2nd Lesson Plan

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Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College

College of Teacher Education

Bachelor of Technology in Livelihood Education

Lesson Plan
A. Learning At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
Competencies/ 1. Explain the definition of tsunami
Objectives 2. Identify the different adverse effect of tsunami
3. Discuss the different adverse effect of tsunami.
4. Design an Informative Poster on the Precautionary Measures of
Tsunami-The General Adverse Effect

A. References K to 12 Senior High School Core Subject
– Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction Grade 11 and 12

1. Teacher’s Guide Page 3 -Curriculum Guide

Pages (DRR11/12-If-g-18)
2. Learner’s
Materials Pages
3. Text Book Pages
4. Additional
Materials from
Resources (LR)
LEARNING Power Point Presentation
Video Presentation

A. Preliminaries Teachers Activity Students Activity
Good Morning Class! Good Morning Sir!
How are you today? We are all fine Sir!
Okay! Who’s absent today?
Ms./Mr. Secretary did you checked the I did, Sir. No one is absent.
Very Good, before anything else, let us Yes, Sir. Let’s Pray
pray first. Will you lead us a prayer Heavenly Father, we thank you
Jenifer? for this wonderful day you
have given unto us. Thank you
for the strength and blessing
you have showered upon us.
Lord, please forgive us for the
sins we have committed in the
past. We also ask you to bless
us guide us and give us
wisdom, we continue our
lessons for this day. We thank
you Lord and this we ask in
Jesus name. AMEN.
Let’s have a short recap/review about our
previous lesson? Anyone from the group?
Ok, Jasnia!
Very Good Jasnia!

So, before I will present to you our new

topic, please allow me to share to you my
Before we start let’s have an activity first.
In this you will watch a video and later on,
you will be asked question about what is
your observation about the picture that I
have presented.
Based on your ideas what do you think is
our topic for today? Our topic for Today sir will
focus on Tsunami and its
Very Good! Today we will discuss The General Adverse Effect
General Adverse Effect of Tsunami
C. Analysis Ask:  Loss of Life
Can you identify what are the different  Devastation of Homes
 Damage to the
adverse effect of tsunami? Anyone from
the group? Shaina Cabanig!  Disease and
 Serious Environmental
Very Good Shaina! You have now a vivid Changes
idea on what are different the different
adverse effect of tsunami! I’ve thought
you have a knowledge about our topic
D. Abstraction 1. Present the objectives of today’s lesson
At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
5. Explain the definition of tsunami
6. Identify the different adverse effect of tsunami
7. Discuss the different adverse effect of tsunami.
8. Design an Informative Poster on the Precautionary Measures of

We will now proceed on the discussion

about the different adverse effect of tsunami
We will make this discussion fun,
entertainment and interactive! You should
participate very well for a meaningful
discussion, if you want to answer my
question you may raise your hand using the
virtual hand.

Is that clear class? Yes Sir!

A. Discussion/Presentation of the
Tsunami is a series of water
What is tsunami? Jensen! waves caused by the
displacement of a large
volume of a body of water,
usually an ocean Sir!

Okay, very nice answer!

Tsunami is a Japanese word from a double
root: tsu, meaning port or harbour, and
nami, meaning wave. The phenomenon we
call tsunami is a series of large waves of
extremely long wavelength and period
usually generated by a violent, impulsive
undersea disturbance or activity near the
coast or in the ocean

Tsunamis are massive waves generated by

a displacement of water and can have
disastrous effects on people. Earthquakes
or underwater explosions can trigger
these waves, such as those caused by
volcanic activity or underwater testing of
nuclear devices.

What Happens After a Tsunami Occurs?

It can be resulted from worst
Anyone from the group, who can answer? effects the loss of human life.

