a number of tasks
simultaneously, in reality the Central
Decision Maker is spending a fraction
of every second on a different, separate
problem, in turn.

Lack of Attention.
It is important to remember that the
mind is always paying attention to
something - except during sleep.
Therefore, the major danger for pilots
is the poor management of attention; Figure 8.12 Divided Attention.
that is to say, paying attention to the
wrong item from a number of items of rival priority.
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Stress, Attention, and Performance.

This subject has been covered in a previous chapter. But, briefly, stress can have a
significant effect on attention, especially during times of low and high arousal. Our
limited ability to process information has implications for the level of performance
we are able to achieve when subject to various levels of stress. The way in which
performance is affected by arousal can be shown by the Performance/Arousal Curve.
See Figure 8.13.

Low Arousal.
At times, such as in the cruise, when a pilot is on track, sure of his position, on time,
In a state of
and on heading, a pilot may feel so satisfied with the progress of his flight that he low arousal,
enters into a state of low arousal. In this state, the pilot’s attention may wander a pilot’s
with the result that important information that is presented to him, suddenly and attention may wander, and he
unexpectedly, is either missed or misinterpreted. Continually monitoring airspeed, may miss vital information.
altitude, heading, location and timing in a systematic way is a method of addressing
low arousal.

Figure 8.13 Performance/Arousal Curve.

Optimum Arousal.
If a pilot is working normally, updating timings, checking speed, altitude, heading,
location etc, he is optimally aroused and at his most efficient.

High Arousal Overload.

At times of high arousal, when the pilot is overloaded because of the limited channel
capacity of the brain, there is a real danger of his attention becoming so narrowed that
important information is disregarded. Indeed, if overloaded, the attention mechanism
may even reject vital information.

Overload can be of two types:

• Qualitative Overload.
The information is perceived to be beyond the pilot’s attention capacity and
the task too difficult.

• Quantitative Overload.
There are just too many responses to be made in the time available.

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Symptoms of Overload.
The symptoms of overload will vary from individual to individual. Among the most
common are:
• A sharp degradation of performance.
• Funnelling of attention or focus.

• Regression, where the correct actions are forgotten and procedures learnt in
the past are substituted.

• Mental blocking, where it becomes impossible to review or even to consider

other solutions.
• Mood swings, some individuals becoming aggressive towards others.
• Restlessness.
• Panic.


Studies of the rate of occurrence of human error during the performance of a simple
and repetitive task show that an error can normally be expected to occur once in
about 100 actions. For example, if an individual is given the task of inserting 100
letters individually into 100 envelopes and subsequently sealing the envelopes, there
would be a strong possibility that one envelope would be sealed without the insertion
of a letter.

An error rate of this order is built into the human system and can increase rapidly when
stress, fatigue or low morale are added factors. But it has been demonstrated that,
with practice, human reliability can be improved by several orders of magnitude.

General Errors.
Error is a generic term which describes all those occasions on which a series of
mental or physical activities do not achieve their intended effect.

Human error may range from a mere slip of the tongue to error which can cause loss
of human life in disasters such as the Tenerife runway collision in 1977, the Bhopal
methyl isocyanate tragedy in 1984, or the Challenger and Chernobyl catastrophes
in 1986.

Error Generation.
Although isolated errors which may occur have neither consequence for, nor influence
Errors tend to
on, any further events, errors in general tend to be cumulative (that is, one error leads
be cumulative,
building an to a second which, in turn, leads to a third and so on). This phenomenon is commonly
error chain. known as an error chain.

Figure 8.14 Errors are often cumulative and give rise to an error chain.

A simple example of an isolated error is that of a gardener pulling out a young plant
from a flower bed, mistaking it for a weed. A cumulative error would, for example,

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

be that of an engineer issuing an incorrect aircraft maintenance procedure which

results in a series of accidents.


We have already discussed the role of the learning process in initially acquiring skills
and in the further development of skills. However, the learning process also allows
us to acquire knowledge through the mental acquisition and retention of data.

Figure 8.15 The Learning Process.

Types of Learning.
There follows a list of the most common types of learning.

Classical/Operant Conditioning, which is the behaviouristic

approach of Pavlov where the recipient is taught through
principally physiological responses. An example of this type of
learning having taken place is an experienced pilot’s reaction
to a fire warning.

Insight, where data is intellectually and cognitively understood

and is retained; for example, a pilot selecting radio and
navigation aid frequencies.

Observation & Imitation, where data from an outside source

is replicated; for example, a student pilot following-through on
the controls as an instructor flies an approach and then flying
the approach, himself, shortly afterwards.

Learning from Experience, sometimes called learning from

our mistakes.

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Quality of Learning.
Some of the factors affecting the quality of learning are:

• The intellectual capacity of the learner, or recipient of data.

• The quality of communication between transmitter and recipient.

• The applicability of the data.

• The motivation of both the transmitter and the recipient.

Over-learning. Over-learning is learning beyond the degree required to
perform to the minimum acceptable level. Over-learning not only improves
the chances of data recall, but also makes the performance of the task learnt
more resistant to stress.

Retention of Learning.
Information retention can be increased by the use of:

• Mnemonics (e.g. for pilot checks such as HASELL, FEFL or FREDA).

• Memory Training.

Among the methods of improving memory retention commonly used are:

i) Word, phrase or object association.

ii) Chunking.

iii) Repetition.

iv) Revision.

v) Research.

It is possible to learn without motivation; however, the learning process is vastly
improved when the learner is highly motivated, and good performance is rarely
achieved without it.

We all have the ability to learn from our experiences and mistakes, and from those
of others.

Any action that a human being initiates will normally cause a detectable change in
circumstances which, in turn, will promote feedback which may modify the original
action taken. For example, a pilot attempting to select a desired angle of bank will
receive feedback from the natural or artificial horizon. From the perceived rate of roll,
the pilot may increase or decrease lateral pressure on the control column, and, when
the desired angle of bank is reached, the visual feedback will cause the pilot to return
the control column to the neutral position.

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When there is pressure on a human being to make a rapid response, to an emergency,

there are a number of factors to be borne in mind.

• There will frequently be a trade-off between speed and accuracy of response.

A delay in response, in some situations, could be dangerous (e.g. engine
failure after take-off). On the other hand, there may also be pressure on a
pilot to make a response before sufficient information has been processed.

• A high arousal level leads to faster but less accurate responses.

• Auditory stimuli (noises) are more likely to attract attention than visual stimuli,
but they are also more likely to be responded to in error.

• As a human being ages, from 20 to 60 years, responses become slower but
may become more accurate.

Response Error (Error of Commission).

If a person expects a stimulus and prepares a response to it, in advance, he will
respond quickly if the expected stimulus occurs. If, however, an unexpected stimulus
occurs he will, under pressure, very likely make the prepared response even if that
response is not appropriate. This is called error of commission.

For example, a pilot may have noticed engine instrument readings showing
temperatures and pressures approaching their operating limits. He will, therefore,
mentally prepare to carry out the engine shut down drill if the limits are exceeded.
Any subsequent stimulus, perhaps an unexpected variation in engine rpm, may then
be sufficient to prompt the pilot to shut down the engine.

Response Times.
Response or reaction time is the time interval between the onset of a given signal
and the production of a response to that signal.

In the simplest case, such as pushing a button when a light illuminates, the reaction
time is about 0.2 seconds. If we complicate the task by having two lights and two
buttons, the reaction time will increase, because the brain (the central decision
maker) has more information to process.

In flying, reaction times are important, but, in general it is more important that a pilot
should make the correct response, rather than a fast response.


Cognition is a scientific word which simply means knowing, perceiving or

Pilots must recognise the reality of their environment if they are to fly safely and
efficiently. But flight can put the pilot into an environment which distorts the cognitive
senses, especially the sense of vision. In addition, the pilot’s changed perspective
on the world, in flight, can result in information being presented which is outside his
expectations, and, therefore, likely to be misinterpreted. (See Figure 8.16).

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Figure 8.16 A pilot’s perspective on the outside world may

lead to misinterpretation of information.
Human beings use mental models as references to make sense of the world and to
guide their actions. Mental models, however, can be incomplete and, thus, faulty.
The difference between what a person perceives and the reality he is looking at is
called illusion.

Objects seen from the air often look quite different from when they are viewed on
the ground. The pilot, therefore, should be aware of the possibility that he may
misinterpret visual information received.

Illusions are particularly dangerous in aviation, as a pilot normally considers visual

inputs to be the most reliable of all the information that his senses perceive.

The pilot often has to interpret patterns of lines on the ground, especially in terms of
runway aspect and distances, when flying an approach. But, as the following figures
illustrate, a pilot’s interpretations of visual information may not always be correct.

Figure 8.17. Figure 8.18.

In Figure 8.17, the figure with the out-going fins appears to contain a longer line than
the other, although both lines are exactly the same length. The junction of two roads
or railway lines, the alignment of valleys, or even a small runway running into the
corner of a field, where hedges meet, can give a false impression of runway length.

In Figure 8.18, the upper of the two horizontal lines appears the longer; but both
lines, in fact, are the same length.

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Figure 8.19. Figure 8.20.

In Figure 8.19, the vertical lines appear curved, but they are straight.

Ask yourself which of the three lines in Figure 8.20 passes through the red block. It
is, in fact, the middle line.
Illusion, then, is a powerful trickster. For instance, the two illustrations shown below,
in Figure 8.21, are able to be drawn, but neither could exist in reality.

Figure 8.21.

Atmospheric Perspective.
Illusions in flying are often associated with situations that a pilot meets infrequently.
For example, the pilot who has done most of his flying in relatively polluted air may
have learned to use atmospheric perspective as a good cue to range. If the pilot then
operates in a very clear atmosphere, he may judge distant objects, because of their
clarity, to be much closer than they actually are. A number of accidents have occurred
in polar regions when pilots flying in very clear conditions have miscalculated the
distance to a landing ground situated close to a landmark.

Figure 8.22 Atmospheric conditions can give a false impression of distance to a landmark.

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Illusions When Taxying - Relative Movement.

Even on the ground we are not free of illusions. A vehicle moving slowly away from
the aircraft may cause the illusion to the pilot that it is his aircraft which is moving.
(Most of us have had the experience of sitting in a stationary train at a station when
an adjacent train pulls away, causing the illusion that it is our train which is moving!)

Blowing snow may give a false impression of relative speed. When an aircraft is taxying
with a tailwind, the snow may appear to be falling vertically, causing the illusion that
the aircraft has stopped, when, in fact, the aircraft may still be moving. Application
of the parking brake in these circumstances could have serious consequences.
Alternatively, the aircraft could creep forward, colliding with an obstacle, because the
pilot believed the aircraft to be at a standstill.

When taxying into a headwind the blowing snow will give the illusion that the aircraft
is taxying faster than it is. When taxying, therefore, the pilot must look out of the side
cockpit panels in order to gain an accurate assessment of taxying speed.

Illusions in the Cruise.

Staring at an isolated and stationary
light when other visual references
are inadequate or absent may cause
autokinetic movements of the eyes.
Autokinesis gives rise to the illusion that
the light is moving and can lead the pilot
to believe that a single star is another
aircraft. The autokinesis illusion is
created by small movements of the eye
ignored by the brain and interpreted as
motion of the object. Numerous cases
have been reported of mistaken identity
Figure 8.23 Autokinesis can be caused by
of lights. These illusions of autokinesis staring at a single light.
can be avoided by shifting the gaze
to eliminate staring. Normal visual
scanning should be sufficient to prevent

Vertical Separation.
A common problem in flight is the
evaluation of the relative altitude
of approaching aircraft and the
assessment of a potential collision risk.

At a distance, an aircraft may appear to

be at a higher level but may eventually
pass below the observer.

If you perceive there is a collision risk,

always take appropriate action.

Figure 8.24 Vertical Separation is difficult to


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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

False Horizon.
Sloping cloud, if widespread enough,
may cause a pilot flying above the cloud
to perceive a false horizon. The pilot,
in this situation, may get the impression
that he is flying one wing low, even
though the aircraft’s wings are level.
Frequent checks of the artificial horizon Beware not to
use sloping
- using a normal scanning pattern (look
cloud tops as
out, attitude, instruments) - should your visual horizon.
prevent a pilot committing this error.

