Change of Velocity and Pulse Characteristics in Re

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Astrid Linder
Matthew Avery
The Motor Insurance Repair Research Centre
Thatcham, United Kingdom
Maria Krafft
Anders Kullgren
Folksam Research, Sweden
Paper No. 285

ABSTRACT risk of AIS 1 neck injuries in frontal impacts

(Kullgren et al., 1999). Acceleration pulses from
Impact severity in collisions that can cause soft rear impacts shows that the same delta-V can cause
tissue neck injuries are most commonly specified in a large variation in acceleration pulse shapes in the
terms of change of velocity. However, it has been struck vehicle (Krafft, 1998, Zuby et al., 1999,
shown from real-world collisions that mean Heitplatz et al., 2002). From real-world collisions it
acceleration influences the risk of these injuries. For has been shown that the acceleration pulse also can
a given change of velocity this means an increased vary in shape (i.e. duration of crash pulse, maximum
risk for shorter duration of the crash pulse. magnitude of acceleration, onset rate etc) in impacts
Furthermore, dummy response in crash tests has of similar delta-Vs (Krafft, 1998).
shown to vary depending on the duration of the
crash pulse for a given change of velocity. The Dummy response in crash tests has been shown to
range of duration for change of velocities suggested vary depending not only on the delta-V but also on
for sled tests that evaluate the protection of the seat the duration of the crash pulse for a given delta-V
from soft tissue neck injuries are still to be (Linder et al., 2001a). The range of the duration of
established. The aim of this study was to quantify the crash pulse that corresponds to a specific delta-
the variation of duration of the crash pulse for V in rear impacts has been shown to cover a wide
vehicles impacted from the rear at change of range for vehicles impacted at the rear at a delta-V
velocities suggested in test methods that evaluate of up to 11 km/h (Linder et al., 2001b). The range of
the protection from soft tissue neck injuries. Crash the duration of the crash pulse that corresponds to a
pulses from the same vehicle models from different specific delta-V in rear impacts that can cause AIS 1
generations in real-world collisions producing a neck injuries remains to be established. The range of
similar change of velocity were also analysed. the duration of the crash pulse for a specific delta-V
is necessary to establish when designing impact
The results from the crash tests show that similar severities for sled test methods that evaluate the
changes of velocity can be generated with various safety performance of a seat in rear impacts,
durations of crash pulses for a given change of particularly in respect of AIS 1 neck injuries. Such
velocity in rear impacts. The results from real-world test methods are at the moment under development
collisions showed that a similar change of velocity Cappon et al. (2001), Muser et al. (2001),
was generated with various durations and shapes of Langwieder and Hell (2002) and Linder (2002) and
crash pulses for the same vehicle model. under discussion in groups like IIWPG
(International Insurance Whiplash Prevention
INTRODUCTION Group), EuroNCAP (European New Car
Assessment Program), EEVC (European Enhanced
Rear impacts causing AIS 1 (AAAM 1990) neck Vehicle Safety Committee) Working group 12 and
injuries most frequently occur at delta-Vs (changes ISO (International Organization for Standardization)
of velocity) below 30 km/h in the struck vehicle TC22/SC10/WG1. The delta-V suggested in sled
(Parkin et al., 1995, Hell et al., 1999, Temming and test in these methods that represent the delta-V
Zobel, 2000). Furthermore, it has been shown that where the majority of rear impacts are reported is 15
mean acceleration (i.e. the duration of the crash or 16 km/h (Cappon et al., 2001, Muser et al., 2001
pulse for a given delta-V) influences the risk of AIS and Langwieder and Hell, 2002).
1 neck injuries (Krafft et al., 2002). It has also been
shown that the shape of the crash pulse influences.

Linder 1
The first aim of this study was from laboratory crash
tests to quantify the variety of mean acceleration
monitored in different vehicles impacted in the same
way. The second aim was to demonstrate the variety
of the duration and shape of the crash pulse in the
same vehicle model from real-world crashes
producing similar delta-V.