Very Good! Tsunamis can have a

devastating effect on human lives. They can
destroy homes, change landscapes, hurt
economies, spread disease and kill people.
Anyone who will read the slide? Leones!
1. Devastation of Homes
Tsunamis can demolish entire buildings
and cause extensive property damage.
Many people who live in a tsunami-affected
area lose everything they own, leaving
them homeless and without resources in the
immediate aftermath. The tsunami's effects
include lowering houses to their
foundations and exposing bedrock. The
rebuilding process is costly, time-
consuming, and emotionally draining for

Anyone who will read the slide? Advincula!

2. Loss of Life
Tsunamis are difficult to detect at sea
because waves do not begin to grow in size
until they reach shallower waters. As a
result, they often strike with little warning,
resulting in a massive loss of human life.

Anyone who will read the slide? Quijano!

3. Damage to the Economy

Individuals' daily lives in a tsunami-
affected country change as a result of the
economic damage caused by the disaster.
Locations that were once popular tourist
destinations suffer from depression as a
result of lost tourism, with people staying
away in fear and during reconstruction.
Rebuilding after a tsunami places
significant financial strain on governments,
leading to an economic downturn that can
affect entire regions of the world.

Anyone who will read the slide? Rapanut!

4. Disease and Contamination

Contaminated water and food supplies
pose a health risk following a tsunami.
Flood waters can carry a variety of
contaminants, including dirt and oil. In
addition, infectious diseases become more
prevalent following a tsunami. Malaria and
cholera could become more prevalent.
People may be forced to stay in shelters or
other close quarters, which facilitates
disease transmission.

Anyone who will read the slide? Eugenio!

5. Other Health Effects

Tsunamis can have far-reaching health
consequences. Property and landscape
destruction may cause traumatic injuries to
people. A large number of people may
sustain broken bones or brain injuries. The
loss of normal shelters can also expose
them to wind and extreme hot or cold
temperatures. They may also experience
mental health problems such as post-
traumatic stress disorder or anxiety.

Anyone who will read the slide? Cabanig!

6. Serious Environmental Changes

Landscapes that were once picturesque
beaches or seaside towns become
wasteland after a tsunami strikes.
Tsunamis destroy vegetation such as trees
as well as human structures, resulting in
landslides and coastlines that slip into the
sea as deep root systems that previously
held land in place are ripped out. These
changes force human inhabitants to rebuild
in a completely new way, redesigning their
lifestyles and livelihoods to accommodate a
changed environment.

E. Application Enumerate the 6 enumerated adverse effect

of tsunami?
a) Devastation of
b) Loss of Life
c) Damage to the
d) Disease and
e) Other Health
Ok, very good! I hope you learned well the
different adverse effect of tsunami.
f) Serious
Tsunamis can strike any coastline in the
world, and can affect locations thousands
of miles away from where they formed.
They may be uncommon, but the
devastation they cause makes them a
deadly force in nature.
B. EVALUATION How much You have learned!

Direction: Identify what is being asked in the following sentences

_________________1. These changes force human inhabitants to rebuild in
an entirely different way, redesigning their lifestyles and livelihoods around
an altered environment.
_________________2. They may also suffer mental health issues such as
post-traumatic stress disorder or anxiety.
_________________3. The rebuilding process is expensive, time-consuming
and psychologically tumultuous for people.
_________________4. As a result, they strike with very little warning, often
resulting in a huge loss of human life.
_________________5. Rebuilding after a tsunami puts a significant
financial strain on governments as well, resulting in an economic downturn
that can affect entire regions of the world.
_________________6. Malaria and cholera may become more common.
People may have to stay in shelters or other close quarters that make
spreading diseases easier.

Key to Correction:

Essay: What are the ways of promoting the preparation for such

*See Attach Rubrics for Essay Writing

C. ASSIGNMENT Design an Informative Poster on the Precautionary Measures of Tsunami.

You will be graded with the set rubric.

*See Attach Rubrics for Designing an Informative Poster

Prepared by:
Marlon James Tobias
Pre-Service Teacher

Checked by:
Dr. Benny Derige
Noted by:
Dr. Jennifer C. Chavez
Field Study Adviser
Rubrics for Essay Writing

Rubrics for Designing an Informative Poster

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