Failure to scan his instruments regularly

could lead to the pilot mistaking
the sloping cloud layer as the “true”
horizon, levelling the aircraft’s wings on
this misperceived reference and, as a
consequence, flying with bank applied, Figure 8.25 False Horizon.
and out of balance.

Illusions on Take-Off and Landing.

After take-off or on the approach to land, outside references may cause the pilot to
misinterpret visual stimuli. Some examples of outside references which may deceive
a pilot in these two critical phases of flight are listed here.

Immediately after take-off, a false

horizon may be perceived when surface
lights are confused with stars.

Over water, the lights of fishing boats

may be mistaken for stars and the flight
path adjusted inappropriately.

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In hilly terrain, it is possible that, when

emerging from low cloud or mist on take-
off, lights on the ground will be mistaken
for stars and the flight path adjusted to
a lower and dangerous profile.

Gently sloping terrain may create an

illusion affecting a pilot’s perception of
his flight path, at any time when flying
visually at low level.

Figure 8.26 Sloping terrain on approach may confuse a pilot’s perception of height.

After take-off or on approach, if the ground slopes down, an illusion of excessive

height may be created. Upwards sloping terrain would have the reverse effect. (See
Figure 8.26.)


During your flying training, you will have learnt to

recognise the way the runway looks when you
are on the correct approach path. Your instructor
will have taught you how to fly a correct approach
based on your judgement of runway aspect. This
aspect will look something like that depicted in
Figure 8.27, when you are 300 to 400 feet above
runway level, established on the approach path. Figure 8.27 Correctly positioned for
the approach to a level runway.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

Now, most airfields at which you fly an approach are built on level ground, and most
runways are of similar width. Consequently, wherever you fly an approach, you
should attempt to line yourself up with the runway in such a way as to give yourself
the view of the approach to which you are accustomed, and which you know to be

At large aerodromes, you may find that there are Precision Approach Path Indicators
to aid the pilot. Using these aids may lead you to fly a flatter approach than you are
used to at a club airfield, but you can be sure that the information that the VASIs and
PAPIs are giving you is safe.

On approaches to most club airfields, however, you will be relying on the runway
aspect method learnt during your flying training. In doing so, you should be aware
that, if the runway is sloped, the aspect which it presents to you may deceive you, so
that your perception of your approach angle will be faulty.

Upward Sloping Runway.

When you are approaching a runway which slopes upwards, away from you, as
An upsloping
depicted in Figure 8.28a, even though you are correctly positioned on the approach
runway can
path, the runway will appear longer and give you the impression that you are high on lead a pilot
the approach. The pilot’s view of the runway, in this case, is shown in Figure 8.28b. to fly a flatter
approach than intended, and
get too low on the approach.

Figure 8.28a Upward Sloping Runway.

With this view, you may want to adjust your

approach path to fly a flatter approach. If you
follow that instinct, the danger is that you will
fly a shallower approach than you intended and
get too low on the approach. If, however, you
are aware that the runway is sloping upwards,
you can avoid this error.

Figure 8.28b. With an up-sloping

runway, the pilot who is correctly
positioned on the approach gets the
impression of being too high.

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Downward Sloping Runway.

Figure 8.29a Downward Sloping Runway.

When you are approaching a runway which

slopes downwards, away from you, as depicted
runway can
in Figure 8.29a, even though you are correctly
lead a pilot to positioned on the approach path, the runway
fly a steeper approach than will appear shorter and give you the impression
intended, and get too high on that you are low on the approach (See Figure
the approach. 8.29b).

With this view, you may want to adjust your

approach path to fly a steeper approach. If you
follow that instinct, the danger is that you will fly
a steeper approach than you intended and get Figure 8.29b With a downwards-
too high on the approach. If, however, you are sloping runway, the pilot who is
aware that the runway is sloping downwards, correctly positioned on the approach
you can avoid this error. gets the impression of being too
Width of Runways.
The width of the runway may also cause incorrect height judgements on the final
a narrower
approach. A pilot used to a standard width runway of 150ft (46m) may, when
than usual approaching an unfamiliar airfield with a narrow runway, judge he is too high on the
runway may approach and, therefore, round out too low, causing the aircraft to come into contact
lead a pilot to fly a lower than with the runway sooner than the pilot expected. This situation would result in a heavy
normal approach, with the landing. However, if the pilot believes he is too high, he may even be led to losing
possibility of rounding out too height too rapidly and land short of the runway.
late, or landing short of the
runway. At an airfield with a wider runway than the pilot is used to, the tendency will be for the
pilot to round out too high on the approach, in an attempt to match the visual stimuli
to his expectation. Again, this may lead to a heavy landing, as the aircraft stalls into
the runway from a height of several feet, or more. Alternatively, the pilot may land
too far down the runway.

Size of Runways.
A runway which is shorter than the ones a pilot is used to will appear to be further
away than it is in reality. A runway which is longer than the ones a pilot is used to will
appear to be closer than it actually is.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

The Black Hole Effect (The Kraft Illusion).

When approaching an airfield at night with only the airfield lights visible at a distance
and no town or street lights in the pilot’s visual field, the pilot perceives an apparent
black hole with the airfield in the middle. In this situation, he gets no information on
the terrain surrounding the airfield. This absence of visual cues leads to an illusion
called the black hole effect. This illusion gives the pilot the impression that the
aircraft is too high. As a result, the approach path may be flown at too shallow an
angle, with the danger that the aircraft will touch down short of the runway (See
Figure 8.30).

Figure 8.30 The Black Hole Effect (The Kraft Illusion).


Water and Height Judgement.

Flying over a smooth water surface makes it extremely difficult to judge height due to
the lack of visual cues indicating surface features.

On hazy days, a pilot flying low over water may not be able to perceive the horizon
line separating sky and water. These conditions have been known to lead pilots to
fly into the water under full control of their aircraft.

Snow Coverage.
Not only does snow lead to false height judgements, but, because of the absence
of terrain features, it is also difficult to discern where the surface ends and the sky
begins. Such conditions are called white out. White out makes navigation difficult
and degrades a pilot’s depth and slope perception. Navigation difficulties in white out
conditions arise from the pilot’s inability to distinguish ground features. The landscape
appears to be a flat, smooth plane of white.

Fog/Pollution and Low Visibility.

As a result of fog or pollution, runway lights appear dim giving the impression that
the runway is further away than it is. This phenomenon also gives rise to steeper
approaches than normal.

Runway Lights.
The intensity of runway lights will also lead to errors. Their brightness or dimness
will, respectively, give the false impression of the runway being either closer or more
distant than it is in reality.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]


The principal aim of this chapter has been to teach you that our brain, the central
decision maker, does not always perceive the reality of a situation, because it
can misinterpret the image seen by the eyes. However, if a pilot understands the
circumstances within the real world, and the configuration of objects within the real
world, which lead to the illusions that can be misinterpreted by the brain, he should
be able to avoid being led into danger by the most common of those illusions.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

Representative PPL - type questions to test your theoretical

knowledge of The Information Process.

1. Unconditioned reflexes are:

a. Those which can be learned

b. Those that may be improved by repetition
c. Those which are instinctive
d. Those that are required by the check list

2. Perception is one of the most important aspects of information processing


a. Sensory information is modelled into a meaningful structure

b. Good judgements and decisions are made at this stage
c. Corrective actions and responses are carried out at this stage
d. It incorporates selective, divided and focused attention

3. “Chunking” is:

a. The grouping of check list items to reduce turn round time

b. A bizarre method of word association technique
c. A method of increasing the number of unrelated items held in working
d. The associative phase of learning a skill

4. The three parts of long-term memory are classified as:

a. Ultra short, short and working

b. Selective, divided and focused
c. Static, dynamic and motor
d. Semantic, episodic and procedural

5. An Illusion is:

a. A deliberate modification of the truth to catch out the unwary pilot

b. When perception is not the same as the real world
c. The difference between divided and selective attention
d. A condition arising when deprived of visual or auditory stimuli

6. If a pilot flies a visual approach to a runway which has a pronounced upward
slope of which he is unaware, what will be the likely result?

a. The pilot will fly an approach which is shallower than intended,

leading to the possibility of undershooting.
b. The pilot will fly an approach which is steeper than intended, leading
to the possibility of overshooting.
c. The pilot will fly an approach which is shallower than intended,
leading to the possibility of overshooting
d. The pilot will fly an approach which is steeper than intended, leading
to the possibility of undershooting.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

7. If a pilot flies a visual approach to a runway which has a pronounced

downward slope of which he is unaware, what will be the likely result?

a. The pilot will fly an approach which is shallower than intended,

leading to the possibility of undershooting.
b. The pilot will fly an approach which is steeper than intended, leading
to the possibility of overshooting.
c. The pilot will fly an approach which is shallower than intended,
leading to the possibility of overshooting
d. The pilot will fly an approach which is steeper than intended, leading
to the possibility of undershooting.

8. If a pilot flies a visual approach to a runway which is wider than the runway
he is used to, what will be the likely result?

a. The pilot will fly an approach which is higher than intended with the
danger that he will round out too late, or undershoot the runway.
b. The pilot will fly an approach which is lower than intended with the
danger that he will round out too late, or undershoot the runway.
c. The pilot will fly an approach which is lower than intended with the
danger that he will round out too late, or overshoot the runway.
d. The pilot will fly an approach which is higher than intended with the
danger that he will round out too soon, or overshoot the runway.

9. If a pilot is on the final approach to a runway which is narrower than he

expects, what will be the most likely result?

a. The pilot will be led to fly a higher approach than normal, with the
danger of rounding out too soon, or overshooting the runway.
b. The pilot will fly a lower approach than normal, with the danger of
rounding out too soon, or overshooting the runway.
c. The pilot will fly a lower approach than normal, with the danger of
rounding out too late, or undershooting the runway.
d. The pilot will be led to fly a higher approach than normal, and be
forced to go around.

10. If a pilot is flying above a layer of stratus cloud with a sloping upper surface,
how is the pilot most likely to misperceive the visual image?

a. The pilot may mistake the slope as a lowering cloud base, and divert
to an alternate airfield.
b. The pilot may feel that he is climbing and initiate a descent.
c. The pilot may mistake the upper surface of the cloud layer as the
“true” horizon and apply bank as he selects an attitude which puts
the aircraft’s wings parallel to the cloud surface.
d. The pilot may feel that he is descending and initiate a climb.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

11. Hazy conditions may lead a pilot to perceive:

a. Objects outside the aircraft as being further away than they actually
b. Objects outside the aircraft as being closer than they actually are
c. Objects outside the aircraft as being more numerous than they
actually are
d. Objects outside the aircraft in exactly the same way as in conditions
of good visibility

12. Approaching a runway at night where only the runway lights are visible, with
no lights to indicate the nature of the surrounding terrain may result in the

a. Flying too high an approach and overshooting the runway

b. Flying too high an approach and undershooting the runway
c. Flying too low an approach and overshooting the runway
d. Flying too low an approach and undershooting the runway

13. How will a pilot perceive a runway to which he is flying an approach, but
which is smaller than the runways he his used to?

a. The runway will appear nearer than it is in reality.

b. The runway will appear further away than it is in reality.
c. The pilot will get the impression that he is low and close.
d. The pilot will perceive no difference between this runway and the
ones he is used to.

14. How will a pilot perceive a runway to which he is flying an approach, but
which is bigger than the runways he his used to?

a. The runway will appear nearer than it is in reality.

b. The runway will appear further away than it is in reality.
c. The pilot will get the impression that he is high and distant.
d. The pilot will perceive no difference between this runway and the
ones he is used to.