Laboratory Crash Tests

Sixteen vehicles (Table 1) were impacted at the rear

either with a barrier or with a vehicle of the same Figure 1.
make and model as the impacted vehicle. The
barrier used in the OW test had a weight of 1000 kg
(Figure 1). The barrier used in the CR tests had a A rigid barrier impacting the rear of the vehicle.
weight of 1800 kg. The vehicles were impacted at
the rear with 100 % overlap. The test where a
vehicle was impacted by another vehicle (test One vehicle model was impacted both with a barrier
OW3739, CR01001 and CR01002), the same make and with another vehicle in order to compare the
and model of vehicle was used as the bullet vehicle. crash pulse from a rigid barrier to that generated by
The mass of the cars used were from 1010 kg - 1966 an impacting vehicle. The crash pulses from the
kg. The OW9999 vehicle was from 1983 series car laboratory tests were from previously performed
(the actual vehicle was a used vehicle new in 1993 tests at the Motor Insurance Repair Research Centre
and with no structural corrosion) and the other in the UK and at the Insurance Institute for Highway
vehicles were from the mid 1999. Safety in the US. The accelerometer was mounted at
the base of the B-pillar on the left hand side in the
vehicles in the OW tests. The vehicles in the OW
tests were right-hand drive vehicles for the UK
Table 1. market. The vehicles in the CR tests were left-hand
The weight of the impacted vehicles and the drive vehicles. The accelerometer was mounted on a
impact velocity of the barrier or the impacting steel bar pinned between the front door hinge-pillar
vehicle in the rear impacts. and the b-pillar on the left hand side in the vehicles
in the CR98001 and CR98002 tests. The
Impact No. Vehicle mass Impact velocity accelerometer was mounted to the floor in the
(kg) (km/h) vehicle centreline just behind the front row of the
OW9999 1190 18.3 seats in the vehicles in the CR98006 and the CR01
OW3660 1450 30.0 tests. The CR01 tests were performed with vehicles
OW3737 1965 52.4 of the same make and model for the US and
OW3749 1445 36.9 European market. These vehicles were structurally
OW3763 1347 35.7 identical except from the bumper system. All
OW3759 1493 32.1 vehicles were a conventional monocoque
OW3760 1493 43.8 construction.
OW3718 1010 40.0
OW3539 1384 24.9 Real-World Rear Impacts
OW3594 1405 35.2
OW3500 1339 18.5 Since 1995, Folksam in Sweden have been
CR98001 1450 24.0 equipping various new car models with one-
CR98002 1800 24.0 dimensional crash-pulse recorders, mounted under
CR98006 1750 24.0 the driver or passenger seat to record the crash pulse
CR01001 1439 32.0 obtained during real-world impacts. The crash-pulse
CR01002 1461 32.0 recorder is based on a spring mass system where the

Linder 2
movement of the mass is registered on photographic 20
film. When a vehicle equipped with a crash recorder OW3749
has been involved in a collision the crash pulse is 15 OW3749 CFC 36

Acceleration (g)
analysed by Folksam and the outcome for the
occupants in terms of injuries is analysed by 10
Folksam. In this study, crash pulse from rear
impacts with two generation of the same vehicle 5
model, T1 and T2 from 1993 and 1998, were
presented. 0
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
Data Acquisition and Analysis -5
Time (s)
The crash pulse measured as the acceleration signals Figure 3.
of the vehicle were filtered in accordance with SAE
CFC 60 and the velocity was calculated by
integrating the acceleration. The duration of the Example of the oscillations filtered out by the
crash pulse (Tp) and the delta-V were identified CFC 36 filtering compared to the SAE standard
from the filtered acceleration curves and the filtering (CFC 60).
velocity curves.

