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1. What is Community immersion?

Community immersion is a strategy in community organizing that is sought to imbibe among the NSTP
trainees a better understanding and realization of the different community concerns through the
exposure on actual life situations. Also, its helps us in molding student just so that they may be socially
aware and responsible to their communities. This manner of transformation is bent on training the
youth to become civic consciousness and defense prepared individuals.

2. NSTP Law, is mandated to every tertiary students to render military or civil service. Based on the NSTP
Curriculum, is it relevance to students in conducting community Immersion? Why? Justify your answer.

For one thing, the hope that educators have is that students are fully-fledged people who rise to the
highest standards of their community. So it’s not so much that students in particular have community
immersion, as it is that we hope that students happen to be the kind of good people who are already
doing community immersion. But of course there’s lots of rational reasons to try to promote community
immersion among students. First, there’s already enough trends toward social elitism as a result of
higher education that it’s valuable to encourage students to get out of the ivory tower and into the
community. Second, fully-fledged people should have a variety of interests and social contacts.
Encouraging students to go into the community increases the likelihood that they will find contacts for
employment and will build valuable skills that will help them. Putting us in practical environments
working with people, especially with professional adults, is a low-risk way of giving us hands-on
experience. In many cases, the volunteer work that we do will expose us to real world that can guide us
in the future.

3. Choose of at least one dimension of development that you think will be effective during your
community immersion activity especially this time of pandemic. Explain your strategy and approaches
for you to be effective . (do not limit your idea)

The dimension of development that is effective in this time of pandemic is livelihood and
entrepreneurship. We all know that we are all affected by this pandemic because some loss their jobs
due to quarantine issued by the government and establishments and stores need to close in order for
the virus not spread more to others and also to follow the rules implemented by our government. Since
it is prohibited to have a face to face interaction one of my approach and strategy in order to be
effective this activity for community immersion is through virtual webinars. But another problem is that
not all the people in the community have gadgets, internet connection, and have knowledge to use
those technological devices. The strategy and approach that I can do is to have a mini-book that contains
same information in the virtual webinar. This can be done by distributing these mini-book to every
houses. But they can also photocopy if they have friends who already have the copy of the mini-book.
The mini-book contains information on how we can cope challenges in the livelihood and
entrepreneurship sector in this time of pandemic. One thing that I can think they can do in livelihood is
to have their backyard gardening and animal propagation. By having backyard gardening can sustain
their daily foods especially that most of people loss their jobs and they do not have their monthly
salary/income. When it comes to animal propagation, I know that it is hard to start this but it have a big
help for us if this will continue to develop. In entrepreneurship, mothers or any member of the family
can have a business like baking, cooking, and many more. They can sell these through online. This wil
also help them to have daily income. So, those are the strategy and approach that I can include and
share in the virtual webinar and in mini-book. I hope that this will be effective and can give
enlightenment to the people of the community. In this time of pandemic, let us make our every day
more productive. Let us find ways to sustain our daily needs rather we just rely on the relief and
subsidies given by our government. We are in the time of crisis, so what we need to do is to realize and
develop what we can do in order for us to survive.

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