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14

The answers to these questions can be found at the end of this book.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]


In previous chapters we have learnt that a human being perceives the majority of Be aware of
external stimuli through his visual, auditory and vestibular senses. Some of this the crucial
information is filtered out or compartmentalized by the brain, but, in general, stimuli importance
are then analysed within a mental process. This analysis usually leads to the human that sound judgement and
being reaching a decision based on his judgement, and, then, initiating an appropriate decision making have in the
action. The faculty of judgement is based on such things as previous experience, safe conduct of a flight.
values, beliefs, etc. The whole process may be referred to as judgement and decision


For a pilot to perform optimally at the controls of an aircraft, in terms of judgement and
decision making, he must possess suitable levels of skill, knowledge and experience
to deal with the situation he finds himself in, whatever the phase of flight, whatever
the weather, and whatever the air traffic situation.

A pilot’s powers of judgement and decision making are also, of course, affected by
his emotional state, tiredness, fatigue, his state of physical and mental health, and
his personal motivation.

The important thing for any pilot to be permanently aware of is the crucial role that
judgement and decision making play in the safe conduct of all the flights that he will
ever make. Making the wrong decision and exercising bad judgement can lead to a
hazardous air or ground situation developing which, at best, is embarrassing for the
pilot and inconvenient for other users of the air, and, at worst, can involve accident
and tragedy.

Mental Overload and Under-load.

In addition to the factors affecting judgement and decision making mentioned above,
the degree of a pilot’s mental workload, in any given air or ground situation, greatly
affects his ability to think clearly and to act logically. Pilots carry out their piloting tasks
most effectively if they are neither overloaded nor under-loaded. Every human being
needs some kind of stimulus to function effectively. Psychologically speaking, the
level of stimulus that a person experiences may be linked to the states of being under
or over-loaded, through the term arousal. Most pilots are driven to function effectively
by an intense desire to fly. But complacency on a routine flight can possibly lead to a
pilot being under-loaded or, to use a related expression, under-aroused. (See Figure

Such a situation may lead him to commit errors through carelessness and inattention.
Conversely, if a pilot is put under pressure through finding himself in deteriorating
weather conditions or an unexpectedly busy air traffic environment, he may become
overloaded or over-aroused. (See Figure 9.2)

In this situation, too, his judgement and decision-making ability is likely to


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Figure 9.1 Routine flying may lead to under-arousal and inattentiveness.

Figure 9.2 Flying in deteriorating weather conditions may lead to performance degradation
through mental overload or overarousal.
Pilots can avoid performance degradation through under-arousal by maintaining
strong personal motivation, maintaining a healthy respect for the hazards of flying
traditionally associated with inattentiveness, and by ensuring that they have set
themselves a measurable objective for every flight.

The risk of performance degradation through mental overload or over-arousal can be

lessened by thorough and systematic pre-flight planning. (See Figure 9.3)

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Figure 9.3 The risk of performance degradation through mental overload or over-arousal can
be lessened by thorough and systematic pre-flight planning.


Making good decisions based on a sound assessment of the air or ground situation The risk
is one of the most important aspects of piloting an aircraft. of poor
A low-experience pilot may find it difficult to make correct decisions in a timely manner, in the air can be lessened by
but, with training, practice and experience, he will find that effective decision-making thorough and systematic pre-
gets easier as routine piloting skills become more and more second nature to him. flight planning.
A pilot will also find decision-making easier when finding himself in situations he has
already experienced.

Talking to one’s instructor and other appropriately experienced pilots about all aspects
of piloting is an excellent way to supplement your own experience.

When flying with another pilot of similar qualifications and experience, it is possible to
increase the chance of good decisions being made in the air by discussing potential
problem issues before getting airborne.

The following guidelines to the decision-making process, in the event of a problem

arising when airborne, may be helpful:

• Continually evaluate all relevant information from your eyes, instruments

and ears.

• Recognise the real situation, not the one you would like to be in.

• Identify the problem.

• Making allowances for personal skill level, experience, environmental factors

such as weather and daylight, the aircraft’s performance and time available,
consider solutions to the problem.

• Weigh up the risks.

• Make the decision.

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• Carry out the necessary action.

• Monitor progress and, if necessary, re-evaluate your decision.


Modern studies of the role played by human factors in aircraft accidents have
When flying
identified numerous cases of an inexperienced crew member, on a multi-crew flight
with a very
experienced deck, failing to question the action of a more experienced member of the crew, usually
pilot who, in your judgement, the aircraft captain, even when the inexperienced crew member has recognised, or
has taken a dangerous suspected, that things are going badly wrong. Tragically, there have been cases of
decision, you should inform fatal accidents where a junior crew member, who clearly recognised the danger that
him immediately of your was being entered into, failed to express his concerns.
If, as an inexperienced pilot, you are flying with someone of greater experience, and
you see him do something you consider to be dangerous, you must immediately
question his course of action.


In reaching a decision about the desirability and effectiveness of a proposed action,

it is often a good idea to weight up any risk you feel might be involved in the action.
Risk assessment is based on the probability of an event occurring - such as meeting
adverse weather conditions over difficult topography - and on what would be the
impact of that event, if it did occur.

Figure 9.4 What is the risk of meeting adverse weather conditions over difficult topography?

Be sure to cultivate a sense of risk awareness, and always fly within the limits of your
skill, experience and qualifications.


Do not hesitate to modify an action previously decided upon, if it becomes evident

that the initial decision was flawed. A famous Roman, Seneca the Younger, uttered

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the more famous words “errare humanum est”: “to err is human”. But what he actually
Do not persist
said is of slightly greater relevance to pilots: “errare humanum est perseverare with an
diabolicum”. Those words mean: “to err is human; to persist is of the Devil”. A pilot erroneous
might paraphrase this saying to read: “Make your decision, and take the action you action, once recognised.
have decided on. But having recognised that you have made a mistake, modify
your actions accordingly. Do not persist in your error.” Do you know the expression
“pressonitis”? If you do not, ask someone about it.


Figure 9.5 Cultivation of leadership and airmanship will ensure that your judgement and
decision-making ability are up to the standard required of an aircraft captain.

While acting as Pilot-In-Command, you are the aircraft captain. You must, therefore,
at all times, remain in command of the situation, of your fellow crew and passengers, combines
and of yourself. The leadership qualities, airmanship and judgement of an aircraft a keen
captain are rightly expected to be of a high standard. Cultivation of leadership and awareness of the aircraft and
airmanship will ensure that your judgement and decision making ability are up to the the flying environment, sound
standard required of an aircraft captain. decision-making and a highly
developed sense of self-
So, whenever you are flying as captain, in order to ensure that your decision-making discipline with a determination
ability is not degraded by a situation getting beyond your control, you should: continually to advance piloting
skill and mastery of flying
• Plan your flight thoroughly and completely.

• Perform your pre-flight checks thoroughly.

• Not be rushed by others into making a decision.

• Take a pride in the standard of your RT.

• Always be aware of you capabilities and limitations.

• Maintain good situational awareness.

• Constantly monitor and evaluate the progress of the flight.

• Ask for help from ATC early if you find yourself in difficulties.

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Sound decision making is the result of logical thought processes. The most common
of these processes are shown in the table below.

Steps Key Points

Diagnose & Define Objective Identify the most important/urgent problem. Speci-
fy the aim or objective. Assess the time available
Collect Information Collect information from every available source
Risk Assessment Assess risk
Develop Options Think through every option to its logical conclusion
Evaluate Options Weigh and compare options
Decide Select the best option and decide
Implement Decision Execute the decision
Consequences Monitor and evaluate consequences
Review & Feedback Review whether the situation remains the same
and that the decision is still valid. Return to step 1


You should always remember that pilots operate in a dynamic and constantly
changing environment. A good decision reached a minute ago will not necessarily
be the same good decision in two minutes time; so constantly review the situation in
which you find yourself.

Learn all you can and remain flexible.

Finally, you may find it salutary and interesting to consider the type of advice being
given to pupil cadets of the Royal Air Force, in 1943, when they were undergoing
elementary flying training on such aircraft as the De Havilland Tiger Moth and the
Miles Magister. The Air Ministry listed the following advice to aircrew cadets under
the title of “Some Golden Rules”. The “rules” are listed in the original words. The
flying training being referred to was not aimed at recreational flying, and the times
were different. But the words of the “rules” embody an immutable wisdom which
echoes down the decades.

Some Golden Rules.

From ‘Air Publication 1979A, Cadets’ Handbook of Elementary Flying Training’. 1st Edition
April 1943.

• You are flying for a definitive purpose. Enjoy flying, but don’t treat it as a

• Plan the details of each flight, be it one circuit and landing or a trip to Berlin.
To prepare in haste is to repent at leisure.

• Always know what the weather may be expected to do. If the weather looks
bad ahead and you don’t feel completely confident of getting through, turn
back or force-land. Never trust to the weather improving further on unless
you have definite information on the point.

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• Give your whole mind to the job in hand. The good pilot, like a good motorist,
thinks ahead. If he foresees difficulty, he either arranges to avoid it or
prepares to meet it with correct actions.

•  Always be alert and watchful. You are rarely alone, on the ground or in the
air. Many accidents occur because pilots hesitate to trouble the maintenance
staff or ground crews. The pilot is ultimately responsible for his aircraft, and
for seeing that other people do their jobs in connection with it.

• Seventy-five per cent of all flying accidents happen when taxing, taking off or
landing. These are not difficult things for the experienced pilot to do; the
accidents happen when he allows attention and accuracy of performance to

• Pilots without vigour, initiative and dash make a poor show in battle. But
don’t bite off more than you can chew. “I’ll chance it” are famous last words.

• There are two kinds of pilot: those who panic in emergency, and those
who are stimulated to swifter and more efficient action by emergency. The
difference is largely one of well-founded confidence.

• Always expect the other fellow to do the unexpected. Then, if he does, you
won’t be caught napping.

• Stick to proved methods of flying and navigation procedures. They have

been worked out from experience and, no matter how clever you are, to
neglect them is to ask for trouble.

• Watch your petrol continuously, so that you will always know whether you
have enough left to enable you to finish what you propose to do.

• The man who never made a mistake never made anything else. But don’t
make the same mistake twice. Indeed, there are some mistakes you can’t
even afford to make once. Remember also that you can learn much from the
mistakes of others.

• Watch your own progress and

practise those things that you do
badly. After a flight, go over it in
your mind and extract from it the
new lessons that it most certainly
has to teach you.

Figure 9.6 Flying a Tiger Moth.

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Representative PPL - type questions to test your theoretical

knowledge of Judgement and Decision Making.

1. As captain of an aircraft you will need to show good leadership skills.
Which one of the following is not one such skill?

a. Forward planning
b. Maintaining good situational awareness
c. Being aware of one’s limitations and capabilities
d. Aggressive assertiveness

2. You have planned to take a couple of friends on an air experience flight. On

the day, the weather conditions are marginal and there is a strong cross-
wind on the runway. As a competent assessor of risk, which of the following
decisions should you take?

a. Get airborne as planned, as it is always wise to stick to your flight

plan if you possibly can
b. Reschedule the flight for another time, discounting the immediate
disappointment to your friends
c. Proceed with the flight and treat it as an opportunity to practise
flying in adverse conditions.
d. Ask your friends if they are prepared to fly in the prevailing

3. Complete the following statement: Mental Overload usually:

a. leads to better performance

b. leads to degraded performance
c. has no effect on performance
d. causes changes in the speed and accuracy of performance which
vary from individual to individual

4. Complete the following statement: If, as an experienced pilot, you are flying
with someone of much greater experience, and you see him do something
you consider to be dangerous, you should:

a. immediately question his course of action

b. wait until the action or manoeuvre is completed, and then question
c. ignore the situation because he obviously knows what he is doing
d. do nothing for the moment, but check the wisdom and
correctness of his action by discussing it with an instructor after
you have landed

Question 1 2 3 4

The answers to these questions can be found at the end of this book.

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At a busy airport, radiotelephony (RT) communications between Air Traffic Control and
pilots are fast and concise. With aircraft landing and taking off every few minutes, it is
important that no time is wasted by the pilot or controller hesitating unnecessarily, and
even more important that RT transmissions are accurate and easily understood.

But use of the RT is only one example

of when good verbal communication is
necessary. When piloting an aircraft,
whether with passengers, another
pilot or an instructor, good verbal
communication between aircraft
occupants will help the flight proceed
smoothly, and contribute to Flight

In this chapter, we will look at several

communications scenarios that may
arise in the cockpit, learn why good
pre-flight briefings are necessary, and
look briefly at factors which may be
Figure 10.1 An Air Traffic Control Tower. injurious to good communications.