The results showed a considerable variation of the

duration of the crash pulse for a similar delta-V both
Delta-V for different vehicles impacted the same way and for
90 % of 28 the same vehicle model impacted in various ways in
Acceleration (g) real-world collisions. Furthermore, various pulse
18 Delta-V (km/h) shapes were registered in the same vehicle from
impacts which generated a similar delta-V.
Laboratory Crash Tests
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 The crash pulses from sixteen vehicles rear
Tp impacted with delta-Vs from 10.2 km/h to 19.4 km/h
Time (s) were examined. The duration of the crash pulse
Figure 2. were between 65 ms and 130 ms. This resulted in
mean accelerations between 3 g and 7.9 g (Figure 4
and 5 and Table 2).
Duartion of crash pulse (ms)

Schematic drawing showing how the duration of

the crash pulse Tp were identified from the 120

The Tp was defined as the time when the

acceleration changed from positive to negative after
90 % of delta-V had occurred. Mean acceleration
was calculated, defined as delta-V(at Tp)/Tp. For a 0
0 5 10 15 20
given change of velocity a higher mean acceleration
thus correspond to this a shorter duration of the Delta-V (km/h)
crash pulse. For the graphic presentation of the
crash pulses in this study the pulses were all Figure 4.
adjusted so that the acceleration of 1 g occurred at
time zero. Furthermore the crash pulses were
filtered with CFC 36 (corresponding to a cut of The duration of the crash pulse versus delta-V
frequency of 60 Hz) since oscillations in the crash from vehicles impacted at the rear with a rigid
pulses were found (Figure 3). barrier or with another vehicle.

Linder 3
Table 2. OW3660
The delta-V, mean acceleration and duration of 15 OW3737
the crash pulse, Tp, from the vehicles impacted at

Acceleration (g)
the rear with a rigid barrier or another vehicle.
Impact No. Delta-V Tp amean 0
(km/h) (ms) (g) 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
OW9999 10.2 92 3.0 -5
OW3660 17.1 69 7.0
OW3737 17.1 103 4.7 Time (s)
OW3749 18.4 82 6.4
Figure 6.
OW3763 17.2 89 5.5
OW3759 18.4 93 5.6
OW3760 17.2 74 6.6
The crash pulses from the OW3660 and
OW3718 18.1 65 7.9
OW3737, in tests at 100 % overlap with an
OW3539 13.3 80 4.9
impacting barrier generating a delta-V of 17.1
OW3594 13.0 84 4.4 km/h.
OW3500 11.0 68 4.4
CR98001 16.6 130 3.6 20 OW3749
CR98002 14.4 72 5.7
15 OW3763

Acceleration (g)
CR98006 14.9 129 3.3
CR01001 19.4 93 5.6 10
CR01002 17.2 116 4.1

8 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
Mean acceleration (g)

Time (s)
Figure 7.

2 The crash pulses from the OW3749, OW3763

and OW3718, in tests at 100 % overlap with an
0 impacting barrier generating a delta-V of 17.2
0 5 10 15 20 km/h to 18.4 km/h.
Delta-V (km/h)
Figure 5. OW3759
15 OW3760
Acceleration (g)

The mean acceleration versus delta-V from 10

vehicles impacted at the rear with a rigid barrier
or with another vehicle.
The crash pulses from thirteen vehicles impacted 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
with a rigid barrier (all OW tests except OW3759 -5
Time (s)
and the CR98 tests) showed a range of mean
acceleration from 3 g to 7.9 g. The crash pulses Figure 8.
from the three vehicles impacted with another
vehicle (OW3759 and CR01 tests) showed a range
of mean acceleration from 4.1 g to 5.6 g. The crash pulses from the OW3759 (car-to-car),
and OW3760 (barrier to car), in tests at 100 %
The crash pulses recorded in the laboratorial tests overlap with a delta-V of 17.2 km/h and 18.4
are displayed in Figures 6-12. km/h.

Linder 4
15 15
CR01001 CR98002D
CR01002 CR98006D

Acceleration (g)
10 CR98001D
Acceleration (g)

0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15
-10 -5 Time (s)
Time (s)
Figure 12.
Figure 9.