You will find yourself in numerous situations where good cockpit communication is
If two similarly
essential to the safe and expedient conduct of a flight. Here are three common
qualified pilots
examples: fly together,
a Pilot-In-Command must be

Figure 10.2 Good communication between crew members is essential.

Example 1: Pilot to Pilot - Pre-take off Brief.

Before any flight where two similarly qualified pilots are at the controls, one of the
pilots must be declared the Pilot-In-Command. It should also be established, between
the two pilots, what action should be taken by which pilot, if an emergency situation,
such as an engine failure on take-off, should occur. Events happen very rapidly in
an emergency and there will be no time to decide who does what when things start
to go wrong.

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So, before take-off, the nominated Pilot-In-Command might brief his companion as

“In the event of an emergency, I will maintain control. If we have an engine failure
before reaching take-off speed, I will bring the aircraft to a halt on the runway. If we
have an engine failure below 200 feet, I will land back on the runway, if possible,
otherwise I will land straight ahead outside the airfield perimeter.” And so on.

If such a briefing were missed, neither pilot would be sure about who would have
control of the aircraft if an emergency occurred at this critical point in the flight.

Example 2: Pilot to Passenger - Safety Brief.

Briefings to passengers before take-off are essential. You will not have time to brief
passengers during an emergency in the air. If an emergency occurs, the pilot’s whole
attention is required to deal with the emergency situation. If a private pilot were
carrying a passenger beside him, he might brief the passenger as follows, before
calling “Ready for departure”:

“In the event of an emergency landing, I will ask you to unlatch the door and tighten
your seat belt at a suitable time before touchdown. After landing, you should exit the
aircraft and move away from the aircraft towards the tailplane.”

The briefing and care of passengers is dealt with fully in Chapter 7.

Example 3: Student Pilot and Instructor - Handing Over Control.

At any point during a training sortie, the instructor may take control of the aircraft in
order to demonstrate or teach a manoeuvre or technique, and then hand control back
to the student so that he can practise for himself. Whenever control of the aircraft
changes hands, it must be clear to both student and instructor which of the two has
control. Consequently, a formal hand-over/take-over procedure exists which should
always be followed. Your instructor will brief you on this.


A thorough Information essential to a training sortie or flight with passengers must be given
pre-flight to students and passengers in the form of a formal pre-flight briefing. (See Figure
briefing will 10.3).
make the sortie much more
meaningful for a student or

Figure 10.3 Good pre-flight briefings help a student to understand what is required of him.

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Good pre-flight briefings will help a student tremendously in understanding what his
instructor requires him to achieve in the air. On the other hand, bad briefings can
cause confusion and actually make airborne communication worse.

A good briefing should fulfil several criteria:

• It should be short, so that the person being briefed is not overloaded with

• It should be relevant to the sortie to be flown, and not contain superfluous

• It should follow recommended good-practice, as taught on flying instructor


• It should conclude with a question and answer session, to check



Good verbal communications are essential to the safe and efficient conduct of flights.
All aircraft occupants, whether passenger or student pilot, must be given information,
advice and/or instruction by the Pilot-In-Command, in clear, concise and unambiguous
terms. Communications with ground radio stations must also be clear, concise and
unambiguous, as well as being procedurally correct.

Although instruction in verbal communications relevant to pilots is usually limited

to instruction in radiotelephony, all pilots must be aware of the importance to Flight
Safety of all categories of communication.

If you become a flying instructor, you will quickly learn that the ability to communicate
effectively with the student pilot is especially important. Developing this ability to
communicate verbally through standard instructional phraseology, often called patter,
is an important element of instructor training.

One essential factor in the development of good verbal communication skills is a

realisation, on the part of the pilot, of how certain attitudes can build up barriers to

Attitudes and behaviour patterns that have been shown to be especially injurious to
good verbal communication in the air are:

• Excessively authoritarian behaviour.

• Impulsiveness.

• Aggressiveness.

• Arrogance.

• Resignation.

• Irresponsibility.

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Stress is commonly defined as the body’s response to the demands placed upon
it. Thus, stress is the reaction to events and circumstances which are stressful, not
the events and circumstances themselves. Events and circumstances which cause
stress are known as stress factors or stressors.

Figure 11.1 Physical Stress Factors and Stressors.

Stress can be physical, where the body is exposed to excess heat, cold or force (See
Figure 11.1). Stress can also be mental or emotional, when circumstances are such
that our reasoning and decision making faculties are affected by external events.

Mental and emotional stresses are much harder to quantify than physical stresses,
Stress is
but stress is recognised as being a natural condition of life and is a normal reaction recognised as
to demanding situations. We also know that while stress is a necessary condition for being a natural
coping with life’s demands, too much stress is harmful. Thus, while a certain level condition of
of stress is of fundamental importance in keeping us aware and vigilant, too much life, and a certain level of
stress will degrade the performance of both body and mind, and can eventually lead stress is necessary to keep us
to ineffective decision making, mental breakdown and long-term serious illness. aware and vigilant.

The different stress levels generated within
individual persons by a particular stressor
will differ from one individual to another.
Thus some people are more tolerant of
stress than others. The response of a
person to the event or circumstances to
which he is exposed is known as arousal.

One way of defining arousal is to say that

it is the measure of the human being’s
readiness, fitness and ability to respond
effectively to a given stress factor. The
level of arousal of different human beings
will depend on their inborn and acquired
Figure 11.2 Low stimulation can lead to
characteristics as well as their state of
boredom or even drowsiness.

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Inborn characteristics may include an

individual’s “personality” or “character”.
Among acquired characteristics, we
may identify an individual’s level of
training and experience in a given field
of activity.

In an active, outward-going, highly

trained person, too little stimulation or
arousal will lead to the onset of boredom
and even drowsiness. Such a person
might need significant challenges in
his specialist field in order to function
optimally. (See Figure 11.2).

Conversely, an introspective, under-

Figure 11.3 High Arousal in Challenging confident person, if highly aroused,
Meteorological Conditions. might be unable to function at all, even
in circumstances that he is competent to deal with. If such a person is under-trained,
his level of arousal and the stress that he feels might cause him serious problems.

Flying in challenging meteorological conditions (See Figure 11.3) may be even

a welcome occurrence for a skilled and experienced pilot and stimulate him to
demonstrate extraordinary skill, whereas such conditions may cause unbearable
stress in an under-confident, low-hours pilot, and lead to a degradation in basic flying

In Figure 11.4, the relationship between levels of arousal and performance is shown.

Figure 11.4 Arousal States.

Evidently, pilot B is in a state of optimal arousal where a human being operates at
his most efficient.

Pilot C may be considered as being in a state of high arousal (See Figure 11.3).
Here, a person’s performance starts to deteriorate. He will begin to commit errors
and overlook items of information. His attention span will narrow and he will tend to
focus on a limited source of data. If very high arousal levels are reached, the pilot
may experience overload and reach the limit of his information processing capacity
and ability to cope with the task in hand.

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It is easy to see how such a high state of arousal might result in a pilot-induced

At the other extreme of the graph, that is at low arousal, such as when we are
relaxing on a sun-soaked airfield following a satisfying flight, (Pilot A), our information
processing capacity is again low, and our performance potential is poor.

There is no doubt that training and experience help to ward off stress and high levels
of arousal. And successful completion of a demanding task will reduce the amount of
stress experienced when a similar task is undertaken in the future.

Stress Levels.
completion of
a demanding
task will
reduce the amount of
stress experienced during a
subsequent task of the same

Figure 11.5.
The level of stress felt by any individual is a function of the demands which he
perceives to be placed upon him and of the ability he perceives he has to cope
with the demands. It is, then, the person’s evaluation of the demands imposed upon
him rather than the demands, themselves, which will determine the level of stress
he feels. Similarly, it is a person’s perception of his own ability to cope with a given
demand, rather than his actual measured ability, which determines the amount of
stress he feels.

The body’s feedback mechanism is of great importance in determining the amount

of stress experienced by an individual on subsequent performances of the task.
Successful completion of a given task will cause a person to perceive that the demand
placed on him fell within his ability to accomplish the task. His original evaluation of
the task will, thus, be changed and the level of stress he feels will be reduced on
undertaking a similar, subsequent task. The opposite, of course, is also true. Failure
to complete a task will induce high stress levels in an individual if the task has to be

Stress Factors and Stressors.

There are many recognised causes of stress, (i.e. stress factors or stressors), some
of the most common of which are shown on Figure 11.6 (see overleaf). An important
factors are
fact to remember about stress factors is that they are cumulative. If a pilot happens cumulative.
to be subject to a minor stress factor, and then another stressor kicks in, his stress They reinforce
level will increase out of proportion to the stress he would feel if the second stress one another and can subject
factor were the only one affecting him. Thus, if a pilot, having had an argument with an individual to severe stress.
a colleague on the ground, then flies and encounters another small problem when
airborne, his stress level will rise to a higher level than if the pre-flight argument had
not taken place.
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Figure 11.6 Stress factors.

You must Common Stress Factors.

be able to The most common stress factors likely to affect a pilot in the cockpit are health,
recognise heat or cold, noise, vibration, workload, anxiety, lack of training, lack of experience,
stress in yourself and be fatigue and emergency or danger (see Figure 11.7 below).
prepared to do something
about it.

Figure 11.7 The most common stress factors.

Health, emergencies and fatigue are dealt with elsewhere in this course. As far as
cockpit workload is concerned, thorough flight planning is the key to reducing this
particular stress factor, as is the efficient organisation of all charts and documents
that are to be referred to in–flight.

Make sure, then, that your cockpit housekeeping is of a high order and that all
documents, charts and associated equipment are appropriately stored and accessible,
in accordance with the principles of flight safety.

High quality headsets will reduce cockpit noise levels.

Temperature can often be regulated using the cabin heating or ventilation system.
If this is not an option, make sure that you are wearing appropriate clothing for the
altitude and season.

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Factors such as lack of training, lack of experience and anxiety are inter-related. Stress
caused by these factors can really only be avoided, not relieved immediately once a
problem has arisen. The best way of avoiding such stress is to know your limits and
fly well inside them. Do not attempt to fly sorties or routes which impose demands on
you for which you have not been trained. If you are trained but lack experience, fly
with a more experienced colleague until you have gained confidence.

If you are aware that you are under stress because of any of the stress factors which
appear in Figure 11.7, consider whether it would not be wiser for you to stay on the
ground rather than to fly.

Stress in every day life can affect piloting performance as indeed piloting performance
can cause stress in the pilot’s work and home life. Pilots suffering from stress
related to domestic and/or work problems should be aware that this can affect their
concentration and performance when at the controls of an aircraft. There is some
evidence for a relationship between life stresses and flying accidents.

Measuring Stress Levels.

Attempts have been made to assess stress levels in general. Although reaction to
various stress factors varies from individual to individual, the table at Figure 11.8
gives a suggested weighting for various stress factors that can affect a person’s life.

Figure 11.8 Points table for Stress Factors.

As stress is cumulative, the points score for all of the stressors in Figure 11.8 should
be totalled to give an indication of the stress acting on any given person at any
given time. As a pilot, you can learn to avoid stress in the cockpit, and to reduce
or manage the effect of the more common stress factors associated with flight and
aircraft operations.

Avoid Stress in the Air.

Some methods of avoiding coming under stress when you fly are:

• Adopt a professional approach to all your flying activities. There will then be
little possibility of your being surprised by situations or developments in the

• Whatever your level of experience as a private pilot, ensure that you fly with
an instructor at least twice a year.

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In order
• Ask the instructor to comment
to cope on your general and procedural
with stress flying and get him to give you
successfully, practice emergencies to deal
you must recognise the stress with such as getting lost, engine
factors that are affecting you. failure after take-off, or fire in the

• You should learn from the past,

including from the experience of
others. If you have committed a
piloting error, therefore, discuss
it with an instructor or with your Figure 11.9 Discuss piloting issues with an
fellow pilots (See Figure 11.9). instructor.
Write down what you and others perceive to have been the causes of your
error. This way, you will be less likely to re-offend.

• Be thorough in your pre-flight briefing and preparation. This will enable you
to anticipate in-flight events and will contribute greatly to reducing workload
in the cockpit.

Coping with and Reducing Stress.

In order to cope with stress successfully, it is fundamental that you be aware that
you are under the influence of stress factors. Only then can you identify the stress
factors, and either remove yourself from them or modify them in order to reduce your
stress level. So, in order to help reduce the impacts of flying-related stress-factors,
and to avoid or mitigate stress in the cockpit, consider the following advice:

Do not rush • Do not let people or circumstances

actions or rush you into acting before you
decisions. are ready. Air Traffic Control and
ground-based duty personnel are
understandably keen to get you
airborne, but, while remaining
mindful of the necessity to work
expeditiously, do not be pressed by
outside influences into committing
an error of airmanship. If necessary,
Figure 11.10. ask ATC to “standby.”

• Do not be distracted from your pre-

flight checks. If you are interrupted
during your checks, go back
several items before continuing to
work through the check list.

Figure 11.11 Do not allow yourself to be

rushed or distracted.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

• When airborne, stick to your pre-

flight plan unless a change is
absolutely necessary.

Figure 11.12.
• Ask ATC to “say again” if you do not
understand an RT transmission.
However, make sure that you learn
your RT well.

Figure 11.13.
• If faced with bad weather or with
flying conditions that you are not
trained, qualified or equipped to
deal with, make an early decision
to turn back or divert.

Figure 11.14.

Finally, if you are planning to fly with another qualified pilot, agree, before walking
to the aircraft, who will be the designated Pilot-In-Command and which principal
in-flight tasks each of you will perform. This will prevent either one of you becoming
overloaded, and will avoid confusion in the air about who is responsible for the various
piloting tasks, and for the aircraft in general.

Accept that stress is an unavoidable by-
product of living and can be especially
complex in the modern technological
age. Your ability to control and/or cope
with potentially stressful situations will
have a marked effect on your ability to
function effectively. Finally, do not take
your troubles into the cockpit with you.
If you cannot leave them behind, do not
Figure 11.15. fly as a pilot.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

Representative PPL - type questions to test your theoretical

knowledge of Stress.

1. A moderate level of arousal will:

a. Lead to a breakdown in health over a period of time

b. Produce interest in external events and performing tasks
c. Lead to slow processing of sensory information
d. Lead to deterioration of performance due to narrowing of attention

2. The life event that is considered to produce the most stress is:

a. Minor violations of the law

b. Marital separation
c. Personal injury or illness
d. Death of a partner or spouse

3. Having successfully overcome a stressful situation once, how will the

person react if placed in the same or similar situation a second time?

a. There will be little difference

b. Stress will increase because he will be afraid of what he knows lies
c. Stress will reduce because, having already successfully overcome
the stressful situation, he will be confident he can do so again
d. Experience can not affect reaction to stress

4. An important factor to remember with regard to stress factors is:

a. They decay with time

b. They are cumulative
c. They are objective in nature
d. They affect all pilots equally

5. The relationship between arousal and performance means:

a. Performance is degraded by under-arousal and improved by over-

b. Performance is improved by both under and over-arousal
c. Performance is degraded by both under and over-arousal
d. Performance is improved by under arousal and degraded by over-

6. Which of the following statements is false?

a. All people react in the same way to the same stressful situation
b. Stress is a natural condition of life
c. Stress is cumulative
d. The right training can make a stressful task less stressful

ID: 10888
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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

7. Complete the following statement. The level of stress felt by an individual

is dependent on:

a. actual ability
b. perceived demand
c. a combination of perceived demand and actual ability
d. none of the above

8. You are positioned short of the holding point and are in the middle of your
pre take-off checks when you receive clearance to take-off from ATC. The
wisest course of action is:

a. Ask ATC to “standby” and complete your checks properly,

recommencing your checks by going back over the last one or two
previously completed items on your check list.
b. Rapidly run through your remaining checks, acknowledge ATC’s
clearance and take-off.
c. Skip the last few items on your checklist and take-off as cleared.
d. Ignore ATC, and finish your checks before replying.

9. What are Stress Factors or Stressors?

a. Pulse-rate inducers
b. Circumstances or events which provoke any kind of reaction to the
demands placed upon the human organism
c. Events and circumstances which cause stress
d. Measures of stress exhibited by a person

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

The answers to these questions can be found at the end of this book.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

Cockpit Design and Layout.
In the conception and production of a new aircraft type or model, cockpit design has
a profound influence on how effectively and efficiently the pilot will operate in the air.
Cockpit space and comfort, the design and layout of instruments and controls, and
the extent of the pilot’s visual field, in terms of his being able to take in the instrument
and control layout at the same time as having a satisfactory view of the outside world,
are of particular importance.

Over the past 90 years or so, the design and instrument layout of the light aircraft
cockpit has evolved steadily, though basic features have remained fairly constant.
Until very recently, the main improvements in light aircraft cockpit design have centred
around the ergonomics of the cockpit: the comfort of the pilot, the extent of the visual
field offered by improved canopy design, and, in the last few years, advances in
instrumentation, both in capability and clarity of display.

Figure 12.1 Over the years, cockpit design has evolved

steadily while retaining many constant features.

The most revolutionary change in cockpit design in recent years has been the
advent of the glass cockpit, where traditional, analogue instrument displays, with
their needles and cross-bars, have been replaced by computer-controlled electronic
displays that can display various types of flight information, as selected by the pilot.
The capability of the instruments
themselves has advanced rapidly,
too. Most professional pilots now
have the benefit of Electronic Flight
Instrument Systems, which display
navigation and attitude information,
Flight Management Systems, which
help pilots with their flight planning,
Traffic Collision Avoidance Systems,
Ground Proximity Warning Systems,
and Global Positioning Systems.

By the 1990s, glass cockpits were

becoming more and more common
in airliners, and, nowadays, glass
Figure 12.2 The most revolutionary change in
cockpits are even an option in light recent years has been the advent of the glass
training aircraft. cockpit.

It is not, however, the purpose of this chapter to look at these latest developments in
the capability and display features of aircraft instruments, but rather to examine how
more general cockpit design considerations attempt to take into account the comfort
of the pilot and the need for him to operate safely and efficiently.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

One of the most important factors in determining the size of an aircraft cockpit is the
size of the occupants that the aircraft is designed to carry.

Anthropometry is the name given to the

study of the measurement of human
beings. From anthropometrical data
an enormous amount of information is
available to the aircraft designer about
the range of sizes of potential pilots,
crew and passengers.

Anthropometrical information may be

placed into two main groups.

Static measurements,
such as height, ankle-to-knee
distance, shoulder width etc.

Dynamic measurements,
such as how far a human being Figure 12.3 Little pilot, big pilot.
can reach or stretch his legs.

Having determined the range of different measurements that exist within any
population of human beings, the aircraft designer must decide which spread of
measurements he will take into consideration in order to determine the size of the
cockpit. It is not feasible to allow for all the different sizes of adults. It is not practical,
for instance, to design a single cockpit which can be operated by both the very short
and the very tall. Consequently, aircraft designers will normally cater for the middle
90% of human beings, in terms of size. Those in the lowest 5% and those in the
highest 5% of size range are not considered.

In the United Kingdom, the 5th percentile of height for adult males is 5 feet 4ins
(1.625m) (i.e. 5% of adult males are shorter than this) and the 95th percentile is
6 feet 1in (1.855m) (i.e. 5% of adult males are taller than this).


One of the basic design criteria for

Ask your
cockpits is that the pilot should be able
to help you to view all of the important instrument
determine the ideal seating displays within the aircraft while
position so that you can maintaining an adequate forward view
make the most of your flying through the canopy without the need to
instruction. make more than the minimum number of
head movements. It follows, therefore,
that the cockpit space must be designed
around a defined position of the pilot’s

This position can be called variously the

eye datum, the design eye position, or
Figure 12.4 Adequate forward view.
the reference eye point.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

The eye datum is sometimes indicated

in the cockpit by the provision of an
indicator on the central windscreen pillar,
which only appears to be aligned when
the pilot’s eye is at the designed point.

As the external view is of great

importance in piloting the aircraft, the
pilot must, without strain, be able to look
over the top of the instrument panel and
see sufficient of the ground ahead to
enable him to fly the aircraft by external
references, both in the cruise and on
approach to land.
The pilot
If the pilot is sitting too high in the cockpit, must have a
he will have a good downward view, but clear view of
his view of the flight instruments may be the instruments and a good
less than optimal. forward view through the
canopy, so that he can see the
horizon, and the undershoot on
If, on the other hand, the pilot is sitting approach.
too low, he may not be able to see the
horizon adequately in the cruise, or have
an adequate view of the undershoot on
the approach to land.

Once the eye datum has been established

by the designer, and the anthropometric
range of pilots has been determined, the
size of the cockpit work space and the
amount of adjustment to seat, rudder
pedals, etc, can be determined.

From your point of view as a pilot,

ensure that you ascertain the correct
seat adjustment for yourself, from your Figure 12.5a-c Eye datum positions.
very first flying lesson.

A Satisfactory View.
From your seating position, with all harnesses
tight and locked, you must have a clear view
of the instruments and over the nose of the
aircraft so that you can correctly judge cruise
and approach attitudes.

You must also be able to reach all the controls

and manipulate them over their full range of
movement. Ask your instructor to help you
determine the ideal seat adjustments for you.
Effort spent on this detail will help you gain
maximum benefit from your flying, whether
you are a student or qualified pilot.
Figure 12.6 A satisfactory view of
the horizon in cruising flight.
Figure 12.6 depicts the type of view you
should expect to have in cruising flight.
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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

The forward field of vision you should

expect to have on approach is depicted in
Figure 12.7

Figure 12.7 A satisfactory view of

the approach.

You will be working hard during your flying lessons and,

once qualified, may hope to do some challenging cross-
country flying. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance
that your seating position should be comfortable and
adjustable to your height and build.

Cockpit seats should ideally have a lumbar support to

maintain the natural spine shape and, thereby, reduce
back pain and fatigue. Additionally the seat should, if
possible, be isolated from any vibration of the airframe.
When adjusting their seats, pilots should attempt to
establish a comfortable position that facilitates full
control movement, together with a balance between
a full instrument scan and outside visibility. This
Figure 12.8 Five-point
personalised position should be used for all subsequent
harness with negative g
flights. strap.

Harness-fit and adjustment is important, too. The pilot must be able to function
efficiently with his harness secure and adjusted.

A 5-point harness with a negative g strap. is shown in Figure 12.8.


Display and Presentation

When deciding on the best way to display
flight information, the basic choice for an
aircraft designer is between a digital or
analogue display.

Experiments suggest that for the display

of purely quantitative information, the
amount of fuel in a tank for example,
digital displays might be more effective
(See Figure 12.9).
Figure 12.9 Digital fuel gauge.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

Figure 12.10 Analogue ADF/VOR display. Figure 12.11 Digital displays can be pro-
grammed to simulate analogue instruments.

For displaying qualitative information, and for information which needs to be compared
and contrasted, analogue displays provide more easily assessed information. When
interpreting navigational information from VOR and ADF equipment, for instance,
analogue displays give highly effective situational awareness (See Figure 12.10).

Even when digital displays are used in modern glass cockpits, the digital information
is often presented as a simulated analogue display, as depicted in Figure 12.11.

Conventional Analogue Standard ‘T’ Display.

Figure 12.12 The standard ‘T’ instrument panel.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

The basic instrument panel of a conventional instrument display will invariably be

of a standard ‘T’ layout with the most important instrument, the artificial horizon or
attitude indicator in the upper central position. The other basic flight instruments, the
airspeed indicator, the altimeter and the direction indicator are grouped around the
artificial horizon to form a T-shape.

It is almost certain that the basic flying training aircraft in which you learn to fly will be
equipped with analogue instruments.