The crash pulses from theCR98001, CR98002,

The crash pulses from the car-to-car test with and CR98006, in tests at 100 % overlap with an
the same vehicle model for the US and European impacting rigid barrier generating a delta-V of
market, in tests at 100 % overlap with a delta-V 14.4 km/h to 16.9 km/h.
of 17.2 km/h and 19.4 km/h.
10 Real-World Rear Impacts
8 OW3500 A large range of durations of crash pulses were
Acceleration (g)

6 found in the same type of vehicle where a similar

delta-V was generated. Figure 13 and 14 and Table
3 shows the duration of the crash pulse, the mean
2 acceleration and the delta-V from the real-world
0 impacts from the vehicles T1 and T2. Furthermore,
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 a considerable difference in shape of the crash pulse
was registered in these cases (Figure 15 and 16).
Time (s) The duration of the pulses ranged from 77 ms - 134
ms. For vehicle T1, a change of velocity between
Figure 10. 12.0 - 14.7 km/h and duration of the crash pulse
from 77 ms to 109 ms was registered. For vehicle
T2, a change of velocity between 17.1 - 20.4 km/h
The crash pulses from the OW3500 and and duration of the crash pulse from 100 ms to 134
OW9999, in tests at 100 % overlap with an ms was registered.
impacting barrier generating a delta-V of 10.2
km/h to 11 km/h.
Duration of crash pulse

10 120
Acceleration (g)



4 40

0 0 5 10 15 20 25
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
-2 Delta-V (km/h)
Time (s)
Figure 13.
Figure 11.

The duration of the crash pulse and the delta-V

The crash pulses from the OW3539 and from the crash recorder data from two different
OW3594, in tests at 100 % overlap with an vehicle models of the same make.
impacting barrier generating a delta-V of 13
km/h to 13.3 km/h.

Linder 5
6 12 T2 C29739
Mean acceleration (g) C29732

Acceleration (g)
8 C29876
0 0.05 0.1 0.15
0 5 10 15 20 25 Time (s)
Delta-V (km/h)

Figure 14. Figure 16.

The mean acceleration and the delta-V from the The crash pulse measured in vehicle T2 in
crash recorder data from two different year collisions with a change of velocity between 17.1 -
models of the same make and model of vehicle. 20.4 km/h.

Table 3.
A large variation in duration of crash pulse for a
The duration of the crash pulse and the delta-V
from the crash recorder data from two different given delta-V and pulse shape can be produced in
year models of the same make and model of vehicles manufactured in the mid 1990s in rear
vehicle. impacts (Figure 6-12). Both delta-V and mean
acceleration (i.e. duration of the crash pulse for a
Car CPR Delta-V Tp (ms) amean given delta-V) have been shown to influence the risk
Number (km/h) (g) of AIS 1 neck injuries (Krafft et al., 2002). For a
given delta-V a longer pulse will result in a lower
T1 C29521 14.7 77 5.5
mean acceleration and a lower risk of neck injuries
T1 C30044 13.0 88 4.2
(Krafft et al., 2002). The variation in durations of
T1 C29614 12.0 109 3.2
crash pulse for a given delta-V revealed in this study
T2 C30032 20.4 111 5.2
implies that vehicle seats aimed at reducing the risk
T2 C29732 19.5 134 4.0
of an AIS 1 neck injury should be designed in such a
T2 C29876 17.6 100 5.0
way that they provide the optimum protection in
T2 C29739 17.1 102 4.6
rear impacts in crashes where a great variation in
duration of the crash pulse for a given delta-V might
Figures 15 and 16 shows the acceleration pulses
occur. These findings emphasise the importance of
from the real-world impacts from the vehicles T1
mean acceleration or the duration of crash pulse for
and T2.
a specific delta-V to be specified, in addition to
10 delta-V, for sled tests that evaluate the protection
T1 C29614
8 from AIS 1 neck injuries of the seat, as suggested by
Acceleration (g)

Linder (2002).
6 C29521

A large variety of durations of crash pulse for a

specific delta-V will be produced in the same car
2 model, as exemplified by the real-world crash pulses
collected from two year models of the same vehicle
make and model (Figure 15 and 16). Therefore it
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12
Time (s) can be expected that any vehicle will in real-world
collisions be exposed for a large variety of durations
Figure 15. of crash pulses for a specific delta-V. This might
indicate that the design of the seat would have the
largest potential to reduce the risk of AIS 1 neck
The crash pulse measured in vehicle T1 in injury in a rear impact since a huge variety of pulse
collisions with a change of velocity between 12.0 -
14.7 km/h.