Analogue Displays - The

Compass, Direction Indicator and
Many pilots find that an analogue
direct-reading compass and direction
indicator give a better picture of the
aircraft orientation than would a digital
readout. (See Figure 12.13). A digital
readout for heading makes it more
difficult to determine such information
as the shortest way to turn onto a new

Figure 12.13 Analogue display of heading

information is more intuitive than a digital
Combination of Analogue and
Digital Display.
It is practicable in some instances
to combine both digital information
and analogue information in a single
instrument, as seen in the altimeter at
Figure 12.14 where the thousands and
hundreds of feet are displayed digitally.
The hundreds of feet are also shown by
a single pointer. While the digital display
gives the pilot a clear and unambiguous
indication of his altitude or height, the
use of a single moving pointer against a
fixed scale allows the pilot to judge when
the end of the scale is being approached,
i.e. when he is approaching the ground.

The single analogue needle is also Figure 12.14 Combined analogue and digital
excellent for showing small changes information.
of altitude such as when levelling off or
departing inadvertently from the selected altitude.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

The 3-Pointer Altimeter.

The 3-pointer altimeter, depicted in
Figure 12.15, has been in use for many
years and is still the most commonly-
used principal altimeter fitted to light
aircraft. Pilots must be aware, though,
that the 3-pointer altimeter can easily
be misread. The 3-pointer altimeter
shown here is indicating 2 720 feet,
exactly the same altitude as indicated
by the altimeter in Figure 12.14. Notice,
however that the the 3-pointer altimeter
is not so easy to interpret.

Figure 12.15 3-pointer altimeter.
The instruments pass information from the
aircraft and its environs to the pilot. The
aircraft’s controls, on the other hand, pass instructions from the pilot to the aircraft.

There are certain basic considerations which govern the way that aircraft controls
should be designed and located in the cockpit. Most importantly, controls should
be standardised, in as far as is possible and sensible, from the point of their design,
location, and the sense in which they are used, between all aircraft types and models.
Controls should also be located so that they are within easy reach of the pilot.
Furthermore, controls that are used frequently, or for protracted periods, should be
located so that they do not require the pilot to adopt an awkward or tiring posture.

Controls that are normally used in a given order should be laid out so that the sequence
of use is represented in that layout. As well as being ergonomically convenient, the
order of the layout, itself, will act as a prompt for the pilot to operate the controls in
the correct sequence.

Figure 12.16 Controls which are used frequently should not require the pilot
to adopt an awkward or tiring posture.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

Figure 12.17 Important controls must be easy to reach.

Important controls must be located in easily reached and unobstructed positions.

Levers, Levers, switches and knobs which control different systems or functions should look
switches and and feel different from one another (See Figure 12.18). This is an important and
knobs which fundamental consideration in order to reduce the risk of the pilot mistaking one control
control differ-
for another and making an incorrect, and potentially dangerous, control input.
ent functions must look and
feel different from one another.
Those controls that the pilot may need to use simultaneously, or consecutively, such
as the throttle and mixture controls, should be located adjacent to each other (See
Figure 12.19).

Figure 12.18 Levers, switches and knobs Figure 12.19 Throttle and mixture controls.
which control different functions must look
and feel different.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]


A well-designed checklist is fundamental to the safe operation of an aircraft. Pilots
must be able to access accurate information in manuals and checklists as rapidly as
possible, with the minimum possibility of their making an error of interpretation. Of
course, pilots themselves have a responsibility to be sufficiently familiar with their
documentation so that they know where to find relevant information in the shortest
possible time.

Figure 12.20 Checklists are of fundamental importance to the safe operation of an aircraft.

Checklist Design Requirements.

A well designed checklist should be:

• Unambiguous.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

• Presented in easily understood language.

• Colour coded by topic area.

• Printed in clear text.

In order to make a checklist easy to read, the size and clarity of the text must be
sufficient for it to be read in poor lighting conditions by a pilot whose workload is

The Use of Checklists.

Pilots must be thorough and conscientious in carrying out checks, and should be
aware of the common errors which may be made when working through a checklist:

If, after strapping yourself into the cockpit prior to a flight, you discover that you
cannot locate your checklist, do not continue your vital pre take-off checks from

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

memory alone. Accept that you have committed an error, unstrap, disembark from
the aircraft, and retrieve your checklist.

Beware of losing your place in the checklist, and of returning to the wrong location.
If you commit this error, an important item may be missed.

During your flying training, take care to read out all the vital pre-take-off checks
If you are
clearly and crisply, so that your instructor is aware that you are carrying out the
interrupted in
checks in the correct manner. the checks,
recommence them by moving
Do not labour the checks. You must not be over-hasty in carrying them out, but nor one item back in the checklist.
should you be painfully slow.

A major source of error in carrying out routine checks is that checklist items may be
responded to automatically rather than diligently. It is tempting for pilots to regard
a rapid reading over of checklist items as indicative of their skill and familiarity with
the aircraft, but, if checks are dealt with in this automatic way, it is very easy for a
pilot to see on the aircraft’s instrument panel, or in the operation of a control, what he
expects to see, rather than the reality of the situation. Pilots must be aware of this
tendency and devote particular care to carrying out checks.

If the checking sequence is interrupted by an external event (a radio call for example),
it is easy for an item from the checklist to be missed. If you are ever interrupted
while carrying out your checks, always recommence the checking sequence by
moving at least one item back from the item you had reached when the interruption

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

Representative PPL - type questions to test your theoretical

knowledge of The Cockpit.

1. Sitting below the eye datum point:

a. Prevents the pilot’s head from coming into contact with the cockpit
b. Means that part of the undershoot may be obscured, on the
c. Allows faster egress from the cockpit in an emergency
d. Means that part of the overshoot may be obscured, on the

2. If a pilot is interrupted when carrying out the pre-take-off checks, he should:

a. Recommence the checks from the item in the checklist reached

when the interruption occurred
b. Recommence the checks from the beginning of the checklist
c. Recommence the checks beginning with an item located one step
back in the checklist from the item reached when the interruption
d. Recommence the checks beginning with an item located one step
further on in the checklist from the item reached when the interruption

3. Which of the following is NOT a basic consideration governing the way

controls should be both designed and arranged?

a. Controls should be standardised in location and sense of use from

one aircraft to the other
b. Controls should be standardised between aircraft, in terms of their
shape and materials only
c. Controls having different functions should both look and feel
d. Important controls should be located in easily reached and
unobstructed positions

4. You are preparing for a training flight with an instructor and cannot find your
checklist. You should:

a. Perform the checks from memory

b. Use a checklist for a different aircraft type
c. Take time to find the checklist even at the risk of missing part of your
airborne time
d. Rely on the instructor to point out anything that you might have

ID: 10888
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

5. Which of the following occur(s) when a pilot is sitting too high in a cockpit?

i) Good downward outside view

ii) Poor view of instruments
iii) Upwards outside view obstructed

a. i) only
b. i) and ii) only
c. i), ii) and iii)
d. ii) and iii) only

6. An analogue display is generally better than a digital display for showing
which sort of data?

a. Quantitative
b. Qualitative
c. Numerical
d. Subjective

7. A standard “T” layout has the artificial horizon or attitude indicator at the
centre. Which of the following is NOT included in the rest of the “T”?

a. The altimeter
b. The airspeed indicator
c. The direction indicator
d. The compass

8. Which of the following actions does NOT constitute a pilot error when carrying
out checks from a check list?

a. Carrying out checks diligently and expeditiously

b. Carrying out checks from the list slowly and laboriously
c. Automatically responding to the check list without carrying out the
d. Missing out items

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The answers to these questions can be found at the end of this book.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]


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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]


This glossary of terms is issued as a reference for some of the words and phases
associated with the subject of Human Performance & Limitations. It is intended to
act as a quick reference for those students who are not familiar with some of the
technical terms used in the subject.

Accommodation: The changing of the shape of the lens of the eye, through the
ciliary muscles, to achieve the final focussing onto the retina.

Acuity: It is the ability to discriminate at varying distances. An individual with an

acuity of 20/20 vision should be able to see at 20 feet that which the so-called normal
person is capable of seeing at this range

Adrenaline: A stress hormone which causes a massive release of sugar reserves

from the liver and prompts the body into certain actions aimed primarily to assist

Alveoli: The final division in the lungs; very fine sac-like structures where blood in the
alveolar capillaries is brought into very close proximity with oxygen molecules. Under
the effect of a pressure gradient, oxygen diffuses across the capillary membrane
from the alveolar sac into the blood.

Anaemia: This occurs when cells of the various tissues are deprived of oxygen
through insufficient haemoglobin or red blood cells.

Angina: The pain developing in the chest, or sometimes the neck, shoulder or
arms, which is caused by a narrowing of the coronary arteries carrying blood to the
heart muscle. The narrowing or gradual blockage of the coronary arteries results in
insufficient blood reaching the muscle and the effect is to deprive part of the muscular
pump of oxygen when demands are placed on it by exertion or emotion.

Anthropometry: The study of human measurement.

Anxiety: A state of apprehension, tension and worry. It can also be a vague feeling
of danger and foreboding.

Aorta: The main artery leaving the heart’s left ventricle before dividing into smaller
arteries to carry the oxygenated blood around the body.

Arousal: The measure of the Human Being’s readiness to respond. It can be said to
be the general activation of the physiological systems.

Attention: Attention is the deliberate devotion of the cognitive resources to a specific


Atrium: The left and right atria (auricles) are the upper chambers of the heart. The
right atrium collects venous blood (de-oxygenated) and passes it to the right ventricle
from where it is pumped into the lungs to receive oxygen. The left atrium collects the
oxygenated blood from the lungs and passes it to the left ventricle from where it can
be passed around the body to the various tissues.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

Audiogram: This instrument measures hearing.

Auto-kinesis: This occurs in the dark when a static light may appear to move after
being stared at for several seconds.

Autonomic nervous system: The nervous system controlling many of the functions
essential to life, such as respiration, Arterial pressure gastrointestinal motility, urinary
output, sweating, body temperature and the General Adaption Syndrome (sometimes
known as the Fight or Flight Response) over which we normally have no conscious

Barotrauma: Pain caused by the expansion and contraction, due to outside pressure
changes of air trapped in the cavities of the body, notably within the intestines,
middle ear, sinuses or teeth. Barotrauma can cause discomfort or extreme pain
sufficient to interfere with the operation of the aircraft.

Bends: Experienced during decompression sickness when nitrogen bubbles affect

the joints causing pain.

Blind Spot: The site on the retina where the optic nerve enters the eyeball. Having
no light sensitive cells in this area, any image on this section of the retina will not be

Blood Pressure: Blood pressure as measured in mm Hg at a medical examination

is given as two figures eg 120/80. The first (highest) figure is the systolic pressure
which is the pressure at systole when the left ventricle is contracting to send the
oxygenated blood around the body to the various tissues. The lower figure is the
diastolic pressure which is the constant pressure in the system even when the heart
is not contracting.

Body Mass Index (BMI): A measure of any excess fatty tissue in the body. The
Body Mass Index relates height to weight by the formula:

BMI = weight in kilogrammes ÷ (height in metres)²

Bronchus: A division in the respiratory system. Air drawn into the nose and mouth
is passed first through the Trachea, which then divides into two large airways, the left
and right bronchi. The bronchi carry the air into the left and right lungs before they
divide into smaller airways eventually terminating in the alveoli.

Capillary: The smallest division of the blood circulation system. They are very thin
walled blood vessels in which oxygen is in close proximity to the tissues and unlatches
from haemoglobin. The oxygen molecules diffuse down a pressure dependant
gradient across the cell walls into the respiring tissues. Carbon dioxide and water is
picked up in exchange, and the capillary blood passes on into the veins.

Carbonic Acid: Carbon dioxide is produced in the tissues as the result of the
oxidation of foodstuffs to provide energy. This carbon dioxide is carried in the blood
in solution but largely in chemical combination as carbonic acid.

Cardiac Arrest: State in which the heart ceases to pump blood around the body.