Linder 6
shapes will be generated in the same vehicle model somewhat differently in terms of when maximum
due to the various configurations of the collisions. and minimum magnitude of the pulses was reached.

In this study the duration of the crash pulse (Tp) was The range of delta-V explored in this study cover
defined as the time when the acceleration changed the range where rear impacts causing AIS 1 neck
from positive to negative after 90 % of delta-V had injuries most frequently occur (Parkin et al., 1995,
occurred. This definition was used to ensure that the Hell et al., 1999, Temming and Zobel, 2000). The
main part of the energy was transferred into the main part of the crash tests and real-world data were
impacted vehicle at Tp. From the crash pulses from delta-Vs at or close to those suggested as
analysed for this study it was found to be a robust delta-Vs for sled tests that evaluate the protection
definition of the duration of the crash pulse. from neck injuries in rear impacts. The delta-V for
these sled tests has been proposed to 15 km/h or 16
The crash pulses were filtered with CFC 36 due to km/h (Cappon et al., 2001, Muser et al., 2001 and
oscillations found in the crash pulses. It has been Langwieder and Hell, 2002). For each vehicle in the
surmised that these oscillations may be due to the crash tests a range of durations of the crash pulse
mounting methods used to attach the accelerometers for a specific delta-V according to various crash
to the vehicles. For the real-world data the configurations as for the real-world data can be
oscillations could be due to the design of the crash expected. The range of durations of crash pulses for
recorder. The filtering of CFC 36 was chosen delta-Vs at 14.9 km/h or 17.1 km/h would,
instead of the CFC 60 and did not influence the according to the results shown in Figure 4 and 13,
delta-V from any of the pulses (as exemplified in be at least 69 ms to 130 ms which correspond to a
Figure 3). The benefit of the CFC 36 filtering was range of mean acceleration of 3.3 g to 7 g. The
that it highlighted the main characteristics of the range of duration of the crash pulses published by
crash pulses and was thus the rational of the choice. Heitplatz et al. (2002) were for the delta-V of 15.7
km/h to 16.9 reported to be approximately 90 ms to
The two vehicles of the same make and model for 110 ms. These findings are within the range of what
the US and European market which were tested in has been found in this study. And not surprisingly,
this study had different bumper systems. The with a larger number of vehicle tested the range of
European bumper system (crush cans, bottom, duration for a specific delta-V widens, as show in
Figure 17) was designed for the NCAR this study.
damageability test and required replacement after a
test. The US bumper system (hydraulic shock Mean acceleration has for frontal collisions been
absorbers, top Figure 17) resulted in no damages in shown to influence the risk of injuries (Ydenius,
both rear-into-flat barrier and rear-into-pole impact 2002). In that study it was shown that increased
test at five mile per hour. mean acceleration increased the risk of MAIS 1
injuries. Of the MAIS 1 injuries in Ydenius (2002)
neck injuries are approximately 30 % of these. As a
consequence, Ydenius findings emphasises the
findings in this study of the importance of mean
acceleration with respect to neck injuries.

Recently, attention has been focused on the need to

define an acceleration pulse for standardised rear
impact testing to evaluate the risk of AIS 1 neck
injuries. In sled test proposals (Cappon et al., 2001,
Figure 17.
Muser et al., 2001 and Langwieder and Hell, 2002)
corridors for the crash pulses with a wide range of
The US bumper (upper) and the European durations of the crash pulse for a specific delta-V
bumper (lower) from the vehicle tested in test has been suggested to be used. From the results of
SL01001 and SL01002. this study it is not possible to identify a typical mean
acceleration (which correspond to a duration of the
The US and European bumper systems resulted in crash pulse) for a specific delta-V either in the
similar shape of the crash pulse for the first 10 ms laboratory crash tests or from the real-world data. It
(Figure 9). After that the first peak acceleration was might be the case that in rear impacts with a risk of
reach the shape of the two pulses developed AIS 1 neck injuries there is not one typical pulse or

Linder 7
impact severity to be found. Rather a range of Hell, W., Langwieder, K., Walz, F., Muser, M.,
duration of crash pulses and delta-Vs that influence Kramer, M., and Hartwig, E. (1999)
the risk of injury. Therefore it is suggested that Consequences for seat design due to rear end
duration of the crash pulse or mean acceleration, in accident analysis, sled tests and possible test
addition to delta-V, should be specified for impact criteria for reducing cervical spine injuries after
severity of sled test that evaluate the protection from rear-end collisions, Proc. IRCOBI Conf., Sitges,
the seat in rear impacts. This should be taken into Spain, pp. 243-259.
consideration in such tests to minimizing the risk of Heitplatz, F., Raimondo, S., Fay, P., Reim., J., and
sub optimization of seat protective performances. de Vogle, D. (2002) Development of a generic
low speed rear impact pulse for assessing soft
CONCLUSIONS tissue neck injury risk, Proc. IRCOBI Conf.,
Munich, Germany, pp. 249-260.
From laboratorial tests with various vehicles Krafft, M., Kullgren, A., Ydenius, A., and Tingvall,
impacted at the rear, a range of crash pulse C. (2002) Influence of Crash Pulse
durations between 65 ms to 130 ms was found for Characteristics on Whiplash Assossiated
delta-Vs from 10.2 km/h to 19.4 km/h. Furthermore, Disorders in Rear Impacts – Crash Recording in
from real-world rear collisions of the same vehicle Real-Life Impacts, Traffic Injury Prevention,
make, a range of duration of crash pulse between 77 Vol. 3 (2), pp 141-149.
ms to 134 ms was found for delta-Vs from 12 km/h Krafft, M. (1998) Non-fatal injuries to car
to 20.4 km/h. occupants – Injury assessment and analysis of
impact causing short- and long-term
This study shows that a similar delta-V can be consequences with special reference to neck
generated by a variety of mean accelerations. Since injuries, Ph.D. Thesis, Karolinska Institute,
mean acceleration have been found to be the main Stockholm, ISBN 91-628-3196-8.
factor influencing the risk of AIS1 neck injuries, Kullgren, A., Thomson, R., and Krafft, M. (1999)
both delta-V and the duration of the crash pulse for The effect of crash pulse shape on AIS1 neck
a specific delta-V (i.e. mean acceleration) should be injuries in frontal impacts. Proc. of the IRCOBI
taken into consideration when defining impact Conference, Sitges, Spain, pp. 231-242.
severities in sled test procedure for vehicle seat Langwieder, K., and Hell, W. (2002) Proposal of an
safety performance assessment. In a sled test International Harmonized Dynamic Test
procedure a specification of a delta-V is therefore Standard for Seat/Head Restraint, Traffic Injury
suggested to be accompanied with a specification of Prevention, Vol. 3 (2), pp 150-158.
the mean acceleration or the duration of the crash Linder, A. (2002) Neck Injuries in Rear Impacts:
pulse and the range of duration for a given delta-V Dummy Neck Development, Dummy Evaluation
of crash pulses that the seat could be exposed to, be and Test Condition Specifications, Ph.D. Thesis,
taken into consideration in such tests. Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg,
Sweden, ISBN 91-7291-106-9.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Linder, A., Olsson, T., Truedsson, N., Morris, A.,
Fildes, B., and Sparke, L. (2001a) Dynamic
We thank Dr Andreas Moser and Mr Magnus Kock Performances of Different Seat Designs for Low
for practical and theoretical support regarding and Medium Velocity Rear Impact, Proceedings
filtering of crash pulses. Thanks are also given to the of the 45th Annual AAAM Conference, San
Insurance Institute of Highway Safety for the supply Antonio, USA.
of the CR test data. Linder, A., Avery, M., Krafft, M., Kullgren, A., and
Svensson, M.Y. (2001b) Acceleration Pulses and
REFERNCES Crash Severity in Low Velocity Rear Impacts -
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1990 Revision. American Association for Nederlands, Paper No. 216.
Automotive Medicine, Des Plaines IL. Muser M., Zellmer, H., Walz. F., Hell, W., and
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Linder 8
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Linder 9

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