ID: 10888
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

Central Vision: Vision at the Fovea. Only at this part of the retina is vision 20/20 or

Cerebellum: Second and smaller division of the brain. Responsible for receiving
information from all nerve endings including the semi-circular canals in the inner

Cerebrum: A part of the fore-brain which contains the cells that perform the functions
of memory, learning and other higher mental powers.

Chokes: The difficulty in breathing experienced as a result of decompression


CHIRP: Confidential Human Factors Incident Reporting Programme is a scheme

which enables all Civilian Aircrew and Air Traffic Control personnel to report their
errors in complete confidence to the RAF Institute of Aviation Medicine. The CHIRP
scheme was initiated and sponsored by the Civil Aviation Authority.

Ciliary muscles: The ciliary muscles push and pull the lens of the eye to achieve
the final focussing. - see also accommodation above.

Circadian Rhythms: Many physiological processes in the body exhibit regular

rhythmic fluctuations, and they occur whether one is asleep or is kept awake. These
rhythms are controlled not by reactions to the external environment but internally.
The most common rhythms exhibited by man and other organisms have periodicities
of, or about, 24 hours. These rhythms are termed “circadian rhythms”, from the Latin
“circa” - about and “dies” - day.

Circadian Disrhythmia: Disruption of the Circadian Rhythms (see above).

Co-action: Working in parallel to a common goal.

Cochlea: That part of the inner ear concerned with hearing. Vibrations in the air,
sounds, are passed to the eardrum causing it to vibrate. This vibration is passed
across the middle ear by a series of small bones to the fluid-filled cochlea of the inner
ear. The cochlea contains a sensitive membrane which responds to vibrations and
generates the nerve impulses which the brain interprets as sounds.

Conductive Deafness: See hearing loss.

Cones: Light sensitive cells situated on the retina at the back of the eye which are
sensitive to colour. These cells convert light into nerve impulses that travel up the
optic nerve to the brain where the visual picture is built up.

Confirmation Bias: In decision making, once a decision is made, there is a natural

tendency to stay with that decision. Here a subject will often take a small piece of
information and use it to “confirm” the process that is already in place even to the
extent of ignoring other more compelling evidence suggesting a flaw in the plan.

Coriolis Effect: An illusion of a change in the turn rate due to a sudden movement
of the head.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

Cornea: A transparent focussing layer at the front of the eyeball.

Coronary Thrombosis: See Heart Attack.

Cortex: That part of the brain which receives impulses from the auditory nerve and
translates them into sound patterns.

Cortisol (Cortisone): Substance released during 2nd phase of General Adaption

Syndrome to convert fats to sugar thus prolonging body mobilisation in face of
perceived stress/threat.

Cyanosis: The development of a blue colour in those parts of the body in which the
blood supply is close to the surface, the lips or under the fingernails, caused by a lack
of oxygen in the blood and a consequent shortage of oxy-haemoglobin. Cyanosis is
one of the signs of Hypoxia.

Diaphragm: A muscular and tendinous sheet separating the thorax and abdomen.
Movement of the diaphragm helps to reduce the pressure in the chest, drawing air
into the lungs. In the process of breathing out the diaphragm is relaxed.

Diffusion: The movement of particles from regions of high concentration to regions

of lower concentrations.

ECG: Electrocardiogram, a device for measuring the synchronisation of the brain’s

electrical impulses with the beating of the heart (pulse rate).

EEG: Electroencephalogram, a device to measure the electrical activity of the


EMG: Electromyogram, used to measure the electrical activity associated with the
contraction and relaxation of muscles.

Endolymph: The fluid which fills the inner ear and in particular the three semi-circular
canals which are used to detect angular movement and provide balance cues for the

Electrolytes: Electrolyte is a chemical capable of carrying or conducting an electrical

charge in solution. The body relies on the presence of electrolytes to carry nerve
impulses and to maintain cell metabolism.

EOG: Electroculogram, a device to measure eye movement using electrodes

attached to the outer corners of the eyes.

Episodic Memory: A part of long-term memory storing episodes/events in our


Ergonomics: The principle of design which ensures that the job required should be
fitted to the man rather than the man to the job.

Expiratory Reserve Volume: The amount of air that can be still exhaled by forceful
expiration after the end of the normal tidal expiration.

ID: 10888
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

Faults: A category of errors. The action satisfies the operator’s intent, but the intent
itself was incorrect.

Fight or Flight: See Automatic Nervous System.

Formication: A creeping sensation felt on the skin as a result / symptom of


Fovea: That part of the retina, composed only of cones, which is the most central
part of the retina. only at the fovea is there 6/6 or 20/20 vision. It is the area of
highest visual acuity and away from the fovea the acuity declines rapidly.

General Adaption Syndrome (GAS): the term used to describe the mechanism by
which an individual reacts to an outside perceived threat.

Gestalt Theory: From the German word gestalt meaning “shape”. This theory of
learning proposes that any individual’s understanding of the world results from sorting
out and combining multiple cues perceived in the environment until a “coherent
whole” appears that is acceptable according to the individual’s standards as regards
the world.

Glaucoma: A disease of the eye which causes a pressure rise of the liquid within the
eye. Glaucoma can cause severe pain and even blindness. Glaucoma exists in two
forms: Acute and Chronic.

Habituation: A term for Sensory Adaption. It is also sometimes used when referring
to Environmental Capture (an error brought upon by habit).

Haemoglobin: Haemoglobin is made up of a combination of protein and a chemical

called Heme which has an atom of iron contained in the middle of the molecule. It is
found in the red blood cells and has the property of uniting with oxygen in a reversible
manner to form oxy-haemoglobin. The combination will release the oxygen again to
a gas mixture which contains little, or no, oxygen. Haemoglobin has a much greater
affinity for CO (carbon monoxide) than for oxygen, therefore the presence of carbon
monoxide in the air will cause a reduction in the amount of oxygen that may be
carried in the blood.

Hearing Loss: Caused by a number of factors. A breakdown of the eardrum /

ossicles system is Conductive Deafness. The loss of some hearing as the natural
consequence of growing old is known as Presbycusis. Hearing loss caused by
damage to the sensitive membrane in the cochlea by the intensity and duration of
loud noises is called “Noise Induced Hearing Loss”(NIHL).

Heart Attack: Also known as myocardial infarction. The blockage of one of the
coronary arteries, usually by a clot, will deprive some of the heart muscle of an
oxygen supply. The effects are dramatic, often with severe chest pain, collapse, and
sometimes complete cessation of the heart. (See also Infarct)

Homeostatis: The process of the body maintaining physiological equilibrium through

organs and internal control mechanisms in spite of varying external conditions.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

Hydrostatic Variation: The difference of the blood pressure in the legs and lower
body and the blood pressure at the heart.

Hypermetropia: Long sightedness. A shorter than normal eye results in the image
being formed behind the retina. Images of close objects will become blurred.

Hypertension: High blood pressure.

Hyperventilation: Over-breathing, causing changes in the acid / base balance of

the body. Can be caused not only by Hypoxia but also by anxiety, motion sickness,
vibration, heat, high ‘g’ or shock.

Hypoglycemia: Low sugar content of the blood normally caused by fasting or not
eating regularly.

Hypovigilance: Sleep patterns showing on an EEG during human activity.

Hypoxia: Inadequate oxygen supply. In mild cases the symptoms may hardly be
noticed but as the hypoxia increases the symptoms become more severe, leading in
some cases to unconsciousness and even death.

Iconic memory: The visual sensory store. Physical stimuli which are received by
the sensory receptors (e.g. eyes, ears etc) can be stored for a brief period of time
after the input has ceased. The iconic memory only lasts for about 0.5 to one second
but it does enable us to retain information for a brief period of time until we have
sufficient spare processing capacity to deal with the new input.

Infarct: (Infarction): The death of a portion of a tissue or organ due to the failure
of the blood supply. Hence the death of part of the heart muscle due to a failure of
some of the coronary artery supply is also known as a “coronary infarction”.

Insomnia: Inability to gain sufficient sleep. Divided into Clinical Insomnia and
Situational Insomnia

Inspiratory Reserve Volume: The extra volume of air that can be inhaled over and
beyond the normal tidal volume.

Leans: Experienced when the vestibular apparatus of the ear has given an incorrect
assessment of attitude leading to the senses of the pilot giving, for example, a “banking
sensation” when the visual picture will tell him that he is “straight and level”.

Long Sightedness: See hypermetropia.

Mental Schemas: Mental representations of categories of objects, events and


Mesopic Vision: Vision through the functioning of both the Rods and Cones.

Metabolism: The chemical processes in a living organism producing energy and


ID: 10888
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

Metacommunications: The term that covers communication in its complete sense

embracing everything from body language / facial expression to simple voice
communication to enable a transfer of information to take place.

Microsleeps: Very short periods of sleep lasting from a fraction of second to two to
three seconds.

Myopia: Short sightedness. A longer than normal eye results in image forming in
front of the retina. If accommodation cannot overcome this then distant objects will
be out of focus.

Narcolepsy: The tendency of an individual to fall asleep even when in sleep credit
can even occur when driving or flying. Narcolepsy is a recognised disorder and is
clearly undesirable in any aircrew.

Neuron: A nerve cell

NIHL: See Hearing loss.

Oculogravic Illusion: Visually apparent movement of a forward object that is actually

in a fixed position relative to the observer due to the displacement of the Otoliths.

Orthodox sleep: Another term for slow wave sleep.

Ossicles: The small bones in the middle ear which transmit the vibration of the
eardrum to the cochlea of the inner ear.

Paradoxical Sleep: Another term for REM Sleep for although the person is certainly
asleep the brain activity is very similar to that of someone who is fully awake.

Parasympathetic Nervous System: See Autonomic nervous system.

Percept: The immediate interpretation of the information in the sensory store. It is

not necessarily a complete representation of the information.

Perception: The active process through which people use knowledge and
understanding of the world to interpret sensations as meaningful experiences.

Peripheral Vision: Vision emanating away from the Fovea and from the rods cell-
receptors of the eye.

Photopic Vision: Vision through the functioning of the Cone light-sensitive cells of
the eye.

Presbycusis: See Hearing loss.

Presbyopia: A form of long sightedness caused by the lens of the eye losing
its elasticity with age. The loss of elasticity means that the lens can no longer
accommodate fully and will result in close objects becoming blurred. A common
condition in those more than 45 years of age, but easily corrected with a weak convex

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

Psychosomatic: Refers to a psychological reaction to an outside stimulus causing

physiological changes or changes. It refers to the interrelationships of the mind and

Pulmonary: Referring to the lungs. Hence the pulmonary artery takes blood from
the heart to the lungs and the pulmonary vein carries oxygenated blood from the
lungs back to the heart.

Regression: A symptom of stress in which correct actions are forgotten and

substituted for procedures learnt in the past.

REM: (Rapid Eye Movements) A term used in sleep studies to define a stage of
sleep. In REM sleep the EEG becomes irregular and the EOG shows the eyes
rapidly darting back and forth whilst the EMG shows the muscles to be relaxed. It
is suggested that during REM sleep the memory is strengthened and organised.
Sometimes referred to as Paradoxical Sleep.

Residual Volume: The volume of air remaining in the lungs even after the most
forceful expiration

Retina: A light sensitive screen on the inside of the eye to which images are focussed.
The retina has light sensitive cells, rods and cones, which convert the image into
nerve impulses which are interpreted by the brain.

Rods: Light sensitive cells on the retina. They are sensitive to lower levels of light
than the cones and are not sensitive to colour. To adapt completely to dark conditions
will take the rods about 30 minutes and their adaption can be destroyed by even a
transitory bright light.

Saccade: The eye cannot be moved continuously and smoothly when searching
for a target, but moves in jerks, known as saccades, with rests between them. The
external world is sampled only during the resting periods. An eye movement / rest
cycle takes about one third of a second, which means that the amount of the external
world that can be examined in detail is strictly limited.

Scotopic Vision: Vision through the functioning of the rod light-sensitive cells of the

Semantic Memory: A part of long-term memory storing information as to general

knowledge of the world.

Semicircular canals: The organs of the inner ear set in three planes at right angles
to each other, which detect angular acceleration.

Skill: is an organised and co-ordinated pattern of activity. It may be physical, social,

linguistic or intellectual.

Slips: A category of errors. Slips do not satisfy the operator’s intent although the
intent was correct.

Somatosensory system: Pressure and position nerve receptors distributed

throughout the body that provide information, for example, on the orientation of the
seat on which we sit. The somatosensory system along with the vestibular apparatus
and our vision enables us to maintain an image of our spatial orientation.

ID: 10888
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

Somnambulism: Sleep Walking.

Somniloquism: Talking in one’s sleep.

Staggers: Experienced when suffering from decompression sickness as nitrogen

bubbles affect the blood supply to the brain causing the sufferer to lose some mental
and body control functions.

Stapes (or Stirrup): The inner bone of the Ossicles.

Stroboscopic Effect: A flickering effect of light and in Aviation is often caused by

a propellor or, in the case of a helicopter, the rotor blade turning and cutting the

Stereopsis: The ability to judge depth visually due to the principle that near objects
produce images on each retina that are more different from one another than distant

Stroke: A term used to describe the effects of a blockage of one of the arteries to the
brain. The disruption of blood flow, and therefore oxygen supply to that part of the
brain will cause a failure in the ability of the brain to control a particular part of the
body. Depending on the site affected, the results could be paralysis, loss of speech,
loss of control of facial expression.

Subcutaneous: An adjective meaning below or under the skin.

Sympathetic Nervous System: See Autonomic Nervous System.

Synapse: The connection between two neurons.

Syncope: Fainting through a fall in blood pressure.

Tidal Volume: The volume of air inhaled and exhaled with each normal breath.

Time of Useful Consciousness (TUC): The amount of time an individual is able to

perform useful flying duties in an environment of inadequate oxygen.

Thrombus: A clot of blood which can stop blood flow to any organ. If the blockage is
in one of the Coronary Arteries then a heart attack can result or if in an artery to the
brain then the result will be a stroke.

Trachea: The main airway leading from the nose / mouth into the chest cavity. It is
a cartilage reinforced tube which divides into two bronchii which deliver air to the left
and right lungs.

Ventricles: The two largest and most muscular divisions of the heart. The left
ventricle, when it contracts, sends the blood around the body. The right ventricle
passes blood from the heart to the lungs to be recharged with oxygen.

Vestibular Apparatus: The combination of the semicircular canals and the otoliths.
The function of the vestibular apparatus is to provide data to the brain that enables it
both to maintain a model of spatial orientation and to control other systems that need
this information.

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

Visual Cortex: That part of the brain which receives the electrical charges from the
Optic Nerve of the eye.

Visual Field: Visual Field comprises of both the Central and Peripheral vision.

Visual Perception Cascade: The reaction time from visual input, brain reaction,
perception to recognition. In perfect conditions this takes approximately 1 second.

Vigilance (state of): The degree of activation of the central nervous system. This
can vary from deep sleep to extreme alertness.

ID: 10888
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]



The table below contains the principal topics and subtopics from the current outline
syllabus for the theoretical examination in Human Performance and Limitations for the
Private Pilot’s Licence, as published in JAR-FCL 1. Syllabuses may be modified, so
always check the latest examination documentation from your national civil aviation
authority, or from JAR-FCL/EASA.


composition of the atmosphere; the gas laws;
Concepts: respiration and blood circulation.
effect of increasing altitude; gas transfer; hypoxia
(symptoms; prevention); cabin pressurisation;
Effects of partial effects of rapid decompression (time of useful
pressure: consciousness; the use of oxygen masks and rapid
descent); hyperventilation (symptoms; avoidance);
effects of accelerations.
physiology of vision; limitations of the visual
Vision: system (vision defects; optical illusions; spatial
disorientation; avoidance of disorientation).
physiology of hearing; inner ear sensations; effects of
altitude change; noise and hearing loss (protection of
Hearing: hearing); spatial disorientation (conflicts between ears
and eyes; prevention of disorientation).

Motion sickness: causes; symptoms; prevention.

medical requirements; effect of common ailments
and cures (colds; stomach upsets; drugs, medicines,
Flying and health: and side effects; alcohol; fatigue); personal fitness;
passenger care; scuba diving – precautions before

Toxic hazards: dangerous goods; carbon monoxide from heaters.


The information concepts of sensation; cognitive perception

process: (expectancy; anticipation; habits).
mental workload, limitations; information sources
The central decision (stimuli and attention; verbal communication); memory
channel: and its limitations; causes of misinterpretation.
causes and effects; concepts of arousal; effects on
Stress: performance; identifying and reducing stress.
Judgement and decision making; concepts of pilots’
Judgement and judgement; psychological attitudes (behavioural
decision making: aspects); risk assessment (development of situational

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

ID: 10888
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]


Order: 12241
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

ID: 10888
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

Chapter 1 Introduction

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6
Answer b d a b d a

Chapter 2 The Atmosphere

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Answer c c a d b a c

Chapter 3 The Human Body

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer c a c d c b a c d b

Chapter 4 The Effects of Partial Pressure

Question 1 2 3 4 5
Answer c d a d b

Chapter 5 The Eye

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Answer d b b c a b d a c b c

Chapter 6 The Ear

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer b c a d c d a d c c

Question 11 12
Answer c d

Chapter 7 Flying and Health

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer d b c a b d c c b a

Question 11 12 13 14 15 16
Answer b b d c c a

Order: 12241
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

Chapter 8 The Information Process

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Answer c a c d b a b d c c a d

Question 13 14
Answer b a

Chapter 9 Judgement and Decision Making

Question 1 2 3 4
Answer d b b a

Chapter 11 Stress

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Answer b d c b c a c a c

Chapter 12 The Cockpit

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Answer b c b c c b d a

ID: 10888
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]


Acceleration 72, 73,
Accidents 3, 6,
- Causes 7
- Statistics 6
Accommodation 52, 53
Action 111
Age 53
Airspeed indicator 174
Alcohol 32, 54
Allergy 91
Altitude indicator 174
Alveoli 23
Analogue displays 173
Angina 29
Anthropometry 170
- Dynamic measurements 170
- Static measurements 170
Anxiety 44
Approach - judgement of 130
Approach path 130
Argon 13
Arousal 121, 141,
Arteries 25
Artificial horizon 174
Association 116
Atmosphere 13
Atria 25
Attention 119
- Channel capacity 119
- Divided 120
- Limited channel 120
- Mechanism 118, 119
- Selective 120
Audible Range 71
Auditory Nerve 70
Auricle 69
Auricles 25
Autokinesis 128

Balance 69, 72
Bends 46
Binocular vision 53
Black Out 97
Blind spot 52,
54, 55

Order: 12241
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

Blood 28
Blood cells 28
Blood pressure 26
Blurred vision 52
Body Mass Index 85
Brain 46, 51
Briefing 100

Caffeine 91
Calcium 88
Canals 70
Capillaries 26
Carbohydrates 87
Carbon Dioxide 13
Carbon Monoxide 30
Central vision 53
Checklists 177
Chokes 46
Cholesterol 30
Chunking 116
Ciliary muscles 52
Circulatory System 21
Classical Conditioning 123
Closing speeds 60
Cochlea 70
Cockpit 169
Cognition 125
Collision 60
Communication 151
Cones 52, 54
Controls 175
Cornea 51
Cortex 70
Creeps 46
Cyanosis 42

Dangerous Cargo 99
Deafness 71
Decision 111
- Making 141, 143,
- Questioning 144
Decompression 45
Decongestants 91
Density 14
Diarrhoea 91
Diastolic Pressure 26
Direction indicator 174
Disorientation 72, 75

ID: 10888
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

Drugs 54, 90

Ear 51, 69
- Inner 70
- Middle 70
Ear drum 69
Electroencephalogram 89
Empty Field Myopia 56
Environmental Lapse Rate 14
Epilepsy 89
Error 3, 6
- Human error 3, 6
- Pilot error 3
Error of Commission 125
Euphoria 42
Eustachian Tube 70
Exercise 30, 87
Eye 51, 57
Eye datum 170
- Design eye position 170
- Reference eye point 170

Fainting 89
Fatigue 93
Feedback 111
First Aid 104
Fitness 84, 90
Forced Landings 103
Fovea 52
53, 54

‘G’ 4
Gastroenteritis 88
G Forces 95
Grey Out 96

Haemoglobin 30
Hearing 69, 111
Heart Attack 29
Hectopascals 14
Hg 14
Human Error 122
Hypermetropia 57
Hyperventilation 42
Hypoxia 30, 41,

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Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

Illusions 125, 126,
127, 128,
- On take-off and landing 129
- On the approach 130
Imitation 123
Incus (Anvil) 69
- Qualitative 173
Insight 123
Iris 51
Iron 88
ISA 14

Joints 46
Judgement 33, 141

Kraft Illusion 133

Learning 123
Learning Process 123
Lens 51, 52,
Load Factor 95
Long sightedness 57

Malleus (Hammer) 69
Meatus 69
Medical Certificate 83
Medication 54
Memory 115
- Echoic 115
- Episodic 117
- Habituation 115
- Iconic 115
- Long-term 115, 117
- Procedural 112, 117
- Semantic 117
- Sensory 115
- Short-term 115, 116
Mercury 14
Metabolism 87
Misperceptions 133
Motion sickness 78
Motivation 124
Motor Programmes (Skills) 112
Myopia 57

ID: 10888
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

Negative ‘g’ 97
- Motor 22
- Sensory 22
Nervousness 44
Nervous System 21
- Autonomic 22
- Central 22
- Peripheral 22
Neurones 51, 52
Night Vision 54
Nitrogen 13
Nutrition 87

Observation 123
Occipital region 51
Operant Conditioning 123
Optic nerve 51, 52
Ossicles 69
Otoliths 73, 77
Over-learning 124
Overload 121
Oxygen 13
Oxygen deficiency 4

Passenger 99
Perception 111, 118
- Funnelled 118
Peripheral vision 52, 54
Personal Hygiene 89
- Associative 112
- Automatic 113
- Cognitive 112
Phosphorus 88
Photochromic 56
Physiology 51
- Competence 5
- Error 3
- Responsibility 7
Pinna 69
Plasma 28
Poisoning 30
Polaroid 56
Presbycusis 72
Pressure 14
- Partial 15, 39

Order: 12241
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

Pulse 26
Pupil 51, 52

Qualitative Overload 121
Qualities 5
Quantitative Overload 121

Reaction Time 60, 113
Reasoning 111
Red out 98
- Conditioned 114
- Trained 114
- Unconditioned 113
Reflexes 113
- External 23
- Internal 24
Respiratory system 21, 23, 46
Response 124
Response Error 125
Response Times 125
Responsibilities 7
Retention of Learning 124
Retina 51, 52,
56, 57
Risk 144
Rods 52, 54
Runway - downward sloping illusion 132
Runway - upward sloping illusion 131
Runway - illusion of width 132

Self Medication 90
Semi Circular Canals 74
Sensation 114
Senses 111
Sensory Threshold 114
Short sightedness 57
Sight 111
Single channelled processing 112
Skin 46
Sloping Runway 131, 132
Smell 111
Smoking 32, 53
Snow 128, 133
Somatosensory System 73
Sound 71
Staggers 46

ID: 10888
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

Stapes (Stirrup) 69
Stimulants 91
Stimuli 114
Stratosphere 13
Stress 157
- Avoiding in the air 161
- Common factors 160
- Coping with stress 162
- Levels 159
- Measuring 161
- Stress factors 157, 159
- Stressors 157, 159
Stroboscopic Effect 90
Sunglasses 56
Systolic Pressure 26

Taste 111
Temperature 14, 160
Tiredness 93
Touch 111
Toxic Hazards 98
Training 6
Tranquillisers 91
Troposphere 13
Tympanum 69

Ultra-violet wavelengths 56
Useful Consciousness 43

Veins 25
Ventricle 25
Vestibular Apparatus 73, 74
Vision 42, 51
Visual acuity 52, 53,
56, 59
Visual defects 57
Visual scanning 55
Vitamins 87

Order: 12241
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

ID: 10888
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Order: 12241
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]
Customer: Veronica Gonzalez Orrego E-mail: [email protected]

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